Fixed seine fishing. How a marine fixed seine works Drawings and schemes for setting fixed seines

Set nets are one of the most common coastal fishing gear, but in some cases they are installed far from the coast on sea banks. The set net consists of one or more wings and one or more traps (Fig. 18). The most common are one and two-boiler fixed nets.

Rice. 18. Two-boiler sea fixed seine

The wing of the set seine is a netting stretching from the shore to the trap or from trap to trap. Wings of proteges are usually set across the course of the fish. The net fabric of all parts of the seine is planted on rebounds with a landing coefficient close to 0.707.

Usually, fixed seines are installed in lavas, in several pieces. In some cases, another order of installation of seines is used, for example, chess. In lakes where the fish moves in different directions, a cruciform installation of fixed nets is used. The shape of the wing, blocking the reservoir from the bottom to the surface, must take into account the bottom topography. The trap consists of one or more yards and cages or boilers. As a rigid frame, a system of piles (gunder) is used, interconnected by nylon cables or steel wire. The wire that wraps around the heads of the gunder is called a frame, or alavera. For stability, the gunders are stretched to the sides with the help of braces.

The catchability of seines is greatly influenced by the method of keeping fish in boilers or traps. The watering cans of the necks of the boilers can be equipped with a special lifting curtain, which is raised by the fishermen after the entry of the fish. After pouring the fish out of the cauldron, the fishermen lower the seine again.

The second most common way to keep fish in traps is to use openers. Such nets are called adoption nets. To reduce the possibility of fish leaving the boilers, the entrance to the boilers and openings are sometimes given the shape of net trays that rise up and narrow. These trays are called watering cans. The end of the tray enters the boiler, forming, as it were, openings, but not to the entire height of the boiler, but only in its upper part. Thanks to this, it is more difficult for fish to get out of the seine and its catchability increases.

In addition to the already described tools such as traps (in total, more than 50 types of such fishing gear are used in industry and fishing), one should dwell on the so-called mullet plants (Fig. 19). With some structural local differences, mullet plants are fixed fishing gear with a wing and one lowered net wall of the boiler, connected to a system of ropes and blocks that allow you to quickly raise it at the right time.

Rice. 19. Fixed mullet plant

Mullet plants, which are installed across the migration path, require constant supervision and the presence of fishermen, who, when entering the fish cauldron, raise the lowered net wall. The use of such fishing gear is short-term, but can be very effective.

Hook fishing

Fishing hooks include fishing rods, trolls and various tackles. They are used primarily for catching predatory fish that do not form large clusters or stay in places inaccessible to other fishing gear. The catching element of the considered fishing gear is a hook, on which a head, forend, butt, or prying, with a forehead and nape and a sting with a beard are distinguished (Fig. 20).

fishing rods

Fishing rods are not only used by amateur fishermen, but also commercial fishing is carried out, for example, tuna fishing.

Rice. 20. Bait fishing hook


Trolls or trollings are called fishing rods that work on the principle of amateur tracks, i.e. multi-hook fishing rods towed behind the vessel (Fig. 21). Several trolls with fishing lines passed through the blocks on the shots are towed into the sea. Sweep or select them with the help of special winches.

Rice. 21. Fishing with trolls and tackle


Ropes are called tackles, to which hooks are attached at a short distance from each other on short fishing lines-leashes (Fig. 21). Leashes are tied at a distance that prevents hooks on adjacent hooks. Smaller fish are often used as bait. Tackle is used both in river and lake fishing, as well as in sea fishing. Tackle in the form of tiers is especially widely used when fishing for cod, flounder, and tuna. In the Black Sea, longlines are used to fish for the katran shark.

Ice fishing

In winter, when the surface of water bodies is covered with ice, fishing does not stop in many fishing areas, including in such inland seas as the Azov and the northern part of the Caspian.

Fishing gear is installed under the ice. Usually these are only slightly modified nets, cast nets, venteri (Fig. 22), fixed nets, hook tackle.


Set nets from the group of traps are the most common. Their principle of automatic fishing and the ability to keep the fish alive attracts a lot of attention from specialists.

The catchability of the fixed nets depends on the factors affecting the entry of fish into the yard and into the chambers, and their holding capacity.

  • a guide wing, which serves as an obstacle to the movement of fish and makes it change the direction of movement towards the location of the camera;
  • an inlet that facilitates the entry of fish into the trap and makes it difficult to return from it;
  • a chamber (boiler, box, cage) that holds and keeps the catch alive from one check to another.

The set seine is a rectangular net chamber with adoptions in the form of vertical doors. Adding a wing increases the entry of fish into the camera.

Fixed seines - application

It was found that the use of wings with a length of more than 18 m for carp fishing is impractical, since in this case the carp does not enter the trap, but after passing along for some time it turns around. The recommended wing installation angle is 30°, if the trap has one, the angle between them should be 60°.

To catch marketable fish in fattening ponds, it is best to use two-chamber traps with a length of 5-8 m, a width of -3-5 m and a height of at least 15 m. be often cellular with a cell pitch of 20-26 mm and from a thick thread of 93.5 or 187 Tex. In this case, the wings and the first adoptive child can have a pitch of 25-35 mm.

What does the marking tex mean?

Carp and silver carp are very careful, so it is better to leave such traps open at the top, or close the large-meshed delyu.

The advantage of a set net

The advantage of such fishing gear is the autonomy of their action. The fish remains alive for a long time and all the work of the fisherman is reduced only to the selection of a protege. In addition, such fishing gear can be used in places inaccessible to seine fishing.

Stavniki are installed on stakes, frames or floats and braces with weights and anchors. It is necessary to unload the fish from the stalkers from the boat, lifting the bottom of the stalker from one edge (input), moving it to the opposite wall and driving the fish into a corner where it can be selected with a net.

It is better to install traps in places with dense vegetation and mask the entrance to the trap. The del mesh used for the construction of fixed seines should be painted green or brown.

Commercial fishing gear in fish farming

How fish are caught in pond and lake fish farming

In the practice of fishery development of inland water bodies, including water bodies for complex purposes (VKN), various tools are used to catch fish, but active fishing means are preferred.

Regardless of the methods and gear used, water bodies must first be prepared for fishing:

  • carefully examine the bed and banks;
  • clear the water area from floating objects, trees and shrubs protruding above the water or connected with the ground;
  • remove alloys;
  • clear the bottom of sunken objects; align the bed;
  • perform other tasks depending on specific conditions.

According to the principle of operation, fishing gear is divided into three groups.

The first one is called “enveloping” networks. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that the fish gets stuck, or “enclosed”, trying to pass through the nets installed in the form of a wall in the way of its course. The net cloth in such tools is made of a thin thread and either cuts into the body of the fish or confuses it. In VKN and on small lakes, fixed nets are used, which remain motionless in one place during the fishing process. Their catchability is low and in comparison with other tools does not exceed 14-15%. Fixed networks are widespread. They catch different kinds of fish. In ponds, single nets are used, and for catching larger reservoirs, the nets are connected in series into a long wall, the so-called net order.

The fixed net (fig.) is a rectangular canvas, planted on the upper and lower pick-ups and sometimes on the side veins.

Types of fixed nets: simple; b - cutting.

The rebounds are made longer than the planted web of the network in such a way that free ends 0.5-0.8 m long protrude from each of its sides. These ends, called priuhs, are designed to connect networks in a net order. Sometimes priukhs are made in the form of loops. Nets are planted with a coefficient of 0.5! Floats made of polystyrene (melt) are attached to the upper selection, sinkers are attached to the lower one. The number of those and others depends on whether the network will work afloat or will be deepened. According to the device, the fixed nets are simple and “thin”, sometimes they are called two- and three-walled, depending on the number of net walls.

For fishing areas with a depth of 1.5-2 m, the nets are installed on poles, with an increase in depth - on anchors. The first net is tied up in such a way that the lower end of the pole is at a distance equal to the depth of its driving into the ground from the lower end of the pole, and the upper one is tied up depending on the height of the net. The other end of the network is tied in the same way to the second pole, the lugs of the first end of the second network are attached to it, etc. The prepared networks are loaded into the boat and taken to the installation site. On poles, they are usually installed for one night or a day, but sometimes for a longer time. In the first case, the catch is chosen simultaneously with the removal of the net order, and in the second, they are sorted out at least twice a day, removing the caught fish.

Even more common is the installation of standing orders at anchors both in shallow water and in depth. Stones, bricks and other improvised materials are used as anchors.

The second group consists of screening tools in the form of a net wall of various shapes. Having swept over a part of the reservoir, the tackle is sunk ashore or on a watercraft. Water passes freely through the meshes, the fish lingers, but does not get tangled or bundled up, but remains on the canvas or rolls into a bobbin. Fishing in these cases is undesirable and even harmful, as it slows down the work and reduces the productivity of the fishermen. Therefore, netting is made from coarser threads and with a finer mesh than that of nets. The most widely used of this group of tools were cast nets. The seine is considered optimal with a length of at least 1/3 of the perimeter of the reservoir. A throwing equal-winged net (figure below) consists of two identical wings, two drives and a bobbin.

