How much does a tennis racket weigh. The main criteria for choosing a tennis racket. Types of tennis rackets

If your young athlete is just starting to learn the basics of tennis, then the main criterion for choosing a racket is the height of the child. Children's rackets start at number 19 and end at number 26, these numbers indicate the length of the racket in inches. Each of these figures shows how much growth it is designed for.

  • 19" - from 91 to 101 cm
  • 21" - from 100 to 113 cm
  • 23" - from 110 to 125 cm
  • 25" - from 125 to 140 cm
  • 26" - from 140 to 155 cm

There are also children's rackets without a number designation, on such models they write "jr" or "junior" - these rackets are transitional from children's to adults, and are usually suitable for children with a height of 145 to 155 cm. They cost 1, 5 or 2 times more expensive than conventional 26 rackets, because they are made using the same materials and technologies as adult sports models.

If your child has stretched significantly over the summer and growth is already approaching 150-155 centimeters, then you should be puzzled by buying a lightweight adult racket. We would recommend weight from 255 to 275 grams, but here a lot depends on the child's playing experience, strength, preparedness, complexion, etc. That's why be sure to consult with our qualified sellers before buying or your coach.

Weight of children's rackets ranges from 200 to 260 grams and grows with the size of the racket. If very approximately, then: the higher the child, the larger size rackets and their weight. But there are often lighter versions of rackets. Therefore, a 26" number can weigh either 235 grams or 255.

Now let's talk about pen size in children's rackets, they have their own sizing system, not like an adult. Children's rackets, from sizes 19 to 25, have zeros in the indication of the size of the handle, and the smaller they are, the larger the diameter of the handle. 80% of modern children's rackets have the following correspondence: 19" racket - handle size: 0000; 21" racket - handle: 0000; 23 "- 000; 25" - 00. And only in size 26 "there are two types of handle sizes, these are "0" and "1".

Production material also affects the choice of racket and its price. The cheapest and simplest rackets are made of aluminum, they should be considered in two cases:
1. If the child is just starting to play tennis and it is possible that after 5-6 months this desire will disappear. In this case, just not so sorry for the money spent.
2. The height of the child does not exceed 125-130 cm. This is due to the fact that children above this height have a higher impact force, more swings and more frequent training. Therefore, the load on the racket is greater, and aluminum models are notable for their fragility.

If you are sure that the child will like tennis or he has been training for more than a year, then you should choose rackets from composite material. They use graphite, fiberglass and minor aluminum impurities. These rackets are slightly more expensive than similar aluminum models.

The third category of children's rackets is made from the same materials as adult sports models (graphite, basalt, tungsten, carbon) and does not contain aluminum at all. They are distinguished by increased wear resistance, increased playing comfort and better handling.

Rackets are usually supplied with a case and strings. The strings are installed one of the simplest and cheapest, the tension is the weakest, so it is recommended that after 4-6 months of playing, make a constriction in a service center.
Vibration damper- not just decoration, but also a useful device. A good vibration damper significantly reduces the amount of harmful vibrations that occur when the ball is hit, thereby increasing comfort and reducing stress on the hand.

Tennis is becoming an increasingly popular and accessible sport - people are fond of it even from a very young age. The quality of your game depends not so much on the surface of the court and shoes, but on rackets- the main tool of a tennis player.

It is very important to choose a racket that suits your playing style, and at the same time will be comfortable, safe to use and as ergonomic as possible. As in other sports, you also need to choose a racket depending on your level - beginner, advanced or professional.

In the next section, we will talk about important technical specifications rackets for tennis, and then we will present to your attention several interesting models that can be purchased from stores in our catalog. It is worth noting that these are only general recommendations - in the ideal case, it is better to be guided by the advice of professional trainers.

Key features to look out for


The weight, size and materials of construction of the racket clearly define its purpose - for adult tennis players or for children and teenagers.

