Protein-carbohydrate alternation is a great way to lose weight. Protein-carbohydrate alternation is a great way to lose weight The ratio of protein and carbohydrate days


Benefits of creatine for sportsmen. Features and effect of this complex. Competent scheme of reception and dosage calculation.

Creatine 2500 caps is a quality product, a complete source of creatine. Regular supplementation is an opportunity to cover creatine deficiency, increase the effectiveness of trips to the gym, get better results in mass gain and recovery.

About the benefits of creatine

The importance of creatine for the body is difficult to overestimate. This carboxylic acid plays an invariable role in the energy exchange of nerve endings and muscle fibers. The benefit of the component was proved already in the first studies conducted decades ago. It was found that in the case of daily intake for 4-5 days, it is possible to increase the level of creatine in the muscles by 20%. Over time, it was possible to prove the effect of creatine on strength gains and an increase in muscle mass.

Creatine is a natural element that is present in the body of all living beings. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a normal exchange of energy and the performance of any actions. The body of an ordinary person consumes about 2 grams of the substance per day. For an athlete, this figure is several times higher (4-8 grams). In terms of its qualities and benefits, creatine is in no way inferior to its "brothers" - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Amino acids such as methionine, arginines and glycine are involved in the production.

Action Features and Benefits

Creatine 2500 caps is a ready-to-use creatine dispensed in a convenient capsule form. Such packaging - the ability to take the supplement at any time and in any place. All that is required is to take a few capsules (one serving) and drink juice or water. Of course, the capsule form of creatine is more expensive than the powder. But this is offset by ease of use and high efficiency.

If you take creatine 2500 caps in the correct dosage, you can achieve the following results:

  1. Accelerate the process of gaining muscle mass. The manufacturer claims that the result of 3-5 kilograms per month is quite real, if you follow a sports regimen and eat right. It has been proven that regular intake of the supplement allows you to increase the weight of the bench press by 10 kilograms in a week. At the same time, the muscles grow at an even greater rate.
  2. Improvement in muscle relief. Taking creatine is an opportunity to improve the shape of muscles and build an ideal body. This is due to the ability of the supplement to pump water into the muscles and keep it there. As a result, the higher the level of creatine in the muscles, the greater the volume of water bound. It's no secret that the composition of our muscles is 75% water, so additional moisture retention will only improve relief.
  3. Increased production of anabolic hormones - somatotropin and testosterone. The volume of production does not increase immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the release of hormones depends not only on creatine, but also on the activity of training against the background of its intake.

In addition, there are a number of positive effects of creatine 2500 caps on the body:

  • reduction in cholesterol levels;
  • protection against inflammatory processes with pain in the joints;
  • cancer protection;
  • reducing the risk of arrhythmia by 70-75%;
  • increase in energy volumes;
  • suppression of catabolic processes;
  • high recovery rate;
  • increase in strength and so on.

Reception features

Buying creatine 2500 caps is only half the battle. You must be clear on how to take the supplement correctly for optimal results. One capsule of the product contains 1.25 grams of pure creatine monohydrate. The ideal dosage for athletes is four capsules once a day. It is believed that it is this portion that the human body can absorb without problems. If you give more, then the extra creatine will simply come out along with other "waste".

Take the supplement preferably with water or sugary juice. The volume of liquid is 0.3-0.5 liters. To increase the effectiveness of the supplement after taking it, you should eat something sweet (simple carbohydrates). Jam, sugar, honey and other sweets are suitable here.

On days when you are scheduled to go to the gym, you should take the supplement half an hour after completing your workout. On days when there are no classes, you can drink the prescribed portion between meals.

The peculiarity of creatine is that it is not recommended to take it constantly. No, this is not about harm or side effects. It’s just that the supplement becomes ineffective due to a decrease in the susceptibility of the organism itself. After 1-2 months of taking it is worth taking a short break. In addition, before taking, you need to analyze the suitability of the capsule - for smell, color. The powder inside must be dry and free from unpleasant odors.


