Breathing exercises for angina pectoris. Is it possible to play sports with coronary heart disease Method of exercise therapy for angina pectoris

Modern medical research has shown that a variety of factors can contribute to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD+ and angina pectoris). As a rule, it is impossible to get rid of the body's hereditary predisposition to the disease. But it is entirely within your power to avoid another etiology. psychotropic and narcotic drugs; smoking; stressful condition; disruption of normal metabolism, which caused an improper diet; overwork in a chronic form, physical inactivity.

Terms: Hypodynamia - a weakened state of the muscles, caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to carry out a competent correction of the lifestyle, to revise the canons of life for the better, which will avoid the above factors. First of all, and this applies to any person, even without complaints, it is worth observing the daily routine, eating right, leading an active and healthy lifestyle, not smoking, not taking drugs and not drinking alcohol.

Structure of the heart and coronary heart disease

What are the benefits of physical activity (exercise) for angina and coronary heart disease?

  • regular repetition of physical exercises will constantly keep the muscles in good shape;
  • physical activity leads to an increase in “useful” blood lipids and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • the likelihood of blood clots decreases;
  • improves overall health and positive attitude;
  • body weight decreases and the appearance of diabetes mellitus is prevented and much more.

Angina and sports

Many people wonder: is it possible to play sports, run, go to workouts and do physical exercises with angina pectoris. Here the answer is unambiguous - it is possible. But there is one condition. Exercise therapy for angina pectoris is selected by the doctor for the patient. This is because in the process of physical education, the myocardium will require even more oxygen than before.

And acute oxygen deficiency will lead to pain and discomfort. If exercises for angina pectoris are prescribed by the attending physician, the situation will look different. This does not mean that a set of exercises will provide only joy, there will be difficulties. But moderate physical activity will serve to benefit, and not vice versa.

Breathing exercises for angina pectoris

Physical therapy is useful, but it is worth remembering about proper breathing, in which the myocardium is fully saturated with oxygen. You can do breathing exercises following the example of yogis:

  • Sit on a chair; keep your back straight; think of something good and positive until you relax. Then take a deep breath in through your nose for 1-2-3, hold your breath for 1-2 and exhale through your mouth for 1-2-3-4-5. At the moment of exhalation, it is recommended to bend your arms at the elbows and, like a bird, hit the “wings” on the chest. It is worth repeating such a respiratory set of exercises 10-15 times. Three times a day.
  • For people suffering from angina pectoris, doctors recommend walking in the fresh air every day, mentally imagining myocardial oxygen saturation.

Breathing exercises

Therapeutic exercises for angina pectoris and heart failure

Preventive treatment and further recovery of the body after treatment requires a complex of special therapeutic exercises. For coronary heart disease, the following exercises are recommended:

  • Sit on a chair and lower your hands to the floor. Inhaling the air, the hands are raised at an angle of 180 degrees, and exhaling, they return to the starting point. Such manipulations in ischemia are advised to repeat five times.
  • Sitting on a chair, fix your hands on your belt. Then alternately unbend one arm after the other and raise them to the starting point, repeating the exercise five times.
  • For ischemia, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your arms at the elbows, raise them at chest level. In the process of inhaling, spread your arms and turn the body to the side. When the patient returns to the starting position, you can exhale. Repeat the exercise four to six times.
  • If there are problems with running, then a moderate walking rhythm is advised for half a minute, and then for a minute - a fast pace. During this time, the body will not have time to be severely depleted before the onset of acute pain.
Exercise therapy for coronary artery disease and angina pectoris
  • Sit on a chair and fix your hands in a lock on your knees. Then gently raise your arms to shoulder level so that you turn your palms in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise from six to eight times in one go.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your right foot forward, and put your left foot behind the chair. In this case, it is recommended to lean on the seat with your hands. The point is to alternately change the position of the legs. Repeat the exercise eight to ten times.
  • There are also exercises in the prone position. In this case, lie on your stomach so that your arms are extended along the body with your palms down. Then slowly raise your legs up in any order. The main thing is that the knees are not bent. Do the exercise from four to six times on each leg.
  • You can practice walking with temporary acceleration for three minutes.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist. Perform circular rotations of the head 180 degrees, first in one direction and then in the other direction. It is recommended to repeat such therapeutic manipulations four to six times in each direction.
  • Stand near a chair and grasp the back with your hands. When inhaling, sit down, and when you exit, stand at the starting point. Repeat the exercise four to six times.
  • Always give preference to those physical activities and exercises that bring pleasure. Doing such therapeutic exercises, and playing sports, is necessary in a good mood and with positive thoughts. Only then physiotherapy exercises will go for the future.
An active lifestyle and constant physical activity will make you feel better with angina and coronary artery disease
  • If you live in a high-rise building, then walking up the stairs can be a good start to your physical activities. In this case, you should not abruptly climb to the ninth floor, losing consciousness. Gradually, with an increase in the floor, do small “feats”. And without realizing it, you will notice how you go home without an elevator.
  • For a gradual increase in physical activity, getting to work, get off at a bus stop earlier. This is especially important for those people who work in the office sitting at the computer and are prone to the development of hypodynamia.
  • If walking alone only makes you sad, buy a small dog. It is more fun to walk with it, and you will regularly go out into the fresh air. At the same time, no one says that you need to run after your pet through the park at breakneck speed. A calm and easy walk outside is always good.

Walking outdoors with a dog will improve mood in angina pectoris and coronary heart disease


Methods of treatment of arrhythmia by physical exercises, what should be exercise therapy?

I suffered greatly from angina pectoris (angina pectoris), the most common form of coronary heart disease. Its main manifestation is bouts of compressive, pressing pain in the chest. Angina pectoris occurs suddenly, lasts from several minutes to half an hour, has a different intensity, can be given to the left arm, shoulder blade, shoulder or neck. Often an attack of angina is accompanied by a feeling of fear. Do not give in to it and try to immediately relieve heart pain. To do this, always have validol on hand. If an attack of angina occurs while walking, and there is no validol, you should immediately stop, relax and breathe evenly. Soon the pain will subside.

After the next treatment in the hospital, the attending physician told me: "That's it, now you can't live without nitroglycerin."

But despite the verdict, I decided not to give up, I began to read various publications on medical topics, apply the recommended methods for treating angina pectoris, and finally settled on breathing exercises according to the yoga system.

To breathe correctly using this method, you need to stand or sit on a chair with a straight back, relax, think about something pleasant (I always think about the sea), breathe in the air with your nose and hold it in your chest so that it is comfortable. Exhale through the mouth and at the same time with the exhalation, it is easy to strike with the arms bent at the elbows, like wings, to the left and right of the chest. Perform such breathing for 10 minutes, first once a day, and after a week - in the morning, afternoon and evening.

I breathed this way for a month, then I took a 10-day break, and after it I repeated the treatment course. And so, intermittently treated for six months. With this exercise, at the moment of holding the breath, oxygen is directly sent to the heart muscle, relieving tension. At first, care must be taken to avoid dizziness. Perform yoga breathing exercises until complete recovery. You yourself should feel when the angina attacks stop, since each person is individual. After that, undergo a medical examination.

In addition to performing breathing exercises for angina pectoris, it is necessary to walk daily in the fresh air near a reservoir, in a forest or park, inhaling fresh air enriched with oxygen.

It is very good to do this with someone so that, while walking, you can have a conversation, getting positive emotions.

After recovery, stress should be avoided, as they can lead to the resumption of the disease. Once, having already recovered, I ran to catch up with the trolleybus (there was such a need) and suddenly felt that I would not make it. Immediately, according to the system of yogis, she inhaled air through her nose, held her breath and thus solved the stressful situation - the trolley bus did not leave without me.

It is very important to learn to forgive everyone, to constantly wish people health, kindness, not to remember insults (burn them mentally in fire). Do not harbor malice, as most diseases are the result of negative thoughts, deeds and emotions. You can't live in the past, you have to live in the future.

Smile more, laugh, have fun, dance, listen to music and remember that all our organs need to be healed only with good thoughts and that everyone can be their own healer. It is possible and necessary to speak affectionately with each organ, as with a particle of oneself.

For example, if your heart hurts or tachycardia occurs, immediately put your right palm under your left chest on the heart area, close your eyes, think about this organ with gratitude that it has been selflessly serving you for so many years and thanks to it you live, and mentally, to calm your heart , say: "It's okay, calm down. The heart beats rhythmically. I am surrounded by nature, the elements: the sun, air, water, earth. I live in harmony with my organs, including the most important organ - the heart. Calm down, dear, we will live together for a long time in harmony. Gently stroke this place, pressing your hand tightly to your chest, with light circular movements so that the palm moves slowly, always in a clockwise direction. Say a kind word to your heart, wish it good luck and end your communication with the words: “So be it. Amen!"

Even the ancients considered the heart to be the center of reason, love and selflessness. Take care of him!

Ivanova Valentina Nikolaevna

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Since ancient times, people have been using breathing exercises, and their popularity has not fallen over the centuries, but has only become more and more in demand.