The latter are distinguished by less weight, a short handle and a large area of ​​the string surface. As a result, it is easier for a child to handle such a racket and hit the ball. You need to select such rackets depending on age and height. It is best to purchase used ones, as children quickly outgrow them. For example, at the age of 3-4 years, you need to buy a racket with a length of 100 cm, at the age of 5-7 years - from 115 to 130, from 8 to 10 and more - 135-150 cm.

Tennis rackets for adults are heavier and longer. They are used by athletes from the age of approximately 13 years.

frame material

The racket frame material directly affects most of its qualities, so a lot depends on it in the game. Most often on sale there are models made of aluminum alloy, graphite, carbon and titanium.

Aluminum alloy is used in low cost racquets for beginners. It is not very strong and durable, and also quite heavy, but it will help in mastering tennis, because in which case the racket will simply bend, and not break completely.

Graphite differs from aluminum in lighter weight and greater strength. Falls, however, he experiences much worse. These rackets are a bit more expensive.

Carbon is considered the best frame material. tennis rackets- it is used in professional models. Carbon is very light, very strong and much more expensive.

Titanium is not as popular, but it also has a low weight and a good level of rigidity. Often used in conjunction with graphite, which has similar properties.

String surface area

The larger the string surface area, the easier it is to hit the ball and increase the force of the blow, but also the more difficult it is to direct the ball exactly where you want it. Because of this, racquets with a large area - 645 square centimeters and above - are mainly used by children and beginners.

string formula

Determines the string layout of a specific model. The first number indicates the number of longitudinal strings, and the second number indicates the number of transverse strings.

The rarer the racket strings, the easier it is for a tennis player to hit hard, but the accuracy increases along with the increase in their number. The most popular scheme for adult rackets is 16x19, and if you are confident in yourself, then you can choose more serious models. Children's rackets differ in schemes 16x17, 16x18 or even 16x16.


Different rackets may have a center of gravity shifted in different directions - to the “head”, to the handle or neutral.

The first type is felt heavier in the hands, and it becomes more difficult to deliver an accurate blow. At the same time, the power of the blows increases.

The second type allows you to perform not so powerful, but more precise strikes- such a racket, for example, will behave better when playing close to the net. The best option for beginners.

Neutral balance rackets are versatile - they are suitable for those who have not yet decided on their style of play.

Handle size

With the correct grip of the racket handle, there should be a small distance between the fingers and the player's palm - about the size of the index finger. For children and women with a small hand, it is better to choose models with a handle size 1-2, for adults - with a size 3-4. If you are a very large man, then you may need a size 5 pen.


One of the most important parameters of a racket. It directly depends on the height of the player, and you can’t make a mistake in choosing here. It is believed that the optimal racket size for adults is 685.8 mm, and the maximum (for very tall people) is 736.6 mm.

Rackets for children are selected according to the height of the child. Up to 118 cm - 533 mm, 119-135 cm - 584 mm, height 136-150 cm - 635-660 mm, height 151 cm and above - 686 mm and above.

In general, the length of the racket affects the power and accuracy of the strike - the larger the racket, the higher the speed of the ball will be, but also the lower the likelihood that it will fly to the desired point.

Another very important parameter. It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, since a lot depends on the style of the game and the preferences of the player. You just need to know that heavier rackets “give” less vibrations to your hand after impact, but lighter models will provide great speed and maneuverability. Often, beginners are recommended heavier rackets, and advanced players lighter ones.

Regular tennis exercises perfectly develop all muscle groups. Fans of playing tennis are alien to problems with overweight and low vitality.

But in order for tennis to be not only useful, but also enjoyable, and for professionals to get the desired result, you need to choose the right tennis racket. Below we consider the key criteria for choosing a racket in tennis.

tennis racket material

Tennis rackets are made from different materials: aluminum, ceramics, fiberglass, graphite, titanium and even carbon.

Aluminum rackets cheapest and most durable. They are more used in amateur tennis.

Ceramic rackets have high rigidity, but they are heavy and brittle.

Popular now graphite rackets. This material is lightweight and durable. It increases the sensitivity of the ball and the power of impact.

