Igor Kudelin with my wife. Kudelin, Igor Alexandrovich. How old was Sergey

The famous defender of CSKA Igor Kudelin, who will officially end his career today, gave an exclusive interview to Championship.Ru

- Who initiated the organization of your farewell before the game between CSKA and Virtus?
- Of course, the head of the "big" CSKA Sergei Kushchenko and basketball - Andrey Vatutin. They believe that this is how, solemnly, with honors, it is necessary to say goodbye to basketball players who have played for the club for many years. At the very least, it's worth striving for. They also set a specific date for the ceremony. Naturally, such an attitude is very pleasant and dear to me.

- And when did you decide to leave basketball? After all, you just recently played in the Czech Republic for Prostejov, and you didn’t seem to be going to finish?

Running around the court without a specific goal is not for me. And when a worthy offer was not received, I realized that it was time to leave.

- Yes, until recently I kept in shape, waiting for offers. But he did not impose his services on anyone. I will not say that there were no calls and negotiations. But I was approached by clubs that do not set themselves big tasks. They get basketball for the sake of basketball. Yes, in such a team somewhere in the first league, I could play up to forty years! I feel really good at 35. But running around the court without a specific goal is not for me. And when a worthy offer was not received, I realized that it was time to leave.

- But as far as I know, you were offered to extend the contract in the Czech Republic?
- Indeed, they offered to sign a new agreement. But before the new season, it became known that the club's budget was significantly reduced. This, of course, affected the selection. I realized that it would not be possible to repeat the success of last season - and we took second place. Again, I did not want to play without serious tournament motivation. True, I am now following the team, and I wonder: how is it again in second place? However, perhaps soon everything will fall into place.

– Do you regret your trip to the Czech Republic? Wouldn't it have been better to stay in Russia in full view of domestic specialists?
- So to speak. Recently, I wanted to try myself in a foreign championship. And so quite consciously went to the Czech Republic. In a sense, for new experiences. And what I wanted, I got.

- And why didn't you go to the West in the 90s, when your name thundered around the world?
- Since childhood, I had a dream - to try my hand at the NBA. And I once went to see Minnesota. At that time I didn’t have such PR as Andrei Kirilenko had, so it was more difficult for me. And besides, I also damaged Achilles. Largely due to injury and had to return. And then CSKA offered a very worthy contract. I decided to sign it. But I do not regret that I visited the Minnesota camp. Breathed in the air of the most important league in the world, felt the atmosphere. And I realized that it is quite possible to play against the same Americans.

- What about Europe?
- Offers, of course, received different. Especially when we beat everyone in European competitions. But then the clubs could not agree, then for some reason the transition failed. Such, then, is fate.

- Don't you regret it?

Yes, every Russian boy who is fond of basketball dreams of playing in CSKA! And I spent ten seasons in this great club!

- What do you! I'm just proud of my career! Yes, every Russian boy who is fond of basketball dreams of playing in CSKA! And I spent ten seasons in this great club! Won championships, cups. I'm just a little sad that our wonderful team of the 90s, which made so much noise in Europe, alas, did not win anything. Somewhere we were unlucky. And they are somehow to blame.

- Was it hard to leave your home team in 2001?
- They parted by mutual agreement. It was the first season that CSKA lost the championship. It was felt that the coaches are starting to think about creating a new team. And I wanted to try myself as a leader in another team. In other words, a change of scenery. Do I regret what happened? You know, I often remember the words of Stanislav Eremin: "Your dream team can only be once in a lifetime." He must have been right.

- After UNICS there was Lokomotiv Rostov. What was it like for you at this club after CSKA?
- By that time, the army team no longer needed my services. And do not forget that Rostov is, after all, the motherland. I talked a lot with relatives and friends. Yes, and Lokomotiv played well. In a word, only good things are remembered. The only thing is, I stayed there too long. As they say, a little good.

- Are you satisfied with how your career in the Russian national team has developed?
- Playing for the national team is a very big achievement in itself. And we forced everyone in Europe and the world to reckon with us. Sometimes I also managed bright, memorable games in the team. In general, the 90s team was built around the basketball players of my generation, and we understood each other very well. Of course, one could win more medals, or a higher standard. But all that we have won is earned by our work.

- Is the current team stronger than yours, or is it not worth comparing generations?
- I guess, yes. Basketball has stepped forward, and the psychology of the players is already different. But I am very glad that our guys won the European Championship. This suggests that the game does not stand still, it develops in our country, new talented guys appear, such as Bykov, Fridzon, Ponkrashov.

– And how do you feel about the fact that a naturalized American, John Robert Holden, plays for the national team? And in general, aren't there too many foreign players and coaches in Russian basketball?

Since they won the championship, it means that Holden's invitation was justified.

- Since we won the championship, it means that Holden's invitation was justified. This means that the number of foreigners in the clubs does not really affect the results of the national team. In my time, naturalized foreign players also played in many national teams. They were not invited for the exotic, they were given the appropriate citizenship. So I don't see anything wrong with current trends.

- Many fans still probably would like to know the secret of your famous, fantastic three-point shot ...
- There is no secret. The first is talent. That is, it was given by nature. The second is training. I practiced this element a lot, especially when I just moved to CSKA. Third, I watched others throw threes. I adopted something. And the fourth is luck. It happens after all that the ball does not want to fly into the basket, and that's it.

- Do you already know what you will be doing in the near future?
- I can only say that further activities, of course, will be connected with basketball, and that this is not about children's and youth sports. But he hasn't started his new job yet. In the plans there is an idea to try myself as a coach.

Before August 1, branches of political parties registered in St. Petersburg must submit to the City Electoral Commission information on the receipt and expenditure of funds for various party needs for the II quarter of 2013. Shortly before the end of the reporting period, Fontanka decided to conduct an "inventory" of political parties and discovered that a real "family political contract" was operating in St. Petersburg.

Before August 1, branches of political parties registered in St. Petersburg must submit to the City Electoral Commission information on the receipt and expenditure of funds for various party needs for the II quarter of 2013. Shortly before the end of the reporting period « Fontanka» decided to conduct an "inventory" of political parties and discovered that in St. Petersburg there is a real "family political contract". Moreover, after the elections to the regional parliaments on September 8, 2013, the activities of members of this family may spread to other regions.

The political field is cultivated by four members of the family: father Veniamin Vasilyevich Kudelin, born in 1937, mother Nadezhda Vasilyevna Kudelina, born in 1942, their son Sergei Veniaminovich Kudelin, born in 1971. and daughter-in-law Natalya Vladimirovna Kudelina, born in 1975

Veniamin Kudelin, according to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, is the chairman of the political council of the regional branch in the city of St. Petersburg of a political party "Communist Party of Social Justice". The branch is registered in apartment number 4 at 125 Sadovaya Street. The apartment, according to Fontanka, belongs to Veniamin Vasilyevich. His wife, Nadezhda Vasilievna Kudelina, heads the regional branch in the city of St. Petersburg of the All-Russian Political Party "People's Party of Russia". This branch is registered in apartment 21, Staro-Petergofsky Prospekt, 3–5. The son, Sergei Veniaminovich Kudelin, heads the regional branch in the city of St. Petersburg of a political party. This organization is also registered in apartment 21 in building 3–5 on Staro-Petergofsky Prospekt. The owner of this living space is Sergey Veniaminovich Kudelin, and his mother, Nadezhda Vasilievna, is registered at this address.

Curiously, all three regional branches of political parties submitted to the St. Petersburg Electoral Commission information on the receipt and expenditure of funds for party activities in the first quarter of 2013. The parties share solid zeros in all columns of the report.

"Communist Party of Social Justice" has a "historical" abbreviation of the CPSU, which will certainly look impressive on the ballots. This party was created on April 8, 2012, and officially registered on May 28, 2012, its goal is "building a socialist state."

