10 best vitamins for strengthening the heart muscle

And hello again everyone! Today we will discuss a topic that has little to do with bodybuilding and fitness, but is still very relevant. Here we train our biceps, triceps, legs, etc. What about our heart? This is also a muscle and it also needs our attention. Each of us understands that the heart is a human motor, it starts the whole body in action. And everyone knows perfectly well that the health of this organ is the most important moment.

Unfortunately, few people take good care of it. Of course, everyone's health is different and often not everything depends on the person. Someone has a sick heart from birth, and this, alas, was inherited. And someone destroys it consciously and gradually - with their bad habits and wrong way of life.

Perhaps some of you, if necessary, take Corvalol or Validol. But this, believe me, is not enough. After all, problems are much better not to solve, but to prevent their occurrence.

In this article, we will look at which vitamins are best to take to strengthen the heart muscle. This will be very useful for people who have problems with this important muscle.

We are all used to the fact that with age invariably comes a disorder of the body. The first to suffer is the cardiovascular system.

This is no longer surprising, but they begin to stock up on the most common pills and drops against pain. But the real surprise and even shock is the fact that the age of cardiologist patients is steadily decreasing. Now more and more young people, teenagers and even children can be seen in the queue to the doctor or in the pharmacy for medicines. The reasons are often:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. Children's unwillingness to look away from TV screens, computers or phones leads to the fact that very soon their heart muscles begin to fail, because they do not have enough training. I once heard a report on the news that a guy did not get up for several days because of his computer, playing an online game. And then abruptly got up and just died.
  2. Frequent stressful situations. In the modern world, it is almost impossible to avoid overstrain of the nervous system. At home, at school or at work, stress awaits us everywhere. We need to learn how to deal with them and take care of ourselves, although we are being pressed from all sides.
  3. Having bad habits. Often people themselves do not notice how or gradually kills them. The heart is the first to respond to these factors. Violation of its work can be a signal, so listen to your body.
  4. Eating unhealthy food. Fatty foods make the heart work harder, as it becomes overgrown with fatty tissues and it becomes increasingly difficult for it to perform its function of contracting and pumping blood. Whatever vitamins you take for the heart - if you eat poorly, it's all "up to one place."
  5. Violation of the rhythm of life. More and more people are complaining about irregular working hours. This is very tiring, does not allow you to eat normally and on time. Such consequences cannot but affect the functioning of our main motor.

In the news, you can increasingly hear that the top positions in the lists of causes of increased mortality are occupied by diseases related to the cardiovascular system.

Where to begin?

If you find that your heart is becoming difficult to fulfill its "duties", this is a sure sign - you are leading the wrong lifestyle. The first step is to reduce the negative impact on the heart and blood vessels. This can be achieved by following the standard and well-known recommendations of a healthy lifestyle.

Strengthening the heart contributes to:

  • Proper nutrition is regular and balanced.
  • Eat as much and often as possible natural ingredients and herbs.
  • Moderate consumption of red wine also promotes heart function.
  • Follow the correct daily routine. It should be borne in mind that both lack of sleep and excess sleep are harmful. You should not console yourself with hopes that you will be able to sleep on the weekend for the whole week. A person needs a normal sleep every day. Personally, from lack of sleep, it is my heart that immediately begins to stab, so from my own experience I was convinced how important a full-fledged sleep is for my motor. If I stubbornly continue not to get enough sleep, then the next to fail is the stomach.
  • The heart will recover faster with normalized physical activity.

One of the main points is the use of vitamins and minerals. You should also consult a cardiologist or therapist. After a thorough examination, he will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe a complex of drugs for treatment.

Vitamins essential for the heart

But one of the most useful tips is the regular intake of a vitamin complex. Your doctor will help you develop the best treatment option for you. You should not resort to self-medication, because you can earn much more serious ailments. This issue must be approached with the utmost seriousness and responsibility.

