Instructions for use. The main secrets of how to choose skis Advantages of wooden and plastic skis

For short one-day walks on ready-made ski tracks, regular cross-country skis are the best fit. The level of skis is determined mainly by the level of the skier, but there is not much point in expensive "racing" models, and it's a pity to rip them off about all sorts of unexpected obstacles of a walking track. The usual modern skis of the "backcountry" class are quite enough. Often such skis are produced with a notch on the sliding surface - a "multigrip". Such a notch impairs forward sliding, but partially prevents the "recoil" of the skis on the slopes. This is a kind of indulgence for those who do not pursue high speeds on the track, but want to get rid of the difficulties with "getting into the ointment." Skis with a smooth sliding surface must be able to properly spread, and this is a whole art that turns into shamanism.

Relatively inexpensive walking skis are made in Novgorod and Sortavala; Finnish manufacturers are widely represented on the Russian market. Many well-known companies, such as Fisher, Atomic and Rossignol, have their own inexpensive models for ski touring. These skis are usually slightly wider than the "racing" top models, and according to stiffness and other characteristics, they are divided into "classic" and skis for skating. For forest skiing, the former are preferred, but in many ways this is a matter of taste. Skate skis are shorter and stiffer.

The next step away from civilization is wider touring skis. They are less common for sale. Often multigrip on such skis is done almost along the entire length of the sliding surface. On the ski track, they go worse, but they can already be walked on shallow virgin soil or very rough terrain with constant descents and ascents. For sorties somewhere on the Karelian Isthmus, this is almost an ideal option.

The next class of skis will be conditionally called "mountain-tourist". These are skis 7-8 cm wide under the cargo area, with a metal edging. Such skis are distinguished by increased strength and are designed for the most difficult operating conditions: Siberian ice, ice hummocks, stone placers lightly sprinkled with snow. This class includes the legendary skis "Tissa-Beskyd", previously produced by the Mukachevo factory. Now, unfortunately, production has been stopped, and you can buy "Beskyd" only by chance, "from old stocks." More than one generation of skiers grew up on these skis. The "Beskyd" differed from modern imported analogues in its wooden sliding surface, made of durable wood, which gave certain advantages in hiking with constantly changing snow conditions.

Skis for a ski tour also belong to the mountain-tourist class. They are distinguished from ordinary alpine skis by their lower weight, often the presence of a hole in the toe and / or in the heel (for transporting skis behind you on a string and quickly knitting drags). To move on a flat place or on an uphill climb, a skin is used - a special fleecy tape that sticks to the plastic of the sliding surface. Camus is quite easy to stick and peel off, in case of wear of the adhesive surface - apply glue again. Kamus is an invention of ancient hunters, only then animal skins were used to ensure one-sided sliding, and now synthetics and the latest achievements in the field of polymer chemistry. Ski-tour and skins are justified in big mountains, when moving through a heavily crossed forest they are inconvenient - you really won’t take off and put on skins on every 10-15 meter hillock! Real mountains are another matter: I went out in the morning to climb, climbed skins for half a day, took off my skins at the top or pass, put them in a backpack, fastened special bindings to the "mountain skiing position" - and down the most difficult slopes! Romance...

In addition to the ski tour, there is also Telemark skiing (an ancient Norwegian style of descent, which has received a second wind and mass recognition in the Scandinavian countries over the past couple of decades). In our classification, these skis also fall into the category of "mountain-tourist". Plus, you don't have to be a telemark skier to use these skis for hiking. They fit perfectly - light, durable, with a metal edging.

Wider skis, "hunting", are no longer so convenient for hiking. As practice shows, they are still unable to completely eliminate heavy skiing, and walking on too wide skis is inconvenient. As an intermediate option, at one time the "Forest" skis of the Novgorod factory were popular, mainly due to affordability. But they are fragile, without edge, and now their use in tourism has been reduced to a minimum.

Hunting skis are well suited for fast movement across the field and forest in winter, which, unlike sports ones, do not fall through the snow. With them, fishing at this time of the year will be successful and safe. Such skis must be selected according to the weight and height of the hunter. Also, when buying them, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture and design features.