Scheme of an equal-winged cast seine: 1 - wing; 2 - drive; 3 - skein 4 - outlet (shirt) skein; 5 - upper selection; 6 - lower burr; 7 - floats; 8 - weights; 9 - nag; 10 - bridle; 11 - edge.

The wings are designed to cover the fished area of ​​the water area and represent the longest part of the seine. They are made from a relatively light and large-mesh case, and sometimes composite: canvases from a heavier fine-mesh case are placed in the center. This distribution of delhi is explained by the behavior of the fish: at the beginning of the seine operation, it does not seek to leave the swept area, but as it sinks, it tries to leave the seine. This is prevented by the part of the wing remaining in the water. The height of the wings to the ends (nags) is reduced so that when they sink, they are the first to go ashore.

The drives are used to guide the fish into the motna. They are made from a thicker thread and a small-mesh deli 20-40 m long and sewn with a bobbin.

Nets are planted on rebounds with a coefficient of 0.5. A melt is attached to the top, a load is attached to the bottom, and poles or nags are attached to the side edges. They straighten the ends of the seine, preventing the rebounds from folding when sinking. Ropes are tied to the nags, ropes are pulled for them. Catching marketable fish from the VKN is the most difficult and time-consuming task. The greatest effect is given by throwing seines of large sizes. Their catchability increases in proportion to the area of ​​the wrapped space, which is confirmed by the experience of total fishing of small lakes in the Novgorod, Pskov and Leningrad regions, as well as some VKN of the Stavropol Territory.

According to the Pskov branch of GosNIORKh, total fishing did not have a negative impact on the ichthyofauna of small lakes in the North-West. Moreover, there is a qualitative improvement in its composition due to the removal of low-value species. A sparse stock of commercial fish makes better use of food resources and gains market weight faster.

An elongated pond is recommended to be caught with longitudinal tones, when the seine covers it to the full width. If fishing is carried out with one seine, then the reservoir is blocked with fixed nets into two parts. This makes it possible to filter almost the entire water mass, and the number of tons depends on the length of the reservoir.

In this case, it is recommended that the seine is 1.5 times longer than the maximum width of the reservoir and 5-6 m high with flared wings.

In silted reservoirs, the lower selection cuts into silt. To avoid this, the so-called “valance” is sewn to it, and the seine moves more easily along the muddy bottom. To facilitate the fishing of non-drainage reservoirs, since autumn, water is partially pumped out of them with pumps.

Practice has shown that the bulk of carp and carp are caught in the first ton. In the next tony, their catch drops sharply, as frightened fish leave for hard-to-fish places. Therefore, the first longitudinal tone must be carried out especially carefully.

Fishing brigades in the Stavropol Territory successfully use long seine nets for fishing non-descent stocked reservoirs. Each team consists of 12 people: a foreman, two minders, a cook and eight fishermen. A caravan of five boats is formed at the pier:

  • the first is equipped with a stationary engine with a capacity of 11 liters. With. and a winch driven by a Vyatka motor;
  • the second is a seine net (750 m long seine is laid in the stern of the boat, the upper line is laid in loops, the lower line is in rings);
  • the third is equipped with a 1000 m long cut (cable with a diameter of 30 mm);
  • the fourth has an edge and a winch (a truss with rollers for normal cable feeding is installed in the bow); the fifth is intended for the transportation of caught fish.

The formed caravan, as a rule, goes to the baited ton, but if this was not done in advance, then the foreman goes on the lead boat and “gropes” the fish sixth. An experienced fisherman on the go feels how a fish hits a pole, and in this place the seine begins to notice.

The first and second boats, without slowing down, sweep the seine in a semicircle, moving away from the shore for the entire length of the edge. The sinking begins immediately after the net is swept out, pulling both wings at the same time. The spotted wing is one and a half times shorter, so it is pulled out first, the nag is fixed with a steel pin on the shore, and the upper line is thrown onto the boat (rice).

Scheme of seine netting: 1 - edge; 2 - wing (goes from the shore); 3 - motna; 4 - fugitive wing (larger); 5 - edge; 6 - non-water; 7 - motor boat.

The third group is represented by traps or stationary fishing gear, which account for no more than 5% of the total fish catch in our country. Such tools (fig. below) are especially suitable for catching snarled water bodies. Venter is a net cylinder, or barrel.

Fixed fishing gear: A, B, C - ventery; G - fixed seine.

When cast, it lies on its side on the bottom of the reservoir. At one end, the barrel has an opening for fish to enter, and at the other end, it ends with a net cone called a cod, or a cod. In working order, it is held by wooden or metal hoops - casters. The diameter of the input coil, as a rule, is larger than the others. The length of the vents ranges from 1 to 20 m, and the diameter of the inlet cauldron is from 0.5 to 5-6 m. Inside the barrel there are net necks, or weasels, in the form of truncated cones, with a wide base directed towards the exit, and narrow - inside the vent. They direct the fish inside the barrel and do not allow it to go back.

To increase catchability, the barrel is equipped with wings from 5 to 200 m long. They block the fish from the bottom to the surface and direct it into the vent. Several additional small wings, the so-called openers, serve the same purpose. Fish caught in the vent accumulate and remain in it. During inspection, small-sized venteri are taken out of the water entirely, and for large ones, only a cod, the end of which is unraveled and the fish is shaken out into the boat.

According to the principle of operation, the fixed nets (stavniki) are similar to the vents. They are most widely distributed in marine coastal fisheries.

It must be taken into account, however, that the use of a large number of passive fishing gear of various designs or small seines requires a significant expenditure of effort for their maintenance and does not allow the widespread use of mechanization. As a result, fishermen's labor productivity is low, the cost of fish caught is high, and the resource base of reservoirs is not fully utilized. G. Servetnikr Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Fishing with fixed and smooth nets

One of the main fishing gear for salmon fishing is the harve net.

Garva is an old fishing term that was used in medieval Russian chronicles, and comes from the Sami word "harrv" - this is how the natives of the Kola Peninsula and the northern part of Scandinavia called their salmon fishing nets, which were used at least from the end of the last millennium.

It is unlikely that the Saami "harrivs" resembled the current garves, at least in the middle of the nineteenth century, V. Dal in his dictionary gave the following definition of garves: "a fixed net for salmon, 10 sazhens long, 3 sazhens wide, meshes 1-2 inches."

But by the end of the century, the harves had grown significantly in size, and the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron reports: "The length of the harves is different and sometimes reaches several miles."

The length of modern harves used for fishing in fresh water is at least hundreds of meters, height 8-9 meters, mesh 70-100 mm. It is possible to stretch a network of this size in water only with floats with a large carrying capacity (the so-called "cubas" were used before, now they have been successfully replaced by plastic bottles from soft drinks). They put the orders of the harves not in a straight line, but in a rather tricky labyrinth, in search of a way out of which the salmon get entangled in the cells.

The large size (combined with a hefty price) makes this tackle “unbearable” for amateurs, both figuratively and in the literal sense of the word - it cannot be set up from an ordinary boat. And the fishing supervision does not issue licenses for the use of harves to lovers, they are too big and catchy.

However, there are "amateurs" - they catch with harves in Lake Ladoga, and even more often in Onega. Often, when trolling on these lakes, spinners and wobblers are hooked on harves that do not have any identification tags required for fishing gear. But such fishing can be called "amateur" only in quotation marks - the same fishing, only underground.

If harves are used on wide reservoirs, which cannot be blocked from coast to coast, then on the relatively narrow rivers of the Kola Peninsula, a different method of installing nets is used: they are stretched across the river, in parallel, at a distance of no more than 2 meters from each other. Usually the river is blocked by 3 nets, sometimes their number in one place reaches 5–6. The meaning of such an installation is as follows: the salmon sees the net well in clear water, and does not want to go into it. But instinct drives the fish to the upper reaches, to spawning grounds - it jumps over an obstacle and immediately finds itself in front of the next one, having no free space to accelerate before a new jump. And if he somehow contrives and jumps over the second net, then the third is ahead, and so on.

But this only happens in theory. In fact, salmon, which manages to jump on two-meter waterfalls (also having almost no space for acceleration), often effortlessly overcomes obstacles set by a person. Here is a small sketch made by a visiting St. Petersburg spinner who made his debut on the rivers of the Murmansk region (V. Makeev, “For the first time on Kola”, “Rybolov” No. 4/2000):

“The next day we decided to fish on the Kuz River, which is only 20 km from the village (from Umba - A. Sh.). From everything it was clear that the fish inspection put a big cross on the river - it seems that it does not exist here at all, and, as a result, there is no salmon - poachers almost completely knocked it out. But the remnants of the once large herd stubbornly went to their native river, overcoming one after another the placed nets.

