Summer Biathlon World Championship Schedule

August 27, 2016.

Natalia Gerbulova won bronze in the junior women's sprint.

Gold was won by Ukrainian Anastasia Merkushina, silver was won by Poland's Kinga Mitoraj. Another representative of Russia Kristina Reztsova became the fourth.

Natalia Gerbulova commented on her third place in the sprint: “Of course, I am satisfied with my performance. For me, this is the first personal medal at international competitions. Emotions are just overwhelming. Yesterday the relay did not work out for us, but today Kristina Reztsova and I performed well. Tomorrow we will go to the pursuit race as friends.

Today there was a strong wind at the turn. I've never shot well in this kind of weather. On a miss at the turn - this is not the worst result for me in such conditions. Although I was upset after the mistake at the last frontier. I think that I managed the race as a whole.

Literally a week before the World Championships, I felt terrible at the control training in Tyumen. In Otepää, after some work, the state of health is just fine. Plus, I lost weight. It ran pretty easy.

At Russian competitions, I compete for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This year I am finally getting ready with my father Andrei Alexandrovich Gerbulov. Dad trains shooting, and Nikolai Petrovich Lopukhov advises on functional training. Together, he and his father adjust the training plan. Dad knows me inside and out. He can set me up well for the race. Now my father is at a training camp in Tyumen with Anton Shipulin and Alexei Volkov, but he gives me valuable advice over the phone and supports me in every possible way. I would also like to thank the coaches and staff of our team in Otepää - they helped me a lot to achieve this result.”

Well, the shooting of our girls. Quiet horror.

Congratulations to Kaisa and the entire Finnish team on their victory!

Something from the Sverdlovsk region nobody! And Kirill Streltsov is not in juniors ...

By the way, on the website of the RBU: the composition of the Russian team for the mixed relay races as part of the Summer Biathlon World Championships, which takes place in Otepää, Estonia, from August 26 to 28, has been determined.
Women/men: Elena Ankudinova, Margarita Vasilyeva, Alexander Babchin, Mikhail Boyarskikh.
Juniors/juniors: Kristina Reztsova, Natalya Gerbulova, Viktor Plitsev, Dmitry Shamaev.

Run for Ukraine: Jim, Pidgrushna, Semyonov. Pidruchny. For Poland: Gwizdon, Choynich, Guzik, Yanik. Kazakhstan has Vishnevskaya and Poltaranina, unfamiliar men, Finns have Kaisa, Bulgarians have a strong team with Anev and Iliev. In general, ours will have to strain to be on the podium!

Boris, from the site of the Bashkir Biathlon

Let's look at our Koreans - Frolina and Starodubets.

Igor, thank you that our people will perform at all ...

Olga Pavlovna, who is Kovaleva and where did you get this information from?

Our male team is very strong. I'm not talking about juniors, they are the main favorites.
I think that even without collections, Margarita Vasilyeva will make a fuss with us. Of course, I would like to see Olga Podchufarova, she is one of the best on roller skates, but we have mountain training in August, as always.
Broadcasts can be watched here:

By the way, not the weakest composition. Considering that the foreign leaders are now far from the optimal form, there should be medals. But still, I would like to see more young athletes from the reserve, as the experience of such competitions would be very useful to them.

Roman, members of the main team did not pass the selection, they had to come to the Czech Republic.
But seriously, they could send at least 2 people from the national team. But our TS always has an excuse, preparation for the GS.

Karintsev Aleksey Innokentievich, such a reason seems far-fetched to me, taking into account the performances of foreigners and, for example, Anton Shipulin, who, in my opinion, won the World Championship in 2011 did not prevent him from performing very well in the winter.

Karintsev, in winter, unfortunately, with such training, ours do not win medals. Ukrainian women win both in winter and summer for some reason. They would put Podchufarova and Shumilova, they would at least get medals in the summer, if they can’t in the winter.

Igor, Kaisa will be.

Elena Pidgrushnaya
Yulia Jima
Irina Varvinets
Nadezhda Belkina
Yana Bondar
Julia Zhuravok

Igor, I was interested in the reasons why our coaches do not put the main team in the CHM, they answered me clearly, because if you compete in the summer, this can disrupt the training process and preparation for the winter season, which, of course, will affect the results of the WC and IBU. Therefore, you have to choose either summer or winter.

