How to take creatine correctly for muscle growth. Creatine - how to take, everything you need to know Creatine monohydrate when to drink

Creatine is a popular type of sports nutrition, whose action is aimed at increasing muscle mass, increasing endurance and progress in strength indicators. Creatine is the most studied supplement and is used by the majority of professional bodybuilders.

There is no point in disputing its benefits. But the time and frequency of administration... This topic worries not only beginners, but also experienced athletes. Some argue that it is best to take creatine before training, others - after. We studied in detail all the available information in search of an answer to the question: “How to take creatine before or after training?” and are ready to give an answer!

What benefits does creatine give before training?

Can I take creatine before training? Can! Is it effective? Yes, but only in some situations.

Many people believe that taking creatine an hour before training is the most optimal method, but there are some nuances here. The supplement is absorbed in about 50-60 minutes, after which the peak of its action occurs, which lasts about 90-100 minutes. When it enters the bloodstream, part of the creatine is sent to replenish reserves in the muscles, and the rest is accumulated in the bloodstream. After the start of training, the body uses creatine from the muscles, and when it ends, the reserves deposited in the blood are used. Thus, by drinking a portion an hour before training, you will ensure maximum productivity during and quick recovery after.

Therefore, we recommend taking creatine before strength training! The situation with athletics is a little different. Creatine before running may be beneficial for sprinters or middle-distance racers. It will give you stamina for a short time and increase productivity. For long marathons, it is advised to avoid taking it before exercise.

Should you take creatine during exercise?

Is it possible to drink creatine during training? Can! Is it effective? No.

The answer to this question flows smoothly from the previous paragraph. To avoid repetition, we will briefly outline the facts that make taking creatine during training meaningless.

  • Long period of absorption. You will already finish your workout, and the creatine you drink will only enter your bloodstream.
  • The reserves of “your” creatine, which accumulates in muscle fibers, will be enough for a full workout, and immediate replenishment does not make sense.

Why do you need creatine after a workout?

Can I take creatine after a workout? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!

Any workout is stress for the body, which it wants to cope with as quickly as possible. Therefore, after training, all systems work twice, or even three times more. This is the best period to take creatine. . Firstly, increased blood circulation promotes accelerated transport of the substance. Secondly, after physical activity, the “protein-carbohydrate window” opens - the period when the body most needs fast carbohydrates and protein. Taking creatine along with fast carbohydrates will not only speed up its absorption, but also make its action more effective.

  • Replenishment of ATP reserves;
  • Creating muscle definition;
  • Increase in muscle mass;
  • Correct energy exchange in muscle tissues and cells;
  • Favorable anabolic response.

Drinking creatine half an hour after training is the best option!

Rules for taking creatine

Over time, the techniques have been sorted out, now let’s move on to less significant, but still important nuances.

Which is better: powdered creatine or capsule?

Creatine is available not only in powder, but also in capsules. A logical question arises: which form is more effective?

The answer is simple: it doesn’t matter, it’s just a matter of convenience!

Does it make sense to purchase creatine with a transport system?

In recent years, creatine with transport systems has achieved unprecedented popularity. Mainly transport elements include:

  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamin and mineral complex;
  • Phosphates;
  • Carbohydrates.

Most manufacturers of this product use creatine monohydrate as a base. Therefore, buy a finished product enriched with various useful elements, or drink everything separately - the choice is yours.

How long should you take creatine?

This supplement has no side effects. However, it should not be consumed without interruption. The fact is that over time, muscle fibers lose the ability to absorb the resulting substance. Therefore, after 2 months of use, it is recommended to take a break for 2-4 weeks. Otherwise, nothing bad will happen, but the effectiveness of the supplement will noticeably decrease.

How to take creatine - before or after meals?

The versatility of creatine lies not only in a wide range of beneficial properties, but also in various disputes about one or another aspect of use. Another burning question is “Should I drink creatine before or after meals?”

