Sits in front of the computer. Office furniture and everything around it. Correct posture at the computer

The personal computer (PC) has become a truly important part of the everyday life of most modern people. Work and study, entertainment and communication - all this can be provided by a single device, on which we spend many hours every day. Do you know how to sit at the computer correctly so that such a pastime does not harm your health?

Any at least somewhat complex device has safety precautions and operating rules, following which allows you to use it without harm to your own health. The computer is no exception, because working with it is associated with an overstrain of individual muscle groups.

As a result, this leads to pain in the hands, neck, back, lower back and legs. Over time, these unpleasant sensations become more frequent, and against their background there are various forms of curvature of the spine, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome (it is also called "tunnel syndrome"). The illustration below shows the "problem" places in case of improper landing at the computer.

In addition, constant visual overload can lead to the fact that at its initial stage there is a feeling of pain, “sand” or “fog” in the eyes, and this further provokes a decrease in visual acuity and various eye diseases.

Do you want to spend time at the computer without discomfort and harm to your own health? Then you need to follow a certain list of recommendations.

How to sit at a computer

In rapid fatigue and the occurrence of pain in muscles and joints 75% are “guilty” of improper landing at the computer and 25% - non-observance of the work and rest schedule.

Proper fit starts with the right furniture. Ideally, you need a computer desk (for tips on choosing a computer desk, see the next post) and a height-adjustable reclining chair. And if the reason for purchasing a computer desk is obvious (ergonomics in terms of optimal arrangement of equipment), then you need a good chair or office chair to comply with " 90° rules»

It means that your elbows, hips and knees should be 90° or more(permissible range 80-100°). In this case, the legs from the knee to the foot and the arms from the shoulder to the elbow should be perpendicular to the floor, and the legs from the hip to the knee and the arms from the hand to the elbow should be parallel to it.

With the right fit, you should stand on the floor with your entire foot, but if the ratio of the height of the table and chair does not allow this, then a stand is needed under your feet. Do not cross or cross your legs- such postures worsen blood circulation and can cause discomfort in the form of numbness of the limbs. The correct position of the hands is also important - they should be on the same line with the elbow, the maximum allowable deviation is only 5 ° in any direction.

The furniture you sit on should support your spine as naturally as possible. Sitting at the computer, you can not hunch over, throw your head back or tilt it forward. It is necessary to take a relaxed and comfortable posture, leaning back in a chair or armchair so that the monitor screen is at arm's length from you, and its upper third is at eye level.

Since the most important and interesting information is located at the top of the screen when working with documents or while surfing the Internet, this placement will allow you to keep it in the most convenient visual area. And at the same time, when you need to move your eyes to another part of the screen, you do not have to tilt or tilt your head, which reduces the load on the neck muscles.

You should also pay attention to lighting: any bright light source (window or lamp) should be at an angle of 90 ° relative to the center of the monitor screen, as this will avoid glare on it. Otherwise, the lighting will either shine directly into your eyes or create visual interference in the form of glare, which will lead to visual fatigue. If the computer or light source cannot be moved, use an anti-glare filter.

To create the most comfortable conditions for productive work at the computer, you can and should use auxiliary tools. These can be attributed

  • Computer glasses;
  • anti-glare filter for the monitor screen;
  • height-adjustable keyboard stand with palm rest;
  • a mouse pad with brush support and other useful things that will make your time at your PC as comfortable and safe as possible.

Do not save on equipping your computer corner, because its proper organization is the key to maintaining your health and well-being.

As you may have noticed, the above recommendations were illustrated with examples using a desktop PC. What to do to owners of portable computers?

The main advantage of laptops is that they can be used in any environment. But this is their main cunning, because such freedom can cause a violation of the rules described above. Of course, being on the road, you will not physically be able to provide yourself with all the necessary conditions for work. But if you are at your workplace in the office or at home, do not forget about the basic principle: for laptop owners, all the rules described above are relevant, without exception.

Of course, in this case it is more difficult to equip the workplace in such a way as to follow all these instructions. But then auxiliary devices will come to your aid - a height-adjustable laptop stand, as well as a remote keyboard and mouse with additional accessories in the form of a stand and a rug.