It is interesting that Kaisa and the Ukrainian team will perform in full force. Ours again did not put up the main team and perform poorly in the summer and in the winter too. It's a paradox, at least in the summer they put up a good squad and won medals. Again they will not show the summer World Cup, but in vain.

Today, August 27, in Otepää (Estonia) the championship and junior world championship in summer biathlon are being held. In the women's 7.5 km sprint with two firing lines, Ukrainian Olena Pidgrushna won. Silver was won by Anna Frolina from South Korea, who ran faster than Pidgrushna, but made one more miss (two against one). The best of the Russians Natalya Shalaeva with accurate shooting was fifth.

Summer biathlon. World Cup 2016. Otepaa (Estonia), August 27
Women. Sprint. 7.5 km

1. Elena Pidhrushnaya (Ukraine) - 22.18.5 (1 penalty loop)
2. Anna Frolina (Bulygina) (South Korea) - backlog 10.6 (2)
3. Irina Varvinets (Ukraine) - +20.4 (1)

5. Natalia Shalaeva (Russia) - +38.6 (0)
8. Larisa Kuklina (Russia) +1.10.5 (2)
23. Olga Kalina (Russia) - +2.16.1 (2)
27. Elena Ankudinova (Russia) - +2.25.0 (4)
28. Yana Babushkina (Russia) - +2.25.8 (5)

Detailed results of the women's sprint race at the CHM: website

mad bear,
it presents a certain difficulty for me to sort Ukrainian athletes according to the degree of their proximity to the ruling regime. It is necessary to delve into the nuances of each biography. Well, I don't have that kind of health. :)) Or maybe one of them is a sexot? Have you thought about it? :)) I rejoice in SPORTS successes, I appreciate them as ATHLETES. Now, if they had acted unsportsmanlike, let down a teammate, allowed themselves a trick at the time of the award, then yes, I would have thought about it. In addition, people are not carved out of stone, they change, sometimes diametrically. And how do you like a brand new memorial plaque dedicated to Mannerheim, and military honors, and all that? But he was a direct enemy of our country, an ally of Hitler, and not just an active supporter. And on his conscience - thousands of dead and tortured Soviet people. Let's tell our leadership about this, maybe they don't know what they're doing. Here you are quoting the Gospel, and I want to quote the Bible: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay!”, that is, the Lord will judge everything correctly in the end.

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, does anyone call you to take an uncompromising position TO ALL Ukrainian people? Or TO ALL Ukrainian athletes?

But not everyone can rejoice in the success of those who have stained themselves with active support of the Nazis, including the so-called ATO (even if we assume that the rumors about her personal participation in the war in Donbass are incorrect).

If you can, then it's impossible for me. And it is not necessary to equate a specific madam TO ALL athletes or TO ALL people.

According to their deeds will be rewarded! You may have heard this rule.

quite right, the anti-Russian ideology in Ukraine was carefully cultivated from outside and achieved great success in this direction. This is complete absurdity: people whose ancestors shed their blood in the war against the Nazis have now essentially fraternized with their enemies. And about who deserves what, such a thought can take place. But that doesn't make it any easier.

mad bear,
I feel sorry for Donbass, I hate its enemies, I understand the anger of those whose relatives and friends were killed there. And it would probably be right to support our compatriots in the Donbass not just with weak volunteer forces, but with the whole might of our army. Why didn't this happen? Because the policy of our leadership turned out to be short-sighted? Or to avoid more serious bloodshed? Do you have an answer to this question? I perfectly understand that if we take an uncompromising position towards all the people of present-day Ukraine, then our ideological enemies will benefit the most from this. If we turn away from athletes, from people, this will cause mutual rejection, antagonism and will replenish the number of our ideological opponents. And how will we be better than an American who did not shake hands with our Yulia Efimova? This is barbarism and rudeness. I will say more: this situation with Ukraine was largely due to the fault of our country, the greed, carelessness and treachery of the people who were then in power and who are already now, posthumously, for some incomprehensible merits, are given such honors that they never dreamed of true patriots. So there is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked. It’s already hard for Ukrainian athletes, and we, the fans, will squint at them.

