Learning to skate. How to learn to skate: the first steps on the ice. Riding in reverse

Skating is a favorite hobby or a habit for someone, while others only dream of getting on the ice. All beginners will be able to overcome the first fear and get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of skating in this article. Where to start and how to start your first attempts at skating - read on.

You need to start with the choice of skates. It is better for girls to learn on figure skates, and for guys - on hockey. Either it really happened that way, or it’s really more convenient, but all amateurs make just such a choice. Whether you're renting skates or buying new ones, choose your size. Know that you will not feel comfortable in skates that are 2 sizes too large, even if you wear five wool socks. This inconvenience threatens you with strong blisters at least and complete helplessness at the maximum, because of which you will not learn to ride or even stand on the ice. Clothing on the rink should not be too thick and hot. While riding, you will be constantly on the move. And the less experience you have, the more you will have to strain, and therefore sweat. The best form for skating is thermal underwear, leggings or trousers, as well as a sweater. Just in case, you can wear a demi-season short jacket if the skating rink is covered. Gloves or mittens will come in handy for two reasons: the skin of the hands will be protected from chapping, and the palms are less vulnerable when falling. When you get on the ice, do not rush to move far from the sides. Before you make the first attempt to move, stand a little, feel the balance. To do this, tilt the body slightly forward, and keep your legs slightly bent at the knees. During the stance, the toes of the feet point inward and look at each other. So, standing on the inner edges of the skates, you will never “spread” in different directions. To start moving on the ice, turn your socks to the sides. One leg in front of the other, do not unbend your knees and do not tilt your body back, while holding on to the side with your hand. Take a sliding step forward with your front foot, push off with your back edge. Until you learn how to ride confidently, in no case do not push off with a prong, even if you have them on your blades. Most likely you will not take the first couple of steps very confidently, and your path will stop there. You will hang on the sides of the rink or fall. Don't despair, keep trying. To rise from the ice, get on all fours and, leaning on your hands, rise first to one knee, then pull up the second leg. Now the most difficult thing remains - to move to a vertical position, tearing your hands off the ground. Don't forget about bent knees. Continue trying to skate. Shift your weight from foot to foot as you move. The center of gravity is always on the foot that is in front. The rear helps push off and move forward. The blades of the skates are arranged in a herringbone pattern. If you have never even skated, then the instructions given are not entirely clear to you. But when you find yourself on the skating rink and try to drive at least a few steps on your own, then the acquired theoretical knowledge will come in handy. And in a few hours you will need information not only on how to ride, but also how to brake on ice. At first, you will have only two available ways to stop: crash into a board or another person, and also fall. The latter will be much more common, but don't despair. Try to stop like this: while balancing on one foot while sliding, bring the other forward and stick your heel or turned edge into the ice. It is possible that after the first attempt to slow down like this you will fall, try to group so as not to get injured on the head and other parts of the body.

Make sure that during skating the skates are tightly tightened and laced up on all loops, fasteners, fasteners. For children, choose skates without laces, because it is unlikely that the baby will sit for a long time while you lace his shoes for skating.

Ice skating is becoming more and more popular and fashionable pastime. Both adults and children can come here, both alone and with the whole family or in the company of friends. But many are terrified of the possibility of falling on the ice, or worse, knocking someone else down in the process of learning. In reality, everything is much simpler and easier than it seems at first glance.

It is believed that the first lessons of skating can be started as early as 3-4 years. If you plan to send your child to the sports section, it is optimal to start at that age. But do not despair if you are already much older: it is never too late for an adult to learn to skate from scratch!

When visiting the skating rink for the first time, do not rush to immediately be on the ice, it is better to walk a little on your own in skates, getting used to them.

As soon as the balance point is found, go out onto the ice. Holding on to the side with one hand, try to slide, keeping your balance as much as possible without the help of the side. It is ideal to find someone who can help you - a coach or a friend who will take you by the arm after rolling a few laps.

Take the main position: the knees are slightly bent, the body is tilted forward, the main goal of this exercise is to find a point of balance and maintain balance, remembering your sensations.

When you feel more confident, ask to turn your back, rolling in this position. If you can't see where you're going, it's harder to balance, but it's easier to feel your body and its signals.

At the first training session, it is better not to be zealous, limiting yourself to 15–20 minutes. A longer approach will end with krepatura, even if you lead an active lifestyle, and your muscles are accustomed to stress. Most often, the knee joints suffer from unaccustomed.