Respiratory gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the entire body, not only contributing to an increase in immune resistance to various diseases, but also completely healing it.

Respiratory gymnastics is nothing more than a set of various exercises in which breathing is involved, and performed in order to prevent or treat various diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, vegetovascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, the reproductive system, or for shedding excess weight.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Main goals

The respiratory system is engaged in the supply of air to the body to enrich them with oxygen and consists of a number of important organs, following one after another: the nasal and oral cavities. They are followed by the pharynx and larynx, and then the trachea and lungs. In the latter, the bronchi and bronchioles complete the respiratory system.

Each of these organs is not only directly interconnected with neighboring organs in the system, but also performs a separate role.

Breathing exercises help to clear the channels for delivering oxygen to the blood.

Its main tasks are:

  • growth of functional accumulations in the respiratory system;
  • transformation of various organs and functional systems.

Breathing exercises are useful not only as separate exercises, but also as an addition to sports activities.

There are several types of breathing exercises:

  • With this form, breathing is performed in 5 stages, interspersed with physical exercises.
  • Breathing in this way, they try to maximize the effect of physical exercises on the body as a whole.
  • This technique is mainly used for body shaping or to eliminate excess weight.
  • Breathing is carried out cyclically and continuously throughout the session, performing it simultaneously with other exercises.
  • In this case, the chest expands, as a result of which the body consumes more oxygen, and it, in turn, is a catalyst and participates in the metabolic processes of nutrients.
  • Very popular in China.
  • With this form, all forces are directed to burning fat cells located in problem areas.
  • The technique includes three main exercises: “wave”, “frog”, and also “lotus”, which are available for any person who seeks to normalize their health.

At the heart of any of the above breathing exercises are relaxing and tonic exercises. Moreover, they are selected individually, based on the desired results.

The main functions of breathing exercises are:

  • elimination of sputum and prevention of its appearance in the lungs, as well as the "staging" of proper breathing - through the nose;
  • activation of metabolic processes, as well as a positive effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • normalization of nervous processes;
  • an increase in general tone, hardening, as well as resistance to various kinds of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • enlargement of the chest in size and strengthening of the diaphragm;
  • saturation of all cells in the human body with oxygen necessary for their normal functioning.

Breathing exercises for angina according to the Buteyko method

Thanks to the world-famous physiologist Buteyko, in 1952 medicine became known for his method of treating asthma, angina, and hypertension. Moreover, the method was very effective.

The method was based on the fact that the cause of the above diseases is excessive ventilation of the lungs (otherwise, hyperventilation).

In simple terms, people simply do not have a functioning respiratory system. During the course of the disease, the patient experiences difficulty in breathing, and begins to breathe more often and more forcefully, thereby making some effort when breathing, and spending extra energy on it.

Such breathing is not the norm for the human body, and the current rhythm leads to frequent contraction of the lungs and vascular stenosis. As a result, improper functioning of the respiratory system leads to oxygen starvation of the organs of the whole organism.

Carbon dioxide in the blood is not able to leave it quickly due to vascular stenosis. Consequently, it accumulates in the blood stream and lingers there. All this leads to abnormal functioning of all organs, and the disease progresses much faster.

Respiratory gymnastics for angina pectoris according to the Buteyko method is very effective, since it is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the respiratory system, and, consequently, the normal supply of oxygen to all organs of the body.

The technique is based on the ability of a person to own and control his respiratory muscles in order to be able to reduce the frequency of breathing so much as to feel discomfort (lack of air).

Breathing with the lungs should be rare, but at the same time deep, as they say, in the entire chest. Such measured and calm breathing entails a decrease in vascular stenosis, as well as a decrease in the frequency of contractions. In this case, the nervous system relaxes, and the blood vessels dilate. All this leads to the enrichment of all organs with the necessary oxygen content.

Respiratory gymnastics, carried out according to the Buteyko system, was recognized as the most effective and self-regulating. Thanks to her, the patient can improve his health and get rid of angina pectoris.

The Benefits of Exercise

Breathing exercises have a positive effect on the central nervous system. However, its main effect is directed to the group of muscles involved in the breathing process.

Such muscles, as, indeed, any other, can be developed quite quickly, while spending a little time. In this case, you should regularly work on these muscles with a load that they can withstand. However, in order to achieve positive results, it is necessary to give a very heavy load.

As a rule, older people, as well as those who are poorly or not at all trained, have shallow breathing. At the same time, the intercostal muscles do not undergo the proper load and work as efficiently as they should. As a result, there is a decrease in the mobility of the joints of the costal-vertebral and costal-thoracic type.

The difference between the readings of the circumference of the chest during inhalation and exhalation is called excursion. Excursion indications decrease with age. The reason for this is the above problems in the body. So, if at a young age the excursion is about 8 centimeters, then at the age of 40 its indicators decrease to 5, and at 60 years this value is 2 centimeters.

Performed breathing exercises with angina helps not only to get rid of this disease, but also helps to preserve, and in some cases, restore previously lost mobility. In addition, breathing exercises, due to the enrichment of blood with oxygen, help to improve its composition.

There are many sets of breathing exercises. Therefore, you can easily choose the most effective and acceptable for you.

During any physical exercise, anyone can experience shortness of breath. As a rule, it is formed when the work being done is very intense or heavy, which begins to request as much energy from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as they are not capable of giving.

The resulting shortness of breath is the first sign that your body has little or no training, or insufficient endurance. Various exercises will lead to an effective result if the nature of the movements performed coincides as much as possible with the functioning of all zones of the respiratory system.

How to do the exercises

When doing breathing exercises, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • The most important rule to follow when performing breathing exercises is to perform all respiratory movements with all the lungs, and not use only their upper zone. To boil the correctness of your breathing, you need to take a vertical position, straighten your back and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. As you take a deep breath, notice what went up first. If the stomach initially rose, and then the chest, then you are breathing correctly.
  • Breathing exercises should be done twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.
  • For maximum efficiency, gymnastics is performed on an empty stomach. It is especially important to observe this rule for those who have hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • You can do it not only at home, but also on the street. When doing gymnastics on the street, especially when walking, do not forget that you need to alternate inhalation and inhalation. At the same time, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
  • When doing classes at home, you should ventilate the room in advance or open the window.
  • Choose the right atmosphere. Nothing should distract you: turn off the intercom, telephone, dim the light in the room. You can turn on relaxing music


Despite the fact that breathing exercises bring many benefits, they also have contraindications.

So, it cannot be done:

  • lactating mothers and women in position;
  • people with a hernia of the esophagus;
  • patients with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • patients with inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • people with adenomyosis.

By performing breathing exercises and following all the prescribed rules, you can get rid of not only angina pectoris, but also a number of other diseases.

  • The role of angina pectoris in ischemic forms of the disease
  • When is the prognosis unfavorable?
  • Tactics and objectives of treatment
  • How to stop an angina attack
  • Treatment at the stage of "Ambulance"
  • Therapeutic measures in a hospital setting
  • Treatment in outpatient settings
  • Other treatments
  • Application of massage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Folk remedies

Angina pectoris is a clinical form of coronary heart disease, which has typical manifestations in the form of:

  • attacks of retrosternal pain of a pressing nature with irradiation to the left shoulder, shoulder blade, jaw;
  • pain lasting up to 30 minutes with spontaneous ending or under the influence of nitroglycerin;
  • associated with physical or emotional stress.

The presence of only two signs indicates atypical angina, and only one is not associated with the diagnosis at all.

Such rigid guidelines in diagnostics are necessary to comply with the possibility of treating angina pectoris at all stages according to a single algorithm.

The role of angina pectoris in ischemic forms of the disease

Statistical studies show an increase in the prevalence of angina in the population with aging:

  • among women in the group of 45-64 years old, 5-7% have it, and at the age of 65-84 years - 10-12%;
  • among men, this indicator increases accordingly from 4 - 7% to 12 - 14%.

When is the prognosis unfavorable?

Not always the results depend on how to treat angina pectoris. Factors that negatively affect the course of the disease and lead to worse results have been studied and identified. Among them:

  • the presence of signs of heart failure and weakness of the left ventricle on ultrasound of the heart;
  • stenosis of large coronary vessels with a significant spread of the ischemic zone;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • advanced age of patients;
  • the prevalence of depression in the behavior of patients.

Tactics and objectives of treatment

  • pain relief;
  • reduction in the area of ​​myocardial ischemia.

Both tasks directly affect the prognosis and life expectancy of patients.

  • give up smoking, alcoholic drinks, strong coffee;
  • switch to a diet with a restriction of animal fats (fatty meat, sour cream, cream, lard, butter) and easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, pastries);
  • reduce physical activity to moderate, force yourself to move more, do exercises;
  • with excess weight, spend unloading low-calorie days;
  • do auto-training, yoga, suitable soothing procedures to normalize sleep, improve tolerance to stressful situations.

The patient must draw up a real plan of his actions and strictly adhere to its provisions. Treatment at different stages is carried out by their own methods.