By the way, these devices will also extend the life of your laptop. For example, a stand for a PC will provide it with additional cooling (there will be a separate article about cooling pads for a laptop, subscribe to the site news so as not to miss it!). Also, do not forget that any thing is subject to wear, and replacing external peripherals is still easier than built-in ones.

Otherwise, the requirements for arranging a computer corner for a laptop owner remain the same: an ergonomic desk, a high-quality chair, and proper lighting. Together with the right fit, they will keep you comfortable and productive.

Mode of work and rest

As mentioned above, non-compliance with the regime of work and rest also affects performance and overall well-being. The general rule is to rest your eyes every 30 minutes and every 60-120 minutes you should do a little warm-up for tired muscles of the hands, neck and back.

Eye exercises (every 30 minutes)

The easiest way to prevent and reduce eye fatigue is to change the focus object. As mentioned above, every half hour, let your eyes rest, focusing for 10-15 seconds, first on a distant object, for example, a tree outside the window, and then on the tip of your nose. This will relax the muscles and get rid of the “fog” before the eyes.

You can also give your eyes a rest by closing them and smoothly describe the circle with your eyeballs, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times.

Physical education (every 1-2 hours)

It is also worth giving rest to the muscles of the neck and back that are stiff from the monotonous posture, at least once every 1-2 hours. At home, you can arrange a real physical education session with a full warm-up of all muscle groups. You can also take a break from work - drink tea, get some fresh air, do something around the house. The main condition: a change of activity, because this time spent chatting on a social network or playing a computer game is not considered rest.

If you are at the workplace, you can perform the necessary minimum: stretch your neck, hands and lower back. So, smooth tilts and turns of the head are useful for the neck.

If you are worried about discomfort between the shoulder blades, alternately move your shoulders, describing a circle with them. First - forward, and then - back, turning it into a continuous movement for 5-10 seconds.

To relieve fatigue of the hands, a circular movement of them clockwise and against it for 15 seconds, as well as light shaking or smooth movement up and down, will help.

With discomfort in the lower back, a small warm-up change in the form of smooth turns of the body from side to side while standing or sitting at your workplace will help to cope.

Now you know how to sit in front of the computer and what to do in order to prevent overwork that is dangerous to health. Follow these recommendations and spend time on your PC with benefit and pleasure!

Write in the comments what rules do you use when working at a computer, have you encountered pain in your back, neck, eyes?

The 21st century is the age of information technology, which means that the percentage of people who use a computer is growing significantly every year.

Unfortunately, many of us only think that we are sitting correctly - do not know the rules of work and the exercises necessary to rest the eyes and body during breaks.

How to sit at the computer correctly?

I understand that you want to sit down as your soul requires.

Spread your legs to the sides, bend into "three deaths", fall apart like a king or princess, put a cup of coffee on the left, and a couple of sandwiches on the right and that's it, life is good.

In fact, everything is different - such a pose at the computer will “kill” your posture in a couple of years.

It just seems to you that you are taking a comfortable position. Sit like this for an hour or two and you will want to change your position.

If you need to work for 8-10 hours at a computer, and not have fun, then you will have to initially take the correct position so that your back and neck do not hurt later.

People like to spend a lot of time at the computer: at work on a voluntary basis, and then at home, with great enthusiasm.

Rules of work: take care of your posture - "sit down" in the correct position!

  • Head. Should be at screen level. The distance to the screen should be equal to the outstretched arm.
  • Neck. Laid back and relaxed. It is not necessary to keep the neck in tension and pull it forward, this is where the first pains begin.
  • Back. Should be parallel to the back of the chair, ideally snug but not tight. Sit up straight, relax, do not lean forward.
  • Shoulders. Dropped down and straightened. You can’t pinch your shoulders, you don’t have to pull them to your ears.
  • Elbows. Should be relaxed and in the correct position.
  • Legs. Should be bent at a 90 degree angle. No need to cross your legs, you won’t sit like that for a long time.
  • Feet. In no case should they "hang out". They are always on the floor, on a solid support. For people of short stature, a footrest can be used.

  • Chair. Installed so that the knees are in the correct position.
  • Screen. It is located at eye level or slightly lower.
  • Keyboard. The best position is achieved if the keyboard is turned "away from you" so that the wrists are in the correct position and directly below the elbow.
  • Remote keys must be accessible with a single movement of the hand, including the movement of the wrist and fingers.
  • Breaks. Working at a computer causes periodic fatigue of the upper body and eyes.