There are also plenty of bloody events in the recent past of our country. The defenders of the parliament were also shot from tanks by the Westerners, if you think about it, only a local flood, certainly not the Slavophiles.

Before the Maidan, somehow it was not customary for us to show what was happening in the Western region. But the fact that these “subhumans” arranged already back in 2011 on May 9 with veterans (then it’s even creepy what they began to do) will never change my attitude now ... And this is for those who are trying to protect them. website

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, Nobody labels anyone. And do not invent for me (bring my thought to the point of absurdity). You can rejoice that the Nazi is a Slav. I can't be happy about it. At least while the Ukronazis continue to shed blood in the Donbass.
Let everyone have their own opinion. Although it is difficult for me to imagine that someone in the USSR rejoiced at the victories of German athletes under Hitler. Especially members of the NSDAP. Only on the grounds that the Germans, whatever one may say, are also Aryans. And if you take a closer look at history, then North and East Germany are entirely former (Germanized) Slavs.

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, I don’t quite agree about the rabid Ukrainians, alas, but Western Ukraine and the majority of those living there preached Russophobia not only for the last three decades, but much earlier. The centuries-old influence of Austria-Hungary and Poland affected ... During the Soviet era, I repeatedly encountered representatives of the Westerners, and even during the Soviet era they did not hide their Russophobia much, so I also have a rich personal experience of communication, not only from hearsay ... Just now these anti-Russian ideas, carefully preserved and cultivated over the centuries, have spread to the entire territory of Ukraine and made it the state ideology ... Of course, it's a pity for simple people, but ... EVERYONE GETS WHAT DESERVES .. Relevant to both an individual person and a group of people , that is, what the people are, such is the level of their leaders ...

pioneer, people (and countries) are simply being treated in the right direction, taking advantage of their weakness, or thoughtlessness, or vanity. By and large, people are sorry. Well, Ukrainians have never been such rabid nationalists. Yes, it's hard to separate us. Roots are one, language is one, culture is one. And Shevchenko is ours, and Gogol is ours, and Korolenko, and Skovoroda. I'm not talking about the songs of Grigory Ponomarenko (the surname is Ukrainian). We had to try very hard to set Ukraine against us. Were looking for weaknesses, and found, not dozed zakordonnye virtuosos psikhborba. And what is the demand from Alena? She is an athlete. Was and is. Politicians, leaders of states are sometimes unable to understand the situation, to understand what is good and what is bad. People live in this country, depend on it, like those who sit quietly in the kitchen. I don't judge strictly. We know firsthand that the regime can take revenge, can kill. And about the one from whom what harm, I also agree with you. Nationality does not determine anything, everything is determined by the Man. It sounds good or it doesn't. :))

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, it’s also correct that not everyone in Ukraine is Russophobic, but ... Their voices are now completely inaudible, if they sympathize with Russia, then quietly in the kitchen, this is also a fact (I don’t take into account the DPR and LPR). I don’t question Pidgrushna’s professional qualities, my speech is about something else, being a political figure (representative of the Ministry of Sports of Ukraine), she made unequivocal statements directed against Russia (I won’t search, this topic has been repeatedly discussed on the site with links), yes, after returning to the sport of such her statements no longer sound ... I don’t obstruct Pidgrushna, I just ignore her, but I won’t rejoice at her successes for the reasons indicated above .. Often, NON-SLAVES do Russia less harm, much less than many SLAVES, and this is also a FACT

yes, I also think so about Poland, and about modern Ukraine. I only know that, for example, in Ukraine, not everyone agrees with its current state doctrine, and among those who agree, there are many people who doubt the correctness of its new ideology. The people of Ukraine and the people usurping power in Ukraine are not the same thing. It is impossible to turn away from the people of Ukraine, who already have a hard time without it. And this aggression towards Alena is still not clear to me. Now she is not a politician, but an athlete. And as an athlete, I personally have great respect for her. Alena is hardworking, responsible, rooting for her team with all her heart. This is an absolute talent. But it's no secret that the authorities gravitate towards talented people, looking for their support. Sometimes athletes, artists become its hostages. Is not it?

Just some kind of Ukrainian extravaganza. And yellow-blue colors, and sunflowers, and Anya Bulygina with a haircut a la Ms. Tymoshenko. Congratulations to the champion and medalist. Varvinets showed herself last year. In this, most likely, he will rightfully replace one of the Semrenko sisters.