Previously, the following arguments were in fashion:

  • It is believed that when taken after meal food slows down absorption and interferes with transportation. Thus, creatine remains in the acidic environment of the stomach for a long time, which reduces its effectiveness.
  • What if you take creatine? before meals, then fast carbohydrates coming from food accelerate the transport of creatine.

However, in 2008, laboratory studies were conducted that proved that the effectiveness does not depend on whether creatine is taken before or after meals.

Which Creatine is better?

What is better to combine taking Creatine with?

You must understand that by taking Creatine alone, you are unlikely to get high-quality results. Creatine should be part of a comprehensive sports nutrition regimen, and in particular:

  • Vitamin-mineral complex;
  • Protein;
  • BCAA.

And that's your minimum. For more effective and intense workouts, you can add a pre-workout supplement. It will allow you to tune in to work mentally and give you a couple more useful functions, such as pumping and increasing productivity.

For men, there is an opportunity to expand their natural capabilities with the help of a testosterone booster. This supplement is completely natural and allows you to enhance the natural production of this hormone without disrupting your overall hormonal balance.

The best proteins

The best BCAA

The best vitamins

The best pre-workout supplements

The best test boosters


Creatine is an essential supplement for building a beautiful, muscular body. And like any other type of sports nutrition, it also has a list of theories, disputes and guesses.

We hope that after reading this article, you will no longer have questions: “What does creatine do for training?” or “When is the best time to take a supplement?” All you have to do is feel its effect on yourself and find out where to buy creatine.

Creatine monohydrate is a food supplement whose main function is to provide energy to the muscular system. This is one of the most popular supplements in the bodybuilding world. Thanks to it, muscle mass increases, muscle endurance improves and performance increases. In the human body, creatine is produced in the pancreas, kidneys, and liver. in the amount of 2-3 grams per day. This is exactly the dose that a person needs for the normal functioning of metabolic processes. Naturally, the athlete needs to take more of this substance.

Creatine monohydrate

This additive is found in mammalian meat (beef, chicken, pork) and fish. But it is almost impossible to obtain a fairly large amount of this supplement, since most of it is not absorbed in the body and is excreted from it. Therefore, athletes often use chemically extracted creatine. This supplement does not harm the body in any way if the dosage is not exceeded. If the dosage is exceeded, the body simply will not absorb it and will simply eliminate it.

Creatine. Reception scheme

There are two main methods:

  • with loading;
  • no download.

So, let's figure it out more details about these techniques. When taken with a load, you need to take 20 grams per day of this drug for the first week (4 times a day, 5 grams), then the dosage is gradually reduced to 6 grams per day. 5 grams is about a heaped teaspoon. One dose must follow after training, the rest - in the interval between meals. With this technique, you will immediately feel a surge of strength and training will be much easier. This course lasts no more than 1.5 months. After, comes three week holiday from the drug to restore sensitivity to the drug. Then you can repeat the course.

Now let's look at the method without loading. With this method, the drug is taken in an amount of 5-10 grams per day for two months. On training days, the supplement is taken in the morning, immediately after waking up (5 grams), and after training (5 grams). On days when there is no training, the drug is taken only once (in the morning, immediately after waking up) in a dosage of 5 grams. The course lasts two months, followed by a two-week rest, then the course can be resumed.

It's up to you to decide how to take creatine monohydrate, with or without loading. But many experts believe that it is more advisable to take the drug without loading, since the result in both cases will be almost the same, but in the first case you will have to spend more money. You also decide how much to take this drug, since each person is individual and if something suits one person, it may not suit another.

Creatine capsules and powder

This drug is available in both powder and capsule form. With capsules everything is much simpler. You need to drink a few capsules depending on the dosage and after that drink some juice or just water with sugar for better absorption. With powder it will be a little more difficult. You need to pour 5 grams (a heaping teaspoon) of creatine into a glass of juice. You can pour it into a glass of water and add three tablespoons of sugar. After this, stir and drink.

Due to its special structure, normal creatine monohydrate is slightly soluble in water, so don’t be surprised if it crunches on your teeth. This means that the supplement is of high quality. It is important to remember that creatine cannot survive in an aquatic environment for long. Therefore, when going to training, do not pour it into a shaker, otherwise by the end of your training it will disintegrate and it will be of no use.