We saw the poachers almost immediately, they, lounging on the grass, looked towards the river: what if some fool, flying into the net, still tries to get out of it. After questioning them, we were horrified to learn that the nets on this river cost no less than 50-60! They completely crossed the river, and besides, in two or three rows: salmon is a smart fish, the net jumps over, but, having overcome one, it flies into another with acceleration. One fish can be exchanged for 6 bottles of vodka, so they guard it day and night, not thinking that it will disappear in this river forever.

And yet, by some miracle, part of the salmon nets passes!

Emotional opinion. A visiting sportsman might think a little: the locals have been catching salmon in this way since time immemorial - but it has not ended yet ... He could, but he did not think. Didn't want to. Or failed.

But another opinion, more balanced, is the view on the Internet of the problem of the nets of the Kola fly fisherman A. Sokolov, presumably, somewhat better than Mr. Makeev, who is familiar with local realities:

“At the same time, there are people who fish for sale with sports equipment - spinning and fly fishing. During the season, some of the most “efficient” manage to catch up to 200 tails, and this is not somewhere on the Varzuga teeming with trifles, but on Kolya! And that's for one person! The fishing mode is simple - “caught-in-the-bushes”.

At the same time, in the network in June and July, there really isn’t much - I shot a lot of networks at that time on Kolya and Kitsa - empty. Salmon is not a fool, he sees the net well. And blocking the river from shore to shore with about 5-6 nets set every 2 meters in order to net the fish jumping over the net does not help. But in autumn, with dark long nights, the nets become catchy. Yes, and belts, too, and floating.

I have said more than once and I will repeat: there are no predatory gear, there are predatory fishermen. What causes more damage to salmon populations - nets or fly-fishing - is a moot point. But it should be noted a curious fact: in the middle of the 20th century, when the use of nets on the Kola rivers was practically not limited, and spinning rods on their banks were a unique phenomenon, many times more salmon entered the rivers.

Some athletes are in favor of such a radical solution to the problem: to ban the nets once and for all, to follow the implementation of the ban in the strictest way, and to catch sports gear according to the principle: “catch and release”.

In response, I can only give one more quote, this time from myself, my beloved (from the preface to one of my books):

“Oh yes, there is also the famous principle: “catch and release”. But after all, not everything is so simple with him either ... They use it massively in licensed fishing on spawning salmon rivers. They say that the athlete will amuse himself, and the salmon will spawn, give offspring ...

Oh is it? After all, salmon does not feed in the rivers: it grabs a fish that has turned up, bites in half and throws it - instinctively takes care of the fate of the offspring, reduces the number of lovers to feast on salmon caviar and fry. The entire energy reserve for the long journey to spawning grounds and for spawning itself is in the fat accumulated by fish over the months of marine life. And that supply is barely enough, barely enough, - the salmon roll back into the sea, emaciated, exhausted to the last degree.

And if a considerable part of that reserve was spent on a long, furious struggle, on attempts to get away from the spinning sportsman-lover of nature? And if we add the consequences of traumatic shock? You can’t discount the nervous shock from being in the hands of people (you can’t do without a photo session with a defeated fish, it’s unsportsmanlike). Are there any chances for a successful spawning after all this? Okay, let's say they stay. Tiny, but they remain. So after all, there is a new license area ahead, and again the lure falls in front of the nose of the salmon, and again the instinct makes it grab ...

I am not saying that if the caught salmon is salted, then there will be more fish in the rivers. But somehow it will turn out more honestly, without the sanctimonious sports hypocrisy ... "

However, let's return from discussions about poaching and sportiness to catching salmon with nets. For lovers of more than garves, small orders are available from the relatively short nets allowed by the rules. Naturally, they are used not in large lakes, but in relatively narrow and not turbulent sections of rivers.

L.P. Sabaneev described such orders under the name "veils":

“Setting nets (for salmon fishing - A.Sh.) are divided into curtains and harves. The first consist of two fixed nets, approved on stakes; one of the networks - the "wall" - goes from the coast perpendicular to its direction; the other network - the "factory" - adjoins its middle to the first, going to it perpendicularly, therefore, parallel to the coast; a "cache" is attached to the ends of the plant - a network in the form of a semicircle, facing the wall with a hole; access to the cache is narrowed by two networks, which leave between them only a small passage - the "gates". The salmon, walking along the shore, rests against the wall, turns along it, rests against the factory, turns again, and finally comes across through the gate into a hiding place, from where it is already difficult for it to get out.

A rather vague description, but the classic did not give a picture that clarifies the essence of the matter. However, it is clear that the orders of gill nets used today differ little from “curtains” - the principle is the same: put up a barrier in the way of a salmon going against the current and wrap it in a tight corral, surrounded on all sides by a net.

Where amateurs are allowed nets up to 60 m in length (or two thirty-meter ones), you can still try to set up something like a “curtain” alone; where it is possible to fish with only one net 25–30 m long, at least two people must go fishing (moreover, each fisherman must have his own personal permit; however, many of our fishermen despise bureaucratic bureaucracy and do fine on dark nights without pieces of paper with seals).

On fig. 17 shows an order of two single-walled thirty-meter nets, installed near the shore on stakes driven into the bottom. In the same way, by proportionally increasing the indicated distance, it is possible to stretch two 60-meter networks, the main thing is not to violate the proportions: the BVG and EZhZ angles in the figure shown should not exceed 35–40 degrees.

Rice. 17. The order of two 30-meter nets for catching salmon. Distances between stakes: AB - 30 m; BV and VG - 6 m; HL and DE - 3–3.5 m; EZh and ZhZ - 6 m; ZB -1.5 m.

Special "salmon" nets are quite expensive, so sometimes two types of nets are used in one design. For example, in section AB, an ordinary “bream” net of twisted thread is pulled into a straight line (salmon almost never gets tangled in it, and it only performs a guiding function), and a polygonal figure is built from a special “salmon” one.

Theoretically, a guide net can be made from any equipped net, for example, from a wing from a seine net - this is how the fishermen build their stabs. But in practice, it is impossible to implement such an idea: salmon nets are always placed near the bank closer to which the midstream of the river is located, and a strong current does not allow the use of nets with a large windage (strong - in this case only in comparison with the current near the opposite bank; do not set up a network on a real rapid).

Why "bream"? Why not some partial fine-mesh? For several reasons. Firstly, every little thing will not come across and distract from serious fishing. Secondly, due to the increased mesh size, the net will catch less fallen leaves and other debris floating down the river in autumn. Thirdly, salmon may not notice a net designed for small fish - that is, usually tied from a thin fishing line - and foolishly fly into it. An event that is sad not for the salmon, but for the net and its owner - in the morning, instead of the caught fish, a large hole in the net will be found. And large-mesh gill nets for catching spring caviar bream in our places are knitted from twisted nylon thread, thick and coarse enough (for some reason, the bream goes into such a net more readily than into a thin line, perhaps in search of objects that it “rubs” against, squeezing out caviar and milk). Such a tackle holds salmon, although it rarely comes across it.

But the usual “bream” net needs some refinement, primarily to be equipped with additional floats and sinkers (especially if it uses cargo and floating cords with weights and floats woven inside - such nets are only suitable for calm water, and they are installed on rivers in backwaters, bays and along coastal grasses).

As additional sinkers, large (18–20 cm in diameter) and heavy rings from a five-millimeter metal bar are tied up; a foam float is attached above each ring. Lead cast weights are inconvenient to use - they fall into large meshes of the net, confusing the tackle.

The carrying capacity of the floats is determined experimentally: they take a float, obviously larger than necessary, tie a ring to it and lower it into a barrel of water. Then the float is reduced until it, together with the ring, begins to sink quickly, reaching the bottom of the barrel in 2-3 seconds; the resulting float is used as a template for making the rest.

The gaps between the additional floats and sinkers depend on the initial load of the net and on the strength of the current in the place chosen for fishing, and can range from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. More often than after 0.5 m, it makes no sense to tie them: if the current “lays” the network anyway, you can tie anchors to it every 5–6 meters (heavy, several kilograms, metal weights or stones of the same weight), and over each anchor, tie a plastic two-liter bottle to the top selection. To prevent the net from deforming in the water, at the points where the anchors are attached, a vertical vein is passed through its cells (a nylon cord 1.5–2 mm thick and slightly less than the height of the net in the landing), tying its ends to the upper and lower selection.

If the anchors do not help to keep the net in the correct vertical position - look for a new place for fishing, with a calmer current.

Now let's move on from the auxiliary net, stretched perpendicular to the shore, to the main part of the tackle - to the one that actually catches the salmon.

It is best to purchase a branded Finnish or Norwegian-made salmon net with a mesh of 70–80 mm (this mesh size is most optimal for Luga salmon, in places where larger salmon enter, it is possible to use a mesh of 100–120 mm). Imported salmon nets are made of multi-monofilament thread - the name is complicated, but, to put it simply, among the materials from which the nets are knitted, this thread is the same as the “braid” among the fishing lines: with a small thickness, it is distinguished by increased strength.