But most major tennis accessory manufacturers use multiple components to maximize the quality of their racquets. Most often mixed graphite with titanium. The more titanium, the heavier and stiffer the racket. The predominance of graphite reduces the overall weight of the racket. Such models are suitable for children and adult beginners.

Fiberglass added to make the rim more ductile. This increases the sensitivity of the ball on the string surface. Carbon is used by Wilson. It is four times stronger and lighter than titanium.

Tennis racket handle size

There is no generally accepted system for measuring the circumference of a racket handle. Overseas, the circumference of the handle is indicated in inches. In Europe, handle sizes are numbered from 1 to 7 (see table 1).

Table 1. Correspondence of European sizes to American

To determine what size handle you need, hold the racket in your right hand and place your left index finger between your palm and fingertips right hand. The index finger should pass freely.

If this condition is met, and it is convenient to use the racket, you can safely buy it. But if you find it difficult to choose between two sizes, take a smaller one. The small handle can be easily enlarged by wrapping it around. Larger ones cannot be reduced.

String surface area

The part of the racket where the strings are stretched is called the head. The size of the racket head, as well as its shape, may vary (see table 2).

Table 2. Racquet head dimensions and string surface area

MidSize and MidPlus racquets are the choice of professionals who play great from the rebound and rally. They allow you to perfectly control the ball and easily reflect strong and hard blows from opponents. These rackets are played by Nadal, Djokovic, Federer and many other representatives of the tennis pantheon.

OverSize and SuperOverSize racquets are suitable for those who like to play on the back line. They are easier to twist and cut the ball. With a racquet with such a size of the striking surface, it is difficult not to hit the ball. But it takes a lot of practice to hit hard and accurately. It is clear that these rackets are more for beginners and amateurs.

Tennis racket weight

Now, most rackets with strings weigh between 250 and 350 g (and the weight of the strings themselves, as a rule, is 14-16 g). But with the introduction of graphite as the main material for the manufacture of rackets, there is a tendency to reduce their weight.

The lighter the racket, the easier it is to swing. However, in order for the blow to be strong enough, you need to swing and hit faster. To increase the impact power, the developers thought of making the rim thicker, and bringing the center of gravity as close as possible to the head.

Amateur rackets are lighter than professional rackets, because the impact power depends on the weight of the racket. There is an opinion that a professional should play with a racket weighing more than 310 g. Racket Djokovic, for example, weighs almost 332 grams Federer it is even heavier - as much as 339 g.

But the owners of a strong twisting blow and masters of lightning attacks can use lighter models. Yes, racket. Nadal weighs only 300 g.

Tennis racket balance

To determine the balance of a tennis racket, place it in the middle on your index finger. A standard racket is 68.6 cm long, so the point of contact with your finger should be around 34.3 cm. If the racket is level, then it is balanced in the center. If the handle outweighs, then the balance is shifted there. The heavier the head, the balance is there.

Balance is a very important criterion that largely determines the playing characteristics of a racket. Rackets with balance in the head are convenient to apply heavy blows. Technique it is easier to perform with a racket with a balance in the handle.

string tension

Racquet strings need to be tugged regularly as they lose their elasticity over time. Experts advise to tighten the strings after every 40 hours of playing. However, timing is not always convenient. So if you play, say, three times a week, the strings need to be tugged three times a year. Also, this procedure is necessary when the degree of tension of the strings has weakened by 25%.

The strings are pulled by professionals using lever or electronic machines. Electronic equipment is more efficient because string elongation and friction have little to no effect on it.

The degree of string tension is measured in kilograms and ranges from 23 to 29 kg. The stronger the tension, the more powerful you can penetrate, and the easier it is to deliver targeted blows from the side. Weakly stretched strings reduce the accuracy of strikes, since their strength is harder to calculate.