As the experience of using creatine 2500 caps and reviews shows, the product is effective and can be taken by all categories of athletes. Its advantages include ease of use and purity of the composition. The disadvantage is the high price. But here you have to decide what is more important - safety and results or the safety of money in your pocket.

We offer you to get acquainted with the features of Optimum Nutrition creatine.

High quality creatine is divided into the following types:

NameViewForm factorVolumeThe volume of one servingServings Per ContainerCost, rub.
Creatine 2500 CapsMonohydrateCapsules100 caps2 caps = 5 g50 800 - 1400
Creatine 2500 CapsMonohydrateCapsules200 caps2 caps = 5 g100 1500 - 2300
Creatine 2500 CapsMonohydrateCapsules300 caps2 caps = 5 g150 2100 - 3000
Micronized Creatine PowderMonohydratePowder150 g5 g28 400 - 700
Micronized Creatine PowderMonohydratePowder300 g5 g57 600 - 1000
Micronized Creatine PowderMonohydratePowder600 g5 g114 1100 -1700
Micronized Creatine PowderMonohydratePowder1200g5 g240 2300 - 3000
Micronized Creatine PowderMonohydratePowder20005 g380 3200 - 4000

Optimum Nutrition Creatine Review

Learn more about each type of creatine:

Creatine 2500 Caps

Creatine 2500 Caps is a ready-to-use capsule form of the purest creatine fraction. Convenient packaging allows you to quickly take creatine wherever you are - at work, study, literally on the move.

In the human body, adenosine triphosphate or ATP acts as the main source of energy for muscle contractions. At the moment when our muscles do work and are in a state of tension, adenosine triphosphate, releasing an energy charge, passes into ATP. At the same time, the life cycle of the ATP molecule at increased loads is only 15 seconds, after which, being exhausted, they begin to be replenished with the help of creatine phosphate. This process is natural, continuous and cyclical.
Creatine 2500 Caps is a creatine supplement based on Optimum Nutrition's creatine monohydrate brand, renowned for its high quality products and innovation. Two capsules of this supplement (1 serving) will fill your body with 2500 mg of the purest creatine monohydrate.

By taking creatine-based supplements such as Creatine 2500 Caps, in addition to increasing endurance and strength, you can effectively gain quality muscle mass. If water enters the muscles along with creatine, then the muscles will increase, thicken, due to the fact that protein will begin to be deposited on their walls.

The effect of taking

  • Stimulating the growth of muscle mass;
  • Improving the quality of the recovery period;
  • Growth of power indicators;
  • Improved anaerobic endurance;
  • Stimulation of the production of anabolic hormones;
  • Source of additional energy;
  • Acceleration of protein synthesis;
  • Suppression of catabolism.

Optimum Nutrition Creatine 2500 Caps

  • 2500 mg creatine per serving;
  • consists of the purest creatine monohydrate;
  • fast-digesting capsules;
  • increase in endurance and strength.
  • Creatine Monohydrate 2500mg Pharmaceutical Grade

One capsule of the product contains 2.5g of the purest creatine monohydrate. It is recommended to take Creatine 2500 caps from Optimum Nutrition 1 time per day, 2 capsules (5 g) at once, it is this dose of the substance that can be absorbed in the human body, if you drink more, then the excess amount will simply be excreted with other waste. Creatine should be washed down with plenty of water and immediately eat a small amount of simple carbohydrates, sugar, jam, honey are good for this, or you can just immediately drink the supplement with sweet juice.

The capsules in Creatine 2500 Caps are small in size, easy to swallow, and their gelatin shell dissolves easily in the stomach. Also, the shell of the capsules plays a protective role for creatine, allowing it to pass through the stomach and enter the intestinal tract, where the main absorption of creatine takes place.

On training days, it is recommended to consume creatine within 30 minutes after training, and on rest days you can take Optimum Nutrition Creatine 2500 caps any time between meals. This product should not be taken on a permanent basis, it does not harm the body in any way, but reduces its susceptibility to the substance, which makes the supplement ineffective. Experienced athletes recommend using creatine for 1-2 months, and then taking the same break. Before you start taking the sports complex, check its suitability, in this case, open one of the capsules and analyze it for a strange smell or color, the powder should be white and dry.