The best networks are connected without knots, there is also such a technology for machine networking: the intersecting threads that form the cell of the network are not connected, but are, as it were, woven into one another. Usually commercially available salmon nets are correctly planted, but sometimes they still have to be loaded, adjusted to specific fishing conditions; however, this is not such a laborious task, in comparison with knitting and planting.

The only disadvantage of the Norwegian and Finnish "salmon", especially knotless ones, is the high price. Therefore, many people use home-made nets: they either knit the net fabric themselves, or put it on the rebounds. In the first case, I do not advise using monofilament, although with a thickness of 0.4-0.5 mm it keeps entangled salmon. But the problem is in the knots: monofilament is generally quite slippery compared to twisted nylon threads, and requires a more complex knot, or a double ordinary one, otherwise it will “creep”; on a thick monofilament, it is especially difficult to tighten such knots and they turn out to be bulky, sloppy - the nets with them catch the garbage floating past more, and the fish are reluctant to go into them.

On commercially available wood nettings, the knots are small and neat, but a tricky technology is also used there: the threads only at the knots heat up to a certain temperature, and stick together, fuse, - as a result, a simple knot does not “creep”. A factory-made monofilament line is suitable for a salmon net, but the trouble is that it is almost impossible to find linen with a mesh of 70-100 mm and a line diameter of 0.5 mm on sale - the circle of possible buyers is too limited.

Large-mesh canvases made of twisted nylon thread are found on sale much more often - they are usually used when planting a salmon net on their own.

Landing methods are somewhat different from those used in the manufacture of a conventional partial network. If in a network designed for small fish, on the so-called. “Flint” or “posad” (a piece of landing thread between two knots attaching it to the lower or upper pick) is freely strung from 4 to 7 extreme meshes of the net, then in salmon nets - no more than two, and then with a relatively small mesh (60 -70 mm), and in large-mesh nets (over 70 mm), each cell is attached to the rebounds (a similar landing is used in the manufacture of nonsense).

Rice. 18. Planting a large-mesh salmon net.

Only in those cases when the point of attachment of the landing thread to the pickup falls on the float, in any case, two cells are planted on the "flint" (the dimensions of the float do not allow it to be placed between the cells). The above-described rings made of a metal bar are used as sinkers, and for their fastening it is not necessary to double the length of the “flint”.

Rice. 19. Planting a salmon net at the place where the float is attached.

The floats in advance, before the start of the landing of the net, are strung on the cord of the upper pick-up and fixed with wooden wedges at a given distance from each other. The sinker rings are then tied to the assembled net, each exactly under the float. It happens that, according to the conditions of fishing, you have to use very large floats and very heavy rings - in such cases it does not interfere with connecting them with vertical veins, as described above.

If you need a particularly heavy load, then it is undesirable to increase the diameter of the load rings too much. At the same time, it is difficult to bend them from a very thick bar - it is much easier to connect two rings together by attaching one to the other and fixing it with electrical tape.

Cords for picking up and landing thread are used with increased thickness and increased strength. Landing knots also need to be knitted more reliable: for example, Finnish anglers use the knots shown in fig. 20.

Rice. 20. Extra strong knots for planting salmon nets.

The net landing coefficient along the length is standard, 1 × 2: i.e., a 30-meter net should be obtained from a 60-meter doll. Nets with a landing coefficient of 1 × 2.5 (just such a landing is shown in Fig. 18) are more catchy, but in rivers they are applicable only in places with a weak current, that is, extremely rarely - mainly such nets are caught in the flowing lakes of Karelia and Kola peninsulas.

The stakes for installing the net are cut down strong (alder and similar trees are not suitable), with a thickness at the top of at least 3–4 cm; if the lower end is too thick at the same time, the excess wood is squeezed off it.

Each stake is tied in turn to the net in advance at two points, to the lower and upper pick-up (to the bottom - stepping back from the end of the stake to a distance equal to the penetration of the stake into the bottom soil), and then driven into the bottom with a sledgehammer and a simple device called " nabionnik ”- a piece of a metal pipe impaled on a pole.

Usually the stakes are hammered so that they do not reach the surface of the water by 5-10 cm, which makes the exposed tackle invisible from the outside.

There is another way to install a single-wall salmon net, much easier, but much less efficient. It is used in shallow places where, for some reason, it is impossible to stretch the net in the form of a trap: a rocky bottom that does not allow stakes to be driven in, too strong a current, etc. alone.

The simplified installation is called “weather vane” - one end of the network is firmly tied to a stake or a metal pipe, and it itself is freely pulled out by the force of the current, not fixed in any way, and oscillates like a weather vane, or rather, like a big flag in the wind. To avoid twisting the network into a bundle, the so-called. is tied to the far end of it. "nag" - a wooden six, equipped with a load at the upper end, and a float at the upper end; the load is selected so that the nag stands vertically in the water, but only its float remains on the surface.

The length of the nag should be significantly less than the height of the net in the landing (for example, for a net with a height of 1.8 m, a meter nag is enough). Along the entire length of the net, every 3-4 meters they put vertical veins equal to the length of the nag. Heavy sinkers with this method of fishing are not needed, the net must have positive buoyancy - it is enough that the weight cord gives it a vertical position in the water.

Such a net is already a cross between fixed and smooth nets, which are described in detail in the article “Smooth Nets”.

Next chapter

set seine

The invention relates to the field of industrial fishing and can be used for commercial fishing in the coastal zone. The set seine contains a central cable, a guide wing made of netting, a frame and two traps, each of which has a lifting road with openings, an inlet and a cage. The central cable, the guide wing and the frame are mounted on the rebounds and unfastened by guy wires with anchors. Traps are mounted on the frame opposite to each other, and a guide wing is installed on the central cable. The main and additional traps have two pairs of entrances formed from the side of the coast and the sea, and the guide wing has openings at the end. EFFECT: increase in the fishing capacity of the fixed seine by increasing the fishing area. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the field of industrial fishing and can be used for commercial fishing in the coastal zone.

Fishing with fixed nets in some areas is a rather complex problem that has not been solved so far. On the one hand, the problem arises due to the bottom relief, where the seine is set up - the relief is not the same - it is difficult to set the seine to the optimal depth, it can cling to the relief and break when the sea is rough. On the other hand, the design of seines mainly provides for entry into the trap only from the side of the shore, which does not allow you to collect a large catch, because. the fish that comes from the sea goes back to the sea.

In addition, due to low storm resistance, in conditions of heavy seas or storms, seines become tangled, washed ashore and become completely unusable.

Thus, at the moment, the level of development of technology and the technology of setting fixed seines in the conditions of commercial fishing are still far from perfect.

Known set seine, including a guide wing, a yard with openers, a lift road and a cage equipped with a distributed buoyancy along the upper selection. Along the top line, the seine and cage are additionally equipped with a system of variable buoyancy blocks, which are evenly distributed along the top line and along the outer frame of the net and are connected to the wave compressor through the receiver. The net is attached to the ground with dead anchors by means of inclined braces (p. RF No. 2138161, IPC A01K 69/00, publ. 1999).

But despite the classical level of performance of the specified fishing gear, the following disadvantages can be noted: the net has a low productivity, because to completely fill the seine with fish, a rather long time is needed, since the seine has one entrance, which provides for the wait-and-see position of the fishermen to fill the fishing gear and, consequently, a certain loss of working time.

Known hanging seine, including a trap with a bottom and an inlet made in the form of a slot and equipped with a lifting curtain. The trap includes a lifting road and is additionally equipped with a rectangular frame, unfastened by guys with anchors, while two guide wings are attached to the narrow side of the trap, equipped with rebounds, one of which is two times shorter than the other (p. RF No. 2219768, MPK А01K 69/00, published December 27, 2003).

The disadvantage of the known invention is the presence of one entrance to the trap, which reduces the permeability of fish per unit of time and, consequently, reduces the efficiency of fishing.

In addition, noting the small size of the well-known seine as its advantage, we can say that this is also its disadvantage, since such a seine has a low production capacity due to the fact that after filling the seine, the fishing process is suspended for pouring fish, i.e. lost time to unload the catch.

Moreover, a small number of anchors and weights does not allow working with such a seine in conditions of high seas, because. it can be unanchored and carried away by the current.

A classic set seine is known, including a central cable, a wing made of a net cloth planted on rebounds, and a trap containing several net chambers - yards and cages. The net walls of the yard direct the fish to the cage, where the catch is concentrated. At the entrance to the trap there are openings formed by vertical converging net walls, designed to guide the fish into the trap. The entrance consists of a net tray that rises from the bottom almost to the surface of the water - a lift road ending with a pouring device (watering can). The trap is suspended from the frame. The central cable, frame and trap are secured with a bracing system. The net is attached to the ground with dead anchors by means of inclined braces. (Melnikov V.N. The device of fishing gear and the technology of fish extraction, M., Agropromizdat, 1991, pp. 127-133).

The disadvantage of the known fishing gear is the low production capacity of the seine.

