How to properly string boilies. How to properly mount boilies for long-distance casting. Mounting with silicone cambric

Catching carp with a feeder, on boilies is a whole science. Huge section of fishing knowledge. In a sense, this is “camera fishing”, like fly fishing, trolling ... I.e. for the uninitiated, a beginner, it is not possible to truly delve into many wisdoms. But, you have to start somewhere. Let's start by discussing carp rigs for boilie fishing. Materials, elements of accessories, methods of installation and nozzles of boilies.

Carp rigs for fishing with boilies- are quite complex and require very special materials with unique properties. But precisely for this reason, they are so effective, and in combination with cool boilies, they allow you to catch large carps incomparably intensively, with ordinary fishing rods, donks, snacks, etc.

I think many anglers who are interested in specialized gear have noticed that many fishing tackle manufacturers have whole carp programs: special carp rods, reels, fishing lines, landing nets ... This also applies to installations for boilies. Everything special, designed specifically for catching large carp for boilies.

Let's start our conversation with a discussion carp hooks, for these montages. Firstly, carp hooks are always equipped with a ring, no paddles! All special carp hooks very well sharpened. Usually, this is either laser or chemical sharpening of the sting. The color of carp hooks is usually dark, black, blued. , at boilie fishing, are used from No. 10 to No. 12-16. , as a rule, are made of especially thick, reinforced wire. It is equally important that the manufacturer properly hardens the carp hook. This is due to the fact that a large carp is a fish of extraordinary strength. An unreliable hook, he can easily break or unbend when playing. An integral characteristic feature of all carp hooks is that the sting is slightly bent inward, which ensures better hooking and holding the fish.

Do not hesitate to use carp hooks with a long forearm. Because the boilie still hangs separately, on the so-called. hair, then with the help of a special cambric-lock on the shank of the hook, you can change the position of the hair and boilie, relative to the hook.

We figured out the hooks, now we will discuss carp leashes and lead materials. Now the most recognized material for mounting carp leashes is a strong, rigid line without memory - Amnesia (Amnesia Sunset). You can also use a thin braid, cord for leashes (it also has no memory). Important advantages of this fishing line: increased strength; ensuring good self-cutting of carp; leashes due to the rigidity of the fishing line do not get tangled on casts.

Hard Amnesia, at first glance, can scare away a wary carp when taking a boilie. But thanks to the use of a cunning cambric on the shank of the hook, the carp pulls by the hair, but does not feel the rigidity of the leash, while it pulls the latch to the hook ring with its hair. As a rule, this trick is enough to the carp took the boilie completely and self-cut when trying to get away. This installation of the boilie is called "D'Rig".

In addition to fishing line without memory, braided cords are used for leashes. Spinning cords can also be used for this purpose. But only the softest of them. it is usually better to use special carp leader materials, close in structure to the cord, but they are more slippery, softer, not subject to fluffing, more abrasive resistant.

It is characteristic that there are carp leader materials with different degrees of buoyancy! Yes, yes, the fishing line itself can be obviously sinking or floating. In 90% of situations it is desirable to use sinking leashes. They lie better on the bottom, do not form bends and loops in the vertical plane, which means that they do not scare away the carp that has approached the boilie.

A special soft lead is also used. Through it, with effort, you can drag an ordinary leash and it will become sinking ... These are the frills and bells and whistles that carp anglers have.

Regarding the choice of breaking load carp leashes then it's 15-20lb. If in the beginning, when casting, a leash made of soft material is constantly confused, then it is reasonable to make a combined equipment. Two-thirds of the leash should be made from a stiff Amnesia line, and the end, a third from a soft lace. The knot for binding can be seen in the picture.

There is another option for dealing with entanglements, entanglements of a soft leash on casts. Before casting, the leash is treated with a special gel “Kryston Superstiff”. It allows you to make the leash rigid. In water, this coating will quickly dissolve and the leash will again be soft and will not scare away carp.

Now the fun part boilies attachment. To do this, use a special hair. Firstly, only such a hair montage guarantees a successful hooking of the fish. Secondly, the carp is not so scared, because he cannot prick on the sting of the hook before he completely takes the boilie. Thirdly, the boilie is too hard and it’s not realistic to put a hook on it directly, with all the desire ...