Of course, capsules have many beneficial properties. For example, they are convenient to take for training and the exact amount of the drug you consumed is known. But the problem is that in powder form it is absorbed better.

Many people wonder why take creatine with juice or something sweet. This is because this supplement has a low absorption threshold, and to increase it, more insulin is needed in the blood. To increase insulin levels, fast carbohydrates such as sugar are needed.

What can you combine with?

This supplement can be drink with almost anything. The greatest effect can be achieved by consuming creatine monohydrate along with gainers. Since gainers are a protein-carbohydrate product, the drug can be almost completely absorbed in the body. In addition, this combination will give a lot of energy during training.

You can take the drug together with protein. This technique will give you maximum effect in the growth of muscle mass. Protein promotes muscle growth, and creatine is involved in recovery and provides the energy needed to build muscle fibers. Protein intake, like creatine, is carried out after training, since protein synthesis accelerates after training.

Accept this You can also add amino acids. Such techniques are carried out in order to gain lean muscle mass, increase strength and endurance. Amino acids are taken in the morning, before and after training. As for the dosage, professionals recommend 5 grams at a time.

Now let’s look at what you should not consume when taking this supplement. First of all, you should not drink alcohol, because it slows down the absorption of the substance. And you should also not drink drinks containing caffeine. They can be drunk only after an hour. It is better to drink some juice instead of coffee or tea.

So, to summarize, we can highlight the main rules of this scheme:

  • drink creatine monohydrate in the morning on an empty stomach, and immediately after training;

Creatine or carboxylic acid is an active catalyst for gaining muscle mass. It significantly improves strength and endurance. This supplement is great for those who regularly exercise. Especially if the initial goal is not weight loss, but the acquisition of beautiful muscle definition. The most popular, in this case, is creatine monohydrate powder.

Features of Creatine

This substance is of natural origin and is produced by the human body. For the most part, the following bodies are involved in its production:

  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • kidneys

The key role of creatine is to ensure the high-quality functioning of the muscular system. By the way, the substance is mostly found in the meat of some animals and even fish. However, during heat treatment many of its beneficial properties are lost.


Creatine is the final product, the production of which involves three amino acids. It contains methionine, arginine and glycine. While each of these components plays a significant role in the body on its own, together they create an almost ideal environment for increasing muscle mass.

Creatine in bodybuilding

Many people are interested in what creatine is needed for in bodybuilding. Professionals take this substance for several reasons. The key motive is the fact that the amount of it produced by the body is not enough to quickly and effectively gain muscle mass. Only years of hard training can bring noticeable results. Therefore, athletes follow a more rational path, saturating the body with this element.

Creatine supplements play a significant role in improving energy transport in the body. Moreover, this happens at the intercellular level. The substance stimulates ATP resynthesis. This is a catalyst for energy exchange between cells. As a result, the efficiency of muscle tissue improves. In combination with a proper protein diet and constant training, this effect causes their rapid regeneration and growth.

Some of the most notable effects of taking creatine include increased strength and endurance. The supplement also reduces the likelihood of inflammation due to injuries. As a result, the substance works in two stages at once: it helps to gain weight and simplifies the recovery process after sports. If necessary, it can also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is an ideal option for athletes with cardiac problems.

Creatine for weight loss

Most experts do not recommend creatine for weight loss. However, some athletes use it when cutting. The problem is that the additive actively retains water. In such a situation, it is logical to expect weight gain. Due to the fact that fluid is concentrated in the muscles, the body falls into a state of dehydration, which in itself is harmful to health.

The use of creatine during the cutting process is only possible as a supplement that stimulates endurance and catalyzes recovery. In this situation, it can be used with fat burners and corresponding cocktails. However, even in this combination, the substance should be taken with caution.

Creatine without sports

Many people with a lean body constitution think about the effectiveness of creatine without active sports. There is a simple rule here: almost any supplement works only with regular physical training. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of taking creatine, it will be most effective only after active warming up of the muscles.