The closest analogue of the claimed invention is a set seine containing a central cable, a guide wing made of net fabric, a frame, a main and an additional trap, each of which has a lifting road with openings, an inlet and a net, with the central cable, guide wing and frame set on rebounds and unfastened with guy lines with anchors, while the traps are installed on the frame opposite to each other, and a guide wing is installed on the central cable (Andreev N.N. "Handbook of fishing gear, netting materials and fishing equipment", Moscow, Pishchepromizdat, 1962 , pp. 227-230).

The disadvantage of the invention is the presence of one entrance to the trap. This reduces the productivity of the seine, because. the fish enters the seine from one side and a certain waiting time is required to fill the seine.

The objective of the invention is to increase the production capacity of the seine, as well as to reduce the fishing time by ensuring the continuity of the process.

The technical result is an increase in the fishing capacity of the fixed seine by increasing the fishing area.

To achieve the technical result, a set seine containing a central cable, a guide wing made of netting, a frame and two traps, each of which has a lifting road with openings, an inlet and a cage, the traps (main and additional) are equipped with two pairs of entrances formed by from the side of the coast and the sea, and the guide wing has openings at the end.

Supplying the seine with additional openings makes it possible to form two pairs of entrances, which makes it possible for fish to enter both from the side of the sea and from the shore, and this, in turn, contributes to the speedy filling of the seine and an increase in the volume of fish catch, which leads to the achievement of a technical result.

The drawing shows the device in the working position, general view, top view.

The set seine includes a central cable 1, a frame 2 and traps 3 mounted on the frame 2 opposite to each other. Each trap contains a lifting road 4 equipped with 5 openers, a watering can 6 and a bulkhead cage 7. Openers 8 are installed in the middle, perpendicular to the central cable 1, forming entrances 9 to traps 3.

The central cable 1 and the frame 2 are mounted on rebounds 16 and equipped with 10 kukhtyl and 11 overlays to keep them afloat. To unfasten the frame and the central cable along their perimeter, braces 12 with anchors 13 are installed for attaching the seine to the ground. To guide the fish into the trap, a guide wing 14 is installed on the central cable 1, made of a net fabric and containing a flap 15 at the end.

The set net works as follows.

To set up a seine, first install the central cable 1 with the guide wing 14. Then install the 15 openers and the frame 2. The traps 3 are connected to the frame 2 and the openers 8 are hung.

In the process of fishing, the fish that comes from the sea passes along the guide wing 14, passes through the entrances 9, meets on its way the openings 8, which orient the school along the openings 5 ​​to the trap 3. The fish from the trap 3 are prevented by the openings 5, which set at an angle to the inlet to the trap. Fish along the lifting road 4, then through the watering can 6 enters the bulkhead cage 7, where it is concentrated. According to the accumulation of fish, without stopping the fishing process, either a floating cage or any vehicle where the catch is poured is moored to the cage 7.

If the fish moving along the guide wing 14 from the sea tries to go back to the sea, then the 15 openers do not allow it to deviate to the side, they orient the fish along the guide wing 14 in the opposite direction, driving it into traps 3.

A set seine containing a central cable, a guide wing made of netting, a frame and two traps, each of which has a lifting road with openings, an inlet and a cage, the central cable, the guide wing and the frame are planted on the rebounds and unfastened by guys with anchors , while the traps are mounted on the frame opposite to each other, and a guide wing is installed on the central cable, characterized in that the main and additional traps have two pairs of inputs formed from the coast and the sea, and the guide wing has an opening at the end.

How fish are caught in pond and lake fish farming

In the practice of fishery development of inland water bodies, including water bodies for complex purposes (VKN), various tools are used to catch fish, but active fishing means are preferred.

Regardless of the methods and gear used reservoirs must first be prepared for fishing:

  • carefully examine the bed and banks;
  • clear the water area from floating objects, trees and shrubs protruding above the water or connected with the ground;
  • remove alloys;
  • clear the bottom of sunken objects; align the bed;
  • perform other tasks depending on specific conditions.

According to the principle of action fishing gear divided into three groups.

The first one is called “enveloping” networks. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that the fish gets stuck, or “enclosed”, trying to pass through the nets installed in the form of a wall in the way of its course. The net cloth in such tools is made of a thin thread and either cuts into the body of the fish or confuses it. In VKN and on small lakes, fixed nets are used, which remain motionless in one place during the fishing process. Their catchability is low and in comparison with other tools does not exceed 14-15%.
Fixed networks are widespread. They catch different kinds of fish. In ponds, single nets are used, and for catching larger reservoirs, the nets are connected in series into a long wall, the so-called net order.

staked network(Fig.) is a rectangular canvas, planted on the upper and lower pick-ups and sometimes on the side veins.

: simple; b - cutting.

The rebounds are made longer than the planted web of the network in such a way that free ends 0.5-0.8 m long protrude from each of its sides. These ends, called priuhs, are designed to connect networks in a net order. Sometimes priukhs are made in the form of loops. Nets are planted with a coefficient of 0.5! Floats made of polystyrene (melt) are attached to the upper selection, sinkers are attached to the lower one. The number of those and others depends on whether the network will work afloat or will be deepened.
According to the device, the fixed nets are simple and “thin”, sometimes they are called two- and three-walled, depending on the number of net walls.

For fishing areas with a depth of 1.5-2 m, the nets are installed on poles, with an increase in depth - on anchors. The first net is tied up in such a way that the lower end of the pole is at a distance equal to the depth of its driving into the ground from the lower end of the pole, and the upper one is tied up depending on the height of the net. The other end of the network is tied in the same way to the second pole, the lugs of the first end of the second network are attached to it, etc. The prepared networks are loaded into the boat and taken to the installation site.
On poles, they are usually installed for one night or a day, but sometimes for a longer time. In the first case, the catch is chosen simultaneously with the removal of the net order, and in the second, they are sorted out at least twice a day, removing the caught fish.

Even more common is the installation of standing orders at anchors both in shallow water and in depth. Stones, bricks and other improvised materials are used as anchors.

The second group consists of screening tools in the form of a net wall of various shapes. Having swept over a part of the reservoir, the tackle is sunk ashore or on a watercraft. Water passes freely through the meshes, the fish lingers, but does not get tangled or bundled up, but remains on the canvas or rolls into a bobbin. Fishing in these cases is undesirable and even harmful, as it slows down the work and reduces the productivity of the fishermen. Therefore, netting is made from coarser threads and with a finer mesh than that of nets. The most widely used of this group of tools were cast nets. The seine is considered optimal with a length of at least 1/3 of the perimeter of the reservoir.
A throwing equal-winged net (figure below) consists of two identical wings, two drives and a bobbin.

: 1 - wing; 2 - drive; 3 - skein 4 - outlet (shirt) skein; 5 - upper selection; 6 - lower burr; 7 - floats; 8 - weights; 9 - nag; 10 - bridle; 11 - edge.

The wings are designed to cover the fished area of ​​the water area and represent the longest part of the seine. They are made from a relatively light and large-mesh case, and sometimes composite: canvases from a heavier fine-mesh case are placed in the center. This distribution of delhi is explained by the behavior of the fish: at the beginning of the seine operation, it does not seek to leave the swept area, but as it sinks, it tries to leave the seine. This is prevented by the part of the wing remaining in the water.
The height of the wings to the ends (nags) is reduced so that when they sink, they are the first to go ashore.
The drives are used to guide the fish into the motna. They are made from a thicker thread and a small-mesh deli 20-40 m long and sewn with a bobbin.

Nets are planted on rebounds with a coefficient of 0.5. A melt is attached to the top, a load is attached to the bottom, and poles or nags are attached to the side edges. They straighten the ends of the seine, preventing the rebounds from folding when sinking. Ropes are tied to the nags, ropes are pulled for them.
Catching marketable fish from the VKN is the most difficult and time-consuming task. The greatest effect is given by throwing seines of large sizes. Their catchability increases in proportion to the area of ​​the wrapped space, which is confirmed by the experience of total fishing of small lakes in the Novgorod, Pskov and Leningrad regions, as well as some VKN of the Stavropol Territory.

According to the Pskov branch of GosNIORKh, total fishing did not have a negative impact on the ichthyofauna of small lakes in the North-West. Moreover, there is a qualitative improvement in its composition due to the removal of low-value species. A sparse stock of commercial fish makes better use of food resources and gains market weight faster.

An elongated pond is recommended to be caught with longitudinal tones, when the seine covers it to the full width. If fishing is carried out with one seine, then the reservoir is blocked with fixed nets into two parts. This makes it possible to filter almost the entire water mass, and the number of tons depends on the length of the reservoir.

In this case, it is recommended that the seine is 1.5 times longer than the maximum width of the reservoir and 5-6 m high with flared wings.

In silted reservoirs, the lower selection cuts into silt. To avoid this, the so-called “valance” is sewn to it, and the seine moves more easily along the muddy bottom. To facilitate the fishing of non-drainage reservoirs, since autumn, water is partially pumped out of them with pumps.

