7 tips on how to pump up the lower part of the chest

Do not let the progress of the muscles of the lower sections of the chest deviate from the correct course! Draw powerful outlines with 7 time-tested strategies.

For many guys, the lower part of the pectoral muscles is the most problematic area of ​​​​the chest in terms of full development. It's time to change the situation. Not because we are the proud owners of magical secrets that will finally explode this slow-growing region, but because we have developed a 7-step strategy that will be a targeted help for lagging chest muscles.

To add mass to the lower pectoral muscles, first give up the principle of "for the lower chest and one exercise is enough." It's never too late to shift the focus to the problem area and get to the hiding places in which the secrets of effective chest training are hidden.

In addition to including specific exercises for the lower chest in the program, you can modify the workout and increase its intensity through techniques such as, and even. The use of all these elements is the best choice for forcing muscle growth and a powerful push for the lower sections of the chest.

Try These Seven Tips To Accelerate The Growth Of Lower Muscle Fibers!

1. Train Your Lowers First

Many chest workouts deservedly start with, but if a certain area is your priority, you should start your training day with exercises for that area while you are fresh, full of energy and strength. In this case, do exercises for the lower part of the chest, for example, barely crossing the threshold of the gym.

Do exercises for the lower chest while you are fresh, full of energy and strength.

If you normally did the incline bench press at the end of your workout, you will immediately notice that you are significantly stronger when you do the exercise first. The point is to load the target group with working weights that they have not encountered before. Don't be afraid to do fewer reps than normal, but with more weight. If your standard incline press approach was 10 reps, lift the weight and do a set of 6-8 reps. The impact on the target muscle of new training stimuli cannot be underestimated.

2. Add More Lower Chest Exercises

Exercises for the lower chest
  1. tilted (feet on the ground)
  1. on an incline bench

Who said that in one workout you should do only one exercise for the lower chest? In a normal situation, you want to work all the fibers of the chest muscles by working at different angles - bench press on a horizontal bench, a bench with a positive and a negative incline. Use the same principle for the muscles of the lower chest: change the angle of the bench, use a fundamentally different machine with a negative slope, and you will work the fibers of the lower chest in various ways, which will positively affect their development.

Just avoid exercises for the lower chest that look like twins, like the bench press and the bench press on the Smith machine on the same incline. Or a dumbbell bench press and a barbell bench press with the same negative slope.

In addition to the second exercise at a different angle, train the muscles with a higher rep range. If in the first exercise you had heavy sets of 6-8 reps, then in the second exercise take less weight for sets of 10-12 reps. Load variability is a great way to increase muscle volume and strength performance.

3. Use isolation exercises

Crossover crunches, incline dumbbell crunches, and incline crunches all target the lower pecs and eliminate the triceps. In use a slightly larger rep range than in bench exercises. Like other isolation movements, these are best performed at the end of a training session.

4. Add new exercises

No doubt, the choice of "new" exercises is small, but any movement that you have not performed for a long time before automatically becomes "new" for your muscles. For example, if you've always worked with a barbell, it's time to master dumbbells or a machine.

In addition to changing projectiles, you can slightly tweak the equipment that you are already using. Raise or lower the bench with a negative incline. My favorite option is the Hammer machine, which has adjustable handlebars so you can press along your torso, not just up.

Weighted bar push-ups are another great one that is definitely worth a try. To shift the emphasis on the chest, tilt the body forward by lifting the legs back and allow the elbows to move away from the body during the downward phase of the movement.

5. Train your chest after a day off

This strategy is used by professional bodybuilders because after a full day of rest with good nutrition, you are full of energy and your muscles are filled with glycogen. If you are working your chest in the middle of a training week, make sure that you did not work the triceps or delts the day before; they must be fully rested.

6. Train hard

is the first step towards building strong muscles, and 1-2 sets beyond failure in various exercises for the lower chest can teleport you into the zone of rapid muscle growth. There are many ways to increase the intensity, I will talk about four of the best!

Forced reps: Ask your spotter to help you lift the bar after you hit muscle failure so you can get a few more reps.

Rest-Pause Method: Pick a weight that you can only do 6 reps with (your 6 rep max), but only do 3 reps. Rest no more than 20 seconds, then do 3 more repetitions. Alternate work/rest for 5 cycles and you'll hit 15 reps with a 6 rep max weight - a fantastic stimulus for muscle growth. Choose an exercise that allows you to quickly get into the starting position, such as bench presses.

Negatives: When you reach failure, instead of completing the set, ask a partner to help lift the weight, then slowly lower the projectile without assistance for 5 seconds. Continue the set until you can hold the eccentric contraction for 5 seconds.

Drop Sets: When you hit failure, immediately drop the weight by about 25% and continue training to failure. You can even do it again when you reach muscle failure again.

7. End Your Workout With Dips Negatives

Here is the finishing move for the lower chest, which was shown to me by a trainer named Tukano from Rio a few years ago. I swear a lot of guys don't know their true physical abilities and it shows.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Do push-ups on the bars without weights at the end of your chest workout. In the starting position, the arms are straightened. Lower yourself down for ten seconds, counting slowly. Instead of doing push-ups in the usual way, use your legs to return to the starting position until your arms are fully extended. Then immediately do a negative rep for 10 seconds and rise in the same way.

Over and over again, it will become more and more difficult to control the speed of the downward phase; you can finish the approach when you can no longer hold out for 10 seconds. By then, you will have had the most powerful lower chest workout of your life.