For an ordinary person, the amount of this substance contained in food is enough. Animal meat and fish are richest in creatine. Taking the supplement would be justified for adherents of a vegetarian lifestyle. In this situation, there is often a deficiency of the substance in the body, so the daily need for it is met artificially.

Choosing Creatine

There is no clear answer to the question of which creatine is best for gaining muscle mass. There are more than 15 effective formulas, each of which has its own benefits. However, according to research, monohydrate is the most effective for this purpose. It is available in 3 types:

  • capsules;
  • pills;
  • powder.

Manufacturers claim that the rapid absorption of liquid creatine makes it the best among analogues. Indeed, this is one of the main benefits of the supplement in this form. However, due to this, the overall effectiveness of the substance decreases. Therefore, experienced athletes still choose creatine in powder form.

How to take creatine correctly

There are several ways to use special sports nutrition. Of course, it is best for beginners to take the help of a coach who can help develop a suitable scheme. He will explain in detail how to take it correctly, when and with what. However, there is also a universal option. It is suitable for almost all popular monohydrate manufacturers.

No download

This is the standard form of taking creatine. Daily serving – 1 teaspoon. This is approximately 5 grams of substance. It is best to drink immediately after exercise. You can add amino acids or carbohydrates to the cocktail. If taken during a break between workouts, it is used as a snack. The course of using creatine according to this scheme lasts 8 weeks. After this, rest is a must.

With loading

Here, taking the supplement involves increasing standard doses in the first days. In this situation, you should divide the portion into several times. Initially it will be 4 doses of 1 teaspoon per day. On days when there are training sessions, one serving is drunk after training. The second week is to reduce the dose. Monohydrate is taken once a day, half a teaspoon. In total, this scheme is designed for 4 weeks. This is followed by rest for about the same amount.

It is important that you need to drink at least 1 glass of liquid with monohydrate. By the way, many believe that increasing the dose of creatine will significantly improve the results of the supplement. However, if we take a larger portion than the body can absorb, it will have absolutely no positive effect. Therefore, you should always follow the directions on the packaging.

When taking creatine, you must drink at least one glass of water.

When to take creatine

The effectiveness of the supplement is significantly affected by the time of administration. Many people are wondering whether to take creatine before or after a workout. The main thing in this case is that the substance is absorbed correctly and quickly by the body. Due to detailed research, it was concluded that the best time to take the supplement is after exercise. At this time, metabolism and blood flow accelerate. Therefore, absorption occurs as efficiently as possible.

If you drink creatine before training, you can upset your water balance. Of course, this does not apply to preparation for class. In this case, monohydrate is used to improve strength performance. During rest, creatine is recommended to be taken in the morning. It is at this time that growth hormone works actively. Therefore, the necessary acids are sent directly to the muscles.

What can you take it with?

If creatine is taken in tablet form, everything is extremely simple. The supplement is washed down with the required amount of water. With powder everything is much more variable. Many bodybuilders simply add it to their water. Additionally, it can be sweetened, since the powder is slightly bitter. The supplement is also often consumed with juice. This is due to the fact that the combination of a substance with carbohydrates leads to much faster absorption of its individual components. It is best to use juices that are as sweet as possible. An acidic environment will negatively affect the structure of creatine.

Do not combine the supplement with hot drinks. This combination will negate the entire effect of creatine. Another “pest” for monohydrate is milk. This is due to the presence of casein protein in it. Also, you should not mix creatine with coffee, as it has a detrimental effect on the substance.

Often, manufacturers immediately create a cocktail of supplements that include creatine and carbohydrates. However, it is cheaper to buy them separately and finish them yourself. This is convenient because the athlete himself decides what to drink creatine with and can choose the appropriate dosage for a specific situation.

Eating foods that improve creatine absorption

In order for the monohydrate to be transported to muscle fibers with minimal losses, it is consumed with some natural products. They have a beneficial effect on the absorption of creatine. Insulin especially helps in this situation. Its work forces cells to absorb transported substances. However, to start the production of this hormone, it is necessary to carry out appropriate stimulation.