Micronized Creatine Powder

Creatine is a biological compound whose functional properties include the production of energy and its subsequent transfer directly to muscle tissue.

Creatine is involved in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - the primary source of energy for muscle contractions, which helps to increase muscle strength, endurance and faster recovery after increased stress. In addition, creatine has the ability to attract water molecules into cells, which ultimately leads to an increase in the volume of muscle fibers and, consequently, muscle mass. Cell hydration is also essential for better muscle protein synthesis.

Micronized Creatine Powder is one of the most sought after supplements on the sports nutrition market. Creatine monohydrate is designed to increase strength, is considered the most effective means for the progression of athletes in natural bodybuilding.

Micronized Creatine Powder by Optimum Nutrition is without a doubt one of the best creatine monohydrate supplements on the market.
Firstly, Micronized Creatine Powder is micronized creatine, which indicates its smallest structure, which means better and faster absorption during the passage of the gastrointestinal tract, which ensures rapid delivery of creatine to muscle tissues.
Secondly, Optimum Nutrition uses patented CreaPure creatine to create Micronized Creatine Powder, which emphasizes the purity and quality of the presented product.
Each serving of Micronized Creatine Powder comes with 5 grams of creatine monohydrate only and nothing else. It mixes easily in water or juice and doesn't settle to the bottom of a glass like most creatine powder supplements.

The effect of taking

  • Increase in strength indicators;
  • Stimulation of muscle mass growth;
  • Stimulation of the production of anabolic hormones;
  • Improving the quality of recovery processes;
  • Increase endurance.

The composition of one serving of Micronized Creatine Powder (5 g or about one teaspoon):

  • creatine monohydrate - 5 g

One serving of Creatine Powder contains 5g of pure creatine monohydrate, that's 1 teaspoon. Studies have been conducted that have shown that more than 5g of creatine at a time is not absorbed, so we do not recommend increasing dosages. Now let's talk about how to take Optimum Nutrition's Creatine Powder. We recommend taking 1 serving of the supplement once a day, on training days you should take creatine 30 minutes after training, and on rest days in the morning.

The powder should be mixed in water or juice, after drinking the liquid it is recommended to eat some simple carbohydrates (sweets), they will cause a surge in the transport hormone insulin, which will speed up the delivery of creatine to muscle tissue.

It is not recommended to take Micronized Creatine Powder on an ongoing basis. It is best to use the supplement for 1-2 months, and then take the same break. Many athletes take creatine along with other sports complexes (protein, gainer, amino acids), such bundles will only increase the effectiveness of your sports nutrition, if finances allow, we recommend that you try to combine these products.

The life cycle of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is only a few seconds. It is the main source of energy for muscle contractions, and when it is depleted, creatine phosphate comes to the rescue. Hence the need to take a supplement like creatine. Today we present to your court a review of a similar product of one of the "giants" of the world of sports nutrition - Creatine 2500 caps from Optimum Nutrtiion. Consider the main issues related specifically to this supplement, and also give an assessment of the product.

Composition and packaging Creatine 2500 caps

A good creatine is one that contains nothing but creatine itself. This is the essence and truth of a quality product from this segment. Creatine 2500 Caps is 100% pure creatine monohydrate. Nothing superfluous, and if you remember that Optimum Nutrition has never let us down, then you can be sure of high-quality raw materials.

Many sports nutrition companies make creatine in powder form. However, Optimum Nutrition offered their product in the form of capsules. And there really is a rational grain in this. Firstly, capsules are easier to carry with you, and at the right time, just throw them in with the necessary amount of liquid. Secondly, the powder form of creatine monohydrate is tasteless and sometimes even very disgusting, and the capsules, which dissolve quickly in the stomach, just need to be swallowed.

A jar with such creatine can be of different sizes. The manufacturer packs 100, 200 and 300 capsules. One capsule contains 2500 mg or 2.5 g of creatine. If you take the usual scheme of taking the supplement (5g per day), then it is enough to drink two capsules to get the daily dose.