Practice has shown that the bulk of carp and carp are caught in the first ton. In the next tony, their catch drops sharply, as frightened fish leave for hard-to-fish places. Therefore, the first longitudinal tone must be carried out especially carefully.

Fishing brigades in the Stavropol Territory successfully use long seine nets for fishing non-descent stocked reservoirs. Each team consists of 12 people: a foreman, two minders, a cook and eight fishermen. A caravan of five boats is formed at the pier:

  • the first is equipped with a stationary engine with a capacity of 11 liters. With. and a winch driven by a Vyatka motor;
  • the second is a seine net (750 m long seine is laid in the stern of the boat, the upper line is laid in loops, the lower line is in rings);
  • the third is equipped with a 1000 m long cut (cable with a diameter of 30 mm);
  • the fourth has an edge and a winch (a truss with rollers for normal cable feeding is installed in the bow); the fifth is intended for the transportation of caught fish.

The formed caravan, as a rule, goes to the baited ton, but if this was not done in advance, then the foreman goes on the lead boat and “gropes” the fish sixth. An experienced fisherman on the go feels how a fish hits a pole, and in this place the seine begins to notice.

The first and second boats, without slowing down, sweep the seine in a semicircle, moving away from the shore for the entire length of the edge. The sinking begins immediately after the net is swept out, pulling both wings at the same time. The spotted wing is one and a half times shorter, so it is pulled out first, the nag is fixed with a steel pin on the shore, and the upper line is thrown onto the boat (rice).

: 1 - edge; 2 - wing (goes from the shore); 3 - motna; 4 - fugitive wing (larger); 5 - edge; 6 - non-water; 7 - motor boat.

The third group is represented by traps or stationary fishing gear, which account for no more than 5% of the total fish catch in our country. Such tools (fig. below) are especially suitable for catching snarled water bodies. Venter is a net cylinder, or barrel.

: A, B, C - venteri; G - fixed seine.

When cast, it lies on its side on the bottom of the reservoir. At one end, the barrel has an opening for fish to enter, and at the other end, it ends with a net cone called a cod, or a cod. In working order, it is held by wooden or metal hoops - casters. The diameter of the input coil, as a rule, is larger than the others. The length of the vents ranges from 1 to 20 m, and the diameter of the inlet cauldron is from 0.5 to 5-6 m. Inside the barrel there are net necks, or weasels, in the form of truncated cones, with a wide base directed towards the exit, and narrow - inside the vent. They direct the fish inside the barrel and do not allow it to go back.

To increase catchability, the barrel is equipped with wings from 5 to 200 m long. They block the fish from the bottom to the surface and direct it into the vent. Several additional small wings, the so-called openers, serve the same purpose.
Fish caught in the vent accumulate and remain in it. During inspection, small-sized venteri are taken out of the water entirely, and for large ones, only a cod, the end of which is unraveled and the fish is shaken out into the boat.

According to the principle of operation, the fixed nets (stavniki) are similar to the vents. They are most widely distributed in marine coastal fisheries.

It must be taken into account, however, that the use of a large number of passive fishing gear of various designs or small seines requires a significant expenditure of effort for their maintenance and does not allow the widespread use of mechanization. As a result, fishermen's labor productivity is low, the cost of fish caught is high, and the resource base of reservoirs is not fully utilized.
G. Servetnikr Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

The variety of objects and areas of fishing has led to a great variety in the design, shape, method of installation and operation of fixed nets.

The set seine (Fig. 1) consists of one or more wings and one or more traps.

The wing is a flat mesh fabric stretching from the shore to the trap or from trap to trap. Its purpose is to block the passage of the fish and direct it into the trap. For the most part, the wing blocks the reservoir from the bottom to the surface.

In this case, the shape of the wing must correspond to the bottom topography at the place where the seine is installed.

The wing ends at the entrance to the trap.

The trap consists of one or two yards and cages, or boilers. Yards are external and internal.

The outer yard is a net fence, where the fish passes, moving along the wing. The entrance to the outer yard looks like a narrowing corridor, which helps the fish to enter the yard and prevents its exit. The mesh walls that form the corridor are called openers or adoptions. By changing the angle of convergence of the openers, it is possible to achieve the best guiding and holding effect for a given fish and a given area, and hence the greatest catchability. This is the basis of the principle of operation of the fixed nets.

The walls of the outer courtyard also block off the reservoir from the bottom to the surface, with the exception of hanging nets. The outer courtyard is not sorted out, so the bottom is not made, also with the exception of hanging nets.

From the outer yard, the fish enters the inner yards, the number of which corresponds to the number of boilers, while the outer yard in the trap, as a rule, is one. The entrance to the courtyards also has the appearance of postcards. Inner yards are usually made with a bottom, as they are adjacent to the boilers and the lack of a bottom can lead to fish leaving.

From the courtyards, the fish passes through the openings into boilers or cages, in which it remains until it is poured from the seine. Boilers are mesh chambers of rectangular or figured shape, with walls and a bottom.

Of great importance in the construction of fixed seines is the correct shape of the individual parts of the seine, and especially the entrance to the trap and boilers. The flaps should protrude into the yard or cage so that when moving inside the trap, the fish is directed away from the exit.

Characteristic, for example, is the arrangement of Far Eastern salmon seines, in which the openings reflect the fish to the opposite wall of the yard and the fish describes a figure-eight inside the trap without falling into the exit hole.

To catch partial fish in the Northern Caspian in the seines designed by M.F. Khabarov, cut-offs are made near the openers - short reflective walls (Fig. 3).

The number of pairs of openers affects the catchability of the seine. With a rarefied course of fish and rare bulkheads, it is recommended to install two or more pairs of openers, and with a dense course and frequent bulkheads, one pair of openers is sufficient.

If the transitions from one part of the seine to another lie on the same axis, then the openings should form one common tapering system. In addition, each subsequent pass must be narrower than the previous one.

Cauldrons, or cages, of fixed seines are designed to concentrate fish. For the most part, these are rectangular chambers made of durable netting with an edge.

Sometimes the outer side, called the rear wall, is made in the form of two faces with a rib protruding outward.

The number of boilers determines the shape and location of the trap, i.e. the design of the seine. From this point of view, fixed seines are divided into two-boiler, single-boiler and non-boiler.

The two-boiler nets in the trap have two boilers located on either side of the outer yard. In this case, the trap is installed across the wing. Such nets (Giant and Semi-giant) are used in the Caspian and Azov-Black Sea basins (Fig. 2).

In single-boiler seines, the trap has one boiler located along the wing or across it. Single-boiler seines with a longitudinal arrangement of the boiler include numerous small Azov seines, some Baltic and Siberian seines. Seines with a transverse arrangement of the boiler are widespread in the Northern Caspian, for example, seines designed by M.F. Khabarov, CaspNIRO and others (Fig. 3).

Boilerless seines are traps in which the yard is not fenced off from cages, but forms one common chamber with them - a net box with a bottom and walls. Such nets are widely used in the Far East for catching herring and salmon.

The method of keeping fish in boilers or traps has a great influence on the catchability of seines. The simplest way is that the entrance to the seine is provided with a special lifting curtain. In this case, the entrance itself may look like openings or be a free passage in the wall of the trap. Such seines are called curtain seines and are sometimes used to catch herring in the Far East. Before the fish enters, the curtain is lowered. Having established that the fish has entered the trap, the fishermen raise the curtain and close the exit for the fish. Having poured the fish out of the net, the fishermen again lower the curtain and wait for the arrival of new schools.

The use of a curtain completely guarantees against the fish leaving the trap, but deprives the seine of automatic action, forcing the fishermen to continuously be on duty at the entrance to the trap, stops the access of the fish during the period when the curtain is lowered, and complicates the operation of the seine. In addition, curtains are applicable only to catching mowing fish. Sparse fish, especially if there are no openers, are caught poorly. Therefore, such seines are rarely used.

The second and most common way to keep fish in traps is to use openers. Their shape and location were discussed above. Such seines, called adoption or postcard seines, are the simplest and most convenient to use. However, openings do not prevent fish from leaving pots and traps. Experiments carried out in the Far East, in the Caspian and Azov-Black Sea basins, showed that the fish that got into the boiler lingers in it only for a certain time, the duration of which depends on the species of fish, the fishing area, the concentration of the catch, etc.

Therefore, when organizing fixed seine fishing, it is necessary to sort out the seine as often as possible.

Some nets, in addition to internal ones, have external openings, the role of which is to expand the zone of entry of fish into the seine. Often these openings in front of the trap itself have a gap of 1-2 meters for the passage of fish from the zone formed by the wall of the trap and the outer side of the openings.

To reduce the possibility of fish leaving the boilers while maintaining the automaticity of fishing, the entrance to the boilers and openings are sometimes given the shape of net trays that rise up and narrow, as shown in Fig. 4, i.e., seines with inclined trays are used. Sometimes these trays are called watering cans, overhead nets, etc. The end of the tray enters the inside of the boiler and forms, as it were, openings, but not in the entire height of the boiler, but only in its upper part. Due to this, the exit of the fish is difficult and the catching capacity of the seine increases. Such nets are widely used in the Far East for catching salmon, in the Baltic for catching herring and in the Caspian for catching partial fish.