How to stop an angina attack

An attack of angina pectoris can occur at any time and does not depend on the place. The patient, with the help of assistants, should:

  • sit down (laying down is not necessary);
  • release the tight collar and belt for free breathing;
  • put a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue or spray Isoket from a can;
  • if an attack happened at home, you can put a mustard plaster on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • do skin massage over the heart area, this helps to reduce the duration of pain;
  • alternative treatment recommends drinking a sip of cognac (no more) to dilate blood vessels.

The action of nitroglycerin ends after 5 minutes. You can take the pill again. Some people experience severe headaches and dizziness. This is due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, especially characteristic of hypertensive patients. It is recommended to halve the dosage by dividing the tablets in half.

In the absence of effect or intense pain, you should call an ambulance.

Validol remains the drug of choice, it helps to calm down, and is much weaker than nitroglycerin in terms of strength. But some patients love this drug.

Treatment at the stage of "Ambulance"

The ER doctor is usually interested in the medications taken. In the arsenal of the ambulance there are stronger painkillers for stopping an attack:

  • coronary lytics that relieve spasm of the heart vessels (Papaverine, Platifillin);
  • narcotic analgesics (Morphine, Promedol, Omnopon).

They are administered subcutaneously in the absence of the effect of nitroglycerin.

The cardiology team administers IV Droperidol and Fentanyl, possibly short-term inhalation of nitrous oxide.

With a prolonged and severe attack of angina pectoris, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

Therapeutic measures in a hospital setting

For the medical treatment of angina pectoris in a hospital, drugs of different groups are used, in accordance with the standards of therapy. Pharmacological action is aimed at preventing seizures, relieving spasm of coronary vessels, reducing myocardial oxygen demand and normalizing metabolic processes in cells.

There are two groups of basic drugs for angina pectoris.

The first line is a group of β-blockers and agents that cause the closure of calcium channels (Obzidan, Inderal, Anaprilin). Indicated for monotherapy (single drug) or in combination with other drugs.

Second line - added to first line drugs, but sometimes they themselves become the means of primary treatment. These include:

  • long-acting nitrates (like nitroglycerin, but last up to 12 hours) Sustak, Nitrosorbide, Nitranol, Erinit;
  • inhibitors at the enzyme level - Chloracizine, Trimetazine, Nicorandil, Ivabradine;
  • with stable angina, patients are prescribed drugs that reduce blood clotting (Thromb ass, Cardiomagnyl, Clopidogrel).

Treatment in outpatient settings

  • Therapy continues with one or two drugs (first and second line). Curantil is prescribed to normalize blood viscosity and prevent thrombosis.
  • The drug from the group of statins is selected according to indications.

The combination of angina pectoris with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, rhythm and conduction disturbances requires a very careful selection of dosage for the elderly. Don't give them your pills. Even good remedies can have an excessive effect.

  • Mercazolil, Methylthiouracil contain thyroid hormones, delay the development of atherosclerosis and dilate blood vessels, are used in courses in small doses.
  • The means of combined action include Corontin, Falikor, Intenkordin.
  • Under the control of a coagulogram, long-term use of modern aspirin anticoagulants is recommended.
  • To normalize metabolic processes in the heart muscle, a course of potassium orotate, Panangin or Asparkam, B vitamins with folic acid is indicated, nicotinic acid is prescribed in injections.

Other treatments

In each region there are rehabilitation departments, sanatorium-type centers. They can provide treatment at the expense of the compulsory health insurance fund (free of charge for the patient) and with additional paid services for nutrition and therapy.

The standards include all the necessary drugs, massage, exercise therapy, balneological treatment (baths, showers), the use of auto-training.

Application of massage

Massage of spinal points in the cervicothoracic spine, in the interscapular region, in the region of the left shoulder and sternum is used.

The procedure lasts 15 - 20 minutes, the course - 10 sessions. Massage can be repeated twice a year.

In cases of a combination of angina pectoris with hypertension, brain lesions, massage of the collar zone and electrophoresis with Eufillin are combined.


The complex of exercise therapy for angina pectoris should be selected individually by a doctor, taking into account the latest tests, ECG data and clinical symptoms.

Breathing exercises “teach” the myocardium to get by with less oxygen, improve ventilation, and relieve the hypoxic state. It is recommended to take deep breaths 2-3 times a day, observing the following rules:

  • the room should be well ventilated, it is better to practice on the street;
  • inhale with your nose for a count of 1 to 3, then hold your breath for a count of 1, 2 and slowly exhale through your mouth with a count of up to five;
  • when exhaling, it is recommended to “beat” yourself on the chest with light movements.

Folk remedies

Treatment of angina pectoris at home is not complete without the use of folk remedies.

Currently, "rational" doctors recommend crushing 300 g of garlic and mixing it with three chopped lemons and honey. Insist at least a week. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals. The action of phytoncides is combined with vitamin C and natural bioactive substances.

This recipe is interesting: add 10 peeled garlic cloves to 2 cups of chicken broth, boil for about 15 minutes. Shortly before the end, add a finely chopped medium bunch of parsley. Strain the broth. Grate the boiled garlic and parsley and put back into the broth. It is recommended to drink 1/3 cup before meals.

Hawthorn is taken as a tincture 10 - 15 drops before meals or boiled together with wild rose and drunk as compote.

From motherwort herb in a pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made alcohol tincture. Take 10 - 15 drops.

A mixture of dried apricots, prunes, walnuts with honey and crushed lemon contains the necessary vitamins, is useful for heart disease.

Treatment of angina pectoris with folk remedies does not exclude prescribed medications. Taking anticoagulants with the recommendations of healers can be dangerous due to the increased effect. The appearance of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, skin itching is a signal to stop using the prepared remedy.

When treating angina pectoris, you should not be discouraged. Remember that mood affects the prognosis of the disease.

Exercise therapy for coronary artery disease: a set of permitted exercises, recommendations

Modern medical research has shown that a variety of factors can contribute to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD+ and angina pectoris). As a rule, it is impossible to get rid of the body's hereditary predisposition to the disease. But it is entirely within your power to avoid another etiology. psychotropic and narcotic drugs; smoking; stressful condition; disruption of normal metabolism, which caused an improper diet; overwork in a chronic form, physical inactivity.

Terms: Hypodynamia - a weakened state of the muscles, caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to carry out a competent correction of the lifestyle, to revise the canons of life for the better, which will avoid the above factors. First of all, and this applies to any person, even without complaints, it is worth observing the daily routine, eating right, leading an active and healthy lifestyle, not smoking, not taking drugs and not drinking alcohol.

What are the benefits of physical activity (exercise) for angina and coronary heart disease?

  • regular repetition of physical exercises will constantly keep the muscles in good shape;
  • physical activity leads to an increase in "useful" lipids in the blood and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • the likelihood of blood clots decreases;
  • improves overall health and positive attitude;
  • body weight decreases and the appearance of diabetes mellitus is prevented and much more.

Angina and sports

Many people wonder: is it possible to play sports, run, go to workouts and do physical exercises with angina pectoris. Here the answer is unambiguous - it is possible. But there is one condition. Exercise therapy for angina pectoris is selected by the doctor for the patient. This is because in the process of physical education, the myocardium will require even more oxygen than before.

And acute oxygen deficiency will lead to pain and discomfort. If exercises for angina pectoris are prescribed by the attending physician, the situation will look different. This does not mean that a set of exercises will provide only joy, there will be difficulties. But moderate physical activity will serve to benefit, and not vice versa.

Breathing exercises for angina pectoris

Physical therapy is useful, but it is worth remembering about proper breathing, in which the myocardium is fully saturated with oxygen. You can do breathing exercises following the example of yogis:

  • Sit on a chair; keep your back straight; think of something good and positive until you relax. Then take a deep breath in through your nose for 1-2-3, hold your breath for 1-2 and exhale through your mouth for 1-2-3-4-5. At the moment of exhalation, it is recommended to bend your arms at the elbows and, like a bird, hit the “wings” on the chest. It is worth repeating such a respiratory set of exercises 10-15 times. Three times a day.
  • For people suffering from angina pectoris, doctors recommend walking in the fresh air every day, mentally imagining myocardial oxygen saturation.

