I'm gaining weight even though I don't eat much

Once, looking at myself in the mirror, I was horrified: the only word that I wanted to shout was - GUARD! The reflection showed a hippo-shaped carcass with only a hint of its former slenderness.

It so happened genetically that I inherited from my mother an hourglass figure. I have always been proud of her. But, as you know, such a figure grows fat at once in all places. You almost keep track of everything, goodbye press, hello sides. The matter was further complicated by the fact that I am a born and professional sweet tooth. So, while absorbing all the sweets on the way, I did not notice how I was gradually getting better. When I remembered, it was too late. Then I firmly decided to lose weight. But here another problem arose: I seemed to have stopped eating a lot, but the weight still didn’t go away, but, on the contrary, it grew and flourished in my body that was thirsting for harmony!

I couldn't figure out what was going on? Why do I get fat if I eat practically nothing? Then I conducted a social survey among my friends and colleagues, and then I began to study all the available information on the Internet regarding this issue.

And here's what I dug up. It turns out that there are only three reasons for weight gain with minimal, as it seems to us, nutrition.

During the day, I imperceptibly managed to gobble up a pack of cookies, a tiny sandwich with
butter, dragees or chocolates. And what? It seemed to me that nothing would happen from a couple of sweets, as well as from a couple of cookies. Yes, only if there were a couple of them, then nothing. I ate them in handfuls, naively believing that this was an innocent trifle. This despite the fact that my diet could not be called correct and healthy. Oatmeal with coffee in the morning, and sausage sandwich in the evening. That's my whole diet.

  1. Metabolic disease.

Everyone believes that if a person eats little, but at the same time gets better, then he has problems with the body, with metabolism. At first I thought so too. But the case turned out to be much more complicated and interesting. Why does metabolic disorder occur?

I studied well at school and I know how the human body works. All the nutrients that enter the body are sent along “two paths”: some are spent on the energy that is needed for life, others go to the “bins”. They are deposited in reserve in the most unexpected places: hips, tummy, buttocks, arms, face. In short, where they want, they settle there in the form of subcutaneous fat.

In this case, there are also two ways out: either eat less, or move more. But there is a third – eat less and move more. I chose the first option for myself. I began to eat less. And the weight did not go away, but came. My reaction is ???.

It turned out that my body behaved like a person who had abruptly lost a stable job - he began to accumulate the crumbs that entered it and put them away for a “rainy day”. So it turned out that I eat less, and my shocked body begins to feverishly store all the nutrients that come (albeit in small quantities) into the “reserve barns”. Hence the weight gain.

So the work of the body is not disturbed, but simply transferred to the “Stocks for the winter” mode.

  1. Wrong mode or lack thereof.

Anywhere, anything, with anyone and whenever… eat. This is how it can be explained in a few words
no mode. Mode, not only in the sense of eating on time, but also going to bed, waking up at the same time. The main thing is to get enough sleep. Because, even during sleep, fat is burned in the body! And if you go to bed with the first roosters, get up with the third, eat before bed, then the metabolic processes are disturbed. The results of such a regimen on the face are an irritated nervous system, red eyes, an earthy complexion, impaired metabolism and excess weight.

After analyzing this information, I came to the conclusion that a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are not an empty phrase, but the main assistants in the process of losing weight and maintaining health.

So, if you are also faced with a similar problem, listen to the advice of the “grated roll”, that is, me:

  • Don't starve yourself. Never! And then your body will go into economy mode, and what is the threat? See point 2;
  • Try to develop your own mode in which your body will be pleased and comfortable to work;
  • Balance your diet. Do not deprive yourself of fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. Just observe the measure in everything;
  • Don't snack on any. Cookies, croutons, chips, marshmallows, sausage sandwiches - this is kaka. And generally exclude such products. They will only add extra weight, not health;
  • Move more!

Watch for yourself: how many chances to move we miss! Instead of stairs - an elevator, instead of walking - a minibus, instead of jogging - lying on the couch or watching a movie with popcorn. You need quite the opposite: steps, walks, jogging, swimming, outdoor activities.

Follow these simple, and most importantly proven, rules and you will be happy!