All-Russian political party "People's Party of Russia" practically the same age: it was created on April 11, 2012, and on May 28 it was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The website of the party is under development. Has a more difficult fate "Democratic Party of Russia". It existed since 1990, but on November 15, 2008, it dissolved itself and became a co-founder of the Just Cause party, along with the Civil Force and Union of Right Forces parties. The Democratic Party of Russia was re-registered on May 10, 2012. Sergei Veniaminovich Kudelin, by the way, participated in the constituent assembly of the Right Cause party in St. Petersburg in 2008 and became one of the 15 members of the political council of the Right Cause St. Petersburg. Igor Kucherenko, vice-president of the International Bar Association, who until September 2011 was deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Right Cause, told Fontanka that he did not remember Sergei Kudelin. “When the three parties merged, there were quite a lot of people at the constituent assembly of the St. Petersburg branch of Right Cause, 11 from each party,” said Igor Kucherenko. - And then, when the political council was created, many did not take part in its work. I didn’t remember Sergei Kudelin, although I was at all meetings of the political council until the beginning of the division of the party in 2011.”

In 1999, Sergei Kudelin was one of the co-founders and CEO of the Elections - People's Control Foundation. In 2007, the fund ceased to exist.

It is curious that today Sergei Kudelin is showing remarkable activity in the "Democratic Party of Russia" - he is running on the party list at the same time in two regional parliaments - the Irkutsk and Vladimir regions. The regional list of candidates of the "Democratic Party of Russia" includes 68 people. Among them, in addition to Sergei Kudelin himself, his wife, Natalya Vladimirovna Kudelina. Elections are scheduled for September 8, 2013 and should be held in 16 regions, so it is possible that the spouses will be candidates for deputies somewhere else. Both spouses, according to the election commission of the Vladimir region, have St. Petersburg as their place of residence, and the political party "Democratic Party of Russia" is declared the main place of work or service. Judging by the fact that the financial activity of the "Democratic Party of Russia" in St. Petersburg is zero, the spouses receive their salaries in the capital.

"Fontanka" managed to get through to Sergei Kudelin. Sergei Veniaminovich claims that Veniamin Kudelin and Nadezhda Kudelina are not his relatives, but simply namesakes. “These parties should have changed chairmen a long time ago, but things are still there,” said Sergey Kudelin. “It was necessary to register under certain persons, where the chairmen had to change.” Sergei Kudelin did not want to talk about the activities of the St. Petersburg branch of the "Democratic Party of Russia" led by him. He did not even say how many people are in this department. “The party has a Moscow telephone, there is a whole headquarters, and I am not authorized to say this,” said Sergei Kudelin. - You spend roaming for me - it's ugly. The correspondent of Fontanka did not have time to clarify exactly where Sergei Veniaminovich Kudelin was, in the Vladimir or Irkutsk region - the interlocutor hung up.

As for Veniamin Vasilievich Kudelin and his wife, Nadezhda Vasilievna, they are also outside St. Petersburg. According to their nephew, who answered the home phone, the couple spend the whole summer in a village in the Pskov region and it will be possible to contact them only in mid-September. To a direct question from a Fontanka correspondent whether Sergei Veniaminovich is the son of Veniamin Vasilyevich and Nadezhda Vasilievna Kudelin, the nephew answered in the affirmative.

Professor of Comparative Political Science at the European University Grigory Golosov believes that the main activity of political parties is participation in elections. “The fact that the parties have no expenses outside the election campaign is natural,” Grigory Golosov said. - Naturally, people who are professionally engaged in politics seek to secure their future. And if the law allows the whole family to do this, then why not? When the Liberal Democratic Party was removed from the elections in 1999, the Zhirinovsky Bloc, which consisted of two fictitious parties, participated in the elections. The expert noted that fictitious parties also have the function of "filling the void" and diverting the attention of voters from other participants in the election campaign. “But the choice is up to the voter,” Grigory Golosov said. - If he is stupid enough to vote for a fictitious party, that is his right. And the task of the state and parties is to give him a choice.”

Victoria Tyuleneva, Denis Korotkov,

Honored Master of Sports of Russia, nine-time champion of Russia

One of the best attacking defenders, the legendary left-handed sniper of the 1990s-2000s, the first "super-long-distance driver" in Russia, a versatile player who was started to be held from the center of the court, because he easily scored balls from almost any distance.

Igor Alexandrovich Kudelin was born on August 10, 1972 to the sung A.S. Pushkin "Lukomorye" - on the shores of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov in the city of Taganrog (Rostov Region), founded by Peter I and the glorious name of A.P. Chekhov.

At a school with a sports bent, a well-coordinated, fast, jumping young man successfully played many sports, preferring football, in which he was once even recognized as the best player in the city, and almost got into the local football team of the second league. But basketball was luckier. Igor's mother, Alla, played basketball, and a family friend, the captain of the TKZ team (Taganrog), who played in the first league of the USSR championship, V. Vlasov, was his idol. At the initiative of his mother, Igor began to engage in the basketball section. A talented tall 15-year-old boy was noticed in time and invited to the junior national team of the region by basketball coaches.

As in football, Kudelin always liked to score goals, so in basketball he chose the role of point guard sniper. Igor acquired diligence, endurance, accuracy and composure of a sniper not only in training on the basketball court, but also in fishing, which, thanks to his father, was fond of since childhood. The invariable "fisherman's stories" developed wit, honed eloquence and made Kudelin an extremely interesting conversationalist.

Valuable for any player and coach, communication qualities were soon appreciated not only by teammates, but also by Igor's wife, Ilona, ​​whom Kudelin met in Taganrog just before leaving for Riga for his first training camp in the USSR national team. Six months later, at the age of 20, Kudelin became a married man, and five years later - a father, daughter Anastasia was born.

In 1990, as part of the youth team of the USSR, I. Kudelin became the silver medalist of the European Championship in Holland. It was there, thanks to the famous "children's" coach Sergei Selivanov, that the army sniper duet of Vasily Karasev and Igor Kudelin, who later became famous, was born. And in the future, when Kudelin was asked if V. Karasev was really the best player and favorite partner for him, he invariably answered: “Yes. Vasya is the best."

Practice gives birth to perfection: gradually came the confidence in reading the game, understanding its tactics, the ability to choose the right position, deceive the opponent with a feint, and lead the partner to the throw with an accurate pass.

Well, how could the legendary basketball player and coach S. Eremin not invite such a guy to join CSKA? The team was then recreated by S. Eremin together with Yu. Yurkov and I. Edeshko practically “on naked enthusiasm”. I. Kudelin, who was then almost 19 years old, flew to Moscow as if on wings: his old dream began to come true - after all, CSKA, as his father, who was still rooting for Dynamo, said, "always takes all the best."

For that happy decade for him (from 1991 to 2001), that I. Kudelin defended the colors of the "red-blue", he became the champion of Russia 9 times in a row. That reckless Eremin CSKA of the 1990s played in Russian dashing, inspired, selfless and could beat anyone - even the Greek from Panathinaikos with Olympiacos, even the Spanish giants from Real Madrid, along with A. Sabonis himself.

Always calm, self-possessed, Kudelin played elegantly, beautifully and efficiently, and very soon became one of the brightest CSKA players in the recent history of this club, a player whose appearance was always expected, as they are waiting for an outstanding artist. His sniper shots from the center of the court, even from out of bounds, drove the audience into a frenzy. An excellent dribbler, on occasion he could easily “straighten out” such an individual pass to the ring and, in a jump, put the ball into the basket from above so beautifully and accurately that the audience gasped, and his partners too. And the height of 196 cm was quite enough for him. It is no coincidence that journalists awarded Kudelin the title of “the golden hand of Russia” - in 1996, in the match of the Russian Championship CSKA against Dynamo Moscow, he showed an outstanding personal result - 44 points per game. Of these, 42 were scored by three-pointers, that is, 14 three-pointers made per game, which became a Super League record. When Kudelin was asked why he shoots from a distance more often, he answered with his usual humor: “They hit less on a three-point arc.” And then, with a serious look, as if confidentially, he added: “Actually, it’s purely economic: he intercepted the ball, reached the arc, no one interferes, threw it, got the result - and all five players don’t need to run counterattack!”