Therapeutic exercises for angina pectoris and heart failure

Preventive treatment and further recovery of the body after treatment requires a complex of special therapeutic exercises. For coronary heart disease, the following exercises are recommended:

  • Sit on a chair and lower your hands to the floor. Inhaling the air, the hands are raised at an angle of 180 degrees, and exhaling, they return to the starting point. Such manipulations in ischemia are advised to repeat five times.
  • Sitting on a chair, fix your hands on your belt. Then alternately unbend one arm after the other and raise them to the starting point, repeating the exercise five times.
  • For ischemia, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your arms at the elbows, raise them at chest level. In the process of inhaling, spread your arms and turn the body to the side. When the patient returns to the starting position, you can exhale. Repeat the exercise four to six times.
  • If there are problems with running, then a moderate walking rhythm is advised for half a minute, and then for a minute - a fast pace. During this time, the body will not have time to be severely depleted before the onset of acute pain.
  • Sit on a chair and fix your hands in a lock on your knees. Then gently raise your arms to shoulder level so that you turn your palms in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise from six to eight times in one go.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your right foot forward, and put your left foot behind the chair. In this case, it is recommended to lean on the seat with your hands. The point is to alternately change the position of the legs. Repeat the exercise eight to ten times.
  • There are also exercises in the prone position. In this case, lie on your stomach so that your arms are extended along the body with your palms down. Then slowly raise your legs up in any order. The main thing is that the knees are not bent. Do the exercise from four to six times on each leg.
  • You can practice walking with temporary acceleration for three minutes.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your waist. Perform circular rotations of the head 180 degrees, first in one direction and then in the other direction. It is recommended to repeat such therapeutic manipulations four to six times in each direction.
  • Stand near a chair and grasp the back with your hands. When inhaling, sit down, and when you exit, stand at the starting point. Repeat the exercise four to six times.
  • Always give preference to those physical activities and exercises that bring pleasure. Doing such therapeutic exercises, and playing sports, is necessary in a good mood and with positive thoughts. Only then exercise therapy for IHD will go for the future.
  • If you live in a high-rise building, then walking up the stairs can be a good start to your physical activities. In this case, you should not abruptly climb to the ninth floor, losing consciousness. Gradually, with an increase in the floor, do small "feats". And without realizing it, you will notice how you go home without an elevator.
  • For a gradual increase in physical activity, getting to work, get off at a bus stop earlier. This is especially important for those people who work in the office sitting at the computer and are prone to the development of hypodynamia.
  • If walking alone only makes you sad, buy a small dog. It is more fun to walk with it, and you will regularly go out into the fresh air. At the same time, no one says that you need to run after your pet through the park at breakneck speed. A calm and easy walk outside is always good.


Previously, this disease in official medical reference books was called "angina pectoris", at present this name has been preserved in folk healers. May be accompanied by arrhythmia (unstable pulse). The pain syndrome is distinguished by an unexpected sudden onset and irradiation to the adjacent areas of the human body: the neck, between the shoulder blades, the left shoulder, the jaw.

The duration of the attack, as a rule, does not exceed 15 minutes. You can speed up the process of relieving the pain syndrome by stopping the activity that caused the pain and taking a drug from the pharmacological group of nitrates, which has a short duration of action.

Below we will consider a set of breathing and physical exercises to be performed in a hospital and at home in order to prevent the onset of pain and emergency relief of an attack without the use of drug therapy.

The feasibility and importance of breathing exercises and exercise in angina pectoris

Non-drug therapy after diagnosing angina pectoris is aimed at reducing the risk of developing myocardial infarction in coronary heart disease (CHD) by changing the patient's habitual lifestyle.

  • Complete cessation of smoking or minimization of tobacco use is desirable. This is aimed at indirectly restoring the functions of the cardiovascular system through the influence through the respiratory system of the human body.
  • Moderate physical activity aimed at combating physical inactivity and, as a result, stimulating the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • The appointment of an indefinite therapeutic diet associated with a decrease in the daily diet of salt, as well as fried and spicy foods is shown.

These recommendations, together with physical therapy and a complex of respiratory exercises, are aimed at ensuring a favorable prognosis for angina pectoris and stopping the transition of the syndrome into coronary heart disease with a subsequent risk of myocardial infarction.

Physical therapy and breathing exercises not only have a beneficial effect on all body systems by improving blood flow and accelerating metabolic processes, but also make it possible to simultaneously suppress an angina attack.

Contraindications for angina pectoris

The main contraindications for angina pectoris are associated with the prevention of the development of hypertension. In this regard, it is important to avoid excessive physical exertion, the use of psychostimulating substances (coffee, ginseng, eleutherococcus, dishes high in hot pepper and salt, and so on). The presence of angina in most cases indicates a weakness of the blood vessels, and in this regard, it is not recommended to make sudden movements (including quickly getting out of bed when waking up, etc.). In most cases, it is not recommended to prescribe a spa treatment.

Therapeutic physical culture for angina pectoris: a set of exercises recommended by specialists

When prescribing a set of physical exercises, it is important to observe the basic principles based on the fundamental axiom “do no harm”:

  • Gymnastics for angina pectoris involves the selection of individual loads depending on the stage of the disease and the frequency of manifestation of pain syndrome attacks: the more severe the course of the pathology, the less physical activity and the duration of the exercises.
  • Mandatory division of the complex of exercises into three parts: warm-up, the main group of exercise therapy and a hitch. A warm-up allows you to prepare the body for exercise, the main group provides an optimal effect on the body's systems, a hitch allows you to consolidate the effect and get out of exercise therapy without pressure drops.
  • When prescribing exercises, it is important to adhere to the rule about the absence of sudden movements during exercise therapy.

Important! The appointment of a complex of physical exercises is relevant at the first and second stages of the disease. When diagnosing the third stage, it is recommended in the first months to do with normal walking and an increase in the time spent in the fresh air.

Warm up

  • Place a mat on the floor and lie down on it. Take three deep breaths in and out as you prepare to do the exercises.
  • Raise your torso perpendicular to the floor. Right hand up - tilt to the left, left hand up - tilt to the right. Ten cycles and a minute break. Repeat three times.
  • Lie down again. Bend your knees - straighten your legs. Do ten times and rest for one minute. Repeat three times.

Important! If it is difficult to perform these exercises on the floor, it is allowed to warm up on a chair. Avoid sudden movements - concentrate on stretching.

The main set of exercises

  • Squats with arms outstretched forward: 10 to 30 times. The total number of squats is recommended to be divided into three cycles, between each of which take a minute break. This statement is true for all the exercises below.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, tilt the torso forward perpendicular to the floor, arms to the sides, and make turns with the cable to the left and right to the maximum possible limit. Quantity: 10 to 50 times.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, left hand up - tilt to the right, right hand up - tilt to the left. For each hand we do 10 - 30 times.
  • Running in place (optimally using a treadmill, but you can do without it) with gradual acceleration for 10 minutes.

Important! To achieve an optimal result, it is advisable not only to perform a set of exercises daily, but also to make adjustments to your daily routine: instead of traveling by car, it is better to walk on foot, instead of using the elevator, it is better to climb to the required floor on your own.


Return to the mat. Sit, stretch your legs forward, connect your heels together. Without bending your knees, try to reach your feet with your palms, and touch your knees with your head. Do it slowly, stretch. Then lie down on the mat, recover, bring your breathing back to normal.

Important! In the event of a pain syndrome or other discomfort preceding an attack of angina pectoris, when performing exercises, exercise therapy must be immediately stopped, sit down or lie down on the mat and restore breathing with deep breaths and exhalations. If the pain does not stop, you need to drink a short-acting nitrate to stop the attack.

Gymnastics and exercises for angina pectoris: additional materials

It is allowed to introduce any exercises in exercise therapy for angina pectoris in case of compliance with the rules on the absence of sudden movements when performing a set of exercises and avoiding patient overload. Priority should be given to stretching exercises and only then to strength training.

Breathing exercises: the most popular and reliable methods

Breath control is one of the important components in the performance of physical exercises and in everyday life to prevent angina attacks.

Strelnikova's technique

Strelnikova's method includes a large number of exercises, the most interesting of which are techniques aimed at emergency relief of an angina attack. An example of Strelnikova's exercise for stopping an angina attack:

  • Sit on a chair or kneel on the floor, close your eyes.
  • Take a powerful sharp breath with strong-willed muscle contraction of the chest.
  • Exhale slowly without holding your breath.
  • Repeat until the pain subsides.

Important! If within 10 minutes there is no relief, it is urgent to call a doctor. After the experienced attack, temporary rest is recommended.

Bubnovsky's technique

In the breathing techniques of Bubnovsky, the emphasis is on breathing with the help of the diaphragm, that is, minimizing chest breathing. It is worth noting that almost all experts reject chest breathing as the most harmful. An example of breathing exercises according to Bubnovsky for angina pectoris:

  • Lay a mat, sit on your knees on it, close your eyes, feel the diaphragm (the place between the chest and the peritoneum).
  • Take a slow breath, counting to 5 and expanding the diaphragm with muscle effort; hold your breath, counting to 3, fixing the diaphragm expanded; exhale slowly, counting to 5 and contracting the diaphragm with muscle effort. Repeat this cycle 20 - 50 times (depending on the level of training).
  • Stand in a dog pose, relax your stomach and breathe intensely and quickly - first for one minute, then gradually bringing the time of intensive breathing to 5 to 10 minutes.

Important! If you feel dizzy with intense breathing, you need to stop the exercise and reduce the time of breathing practices the next day.

Buteyko technique

The Buteyko technique is based on reducing the frequency and improving the quality of human breathing. The main theses of the Buteyko methodology:

  1. The number of periods "inhale - exhale" per minute should not exceed 16.
  2. Breathing should be through the nose. Mouth breathing is harmful and dangerous to health.
  3. Breathing should be easy and slow.
  4. Inhalation should be at least twice as long as exhalation.
  5. It is recommended to hold your breath after inhaling.