Hunting skis must be durable, in which case they will withstand any load and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions. At the same time, it is important that this piece of equipment be light and tire the hunter as little as possible. To choose the right hunting skis, you first need to pay attention to the material. They are made from wood and plastic.

There are two types of wooden skis:

  • made from a single bar;
  • made from veneer.

Veneer skis are lighter and more reliable, they bend better, so you should give preference to them.

Maple and birch for maximum strength. Skis made from them are suitable for hunters who need the most reliable equipment. Those who value lightness should choose skis made of spruce or aspen. At the same time, aspen skis are less durable and cheaper.

Wood skis have less kickback than plastic skis and don't slide down as much when going uphill. Their main disadvantage is that they become very heavy in the thaw, making it difficult to move across the landscape. Unlike plastic, wood is a living material, so when buying skis made from it, you need to inspect especially carefully. They should not have bundles, kinks or knots. Wooden skis are recommended for use at temperatures from -10 to -30 degrees.

plastic skis

Plastic hunting skis are not far behind wooden ones in terms of strength and lightness, they do not require lubrication before each hunt. They glide very well and thanks to this they allow you to move quickly. But this quality is also a disadvantage at the same time - when descending a mountain, too high speed develops, and climbing a hill becomes difficult due to a strong rollback.

Plastic skis are primarily suitable for hunting on flat terrain. Rollback can be reduced by applying special mastics. Also, to prevent it, special notches are made on the lower surface of the skis, but they only work on dense snow. On loose snow cover, crust or ice, they are ineffective. It is recommended to use plastic skis at temperatures from +5 to -10 degrees.

Camus and combination skis

There are three types of wooden hunting skis:

  • golitsy;
  • kamus;
  • combined.

Heads are the easiest option. Such skis have a serious drawback - they roll down when climbing a slope, and recoil interferes with movement on a flat surface. To avoid slipping when moving up, these skis are equipped with aluminum plates with clamps. Before climbing uphill, they are taken out by their fixations, after which they rest against the snow and prevent rolling. Also for this, brushes made of coarse bristles are installed on the skis, which are placed at an angle of 45 ° to the surface and create braking that prevents backward movement.

Camus skis are devoid of the disadvantages of golits. Kamus is attached to their lower surface - a special lanyard, which is made from the skins of a deer, elk or horse. It improves their performance and makes driving on snow easier and more comfortable. Kamus skis are stable, they do not give a kickback when walking fast and do not slip down while climbing uphill, snow does not stick to them.

Soft and quiet kamus, which does not creak when moving, is made from deer skins. The best driving performance has a skin made from skins taken from the legs of a horse. Elk skin is extremely strong and durable. When choosing such skis, you need to pay attention to the direction of the wool. In the middle part of the hair should lie parallel to their edges.

Combined skis are an intermediate option between the first two. Their working surface is partially trimmed with kamus. From the bottom side, pieces of skins are glued onto them. Which hunting skis to choose depends on the purchase budget and the preferences of the hunter. Golitsy is cheap, but it is very inconvenient to move around in them. Camus and combined skis are more comfortable in any conditions. They can also be made with your own hands by gluing or sewing the skins to the bald spots.

Ski sizes

After choosing the material, you need to determine the required size of the skis. A table is not needed for this - it is better to calculate it using a formula. 35 g of the hunter's weight with equipment should fall on 1 cm2 of ski area, in which case the skis will not fall through, and movement on snow will be comfortable.

The required area must be divided by their width to calculate the desired length. Eg:

  • if the hunter weighs 95 kg, and his clothes, gun and equipment - 15 kg, the total mass is 110 kg, or 110,000 g;
  • dividing 110,000 by 35, we get 3143 - this is the required minimum ski area in centimeters;
  • dividing 3143 by 20, we get 157 - this is the minimum suitable length for skis with a width of 20 cm.

There are other parameters to consider when choosing a size. The greater the growth of the hunter, the greater should be the length of the skis. Wider models should be preferred if hunting in a region with snowy winters. In this case, instead of 20 cm wide skis, you can use 22 cm or 24 cm skis.

Long and narrow skis are suitable for use in open areas, while short and wide models make moving through the forest as comfortable as possible.


It is also important to know how to choose fasteners. Usually they have to be bought separately. They must securely fix the footwear used for hunting - boots, boots, felt boots, high boots and others - and at the same time make it possible to quickly release the foot if necessary to get off the skis or in the event of a fall.