We have 5-10 minutes of rest for every hour of work.

How will you spend them? That's right, go lie down, smoke or eat.

But I'll tell you a better option: a set of exercises when working at a computer to relax the whole body and eyes.

  • Get up, drink a glass of water, stretch your neck, back, arms. You can walk, go out into the fresh air, if possible, breathe. More movement.
  • You can stretch your back with circular movements of the pelvis, the neck with smooth rotations of the head, arms and shoulders with swings to the sides.
  • When you sit down at your desk again, try to change the position of the chair. Lower a little lower or higher, push back or vice versa bring closer.

Full set of exercises:

Eye Charging:

  • In order not to spoil your eyesight, you need to do exercises for the eyes. To relieve tension, move your eyes up and down, left and right.
  • Next, look for 30 seconds at a nearby object, then another 30 at an object that is far away. Repeat 3 times.
  • Close your eyes tightly for 15 seconds, then open your eyes. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • Just close your eyes and dream about something pleasant for a minute or two. Perfectly relieves not only tension from the eyes, but also emotionally relaxes.
  • If you wear glasses, take them off when you rest. Let your eyes rest.
  • If you wear lenses, it is inconvenient to remove them every 5-10 minutes, I know from myself.
  • But ordinary moisturizing eye drops, which can be bought at a pharmacy, can help. I use it all the time and have no problem. They are inexpensive.

In the past, children were taught how to sit at a desk while writing. In the modern world, correct posture at the computer is important, because electronics has become an integral part of our lives. How to work in front of a monitor so that there is no curvature of the spine and other back problems?

List of rules

Keeping your back straight while working at a computer or laptop is an important rule. A bent back and a neck stretched forward, which are in a static position for a long time, will respond with unpleasant pain in the evening, and in the future will lead to a curvature of the spine and back diseases, such as osteochondrosis or scoliosis. However, it is important not only to keep your back correctly, but also to create comfortable working conditions.

  1. A special chair with an anatomical protrusion at the level of the lower back will help you feel relaxed and not bend in front of the monitor.
  2. If it is not there, then you can simply choose a hard chair with a back, and put a pillow, rolled towel or roller under your lower back.
  3. In addition, in the store you can purchase an anatomical attachment for the chair, which repeats the curves of the spine.

All the things you need to work at the computer should be nearby so that you do not have to reach for them.

Correct posture while sitting at a computer depends on the position of the legs and arms. Feet are flat on the floor, knees are bent at a right angle. Do not cross your legs, as this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation. It is important to adjust the height of the chair. If there is no special chair, then you can put a pillow and put your feet on the bench. The chest should not lean on the table, the shoulders should be bent, and the elbows should hang from the armrests. Hands lie relaxed on the table, elbows are also bent at a right angle. Correct posture when working at a computer is not only beneficial for the back. In this position, the person is at a safe distance from the monitor, which means that he is not affected by the harmful effects of the computer.

What about laptop owners? The main advantage of portable computers is that they can be used anywhere, even lying on the couch. But how to sit at a laptop if you have to use it at the workplace? The rules for working with a laptop are the same as with a computer. The laptop keyboard is close to the monitor, so you have to lean forward when working. To keep your back straight, you should use an external keyboard and mouse.

Back exercises

Even if you sit correctly on a chair for a long time, your back will get tired. Small physical exercises that should be done every 30-60 minutes will help relieve stress. To eliminate discomfort in the shoulder blades, move your shoulders, describing a circle in the air. Pain in the lower back will relieve the rotation of the torso in different directions. To relax the muscles of the back, it is enough to lean back in the chair and remain in this position for 3-5 minutes. Similar exercises can be performed without getting up from the workplace.

After a long stay at the desk, the back needs a good relaxation. Lie on your side and place a pillow under your head and between your calves. This position will ensure good blood circulation and relieve stress from the muscles. Go outside for fresh air or open a window indoors. For general strengthening of the body, including the muscles of the back, it is useful:

  • walking;
  • arrange jogging;
  • eat properly.

Staying at the computer in the wrong position over time leads to back pain and curvature of the spine. So that posture correction does not have to be carried out in the doctor's office, it is worth paying attention to the back at home and at work.

Those who spend a lot of time at the computer every day just need to take breaks to perform a relaxing set of exercises.