What do you pay attention to in the first lesson:

  • Correct body position (basic position);
  • Point of balance and balance.

Once you get used to the new sensations, you will subconsciously remember how to properly hold yourself on the ice. And very soon you will learn to skate freely.

Basic technique

Whatever you plan to do in the future, the correct riding technique is always set in stages and gradually. Take your time: in the second lesson, start at the side, moving your legs, remembering how to properly balance on the ice. Remembering the basics, go to the warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps without the help of the side. The legs work as if you were walking in ordinary shoes - this helps to learn how to balance.
  2. As soon as you feel that you can and start to get stable, return to the side and try to do the same, but already turning your back forward.
  3. With the help of the side, do a few squats parallel to the ice, leaning forward a little.

As soon as you have learned to keep your balance on the ice, you move on to the direct teaching of skating technique. Always start with a herringbone walk. To do this, diagonally put one foot forward, and push off with the inner edge of the hind leg. By alternating the feet in this way, you seem to draw a "figure eight", synchronously spreading and bringing them together - this is a stable technique that allows you to quickly learn how to ride and feel on the ice. You can move both face and back forward.

When the forward movement is mastered, they move on to learning to turn. To turn from the herringbone movement, it is enough to bring the feet parallel to each other and, bending your knees, lean a little in the right direction. To shorten the trajectory in the turn, push with the outside foot, not the inside. The degree of rotation is controlled by the tilt force.

And of course you need to be able to properly brake and make stops on skates. When you are already confidently performing the “eights”, then braking should not cause any special difficulties: for this, it is enough to spread your legs to the sides, as if you were moving forward, but then sharply bring them together at one point, resting your heels on the ice. Practice braking close to the side, being able to secure yourself.

Another more difficult technique is to rest the heel of the foot perpendicular to its trajectory. When braking, take the basic position: the body is tilted forward, the knees are slightly bent!

Learning how to fall correctly and safely

No matter how hard you try, you will have to fall on the ice. You can overcome your fear by knowing the principles of the right fall technique. The best injury prevention is learning how to fall properly.

The most basic thing to remember on the ice is that if you lose your balance, you are unlikely to regain it. The higher the speed, the less chance. Therefore, do not try to grab, slow down on other people, but try to slow down as much as possible and group the whole body before falling.

For a safe fall, you need to bend your knees as much as possible, pressing your hands to the body “at the seams”. By exposing your hand during a fall (a purely reflex gesture that needs to be controlled), you risk seriously injuring or even breaking it.

They always fall sideways, ideally on the thigh: this is the strongest part in our body, and even at high speed with such a fall, you face a maximum of a couple of bruises and minor bruises. And never swing your skates off balance. The skate has a sharp base, which can seriously injure people near you, do not forget about it.

But they get up after falling from a kneeling position. If there is no one around to help and you are unsure of your ability to get up, move towards the railing to get to your feet.

Experience comes with time: the more time you spend skating, the faster you learn to ride. Ice skating is a great way to relieve stress, have a good time and improve your health, because classes will teach you to find balance and maintain balance in any position of the body.


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    Basic tips for beginners:
  • When you buy or rent skates, make sure that the boot fits snugly around your foot. It should be accurate in size or slightly larger if you plan to ride on open rinks. In this case, you will need warm socks;
  • Next, you need to tightly lace up the skates. Tighten the laces as tight as possible, it is better to loosen them a little later in the first minutes of riding;
  • after you have entered the ice, holding onto or close to the board, bend your knees. After all, it is simply impossible to ride on straight legs;
  • remember, you can not push off the teeth. For beginners, it is better not to use them at all;
  • further movement: we push with the free leg with the inner edge;
  • remember that the blade of the skate is not completely thin, it has a thickness. At the same time, there are ribs along the edges of the blade. If the skates are well sharpened, then there is a small groove between the ribs. In figure skating, the base step is on the outside edge;
  • in fact, it will be difficult for a beginner to perform a push professionally, so it is better to spread the toes of your boots apart, spread your arms to the sides and start moving;
  • in motion, it is necessary to constantly change the center of gravity alternately on each leg;
  • if you fall, then kneel, and then rise to your feet completely;
  • Most importantly, do not rush and everything will work out. No need to try to complete any element on the first day. To get started, you just need to learn to push off and move on.

How to learn to brake on skates?