There are three types of fasteners:

  • simple - made of leather or canvas straps tucked into slots that are located along the edges of the skis. They cover the toe of the foot;
  • soft - consist of a strap that covers the toe of the leg, and an additional strap that runs along the back of the foot above the heel;
  • semi-rigid fasteners look like a metal plate. The leg rests against it and is fixed by a special spring, which is stretched by a special lever and fastened in the toe area.

The choice of one or another option is determined mainly by the preferences of the hunter. If possible, it is worth trying on all types of mounts before buying to determine which ones will be more convenient for you. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size and length of the puffs. They must securely fix the footwear used for hunting without squeezing it.

On sale you can find models that are lined with stocking bags made of durable fabric. They are worn on the legs and tied below the knees. In skis with such bindings, you can move silently, because thanks to the stockings, the snow does not get under the shoes and does not creak.

With good hunting skis, you can quickly move through winter landscapes. They do not fall through the snow and do not slide down while climbing uphill. They can cover long distances, thanks to this, the chances of a successful hunt increase. The purchase of this item of equipment should be approached carefully, paying attention to the material, size and design features. Choosing hunting skis is not an easy task for a beginner, but it is easily solved if the hunter knows what to look for. Good skis can faithfully last for many seasons and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions.

Skiing is a popular winter pastime. Who doesn't like a leisurely ski trip through a snow-covered winter forest? But for skiing to be enjoyable, they need to be chosen wisely. How to choose the right cross-country skis?

Before choosing skis, you need to decide what you need them for. Because skis are very different - for tourists, athletes, for amateur athletes, for hunters or for lovers of extreme sports. All skis are divided into cross-country and mountain. In this article, we will talk about how to choose cross-country skis.

How to choose the right skis

Cross-country skiing is done in two ways (styles). The first one is classic. Anyone who has skied at least once knows about him - with such skiing, the skis move parallel to each other. Classic skiing requires softer skis, with a long and pointed toe.
The second way of skating is skating, or free style. In this case, the skier moves on skis, as on skates, pushing off the snow with the inside of the ski. In this case, the skis must be rigid.
There are also lovers of skiing in both classic and skating styles - especially for them there are universal skis that are suitable for skiing in any way.

Which skis to choose: plastic or wooden
First, let's choose the material from which the skis are made. They can be plastic or wood. Wooden ones are much cheaper, but they are very outdated and are rarely found in stores. Such skis must be tarred before skiing - so that the tree does not absorb moisture. Plastic skis have come to replace wooden ones - they glide better, they do not need to be lubricated. In addition, they are much lighter than wood, stronger and more durable.
Therefore, to the question - which skis are better, the answer will be unequivocal: plastic.

How to choose the size of skis for height

For skiing to be comfortable, it is very important that the skis are the right size. Choosing skis by height is very easy - there are two main ways:
The first way to choose skis is to measure your height with your arm outstretched. And subtract 10 centimeters from this number.
The 2nd way to choose skis for height is easier - just add 10-15 cm to your height. To be more precise, here is a table by which you can determine the length of skis and poles depending on height:

Height, cm

Ski length, cm

Stick length, cm

Always choose skis according to your height. This is especially important for children. It happens that parents buy them skis "for growth" of a larger size, which makes it very inconvenient for the child to ride them.

How to choose ski hardness
The optimal stiffness of skis directly depends on the weight of the person. Therefore, when buying skis, you should carefully approach the issue of their rigidity. It is very easy to check the skis for the required stiffness right before buying. To do this, stand on the selected skis on the floor in the store. Directly under the boot, between the skis and the floor, there should be a place so that a sheet of paper can crawl through there. If the sheet does not fit through, then the skis will be too soft for you. Then stand on one ski with both feet - in this case, there should be no space between the ski and the floor. Otherwise, the skis are too hard for their wearer. That's how easy it is to choose the desired stiffness of the skis.

How to choose ski boots
Ski boots are selected according to the style of skiing. For example, for skiing in the classic way, ski boots should be low and with soft soles. And for skating, the boots are taller and stiffer. For lovers of the universal way of skiing, the so-called combi-boots have been created, these are boots of medium hardness that are suitable for skiing in any style.