You can make the hair a continuation of the leash, as you can see from the next picture. We make a loop at the end of the leash, thread the hook into the ring (be sure to wind it from the side of the sting!). Then, letting go of the end by 2-5 cm, we knit a regular knot, as hooks are tied. You can also knit hair separately from the thinnest cord.

boilie nozzle on the hair is carried out using a special awl-hook. Boyle pierces through. With a notch at the end of the awl, we catch a loop of hair. We pull the boilie on the hair. So that it does not fly off, we put a stopper at the end of the loop. Everything is simple!

You can fish using anti-twist tubes, on which a feeder or just a load is rigidly attached. Or, use the so-called. installation “in-line”, similar to the well-known donk with a roll, when the sinker has a through longitudinal hole.

Here are the basics of manufacturing carp rigs for boilie fishing. I plan to develop this topic on the blog. Next, there will be narrower topics of carp fishing. So, who is interested in modern carp fishing - subscribe to blog updates via RSS.

In Europe catching carp on boilies become more and more popular every year. They are practical, they can be painted in different colors, boilies they are easily impregnated and hold the aroma of fragrances for a long time.

How to fish with boilies

fasten, boilies for carp, with the help of hair mounting to the hook carp mounting and not badly kept on it, but most importantly, boilies for carp are excellent at luring prey. Catching carp on boilies is also good because having a powerful mouth, only a carp can bite through a boilie, which means it is not interesting to other fish.

On a reservoir where carps are not accustomed to boilies, they can be successfully caught on corn, corn, potatoes, using a hair rig. But in order to accustom carp to boilies, you need to feed them to the future place of fishing.

There is two types of boilies for carp fishing sinking and floating. They are used depending on the bottom of the reservoir. For example, if the bottom is muddy or overgrown with algae, then it is better to use floating boilies that become more accessible to carp. The lifting height can be limited by a pellet, which is attached to a leash. And if the bottom is hard and clean, then we can use sinking boilies for carp. We also use them for food.

Can be combined using mounting with multiple boilies. Let's say we don't know which of the two boilies will be effective, then we can put on both sinking and floating boilies using a carp mount or a yoke with two leashes. One will lie on the bottom, and the other is higher if you tie it to the forearm. The color of carp boilies can play a role in clear water, but not in muddy water. But the smell plays a role in any case, if the smell is associated with something unpleasant for the carp, then he will not take it. This may be where the carp is released back. The diameter of the boilies is selected, taking into account the size of the possible prey, approximately 16 - 18 mm.

When catching carp on boilies, we use hair clip. Boilies are put on not on a hook, but on a hair mount, which is tied to a hook. If a Boilies for carp fishing put on the hook, it will completely cover the sting, and when hooked, it will fly off, jumping out of the mouth of the carp. But if you use hair mounting, then the hook will be completely open for hooking. With this method of fishing, it is also possible to successfully fish with traditional baits such as peas, corn, potatoes, and so on.

How to attach boilies to a hook

There is two ways how to properly tie boilies to a hook. In most cases, one or more boilies are attached on the allowance of the line, which remains after we have tied a hook to the leash. This line allowance called - hair. The required hair length is determined by the size of the hook and the diameter of the boilies, as well as their number.

For a good grip it is necessary to put on a cambric about one and a half centimeters long on the forearm, while the hair departs approximately in the middle of the forearm from the hook. Accordingly, before tying the hook, it is necessary to put the cambric on the leash, and then tie the hook. After tying the hook, we make a loop at the end of the hair for the stopper. Then slide the hook onto the forearm. The hair should be about four centimeters long when attaching one boilie, which has a diameter of sixteen millimeters.

To attach boilies to the hook, usually use a special needle, which has a bend at the end, then insert the stopper into the loop and move the boilie along the hair to the stopper. For verification finished hair montage, you can throw the leash with the boilie and the hook over the index finger and pull the other end, and if the hook approaches the finger with a sting and it can dig into the skin, then the hair installation is correct, it will also dig into the lower lip of the carp. In case this is not the case, you need to change the size of the cambric.

In another way you can attach the boilies to the hook: tie the hair, strung with one or more boilies and secured with a stopper, to the shank of the hook on the bend.