You can stop by rolling to the side and grabbing it. But there are times when you need to stop in the middle of the rink. If there is no need for emergency braking, then you can just roll without pushing until you stop.

Also for braking, you can use the so-called plow. To do this, the legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the knees are well bent, the torso leans back a little, while the toes of the skates turn inward and the ankle also folds a little inward. You can also stop in this way, with only one foot. For this, everything described above is applied, but the body is turned to the side and braking is carried out by the front foot.

How to learn to ride in reverse?

Reverse movement is best mastered next to the fence. The blades are placed parallel to each other, the legs are slightly bent, the body leans slightly forward. Next, we push off from the support with our backs forward and try to slip. Then the pushing leg is placed forward about half a shoe and the legs are slightly turned toes inward. After that, we gradually change legs, transferring the center of gravity also alternately. Try to keep your feet on the ice until you feel confident in the movements.

Ice skating is a fairly popular form of entertainment and sport. They are used by both children and adults. If you still haven't even thought about joining his fan base, it's never too late to start. Skating, as well as drawing, dancing, singing, you can start learning at any age.

For example, Sofya Kovalevskaya, a famous mathematician, first went on the ice as an adult, and she liked it so much that after a couple of years they began to consider her a professional figure skater.

Skating also improves body control, coordination, posture, makes movements more expressive and more plastic.

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    The right choice of skates

    • Skates come in a variety of prices, styles, and sizes, but you should get the regular skates for beginners. Often they are not very expensive.
    • When choosing skates, you need to pay attention to the size, do not buy more, it is better to buy a size smaller, because the tighter they fit the foot, the easier it will be for you to manage them.
    • Also, if the skates are too big for you, there is a chance of rubbing corns. But if you have already purchased a little more than you need, then you can put on a woolen sock or buy special sports socks.
    • You should also pay attention to Velcro, hooks and bartacks. The more of them, the tighter the leg will be fixed. And always tighten it tight!

    Starting to learn to skate

    1. 1. You are on the ice. If you are not confident in yourself, then it is better to stay close to the side.
    2. 2. Bend your knees first, because you won't be able to go far with straight legs. There are teeth on the skates, but until you learn to ride with dignity, in no case do you need to push them off. In the future, if you want to become a professional skater, then these teeth will be needed.
    3. 3. Now improvisation will do you good. In general, it is necessary to push off with the edge of the free leg. In skating, the main condition is the correct repulsion, so pay a lot of attention to this.

    How to move?

    It's no more difficult than balancing. If you are standing, then you need to start moving at the expense of repulsion with a push leg from the ice. That is, you should turn one leg outward, push off with it and then transfer all the weight to the other leg. How to start is shown in the figure below.

    The left picture shows a start with the left foot. That is, it is precisely it that needs to be placed at an angle and pushed off.

    In the right picture, you can see the start with the right foot. She does everything exactly the same. Try not to start moving with your skates parallel. So you won't get anything. It is much easier to move around by alternating legs, this is what skating is.

    Push off with your foot, ride on the other, when the movement starts to slow down, immediately push off with the foot you were riding on, and then just alternate. Below you can see the diagram normal skating.

    It is important that you ride exactly as drawn, and to achieve this, you need practice. There are no other ways. In all sports, you need to use the trial and fall method. Over time, you will see that you are getting better and better.

    Left dash

    On skating rinks, main direction of travel counterclock-wise, we will begin to disassemble it. When you learn the left run, then you can quickly master the right one.

    If you have already learned how to skate, you can now learn transitions. When you eat and want to roll, you need a little lean to the left while maintaining balance. If you see that you are starting to lose balance, then immediately you need to move your right foot over the left. You will feel that you are putting your foot up so as not to fall. When the legs are crossed, you should again continue to alternate them, and move in an arc. The diagram is shown below.

    Movement in reverse

    This is a rather complex element, you will have to tinker for a long time. You are standing backwards in the direction of travel. To start, you need to do the same actions that you do when you eat forward, only the opposite is true. The diagram is shown below.

    That is, if the left leg is a jerk, then put it at an angle and push off. The only difference from moving forward is that you need to push off a little in an arc, and this can be seen from the figure below.

I have always watched with bated breath how our skaters win Olympic medals, amaze the audience with their virtuoso skating skills. However, it is one thing when we admire the dizzying (in the truest sense of the word) rotation on the TV screen and quite another if we go to their performance. In order to personally see this extraordinary miracle, maybe fortunately, or maybe not, I somehow got to one of these performances. Since then, the idea that I also want to skate has firmly settled in my head. Well, maybe not the same, but I definitely have to do something similar.