An example of a Buteyko exercise:

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back, put your palms on your knees, close your eyes.
  • Inhale for 10 seconds, hold your breath for 20 seconds, and exhale for 20 seconds. These periods of time are achieved gradually, at the first stages of training it is important to observe the ratio 1:2:2, varying the number of seconds in a way that is more comfortable for the patient.

Important! The practice of breathing according to Buteyko should not be violent and cause tension. Accustoming to easy breathing according to the system "inhale - hold the breath - deep exhale" should go gradually.

Will yoga help as a breathing exercise?

Yoga practices have much in common with the breathing systems developed by Bubnovsky and Buteyko. In particular, the breathing method "inhale - hold - exhale." However, yoga uses less gentle techniques, and the use of these practices for angina pectoris is not recommended due to insufficient knowledge of the subject by the official medical community.

It is advisable to combine breathing practices and exercise therapy to achieve the best preventive and therapeutic effect. It is also recommended to practice breathing techniques according to Buteyko or Bubnovsky during massage in the heart area in order to stabilize the pulse rhythm.

Exercise for coronary heart disease

Gymnastic exercises for coronary heart disease

Everyone knows such clinical forms of coronary heart disease (the former name is "angina pectoris"), such as angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, resulting from a spasm of the coronary vessels and disorders as a result of the heart's blood supply.

Performing available gymnastic exercises in calm intervals between attacks will help improve your condition, prevent critical situations and further aggravation of the disease. Depending on the tolerance of physical activity in angina pectoris (that is, the appearance of pain in the heart or pathological changes on the electrocardiogram), 4 functional types are distinguished.

The first functional type includes patients who tolerate physical activity well. They rarely have angina attacks, and pain in the heart occurs only when performing unusually large loads or with significant neuropsychic stress. They are capable of performing muscular work with a power of more than 100 watts. Patients with coronary heart disease with the first functional class can walk for a long time at any pace. Many of them are engaged in slow running.

The second functional type includes patients with rare attacks of angina pectoris (that is, those that appear during muscular work), which occur, for example, when walking too fast, climbing 2-3 floors. Their exercise tolerance is in the range of 50 to 100 watts. They tolerate walking at a moderate pace well. To improve their performance and improve their condition, they can train walking at a leisurely pace twice a day for a minute.

The third functional type includes people with coronary heart disease with frequent angina attacks that occur with slight muscle tension, for example, climbing to the 1st floor, walking at a moderate pace on level ground, etc. Their exercise tolerance is less than 50 watts. They tolerate walking at a slow pace well and can do it for minutes.

Representatives of the fourth functional type are characterized by frequent attacks of angina at rest and exertion. So, pain can occur even with minor loads, for example, walking us. They can be recommended long walks, but with obligatory periods of rest.

Recall that among a number of risk factors for "angina pectoris" is the restriction of motor activity. Adequate physical exercises will help expand the coronary vessels, improve the nutrition of the myocardium (heart muscle), improve the emotional and mental state, activate metabolic processes and, as a result, help the body resist the development of atherosclerosis, against which coronary heart disease usually occurs.

Below is an exemplary set of exercises available for patients with the first or second functional type. If during the lesson you suddenly feel pain or discomfort in the region of the heart, then you should reduce the load or even interrupt the lesson.

A set of exercises for coronary heart disease

  1. Sitting on a chair, hands down. Spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, take a deep breath, lower down - exhale. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. Sitting, keep your hands on your waist. Raise your right hand across the side to shoulder level, inhale, return to the starting position, exhale. The same for the left hand. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. Standing, legs apart, arms bent horizontally at the elbows and hung in front of the chest. Rotate the body with the spread of the arms - inhale, return to the starting position, exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Normal walking (30 seconds), then with a slight acceleration (1 minute).
  5. Standing, legs slightly to the sides, arms also to the sides and raised at shoulder level. Perform first in one direction, then in the other, circular movements with the shoulders. Repeat 5-7 times forward and backward.
  6. Standing, hands on the back of the head in the castle. Put the left foot to the side on the toe, tilt the body to the left, straighten up and take the starting position. The same with the right leg. Repeat 3-5 times.
  7. Standing, hands rest on the back of a chair. Sit down - exhale, stand up - inhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Standing, hands on the waist. Head circling with full amplitude to the right, then to the left. Run 3-5 times in each direction.
  9. Walking is simple in alternation with acceleration (3 minutes).
  10. Walking is simple (30 sec), then with a high elevation of the hip (30 sec).
  11. Standing, do alternate body tilts to the right, then to the left with bending the arm of the opposite side (the so-called "pump" exercise), the amplitude is maximum. Repeat 4-6 times on each side.
  12. Standing, we hold our hands in front of us and spread them a little. We raise the left leg and touch the right palm, return to the starting position. The same with the right leg. Repeat 4-6 times.
  13. We lie down on the stomach, stretch our arms along the body and rest our palms on the floor. Alternately raise straightened legs up. Run 4-6 times with each leg.
  14. Sitting on a chair, we weave our hands into a “lock”, we hold them on our knees. Turn your palms out, raising your hands in front of you to shoulder level. Repeat 6-8 times.
  15. Sitting on a chair, right leg in front, left leg under the chair, hands resting on the seat. Changing the position of the legs. Run 8-10 times.

Physical activity in coronary heart disease

According to modern medical data, a large number of factors can contribute to the development of IHD (coronary heart disease). Among the most common and "aggressive" are poor heredity, alcohol abuse, smoking, chronic stress, metabolic disorders due to malnutrition, chronic overwork, and physical inactivity. Of course, it is almost impossible to get rid of a hereditary predisposition to coronary artery disease, and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from stress. But you can adjust your lifestyle so as to avoid the other factors mentioned above. First of all, it is worth giving up smoking, optimizing nutrition and ensuring proper physical activity on the body.

Benefits of physical activity:

  • Regular exercise keeps you fit and in good shape.
  • With regular physical activity, the amount of “useful” lipids in the blood increases, which helps to reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  • Blood pressure normalizes, which helps reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage (stroke).
  • Physical activity promotes weight loss and prevents the development of diabetes.
  • Regular exercise improves mood, normalizes sleep and makes it easier to endure stressful situations.
  • Regular physical activity reduces the risk of osteoporosis, the most common cause of bone fractures in old age.

Regular physical activity is beneficial for everyone and everyone, as it helps to protect oneself from the development of many unpleasant diseases. But, unfortunately, we are often pushed to change our lifestyle and regular exercise only by the disease itself.

For patients with coronary heart disease, only certain types of physical activity are suitable.

IHD develops as a result of acid starvation, which leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Plaque narrows the artery that supplies blood to the heart, resulting in less oxygen-rich blood reaching the heart muscle. In this case, the intensive work of the heart becomes difficult and, under heavy loads, angina pectoris develops - a painful attack of the heart muscle.

Naturally, angina attacks require restriction of physical activity. Often, in order to get rid of angina pectoris, it is necessary to resort to medical, and even surgical treatment. In the case of a severe heart attack - a heart attack, patients completely begin to be afraid of physical exertion and, in an effort to "save" the heart, they often limit movement up to the refusal to walk.

For patients with angina and those who have had a heart attack, exercise can have a dual meaning:

  • On the one hand, excessive motor activity and intense physical activity can provoke angina attacks and lead to a second heart attack - such excessive activity should be avoided.
  • On the other hand, moderate physical activity and occasional exercise (no more than 40 minutes 5 times a week) are very beneficial.

Moderate physical activity increases the level of good cholesterol, which prevents the further development of atherosclerosis, reduces the rate of development of heart failure, strengthening the cardiovascular system. Regular aerobic exercises contribute to the normalization of the functioning of collateral blood flow - an inter-arterial junction that serves to redistribute blood flow, which helps to increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood that enters the heart muscle.

According to medical studies, physical activity in patients who have had a heart attack reduces the risk of a second heart attack by 7 times, and reduces mortality by 6 times, compared with patients who prefer to reduce physical activity as much as possible.

Therefore, for patients who have had a heart attack, the performance of normal household activities (light daily housework) is mandatory. After an inpatient course of treatment, it is preferable for such patients to undergo a course of physical rehabilitation under the supervision of specialists in a cardiological sanatorium. If rehabilitation in a sanatorium is not possible for one reason or another, it is necessary to undergo a course of physical rehabilitation on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a cardiologist.

The easiest option for physical activity in this case is daily walking. At the same time, you should not reboot yourself: the walk should take place at a slow or moderate (depending on how you feel) pace, for half an hour - an hour, but at least 5 days a week. If during the walk you feel weak or tired, you need to take a break - sit down on a bench or return home at a slow pace. Do not be upset - in the process of rehabilitation, you will be able to go through more and more. However, an increase in motor loads, just like the beginning of physical exercises, after a hospital, must be agreed with an exercise therapy specialist or the attending cardiologist.