Their disadvantage is the complexity of installation. The inaccuracy of the location of the trays, their poor stretching or loosening after installation can lead to a sharp reduction in catch.

The walls of the traps, as well as the wings of the fixed nets, block the reservoir from the bottom to the surface. However, in deep places for catching fish that stay near the surface of the water, it is irrational to build such high, and therefore heavy and expensive traps. In these cases, suspended seines are used, the traps of which do not reach the bottom, but hang in the water column. Their upper edges are held on the sea surface with the help of floats.

The wing of such a seine blocks the water column from the bottom to the surface, but near the trap it is also made suspended. From the wing along it, a lifting road-net tray leads into the trap, gradually tapering from the sides with the bottom rising upwards. The fish, moving along the wing, reaches the lift road and passes along it into a hanging trap.

Such nets are widely used in the Far East for catching salmon and herring.

With an intensive course of fish and frequent bulkheads of the seine, in order to resolve the issue of pouring and transporting fish, the seine is supplied with cages in the form of net boxes adjacent to the rear walls of the boilers or traps and being their integral part. During the bulkheading, the fish is driven into the cage and left in it until the approach of the transport vessel.

For the construction of fixed seines, a cotton or nylon net is used with a mesh size and thread thickness that ensures the strength of the fishing gear and the impossibility of catching fish. The wing is usually made of large mesh thin material, except for the part adjacent to the trap, where a finer mesh is needed. The trap is made from different materials. The most fine-mesh del from thick threads is used for those parts on which the fish is dried. The walls can be from a lighter case. The bottoms lying on the bottom can also be made from a larger-mesh, but strong enough deli.

Since the set seine works in marine conditions and is exposed to the action of waves, the landing edges of all net parts are provided with an edge of a stronger net to avoid chafing.

Cutting and assembly of the net part of the seine is carried out in accordance with the shape of the trap and wing. To do this, in the drawing, the trap is scanned as a geometric body and the required dimensions of the netting sheets and the plan for their cutting are set.

When calculating the amount of net materials and drawing assembly and cutting drawings, fit must be taken into account. In the wings of a fixed seine, the landing coefficient is usually 0.67, but in some seines it is 0.75-0.8, which allows the use of a larger mesh del for the wings.

In the walls of the trap, the coefficient is 0.67, but 0.707 can be recommended, which saves net materials, reduces the resistance of the seine during a storm and simplifies its construction. The bottom is also recommended to plant with a coefficient of 0.707, and aprons or rear walls, on which the catch is dried, with a coefficient of 0.67-0.63.

The bottoms of the seine move del to del. Sometimes, in the lower corners, and in some nets, veins are passed along the bottom of the boilers and other parts.

Fishing gear used in reservoirs, their parameters and the procedure for using them are established by the rules of fishing.

The conditions of the reservoirs mainly determine the types of fishing gear and the order of their use, which differ from the gears on the rivers on which the reservoirs are formed. Various types of fishing gear are used, each of which is characterized by optimal selectivity and catchability in relation to certain types of fish or their size groups. This takes into account the use of more advanced fishing methods.

Shore seines. Shore nets are used in open water. They consist of two wings, drives and a bobbin (one or more). They pull the seine for the edges - ropes.

Shore seines, lake seines are symmetrical, river seines are asymmetric. They have a motna in the middle part, wings and edges are the same size. The part of the wing closest to the mona, called the drive, has the same height along the entire length as the mona, which is 30-40% more than the most common depth in fishing areas. The height of the rest of the wing is smaller and depends on the bottom topography and fishing conditions.

The length of the equal-winged coastal seine is up to 1500 m, the height is up to 25 m. The fishing area for one spot is up to 30 ha.

In seines used on hard sandy-silty and pebbly soils, the lower pick-up is made shorter than the top, but no more than the height of the seine, which ensures a large fit of the pick-up to the bottom. On soft silty or peaty soils, the net fabric is made higher than usual, the lower selection is not loaded, and the length is equal to the length of the upper selection or greater than it. In this case, the lower line, lagging behind the upper line, drags along the bottom without cutting the ground, which facilitates traction, preventing the fish from leaving the net.

Motnya usually has a wedge-shaped shape 1.5-2 times longer than the height of the seine.

The mesh size of the deli depends on the size of the fish to be caught, the conditions and methods of fishing, and the rules of fishing. The most frequent del is placed in the kutka of the motni and in the motni. The meshes in the coil and drives are the same size. Wings are made from mesh with 3-5 sizes, which gradually increase from drives to nags. Each subsequent part of the wing is made of wood with a mesh 4-6 mm larger than the mesh of the previous part.

A foam plastic melt is evenly tied to the upper selection. The total weight of the float on the wings is 1/6 of the dry weight of the top line and fly without the weight of the bobbin.

Loads (flat stones) or metal rings are tied to the lower selection of seines working on solid soils. In reservoirs with silty soil, stones are often used, braided with birch bark or vine. The total weight of the load on the net is equal to 1/5 of the weight of the entire net and the upper line in dry form.

The seine is also built with a gap - a strip of delhi 0.5-1 m wide, 0.5-0.7 of the total length of the seine, one of the edges of which is planted on the lower selection, and the second edge is loaded with a light load or placed on a loaded net.

A seine with a valance is used when fishing areas with an uneven bottom for catching carp, catfish, pike, bream, which can go under the lower selection of a conventional seine design.

For catching silver carp, which is able to jump over the upper selection of the seine, a curtain is sewn to it with a mesh pitch of 40-50 mm, a width of 1 m, a length of 0.5-0.7 of the length of the seine or a visor that prevents fish from jumping out.

When fishing with a throw seine on the open reach of the reservoir in the summer (Zharkovskaya fishing season), a seine with elongated cuts equal to the length of the seine is used, and the seine is seized in a shape close to a triangle.

Seine. Such seines up to 1000 m long are used in open water and under ice; The height of the seine in the drives and wings is the same. The seine has a capacious coil, lower, upper and third rebound, for which the seine is pulled by a winch. To press the lower line to the bottom, a sliding load weighing 30-40 kg is strengthened on it. Effective use of these seines is possible in areas with a high concentration of fish detected by an echo sounder. To prevent the release of fish during the period of sinking at depths up to 4 m, the wings of the seine are pulled crosswise, and the seine net is anchored at the beginning of the sinking and the sinking is performed from it.

Abroad, at the same time, two, three, four stretch seines are used, which sweep in a circle, pull and sink the seine at the same time to the center of the swept area, each seine independently for two edges into a separate boat.

Purse seine. They are used in areas of reservoirs with great depths and in the presence of a high concentration of pelagic fish. The length of the seines is 200-300 m, the height is up to 30 m. Seine fishing is carried out by pulling the lower line while the upper line is stationary, thus forming a huge bag of fish. There are purse seines, the wing of which is chosen for the ship for two-thirds of the length, and the rest of the wings are purse, as indicated above.

Seine with a veil(designed by L.I. Denisov). The length of the seine with a curtain is 500-1200 m, height is 3 m, with cuts of 600 m each. higher, usually jumps over the top line.

Seine for ice fishing. The length of the seine is 400-800 m. The technique and organization of under-ice fishing with a seine are varied and depend on the behavior and concentration of fish, the size of the seine, and the scheme of netting.

The number of fishermen, the size and composition of the winter convoy, the nature and quantity of equipment depend on the size of the seine and the method of its use.

Greater catchability is achieved by using two opposite seines, which sink simultaneously in the center of the ton, while also using an opposite net - a seine 20-50 m long, blocking the exit of fish during sinking. With continuous seine fishing, as the wings are retrieved, they are immediately stretched according to the new following pattern. When column fishing, 2-6 seines are used simultaneously in such a way as to catch the largest area of ​​​​the reservoir within several dens.

collar- single-winged stretch seine with motney, used in shallow water. The length of the collar wing is 150-200 m. Fishing is carried out from one boat with the participation of 3 fishermen.

Scraper- seine net without coil.

Dragnet(brodnik, bredeshok, brodets, drag, drag) - a short drag 5-20 m long, which is pulled into the ford by nags without cuts.

Raiga- a variety of coastal seines, characterized by a significantly larger lower selection in relation to the upper one. They pull her by the upper selection. It is used in areas with bumps, stones, low cut stumps and other objects without sharp and long protrusions.