Foods high in glucose trigger insulin best. Most often in sports nutrition they use:

  • simple carbohydrates: honey, fruits, juices;
  • protein;
  • amino acids.

Some manufacturers produce combined creatine. It already contains these substances. In addition, other beneficial vitamins are added to the cocktail. For example, herbal extract demonstrates high efficiency.

Side effects from creatine

Despite the proven effectiveness of creatine and its increased safety, it also has contraindications. Like most similar supplements, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Monohydrate is also contraindicated in children and people predisposed to respiratory dysfunction.

Should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If a person does not have health problems, but experiences any discomfort during or after taking monohydrate, the dose used should be reconsidered. You can also try changing the manufacturer of this supplement.

In some cases, creatine causes side effects. Not its most pleasant feature is the high level of water absorption. However, it dissolves quite poorly. Therefore, if you take monohydrate with an insufficient amount of liquid, discomfort in the abdominal area is possible. In rare situations, a person may even feel nauseous. To prevent this effect, you should use the supplement correctly.

Creatine monohydrate is one of the best substances for gaining muscle mass. Its composition and main characteristics perfectly stimulate the transport of useful materials directly into muscle tissue. When used correctly, in the correct dosage and harmoniously combined with carbohydrates, this supplement becomes a good addition to training.

First of all, it should be noted that the most effective form of creatine is monohydrate. Only it has been tested by numerous non-commercial studies, and the practice of its use has long secured its unshakable reputation as an effective substance. However, this supplement also has its own nuances of administration.

At the moment, the vast majority of manufacturers sell creatine monohydrate in microdispersed form. Previously, creatine was sold in an inconvenient form: the crystals of the drug were large, as a result of which they were poorly absorbed and caused bloating.

Nowadays, all manufacturers are required to use only crushed forms of creatine. Some companies take the additional step of micronization. The result is the familiar creatine monohydrate in the form of small crystals similar in texture to something between crushed glass and flour.

How to take creatine powder?
In order to benefit from consuming creatine, you need to dissolve it in the “right” liquid. Pure water is not suitable for this.

The fact is that the human gastrointestinal tract does not accept pure creatine quite well. That is, if your stomach and intestines are empty, and a portion of creatine gets there along with water, then complete absorption will not occur. Creatine molecules will stick to the intestinal walls and wait for some nutrient or substance that will allow them to pass further and be absorbed into the blood. In the absence of “carriers,” the body will perform a standard response procedure: flatulence, bloating and the subsequent occurrence of diarrhea in order to wash away the contents of the intestines.

The simplest and most convenient carrier is glucose. Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and easily carry creatine molecules with them. That is why manufacturers indicate directly on the packaging the importance of mixing creatine with various sweet drinks, be it juice, soda or ordinary syrup. The best option is ordinary store-bought juice in packs.

However, creatine can be consumed mixed in ordinary water if you eat first. At the same time, all nutrients obtained from food can play the role of “carriers” of creatine. This property is used by people who are prone to obesity, who, even when gaining muscle mass, do not consume carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

One of the problems with taking creatine powder is its poor solubility in liquid. Try stirring the monohydrate into a glass of juice and letting the liquid sit. You will see that most of the creatine will settle to the bottom over time.

However, creatine does react with glucose, fructose or citric acid. In this case, as a rule, the taste of the drink becomes bitter and the color darker. These are all signs of true creatine monohydrate, which is why some manufacturers add flavoring agents to eliminate the true bitterness of creatine.

How to take other forms of creatine?
Taking creatine capsules or tablets also follows the rules already described above. However, you should be aware that some manufacturers add molecules of glucose, maltodextrin or fructose to the capsules in advance. Although there are practically no such additives lately, it is still necessary to know about their existence.

How to take creatine with other sports nutrition?
, protein complexes or amino acids will play the role of “carriers” of creatine, therefore, it is not necessary to use juice or sweet syrup.