Physical activity in no case should lead to another attack of angina pectoris. During exercise, strong shortness of breath or a rapid heartbeat is unacceptable. During physical exertion, you need to monitor the pulse - its frequency should increase in accordance with the increase in load. In this case, the optimal increase in heart rate should be determined by the attending physician on an individual basis, according to the severity of coronary artery disease and concomitant pathologies.

At the first stages of physical rehabilitation, heart rate can increase by no more than 20-30%, by about 15-20 beats per minute. If the loads are tolerated without complications, an increase in heart rate by more than 30% can be allowed, however, not more than the value calculated using the following formula: 200 - patient's age. For example, for a patient with coronary artery disease at the age of 60, the maximum allowable heart rate should not exceed 140 beats per minute.

Leading Russian specialist in the field of rehabilitation of patients with heart disease, Professor D.M. Aronov, developed recommendations for physical activity, depending on the functional class (severity of manifestation) of the disease. According to the tables below, developed by Professor D.M. Aronov, it is possible to determine the allowable load in each specific case.

Remember that depending on the severity of the manifestation, angina pectoris is divided into four functional classes, where I is mild angina, in which attacks occur only with very intense physical exertion, and IV is the most severe form of angina, in which an attack occurs with the slightest physical activity and even at rest. Prohibited loads are marked with a “-” sign, permitted loads are marked with a “+” sign. The number of signs “+” displays the permissible intensity and volume of loads.

Daily physical activity

Exercise therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system

It is known that the heart ensures the movement of blood through the vessels. But only the force of contraction of the left ventricle is not enough to ensure the normal functioning of the heart. Extracardiac factors play an important role in blood circulation. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, along with drug treatment, therapeutic exercises are recommended. Classes allow you to maximize the effect of extracardiac (non-cardiac) circulatory factors and contribute to the normalization of impaired functions. Physiotherapy exercises are quite often used for diseases of the circulatory system in the acute period, as well as during recovery, and are used later as maintenance therapy.

To the main contraindications to exercise therapy should be attributed: acute phase of rheumatism, endo-, myocardium; serious violations of the conducting system of the heart and rhythm; circulatory failure in the third stage, acute heart failure.

Methods of influence

The method of exercise therapy directly depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as the degree of insufficiency of the coronary and general circulation. Physical exercises, starting positions and the amount of load are selected based on the motor regimen assigned to the patient.

The effect of exercise therapy in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Myocardial infarction - focal or multiple necrosis of the muscles of the heart, which is caused by acute coronary insufficiency. The tissue subject to necrosis after a while is replaced by a scar. A heart attack is characterized by severe pain in the region of the heart, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, and suffocation. ECG allows you to determine the localization of a heart attack and severity. The first three days are characterized by an increase in body temperature, an acceleration of ESR, and the appearance of leukocytosis.

Rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction is divided into three stages. At each stage, the patient undergoes a course of physical therapy.

The main form of physical therapy at the first stage is massage, walking up the stairs, dosed walking. If the patient's course of a heart attack is not complicated, then classes can be started from 2-3 days, by which time the acute signs of a heart attack subside. The timing of the start of classes, as well as the load is determined strictly individually and directly depends on the nature of the stage, the severity of postinfarction angina.

Forms of physical therapy at the second stage: therapeutic exercises, walking in strictly defined dosages, walking and exercising on simulators, walking up the stairs, light elements of games, sports and applied exercises, massage, occupational therapy. Classes are practically no different from those that were held in the hospital at the first stage. The pace of classes, the number of repetitions are accelerating, exercises are used at the gymnastic wall, exercises with various objects. The procedures are carried out in groups, the duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

Exercise therapy at the third stage: physical exercises are used that are recommended for people with poor health, reduced physical performance. It is used therapeutic walking, walking up the stairs, involving the ascent to the 3rd-5th floor, and 2-3 times, lightweight sports games and exercises on simulators, massage.

Arterial hypertension is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by an increase in blood pressure. There are three stages of AH.

The first stage involves an increase in blood pressure without the involvement of target organs. The second stage - blood pressure is elevated and target organs are involved: kidneys, fundus, heart. The third stage - increased blood pressure and affected target organs: kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, heart failure.

The tasks of exercise therapy for arterial hypertension are to reduce blood pressure, prevent crises, and generally improve the patient's condition. Exercise therapy for arterial hypertension includes: dosed walking, therapeutic exercises, general exercise equipment, therapeutic swimming and exercise in the pool, massage.

Heart defects: exercise therapy

Physiotherapy exercises for heart defects - a combination of active and breathing exercises. Classes are held at a slow pace, without intensification, the duration of the days. In the next 2-3 weeks, patients are prescribed therapeutic exercises.

Ischemic heart disease: exercise therapy

Means of physical therapy for coronary heart disease: therapeutic exercises, physical exercises in water, swimming, dosed walking.


A set of exercises for coronary heart disease:

  1. Starting position - hands on the belt, standing above the seat of the chair. We take our hands to the sides - inhale, return our hands to the belt - exhale.
  2. The starting position is the same. Raise your hands up and inhale, lean forward - exhale.
  3. Starting position - standing at the chair. Sit down - exhale, stand up - inhale.
  4. Starting position - sitting, bend the right leg - cotton, return to the starting position. Do the same with the left leg.
  5. Starting position - sitting on a chair. Do not hold your breath, sit down in front of the chair, then return to the starting position.
  6. Starting position - the same, legs straightened, arms forward. We bend our legs at the knees, put our hands on the belt, then return to the starting position.
  7. Starting position - standing. We take the right leg back, arms up - inhale, starting position - exhale. Repeat for the left leg.
  8. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. Perform tilts to the right and left.
  9. Starting position - standing, hands in front of the chest. We take our hands to the sides - inhale, starting position - exhale.
  10. Starting position - standing. Move the right leg and arm forward. The same with the left leg.
  11. Starting position - standing, arms up. Sit down, then return to the starting position.
  12. Starting position - the same, hands at the top, hands in the castle. We carry out the rotation of the body.
  13. Starting position - standing. Take a step forward with your left foot - arms up, return to I.P. Repeat for the right leg.
  14. Starting position - standing, hands in front of the chest. Perform turns to the left and right with the spread of the hands.
  15. Starting position - standing, hands to shoulders. Perform alternate straightening of the arms.
  16. Walking in place.

Gymnastics for angina pectoris

Gymnastics for angina pectoris is necessary, since a sedentary lifestyle contributes to an even greater disruption of cholesterol metabolism and the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary vessels. At the same time, they must be dosed.

Physical activity for angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is an attack of acute sudden pain that develops against the background of ischemiaIschemia - when the brain refuses to work (oxygen deficiency) of the myocardium. Myocardial ischemia develops due to narrowing of the blood vessels that bring arterial blood to it - the coronary arteries. The narrowing of the coronary arteries occurs due to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls.

During physical exertion, myocardial oxygen demand increases, which leads to acute oxygen deficiency, accompanied by bouts of severe short-term pain. Angina pectoris that develops during physical exertion is called exertional angina. That is why physical exercisesMyths about physical exercises: you should not believe in angina pectoris, a specialist should select a patient - a doctor in physical therapy.

Proper breathing exercises contribute to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, which means that it completely or partially removes the need for myocardial oxygen. You can do the following breathing exercises according to the yoga system:

With angina pectoris, one should also take leisurely walks in the fresh air every day and imagine how oxygen-enriched air enters the lungs, and from there into the blood and into the heart muscle.

Therapeutic exercises for angina pectoris

Therapeutic exercises for coronary heart disease (CHD) and angina are very important. But the patient should not do the selection of exercises on his own, remembering that high physical exertion can lead to angina attacks.

Depending on the degree of exercise tolerance, stable (in which there is a clear dependence on physical activity) exertional angina is divided into four functional classes (FC). Physical exercises for angina pectoris should correspond to the FC of angina pectoris:

For patients with stable angina Stable angina is one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease I and II FC, the following set of exercises for angina pectoris can be recommended:

  • The complex ends with walking on the spot for a minute.

After consultation with a doctor, patients with angina pectoris FC may be able to engage in some sports, such as swimming, but only if, against the background of stress, they do not develop angina attacks.

Physical education for angina pectoris is mandatory, but sports are always in question.