I. Kudelin got into the Russian national team to Sergey Belov in 1993, following his colleague and teammate Vasily Karasev. So then they were always put on the game: the 4th and 5th numbers, respectively. In 1995, in Athens (Greece), together they lost the European Championship (7th place for the Russian team). In 1997, in Spanish Barcelona, ​​despite the insulting semi-final loss to the Italians, in the match for the European "bronze" they played "to the fullest" on the Greeks "+30" (97:77). And in 1998, at the epochal World Championship, in the same place in Athens, with an equal score in the last seconds, they “pulled out” a semifinal victory from the traditionally powerful Americans (66:64), and, having adequately lost in the final to the Yugoslavs “-2” (62: 64), brought Russia its tenth "silver" of world dignity, so far the last since then.

Kudelin also has other, less pleasant memories of Athens. In 1995, in the European Champions Cup (ECC) before the most decisive match with Olympiacos of Piraeus, he and most of the CSKA team were poisoned there. So the scoundrel who remained unknown abundantly stuffed drinking water bottles with a powerful sleeping pill - halaperidol, and almost sent the guys to the other world just so that Olympiacos could reach the Final Four, and the mafia circles, who made big bets on the tote, cash in on it.

Kudelin recalled: “After the first game, already in the hotel, I began to hallucinate. Either the room moved around like rubber, or some ancient vases appeared. I thought it was overwork. I felt like a patient with cerebral palsy: convulsions, spasms, breath holding, eyes popping out of their sockets - I was frightened in earnest.

On the day of the match, half of the team was in the hospital under drips. The only second five, less affected by the poison, had to play the whole match, which by the end of the game had decreased to three (!), And the injured A. Spiridonov played the match actually “on one leg”. Despite these circumstances and the very unfriendly "support" of the Piraeus public, almost until the end of the first 20 minutes, CSKA basketball players were in the lead. This, without exaggeration, was a sporting feat. The CSKA team lost that time, but was “avenged” by Real Madrid, which won the Cup final against Olympiacos the same year. And in the next year, 1996, CSKA basketball players did their best and won the “bronze” of the “Final Four” of the KEC.

For Kudelin, those historically first for CSKA Paris matches of the Final Four in 1996 (the last participation of the Soviet-style CSKA in the 1973 ECCH final does not count) became the most vivid memory of his career. A young, poor, but reckless, super-ambitious team and its coach S. Eremin were ready to fight any opponent to the last. In the semi-finals, the army team lost, but with dignity - to the future winner of the KECH Greek "Panathinaikos" - 71:81, and in the dispute for the "bronze" they managed to defeat the Madrid "Real" - 74:73. For both snipers - I. Kudelin and V. Karasev (CSKA captain) it was the best season in their careers. It’s a pity that in that semi-final they all had a little bit of luck and “threes” (such as the one that Kudelin a little earlier in Tel Aviv scored from the center line to the Israeli “Maccabi”, which allowed CSKA to win that important cup match). Yes, and Dominic Wilkins from Real Madrid was on a roll that day. And yet, that "bronze" after the basketball stagnation of the early 1990s was a big step forward for all of Russian basketball.

I. Kudelin, playing only in Russian teams, became a basketball symbol of his era. In the mid-1990s, for "any money" he was called to the Greek "Panathinaikos". At the same time, Kudelin confidently passed the training camp in the training camp of the Minnesota Timber Wolves, who was suitable in all respects and was ready to sign a contract. But S. Eremin, his "second father" in basketball, found the right words and other weighty arguments and convinced him, explaining that the NBA would wait.

And only at the end of his playing career, in 2007, I. Kudelin left for the Czech BC Prostezhov for half a season. By that time, he had not played in the army club for several years (in 2001, in an effort to alleviate the deplorable financial condition of the club at that moment, he left), but he was introduced precisely as a CSKA player. Kudelin did not let the Czechs down, gave out his “norm” - 8 three-pointers in each match, and together with the team of BC Prostezhov became the silver medalist of the Czech championship. Since then, he fell in love with nature and old Czech castles, which he visited with his wife and daughter during frequent car trips.

In 2001-2002, I. Kudelin played one season at the Lokomotiv Sports Club (Mineralnye Vody), where, according to coach A. Sukhachev, he was the main "specialist in the Greeks." Then he played a season in BC UNICS (Kazan), where in February 2003, in the home match of the FIBA ​​Champions Cup for UNICS with the Israeli BC Hapoel, with his ultra-long throws, he so stunned coach Keidar Gadi and his players that he brought their command to the rout (84:71). Both clubs - both Lokomotiv and UNICS - Kudelin helped to become bronze medalists of the Russian championship.

When in 2003, thanks to the efforts of Andrey Vedishchev, the Mineralny Vedishchev Lokomotiv changed its registration to Rostov, Kudelin returned to his native land, where the public always loved him, and he always played at the maximum, giving all his best and giving out one basketball performance after another. It was there, in Rostov, in February 2004, as part of Lokomotiv, in the match of the Russian Super League against the Tula Arsenal, Kudelin scored his outstanding 47 points. He played four seasons in Lokomotiv Rostov, with which he regularly reached the playoffs of the national championship, constantly played in European competitions, and in 2005 reached the final of the FIBA ​​Cup in the Romanian city of Ploiesti. Dynamo Moscow remembered for a long time the semi-final match they lost (63:74), in which Loko's captain Igor Kudelin converted 5 out of 6 three-pointers thrown by him. “I am just a part of a mechanism called Lokomotiv,” Kudelin himself emphasized modestly assessing his role in the team.

When in December 2007 Kudelin decided to leave big basketball, seeing him off was not organized anywhere, but in the Moscow USZ CSKA - for millions of fans, he remained, first of all, an army man.

In the spring of 2008, I. Kudelin started working as a scout (breeding coach) at BC Lokomotiv-Rostov. Since 2009, he combined this work with the position of coach (since 2014 head coach) of the youth team of the Krasnodar Loko, playing in the CYBL (Russian Super League B). “The younger ones should strive to get into our team, as it was in my days, when the players of the city's main team were idols and the children wanted to be like them,” I. Kudelin explained his choice. In 2010, the youth team "Lokomotiv-Kuban-2" became the champion of Russia.

Since 2011, I. Kudelin has repeatedly been involved in the work of the student team of Russia and to work with juniors.

In July 2014, in a new family with his wife Maya, Igor Kudelin had a long-awaited son, Ilya. In the congratulations of PBC Lokomotiv-Kuban, there was a wish that the kid inherited the best masculine qualities from his talented father, and, of course, grew up to be an excellent basketball player.

I.A. Kudelin - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, silver medalist of the World Championship (1998), bronze medalist of the European Championship (1997), champion of Russia (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000), bronze medalist of the Russian Championship ( 2002, 2003), bronze medalist of the Final Four of the Euroleague (1996), winner of the International Cup of Russian Railways (2007), silver medalist of the Czech Championship (2007).

Played for the teams: CSKA (Moscow) (1991–2001), Lokomotiv (Mineralnye Vody) (2001–2002), UNICS (Kazan) (2002–2003), Lokomotiv (Rostov-on-Don ) (2003–2007), BC Prostezhov (Czech Republic) (2007), BC MIIT (Moscow, Moscow Basketball League) (2008–2009).

Club team coaching career: scout, coach of PBC Lokomotiv-Kuban (Krasnodar) (2008–2014) – silver medalist of the VTB United League championship (2013), winner of the European Cup (2013), champion of Russia (2013), bronze medalist of the Russian Championship (2012); head coach of the junior team of PBC Lokomotiv-Kuban (Krasnodar) (since 2014), champion of the Russian Junior Junior League (2010).

National team coach career: Russian student team coach (2011).

He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.

Russian basketball April 21, 2018

Source: Sport Express

Igor Kudelin declared himself bankrupt

Igor Kudelin, one of the best basketball players in Russia in the 90s, a nine-time national champion with CSKA, after leaving the sport, got into a difficult financial situation and declared himself bankrupt.