Also we we can cut, not deep around the circumference of the boilie with a thin blade and pinch the hair in a loop in this incision. For this method of attaching the boilie, a stopper and a needle are not needed.

Homemade boilies

Although the stores sell high quality boilies and there is a huge selection, you may decide make your own boilies. This may be for various reasons, for example, from the financial situation. There you are one of the recipes which is adapted to local shops.

For Homemade Boilies we take three hundred grams of semolina, the same volume of corn flour, two hundred grams of soy and fish meal, the same amount of milk powder. We mix. To this amount of the mixture, add five teaspoons of flavoring, such as coriander or garlic, cinnamon, cumin. We knead all this on a chicken egg in the ratio of one egg per hundred grams of the mixture, after beating the eggs and adding food colors and liquid flavors to them. When the dough is ready, we make balls of the size we need from it and put them in boiling water. We wait until the ascent, take them out and dry them. It is not desirable to digest, it is better to dry longer. Drying boilies can take several weeks, their hardness depends on the length of the drying time.

There is a wide variety in our markets today flavors for the manufacture of boilies, but it is probably impossible to say with accuracy which one to use. But there is a mistake, believing that the more the better, an overdose can backfire. In order to determine the dose, we can divide the entire number of boilies into several identical parts and soak them with one of the flavors, but of different concentrations. We can also experiment with different combinations of opposing flavors, for example, if spicy is added, then before fishing, you can also soak in a fruit flavor. BUT to enhance the effect can be dipped in liquid caramel confectionery production.

Boilies are the most common bait for catching carp fish. This versatile bait has become so popular with carp anglers that it has practically replaced all others, from boiled or canned corn to worm, bloodworm and maggot. High-quality boilies for carp, bream, crucian carp or roach contain animal and vegetable protein, and also have an attractive aroma. In addition, such a bait practically does not soak in water and is easily mounted on a hook.

What are boilies

Most anglers only know how to hook a boilie, hook their catch, and haul a fish to shore without thinking about what it is made of or why it is so effective. Let's try to understand why this particular bait is so interesting for carp and its "relatives".

The very word "boil" in translation from English means "cook" and implies a certain heat treatment of the bait at the manufacturing stage. This is a ball-shaped bait with a diameter of 0.5 to 3 cm, consisting of a boiled, dried or compressed mixture based on various types of flour, including fish or bone.

The composition of boilies may include ground cereals, bran, sunflower cake, gluing components, such as, for example, starch, casein, gelatin, as well as various attractants (flavors).

Types of boilies

Depending on the purpose and conditions of fishing, bait balls are divided into several types:

  • sinking (for fishing from the bottom);
  • neutral buoyancy (for fishing at a short distance from the bottom);
  • floating (for fishing in the water column or on its surface).

Sinking boilies, after forming them from the finished mixture, are boiled until a hard crust forms on the surface. The density of such balls exceeds the density of water, therefore, when they fall into a reservoir, they sink.

Neutral boilies are pressed to remove moisture from them as much as possible. Such a bait retains zero buoyancy, allowing it to stay afloat near the bottom. Before you put a boilie with such neutrality on a hook, you should choose the right weight that can regulate its immersion to the desired depth.

Floating balls, due to drying, have a low density and do not sink at all. They are designed to catch fish that feed near the surface of the water.

Bait boilies

There are also bait boilies, which are used to feed the place of fishing and are prepared in such a way that they dissolve when they enter the water. One of their varieties are "dusty" balls. Components have been added to their composition that, when dissolved, create a kind of cloud that attracts fish. It can be cocoa, milk powder or other finely dispersed ingredients with an alluring aroma. As a rule, feeder feeders are filled with such boilies. Sometimes fishermen also use them for fishing with other bottom gear. In this case, feeding is carried out manually or using a special slingshot.

Boilies were designed specifically for catching carp and are designed for its ability to suck on any bulky food. They were originally supposed to be strung on a hook, hiding its sting in the body of the bait. But over time, anglers have improved the available gear, coming up with several alternative options.

Before you plant a boilie, you should choose the right type of bait mounting on the hook, depending on the type of fish and the characteristics of the reservoir. Today, the most popular and effective way to snap is "hair". This method is best suited for catching large fish such as carp and bream. It lies in the fact that the boilie is attached not to the hook itself, but to the branch from the leash located next to it.

