Workouts in the gym for girls. We study all the subtleties and secrets.

My respects, ladies! Today we will pay close attention to our beautiful young ladies and find out how workouts in the gym for girls should look like. We'll take a look at what women's workouts and body are all about, look at nutrition and, of course, an exercise/training program to create delicious and streamlined shapes.

So, take your seats, let's go.

Gym Workouts for Girls: The Basics

The gym has long ceased to be a purely male patrimony (now and there we can’t hide from our beloved and not really :)) and more and more often it is precisely the predominance of young ladies that can be found in it. I won’t tell you for all of Odessa, but in my hall on 15-20 guys have to 50 representatives of the fair sex. Moreover, if not so long ago it was believed that a woman comes to the gym exclusively to lose weight, today the sphere is the front of work on work (sorry for the tautology) slightly expanded above itself, and ladies want to see themselves not only slender, but also muscular, with smooth curves of lines, and in some cases even somewhat massive. In general, priorities have expanded, and one thinness is not enough for them (you) now.

In this regard, I began to receive more and more signals from young ladies who are unhappy that I cover only weight loss training issues. I soberly (Your health :)) looked at the fitness notes and really understood that they lacked the coverage of training issues for girls with iron in the gym, and today we will just start working in this direction - we will consider the features of women's activities with burdens. Well, let's get started.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Testosterone in women: am I pumping?

Most ladies are afraid of free weights, dumbbells because they believe that it will make their figure masculine. To understand this, you need to know some information on biochemistry and hormones.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for increasing muscle mass when people raise iron. The normal level for men is 200-1200 ng/dl, for women - 15-70 ng/dl. The values ​​are vastly different. Even if a man has the lowest testosterone level ( 200 ) , this is still twice as high as the maximum value from the female range ( 70 ) .

If you take an ordinary man and an ordinary woman, for example, who decide to go to the gym, then the average levels of their testosterone hormone will be 700 and 45 Accordingly, there is a difference in 16 once! Therefore, ladies, remember, doing basic exercises, dumbbells and increasing the weight of the projectile, you will change your physique towards creating more attractive forms, but male muscles (natural ways) You will never achieve.

Workouts in the gym for girls: what to look for

Many coaches compose programs for their wards aimed at garbage :). They include various machine exercises and fun errands in the cardio zone. The number of repetitions - from 15 and above, the weights are light, so to speak, supposedly work on the relief.

Recent studies show that men and women (ceteris paribus) must train in the same way if they want to change their body composition for the better. Equally, this does not mean that you need to completely copy the male training schemes and working weights, but please be kind enough to follow some “male rules”, in particular:

  • work should be done with relatively heavy weights;
  • number of repetitions: 1-5 - to develop strength 6-12 - hypertrophy of muscle fibers (myosin-actin contractile complex), 12+ - endurance;
  • strength training should last no more than 60 minutes;
  • the program should be basic (e.g. squats,) and conditionally basic exercises for a particular muscle group.

Diet and nutrition

So we found out that husband and wife, one of Satan men and women should train in a similar manner. What about food, you ask? And here, I must say, everything is very similar - male and female metabolisms are very similar, i.e. metabolic processes in representatives of different sexes are the same. The only exception is that women burn a higher ratio of fat to carbohydrates than men. The latter may be one of the reasons why women are more successful at changing their bodies while on low-carbohydrate diets.

The only significant difference in nutrition is the adjustment in the number of calories consumed. Women need fewer calories than men because the latter have more muscle structures and less fat (relative to total body weight) than the ladies. Therefore, the amount of nutrient nutrients (NMU) in the diet will be determined based on the number of calories consumed and the degree of physical activity.

What should proper nutrition look like for girls in the gym?

Guys, a question for you ... Do you have your own young lady? And what does she eat for breakfast and in general throughout the day? Often, girls are incorrectly informed about their food basket when exercising in the gym. Actimel yogurt and a banana for breakfast are, of course, great, but these seductive shapes and exciting volumes cannot be achieved. Therefore, we shake the following nutritional postulates:

  • correct calorie count
  • percentage of micronutrients

It is important not only the total number of calories consumed, but also the sources and percentage of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In general, the percentage of micronutrients, depending on the goals, is as follows.

  • always stay filled (hydrated)

Girls do not like to drink water, they believe that it lingers in the stomach and inflates their tummy, but they want it to always remain flat. In fact, the body gets used to everything, including the increased consumption of water, by adjusting metabolic processes. Therefore, you need to drink during the day 5-7 s takans (before 1,5 liters), and on the day of training 10 glasses.

  • insulin control

Insulin is a transport hormone that transports nutrients throughout the cells. It is also a “storage” hormone, in particular, when it is secreted, fat burning is blunted. Controlling insulin secretion (through selection of low and medium products) you can regulate the decrease / increase in subcutaneous fat. A stable sugar level is what promotes lean muscle mass without gaining fat.

Conclusion: if your goal is to lose weight, then after training it is better to take whey protein, if the goal is to gain mass, then drink a gainer on simple carbohydrates after the gym and during the day on complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, etc.).

  • increased protein intake

Muscles are not taken from the air, they need a plastic building material in order to “heal” micro-tears and micro-traumas of fibers after each workout, and therefore they need an additional intake of protein. For a girl, these order values 1,8-2 gr on 1 kg of body weight, i.e. if the lady weighs 50 kg, then she needs to consume about 100 gr.

Here it is necessary to understand that 100 g is not the weight of the product, but the amount of protein. That is, for example, we bought 200 gram jar of tuna. Protein content in 100 gr product - 25 gr. To meet the daily protein needs, you need to hamster 2 jars by 200 gr.