  • How to start exercising at home - we make the body beautiful
  • Exercises for inguinal hernia - with great care

Physical activity for angina pectoris

Breathing exercises for angina pectoris

  • sitting on a chair with a straight back, relax, think about something pleasant, inhale through the nose for a count of 1 - 2 - 3, hold the breath for a count of 1 - 2 and exhale through the mouth for a count of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 ; together with the exhalation, you need to lightly hit with your arms bent at the elbows, like wings, on the chest; repeat the exercise one to three times a day.
  • I FC - habitual performance is not reduced, angina pectoris attacks occur during loads that significantly exceed the usual ones, for example, during long running, weight lifting; such angina pectoris can be detected during stress tests in certain categories of professions; such patients can walk for a long time at any pace and run at a slow pace;
  • II FC - the usual performance is not reduced, angina attacks occur during loads that slightly exceed the usual, for example, fast climbing stairs, fast walking or running; the degree of load in this case largely depends on the fitness of the person; these patients tolerate walking at a moderate pace;
  • III FC - a decrease in physical activity due to the fact that angina attacks can develop during normal physical exertion, such as slowly climbing stairs to one floor, walking, etc .; they can be advised to walk at a slow pace for minutes;
  • IV FC - angina attacks occur at rest or with minor physical exertion, for example, when walking at a slow pace for short distances; for such patients, long walks are suitable, but with obligatory periods of rest.
  • starting position sitting on a chair, hands down; spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, take a deep breath, lower down - exhale: repeat 5 times;
  • IP - sitting on a chair, hands on the waist; raise one arm across the side to shoulder level, inhale, return to the starting position, exhale; perform the exercise with the other hand; repeat 3 times;
  • IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent horizontally at the elbows and fixed in front of the chest; turning the body with the spread of the arms - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, repeat 4 times;

Disease Definition

Angina pectoris is a form of coronary heart disease, which is accompanied by severe pain in the sternum and constant discomfort. All these sensations are connected with the fact that normal blood supply is disturbed in a certain part of the heart. In particular, angina occurs against the background of the development of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart.

For the first time, V. Geberden established such a disease as angina pectoris. He did this in 1768.

Types of disease

Angina pectoris is divided into several types:

  1. stable angina. This type of disease has four classes of development. Each of them depends on the severity of the load transferred by the heart.
  2. Functional classes of angina pectoris:
  • The first functional class is characterized by pain behind the sternum, which are expressed in the form of seizures. However, they rarely occur. This usually involves doing hard work at a fairly fast pace.
  • The second functional class of angina is characterized by the occurrence of pain in the sternum while climbing stairs. Pain also appears when walking fast in frosty weather. There were cases when a person began to hurt behind the sternum, i.e. came an attack of angina pectoris, after overeating.
  • The third functional class of angina pectoris is characterized by the occurrence of chest pain even with normal, slow walking for short distances (up to 100 meters). Such pains also appear if you leave a warm apartment on the street in winter.
  • The fourth functional class is characterized by the inability to walk and perform physical activity. The patient cannot perform any, even the simplest physical work, without feeling signs of angina pectoris. Sometimes a person feels discomfort in the chest even during rest.
  • Unstable angina (progressive angina). A person can suddenly feel that he has become even worse than before. And all this happens for no apparent reason. Doctors attribute the development of this type of angina pectoris to the fact that there is a crack in the atherosclerotic plaque in the human heart. This leads to the formation of blood clots inside the coronary vessels, which interfere with normal blood circulation.
  1. Vasospastic angina. It manifests itself in the form of local spasms in the coronary arteries. In this case, the patient may completely lack any obvious atherosclerotic lesions. Another name for this type of disease sounds like variant angina or Prinzmetal's angina. The reason for the development of this syndrome is that there is a failure in the delivery of oxygen to the myocardium. As a result of this, a spasm occurs, and this is already a sign of angina pectoris. This type of disease very often appears in people at rest, when a person does not burden himself with any mental or physical stress.
  2. Silent angina resolves without symptoms or pain. It can be detected only with the help of an outpatient examination of a sick person.
  3. Syndrome X. With this type of angina, there are no stenosing lesions of the coronary arteries.

Causes of the disease

  1. Atherosclerosis determines 2/3 of all angina diseases. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques, growing, obscure the entire passage through which the blood flow flows. If a person performs physical exercises or is in a stressful situation, then his blood circulation is accelerated. In the place where the atherosclerotic plaque is located, the blood cannot pass normally. A spasm develops. This leads to the development of angina pectoris.
  2. A non-obturating thrombus in combination with an atherosclerotic plaque increasing in volume leads to a strong vasoconstriction. As a result, frequent angina attacks begin to appear.
  3. Arterial hypotension. This state of pressure in the blood vessels leads to insufficient blood flow to the heart.
  4. Arrhythmia and tachycardia.
  5. Renal colic and stones in the gallbladder, in the bladder. Angina often occurs during attacks of these diseases.
  6. Psychological stress, which includes fright, intense grief, etc. In this case, the so-called angina pectoris develops.

Symptoms of the disease

Pain is the most important symptom of a disease.

It can have a pressing, compressive character. In some people, something is constantly drilling or pulling in the chest. But such signs of angina pectoris are less common. Every person has their own pain threshold. For some, this pain is very strong. And in another patient, the history of angina pectoris does not indicate pain at all, i.e. a person does not take his feelings for pain. He only complains that something is pressing or choking him in his chest.

The same applies to the intensity of these symptoms. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease, its type and on the patient's attitude to pain and to the disease in general.

As for the localization of pain, then basically the patient feels it behind the sternum. Sometimes it can be, so to speak, under the "spoon". This symptom is also a sign of ulcers and diseases of the duodenum. Pain in angina pectoris radiates. A person may have pain in the left arm, left ear, left shoulder, etc. That is, the entire left side of the body.

More about angina attacks

Angina attack + symptoms

The patient may suddenly feel severe pain, which also suddenly disappears. The attack lasts no more than five minutes. If it continues further, then this is already an alarm signal about the onset of myocardial infarction. In this case, emergency care is required for angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction. At such moments, a person begins to panic greatly. He has a fear of death. The person is afraid to move and just freezes. After the sharp pain goes away, the patient feels weakness and malaise throughout the body. Outwardly, the person becomes very pale. There is even a bluish tint to the face. It is impossible to look at such a patient without compassion. Gradually he is covered with a cold sweat. The patient's hands are cold. The sensitivity of the extremities is often disturbed. Blood pressure and pulse rise. Breathing becomes sharp. In some patients with angina during an attack, the complexion does not turn pale, but rather turns red.

Each patient experiences angina attacks with different frequency. For some people, whole months and even years pass between them. Angina pectoris: Its symptoms are quite common. And if there is rest angina pectoris, then attacks of pain can be more than once a day.

Emergency care for angina pectoris

If the patient has clear signs of an attack of the disease, then he needs first aid for angina pectoris, or rather the relief of an angina attack.

  • First you need to stop all work, physical or mental. The patient should be put on the bed, or put on a chair if it is not possible to lie down.
  • Give pills for angina pectoris. For example, put one nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. Patients should always carry medicines for angina pectoris with them. If a person does not feel better after three minutes, i.e. the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, then you need to take another pill.
  • If the attack does not go away after fifteen minutes, then you should find out an ambulance. Emergency medical intervention is necessary if there is a first-time angina pectoris.

General principles for the treatment of angina pectoris

First, the patient must realize the seriousness of the disease and its consequences. He should in every possible way avoid risk factors that lead to deterioration in the development of the disease. You need to limit yourself from hard physical work and stressful situations.

Secondly, the patient must monitor his diet and take preventive measures that help prevent the disease from flaring up.

Thirdly, a person must treat in a timely manner and not trigger all concomitant diseases that contribute to the development of angina pectoris.

Fourth, the patient should regularly visit the cardiologist's office. Differential diagnosis of angina will help determine whether the disease is progressing. A person must undergo a laboratory test. It includes a blood test for biochemistry, coronary angiography, echocardiography, an exercise test, and an ECG for angina pectoris. Once the differential diagnosis of angina pectoris is established, the doctor can recommend the necessary course of treatment.

Methods for the treatment of angina pectoris

  1. Treatment of angina pectoris with medicines. Drugs for angina: antiplatelet (acetylsalicylic acid, Clopidogrel), beta-blockers (atenolol, bisaprolol, metaprolol), statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (lisinopril, perindopril).
  2. Surgical intervention.
  3. Coronary angioplasty
  4. Coronary artery bypass grafting
  5. Treatment of angina pectoris by folk methods.

The inhabitants of our country are famous for the fact that all diseases are treated with folk remedies. Angina is no exception in this case. Healing herbs often help patients cut down on medications that have a host of other side effects. However, it is impossible to carry out only the treatment of angina with folk remedies. It is necessary to apply this type of treatment in combination with drug therapy.

In the period between attacks, patients should take herbs that have anti-sclerotic, antispasmodic, vasodilating effects. These include hawthorn, lemon balm, peppermint, motherwort, parsnip.