The most preferred mixture is gainer + creatine, because this supplement contains simple carbohydrates that will do an excellent job of transporting creatine.

Claims by some manufacturers about the synergistic effect of the combined use of creatine and other types of nutrition are nothing more than marketing fiction, because creatine is never associated with anything. That is, if you consume it together with protein or amino acids, you should not expect any additional effects.

There is also the theory that high insulin levels deliver creatine to muscle fibers faster. In principle, this is true, because it is insulin that carries glucose molecules into the muscles, but this is only true in certain cases, for example, immediately after training - during the carbohydrate window.

When and how much creatine should you take?
It is most optimal to use the standard dosage indicated on the package. As a rule, this is 5-10 grams of creatine per day. A 5 gram portion of creatine is mixed in 150 ml of juice or syrup. The most important thing is that if your drink has been sitting for a long time, shake it before drinking. The most preferable time is the carbohydrate-protein window. On rest days, take the supplement after meals. By the way, in this case you may not use sweet syrups or drinks, since the gastrointestinal tract will be saturated with carbohydrates.

At the moment, there are no reliable scientific studies proving the advantage of loading over the usual dosage regimen. But there is a relatively “recent” summary of one study, which you can find by following the link, which does not recommend exceeding the daily dose of creatine by more than 5-10 grams per day.

The study states that consuming 20-30 grams of creatine per day may have a negative effect on human health, especially for those who suffer from kidney failure or various liver pathologies. Of course, this negative effect is minimal, but it’s better to be careful.

Overall, "creatine loading" is a stereotype of thinking about its use. The real and, perhaps, the only advantage of loading is that a person quickly accumulates the maximum amount of creatine in the muscles. However, it should be noted that over the course of a month, the total amount of creatine will be identical in both those who used the loading and those who took it according to the standard safe regimen. Let's show this on a graph.

Look at the chart. The green line indicates the maximum level of creatine in the muscles - a kind of limit. As you can see, loading with creatine allows you to get near-limit values ​​of this characteristic already in the second week. All other days you use small doses, maintenance therapy, so to speak: you spent 5 grams during training, drank the same 5 grams immediately after. While the standard method of administration involves a gradual and not so rapid filling of muscles with creatine.

Strictly speaking, the differences in the final effect are not significant. But “creatine loading” puts a lot of stress on the excretory apparatus, so we do not recommend you use it.

Take creatine according to the standard regimen: no more than 10 grams per day, every day for a month from the very beginning.

Next, take a break for 14 days. By the way, any course of taking creatine should be interval. And this is not at all due to a decrease in the sensitivity of creatine receptors, as many people think. The main reason is the lack of studies confirming the safety of the supplement in the long term (more than 2-3 months).

It should also be noted the importance of fractional reception. Creatine can have negative effects on the body as a whole, which we discuss in a separate article. In addition, taking relatively large doses of creatine may contribute to its incomplete absorption.

To get the full effect of taking creatine without harming your health, it is best to:

1. Do not “load” with creatine. Do not exceed the daily allowance of 10 grams;

2. Divide the daily requirement of creatine 10 grams into separate portions of 5 grams.

3. On training days, all 10 grams can be drunk during the “carbohydrate window”, that is, immediately within 30-50 minutes after training, since at this time the gastrointestinal tract is able to absorb nutrients much more actively and efficiently.

4. Before drinking a drink with creatine, shake it. In this case, the amount of liquid may be small (50-100 ml);

5. Take creatine after meals (or together with carbohydrates).

Creatine is one of the most effective sports supplements that athletes around the world take to improve their strength, regardless of the sport, be it bodybuilding or swimming. In this article you will learn how to take creatine powder (monohydrate), and also describe the course of administration and dosage.

One of the best forms is creatine monohydrate; it very quickly binds to phosphate in the body, turning into creatine phosphate(KF). This fact has been proven by numerous experiments and various scientists, so you should not overpay in sports nutrition stores for the “magic” form of creatine (crealkalin, anhydrous, neoton, tricreatine malate, alpha-ketoglutarate, etc.) which allegedly act better on the body, than everyone else, it's just a publicity stunt and nothing more. CF is deposited mainly in skeletal muscles.