The use of this type of mounting significantly increases the likelihood of hooking and self-hooking fish due to swallowing a bare hook. However, such equipment is not always applicable for fishing in the current or in places with difficult casting. A boilie dangling on a fishing line provokes a twisting of the gear. Therefore, the traditional method of setting the bait has not lost its relevance. Many anglers successfully use it when catching carp fish with a regular bottom, rubber band or float rod in strong currents or with other fishing difficulties.

How to plant a boilie with a hair rig

There are several types of hair accessories:

  • knotless;
  • D-rig;
  • hard rig.

The simplest and most popular method is a knotless installation that does not require the use of additional devices. It consists in the fact that at the end of the leash a loop of thin fishing line is knitted with a double knot. Its other end is pulled into the eye of the hook and formed into a small loop so that the length of the "hair" is about 1.5-2 cm. This piece of fishing line can be movably attached to the hook using a small pull ring or a piece of nipple rubber.

Before planting a boilie, you need to pierce an axial hole in it with a needle or an ordinary awl. Next, the loop of the "hair" is threaded through the ball and fixes it with a special silicone stopper.

The D-Rig mount provides for an increased length of line retraction, which provides the maximum allowable distance between the hook and the bait and increases the likelihood of self-hooking. This option is applicable only in places with a flat and clean bottom in the absence of current.

Rigid equipment provides for the placement of the boilie in close proximity to the shank of the hook. This installation can be used under any conditions of fishing.

What you need to know when making homemade boilies

Knowing how to put a boilie on a hook does not guarantee success in fishing. It is also important to choose the right bait that will provide the maximum effect on a particular reservoir under various conditions.

Despite the wide range of boilies in specialized stores, most anglers prefer to use homemade balls as bait. In this case, it is possible to achieve the ideal combination of the components of the mixture, suitable for a certain type of fish and the characteristics of the reservoir.

But how to make boilies with your own hands, which will give the maximum effect? To do this, first of all, you need to take into account the time of year. In spring and autumn, they must contain fish or bone meal. You can also add crushed maggot pupae or dried insects. The need for protein in fish during this period increases dramatically, so such components in the composition of the bait will make it the most attractive.

In hot weather, you can do without them, but the presence of flavors is required. Fruit flavors are well suited for carp fishing: plum, banana, strawberry, as well as honey, caramel, etc.

As a basis for boilies, it is better to use semolina or cornmeal. It is also necessary to use eggs or casein as a gluing component. Many anglers add salt to the mixture, which is an excellent natural preservative.

Carp is one of the most cautious fish. His bite is almost always neat and unhurried. At the same time, the thinnest and most inconspicuous hook on which the bait is attached can scare away carp. However, back in the 70s of the last century, a hair tool was invented that allows you to attach the nozzle to a special “hair”.

Hair rig is great for carp fishing

What is a hair tool

Back in the last century in England, a variant of such a rigging appeared, in which the bait was not put on a hook, but was attached to a special leash. It is applied even now. Especially when catching carp and other large fish.

A distinctive feature of the hair tool is that the hook always remains open and free from the nozzle. In this case, the hook on the lip of the fish is carried out due to the fact that it draws or sucks the bait into the mouth, where the hook enters along with the bait. Carp simply takes it for a small twig or some kind of garbage that he has to regularly suck in and spit out when feeding. However, it was not there. Spitting out the hook, the fish is hooked.

"Hair" installation is done in a different way. However, the basis is a branch from a fishing line, braid or a special leader material. Just on it the nozzle is placed. It is believed that the hair rig is ideal for catching large bottom fish. Including carp, which prefers to suck food into their mouths, rather than grab it on the go or swallow it sharply, like many predators.

The nozzle in the hair rig is attached to the hair

Therefore, hair rigging in carp fishing is very popular. It takes into account the peculiarities of the feeding behavior of carp, and also avoids those situations when the fish, having swallowed the nozzle, feels the hook and spits it out, "avoiding a meeting" with the angler. This option has other advantages as well. We will tell about them further.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair equipment when fishing for carp

The first step is to get to know this option better. Find out all the pros and cons so that you don’t get an unpleasant surprise while fishing. Let's start with the shortcomings of the hair tool. Basically, there are two of them:

  • Tendency to get caught on rocks, algae, driftwood and grass. After all, the hook remains completely open. Therefore, it is especially necessary to fish in overgrown water areas with particular care.
  • An increased risk of overlapping and tangling, because from the bare hook comes another, albeit short, but leash.

