What are the main characters crying about? Composition Abramov F.B. Essays by topic

The wonderful story “What Horses Cry About” was written by one of the most talented and famous writers of the Soviet period, Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramov.
The protagonist of the story is a village dweller, a man with a kind and sensitive heart. Confessing to us his love for horses, he does not prevaricate and confirms his words with deeds: he feeds the collective farm horses with bread, talks to them, regrets. However, it is not without reason that the hero says that "these kind and intelligent animals ... evoked a feeling of pity and incomprehensible guilt before them." He perfectly remembered the time - his childhood and youth - when horses were treated quite differently than now: "they called them breadwinners, groomed and caressed, decorated with ribbons." A real treasure was a horse for a peasant, reliable in work and rest. Yes, and during the dangers of war, the life of its owner often depended on the horse. However, when asked by a familiar horse about whether there really were once happy times for them, the hero of the story was afraid to answer honestly. He avoided answering, became afraid, became cowardly - and thereby betrayed not only his friend, but also his memory, his childhood.
The story of F. A. Abramov teaches us not only to treat our defenseless four-legged brothers more carefully and caringly, but also to be direct and honest with ourselves, to be able to admit our mistakes and not be afraid to express gratitude for the good done to you.

What horses cry about is a story within a story written by the wonderful writer Abramov. If you briefly describe the story What horses cry for the reader's diary, then this is a work about the difficult fate of horses. The horse asked the hero if it was true that horses used to be valued, but the hero could not answer the truth, thereby betraying his friendship with the animal.

Abramov What do horses cry about

Abramov in his work About what horses cry introduces us to a hero who loved horses, came to the meadow and fed the horses. The narrator especially liked Ryzhukh's horse. With her, he had some special feelings and relationships. Only once the hero saw his horse crying, and having questioned it, the horse asked a question about a past life, that in the song she heard how well horses lived earlier, how they were cared for and loved, appreciated and cherished. Not like now, horses are easily left in the heat, starved to death and watched as emaciated horses die. But the narrator could not answer the horse the truth, but meanwhile everyone began to mock her.

What are the main characters crying about?

In the story What Horses Cry About, the main character is the narrator. The narrator appears before us in the form of a kind, caring person who loves animals very much, and especially horses, which remind him of his childhood and youth.

Also, the hero of the story is a horse, which was interested in the past life of horses.

What do horses cry about?

If we turn to the story What horses cry about and its main idea, then it seems to me that the author wanted to show us how indifferent modern people have become, they are callous and have no pity. Meanwhile, the horses are dying, they are suffering, they are starving. It’s just that a person doesn’t care about this, because what is the use of a horse that has already developed. I think the author, with the help of the story, wanted to encourage people to treat our smaller brothers with respect and love, encourages them to think about our actions, because sometimes people have such an attitude not only towards animals.


1. Distant childhood - the world of horses
2. The narrator feeds the horses
3. Groom is a drunkard who doesn't care about horses
4. Favorite Redhead and her tears
5. Ryzhukha's story about the past life of horses
6. The narrator is unable to confirm the veracity of Redhead's story.
7. Hero's Remorse.

Year of publication of the story: 1973

The story "What Horses Cry About" was written in 1973. The work is an example of "village prose", like many other works of the author. In Fyodor Abramov's story "What Horses Cry About" we can read about the problem of people's attitudes towards animals in post-war times.

Abramov's story "What horses cry about" summary

The protagonist of the story "What Horses Cry About" describes to us the feelings that he experiences when he gets into the meadow. He is fascinated by the local landscapes, as if he is returning to his childhood. Often, going down to the meadow, the man took some bread with him to feed the horses.

The hero felt love and pity for horses. He felt sorry for them, because the groom Mikolka drank a lot and, as the main character, offended the horses. Could not feed, not wash them, not pour water. Knowing this, many villagers fed and soldered the horses, tried to take care of them in every possible way.

Further in the story “What Horses Cry About,” a brief summary should say that when the main character saw his beloved horse Ryzhukha, he ran to the meadow. It was a four or five year old horse, but already had a lot of back problems. Nevertheless, she stood out against the background of other horses. Redhead had spent several weeks in the hayfield and now looked very sad. When the man came closer, he saw that the horse was crying. He asked what happened to her, why is she so sad? The redhead replied that she had an argument with other horses. Nobody believed her when she said that people used to love horses and value them. She learned this at the hayfield from an old mare named Zabava, who, in turn, was told about it by her mother. Zabava often sang songs about the happy life of horses, but when Ryzhukha sang these songs today in the meadow, no one believed her. Then the horse asked the man if there really were such times that the old mare described to her?