“Although my contract for the mid-90s was fabulous. In 1996 - 180 thousand dollars a year. Before that, 130 thousand, 70. I invested everything in housing.

By the end of my career, I had saved 12 million rubles. At that rate - 400 thousand dollars," Kudelin said in an interview for Sport-Express.

Igor says that he lost almost all his fortune after his divorce from his wife.

“It all started with the purchase of an apartment in Moscow. I shared it with Ilona, ​​my ex-wife, and, having paid the mortgage, left for Krasnodar.

I ran from that family. Just ran! Although before I could not think that I would get divorced. If the mother-in-law bought an apartment, there was not even a thought to rewrite it for herself. So consider: an apartment in the center of Taganrog for the mother-in-law - once. Grocery store in the same Taganrog - two.

Borrowed 10 million, added 12 of his own. A new apartment in the same area cost 22 million. Here is the first debt - 10 million hung! The wife for 14 refused to sell the old apartment, no more buyers came. Two years later, they barely sold for 9,900. While the dollar rose.

If not for the mortgage, I could live in peace, doing what I love. Until we got into this story - everything was fine! Andrey Vedischev called to Lokomotiv. The salary is excellent - 240 thousand rubles. But 260 monthly should give.

After the divorce, the daughter's apartment in Moscow is not discussed. Gift to her. But everything else, including the house on the coast. There were long ordeals, a lot of money was spent on lawyers. In the end, only half of the store was sued. Meanwhile, debts were accumulating, my cards were already blocked ...

I have been traveling by bus for two years now. I differ from the homeless in that I am better dressed. Exclusively due to the fact that CSKA helps veterans. What I don't need is equipment. Somehow they stopped me at the border, they didn’t let me go to Turkey. I had to urgently look for 40 thousand. Sold my chain with a cross. This is how life is: received a loan, gave it back, received it again. I gathered potatoes, bought eggs, sausages…”, Kudelin added.


The hero of the traditional heading "SE" is one of the best Russian basketball players of the 90s, a nine-time national champion in CSKA, who, after leaving the sport, fell into a difficult financial situation. He told how he ended up in a debt hole, remembered the bright episodes of his career and explained why he refused the contract in the NBA.


How did you meet your new love?

All foreign coaches of Lokomotiv got satellite channels connected at home. To me - no. After training, I went to the sports bar, where Maya was the manager. Watched Euroleague, ULEB Cup. We met when the Americans played the last match of the Olympics with the Serbs. It's August. First her birthday, then mine.

- Was she free? Or taken away?

She lived for five years in a civil marriage with an officer.

- When the relationship was just beginning, did Maya know that you were in debt?

Of course. I didn't hide anything. But then we believed in our justice. We hoped that we would receive money for the dacha - and we would immediately pay off our debts. Who would have thought it would turn out like this...

Does Maya still work at the sports bar?

No, I made you leave. After getting pregnant. Now he is taking care of a child.

- Her patience is to be envied.

She saw in me the person who "ignited" her. Maya also had a difficult period, she wanted to leave the country. The main thing is that we met, we have a wonderful son. Like a real wife, she supports me in everything. It was she who suggested opening a basketball school in Krasnodar. I didn't believe in success.

- You then sat without money?

Borrowed a hundred thousand rubles. We paid the rent, bought balls, equipment.

- Krasnodar "Sparta", as we understand, you no longer train?

No. Let's go in order.

- Let's go.

After leaving Lokomotiv, I ended up on the street. This is where the idea for the school was born. Since September 2015, I have been renting a gym, conducting training. I pay something to the assistant. Little is left for life. At some point, they called the head coach to Sparta. The team of the Kuban Technological University, plays in the student league of VTB. The money offered was meager.

- How many?

12 thousand rubles. They didn't even get paid. Three months worked and decided - that's enough. It is better to take care of children in your own school. I take everyone who wants to, I do not refuse anyone.

- Price?

Senior age - four thousand a month. The youngest is three. The first lesson is free. Sometimes I make concessions to my parents. Some discounts if the child is sick. Although no one will recalculate the rent for me - give me two thousand an hour!

- Were any of the boys kicked out?

For a fight. I ran into the locker room to wash my hands - there was a fight. The guy begged not to be expelled, saying that he could not live without basketball. A month and a half later, the new season started, I decided to take it back. Did not come!

- There are at least two people involved in the fight.

The second one started acting weird too. I studied for a short time and switched to aikido. I think dad decided for him: "Since you were hit on the head last time, you should be able to defend yourself."

- After the "Move Up" did you have more students?

I was so happy - in one day there were twelve calls: "We want to sign up"! Five people came to the hall. A week later, the enthusiasm dried up. I never impose on my parents: "You drive a boy, he will become a basketball player." I always say: "Wait for me to ask about money! First, listen to what your child will say - does he like the atmosphere? How does the coach work?" Maybe the kid wants to kick the ball with his foot.

Yes. directly similar. Anyone will shut up by the collar. On the last shots I even burst into tears. Imagine, when I was escorted out of basketball at 35, there were no tears. And then it rolled over. It is rightly said that with age you become more sentimental.

- Edeshko is amazing.

You haven't seen what he does with cards! As the deck falls into his hands - that's it, the magic begins. A million tricks. I remember when we were very young we went on a tour of Spain. So Ivan Ivanovich seemed to us Igor Kio. The deck flew, the cards hid...

- What are the hidden advantages of Edeshko.

He gave me my first jeans!

- For what?

I've probably noticed what I'm wearing. This is 1991, my first season in CSKA. In Saratov, on the eve of the key match, I looked into his room, and the jeans are lying. Also with a label. I have only ever seen such blue-blue ones in the cinema - when they showed "Commando" with Schwarzenegger. Could not stand it: "What beautiful, Ivan Ivanovich!" He grinned: "Three three-pointers in a row you score in a game - yours!" I had to score.

- Did you keep your word?

Gave! Straightaway!

- Didn't chat?

Sat perfectly. Edeshko and I have the same size, as it turned out.


- How were you removed from the Lokomotiv coaching staff?

In my contract there was a clause about a clear distribution of responsibilities. But the Serbs, led by Malkovich, presented the story of our quarrel in a way that suits them. In training, he decided to release Sasha Gruich, assistant, from paper scouting. Out of the blue, he assigned me. I said that I would not do this, there was no time. In response, it started - "go then", I remembered about the "mother's food" ... Then I called Vedischev, he confirmed to me by phone that I was suspended. Before that, Malkovich said the same thing. And so they parted ways.

- Vedishchev immediately took his side - without listening to you?

Probably, Andrei Vladimirovich was tired of enduring my constant problems with money.

- Some of the old comrades called, offered help?

Helped. But Vatutin really helped out, I owe him 10 thousand dollars. Borrowed from people not from the world of basketball. Including pensioners, parental friends. It's embarrassing, but there was no way out. As soon as I find the money, I will settle accounts with everyone. Yes, thanks again. Last year, the children at my school lacked equipment and uniforms. Guys dumped 15 thousand rubles each - they bought it! Agent Obrad Fimich also helped, handed over 25 thousand. You understand, it's one thing to train on the floor, the other - on an elastic band. There, any leather ball quickly wears off.

- From your generation, many have become coaches - the Pashutin brothers, Karasev, ... People in plain sight.

I missed something - when I got into the credit history. All this made it difficult to focus on basketball. We had to look for money. The second wrong step is to immediately go to the assistants. My friend Karasev acted wiser. I worked with a double, the second team of "Triumph", got my hand. Only after that did he become Homicius's assistant.

- It seems that Mirsad Turkan said that you would make an excellent coach.

I see the essence of the game, "exchanges"! Everything that the scouts work on, that is worked out in training - there is not a single secret for me. But... But, but, but!

- What's "but"?

I will wait for my chance! 45 is not much. Vaughn, Malkovich headed Lokomotiv at 59.

- Is he a good coach? Or blown up?