The disadvantage of the rig is that it clings to algae and other

On this, perhaps, everything. There are no more shortcomings in hair equipment. But there are many more advantages:

  • The most reliable fixation of the bait (boilies, pellets, corn), which allows you to make long casts without fear of losing the nozzle.
  • A more natural lure delivery that is not loaded with a hook. Due to which the number of bites increases.
  • Minimal chances of harming the fish itself (this is important, because most carp fishers catch and release on a catch-and-release basis), since the sting mostly pierces the lower lip. Thus, the carp is not injured, and the hook is easily pulled out of its mouth.
  • More successful strikes than other rig options. Often, the carp even hooks itself, trying to spit out the hook.
  • Ease of installation. This is another plus of the hair rig, because it does not require expensive materials, and every angler can make it.

Hair equipment is less traumatic for the fish itself

How to make a do-it-yourself hair rig for carp

Whatever gear you choose for carp fishing, hair equipment will show its best side. Many carp fishers actively use it even on a float rod, fishing from the shore. In addition, catching carp on a hair rig allows you to securely fasten boilies, pellets, corn, peas, chickpeas and other baits that do not hold well on the hook.

So it will be useful for every carp angler to learn how to make a hair montage with your own hands:

Alternative hair rigging options

However, not all anglers use the method described above. Many use alternative mounting options. Therefore, we will also talk about how to knit carp equipment in a different way:

For installation, in addition to the silicone tube, a movable ring can be used

By the way, the “D-rig” rig, popular in cupfishing (for floating boilies), can also be considered as one of the alternative options for hair rigging. Its base is a hook with a loop (or ring) made of fluorocarbon or nylon, which is almost half the size of the forearm. It is to this loop (or ring) that the bait is attached. For example, boilies, which only need to be tied with dental floss or thin fishing line, and then tied to a loop.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for hair accessories. At the same time, it is not necessary for an experienced carp angler to carry out installation, focusing on only one of them. You can try to come up with your own way of how to fix the bait on the "hair" separately from the hook, thereby improving the number of effective strikes.

What is important to remember when mounting a hair rig on a carp

In order for a carp hair rig to turn out to be really reliable and not get confused when casting, the following must be taken into account:

  • The leash must be strong and resilient. Therefore, it is best to use fluorocarbon or braided cord. Regular monofilament line is usually not suitable. Pay special attention to the flexibility of the "hair". It should be much more flexible than the main line or leader structure. If the “hair” turns out to be too hard, then when biting, the hook will turn, interfering with hooking.

When installing, you need to pay attention to the choice of leash

  • The length of the leash is another important parameter. If it is too long, it will be difficult to hook the fish. Therefore, if we are talking exclusively about the carp version of the hair rig, then the length of the leash should not be more than 5 cm. At the same time, for beginners, we recommend using a “hair” of about 1 cm at all. This is enough to catch carp weighing up to 6-8 kg. It’s not worth taking the “hair” shorter - the nozzle will touch the bend of the hook, which, when biting, can prevent the sting from entering the mouth tissue of the fish correctly.
  • An equally important component of the hair tool is a hook. It should not only be of high quality and sharp. Its shape is also important. As a rule, experienced carp anglers advise to take banana-shaped hooks, which, in their opinion, work perfectly with this type of rig. In addition, the tip of the hook should be long enough, which will reduce the number of unsuccessful hooks.

What nozzles are best used with hair accessories

Fishing for carp differs from catching any other fish in the variety of baits used. However, not all of them are successfully combined with hair accessories. Therefore, various baits (worm, maggot, bloodworm, etc.) and dough are not recommended with it.

Corn and peas are used as bait when fishing for "hair"

It is best to fish with a hair rig on:

  • peas;
  • pellets;
  • wheat
  • pasta;
  • cubes of boiled potatoes;
  • various boilies, etc.