How to take Creatine ON 2500 caps?

The manufacturer recommends taking Optimum Nutrition 2500 caps creatine with the so-called loading phase. In other words, for the first 4-5 days, you need to take up to 20-25 grams of the supplement per day to raise the level of creatine in the muscles. Next comes the already maintenance dosage - from 5 to 10 grams per day. The duration of the course can reach 5 weeks, after which, you should take a break of up to 2 weeks.

When considering how to take creatine 2500 caps, a simpler scheme should also be mentioned. We are talking about taking 2 capsules per day throughout the course. That is, such a scheme implies reception without a loading phase. The difference from the first method is only in the speed of the result. In the first case, it will be visible already during the loading phase.

While taking creatine, you also need to remember that the supplement retains water in the muscles. At the same time, other organs may receive less of it. Therefore, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible (without fanaticism, of course) while taking such sports nutrition in order to avoid dehydration (dehydration of the body).

Does Optimum Nutrition 2500 caps creatine work?

I took this creatine with loading, so already in the first days I felt the effect. As you know, such an additive affects endurance and strength. After three days of taking it, I decided to shake the barbell, weighing 100 kg for 6 times. However, I was pleasantly surprised when weaving was too easy for me. Plans have changed, and now the bar is already 110 kg and 4 confident repetitions.

Now the course is already coming to an end, and as for muscle mass, the result is not only on the scales, but also in the mirror. I have used creatine before to prepare for powerlifting competitions, and the result was. But Optimum Nutrition made a truly working product, and the increase was visible in all respects. And we are not even talking about water (creatine, as we remember, attracts water and saturates the muscles with it), but about quality mass. That is why when asked if this creatine works, I can say with confidence that it does!

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Creatine monohydrate has been one of the most widely used sports supplements for over 20 years. Creatine has earned its popularity among athletes due to the ability to increase strength, increase endurance and stimulate the rapid growth of muscle mass. Optimum Nutrition uses pharmacologically purified creatine monohydrate in its product and has developed Creatine 2500 caps in a super-capacity capsule form!

You no longer have to spend time preparing the powder form of creatine or taking the substance with spoons, irritating the mucous membrane. With Creatine 2500 caps, you don't even need to swallow handfuls of capsules to get your daily dose of creatine into your body! Optimum Nutrition uses a special technology for the manufacture of creatine monohydrate, which allows you to place 1250 mg of the active substance in one capsule. This means that at one time it will be enough for you to take only 2 capsules of the product.

Highly purified creatine accumulates much better in muscle cells, being delivered to them faster and deposited in large volumes. This stimulates even more active work of mitochondria, forcing them to produce ATP molecules at the limit of their capabilities. An increase in the production of ATP in the body occurs already after the first week of taking Creatine 2500 caps, making the athlete much more resilient, stronger and making it easier for him to gain muscle tissue!

Accelerated ATP resynthesis allows you to recover faster between sets and maintain peak muscle functionality for longer throughout sessions.

The increased concentration of ATP in the muscles helps them connect previously unused fibers, increasing the overall strength of the working muscles and making heavier weights available to the athlete.

The increased energy balance of muscle cells helps to better assimilate amino acids and synthesize protein for muscle growth! In addition, creatine monohydrate attracts and retains water in the cells, increasing muscle volume.

The composition of one serving of Optimum Nutrition Creatine 2500 - 2 caps:

Creatine monohydrate - 2.5 g

How to take Optimum Nutrition Creatine 2500:

During standard workouts, take one serving 2 times a day (30 minutes before and after training). During intensive training, the daily portion can be increased to 2 capsules 3 times a day.

In the matter of effective weight loss, professional athletes have achieved considerable success.

This is especially clear in bodybuilding, where athletes cannot afford a single gram of excess fat under the skin during competitions.

One of the techniques they use is called protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH).

In this article, we will consider it in detail, find out the principles and rules, and also give an example of the corresponding menu.