Traditional medicine recipes for angina pectoris

  1. Motherwort + mint + mistletoe + hawthorn + lemon balm + astragalus + valerian + periwinkle + Ivan tea + cetraria. Mix all herbs in equal proportions. Then take 2 tablespoons and pour one liter of boiling water. Place the container on the stove. Be sure to close the lid. Wait for it to boil, reduce the heat and simmer with the lid closed for twenty minutes. Then let it cool and infuse for at least forty minutes. Take half a glass 4-5 times a day. Preventive treatment of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction with this herbal medicine should last three to four months.
  2. Aloe. Take five leaves of aloe that is over three years old. Squeeze juice out of them. Then add lemon juice (two pieces) to the container. Stir and add the resulting mixture to half a kilogram of honey. Cover it with a lid. The medicine must be stored in the refrigerator. It should be consumed 1 tablespoon one hour before each meal. The course of treatment lasts two months. Then you need to take a break for a month and start again. In one year, you must complete four such courses of treatment.
  3. Angina pectoris + treatment with wine and garlic. You need to take one head of garlic. Squeeze it and add it to a glass of wine. After put a pinch of salt. Mix everything. Drink this glass of wine and lie down. It is best to take the medicine at bedtime. The course of treatment should last one month.
  4. Golden mustache. You need to take one stem of the plant along with the leaves. It should be about forty centimeters long. Chop the stem and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1. It should be consumed half an hour before meals three times a day, one tablespoon.
  5. Cranberries + garlic. Such prevention of angina pectoris is done twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is necessary to crush one kilogram of cranberries and two hundred grams of garlic. Mix everything and refrigerate for half a day. Then add another half kilogram of honey. You need to take one tablespoon twice a day. Try to do this before meals.

Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method

Alternative medicine has its own secrets of treating angina pectoris. One of them is breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. The author of gymnastics is a physiologist who in 1952 developed his own method of combating bronchial asthma, angina and hypertension. The principle of treatment is based on the position that the cause of all these diseases lies in the hyperventilation of the lungs.

During an illness, a person begins to breathe deeper and stronger. This causes the bronchi to contract and the blood vessels to constrict. There is a spasm and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the body. It turns out that carbon dioxide is retained in the body, tk. the vessels are constricted. It accumulates in the blood. And this is a serious barrier to medical treatment of the disease.

Buteyko breathing exercises help relieve an attack of angina pectoris.

The essence of this method is that in gymnastics lessons a person learns to breathe correctly. The main goal of such exercises is to correct chronic ventilation of the lungs. You need to learn how to relax the respiratory muscles in order to hold your breath to a slight feeling of lack of air. Thus, the depth of breathing gradually decreases. This causes the nervous system to relax and the blood vessels to dilate. So it is possible to treat angina pectoris and other forms of the disease.

Ischemia is a local bleeding of tissue as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the artery that feeds it. There are a lot of factors influencing the development of this disease, and one of them is physical inactivity, therefore, therapeutic exercises must be included in the complex treatment of coronary disease.

It contributes to the coordination of the activities of the main links of blood circulation, the development of functional reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system in general and coronary blood flow in particular, stimulates the redox activity of tissue metabolism and trophic processes in tissues, and increases tolerance to physical exertion.

In coronary heart disease, before prescribing this or that set of exercises, the cardiologist must determine the functional class of the patient, i.e., permissible physical activity.

For this, load tests are prescribed - bicycle ergometry (pedaling a bicycle) and a treadmill test (walking at a certain pace along a moving track). During these tests, an ECG is recorded, blood pressure is measured at regular intervals, and the pulse rate is recorded.

In addition to stress tests, 24-hour ECG and blood pressure monitoring is carried out to detect changes in cardiac activity, in particular during household physical activity, as well as an echocardiographic study (at rest and during exercise).

Based on the results of these tests, four functional classes are defined:

  • Grade 1: There are no restrictions on physical activity. When performing daily physical activity, there is no shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue;
  • Grade 2: moderate limitation of physical activity. With everyday physical exertion, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath appear, but they are absent at rest;
  • Grade 3: significant limitation of physical activity. All of these symptoms are absent at rest, but appear with minor loads (less than normal everyday);
  • Grade 4: shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness occur at rest; minimal exercise exacerbates these symptoms.

Contraindications to physiotherapy exercises are:

  • frequent attacks of angina, angina at rest, unstable angina;
  • severe cardiac arrhythmias (frequent extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation), circulatory failure of the P-B stage and above), persistent arterial hypertension (over 170/110 mm Hg), concomitant severe diabetes mellitus.

A set of exercises for patients with functional classes I and II:

Walk in place at an average pace for 1-2 minutes.

Run in place at an average pace for 1 minute.

Slowly raise your arms to the sides - inhale; lower and relax your hands - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

The starting position is the same.

Raise your hands to your shoulders - inhale; spread your arms to the sides - exhale; again brushes to the shoulders - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

Perform torso tilts to the left and right at an average pace. Repeat 6-8 times.

The starting position is the same.

Raise your right leg forward, bend it at the knee, then straighten and lower. Do the same with your left foot. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

Attention! This exercise should not be performed with dizziness, as well as with severe osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

The starting position is the same.

Perform head tilts at a slow pace: back, forward, left, right. Repeat 3-4 times.

Starting position - standing, arms lowered along the body.

Raise your arms to the sides, then move them behind the head, back to the sides and again behind the head. Perform at an average pace 6-8 times. Gradually complicate the exercise: when spreading your arms to the sides, turn your torso to the right and left.

Run in place for 1 minute.

Starting position - standing, arms lowered along the body.

Perform circular movements with both hands at the same time: left - forward, right - back. Change hands. Repeat 8 times.

The starting position is the same.

Put your hands on your belt and perform three springy tilts to the left. Repeat tilts to the left, putting your hands to your shoulders, then raise your hands up. Return to starting position. Perform three tilts to the right in the same sequence. Repeat 4-6 times on each side.

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward and to the sides.

Perform swings with your right foot at an average pace: to the left hand, then to the right hand, again to the left hand. Try not to put your foot on the floor during swings. Return to starting position. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

Spread your arms to the sides - inhale; put your hands behind your back (left on top, right on bottom) and, turning your hands, clasp your fingers into the “lock” - exhale. Repeat the movements, changing the position of the hands: right on top, left on the bottom. Perform at a slow pace 6 times.

Starting position - standing, legs crossed, hands on the belt.

Perform body tilts to the left and right. Repeat at an average pace 8-10 times.

Starting position - standing, arms along the body.

Put your right leg out to the side and lean forward, stretching your arms to the floor; return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 6-8 times in each direction.

Starting position - standing, hands on the belt.

Perform swings with your left foot: right, left, right. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg.

Starting position - standing, arms along the body.

Bend back (arms up) and make two springy forward bends, trying to touch the floor with your hands; don't bend your knees. Return to starting position. Repeat at a medium pace.

The starting position is the same. Do three springy tilts back: arms up, arms to the sides, arms up. Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 6-8 times.

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Inhale, then bend your left leg and squat (as far as possible) on your right leg - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. Perform squats at an average pace alternately on the right and left legs. Repeat 8-10 times.

Starting position - standing, arms to the sides. Bend your elbows - forearms and hands up, return to the starting position. Bend your elbows - forearms and hands down. Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 8-12 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. Bend back, return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 12-16 times.

Starting position - standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms lowered along the body.

Bend back, slightly bending your knees, reach for your heels with your hands. Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 12-16 times.

Starting position - standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms spread apart.

Bending your right leg, lean to the left and reach with your left arm toward your left leg. Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 6-8 times in each direction.

Starting position - standing, hands on the belt.

Take a lunge with your right foot forward, spread your arms to the sides. Make 2-3 springy movements on the right leg and return to the starting position. Repeat at an average pace 8-10 times with each leg.

Starting position - lying on your back.

From a lying position, move to a sitting position without taking your feet off the floor. Then return to the starting position. Repeat at a slow pace 6-8 times.

Starting position - sitting on a chair, legs straightened, hands on the chair behind.

Raise one leg, lower, lift the other. Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 8 - 12 times with each leg.

The starting position is the same.

Slowly raise your straight legs, bend them at the knees, straighten them again and return to the starting position. Repeat 6-10 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Lean on your arms bent at the elbows, hands near the shoulders (lying emphasis). Push up from the floor at an average pace 6-10 times.

Starting position - standing, hands on the belt.

Squat down (arms outstretched forward). Return to starting position. Repeat at an average pace 20-24 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

The starting position is the same.

Perform 10-20 jumps at a fast pace: legs apart - legs crossed.

Run for 1-2 minutes in place with high knees. The pace is average.

Walk in place (or around the room) for 1-2 minutes. The pace is average.

Starting position - standing, arms lowered along the body. Slowly spread your arms to the sides - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.

Starting position - standing, hands behind the head.

Put your right leg back on the toe, raise your arms up and to the sides, bend. Return to starting position. Repeat at a slow pace 4-8 times with each leg.

Starting position - standing, hands on the belt.

Perform circular movements of the pelvis, as with the rotation of the hula hoop. The pace is average. Do 8 rotations in each direction at an average pace.

Starting position - standing, arms lowered along the body.

Slowly spread your arms to the sides - inhale; sit down on the whole foot, clasping your knees with your hands, - exhale; return to starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.

The starting position is the same.

Slowly raise your left hand to the side to shoulder level, spreading your fingers with tension; simultaneously clench the fingers of the right hand into a fist. Return to starting position. Repeat 6-8 times with each hand.

Walk at a relaxed pace for 1-2 minutes.