After in Abramov’s story “What Horses Cry About,” we can read about how a man thought about it and began to remember that in his childhood people treated horses like a treasure. Sometimes people gave the last piece of bread in the house to their horse, because they considered them their breadwinners. These animals were taken to a watering place, combed out, at night people got up to check how their horse was doing. Because they understood that without her there was nowhere to get out of the village and not to take a walk on holidays.

The first toy a child had in the village was a wooden horse. Children's fairy tales could not do without this animal, and everyone had a horseshoe hanging on the porch for good luck. When collective farms appeared, a lot of controversy unfolded around horses.

The family of the protagonist also had a horse. His name was Karko. When the man returned to the village in 1947 after the war, he immediately began to ask everyone about the horse. Later, he learned that in order to celebrate Victory Day, people decided to sacrifice the oldest horse and threw heavy logs on Karka. The protagonist tried to find the remains of his horse, but to no avail.

He thought about it and did not find what to answer the horses. The man handed them a piece of bread and left. He waited for the horses to start eating bread, but they just stood there and watched him go. The main character felt ashamed of his silence. He realized that this was a kind of betrayal towards Redhead, who trusted him so much.

The story "What Horses Cry About" at Top Books

Fyodor Abramov's story "What Horses Cry About" is so popular to read that it is presented among. Such popularity of the story is largely due to its presence in the school curriculum. Nevertheless, this will ensure that this work of Abramov will also be included in our subsequent ones.

The protagonist of Fyodor Abramov's story "What Horses Cry About", on whose behalf the story is being told, grew up in the village. Behind the village was a meadow where horses were grazing. Each of them was tied to its own stake so that it was impossible to leave the meadow. The horses were watched over by the groom Mikolka, who was often drunk and careless about his wards.

Knowing this, the hero of the story came to the meadow with refreshments. He brought bread to the horses. Among them, the narrator had a favorite, a horse named Ryzhukha. Usually she recognized her patron from afar and joyfully greeted him. But once Ryzhukha reacted indifferently to the appearance of the narrator in the meadow. And when he looked at her more attentively, he saw tears in the eyes of the horse. She even gave up her favorite treat, bread.

The narrator asked Redhead what caused her tears? And the horse said that on a distant mowing, where it was not easy to work, she was harnessed to a mower with one old horse. And that horse sang songs during the work about how the peasants used to take care of the horses, how they groomed the horses and gave them the last piece of bread.

The redhead asked the hero of the story if the old horse sang the truth, and were there really times when horses were treated with special love in the village? The narrator could not answer Ryzhukha and was silent for a long time. He thought that there really were such times, and earlier peasants valued horses. But now times have changed, the role of horses in peasant life has become not so significant, and now in the village the horse is not held in such high esteem as before.

The narrator could not figure out what to say to Redhead and the other horses, who were listening to their conversation. In the end, he advised the horses not to turn sour, threw a piece of bread under the feet of Redhead, and walked away, putting his hands in his pockets. Later, he realized that he had made a mistake by not telling Red the truth about the bygone times. And then the heart of the hero of the story became sad.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Abramov's story "What Horses Cry About" is that one should be sincere not only in relation to people, but also to animals. The hero of the story could not tell the truth to the horse Ryzhukha, and after such an act, he realized that he had lost her trust.

Abramov's story "What Horses Cry About" teaches us to take care of domestic animals, which are entirely dependent on humans and which suffer if they are not given enough attention.

I liked this story because it raised the most important questions about relationships, attention, and the ability to appreciate someone. We need to talk about painful things, about what is gnawing, in order to make our world a little better.

What proverbs are suitable for Abramov's story "What are the horses crying about"?

Supervision and the horse is full.
Steep hills rolled Sivka.
Honesty is the most precious thing.

The image of a horse.

In the image of the main character, the writer described his favorite - the horse Ryzhukha, which "stands out favorably among its relatives." Despite her back knocked down under the saddle, sagging belly, swollen veins, Redhead "retained her cheerful, resilient character, the nervousness of youth." It was these qualities of the horse, her ability not to be afraid of difficulties, the ability to feel real joy, that distinguished Ryzhukha from other horses. The everyday life of a mare is hard: from morning to evening she helps people, but a person very often forgets about those without whom life would be more difficult. That is why the rest of the horses have lost their individuality, turning into a tool to achieve the proprietary goals of man. But one day the hero saw tears in the eyes of Redhead. The mare asked the man about those times when "horses were pitied and cherished more than anything in the world." Indeed, there were such times. Not so long ago, the horse was considered the breadwinner in the family, so they took care of it, they gave it the best piece from the table, they took care of it, “nurtured it, took it to a watering place, scraped it, cleaned it.” The man knew how to sympathize and empathize and treated the pet as a true treasure. The hero could not answer the mare's direct question, so the horse's longing that fell on the author made me remember Ryzhukha for a long time.