Fedor Emelianenko is a member of the State Duma. Fedor emelianenko - interesting facts and unique photos. Great humble man

The statement of the famous athlete and president of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelianenko about the inadmissibility of children's fights after the fight of the children of Ramzan Kadyrov caused an aggressive reaction. The State Duma deputy doubted the courage of the famous fighter, the Akhmat fight club is waiting for an apology, and the president of the Chechen Boxing Federation said that Emelianenko's time has passed. State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov left a big comment on his Instagram. In his opinion, the moral, ethical and professional image of Emelianenko is in doubt.

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov left a big comment on his Instagram. In his opinion, the moral, ethical and professional image of Emelianenko is in doubt.

The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi's perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department headed by him brazenly, vilely took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado. The entire world sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used the administrative resource and literally stole the victory from his opponent.

I really like Fedor Emelianenko, I respect him a lot, but I 100% disagree with him in this situation.

In turn, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the past battles must be checked by supervisory authorities, Interfax reports.

If this was shown on TV and this is true, then, probably, of course, knocking out a child, and even on television, is a reason for the relevant supervisory authorities to become interested.

State Duma deputy and cousin of Ramzan Kadyrov Adam Delimkhanov said that Fedor Emelianenko has no right to condemn the organizers of the WFCA "Akhmat" Grand Prix for holding fights according to the rules of MMA with the participation of children. He also noted that any person will have to answer for the words addressed to his nephews, who just spoke in Grozny.

It seems rather strange to me to hear such words from the lips of a person whose moral, ethical and professional image raises the deepest doubts,” Delimkhanov wrote on his Instagram profile. - The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi's perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department headed by him brazenly, vilely took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado. The entire world sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used the administrative resource and literally stole the victory from his opponent.

Fedya talks about the need to properly educate the younger generation, but at the same time does not explain why he raised a drug addict brother who beat and raped women. I also want to emphasize the following. Having become acquainted with the history of Fedya's life and some details of his early biography, I learned that in childhood he was very afraid and avoided normal guys in every possible way. Worthy guys from authoritative and respected circles never let Fedya close to him because of his complete inconsistency with genuine male concepts and values.

The severe psychological consequences are reflected in his behavior today. I would like to officially declare with all responsibility that we have held, are holding and will always hold those fights that we consider necessary, without violating the legal regulations for organizing sports events. And I advise Feda to thoroughly study Russian laws, to get acquainted with the concepts of sports ethics, honor and dignity.

Fedya, remember well our telephone conversation. Throwing up the phone, you did not have the courage to talk normally like a man - this is an indicator of your cowardice. In conclusion, I will note, whoever the person is, he will have to answer for every word spoken to my dear nephews.

1976 September 28, Rubizhne, Luhansk region (then Ukrainian SSR) - Fedor Emelianenko was born. His father, Vladimir Alexandrovich, worked as a welder at that time. Mom, Olga Fedorovna, a vocational school teacher. Sister Marina is 2 years older (born in 1974), Alexander is 5 years younger (born in 1981), Ivan is 12 years old (born in 1988). Alexander and Ivan are active fighters. They train and conduct their fights in mixed martial arts MMA tournaments. Two years after the birth of Fedor Emelianenko, the family moves to the Belgorod region, the city of Stary Oskol. Even when Fedor was known all over the world, he continued to live and train in Stary Oskol. Initially it the family lived in difficult conditions, in the room of a communal apartment. This room was designed to dry clothes. Emelianenko shared the bathroom and kitchen with neighbors.

Youth. The first steps of the Last Emperor.

Emelianenko took the first step to the Olympus of mixed martial arts 10 years. At this age, he began to practice sambo and judo. And even then he stood out from his peers, more than once staying at the gym overnight. An interesting fact is that just at that time he began to bring his brother Alexander to training. Then the parents had to leave Sasha under the supervision of his brother. Fedor couldn’t manage to be at home with his brother and be in training at the same time. Therefore, the elder brother took Sasha with him. As a result, Alexander became a mixed martial arts professional. For some time he was one of the ten strongest heavyweight fighters in the world.

College education, higher education.

After school, Fedor Emelianenko studied at PTU №22 and successfully graduated in 1994 with honors. During his studies, he did not stop training and continued his way up the ladder of sports achievements.