Stretch your arms along the body, and then raise and lower your shoulders, take them back and forth. Put your hands on your hips, bring your shoulder blades together and apart. Grasp your stomach with your hands and turn your torso to the right and left. You can perform exercises right in the chair.

Bends forward are good for the back. Stretching exercises improve blood circulation. To do this, join your hands in the lock and pull them up and then forward. To prevent curvature of the spine, take your hands back and also pull them away from you. Gymnastics is carried out every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes.

Good afternoon. Nowadays, computers are becoming more and more integrated into our lives. Now, even the most insignificant processes in production are automated, computer controlled. People sit at computers for long hours in offices, at cash registers, in control rooms, and so on.

Also, if not more so, computers are infiltrating our daily lives. We are increasingly spending personal time at the PC, and not in nature. We visit friends and acquaintances less, but we communicate with them online more often. Although, it would seem, a couple of steps are enough to reach many friends. But we do not do this, but prefer virtual communication.

For the human body, such a long time spent at the computer is not natural. This is where a lot of problems come from. From pain in the lumbar spine, to pain in the elbows, knees and bends of the hands. And most importantly, looking at the screen for a long time has a rather detrimental effect on our vision.

What should an ordinary computer user do in this case in order to maintain health? And is it possible? Yes, perhaps, you just need to know how to sit at the computer correctly. There are quite simple rules, following which you will get rid of many computer diseases, or reduce their impact on your body.

How to sit at the computer the basic rules

1. First of all, purchase computer furniture, a table and an armchair. The chair needs to be set up correctly. The main thing is the height of the chair. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. The lower legs, on the other hand, have a perpendicular position relative to the floor and be in a ratio of 90 0 relative to the hips. Cross-legging is not recommended. This disrupts blood circulation and causes congestion in the limbs.

2. Feet should touch the floor and be parallel to the hips. If you cannot adjust the chair to a sufficient height, you need to put a small object under the feet and place the feet comfortably on this object so that all the proportions described above are observed.

3. A computer chair should have a comfortable back, with a curve similar to the curve of the human spine. It is desirable that your back fits snugly against the back of the chair. Thanks to this, the chair will take on some of the load that puts pressure on your spine.

If you do not have such a chair, take a chair, always with a back, and preferably with handles. Between the back and the back of the chair, you can put a small flat pillow. Moreover, the sacrum should be in contact with the back of the chair or chair.

4. Before choosing a computer chair, be sure to sit in it in the store and check if you feel comfortable in it? Do you feel discomfort? It is desirable that the depth of the chair corresponds to the length of your hips.

5. Computer chair should be located close to the table, ie. the edge of the table should almost touch the body. Thanks to this, you will stop slouching and leaning forward and you will be able to comfortably rest your hands on the desktop.

6. Hands on the table should be relaxed, without bends in the wrist joints. It is advisable to choose a special keyboard that is curved in the middle so that the hands and forearms are in a straight line position. When the wrists are constantly bent, the hands get tired pretty quickly. Also, the keyboard should have support for the hands.

7. There should be a mouse pad on the table with a special support for the hand (hand) so that the hand is in a relaxed state. Hands must be kept bent at the elbows with an angle of just over 90 0.

8. The monitor screen should be approximately 50 - 70 cm from the eyes (within the length of the arm). The monitor should not be exposed to a direct light source, whether it be a lamp or light from a window. It is desirable that this light source be parallel to the plane of the screen to avoid glare.

If glare cannot be avoided, there are special anti-glare monitors and anti-glare glasses. The upper third of the monitor screen should be at eye level, which will significantly reduce eye strain and make it easier to work at the computer. The main information on the Internet is usually displayed at the top of sites.

9. The monitor's brightness and contrast should be adjusted to a comfortable level that does not cause eye strain. The same applies to the desktop themes of your operating systems. They should not be defiantly bright and should have a comfortable ratio of colors that do not cause eye strain.

10. Take breaks from your computer work every 50 minutes for ten to fifteen minutes. At this time, stretch your limbs well, do a little exercise. Do exercises for the torso or just walk around the apartment. But, most importantly, give a break for the eyes. Look out an open window, into the distance, so that the eye muscles relax.