We hope our advice will help you choose the right skis, and skiing on them will be a pleasure!

It would seem that the answer lies on the surface - contact a consultant in the store. However, it is far from a fact that in the pursuit of profit you will not be sold expensive and, of course, high-quality skis that will be so fast and uncontrollable that a trip to the emergency room after a winter holiday is guaranteed.

How to avoid becoming a victim of marketing traps? How to choose the right skis? What parameters to pay attention to first of all? All questions will be answered by our article.

Main types of skis

If a person skis only during short winter weekends, then it is quite difficult to navigate and choose the right sports equipment among a huge assortment. Therefore, you need to know what types of skis exist and understand what kind of riding and skill level they are intended for.

All skis can be conditionally divided into several categories. Let's consider them in more detail.

Depending on the level of skill, skis are divided into the following types:

  • Professional;
  • Amateur;
  • Tourist;
  • For children and teenagers.

Depending on how you ride:

  • Mountain;
  • Cross-country.

The last two categories of skis have a broader classification, as they are suitable for different disciplines. Therefore, which skis are better - mountain or cross-country - we will determine using a comparative review.

Alpine skiing has the following classification:

  • Skis for ski-cross. Designed for professionals and lovers of extreme driving. They are agile but unstable. An athlete must be able not only to stand well on skis, but also to quickly respond to changes in the situation. Such skis are made of the most durable material.
  • Carving skis. Maneuverable and easy to handle. Slightly tapered in the middle. Allows the skier to take turns easily. Requires special riding skills.
  • Fan carving skis. Designed for experienced skiers who love skiing without poles. The speed of such skis is small. They are controllable, since an elevated plate is provided between the boot and the ski itself.
  • Freestyle skis. Suitable for snowboarders. These skis have a curved toe and heel. This form allows the skier not to fall, but to move on if he landed with his back to the track.
  • Skis for a ski tour. Stable, non-slip, well controlled. Designed for areas where there is no lift. Riding on such skis is as safe as possible if the athlete has skiing skills on level B tracks.
  • Skis for freestyle backcountry. Thisfairly wide skis that are designed for driving on snowy and uncleared terrain. The handling of such skis is as high as possible. They are stable and strong.
  • Skis for freeride or with a thin waist. The width of such skis is 80 mm. Suitable only for professionals, as they are very fast, poorly controlled and require special skills to drive on the highway.
  • Wide skis. They have a wide middle, nose and heel. Designed for skiing during the thaw. Do not sink in the snow, maneuverable.

Based on the above classifications, we can conclude that alpine skiing is aimed at professional athletes or for those amateurs who have already mastered the basics of skiing on entry-level slopes.

Cross-country skiing is divided into only two groups:

  • For a classic move. These are long skis with a smooth surface, which are covered with a special protective layer. This layer prevents the ski track from slipping backwards.
  • For skating. Short skis that have a slight rise in the center. This design contributes to the stability of the athlete when climbing the mountain.This type of ski is suitable for tourists who like winter walks in the forest or mountain slopes. They require basic riding skills.

Also, hunting skis are a separate category, which are divided into camus and bare skis. These products are designed for riding in a forest area where there are no cleared trails and there is a possibility of falling through the snow. They are stable, not too fast and manageable. Not suitable for classic mountain skiing.

Key characteristics of skis

The physical parameters of the skis determine how they behave while riding. Therefore, if you do not know which skis to choose - fast or more obedient - you should familiarize yourself with the parameters that affect the speed of movement:

  • Ski length. This is the main characteristic that affects the speed of the skier on the track. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the taller and heavier a person is, the longer he needs skis. Long skis don't sink in the snow, they go fast and are more aggressive. The shorter the skis, the more obedient and easier they are to manage.
  • Rigidity. This is a criterion that indicates the degree of flexibility of the ski. Each equipment manufacturer has different stiffness indicators. And the higher this indicator, the more aggressively the skis behave. Soft skis enter the turn more smoothly, but only if the person's weight is not too large. Rigid skis enter the turn more sharply, but their degree of stability is higher. For beginners, buying skis with a high degree of rigidity is not recommended. Such skis will go badly and constantly “throw” the athlete a little forward.
  • turning radius. Often on skis you can find a numerical marking (from 10 to 20 m), which indicates the speed at which the ski turns. The smaller it is, the faster the pair of skis will turn. For beginner skiers, it is worth choosing equipment with an indicator of 14-16 meters. Teenagers take skis with a turning radius of up to 20 m. Professionals can choose the most agile pair.
  • Equipment geometry. Such a characteristic as the shape of the ski is often misleading even for experienced athletes. Therefore, many beginner skiers often wonder how to choose skis in shape. Skis with a wide toe are more stable and turn easily. Products with a narrow toe make it easier to change edges. A narrow heel forgives mistakes, a wide one requires skill. The middle or waist of the ski affects flotation. For beginner skiers, it is worth choosing a waist from 68 to 75 mm, for professionals - up to 70 mm.

How to choose skis taking into account the weight and height of the athlete?

Each manufacturer of winter sports equipment has its own table of the ratio of the length of skis to the weight and height of a person. You can find out how to select skis and sticks from the universal table.

Human height (cm) Classic ski length (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Ski length for skating (cm)
150 170-180 165-170 165
155 175-185 170-175 170
160 180-190 175-185 175
165 185-190 180-185 180
170 190-195 185-190 185
175 195-200 190-195 185
180 195-200 195-200 190
185 200-205 200-205 190-195
190 205-210 205-210 195-200
195 205-210 205-210 200-205

It is worth noting that 5 cm should be added to the length of classic skis. For skating skis, it is recommended to add 10 cm. Walking skis should be 15 cm longer than indicated in the table.

Skier height (cm) Classic pole length (cm) Length of skating poles (cm)
150 120-125 130-135
155 125-130 135-140
160 130-135 140-145
165 135-140 145-150
170 140-145 150-155
175 145-150 155-160
180 150-155 160-165
185 155-160 165-170
190 160-165 170-175
195 165 175

When choosing poles for classic skiing style skiing, it is worth considering the fact that their length should be 25 cm less than the athlete’s height, and the length of skating poles should be 20 cm less.

Children's skis are selected not only taking into account the weight and height of the baby, but also the age. The detailed parameter table is as follows:

Age (years) Height (cm) Weight, kg) Ski length (cm)
3-4 94-102 14-16 70-90
5 110 18 90-100
6 115 21 95-105
7 120 23 100-110
8 130 26 110-120
9 135 29 115-125
10 140 32 120-130
11 150 36 130-140
12 155 41 135-145
13 160 46 140-150
14 170 51 150-160

However, in addition to the length of the skis, it is worth considering such an indicator as the width. For kids aged 3 to 6 years, it is recommended to buy wide skis with a round toe. They are more stable and manageable.

At school age, the child already acquires the skills of caution. Therefore, skis for schoolchildren are a little narrower - about 5-7 cm.

Teenagers buy skis taking into account the style of skiing. Therefore, if a student likes to ride faster and can handle the controls, the width of the skis may be less than 5 cm. If the teenager is not confident in his abilities, he is skiing for the first time, then the width of the skis should be up to 10 cm.

When choosing skis for extreme skiing, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • Freeride skis must be 15 cm taller than a person.
  • The length of skis for breaking is calculated by the formula: skier's height minus 15-20 cm.
  • The formula for determining the length of skis for a ski tour is as follows: a person’s height is minus 15 cm. If a person is dense, then 10 cm is added to the height.
  • The length of freestyle or universal skis: the height of the athlete minus 15 cm.

Therefore, if you still do not know how to choose skis, the data table will help you solve this problem and purchase the right equipment.

What is the best ski material?

Finding out how to choose the right skis is impossible without an overview of the materials from which they are made. All alpine skiing according to the type of material is divided into wooden and plastic.

  • Wooden ones are made from birch, ash, beech, pine and elm. It is these types of wood that are suitable for the production of skis. Wooden ones are cheaper than plastic ones.
  • Plastic are produced using two technologies: cap and sandwich. The first technology involves the use of a foam core and a plastic coating. Sandwich technology is based on the use of a wooden base and a plastic coating.

The choice of wooden or plastic skis is everyone's business. However, it is worth considering some nuances that will help not to make a mistake with the choice of material.