Do not forget that in order to put many baits on the “hair”, you will need a special needle. With its help, in the same pellets or boilies, it is easy to make a hole where the leash comes from the hook. After that, it remains only to install a stopper to fix the bait.

The installation of hair equipment will be described in the video:

Boilies as baits are very popular with anglers and have taken a strong leading position among baits for this fish. Quality boilies contain the right amount of vegetable and animal proteins and have a fish-attracting smell.

Such a bait is difficult to soak in water and easy to put on a hook. Not all anglers think about the composition and effectiveness of boilies. Translated from English, this word means "cook".

During cooking, this bait undergoes a certain heat treatment. The shape of the boilies is spherical, with a diameter of 0.5-3.0 cm.

It consists of various mixtures of different types of flour, cereals, cake bran and other components, substances that help create a sticky base - starch, gelatin and flavorings.

Types of boilies

Boilies bought in a store and made by yourself are considered:

  • bait
  • dexterous

They have the same base, but the flavors in the bait balls have a lower concentration.

Boilies are also characterized by different buoyancy, they are:

  • drowning
  • floating

Even during manufacture, the nozzle receives one of these characteristics. To make sinking boilies, after cooking they are put in the freezer or boiled for a long time.

To make it sink better, you can carry out both procedures. The bait will be even harder and lie on the bottom until the fish notice it.

Floating is done using a microwave. Such balls become lighter and more magnificent than sinking ones. Due to this structure, they manage to float on the surface of the reservoir. At the same time, they fall apart faster for the same reason.

Boilers also differ in size. Carp species of fish devour nozzles with a diameter of more than 1 centimeter.

Due to this size, small fish are cut off, and large individuals have a greater chance of eating the bait made for them. For kapr fish, fishermen have deduced the main color preferences from the experience of angling.

They give preference in the colors of bait:

  • red
  • purple
  • yellow

The choice of boilie brightness depends on how clear the water in the reservoir is and what the condition of the bottom surface is. The approach here is this: use dark balls on light ground, bright boilies are more applicable and noticeable in muddy water.


It is noticed that floating nozzles are preferred mainly by not very large fish. Obviously, large and cautious individuals do not inspire confidence in food that is not very naturally located on the water.

Floating balls are often complemented with sinking ones to create a neutral bait in the water in suspension.

The manufacture of such a nozzle in a combined form is an order of magnitude easier than creating a neutral composition of the balls during preparation, and making changes to the ratio of the components of the base composition.

The neutral bait, when weighed, looks raised at a distance from the bottom, and the hook lies on the bottom surface. This bait won't get lost in the mud if the rig, lead and hook length are correct.

Without buoyancy, it is easier for her to get into the mouth of the fish, also with a not strong bite of a not very active carp.

A floating boilie, when using additional weight, is often used as a nozzle with neutral buoyancy. Recently, boilies of a fluorescent type have been produced, which warm up the fish's interest in the bait also visually.


Such boilies are used as a nozzle and as bait. Especially for carp that live and feed on the bottom. Sinking balls contain more components that are more attractive to fish.

In order to get a sinking boilie, it must be thoroughly boiled or frozen after the formation of balls.

It is possible to combine both manipulations, and at the same time it will be possible to achieve a good solid base, which will lie on the bottom for a long time and is more likely to attract the attention of bottom fish.

How to plant boilies so that they do not fall apart when casting and catching on the current?

Boilies are quite fragile and when baited on a thick hook wire, they can crack. And already during the casting, while still in flight, the ball of the boilie will fall off. So we need to make sure that this doesn't happen.

One of the most common ways to fasten boilies to hooks is hair rigging.

For this simple method, you need a thin fishing line that is attached to the hook.

The stringing of the bait is carried out directly on it. Through a through hole of thin diameter, made with a drill or a needle, a fishing line with a loop is passed.

The boilie ball is very fragile, so you need to do everything as carefully and accurately as possible. A wire or match stopper is inserted into this loop.

The second edge of the fishing line is tightly tied to the hook on any knot. That's all the work of planting boilies.

With the right bait, the bait should be directly behind the hook.

During the biting, the retraction of the bait by the fish is carried out with the help of the lips. She does not notice any danger and calmly grabs the boilie, which she will no longer be able to spit out.