RozaR, did you listen to the interview? There are answers to all questions. By the way, Lena divorced her husband, if anyone is interested. I have been on the site since 2010. For some reason, the page was blocked, I had to create a new one (((

Polianna, how to treat her words - Elena Pidgrushnaya: It's better to stay away from Russia, our countries are at war
Although, in a strange way, our countries have been fighting for more than two years, but for some reason neither soldiers nor officers of the RA have ever been caught (lost guys, and two "like GRU-men" do not count). After all, according to the "leadership" of Ukraine, the huge Russian army is fighting there, that a couple of dozens could probably be caught ...
Or did you register as a specialist here ...

site Lena's interview at the end of the season. Watch from 20.40. There, Lena answers the journalist's questions about the attitude towards Russia and Russian athletes. I did not hear any Russophobia in her answers. Moreover, she refutes some of the expressions that, according to the journalist, she allegedly spoke. The interview is in Ukrainian, but you can understand the meaning, if, of course, you want to. Is it really impossible to at least separate sports from politics, and who benefits from pushing nations against their foreheads?

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, it's all true that you can't judge a person on a national basis and build your preferences. Poland is also Slavs, but for many hundreds of years it has been pursuing a bright anti-Russian policy, Ukraine is following the same path, the main message of the state policy of which is that we are not Russia, we are not Russians. Therefore, basing one's preferences on the basis of belonging to the Slavs is not entirely correct. A person can be of any nationality, but his orientation is determined by how he associates himself precisely from a spiritual point of view, to which civilization he refers himself and the principles of which he adheres to in his life. Alas, Pidgrushnaya is an ardent Russophobe and adheres to anti-Russian views, personally I am not going to rejoice at her sporting achievements, she considers herself to be the opponents of Russia and I see no reason to root for her. That's the point of my post.

mad bear,
there is no need for labels. If you continue your thought, then the entire Ukrainian team should be ostracized, because the athletes are the messengers of the current regime of this country. But this would be wrong neither from a political point of view, nor from a universal one. As for Alyona Pidgrushna, she left politics, went into sports, this was her decision, I don’t think it was accidental.

there is probably no state where representatives of one nationality would live. Russia, by definition, is a Slavic state, although we have just as few pure-blooded Slavs as there are true Aryans in Germany. I meant that the Slavs are representatives of the Slavic states, nothing more. And who you really are: a Chukchi, a Volga German, a friend of the steppes, a Kalmyk or a Chechen - it doesn’t matter. If you dig deeper, maybe each of us will turn out to be a quadroon, like Pushkin. But he is a bright representative of the Slavic people, brilliantly embodied in his work its traditions, language and culture.

Olga56, did I say that's all? It is not difficult to clearly distinguish: if Vernyaev has the courage to take a picture with a Russian - “tse Ukraine”, and when their minister of sports in a Russophobic frenzy threatens his wards for such contacts, then this is “tse dill” ...))

Yes, we support Poles and Czechs. Slovaks, etc., but we don’t root for Akimova, she’s not a Slav)) Nah, I root for RUSSIAN))

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, And why is it important that the Nazi Slav?
How better it was for me to win even a black woman, but a Man!

Pidgrushnaya can drink whatever she wants, they are not checked.
Anton Pavlovich Chaika, what kind of Slavs? Zapadentsy for a long time and with pleasure were under the Austrians, hence their dislike for everything Russian. It's just that they have now gained the upper hand through the Bendera militants. But when the US loses interest in Kiev, they will be trampled to the Canadian border, and Ukraine will remember that they are Slavs, and moreover, Russians.

in this case, the “aftertaste” turned out to be more expressive.
Here is Shariy's analysis of an interview-justification ... from the same series
from about 11:20

I am also for the Donbass with all my heart. But I feel sorry for Ukraine as a whole. It is a pity that because of a handful of fascist thugs, fed by the West in the literal and figurative sense of the word, we are losing contact with the fraternal people. I think that it is necessary to look for common ground wherever possible. We do not get angry at the French athletes for the aggression of Napoleon, but at the German ones because their ancestors unleashed a monstrous war against our country. When we offend Ukrainian athletes, we play into the hands of our enemies. It is they who want a split in the family of the former peoples of the USSR.

the character is important in this case.