  • Wooden skis deform under the influence of moisture. They cannot be used during a thaw. In severe frosts, they do not slide back like plastic ones. Wooden skis are stable, docile and suitable for both beginners and professionals.
  • Plastic skis are more flexible, break less often, and are not subject to deformation. They are faster and more agile. The only drawback is that in severe frost they go back.

Recommendation for athletes who used to ride wooden skis.If you decide to buy plastic skis, do not rush. Rent equipment. After wooden skis, plastic ones will seem naughty. Therefore, in order not to regret the purchase later, make sure that plastic products are suitable for you.

How to choose skis for a beginner athlete? To begin with, it is worth figuring out whether you will ride on a cleared track or on snow-capped mountains. For classic descents, skis without a notch, that is, smooth, are quite suitable. However, special mixtures must be applied to them, without which the skis will not glide normally. If you want to conquer a snowy peak, then notched skis are the best. They do not need to be lubricated and are more stable in the snow. However, keep in mind that notches in warm weather can play a cruel joke. Snow will stick to them and the ski will simply stop sliding.

It is also worth paying attention to the level of rigidity. You need to lean the ski with the smooth side against the other ski and see how much it bends under the influence of force. The gap between the skis should be no more than 1 cm. If it is not possible to compress the skis, then it is better to take softer products. Beginners are not recommended to take skis of a high level of rigidity.

TOP 10 best ski manufacturers

There are a lot of ski manufacturers. Therefore, when buying winter sports equipment, beginners and even experienced athletes are faced with the problem of choice. But if you highlight the TOP-10 best ski manufacturers, the circle of "candidates" for the purchase will be significantly reduced.

According to Snow magazine, the top ten ski manufacturers are as follows:

  • Fischer;
  • Rossignol;
  • head;
  • Atomic;
  • Blizzard;
  • Salomon;
  • Volky;
  • Elan;
  • nordica.

The average cost of quality racing skis is from 200 to 400 dollars. Inexpensive domestic skis from brands like STC or Sorsu can be purchased for $50. Amateur models of famous brands cost from 80 to 100 dollars.

Recommendation.If you are a beginner skier, buy local products. You will be able to keep within the small budget, having received quite worthy quality. And when you gain experience and sports training, you yourself will understand what kind of stiffness, width and length skis you need to choose in the future. The only exception in this case is weight. Guessing the stiffness of Russian skis, if your weight is more than 70 kg, is quite difficult. Domestic skis are often an order of magnitude tougher than foreign ones.

What is the difference between domestic and foreign-made skis? The quality of top models of world brands for a Russian manufacturer is still unattainable. Expensive branded skis are mainly intended for high-end competitive skiers. They are manufactured at specialized factories, as a rule, in the countries where the manufacturer is located. The design of such skis is quite complex and is modeled on a computer. All developments are carefully tested by qualified athletes. Only high-quality expensive materials are used in the manufacture, often taken from the aerospace industries, where they have received high praise. That is why domestic skis cannot currently compete with foreign ones. But if you are not a professional skier, but a simple lover of winter skiing, choose domestic products - of sufficient quality, but at the same time affordable. Good luck on the ski!

Perhaps you will be interested

wooden skis

As we discussed in the previous article, the very first skis were made of wood. And oddly enough, wooden skis are used to this day. The manufacturing technique has changed, but the principle remains the same. Wooden skis are made from several glued layers and less often from a whole array (beam) of wood.

Wooden skis are tarred once a season, and before skiing they are lubricated with a whole ski ointment, while usually colder ointment is put on the ends of the skis (toe and heel), and warmer ointment is placed on the block (the middle part of the ski located in the area of ​​​​the ski mount), so that the ski can be pushed. In positive weather, wooden skis, especially poorly tarred ones, get very wet and swell, their glide deteriorates sharply. In general, the recoil (slip back) of wooden skis is much less than that of plastic ones, one of the reasons for this is the “ruffle” of the wood fibers. Switching to much more slippery plastic skis can create a certain problem for a person who is used to the classic move on wooden skis, but this is solved by using paraffins for plastic skis, more on that in other articles.