By the time he joined Lokomotiv, they were blown up. Once considered good.

- What is Malkovich weak in? What is strong - everyone knows.

You know? For me personally, this is a mystery. What is he, a psychologist? No. Tactician? Yes, I have never seen a felt-tip pen in his hand! Malkovich no longer fits the layout. His assistants, Papakhatsis and Gruich, drew diagrams. Bronze "Locomotive" - ​​their merit. They also did training. And Malkovich took the phone, left the site. Then he gathered the players, some kind of gestures. All!

- Is this the weakest coach in your life?

Yes. Kemzura and Filipovski worked much harder in Lokomotiv. It's just that their selection of players was worse.

- Who is your number one coach?

In my career - of course! With a huge lead! The thinnest trainer. In 1998, at the World Championships in the semi-finals with America, he came up with an exchange, for. Not the head coach, but Eremin! He suggested all the substitutions!

- It worked.

Yes. The surprise effect.

- What did Belov lack in order to reach the same coaching level?

Tricks. As in the game - they have different positions. Eremin - point guard, read everything, as if in chess, two or three moves ahead. And what is Belov imprisoned for? "Give me the ball, I'll score."

- How did you miss the gold after the epoch-making victory over the Americans?

In the final with Yugoslavia, they were leading for a long time. Problems arose at the end. Provocations and pokes began on the part of the opponent. We had to restrain ourselves, not to react, but ours answered, earned fouls. Yugi from the penalty line did not miss. And at the last minute, Mikhailov lost the rebound to Rebrache under his shield. As a result - 62:64. I would not talk here about the coaching genius or who was part of his staff. We gave away the game! That's what's embarrassing!

- Among the Yugoslavs in the previous generation, Zharko Paspal was considered the main provocateur. And in this?

The meanest are Topic, Loncar and Tomic. Could imperceptibly from the judge on "economy" to plant. I'm not talking about spitting, pushing in the back, elbow strikes on the sly. But Bodiroga and Tomashevich always behaved correctly on the court, no dirty tricks.

- What phrase Eremin and today with you?

- "All friends are at the ball of luck." Any famous athlete will tell you what it is about. Everyone passed. How many henchmen, while you are in glory, how much you borrowed without return.

- A record debt that you have not returned?

25 thousand dollars. Didn't take a basketball man.

- Did you say goodbye to this money?

For a long time. Although there was an incredible case. I got a call from a friend who borrowed $10,000 ten years ago. He asked: "How are you? How is your health? I want to return it ..."

- Fantastic.

I thought it didn't happen. Now we communicate. I still have a friend from those days. I was in the Burdenko hospital after an Achilles operation. On the next bed is an ordinary military man. Broke crosses while playing football. He lived with his wife and two daughters in a hostel of the Ministry of Defense, then got a job somewhere as a security guard. Helped him. He entered the basketball party, was appointed director of the Khimki basketball center. He helped out my first family when I was on the road, and my daughter was sick ... Now I will live with him for three days.

Once he played against Larry Bird - and said to himself: "I think I'm zero in basketball." Have you had any such discoveries?

Yes, when they played in the States for the national team against university teams. In each match, we brought more than twenty points. But European competitions have hardened. There, more than once, they defeated rivals manned by American legionnaires. Therefore, I went to the training camp in the summer of 1996 without any fear. I was already 24, I knew my worth. I did not feel any trepidation before these. I understood - they didn’t call me to score from above. Other qualities attracted me - technique, vision of the clearing, and, of course, three-pointers.

– How many spent in “Minnesota”?

Eight days. Five - training, three - game. In matches with the “Cleveland” and “Atlanta” points scored a little. And in the latter, with the “New Jersey”, he got used to and shipped a twenty, became the most productive in the team. Scored six out of nine trolls.

- Young Garnett was not impressed at all?

Not really. Gutta-percha boy, no throw. Three did not shoot then. Yes, bouncy - but they are all like that. There were people in the Minnesota camp who couldn't really dribble the ball. But how they flew! I remember one - Andre Jordan. With two legs, barely stepping over the penalty line, he hammered from above! At the same time, he hardly got into the ring from a meter. There was also Stephon Marbury, the fourth pick in the draft. A powerful African American who grew up in the ghetto. Shot in the heel.

Did you see the scar?

No. I read this later somewhere about Marbury's fighting youth.

Sergei Bazarevich, the first Russian in the NBA, told us how they met him in Atlanta: “I go out onto the court, a black guy, a local half-star, points his finger, grins:“ Who is this ?!

The guys treated me well. There was no neglect, they say, some Russian pepper arrived ... Probably, they saw in training that I should be reckoned with. We appreciated the ease with which three-pointers flew into the basket. During these eight days, I felt that the NBA is not a transcendental level, you can play there. And when, years later, many dissuaded from “Utah”, I, on the contrary, convinced: “Andryukha, go!”

Why didn't you stay in America?

Unfortunately, there was no person nearby who would say: "Boy, this is the NBA! Stay and don't think about anything!" It was necessary to tear up the return ticket and sign a contract with the Minnesota. And I was young and stupid. Wanted in the NBA - but not to the point of insanity. In addition, other factors played a role.

- Which?

Firstly, Eremin's phrase before leaving: "Where are you going? We will make such an offer that you cannot refuse!" “Minnesota” gave 180 thousand dollars per season. Like CSKA. But there taxes eat up about 50 percent, here - 13. Is there a difference?

- It's clear. What was second?

The leaders of the club cleverly calculated everything. Again, on the eve of departure, my wife and I were given a warrant for a two-room apartment.

- Looks like a worker.

Right. But I stayed at CSKA, and six months later the apartment was allowed to be registered as a property. There was also a third reason. Mother-in-law.

She kept saying in all seriousness: "What America?! She will go under water in 2000!" Today it seems ridiculous and ridiculous. And at the end of the twentieth century, many were preparing for the end of the world.

- Are you that impressive?

I was more affected by the reaction of my wife, whose mother-in-law buzzed all her ears. She also discouraged giving birth in the States - Ilona was pregnant. The mother-in-law did not trust American doctors, she scared that the child might not be born there. In general, I wound up so that Ilona said: "I will not fly anywhere!"


- When did you regret not staying in Minnesota?

In September 1997. I tore my Achilles and realized that now no one will invite to a guaranteed contract in the NBA.

- In CSKA, they didn’t cheat with money?

What are you! True, there was a moment - for six months they did not pay a penny. I healed the injury. A difficult period in every sense. We paid off our debts in February, when Michal Dmitrich started financing the club. A man came from him, handed each a "brick".

- Cash?

Yes. Then it was okay. They gave me one hundred thousand dollars. I put it in the sleeve of a down jacket, jumped into the car - and home. By the way, invested successfully. With Daineko and another partner, they bought land in the village on Klyazma, built a cottage. When they sold it, I got my share - 12 million rubles. It was necessary to develop this direction further, and I, a fool, swelled everything into a mortgage ...

- In the mid-90s, somewhere in Russia they paid more than in CSKA?

For example, in the same 1996, Vladimir Rodionov called in. He offered an astronomical amount for those times - 360 thousand dollars a year! But the guys who played in Saratov warned that promises were often not kept there. I decided not to risk it. And Rodionov, they say, still owes the players about three million dollars.

- We found out about the salary. What were the bonuses in CSKA?

For an away victory they gave 25 thousand dollars for the whole team. For home - 10 thousand. Eremin kept a special journal, gave the players marks - the bonus depended on this. Plus, earlier, not twelve people, but ten could apply for European cup matches. But with two guys who were not included in the protocol, we always shared. In general, the most memorable career awards are not associated with CSKA.

- We're intrigued.

Do you know how much we got paid for silver at the 1998 World Championships? Four thousand dollars! I was amazed. Yes, the Spaniards received three times more just for getting into the tournament!

- It's annoying.