Frolina - well done! It's a pity Shalaev was covered on the last lap.

then, after an explanatory conversation, this guy - “well done” (born in Donetsk, by the way) ran past our media like Borzov in his best years, but dismounted near the bourgeois ones, and everyone is welcome!
So about my fellow countrymen - now I just keep quiet.

We have reached, we are already losing to the Koreans.
Or it can be done in another way: Kaisa Makarainen barely took her legs away from the 42nd in the Russian rating Natalia Shalaeva.))

Dahusim, well, you already took it too cool. Not everyone...

Anton Pavlovich Chaika,

I'm not rooting for Pidrushnaya. She is close to the leadership of Ukraine, to those forces that are killing our people in the Donbass.

Here at the Olympics, two athletes - a Ukrainian and our guy hugged, wrapped in the flags of their countries. And I felt so warm - it means that there is hope, if people. Ordinary people are wiser than politicians.

58 - Inside news page

2:58 26.08.2016

On August 26, the Summer Biathlon World Championship starts in Otepää, Estonia. The Russian national team will perform at the 2016 World Cup in an unusual experimental composition.

World Championship

For the 10th time in a row, biathletes get the official opportunity to become world champions not only in winter, but also in summer. Ufa hosted the summer championship for the first time in 2006. It cannot be said that the value of this tournament has increased over the decade. From year to year, the leading biathlon powers - Norway, Germany, France - either miss the World Championships or put up not the strongest teams for participation. And this is not a matter of inexplicable hostility to summer competitions. In many ways, winter and summer biathlon are different sports. Ski rollers still cannot be put on the same level with skis. The specifics of the differences are one hundred percent noticeable only by active athletes, whose word in participating in summer tournaments is decisive. In addition, the end of August is not the most convenient period of time for competitions; many athletes have training camps in full swing.

"The Summer Tournament is the best way for athletes and coaches to see the results of summer training," IBU President Anders Besseberg said diplomatically in his welcoming speech. However, August for biathletes, as you know, is far from the final stage of training. There are still three full-fledged off-season months ahead and the struggle for a place in the national team, including for the Russians. Therefore, our team in Estonia will not be represented by the strongest biathletes in the country, but by those for whom performance at the Summer World Championships is another way to make themselves known.

Russian team

The Russian national team was determined based on the results of the qualifying competitions held in Ufa. The winners and prize-winners received vouchers for the World Championship. Although the main team ignored the tournament, familiar faces will still come to Otepää. For example, Olga Kalina and Sergey Klyachin are already becoming specialists in summer biathlon. They will go to Estonia to defend the champion's title obtained a year ago in the mixed relay. 24-year-old Elena Ankudinova shone at the 2012 Winter Junior World Championships, where she won the sprint. Together with her 4 years ago in Kontiolahti, Margarita Vasilyeva, who performed under the name Filippova, also got on the podium. Now they are back on the same team.

In men, the composition is no less bright. Maxim Burtasov has repeatedly performed at the World Cup stages in the past, Russian champion Mikhail Boyarskikh and Alexander Babchin, who trained last season in the group of Ricco Gross.

The full composition of the Russian team:

Women: Margarita Vasilyeva (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Larisa Kuklina (Tyumen Region), Yana Babushkina (Novosibirsk Region), Elena Ankudinova (Bashkortostan), Olga Kalina (Pskov Region), (Mordovia)

Men: Alexander Babchin (Bashkortostan), Sergey Klyachin (Perm region), Maxim Burtasov (Novosibirsk region), Mikhail Boyarskikh (KhMAO-Yugra), Evgeny Petrov (Mordovia), Alexander Ogarkov (St. Petersburg/Kurgan region)