After 9 years, Fedor Emelianenko decided to continue his education and entered Belgorod State University. He graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in 2009. And in 2011 studied at same university in graduate school.

Military service, training, tragedy.

In 1995, together with peers goes to the army for two years. First he serves in the fire department, and then in the tank troops. In the army, training mostly consisted of cross-country runs, work with kettlebells and a barbell. It was a difficult period for the family, as parents decide to divorce. Despite this, Fedor Emelianenko continued to support relationship with father who died in August 2012.

Birth of the first daughter Masha.

Two years after returning from the army, in 1999, Fedor Emelianenko marries Oksana. They had known each other since high school. Oksana met Fedor in a pioneer camp, where she was a counselor. Sports camps were held there, in which the future Last Emperor participated. Immediately after they met and married, they daughter Masha is born.

Divorce. The path to God, churching.

But the marriage was not destined to be happy, and after 7 years of marriage in 2006, Fedor Emelianenko divorced his wife. It was during this period that the light of God illumined his soul and churching began. A trip to the village of Diveevo and visit to the Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery. Even in the army, Fedor Emelianenko thought about faith and God. But it was the trip to Diveevo that became the key moment.

Love. Birth of the second daughter Vasilisa and the third daughter Elizabeth.

A year after the divorce, on December 29, 2007, a daughter is born in a happy family. Baby Vasilisa became the fruit of the love of Fedor Emelianenko and his longtime girlfriend Marina. Two years later, in the fall of 2009, the Emelianko family officially sealed their union. After another 2 years, in July 2011, in a happy family appears baby Elizabeth. Love for the family of this man is given by God. Family has always been and remains in the first place. Family is the most important thing in Emelianenko's life, and nothing else can be higher and more important than a sports career.

Membership in the Belgorod Regional Duma from the United Russia party.

October 20, 2010 Fedor Emelianenko becomes an MP Belgorod Regional Duma of the fifth convocation from the United Russia party. According to him, this will allow him to monitor the observance of human rights and make the lives of citizens better.

Millions of fans reacted ambiguously to the news about the beginning of the political career of the mixed martial arts legend. Many were against, believing that such a step would be the beginning of the end of the athlete's sports career. But at the same time, a sociological survey was conducted before the elections. He revealed that more than 50% of the inhabitants of Belgorod are ready to vote for the potential deputy Emelianenko. For comparison, we can cite the data that the strongest candidate for this post did not gain even 20%.

The deputy's program is mainly aimed at developing youth movements, as well as promoting the sports interests of society.

Fedor Emelianenko - President of the Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia.

In 2012, Fedor Emelianenko headed the Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia. On May 16, the first All-Russian Constituent Conference was convened in Moscow. It was attended by representatives of 52 regions of Russia. They decided to create mixed martial arts MMA in Russia. Fedor Emelianenko was unanimously elected the first president of the MMA Union of Russia.

The new president accepted congratulations and assured journalists that after the fight with Pedro Hizzo on June 21, he would end his sports career. According to him, this will allow him to be as useful as possible as president of mixed martial arts and a deputy of the State Duma.

President of the MMA Union expressed the opinion that on this day the first stage was passed. Then there is a difficult path and overcoming new steps. All these steps are necessary for the recognition of mixed martial arts as an official sport in Russia.

A feature of Emelianenko's training, everything ingenious is simple.

Fedor Emelianenko trained two or three times a day. The number of training sessions depended on the stage of preparation for the battle. During training he ran a lot, ran about 15 kilometers a day. Basically, these were simple exercises in the form pull-ups, dips, ab exercises. According to the athlete, he pays almost no attention to working with iron. There was a period in his life from 13 to 24 years old when he "swinged" and could do the exercise "bench press" with a weight of 180 kg. After this period, the main iron shells in the athlete's arsenal were sledgehammers and weights.

Legendary and the last battle of the Last Emperor (video).

Fedor Emelianenko has been recognized by the world-famous mass media as the best heavyweight fighter in MMA for seven years. For almost ten years, Fedor Emelianenko remained undefeated, which is an unprecedented fact in the history of MMA.

On June 21, 2012, the last fight took place, in which Fedor was opposed by the Brazilian heavyweight Pedro Rizzo. Rizzo is known for his fights during early UFC tournaments. This last fight The Last Emperor won by knockout in the second minute of the first round. At the end of the fight, Fedor Emelianenko announced that he had made the final decision to end his career in mixed martial arts.