Trawls are used for industrial fishing, reconnaissance of fish accumulations, as well as scientific research in reservoirs. Specialized trawl fishing gives good results when fishing for sabrefish in the Tsimlyansk reservoir, smelt in the Rybinsk reservoir, catfish in the Volgograd and Kuibyshev reservoirs, tyulka in the Dnieper reservoirs, roach, crucian carp in the reservoirs of Western Siberia.

twin trawls. Two identical vessels tow the trawl with or without an auxiliary boat. There are no trawl doors, which increases the speed of trawling and the catch of fish. Vessels do not go in the wake of the trawl, but on the side, so they do not scare away the fish, but drive it with warps into the fishing area with the trawl. Motor boats or ships with engines of 12-150 hp are used. With. The use of a support boat allows almost continuous fishing. Vessels-tugs are in motion all the time and only for the period of lifting the cod with the catch on board the boats slow down. It takes 3-7 minutes to raise the cod, pouring out the fish. The codend is trimmed after 15, 20, 30 minutes of trawling.

The design, size and equipment of the twin trawl depend on the engine power of the tugs, the type of fish caught and the fishing conditions - on the bottom or in the water column. The size of the trawl and the characteristics of the delhi are combined with the speed of the trawl. The larger the trawl or the smaller the mesh, the lower the trawling speed will be with the same towing capacity of the vessels.

For fishing sprats, sprats, bleaks, the speed of trawling at a water temperature below 10 ° C is 2.5-3.5 km / h. In warm seasons, bream, pike-perch, sabrefish, and roach are caught at trawling speeds of 4-5 km/h, and carp, grass carp, silver carp, and catfish are caught at 7-8 km/h.

Fishing with a twin trawl is carried out by 4-5 people. When using an auxiliary boat and tugs with an engine of 20-40 hp. With. on the ships there is one minder-skipper, as well as 2-3 fishermen. Without an auxiliary boat, 3-4 fishermen work on the lead vessel.

Trawl fishing from one vessel. Who is carried out with the help of spacer boards that provide a horizontal opening of the trawl. The sweeping and hauling of the trawl is carried out from the side or stern, using an auxiliary boat or without it. Stern trawling is more efficient than broadside trawling because there is no need to waste time on the circulation needed to sweep or haul the trawl and warps. It provides the best horizontal opening of the mouth of the trawl. For stern trawling, any vessel that does not have trawl equipment (winches, arc, cargo booms) can be used; work is done by hand.

The dimensions and design of the trawl for trawling from one vessel are the same as for twin trawls. The trawl has bare ends 8-10 m long to connect the trawl to the spreader boards.

When trawling in the water column, buoys are attached to the upper part of the spacer boards on streamers of 11 foam circles, which hold the spacer boards and the trawl at a given horizon during the trawling period. The trawl is set to the desired depth by lengthening or shortening the line connecting the board to the buoy.

When fishing in the water column from a vessel that does not have trawl equipment, light metal spacer boards weighing no more than 50 kg each are used.

On ships equipped with trawl equipment, spacer boards can be rectangular, oval, spherical, wing-shaped, or slotted, angled and conical.

Trawls are equipped with trawls along the upper line, with chains along the bottom line, vertical mouth opening limiters, a safety line or frame, emergency buoys tied on a long cord to the end of the trawl codend. A buoy with a lifting force of 150 N is attached to each end of the upper line of the trawl, where the nag is passed, and a load of 150 N is attached to the ends of the lower line. With the help of these buoys and weights, as well as equipment for the upper and lower lines, a vertical opening of the mouth of the trawl is provided.

Side cone traps. Such traps are used on the Kakhovka reservoir for tyulka fishing.

On the boat "Yaroslavets" or PTS-150, two onboard cone traps are installed with a size of 4X4 ​​m at the mouth, a length of 12 m. 4 people are fishing. 5 lifting booms are installed on the vessel: one for lifting and lowering the towing frame, to the ends of which metal square frames with traps are attached to the streamers; two arrows in front of the cabin for raising and lowering the frame and traps and two arrows behind the cabin for raising the coddle.

Before trawling, the towing U-shaped frame is lowered only to a depth of four meters, then square frames with traps and kudki. Kutki on the move of the vessel is often raised.

Trawling by pushing. Push trawling is carried out from one vessel with an engine of 80-150 hp. with., a suspension device, a fish pump RB-100 and a winch.

The suspension device consists of two metal trusses 12 m long. Some truss cones are connected and attached to the bow of the vessel, others are stretched and attached to catamaran-type pontoons. In push trawling, the fish are not deterred by the wake and engine noise as the trawl goes ahead of the vessel. The fish is continuously pumped out of the codend of the trawl by a pump through a corrugated hose and fed to the deck of the vessel. This contributes to a significant increase in the catch and allows continuous fishing.

The catch of kilka in push trawling is 2-4 times higher than the catch in stern trawling.

Electrified twin trawl. In recent years, in some reservoirs on open reaches with waves of no more than 3 points, electric fishing installations ELU-4 have been used. The installation consists of a non-self-propelled catamaran KPB-1 and two tugs with a 20 hp engine. With. The catamaran is equipped with a gasoline-electric unit AB-4-T (230V) with a power of 4 kW, a control panel, a crane-beam and a turret with a mechanized drive for lifting the cod. The trawl is 25 m, equally sized, with a vertical opening of the mouth of 5 m, with a mirror cutting cloth. The trawl top line is equipped with hoods and an anode - a flat electrode. A cathode is tied to the lower selection - an electrode similar to the anode. Weights weighing 15 kg are attached to the lower ends of the nags. Warp length 80-120 m, trawling speed not more than 3 km/h. The current is supplied to the electrodes by a unipolar, pulsed one from an underwater generator TYPE-250, connected by a cable to a benzoelectric generator installed on a catamaran.

Networks are smooth with forced draft are made in the form of frame large bags of mesh fabric in each window. The length of the net is 30 m, the height is 4 m or more in landing with a frame of 80X80 cm. Floats and weights are tied up only at the points where the ends of the vertical veins of the frame are attached to the rebounds. The network is towed by twin-engine boats with a 12-15 hp engine. With. at a speed of 2.7-3.0 km / h.

The duration of fishing does not exceed 30 minutes. It is better to tow nets in summer and autumn during the day along the bottom. In areas with a clogged bottom, fishing is carried out at night in the water column or near the surface, where fish are concentrated at this time. In the southern and middle latitudes, fishing with nets with forced traction is carried out in the water column from July to mid-October from 23 to 4 hours, in autumn - from 20 to 6 hours. / h and only for the upper selection.

Set nets- the most common fishing gear in reservoirs. The amount of fish caught by fixed nets depends on the size of the accumulation of fish in the fishing area and on the correspondence of the mesh pitch in their canvas to the size composition of fish in the reservoir, as well as on the design of the net, thread diameter, mesh pitch, landing, equipment, sharpening, installation method and location, care and storage. The catchability of the net increases with a decrease in the ratio of the thread diameter to the mesh pitch in the web.

Frame and rhomboram nets used for catching large-sized fish - catfish, carp, pike, asp, pike perch, bream, ide, etc. Frame nets are made of canvas with a mesh pitch of 70 mm or more. They have longitudinal and transverse veins connected at the intersections. In the rhomboram network, two veins are passed crosswise one to the other. Since the vertical and oblique veins are shorter than the height of the net web, in both net designs bags of net web are formed, which increase the catchability, especially in relation to large fish.

Guard nets(with veins) are made from canvas with a mesh of 30-70 mm. They have only vertical veins, which are 20-50% shorter than the height of the canvas, tied in 3-4 places to the veins (or not tied up). A large shrinkage of the canvas is done when the canvas is tied to the veins.

Single-wall networks(blocks) have one canvas without veins. They are made of canvas with a mesh pitch of 40 mm or less. They are especially effective when fishing for roach, ram and sabrefish.

Combined networks(according to the mesh size) consist of one linen, sewn in height from 2-3 sheets or 4-6 blocks along the length with different mesh pitch, and this set of blocks can be repeated 3-4 times depending on their length and the network. Having 6 orders of combined nets with two sets of boards in a cell of 4 m in length, it is possible to quickly and accurately determine the distribution of fish in a reservoir at a given moment by species and size groups. Combined nets are used for fish exploration, research and industrial purposes.

Set traps, venteri, stakes and others are made from mesh fabric, metal mesh, rods. They are passive fishing gear used on coastal shallows. The greatest catches are provided in the spring when fish approach the shores, at the beginning of winter, during the period of massive seasonal migrations of fish and increased fish mobility during kills, subject to the rules of fishing.

All traps have a barrel or chamber, one or two pairs of openings, but there are also without openings with a central guide wing. The barrels are stretched with 3-5 hoops or square wooden or metal frames, and inside they have 1 to 5 funnel-shaped throats. Especially effective are traps made from a mirror-cut fabric, and also if the opening of the back throat ends with a bundle of nylon veins tied to its rim every 3 cm of the perimeter.

An analysis of the range of fixed nets used in a number of reservoirs showed that for the greatest catchability with sufficient strength of the fixed nets, it is necessary to choose the thread thickness for each mesh size.

Good results are obtained by planting with a variable coefficient of 0.20-0.71 with a repeatability every 6-8 m of the length of the nets.

For pike and pike perch, a landing coefficient of 0.67 gives good results, for golden crucian carp - 0.30.

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