Exercises with a gymnastic wheel, gymnastics for beginners

There are many ways to train the body. And there are many different devices for this purpose. Today we will talk about the gymnastic wheel. This is a home exercise machine that allows you to work out some muscles and strengthen your joints. Go!

What is a gymnastic wheel

These devices are wheel with two handles. These handles are designed to hold on to during exercise. Photo of this device:

Many people underestimate this projectile due to its size. People think that since this simulator is small, then its functionality is the same. This is not true. The following muscles can be strengthened with the wheel:

  1. Abdominal Press.
  2. Shoulder girdle.
  3. Small of the back.
  4. Buttocks and thighs.

To work out the relief of these muscle groups, there are quite a few exercises. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel

In this section, we will talk about the exercises for the muscles mentioned above.

To work out the press and lower back there is a very good exercise. It is performed using the following technique:

  1. Do this exercise 10-15 times. The number of approaches is three.

Your goal for this exercise, - straight body and straight arms in final position. Your body should be almost parallel to the floor without touching it. In this position, your press is maximally tense. And the lower back is also actively working.

This option was the easiest. It is ideal for beginner athletes. However, after 2-3 months of training, this exercise will seem easy to you, so you will need to perform it with straight legs.

You must understand that this is a completely different level of complexity. The first attempts to perform the exercises will fail. But do not rush to get upset. After a few attempts, you will definitely succeed in doing everything. The goal is the same - a straight body not touching the floor.

When you master this option, you can move on to a more complex one. It can only be performed by professional gymnasts or people with incredible strength of the muscular corset and shoulder girdle.

You will need 2 gymnastic wheels. With each hand, you take the wheel, and begin to perform the same exercise. Here, in addition to the press and lower back, the shoulders and back will be included in the work. After all, in order to prevent you from falling, they will have to strain.

The next exercise we will look at will focus on development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs and lower back. Technique:

Your goal here is to straighten the body. This will be pretty easy to do. After 3-4 weeks of training, you will be able to calmly straighten your body. At the extreme point, the latissimus dorsi muscles also receive a static load. If you decide to deal with this projectile, then do not neglect this exercise.

Now we will work out the gluteal muscles and thighs. There are two special exercises for this purpose. They are ideal for girls who want to make their figure more attractive.

Let's start from the corner. Technique:

This movement is identical to hanging leg raises for the press. However, here the press works less. At the top point, your buttocks are stretched as much as possible, and your hips are tense. This exercise can be performed by a person with any level of physical fitness, as it is not dangerous.

The second exercise is the bridge. Technique:

  1. Secure your feet with straps on the handles of the gymnastic wheel.
  2. Lie on your back. Move your hands away from the body by 10 centimeters, and press firmly to the floor.
  3. In the starting position, your buttocks are pressed to the floor, and your legs are straightened forward.
  4. Start rolling the wheel with your feet towards you.
  5. At the same time, lift your buttocks and lower back off the floor, and begin to lift them.
  6. At the top, your back should be straight and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  7. Hold this position for 5-6 seconds, tighten your buttocks as much as possible.
  8. Gently return to the starting position.
  9. Do this exercise for 3 sets of 6-8 reps.

In this exercise, the muscles of the hips and buttocks are well loaded. And the lower back, in turn, receives a static load.

Important Points

Beginners need to start with 2 workouts per week. Over time, when your body gets used to constant stress, you can increase the frequency of training with a projectile up to 5-6 times a week.

Before starting classes, you need to warm up properly. Jogging or jumping rope is ideal for this. Remember, before starting a workout, your body must be hot. And your pulse should be 120-140 beats per minute.

Be sure to control your breathing. On exhalation, there should be effort, and on inhalation, relaxation. And never hold your breath! This is very bad for your heart.

During training, be sure to use a special mat. During the exercises, you will rest on the floor with your knees and hands and back. It may not be very pleasant, but the mat will relieve you of this pain.

Do different exercises. The training process should be interesting and bring joy. It is when you do a large number of different exercises that your body experiences muscle joy, after which it will help you experience it, from the reflection of your body in the mirror.

Never overload. Of course, your desire to achieve a beautiful body is understandable and worthy of respect. However, if you do too many exercises in a workout, there is a chance that you will get injured. You will have to skip a few weeks of training, and then start all over again. Don't push yourself away from reaching your goal. Expose your body to adequate physical activity!