Wooden skis in our time are used mainly for hunting, and of course for walking along the track. For hunting, wide wooden skis are used, since they slip less, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, which is very important. On cross-country wooden skis, they ride in village schools, according to my observations, almost all ski bases and schools in the city have completely switched to plastic. Our grandparents or those who inherited these skis also use wooden skis, and as usual, they report undeniable advantages, although the evolution in the ski world is not in doubt.

Wooden skis are exclusively for classic skiing. When skating, a completely different technique of movement is simply not possible on wooden skis and on bindings with boots that are attached to a wooden pair.

One of the niches in which the production of wooden skis goes is the production of exclusive and souvenir skis (mostly handmade). They are used for their intended purpose (for hunting), and as a home decoration, and as an expensive, memorable souvenir from Finland, for example.

Wooden skis with plastic coating

With the beginning of the development of skiing and the technical revolution at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, skis have changed. In addition to changing proportions, they began to be made from several parts, machines began to be used for their manufacture, and ski factories appeared. This state of affairs persisted until the advent of plastic materials, or plastics.

Some plastic materials have properties that are useful for skis - they do not get wet, snow does not stick to them, and glide is better. This is how plastic-coated skis first appeared, then all-plastic skis.

The big disadvantage of wooden skis with plastic coating is their weight. For a classic style, this is not very critical, but for skating a big problem.
At present, the internals of skis can be quite complex - the sports and sports equipment industry invests a lot of money in scientific research. In modern skis, various types of plastic, wood, composite materials, and alloys are used.

plastic skis

The appearance of new and new skis every year was inevitable. New materials appear, lighter, stronger, more slippery. Due to plastic and easily changeable materials, many types and varieties of skis have appeared, although if we recall earlier, some skis are wooden, one style is classic. With the evolution in the ski industry, the development of skiing was not long in coming.

notched skis

Notched plastic skis are skis with notches, hooks, serifs in the middle part of the ski in the area of ​​​​the ski boot. The advantage of notched skis is that these skis do not require lubrication. The disadvantage is the fact that on a hard, icy track, such skis will not hold very well, they will give off slightly (“shoot”, as the skiers say) - that is, they will slip back. Nevertheless, such skis are extremely popular in the developed countries of Europe and America. Suffice it to say that approximately half of all skis sold in Western countries up to 2011 are notched skis. All notched skis are designed for classic skiing only.

Pros: notched skis practically do not require holding ointment, and therefore are very convenient for inexperienced skiers who ski only occasionally and do not know how to apply ski ointments. Nevertheless, in difficult sliding conditions (plus temperature, icy ski tracks, etc.), the notches cannot cope with recoil, and holding ointment becomes necessary even on these skis.
Minuses: notches impair sliding not only backwards, but also, although to a lesser extent, forward. Therefore, ceteris paribus, a skier on skis with notches will move more slowly than on smooth skis. That is why notched skis are not used in skiing.

Skis with a smooth surface

These skis are designed for both classic and skating. Skis are completely different in their structure. Skating skis have shorter and almost not curved nose, and classic skis are longer and with a strongly curved nose. These differences are related to the technique of locomotion. Let's consider each option separately.

For classic style

Such skis have a smooth surface in the middle part (under the block), and in order to be able to move on such skis, they are lubricated in the middle part with ski hold ointment, which prevents the skis from slipping back when pushed. There are a huge number of ways and options for lubricating skis, depending on the weather and the skier's ambitions, but there are also several simple ways to lubricate skis aimed at beginner skiers. As a rule, it is quite enough for a beginner skier to have a simple set of three cans of ski wax for snow of different temperatures, a plastic scraper and cork, and grinding.

Classic skis have a stronger toe bend, so that at each step the nose does not cling to the track, since at the sliding stage, the ski with this curved end rests directly on the track, the smaller the bend, the more likely it is to catch. But as they said earlier, progress does not stand still, and due to the invention of coatings with much greater slip, the range of motion decreases, and there is no need for such a bend, the reduction of which allows you to reduce the weight of the ski. Therefore, modern skis are difficult to distinguish at first glance, if earlier even half a glance was enough. And yet the skis are completely different now.