But in Mineralnye Vody, the story came out funny. Pre-season tournament in Istanbul. After the match with Ulker, coach Rimas Girskis received a call from Moscow from Anatoly Sukhachev, the owner of Lokomotiv. He was at the casino that evening. When I learned that we had lost, I was sad. Then he asked: "What other news?" - "There was a fight," Girskis replied. Sukhachev perked up: "Well, who wins?" - "Kudya stood up for Vova Karankevich, Asim Pars laid down. Everyone immediately jumped up from the bench, waved wall to wall ..."

- And Sukhachev?

Buzzed into the phone: "Gorgeous! Each award - a thousand dollars!"

Why did the fight break out?

Pars - red-haired, tall, in the 2006/07 season he played for Lokomotiv-Rostov. He treated Karankevich in a boorish way. Pushed away, moved into the melon. I intervened. Knocked this Pars over with a hip throw.

- That's the picture.

Yeah. A 215 cm tall man falls beautifully. Further mess, the judges, who rushed to separate, also got it. It's a pre-season tournament - there are neither guards nor police in the hall.


- Have there been fights in your CSKA?

I had a fight with Kornev in training. Some kind of stupid resentment: he gave a good pass - and he once again missed from under the ring. Mother was touched. Well, it came to the fists. Eremin kicked me out of the hall. Said I was a star. We just returned from Tel Aviv, where I landed Maccabi with the last throw from afar.

- Isn't it then that he ordered you four hundred throws as a punishment?

Here you have a memory ... Four hundred throws were for Saratov. We won there, we had a big party with Vasya Karasev. And the flight is early. By 6 am we got to the airport on our own, without a team. There Eremin announces when the training will be. We hear: "For those who played, tomorrow - at 11.00. For those who played little, tonight ..." It urged us to give a voice, ask again: "What time?"

- What Eremin?

He found us with his eyes in the back rows: "You - upon arrival!" True, they gave us a little sleep at home. Vasya appeared in the hall with a rewound hand - he assured that he had injured him in a collision with Pashutin. Right, throw. They took pity on him, prescribed a light regimen. And I ran and threw.

- Saratov contributed to the spree. We know for ourselves.

Any athlete in these cities has "lured" places. Everything goes in circles! I think it's the same now. We are alone in the family, on the site - others, on vacation - the third. Have you seen the movie Secret Window with John Depp?

- Yeah. About split personality.

Yes, there is a breakdown! What am I to? Now, if you are the same everywhere - both on vacation and in the family, everything is fine with you. Harmony with the body. As a rule, such a career develops successfully.

- Then tell me - at what point did they realize in Saratov that it was time to stop?

Only time could stop there. We didn’t just sit, we poured ourselves into ourselves. No! There is a banya and a disco... And in Samara, I remember, they walked so much that the fountain in the restaurant was dismantled. Bottles were thrown at him. Then we met some bandits, they, laughing, helped us to repair this fountain. Together they dragged the stones back.

- Andrei Fetisov assured us that he was able to drink a box of beer - and not fall. What number will you subscribe to?

Five bottles. Maximum!

- Something weak.

In 1993, with my youthful coach, they simply sat down in the park of Taganrog. He asks: "Will we take a beer?" - "Come on. A couple of bottles ..." He looks at me: "We have a long conversation! What kind of" couple of bottles "? A box!" Well, they did. On the fifth bottle, I broke down. Well, this beer does not fit me!

- What did you love?

What he loved ... Vodka! And tequila, when the money was. But still - no more than a bottle.

- In each team there is a person who can drink without getting drunk.

Einikis! I don't know the other one! From his jokes with a Baltic accent, we all lay. But there was a story steeper than any anecdote. Fetisov came from Spain, wearing such a massive Festina watch. And Einikis bought Breitling. Also healthy. Do you feel what I'm leading to?

We are afraid to guess.

We argued! Putting the watch on his fists, they began to find out which ones were stronger. They thrashed. One for two and a half thousand bucks, the other for 1800.

- Who has won?

Festina and Fitya! At Breitling, the arrows flew off, and everything in the world.

- What happened to the defeated?

Einik threw them off the balcony. Directly in Saratov.

year 2001. On the CSKA bench (from right to left) - Igor KUDELIN, Andrey FETISOV, Alexander PETRENKO and Nikolai PADIUS. Photo by Alexey IVANOV


- Who smoked more - you or Karasev?

I'm not sure! Once, in the presence of his wife, Vasya said: "Yes, I have three cigarettes a day. After breakfast, lunch and dinner." Yana burst out laughing: “Three? Let’s count. You woke up. While I’m preparing breakfast, you run to the toilet to smoke. in the shower, took a drag. After training - it's understandable, there's no way without a cigarette. I got home through traffic jams - three, no less. I warm lunch - you smoke. I finished it - one more. ... How many times have you smoked, dear? Two or three?"

- Oh, there were people.

That's not all! In the evening, Vasya returned home, sat down to play at the computer. This is where the smoke began to rock. I think he lost two packs a day.

- You must have crazy health.

Vasya's health is unreal. Huge chest. I came for spirometry, everyone was in prostration. Exhale like a swimmer. The second was Lekha Vadeev, also a smoker. The third is me. Only due to the fact that in the summer he went to the sea, he swam. I smoked about a pack.

- Now you communicate with Karasev?

More with his wife. Vasya is offended that I do not call.

So why don't you call?

Because I owe a hundred thousand rubles. I can't give up yet. Yes, and I do not want to interfere, distract. If Vasya has free time, he will probably pick it up himself.

- Did Karasev have a family?

Yes, everything is great.

- What a grown son.

Seryoga was trained in the country! Somehow they argued - who is better at throwing "truffles". I got 9 out of 10, Vasya 8 out of 10, Seryoga 7 out of 10. They told him: "Go, train! What is the NBA for you ?!"

- How old was Sergei?

Team U-16. Vasya grinned: “Where is the national team coach looking? We, two old men, are beating him ...” Once upon a time, we had a popular game in CSKA - they threw off one hundred dollars and threw them from the center of the site. The winner took everything.

- That is, you?

Either me or . Fitya broke through to the champions a couple of times, Einik. It used to be divided between two.

Who didn't have a chance in this game?

Wu, Kisurina, Nwosu. Rarely hit.

- Nwosu recently came to Moscow.

Yes, in January, for the match dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Gomelsky. 22 years no see! We exchanged phone numbers, now we communicate through Instagram. Julius lives in Houston, bought a trailer, is engaged in transportation of cars. Not chic, but not poor. They have five children and have never been married.

- Strong.

He was nicknamed Big Sausage in CSKA - Big Sausage.

- Why?

Hm. If you were with him in the shower, the question would disappear. Honestly, I've only seen such a "hose" in porn films.

- Played in the team and Marcus Webb.

Extravagant friend. Just imagine: a fur coat, a snow-white suit, a tie, crocodile leather pumps on bare feet, round earrings with spinning dolphins. And a bicycle. In this form, Marcus came to the game. In winter! The club rented an apartment for him near the Dynamo metro station. Somehow, after the victory over Maccabi, he called for a visit: "Let's go, we bought beer ..."

- Who else was with you?

Randy White, Maccabi center, he moved to CSKA a year later. And some black guys from the American embassy. Webb met them at a discotheque. They sat down in the room, each at the feet of a pack of beer, in their hands - a basket of chicken wings. Then Marcus pulled out a three-liter glass, poured in a bottle of cognac and two bottles of cold champagne. He took a long sip, handed me: "Try it. This is our favorite cocktail." I don't know how in America, we have such a thing called "Brown Bear".

- Lost it?

Didn't risk it. Health is more expensive. Cognac with champagne - yes after beer?! Horror! And this is like it. They drank like from a championship cup, passed around. But when I played in Lokomotiv from the Mineralnye Vody, on the second day of the New Year celebration, my teammates still hit the Depth Bomb.

- What's this?

I didn't know either. The guys quickly demonstrated - they poured a glass of vodka, lowered a glass of beer to the bottom. As soon as the foam begins to rise, you drink in one gulp.

- Feeling?

Fine. If you just splash vodka into beer, it's a ruff. We are not surprised. And here they came up with something ... But I didn’t experiment with cocktails anymore.