  • essential fatty acids (EFAs)

It would seem, why should a girl eat fats if she wants to lose weight, because they get fat from them. In fact, the right fats are a component of a balanced diet. PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3/6/9) help the body in the processes of fat burning and maintaining optimal lean body mass. Therefore, it is extremely important that mustard oils be included in the diet, as well as bear fats in capsules.

Finished with nutrition, let's move on to training and consider ...

To be honest, guys don't like just slim girls, in the sense that if you choose between a slim girl and a fat lady, he will choose the first option. However, if a young lady with streamlined shapes and sensual curves of the waist and hips looms on the horizon, then he will forget about just a slim girl and turn all his attention to this new object. In a male environment (may my pale-faced brother forgive me :)) this is called - "there is something to hold on to." It is precisely to such representatives of the fair sex that we give preference and give our greatest attention.

Therefore, if you came to the gym precisely for shaped volumes and the necessary bends, then perform the following exercises.

No. 1. Deadlift

A core exercise for both male and female training. With deadlift, an exceptional number of muscle groups work: legs, back, trapezium, abdominal muscles. How to do it correctly is described here. You no longer need to stand at isolation machines and do countless repetitions, just include the deadlift in your training program, and the forms, and with them the strength and strength of the muscles, will definitely come.

Perform once a week (at the beginning) when training from 3 days, number of repetitions 8 , approaches 3 . Alternatively, you can perform a deadlift from plinths or in a frame with limiters, i.e. excluding the lower part of the amplitude.

No. 2. Squats

The most effective exercise that can be done for overall leg development. If you want to have toned, well-shaped and voluminous legs, then do squats with a barbell on your shoulders. Many girls complain that they cannot do squats with a barbell in principle - they warp and heel in different directions, their knees hurt and so on. This is a really difficult coordination exercise, so you must first practice regular squats in 1/2 , after 3/4 amplitude and only then "booty on the floor." Only after learning how to perform classic squats can you move on to the barbell and additional weights. Alternatively, you can hone your technique in the Smith machine for a while by doing squats there.

Number 3. Lunges

An excellent butt-shaping exercise aimed at developing the buttocks, thighs and quadriceps. This exercise affects the shape and lines of the legs and can correct them for the better. Lunges are a difficult coordination exercise, so for beginners it is best to perform them in place with dumbbells or in the Smith machine. A more advanced variation is walking lunges with dumbbells and a barbell on your shoulders.

No. 4. Pull-ups

The most unloved male and female exercise, because it makes you sweat and rarely worked at school physical education. They work in pull-ups,. It is far from a fact that any young lady will be able to pull herself up with her own weight, so the gravitron simulator can be a way out of the situation, allowing you to set a weight that is less than the weight of your body.

No. 5. Push-ups on the uneven bars

An excellent exercise for developing the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. It can be performed both on the uneven bars, between the benches (dips), and in a special simulator that simulates reverse push-ups. If your goal is to raise your arms (remove the “dangling” under them), then push-ups on the uneven bars are perfect for this.


The presented exercises have already been considered in one way or another in the women's notes, but here they are for the purpose of showing how we will fit them into our training program.

Let's move on to the practical part, namely ...

Gym Workouts for Girls: 12 Week Program

So now we'll look at 12 - a weekly strength training program for girls to create good shapes and volumes :).

As noted above, for girls to get muscles (same as guys), adequate weights are needed to run growing processes. The basic principle of the program is “man, lie down in piles!” is to decrease the number of repetitions and increase the load as you progress in each subsequent week. In addition, the number of sets (approaches) remains unchanged, only the range of repetitions changes. It is designed for 4 - x one-time classes per week.

Actually, the workouts themselves in the gym for girls look like this.

No. 1. Week 1-4

Working rep range 8-12 . This means that a sufficient minimum is 8 repetitions, but no more 12 in every set. If a 8 cannot be performed, it is necessary to reduce the weight in a particular exercise. If a 12 repetitions are easy, then you need to increase the load. Rest time m/y each set 1 minute.

The picture version of the training program looks like this.

  • Monday - upper body A

  • Tuesday - upper body B

  • Thursday - lower body A

  • Friday - lower body B

No. 2. Week 5-8

6-8 , i.e. minimum number - 6 , but not more 8 90 seconds.

Number 3. Week 9-12

Rep range is now at the mark 4-6 , i.e. minimum number - 4 , but not more 6 repetitions in the network. Rest time m/y each set 2 minutes.

Upon completion of work on this 12 - the weekly program you will not recognize your reflection in the mirror - the forms will become much more expressive, and the curves - more seductive. Most importantly, at the end, do not forget to buy a frying pan to fight off annoying fans who will flock like flies to honey :).

In conclusion, let's summarize all this chatter and once again voice the features of the training of the fair sex. So:

  • women will not become big and bulky from lifting weights, instead they will lose fat and gain “toned” muscles;
  • women should work with free weights and increase the working weight of weights;
  • women should not eat in a special way, they need to count calories based on body weight;
  • women more than men succeed in changing the body when sitting on a low-carb diet;
  • problematic fat areas are caused by high density of alpha receptors and low blood flow, therefore, in order to lose fat, you need to increase blood flow to adipose tissue, i.e. use this zone in exercises;
  • Regardless of goals, women should keep a workout diary and nutrition schedule and stick to them.

Well, my beauties, now you know how to become even more beautiful! That's all for now, let's say goodbye.


Today we have thoroughly studied the issue of training in the gym for girls. Now you know how to eat, how to train and what features you have, in general, you have a complete carte blanche in your hands, the only thing left is to tear off your “wife” and drive her to the gym :). Well, with this you will already be fine without me, go ahead!

See you again, adieu!

PS. How do you work out in the gym, what do you do?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.