Often, well-known manufacturers of creatine, in the form of monohydrate, or in capsules, do not care at all about portions, citing an overestimated dosage of creatine consumption.

In principle, the creatine supplementation regimen can be divided into two main components, the first phase without loading (preferred), the second phase with loading. However, it is worth noting that there is also cyclic(you take this supplement for 3 days, then there is a break of 3 days, and the cycle repeats again) and the scheme low dosages(the amount of creatine consumed is on average 2 g per day), but they are not effective, and we will not consider them.

Creatine powder

Regardless of the form of creatine (capsules, solution, powder), the loading scheme does not change:

Phase without loading creatine: 5-6 grams of creatine is taken every day for 2 months, then you should take a break of 3-4 weeks, it is important to remember that on training days creatine is taken immediately after training, along with a gainer, or amino acids, or another protein-carbohydrate liquid; you can also drink creatine with juice. The next day, after training, immediately in the morning, repeat the procedure, also mixing drinks with creatine; ideally, take creatine with juice and amino acids, since amino acids will immediately enter the blood, and juice improves creatine transport.

Loading phase creatine: In the first week there is a main load of creatine, start taking 5 grams, 4 times a day, in between meals, one of the doses on the training day, should come immediately after you have trained. Regardless of how creatine is taken, with or without loading, it should always be combined with a protein shake, gainer, or amino acids, along with a sugary drink. After an average of a week, start reducing your dose to 2 grams of creatine per day. In general, the course lasts one month, then it is advisable to take a break of 3-4 weeks.

Keep in mind that when taking creatine, the volume of liquid you consume must be significant; one serving of creatine should contain at least 200 ml of water.

When to take creatine

Scientists have determined that the best time to take creatine is after training, since at this time changes occur in metabolism, blood circulation increases, and on the contrary, it is not recommended to take creatine before training, as the water balance in the body is disturbed, do not confuse it only with pre-workout complexes that contain creatine, they have an ideal composition and ratio of components for the upcoming workout.

During training, you should not consume creatine, as this will cause transient dehydration ( dehydration) in the body, as a result of which it is more difficult for an athlete to perform one or another in the gym.

It has been scientifically proven that on a rest day, immediately after you wake up, it is best to take creatine. in the morning, since at this time the concentration of growth hormone is maximum, as a result of which creatine transport occurs better.

Dosage of creatine powder

Creatine in sports nutrition

Based on scientific research, we can confidently say that 20 grams per day for 6 days, followed by maintaining 2 grams of creatine for 1 month, is equivalent to regularly taking 3 grams of creatine for a month, that is, without downloads.

We can definitely say that in both the first and second cases, the growth of lean muscle mass and strength indicators increases. However, reduced dosages, 2 grams per month, do not have a significant effect on the athlete, so it is important to pay attention to the portions, this is especially true for creatine in capsule form, when the manufacturer underestimates the concentration of creatine in one capsule.

Transport of creatine into cells

The main task for the body is to solve the transport of creatine from plasma to muscle cells, without loss. This problem is easily solved by the transport hormone insulin Therefore, our task is to increase the level of insulin secretion as quickly and as much as possible. There are mainly three foods that instantly increase insulin secretion:

  • simple carbohydrates (in the form of a sweet drink or juice)
  • fast protein
  • amino acids

Recently, more and more sports nutrition manufacturers are starting to sell creatine in different flavors, that is, there is no longer a need to take a separate box of juice or other sweet drink with you.

It is important to drink plenty of water along with creatine to avoid dehydration and improve creatine transport. Also, growth hormone and insulin naturally improve the transport and absorption of creatine.

Creatine course

Theoretically, you can take creatine throughout your life, but recent research tells us that perhaps muscle cells can get used to it and decrease susceptibility to creatine, therefore, it is more advisable to take breaks for 2-4 weeks after taking creatine for a month.