At the match dedicated to the anniversary of Gomelsky, what story about Alexander Yakovlevich was remembered - and smiled?

The team was returning by military aircraft from Saratov. Instead of a ladder, they filed an ordinary ladder. When a stewardess stepped on her in a short skirt, one of the players asked: "Do you need help?" Gomelsky, who was already well over seventy, reacted immediately. He jumped closer, raised his head, said dreamily: "Well, what help? Let me see!" In general, Alexander Yakovlevich always seemed to me an adventurer from the high road.

- Why so?

A person for whom the word "no" did not exist. Could realize any idea. For example, it was he who suggested that Mikhal Dmitrich be dragged from Perm. It lit up and it worked. They killed two birds with one stone. CSKA returned to the elite of European basketball, and Ural Great, the main competitor, weakened.


- How did you break your Achilles?

They accepted at home. He jumped out for the ball - and landed unsuccessfully. The pain burned. I tried to get up - but I can’t feel the heel. At first he sinned on the center “Maccabi”, who stood behind him. I thought he hit his Achilles from behind. But after reviewing the record, I was surprised to find that no one touched me. Accident.

He believed that the poisoning in Athens in 1995 backfired on you: “We received a large dose of a psychotropic drug called haloperidol. It is very dangerous. Later I started having problems with the kidneys, liver, I had to end my career. For others, Athens also did not go unnoticed. Achilles Kudelina, the knees of Grezin and Vadeev, the injuries of Kisurin and Karasev - everything is interconnected ... "

In my opinion, Andrey digs too deep. Doctors believed that there was no connection between the poisoning and the Achilles rupture. Yes, and I think it's a matter of overwork. After bronze at the European Championships, they rested for only three days. Gas-kerogas, beer, crayfish - and again training, this time with CSKA. Pre-season, Russian championship, European cups.

- The schedule is tough.

Not that word. Here Achilles could not stand it. And Spiridonov did have health problems after a while. He adhered to a strict diet, fasted, he tried to drag us into this business. But we managed with folk remedies. They drank the pills, and on vacation they washed the liver and kidneys with other substances, forty degrees. Ha! And order.

- Then, in Athens, you were the first to switch off?

Yes. The hall is stuffy and smoky. When the game ended, I was terribly thirsty.

What did this bottled water taste like?

Normal. Nobody noticed anything suspicious. My hallucinations began in the hotel, when I was lying on the bed, exhausted, watching basketball on TV. Suddenly spasms, the walls in the room began to part, ancient vases flashed before my eyes. All this looked like pictures in 3D. Finally overcame, fell asleep.

- And in the morning?

There was lethargy, drowsiness, but he attributed it to fatigue after the match. We had breakfast, walked, came to training. In the tunnel on the way from the locker room to the hall, I bent over - and could no longer unbend. He just put his head on his shoulder. He took the ball, tried to throw it - a spasm. Following Morgunov twisted. Only his head turned to the other side.

- Well, the spectacle.

We looked like people with cerebral palsy. Convulsions, slight trembling, head to one side ... They called an ambulance. By the time we were taken along the cobblestones to the clinic, it shook decently.

- Did it get worse?

On the contrary, feel better! But they got off the stretcher - a new spasm. We can’t go, our legs are X. The orderlies dragged me into the ward by the arms and laid me on a couch. We are suffocating, eyes from sockets, sweat in a stream. Here is another attack.

- What?

The legs began to rise involuntarily. You hold it in the air for a few seconds - and sharply lower it without strength. For a day and a half, like this, without wanting it, the press shook. How did the muscles hurt then!

- When did you let go?

A few hours later, the doctors figured out what to inject, introduced an antidote. They said we were lucky. There would be a spasm not of the lungs, but of the heart - not the fact that they would start the "motor". The most surprising thing is that at the same time in Taganrog with poisoning, my sister thundered into intensive care. And in the evening, the Vremya program reported that CSKA basketball players in Greece were urgently hospitalized. For some reason, our photos on the screen were black and white. Only the mourning frame was missing. I think with horror what my mother went through these days. After all, I couldn’t even call her - there were no mobile phones yet.

- How did the other players disconnect?

It was funny with Karasev. I went outside with Kisurin to drink coffee and smoke. Raised his head: "Oh, the sun!" He closed his eyes, smiled, and everything closed. Spasm. So they brought me to the ward - with a smile from ear to ear. Like Gwynplaine. Morgunov and I doubled over with laughter. Panov was the last to be covered, he was very sick. Here Kornev did not feel so bad. He probably drank less of that damned water. But he was reinsured, he also lay down under a dropper, so that the body was washed.

After that, someone in CSKA made fun of the impressionable Morgunov - he slipped perforated bottles of water into him. You?

No. Rather, Kurashov. They had their own company. And I mostly talked with Vaska Karasev.

Have there been more dangerous situations in your life?

In childhood. We played tag at the construction site. I could not resist, collapsed from a three-meter height. He landed with his ass right between two armatures. Half a meter to the right or left - and one of them would pierce me like a skewer. Even at the age of six, the dog bit.

- Serious?

Caucasian Shepherd Dog! Someone got off the leash. The boys and I fried potatoes on a fire. When they saw a huge shaggy dog, they rushed in all directions. Someone climbed a tree, and I ran home. Stumbled, fell - and then she jumped. She grabbed her pants with her teeth, opened her skull with her claws, cut her eyebrow - there, the scar remained. Fortunately, a policeman was walking by.

- Did you decide to have a dog?

No, he pulled it off. They washed my wound on the column, took me to the hospital, sewed it up. And then the most unpleasant - 30 injections in the stomach.

- You remembered Kornev. He died very young. What's happened?

This is a dark secret! As far as I know, he went through two painful divorces. I tried myself in construction. Tried to train girls. We met for the first time in many years at the match dedicated to the anniversary series of CSKA - Zalgiris. We talked. Andrey then seemed quiet to me, something inside him broke ... Suddenly, the news - he died at 46, on his own birthday.

- Did you drink?

Kornev was a moderator of the regimes. Standard basketball player. Occasionally he could afford a glass of wine - that's all. No matter how they pour it on him.

- Became the captain of CSKA.

Andryukha was not a link with the coaches, but with the management. He had the vein of a negotiator. Could convey our ... children's desires. Few people at the age of 25 are capable of this.

- Which other big players ruled?

Pashutin Sr. and Kisurin. Even at banquets after the season they drank mineral water.


- You were brilliant at throwing three-pointers. What's the secret?

In the number of repetitions. Although Eremin said: "Such a throw is a gift from God."

- Who is right?

There is a gift, it's stupid to argue. But it still needs to be developed. And this is the result of training. Since childhood, he spent all his free time at the ring, which was nailed to a tree right on the site. Throwing, throwing ... If the ball bounced on the beds where the tomatoes grew, a slap flew from the father. Which in the future reflected in the accuracy of the throw for the better.

- You said that you made four hundred throws every day.

Yes, until 1995 he worked in this mode. After each workout, I quit for two hours. Sometimes he asked to dim the lights in the hall, to leave two lamps in order to see only the outline of the ring. And see no lines. This allowed to neutralize the feeling of distance.

- How did you put a three-pointer in your own basket in a match with?

Decided to keep the ball in play, which went out. He reached out with his awkward right hand. Without looking, he threw it behind his back - and the ball fell into our ring. He turned his gaze to Eremin, who clutched his head. Immediately asked for a timeout. The bench greeted me with applause, shouting: "Bravo!" But what's the point guys?

- What?

We won the match! And three points were added to UNICS captain Viktor Kurilchuk, who did not spend a single second on the court (there are no own goals in basketball, so in such a situation, according to the rules, points are assigned to the captain of the opposing team. - Note. "SE").

He told us that he recently spent half a day looking for this moment on YouTube. He lamented that the record was not preserved.