Specially for our legendary champion, the M-1 Global promotion company and the M-1 MixFight brand released a T-shirt. After a short time, she became the best-selling among T-shirts with the image of Fedor. From our store, this T-shirt was delivered to many countries of the world (Iran, USA, Germany, France, CIS countries and neighboring countries, and many others).

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Great humble man.

According to many people who are close to Emelianenko, his main distinguishing feature is modesty. He differs sharply from the bulk of mixed martial arts fighters. As a rule, these are bullies who insult their opponents, they can fight at a press conference. The last emperor is very restrained in showing his emotions and always speaks of his opponent with respect and politeness. This behavior is not dependent on time or place. Thanks to his courtesy and diplomatic attitude during interviews with viewers and journalists, the Last Emperor won worldwide love. He never boasted of his awards and merits. We have to admit with bitterness that for many years he was much more popular in the USA, Japan, Korea than in Russia. This is due to the poor coverage of his sports career by the Russian media. In Japan and Korea, the popularity of our fellow countryman is going through the roof. There, fans consider it a great happiness to stand next to Fedor Emelianenko or touch the legend of mixed martial arts. Not to mention getting an autograph or taking a photo. The modesty of Fedor Emelianenko is manifested in all sections of his life. He is always dressed in discreet and modest clothes. Money for him is an opportunity to help his relatives and those around him.

The Khmuskul MMA store presents a series of models from M-1 Global at the lowest retail prices.

Delivery in Moscow is free, in Russia the cost of delivery is fixed - 200 rubles.

The statement of the famous athlete and president of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelianenko about the inadmissibility of children's fights after the fight of the children of Ramzan Kadyrov caused an aggressive reaction. The State Duma deputy doubted the courage of the famous fighter, the Akhmat fight club is waiting for an apology, and the president of the Chechen Boxing Federation said that Emelianenko's time has passed.

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov left a big comment on his Instagram. In his opinion, the moral, ethical and professional image of Emelianenko is in doubt.

The fact that decency and conscience do not fit into the framework of Fedi's perception became absolutely obvious to us when the judges from the corrupt department headed by him brazenly, vilely took away a well-deserved victory from the Brazilian fighter Fabio Maldonado. The entire world sports community witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used the administrative resource and literally stole the victory from his opponent.

Fighter Hussein Khalilov said that Fedor's words arouse indignation.

Fighter Jeff Monson, who previously received Russian citizenship, also condemned Fedor Emelianenko's comment, R-Sport reports.

I really like Fedor Emelianenko, I respect him a lot, but I 100% disagree with him in this situation.

In turn, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the past battles must be checked by supervisory authorities, reports "

State Duma deputy, adviser to the head of Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov called the president of the MMA Union of Russia Fedor Emelianenko a "dishonest coward" for his criticism of children's fights at the mixed martial arts tournament, which took place on October 4 in Grozny.

"Emelianenko made a statement in which he criticized the conduct of children's demonstration fights at the Grand Prix Akhmat 2016 International Tournament in Grozny. It seems rather strange to me to hear such words from the lips of a person whose moral, ethical and professional image raises the deepest doubts," Delimkhanov wrote. on Instagram.

In his opinion, decency and conscience "do not fit into the framework of Fedya's perception." As proof, the State Duma deputy recalled the fight between Emelianenko and Fabio Maldonado, in which the victory was “brazenly, in a vile way taken away” from the Brazilian fighter.

"The entire world sports community has witnessed how Fedya, being a shameful loser and severely beaten, used the administrative resource and literally stole the victory from his opponent. Fedya talks about the need for proper education of the younger generation, but at the same time does not give an explanation why he raised a drug addict brother who beat and raped women," Delimkhanov added.

He said that he got acquainted with the history of Emelianenko's life, having learned the details of his early biography. According to the adviser to the head of Chechnya, the future president of the MMA Union of Russia "was very afraid and avoided normal guys in every possible way," so worthy guys never let him in.

The State Duma deputy also advised Emelianenko to thoroughly study Russian laws, to familiarize himself with the concepts of sports ethics, honor and dignity.

“Fedya, remember our telephone conversation well. When you hung up, you didn’t have the courage to talk normally like a man, this is an indicator of your cowardice. nephews," Delimkhanov addressed his opponent.