For skate style

The skating style of movement requires a slightly higher level of training compared to the classic style. It is no coincidence that most people skiing in the forest use the classic style of movement - it is simpler, more democratic, less demanding on the quality of preparation and the width of the ski run. At the same time, skating skis are shorter than classic ones, usually by 15-20 cm. Also on these skis, from the bottom, along the edges of the ski, an edge of 1-2 mm is made for a more stable ski run so that it does not slip to the side. If in the classical style the entire surface of the ski slides along the track, then the skating ski, ideally, should slide on the edge and, ideally, on the outside. It is in connection with this that such a bend in the nose of the ski is not needed.

3(4) more types of plastic skis

If you do not delve into the production technology, then skis can be divided into groups by price.


The cheapest price segment, in the city of Novosibirsk, the price will be from 1t to 3t rubles. These are the simplest and least costly skis (bindings not included). For this price you can buy classic skis (Classic), and universal skis (Combi). Due to the fact that only beginners choose this price category, there are no skis only for the skating style. Skating skis of this class are placed in the segment from 2.5t to 5t rubles. At the same time, there is no particular difference in them, maybe only in the bend of the toe of the ski. Outwardly, they practically do not differ from other skis, although in fact they are completely different.

Pros: if you plan to do ski trips in the forest, then these skis will last you a very long time, and you will be very satisfied. Since they are strong, they do not break down so quickly, they are much easier to work with than with wooden ones, if only because of the bindings for boots that are not placed on wooden ones. But there is also a minus regarding wooden ones, in order to ride with pleasure they need to be periodically smeared, otherwise the ski will slip. And yet they are universal and you won’t pick up skis specifically for you, because they are all almost the same and there are no differences in ski stiffness.
Minuses: there are much more cons, but if you are a beginner, you won’t even understand what it is about. Skis in this category are heavy and more difficult to rearrange. Due to the cheap technology used in the manufacture of skis, plastic does not glide well and will quickly fail, with constant training. Therefore, even if these skis are waxed, since low-quality plastic paraffin is poorly absorbed and does not last long.

Middle price segment or "butor" in the store:

A very interesting segment of skiing. The price is from 4.5t to 12t rubles. The run is much longer, but in fact there is not much difference with the first economical segment. This includes skis of domestic production, despite the abundance of foreign brands. All skis are made in Russia and are also produced with inexpensive and high-quality technologies, but they are more beautiful, at first glance, higher quality. But this is only externally and that is what they are designed for. They are indeed a little better, but not that much. It is quite problematic to choose one for your height and weight, since they are very simple, so that during the manufacture they still lay different stiffness, which also affects driving characteristics. Pluses and minuses as well as in the first segment.

Another middle price segment (junior skis):

The price segment is the same, but the skis are much better and better than in the previous category, these skis are mainly used by beginners. Finding such skis in a regular store is very difficult. This class can already be attributed to professional skiing, it’s just that either girls or children ride on them. What is the difference? The difference from professional ones is that they are designed for a slightly lower speed. For people of less weight, but riding on sports tracks and in a sporty manner. They are softer (you won’t find hard ones), a platform for the boot shifted forward, there are no “gadgets” that are not of fundamental importance. In addition, the junior ski is more versatile than the original sports ski for the same reasons.

Professional skis

They don't need an introduction. Price from 12t. up to 50 thousand rubles. The highest quality, skis are subjected to rigorous selection, each ski is matched with another identical ski, which is sometimes very difficult to do, and cases when a ski does not find a mate is no exception. A very wide range of different surfaces, ranging from different temperature weather, ending with different snow texture, at one time or another of the season, or the geographical location of the track. Of course, there is a choice in rigidity, it will not be difficult to choose skis for your weight, as well as for height. A large number of bells and whistles, vibration dampers, holes at the end of the ski (weight reduction, and not for better streamlining as many people think), weight reduction due to super new materials and so on. Professionals have 7-15 pairs of professional skis, although outwardly they are almost identical, with the exception of small inscriptions. This is due to the fact that for each weather for each type of track (icy, only snowfall, etc.) there is a pair. And of course, due to the high quality of the coating, there is also a huge selection of paraffins, which allow you to more accurately prepare the skis for a particular track or distance.

Attention! It is also possible that skis from the 2nd price segment will fall into this price range, although the price will not be small (but not more than 25 thousand rubles). But the quality will be different, a kind of fake that someone does not hide. Therefore, you need to take skis in certain places and it is better with a knowledgeable person. Read about it in a separate article.