Tribulus drug: reviews, price, how to take?

Tribulus became famous after the publication in the United States of books by Chinese healers Yong and Hong about the medicinal and chemical properties of Chinese herbs. And since then it has been actively used as a medicine. In the pharmacy you can buy this drug in capsules of 500 mg.

Later, its beneficial properties became known for improving the sports performance of Chinese athletes in preparation for the Olympic Games. After that, many athletes of the world began to use it.

Composition and properties

Tribulus Terrestris(thorny vine - lat.) - a medicinal plant known since ancient times. It has another name "creeping tributaries". Ancient Greek healers used it as a diuretic and tonic, Indian - antiseptic properties, Chinese - used as a universal remedy for curing diseases of the kidneys, heart and others, and Balkan - to improve male abilities and infertility.

Tribulus grows in the tropics of Africa, Asia, southern European countries and Australia and contains many active substances: alkaloids, flavonoids, etc.

The active ingredient is protodioscin, which has a positive effect on erectile function, increased immunity and cholesterol metabolism.

In this regard, doctors prescribe Tribulus to patients with such diseases:

  • impotence in men;
  • infertility (course not less than 3 months);
  • decreased libido;
  • in women (premenstrual syndrome, menopause, frigidity and infertility).

Its action consists in increasing the first lutherizing hormones, which contribute to the production of testosterone in the human body, due to which strength indicators are improved and muscle growth is accelerated. It also affects the increase in male libido, sexual activity, and also improves mood, eliminates depressive states.

On the basis of this plant, nutritional supplements are produced, which have now become popular among men who love to build muscle mass. This additive is considered legal and does not belong to doping drugs.

Tribulus: instructions for use

How to take this drug? The standard course for athletes involved in bodybuilding recommends taking Tribulus alternately with a period of abstinence. Usually, the reception is carried out for a duration of 4-6 weeks at a dosage not exceeding 1250 mg per day (standard dose 750 mg). Reception is carried out 1-3 times after meals.

At the same time, for the effective effect of the drug, intense loads in the gym are needed to build muscle. The course is longer, it is considered unhealthy . The break is usually done for a period of 2-4 weeks.

Important! Tribulus is recommended to be taken by athletes who are fond of bodybuilding, not earlier than 23-25 ​​years old, because. the use of the drug can cause an imbalance in a young body, which is fraught with unpleasant health consequences.

In the treatment of male diseases associated with infertility and insufficient erectile function, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 500 mg 2 times a day after meals, the course of treatment is 2-3 months with a break of 6-8 weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

For men, contraindications are:

  • prostate enlargement;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney failure.

A side effect of this dietary supplement, which is quite common among athletes, is digestive problems.

Attention! Most often, side effects are caused by a poor-quality drug or an incorrectly chosen dosage. Therefore, it is very important to use the services of only reliable sellers of the drug.

Excessive doses and abuse when taking drugs that affect testosterone levels threaten health complications. Because with prolonged use, the male body ceases to produce the amount of testosterone on its own, as a result of which, after a course of such pills, the opposite effect occurs: a depressive state, male impotence, a decrease in muscle mass, etc.

Here are the possible side effects:

  • digestive problems;
  • irritability and aggression;
  • rash and inflammation on the skin;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • rarely, but it happens: baldness, testicular atrophy, feminization (manifestation of secondary female sexual characteristics - breast and hair growth, voice change);

Varieties of the drug

Now Tribulus can only be bought in online stores that sell sports nutrition. Price - from 1000 to 2000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

Tribulus is available in various formulations and dosages.

There are a lot of drugs with this name on the Internet, and there was even a rating for the “best Tribulus”, among which:

  • Tribulus extract (WATT-N) contains 100% herbal extract, sold in powder (pack of 50 g);
  • Tribulus Maximus Biotech contains the maximum dose of Tribulus extract - 1500 mg. You need to take it 1 time per day, the price in stores is 2000 (90 tablets);
  • Tribulus Terrestris (Maxler) is available in 1200 mg capsules;
  • Tribuvar 1000 (SAN) - 1000 mg per capsule;
  • Tribulus (NOV) - 1000 mg per capsule;
  • Tribulus Dynamics (Spain) - 500 mg each, etc.

Tribulus Reviews

Doctors in the United States and Canada have been studying the effect of the Tribulus plant on the hormones produced in the male body. In healthy men, luteinizing hormone levels increased by more than 70% and testosterone by 40%.

According to similar experimental studies on men with potency problems, the results were the same, i.e. there was a marked increase in testosterone levels.

According to the reviews of athletes taking preparations containing Tribulus, its effectiveness increases when taken in combination with other anabolics and vitamins.

Drug analogues

The most famous analogue of Tribulus is the preparation Tribestan of Bulgarian production, containing an extract of dry grass in the amount of 250 mg (packing of 60 tablets). It is prescribed by urologists for the treatment of sexual deviations in men and women in the treatment of infertility, an increase in erectile function. The price in Russian pharmacies is about 2000 rubles.

Better - natural

Tribulus is the only non-synthetic drug that affects the level of testosterone in the male body, which is effectively used by athletes and has a therapeutic effect on solving some male problems.

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