Why eat a lot and not get fat?

The problem of gaining excess weight for some people is very acute today. At the same time, many of them wonder why thin people eat and do not get fat? There are quite a few reasons and they differ from each other, therefore it is necessary to deal with each of them in an appropriate way. Let's look at why a person can eat everything and not get better from it.

Fast material exchange

Metabolism or metabolism is the most complex chemical process that occurs in the body. Useful substances that enter the digestive system with food are processed and used for development, replenishment of energy and growth. When material metabolism and all chemical reactions occur quickly, the processing of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is also accelerated.

Thanks to this, fat reserves are not deposited on the body, and a person with a fast metabolism can even eat before bedtime and not gain weight. People get a fast metabolism by inheritance, and it is also accelerated by spicy foods.

Strong muscles

Muscle tissue requires energy to work, but even at rest, muscles burn calories. People with strong muscles burn more calories than those with weak muscles. Thus, people involved in power sports can eat more without fear of gaining weight. Even dieters are not always able to achieve such a fat burning effect as those who are actively involved in sports.

genetic features

An accelerated metabolism, genetically transmitted, is not the only reason why people eat and do not gain weight. Other genetically determined factors, which have been proven by scientists, include the activity of the Atkins gene. It is responsible for the production of saliva, which quickly breaks down carbohydrates that enter the body.

Many people have only two or three copies of this gene in their bodies, but some have up to two dozen copies. It is this Atkins gene that keeps people from getting fat, even when they eat a lot.

Hormonal disorders

Many believe that due to hormonal disorders, you can only get better, but there is also the opposite effect. The balance of hormones depends on the work of the endocrine glands, and some pathologies can disrupt it, leading to the fact that a person eats everything and does not get better:

The last reason why a person eats everything and does not get fat is a malfunctioning digestion. Problems in his work are hard to miss, as they are accompanied by pain, and nutrients are no longer absorbed.

Digestive diseases include:

  • Ulcer and gastritis. Digestion of food is disturbed, and a person has a stomach ache, heartburn and nausea occur.
  • enzyme deficiency. Acidity increases in the stomach, and food ceases to be completely digested and absorbed. Heaviness is constantly felt in the stomach, but the person is and does not get better.
  • Dysbacteriosis. It does not allow the absorption of useful substances from food, so a person does not gain weight.

All these diseases require professional diagnosis and treatment using medications.