It doesn’t hurt to do palming - lie down on the bed, put a pillow on your chest, form a kind of bowl from your palms and gently place your palms on your face in the eye area, without pressing on your eyes. The palms should not let in a single ray of light (More details about Palming and other eye exercises can be found in the books of W. Bates).

11. Do gymnastics for the eyes. At the same time, you can stick some point on the glass of your window and look either at the point, or, as it were, over the point, into the distance. Also, it is desirable to make rotational movements with the eyes, up and down, and so on. But it’s better to watch such exercises on a video where a nice girl will tell you how to do them correctly.

12. Don't sit at the computer for a long time. If you work at home, knowing how to sit at the computer is not enough, you need to give your body a break. After 4 - 6 hours, it is advisable to go for a walk in the park area of ​​your city. You can work out for an hour, go to friends, or just chat with family. In other words, take a break from your computer!

Eye exercises:

How to sit at the computer to maintain your health is now clear to you. I hope you remember my tips and put them into action to stay healthy! Good luck!

Today the computer has become a part of our life. And, despite the fact that modern technologies are constantly improving, we still run the risk of “acquiring” health problems. Contribute to this and the habit of sitting at the computer anyhow and how much. So it turns out that our helper and friend turns into our enemy. Therefore, we get acquainted and remember: the rules of working at a computer.

  • Choose the right posture. Namely: directly opposite the screen, the top of the monitor at eye level or slightly lower.
  • Observe the distance from the eyes to the monitor - 55-60 cm (arm's length distance). The bottom of the monitor should be tilted at a slight angle to the working one (that is, located a little closer).
  • Choose a comfortable chair for working at the computer. It is desirable that it be an ergonomic (orthopedic) chair with an armrest and a headrest.
  • The height of the seat of the chair (chair) should be such that the hands placed on the keyboard are horizontal.
  • Take 15-20 minute breaks every hour. A break in which you simply surf the Internet or play on your computer does not count.
  • Watch your breathing: it should be even, without delays.
  • Do eye exercises as often as possible.

All these rules are basic - they should be known to everyone who works at a computer. Many other interesting and useful information about the correct work at the computer can be given by doctors. Here, for example, is what Elena Malysheva, a well-known TV presenter and physician, says about this.

"First, you must have the right chair. The chair must support lumbar lordosis - a forward bend at the small of your back. The chair I'm sitting in is not right. These chairs are the worst of all because they force us into this place that needs to be arched." forward (lumbar lordosis) - make us fall apart and arch this place in the opposite direction. This is an unnatural bend, it is called kyphosis (that is, a hump). The chair should have a special arched back with a change in height, which will rest against your lumbar lordosis and force you sit in the right position. This is one. Two. The seats should be such that you can sit completely. And the rule of right angles. You should sit at the table so that your knee and hip are at a right angle. That is, this should be the height of the chair. And your hands on the table should be in such a way that you also have a right angle. Everywhere there are right angles: between the hip and the back, between the elbow and the forearm. And the chair should have height-adjustable legs. And table too. Then you will choose the right one for yourself. The computer must be at eye level. You must sit and look straight ahead."

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the content of the TV show "Live Healthy", which discusses the rules for working with a computer, "Computer. How to handle it correctly".

Eye exercises

The following exercises will help you relieve eye strain while working at the computer. Exercises are recommended to be performed daily. During execution, you should turn away from the monitor or even leave the room where the computer is located.

  1. Standing facing the window, look with your eyes for the most distant object within sight. On a deep breath, look at the tip of your nose. As you exhale, look again at the farthest object in the window, then inhale and look up. Exhale again - and look out the window. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Close your eyelids and relax your eyes. In this position, make rotational movements with your eyes, first clockwise, then against it. Do 5 rotations to the right and left.
  3. With your eyes open, slowly “draw” a figure eight in the air: diagonally, horizontally, vertically. 5-7 eights in each direction will be enough to rest your eyes.

How to protect your eyes from the computer

And one more little secret for those who care about their health.

Doctors claim that honey helps protect the eyes from the computer. According to them, honey contains a complex of useful substances necessary for the normal function of the retina. If, after working at a computer, the eyes get very tired, look extinct, a network of blood vessels appears, this means that they need immediate help.

Recipe: after waking up, ten to fifteen minutes before brushing your teeth, slowly dissolve a tablespoon of honey. It is advisable to repeat this procedure before going to bed.

Good health and successful work to you!