So, I've been skating for six months now. Of course, I didn’t learn how to do any spins, but to stand on the ice, to feel the pleasure of fast driving, not to be afraid to fall every second, I began to do well. During this time, I managed to buy my own skates, learn some basics. To be honest, I don’t learn to visit the skating rink every day - there is simply no free time. Therefore, I come to the ice stably 2-3 times a week.

During this time, I managed to make some of my own observations. For example, there are practically no permanent people who would systematically go on the ice and skate more or less tolerably. Rather, they are, but they can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand. Therefore, if you are afraid that you will look like a cow on ice, then do not worry, in the general herd it will not be so noticeable. Some novice people look so insecure and pathetic on the ice that you really want to drive up to them and give a couple of tips. Since doing this on the ice is not entirely correct and correct (why give advice if no one asked me about it), I decided to give some recommendations to beginners here. I had to go through a lot on my own. Therefore, some of the tips published here, you may not find in other sources.

1. We take skates that are 1-2 sizes larger than your actual size.. This rule applies to those people who ride outdoors. Do not forget that you just need to put on a woolen sock on your foot. A cold foot is harder to control, and the discomfort can cause cramps. If you wear a wool sock in your size, then the skates will squeeze your foot a lot. As a result, you can wipe the skin into the blood, and then for a long time you will not be able to return to skating.

2. We lace up the skates. It's better if you spend more time lacing your skates than usual. Thread the laces not only through the hooks, but also through the special holes on the skates. Tighten it tight, don't be afraid to overtighten your leg. It is very important that the skates fit snugly to the foot. It’s better if you sit on a bench while riding and loosen the tension of the lace a little than fall because you can’t control your ride.

3. We bend our knees. So you are on the ice. Now be sure to bend your knees. If you don't, you will fall very quickly. You may be able to drive a few meters, but this is solely due to your desire to “ride”, but your fall will be inevitable.

4. Forget the teeth. Have you seen, in the area of ​​​​the toe of the blade of the skates, there are small teeth? Forget they exist until you learn to ride. Why would they push off the ice? So, before you even start skating, you will greet the ice with a passionate hug.

5. How to ride? As the "specialists" in many figure skating manuals assure, it is necessary to push off from a smooth surface with the help of the inner side of the rib of the skate. It may not mean anything to you right now. However, remember only one rule: do not push off with the teeth.

6. Skate ribs. I have always had an inner fear. I was very afraid that I would fall, and one of the “reckless drivers” would run over my fingers with the blade of a skate. It seemed to me very sharp, much sharper than a knife. Once, and I will be left without fingers or with a huge scar on my face. If you have such fears and concerns, I will explain: the blade of the skates has its own area. It is not as thin as a knife. On the contrary, the blade is quite wide, it is divided into 2 equal parts, which are interconnected by a small hollow. Usually people ride on the inside ribs. So as soon as you bend your knees, roll onto the inside ribs of your skates. So you will feel more stable on the ice.

7. Let's start skating. Spread your toes apart. Now bend your knees slightly. Push off with one foot off the ice. Shift your body weight to the other leg. So, waddling from one foot to the other, you will start moving. You yourself will feel that you have begun to slide on the ice.

8. How to slow down? Unfortunately, there are no braking scars on figure skates. Therefore, you can slow down with a sharp turn (but this is only for professionals). Also, if you're not moving too fast on the ice, you can slow down by reducing your acceleration and pressing your feet into the ice. Thus, the force of friction increases, and you gradually begin to stop.

9. The fall. When falling, many people try to push off the ice with their hands and get back on their feet. Do not demonstrate your acrobatic training, do not forget that now you are not on the ground, but on the ice. Therefore, after falling, first get on your knees, lift your body, and only after that get on the ice with your skates.

10. After the fall. It is by how a person behaves after a fall that one can determine how long ago he got on skates. Beginning "skaters" think more about what other people think of them than worry about their own health. And I was like that, so I won’t say any moralizing to you now. Yes, I confess, after the fall I tried to show that nothing terrible had happened to me. Immediately jumped on skates and continued skating. However, now I behave completely differently. After a fall, the body experiences stress. This is especially felt if you hit the surface of the ice with your chest. Therefore, go to the side, catch your breath, wait a few tens of seconds, and only then continue riding.

Smooth ice to you!