The stringing method (single-step and two-step) is the most important factor in determining the stringing method. Moreover, different types of strings have different setting tension, as they differ from each other in caliber, design, composition, stretch and elasticity. Therefore, the string tension must be done by a master who uses high-precision electronic equipment. Sports success directly depends on this.

Now you can play

You bought a racket, keep an eye on it: wear it in a case, store it in a cool dry place, do not expose it to frost or heat (too low and high temperatures adversely affect the string surface). So your racket will last you a long time and bring a lot important victories. Good luck on the court!

It is quite difficult to choose a tennis racket from a wide range of model range offered by manufacturers, but today we will try to decide on the best choice for us.

Classification of rackets

Conventionally, rackets can be classified by type of purpose:

- professional or tournament - for players participating in competitions;
- club - for players with an average (good) level of play;
- amateur - for beginners.

Regardless of the type of racket, different materials are used to make them, which determine the efficiency and comfort of the game. The most popular graphite rackets. This is a very durable and relatively light material.

Titanium rackets similar in properties to graphite, so manufacturers combine these materials for lightness and rigidity of rackets. Rackets made of aluminum are more durable and cheaper than others.

were formerly common ceramic rackets, but due to their decent weight and fragility, they were no longer produced. Now ceramics are added as an admixture to other racket components (composite materials).

The playing characteristics of the racket are also affected by other parameters - dimensions, weight, length, etc.

Tennis racket size

The racket has many different options. We will talk about each of them below. In order to understand what we are going to talk about, I offer you a racket scheme:

Handle size

Racquet handle size length, should be such that it can be grasped simultaneously with two hands. For the rest, you need to focus on your feelings.

The racket should be comfortable to hold in your hand so that the muscles are not tense. It is necessary to choose the largest handle with which it will be comfortable to play.

If we talk about handle thickness, then the table will help us here:

To determine what size handle you need, take the racquet in your right hand and place your left index finger between the palm and fingertips of your right hand. The index finger should pass freely.

Head size

There is a direct relationship between the power of the racket and the size of the head - the larger the size of the head, the higher the power of the racket.

Large-headed racquets also have a large playing spot corresponding to it, which helps to avoid mistakes when hitting off-center.

Racquet length

The officially regulated interval for the length of tennis rackets varies 27 to 29 inches.

Most rackets are made in the standard length of 27 inches. The longer racquet provides a slight advantage on pitching, rebounding, and adds a bit of power.

Racket weight and balance

These are the most important parameters. The heavier the racket, the greater the power of impact. Lightweight racquets are more manoeuvrable, which gives the ball more topspin.

At the moment, most manufacturers make rackets weighing up to 280 grams. However, there are many rackets weighing 310-320 grams, but with rackets heavy weight only a professional can handle it.

racket rim

The thicker the rim, the higher the impact power and the stiffer the racket. For different models, the rim may be thicker from 18 mm to 30 mm.

Thus, the faster and more sweeping the impact movement, the thinner the rim must be chosen.

Children's tennis rackets

Many global manufacturers focus on the manufacture of tennis rackets for children. When choosing a racket for a child, it is necessary to compare his age and the parameters of the racket. The table shows the parameters of the racket suitable for age.

Children's tennis rackets also differ in material. So, inexpensive models are made of aluminum, which gives the child's play lightness and maneuverability. This is the best option, because. The children are growing up fast and soon they will have to buy new equipment.

If the child is constantly engaged, then you can buy a graphite racket. They are stronger than aluminum. important and appearance rackets so that the child does not lose the desire to practice.

Tennis rackets for adults

It is a little easier for an adult to decide on the choice of a racket than for a child. In order to accurately select a tennis racket, you must first take it in your hand. Then carefully study its characteristics - what parameters it has: weight, balance, length.

Now you need to decide on the weight of the racket, whether it is comfortable to hold it, what balance is needed. This is quite difficult to do without trying out the racket on the court. Heavy rackets that are balanced towards the handle are the choice of many professional tennis players. Their weight varies in the range from 311 to 368 grams. They are suitable for tennis players who can independently control the power and force of impact.