What are the best vitamins for the heart? Consider them:

  1. Vitamin C. Perfectly strengthens the heart muscle, minimizes clogging of the walls of blood vessels with cholesterol. Also accelerates. The largest amount is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, and garlic. BUY.
  2. Vitamin A. This is an excellent antioxidant. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It also supports the stabilization of metabolic processes. It contains fresh vegetables. These include - carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, spinach, broccoli, apples, melon, watermelon. Among animal foods, fish oil, beef liver, caviar, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, margarine can be proud of a large amount of vitamin A. BUY.
  3. Tocopherol (vitamin E). It is also called the vitamin of youth. And this is no accident. It reduces blood clotting, prevents blood clots and cholesterol accumulations from forming (how to reduce them with special drugs -). The supply of oxygen to cells depends on it. Reduces blood pressure. Thus, the cells of the organs are “rejuvenated”. You can buy vitamin E capsules, but it is also found in large quantities in nuts of various varieties, in the liver, egg yolks, and vegetable oil. BUY.
  4. Rutin - vitamin R. With it, the walls of the arteries will become stronger, less sensitive to damage, more elastic, and the capillaries will not be so brittle and permeable. It is found in rosehip tea, blackcurrant, mountain ash. Also, to increase the effect, you can use cherries, grapes, peaches, nectarines, plums. It can also be taken in tablets. This is Askorutin. BUY.
  5. Fatty acids (group F vitamins). They minimize the chances of atherosclerosis. Positive effect on the strengthening of muscle tissue. They can be consumed separately - vitamin F 99, or you can get the right dose in products - vegetable oil, seafood, rosehip oil. You can also consume Omega-3 fatty acids. BUY.
  6. Coenzyme Q10. This element is produced independently in the liver. It provides the heart with energy, prevents the risk of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia. The foods richest in this substance are foods of animal and vegetable origin. Among them: beef, herring, chicken meat, peanuts, sesame seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, orange, strawberries. BUY.
  7. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Normalizes the metabolism of fats, which helps to avoid the appearance of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin is simply indispensable for improving and maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. Red meat, fish, rice porridge, dairy products, beans of various kinds are the richest in this substance. It is also included in carrots, spinach, cherries, strawberries, pomegranates, lemons, oranges. On average, 2-6 mg of the substance can be consumed per day. BUY.
  8. Thiamine, or vitamin B1. Actively removes excess cholesterol from the body. Stimulates heart contractions, stabilizes the rhythm of the heart. To increase the proportion of vitamin in the body, it is recommended to consume more coffee beans, cereals, apricots, almonds and hazelnuts, walnuts, rose hips, carrots, beans, cabbage, onions, potatoes, spinach. It is a vitamin that undergoes dissolution with water. It can also be produced in the intestines. The daily norm is 1-2.5 mg. For children - up to 2 mg. BUY.
  9. Vitamin B9. Reduces the possibility of myocardial infarction. It normalizes the composition of the blood. He is also an active participant in the formation of healthy blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes). Included in egg yolk, potatoes, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cereals, bananas, cabbage, beets. Permissible rate per day - up to 600 mcg. BUY.
  10. Vitamin B11-B12. This amino acid is indispensable for the breakdown of fat cells. The process is accompanied by the generation of energy. This activates the contraction of the heart. It can be found in milk, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, poultry. BUY.

Who needs 100% heart vitamins?

For many of us, the impetus for taking any action is the deterioration of the physical condition. Only after feeling pain in the region of the heart, only some, at best, go to the hospital. But someone waves his hand at it, and says something like: "it will hurt and stop, not for the first time ...". Someone tries to solve the problem on their own with the help of drugs.

This is wrong, because the symptoms mean that the disease is already developing. It is necessary to carry out regular prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This will stop the development of the disease, as well as prevent the occurrence of potential diseases. Cardiologists strongly recommend that certain groups of people pay special attention to their health status and take appropriate measures. These include:


The cardiovascular system performs the most important function in the body. It provides oxygen to the cells and tissues of all organs. Also, with its help, the required elements and connections are transported. The heart is our continuously running pump. He does not know rest, so you need to take care of him as carefully as possible and listen to him.

The optimal functioning of all organ systems is guaranteed only if there is a uniform supply of blood to the organs, its speed and volume must correspond to a normal state of health. The pressure must be stable. These processes are regulated by the composition of the blood, sufficient content of vitamins, microelements and acids in the body.

This concludes this article and I hope it was useful to you. Now you have an idea about what vitamins are needed to strengthen our heart muscle. But in general, I wish you not to be interested in such articles for as long as possible. Stay healthy, see you in new posts!

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