The hook should have already pierced the soft fabric and hooked firmly into it. It turns out spontaneous cutting. One or more boilies can be attached to the hook.

They are also threaded through the fishing line and tied. The bait hanging in a garland during bottom fishing looks appetizing.


To make a floating boilie, the easiest way is to buy bait and make these balls out of it.

Have to take:

  • Carp bait - 1-2 packages
  • Raw egg
  • Dishes for mixing and making dough
  • Container for boiling balls
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Various additives and flavorings as desired

Floating boilies are made as follows:

  1. In a bowl with a broken raw egg, while stirring, bait is added in portions. The composition should not stick to the hands as a result.
  2. Depending on the size of the fish that is supposed to be fished, boilies of the appropriate size and shape are created. The dough is rolled out on a board, cut into thin strips, from which balls are formed.
  3. Cook in boiling water until balls float.
  4. The water is drained and the finished boilies are cooled.
  5. Drying can be done in the microwave or oven. The main thing is not to overdry.
  6. The correctness of the finished boilies is checked in water. If at the same time they begin to float smoothly, their manufacture was correct.
  7. The addition of flavors is carried out immediately before the start of fishing and depending on the season of fishing. To do this, the balls need to be immersed in the flavor. You can use a special spray for different fish and with a variety of colors.

Various purchased liquids are used as flavoring agents, in the following proportion: for 1 kg of dry matter of the manufactured bait, from 3 to 10 ml of flavoring agent.

Boilies can also be flavored with spices and spices.

Such substances can be:

  • cinnamon - 15 g per 1 kg of dry composition
  • ground red pepper - 1 tbsp. For 1 kg of dough
  • crushed anise seeds or oil

Dry flavors are added to the dry mix, liquid flavors are mixed with the raw egg.

When making baits on your own, you need to make boilie options that are different in terms of floating properties, size, color and smell, in order to be able to choose the most acceptable option from the existing options during fishing.


This knot makes it possible to set the desired distance between the nozzle and the crook of the hook. Some anglers prefer the distance further, others closer.

There is no specific requirement here, but still this distance should not be very large, since the hook will not immediately enter the mouth of the carp. The side closest to the hook should be 1 inch before touching it.

The meaning of the "hair" equipment in a separate arrangement of the hook and nozzle. When fishing for carp or other fish of this family with teeth located in the back of the throat, it is most likely to be caught on the hook of a hair rig.

If the hook is in the bait, the chances of catching carp are reduced.

bandage tape

In order for the nozzle to be more tightly pressed into the hook, you need to use a bandage tape or a bandage thread. The tape is made of latex. It is attached to a hook or a special Dring.

It is also attached to the shank of the hook. The bandage tape is passed through the center of the floating boilie with a needle or stopper.

bandage thread

Bandage thread also tie the boilie to the hook or ring Dring. With a needle, you need to thread the tape through the ring and make a knot. Next, you need to tighten it and string the ball on the needle.

After moving the boilie from the needle to the bandage tape and fix it with a stopper.

How to put a boilie on a hair rig?

For planting a boilie use:

  • crochet with hair montage
  • a special needle for a boilie nozzle
  • with a drill (for a hard boilie - make a hole for a needle)
  • stopper (a piece of Hungarian or clerical gum)

Nozzle sequence:

  1. Make a through puncture in the boilie in the center. The needle should peek out from the opposite side by 1 cm
  2. Insert the hook of the needle into the loop of the hair montage
  3. Pull the needle along with the hair in the opposite direction
  4. Insert the stopper into the formed loop
  5. Pull the hair from the side of the hook and rest the stopper on the nozzle.

How to put mini-boilies on the hook:

  • choose the right hook
  • in the boilie, make a through-type hole with a needle, a nail, etc.
  • pass a thin fishing line from 0.2 mm or less into the hole
  • tie a piece of matchstick or toothpick to one end of the fishing line
  • tie the second end of the fishing line on the hook, the knot should not slide on the hook

How to put boilies on a hook on a carp?

Putting a boilie on a hook is not difficult. A thin through hole is made in the ball. This must be done carefully. Pass the fishing line through the boilie and make a loop on the back side at the end and insert the limiter into it.

The second end of the fishing line is tied to the hook. This method is considered the easiest when planting a boilie for carp fishing.