Although neither Martin Fourcade nor Ole Einar Bjoerndalen will come to Otepää, there will be more than enough excellent biathletes. For the most part, these are athletes representing non-leading sports countries, but at the same time often outperforming the Russian team in the overall medal standings of the main winter starts. For example, two Sochi Olympic champions Yulia Jima and Elena Podgrushnaya came to Otepaa. The male composition of the Ukrainian national team also inspires respect: Sergey Semenov, Dmitry Podruchny. The Bulgarians will be represented by solid middle peasants of the best biathlon competitions Krasimir Anev and Vladimir Iliev. And Poland - Magdalena Gwizdon and Monika Hojnisch. The decoration of the Estonian tournament will be the Finnish blonde Kaisa Mäkäräinen, who has been finding the strength to continue her brilliant career for several seasons. Well, we will watch with special interest Anna Frolina, our former compatriot who moved to South Korea. The debut of the world champion ex-Bulygina will take place on August 26 in the mixed relay. By the way, she will not be the only Russian woman currently competing under the Korean flag. Alexander Starodubets acquired a new citizenship almost a year ago. But Andrei Prokunin, a well-known biathlete in the past, became the head coach of this team quite recently.

2008 Olympics Select Biathlon tournament. KM-2009. Biathlon men. KM-2009. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2009 Athletics. World Cup 2009 Choose a Biathlon tournament. KM-2010. Biathlon men. KM-2010. Women Olympics 2010 Choose a Biathlon tournament. KM-2011. Biathlon men. KM-2011. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2011 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2011 Select a tournament Athletics. World Cup 2011 RoC 2011. Race of Champions 2011 Select Biathlon tournament. KM-2012. Biathlon men. KM-2012. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2012 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2011 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2012 Olympics 2012 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2013. Biathlon men. KM-2013. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2013 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2012 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2013 Snowboard. KM-2013. Men snowboard. KM-2013. Women Figure skating. Grand Prix Alpine skiing. KM-2013. Men Alpine skiing. KM-2013. Women cross-country skiing. KM-2013. Men Cross-country skiing. KM-2013. Women Freestyle. KM-2013. Freestyle men. KM-2013. Women Skating. KM-2013. Men ski jumping. KM-2013. Women Nordic combined. KM-2013 Select tournament Athletics. World Cup 2013 Universiade 2013 Skiing. World Cup 2013 Alpine skiing. World Cup 2013 Freestyle. World Cup 2013 Snowboard. 2013 World Cup Select tournament 2014 Olympics Indoor Athletics. World Cup 2014 Fencing. World Cup 2014 Athletics. EURO 2014 Water sports. European Championship 2014 Youth Olympic Games 2014 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2014 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2014. Biathlon men. KM-2014. Women Biathlon. Race of Champions 2014 Select Biathlon Tournament. KM-2015. Biathlon men. KM-2015. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2015 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2015 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2015 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2015 Skiing. World Cup 2015 Athletics. European Championship 2015 Short track. World Cup 2015 European Games 2015 Water sports. World Cup 2015 Rugby. KM-2015 Athletics. World Cup 2015 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2015 Select the 2015/16 World Cup Tournament. Men World Cup 2015/16. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2016 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2016 Figure skating. World Cup 2016 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2016 Alpine skiing. YUCHM-2016 Athletics indoors. World Cup 2016 Olympiad 2016 Select a tournament Race of Champions 2016 World Cup 2016/17. Men World Cup 2016/17. Women Biathlon. World Cup 2017 Biathlon. Christmas race 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2017 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2017 Ski sports. World Cup 2017 Athletics. World Cup 2017 Figure skating. World Cup 2017 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2017 Water sports. World Cup 2017 Select tournament World Cup 2017/18. Men Figure skating. Grand Prix 2017/18 World Cup 2017/18. Women cross-country skiing. KM-2017. Men Cross-country skiing. KM-2017. Women Biathlon. Christmas race 2017 Biathlon. EURO 2018 Select tournament Indoor Athletics. World Cup 2018 Olympics 2018 Figure skating. European Championship 2018 Figure skating. World Cup 2018 Short track. European Championship 2018 Athletics. EURO 2018 Select Biathlon Tournament. World Cup 2018/19 Figure skating. Grand Prix 2018/19 Cross-country skiing. KM-2018. Biathlon men. World Cup 2019 Biathlon. European Championship 2019 Cross-country skiing. KM-2018. Women Biathlon. Christmas Race 2018 Choose a Figure Skating Tournament. European Championship 2019 Figure skating. World Cup 2019 Skiing. World Cup 2019 Universiade 2019 Figure skating. Team World Cup