I don't have either. I rewatched it the only time when CSKA staged a send-off from basketball. Vatutin spoke into the microphone: "Igor, everyone remembers a lot of beautiful shots in your performance. But no one saw how you scored a three-pointer in your ring." And a fragment of the match with UNICS was shown on the screen. Under friendly laughter.

- Against whom on the court it was especially difficult?

If you are talking about an attack, then there was no such player. I wanted to - I threw it, and from any distance. As in the famous match with Maccabi, when he hit from the center circle. I was helped by inner adventurism, a sense of distance. Well, in defense, the most inconvenient opponent is . Could not adapt to his legs, a kind of technique. I even coped with the European Championship! With a man who, pardon the expression, raped everyone in the NBA! But with Zakhar, every match is torment.

Sergey Tarakanov said that in the 80s at the training camp, Cooper's test before breakfast was commonplace. The last "Cooper" in your life?

2000, we were preparing for the Sydney Olympics. Then the methodology was different. Today, any coach will tell you that "Cooper" is an absolutely pointless exercise in basketball. You can train endurance without it. Who needs endless crosses when the whole game consists of short bursts?

- Did you meet the standard?

Yes, he came running third after Zhenya Pashutin and. Zakhar finished fourth. But even those who were behind by a circle still went to Sydney. And Eremin unhooked me. Said I don't fit into tactical schemes.

- Miracles.

He just had a good advisor.

- Who?

Vladimir Tsinman, assistant. He did not perceive me, he always considered me a lazy person. Another player in his eyes looked preferable. Perhaps this influenced the decision of Eremin.

- What kind of player?

Valya Kubrakov. And with Tsinman, I had a loud conflict four years later, when he headed Lokomotiv-Rostov. Decided to artificially rejuvenate the team. It got to the point of absurdity. We play at home with the St. Petersburg "Dynamo". We lead "+10". Then we, the old people, are put on a bench, the young ones are let out. Soon "-15" lights up on the scoreboard. Tsinman turns in our direction - veterans, go ahead, save the fatherland. Three minutes before the siren. Well, not nonsense?

- Fired up?

Yes. He took off his shirt and went to the locker room. There he waited for the end of the match. The next day, Zinman was fired and I was fined two thousand dollars.


- Someone wrote about you: "In 2001, he easily left CSKA, without clinging to the past ..."

This is true. I gave ten years to CSKA, for me it was a second home. I followed my heart, not my mind. If I had changed the team earlier, I would have won in money, and significantly! After the season, I asked the general director Andrey Malyshev to raise his salary by two thousand dollars. The increase is small - 24 thousand a year. And in response: "No! We are buying the American Curtis McCants, the agent should be paid a bonus - 40 thousand dollars." This was the last straw. He said: "That's it, I'm leaving." They didn't hold me back.

- Did you go to Mineralnye Vody?

Yes. My last contract with CSKA is 200 thousand dollars a year. Sukhachev offered one and a half times more.

- Did you pay?

Yes, yes, everything is on time, without cheating.

- In 2006, in the same place, in Minvody, Sukhachev was killed.

I was sitting in a cafe, two killers with pistols flew in, opened fire. At that moment, he was no longer involved in basketball. The club moved to Rostov. There was a version that Sukhachev invested in a cognac factory. Maybe it has something to do with it. Or other business.

- Why was he called Basmach?

And he liked to tell that he served in the special forces, took Amin's palace by storm in Afghanistan. I also recalled how, in my youth, I bought a pack of lighters with a car depot partner and warmed up a KAMAZ, which would not start in the cold. True or not, I don't know.

- Sukhachev was listed as the head coach of Lokomotiv.

Formally. Training was conducted by Girskis. Sukhachev appeared in the locker room at the installation, hung a jacket on a hook, and made a speech. I didn’t delve into basketball nuances, I pressed on psychology. Once he brought a tape recorder, turned on the "Vladimirsky Central". I thought it was inspiring. During the match, he tried to play the game. But he might not have noticed that the player whom he was calling from the end of the bench had been on the court for a long time.

- Oral?

Mostly on Vlad Konovalov and Yaroslav Strelkin. They were on the team the longest, but played little. And he stuffed me after the defeat from Ural Great.

- For what?

He dreamed of beating Belov. Five seconds before the end, we were "+1". I missed two free throws. "Ural Great" rushed to the attack, someone fouled on the Greek Liadelis, he converted both free throws. In the locker room, Sukhachev almost burned me with his bulging eyes: “Yes, you don’t know how to throw them **! Don’t even look in the direction of the ring in the next match!” And slammed the door.

- With Lokomotiv you were one step away from winning the Korac Cup.

In the final against Nancy, they managed to lose 26 points on the road. At home during the match were "+25". It seemed like a miracle was near. But there was not enough strength for the decisive breakthrough. After the game, there was deathly silence in the locker room and under the stands. There have been defeats in my career, but there has never been such a heavy silence.

- Sukhachev raged?

- Picturesque.

The Slovenian turned pale. Konovalov was also silent. Shocked. Sukhachev's voice brought him out of his stupor: "Why aren't you translating?" Vlad in a whisper: "But I don't know English."

- You have lived in Moscow for so many years. Is it comfortable in Krasnodar?

How do Americans speak? Home is where the work is!

- Are you the same?

With this I completely agree. Even in Krasnodar it is always warm. Either summer or spring. I am a southern person. I remember Kazan, where I played for UNICS, minus forty frosts, wind from the Volga ... And in Moscow, I constantly pulled a car out of a snowdrift.

- With CSKA you won the championship of Russia nine times. Have all the gold medals survived?

No. Three - in the apartment of the former wife. They just didn't give me. The rest managed to pick up, but recently gave three.

- Who is this?

To the boys who train with me. For a birthday, as an incentive. I hope such a gift will be able to kindle their hearts with love for basketball.

Do you still have basketball dreams?

Yes, Maya sometimes complains that I interfere with sleep at night. Either I knock the ball out of someone, or I shove it with my elbows. I also remember how, in my first season at CSKA, I took a bus to the airport. Passed out instantly. In a dream, he went to intercept. A man was sitting next to him, reading Sport-Express. Suddenly I'm left - boo-boo! He opened his eyes - half of the newspaper was torn. I excused myself, sat on my own arm, and went back to sleep.

- Dream, we guess, you have only one - to get even with debts?

Exactly! Solve the problems you get into. Make a happy family. So that the wife and son do not need anything. I believe in myself. I definitely won't throw myself under a train.

December 2007 Seeing off Igor KUDELIN (second from right). Together with him, from left to right - Andrei VATUTIN, Sergei CHERNOV and Sergei KUSHCHENKO. Photo by Dmitry Solntsev

P.S. We said goodbye. A few days later, Kudelin called himself. The voice sounded very different.

With the help of Kirill Zangalis, an old comrade who became my agent, the financial problems are partially solved! - said Igor. - The main thing is that I paid off all bank loans. Finally!

year 2000. Greece. Igor KUDELIN (left) and Kirill ZANGALIS.

- Is the manager of chess player Karjakin now cooperating with you?

He also worked in basketball for a long time. We talked when I played in CSKA. Then we didn't see each other for many, many years. In the spring, he called me unexpectedly. Because of the collectors, I have not responded to unfamiliar numbers for a long time. And then for some reason he picked up the phone. Cyril asked: "How are you?" Well, I laid out everything, as in spirit. I could tell from his voice that he was shocked. Said he would try to help. I didn't care, to be honest. I have heard too many empty words and refusals lately. But further events developed in an amazing way!

- Did Zangalis break the piggy bank?

No. He organized a meeting in Moscow with an influential person, a passionate fan of basketball. Whose name is known to all. He promised to close 70 percent of my debts. A week later, two million rubles were transferred to me. Free! I swear, I still can't believe that the financial stranglehold has eased. Yesterday I was on the verge of despair, and today I look at life with different eyes. Want to work! Create! There are already employment options - thanks to the same Cyril. And the whole past is a good lesson. Perhaps not only for me, but also for those who read my story.

2018. Moscow. Igor KUDELIN (left) and Kirill ZANGALIS.