Lighter rackets with a heavier head have better maneuverability. The main advantage of these rackets is great maneuverability without loss of power. Minus - a lot of vibration, which affects the joints.

When choosing a racket for tennis, you need to heed the advice of professionals. First of all, you need to focus on your own feelings, because the choice of racket is individual.

Tennis racket maintenance

Necessary avoid strong blows racket rims with any hard objects and surfaces - the rim may crack. To avoid this, use a special protective tape for the rim. At the end of the game, the racket is removed into the case.

To protect the handle use a special absorbent tape, which prevents the racket from slipping in the hand.

racket store in a cool dry place where there is no direct sunlight. The racquet and its strings can also be affected by high or low temperatures and humidity. Constant exposure sunlight may damage the coating.

It is not allowed to store a racket in a car dealership or trunk. The tension of the strings decreases already at 43 degrees Celsius, and in the car the temperature can reach 60 degrees.

That's all for now. Write your questions in the comments, I will definitely answer and advise on rackets.

If your child plans to play tennis, then you will be faced with the question of how to choose a tennis racket for a child. This task is not an easy one, because right choice depends on the accuracy and strength of the impact, and whether your child will reach certain heights in this sport.

When choosing a tennis racket for a child, the main parameter that you should pay attention to is its length. For training young athletes, characteristics such as the stiffness of the string or the total area of ​​the strings fade into the background. A very long racket will be difficult for a child to manage even in training, not to mention specifically in competitions. In addition, due to the large size, it will have more weight. This will definitely affect the speed of development of basic tennis skills. 3-4

To simplify the choice of a tennis racket for a child, use the following table.

Children's tennis rackets

They are produced with a shortened handle, which allows the child not to strain unnecessarily during the gameplay. They also have a large string surface compared to adult rackets, which makes it easy to hit the ball during a hit.
Before choosing a tennis racket for a child, you should know that it is very important to take into account the age of the child. So, for example, for young tennis players aged 3 to 6 years, a racket made of aluminum is suitable, and for juniors, you can purchase a racket made of graphite or composite.
Graphite tennis racquets are more expensive than others, but for the money you spend, you get a fairly light and at the same time durable racket made of natural material. Such rackets are distinguished by ball control and power.

Composite rackets are an order of magnitude cheaper, since this material is made by mixing composite, graphite, and so on. Such rackets are often called transitional rackets, because they are ideal for a child when switching to professional level games.

Racket selection

How to choose a tennis racket for a child, taking into account his height:

  1. for children up to 1 meter 18 centimeters tall, it is worth picking up a racket 53.3 centimeters or 21 inches long;
  2. for children from 1 meter 19 centimeters to 1 meter 35 centimeters racket length for tennis game must be 58.4 centimeters or 23 inches;
  3. if the child's height is from 1 meter 36 centimeters to 1 meter 50 centimeters, then a tennis racket is chosen with a length of 63.5 or 66 centimeters or 25-26 inches;
  4. For children 1 meter 51 centimeters or taller, the racquet must be 68.6 centimeters or longer, or 27 inches or longer.

Racket selection rules

There are some rules when choosing tennis rackets for all options:

  • a longer racquet has more power. But at the same time, such rackets are less maneuverable than standard rackets;
  • a heavier racket has a more powerful impact force;
  • a heavier racquet has an increased striking area and can dampen vibration;
  • the larger the head size of the racket, the more powerful the speed of the ball is obtained during the strike. But their disadvantage is that, unlike other rackets, their strings are more often deformed;
  • for more reinforced strikes you should buy rackets with a hard rim. They should only be bought by professionals, as missing the ball can lead to traumatic consequences.

Now, having learned how to choose a tennis racket for a child, you just have to please the young tennis player with an important acquisition for him. You can do this in our sports online store, which offers a wide selection of sports equipment and. Whether your child is a professional tennis player or is just taking his first steps in this popular sport, you can easily find the right racket in our online store, thereby bringing young athlete to the long-awaited victory.