Features of the technique

Initially, BUCH gained recognition among professional athletes, as this nutrition system allows you to get rid of excess fat mass in a short time and tone your muscles.

Only after some time, BUCH became popular among people who simply strive for a beautiful figure and good appearance. Unlike rigid fasting or low-carb diets, BUCH allows you to eat food that contains all the necessary nutrients.


  • hearty and nutritious food, the absence of "hungry" days;
  • considered one of the most efficient and safe food systems;
  • excess weight is lost as a result of burning fat reserves, and not muscle mass;
  • the menu uses simple and affordable products;
  • alternation allows you to maintain a good level of metabolism and even speed it up;
  • compatible with heavy physical exertion, as nutrition provides both energy (carbohydrates) and material for muscle development (proteins).


  • it is not recommended to follow the diet for more than 3 months. The rest period should be equal to the period of following the protein-carbohydrate alternation system;
  • the presence of carbohydrate days does not imply the use of your favorite sweets and desserts;
  • the need to follow a rather rigid system of alternation, while it is difficult to adjust the menu exactly “for yourself”;
  • does not exceed the effectiveness of classical diets.


If you have any questions, you should seek the advice of a specialist.


The effect of the diet lies precisely in the alternation of days and cycles. If the diet for a long time consists mainly of proteins, then the body gets used to this regimen and begins to store fat again instead of burning it.

The alternation of protein days with carbohydrate days will allow not only to eat foods containing the necessary substances, but also to give the body a supply of glycogen (to save muscles) and energy for physical activity.

The results depend on the initial parameters.

BUCH is ideal for getting an accentuated relief (“dryness”) and getting rid of excess fat without harming the muscles. When evaluating the results, it is better to compare the parameters of volumes, for example, chest - waist - hips. Many who strive for certain proportions also track the change in the girth of the biceps, thighs separately, etc.

Results such as improved well-being, getting in good physical shape and the absence of a constant feeling of hunger are also highlighted.

Diet Rules

The basis of the power system lies in the name. Its essence is the alternation of days with the use of protein, carbohydrate or mixed foods. This is usually 2 to 5 protein days, 1 to 2 carb days, and 1 to 2 mixed or low carb days.

The required amount of food is calculated individually and depends on the numbers on the scales that you want to see. For 1 kg you need:

  • 4 - 5 gr. carbohydrates on carbohydrate days;
  • 3 - 4 gr. protein on protein days;
  • 2 - 2.5 gr. carbohydrates and 1.5 - 2 gr. protein on mixed days.

The following foods are allowed on protein days:

  • lean meat (such as chicken or turkey);
  • eggs;
  • dairy;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • nuts in small quantities.

For garnish, you can use some raw or steamed vegetables.

On a carb day it is effective to focus on "healthy" carbohydrates - ingredients with a low glycemic index. These are various cereals, fruits and vegetables, TSP pasta and grain bread (or crispbread). Under the ban are various desserts and other "empty" calories.

On mixed days the menu can combine products from two groups.

The training regimen for weight loss must be adjusted to nutrition. Heavy exercise is best done on carbohydrate days, and on protein and low-carb days, rest or do cardio or light exercises with a restorative effect.

Daily calorie intake fluctuates around 1200-1500 , but not less than 1000 . It is better that the nutrition schedule includes 4 - 6 small meals to keep the body's metabolic processes in the right mode.

It is also necessary to control the amount of water consumed and drink about 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Among the allowed drinks are also tea, sometimes coffee, without sugar or with a substitute.

The ratio of protein and carbohydrate days

BEA has many modifications - options that differ from each other in the ratio of protein and carbohydrate days, the rate of calories. Some of them:

Days 1 and 2 are protein days.

Day 3 - carbohydrate.

Day 4 - mixed.

The duration is usually at least a month, the number of days following the diet should be a multiple of 4 (for example, 28, 36 or 48).

The diet lasts for 30 days. In this case, the cycle consists of 3 days: first carbohydrate, then low-carb and finally protein.

BEACH, scheduled for the week. The main difference between the days are the proportions of calories consumed; carbohydrates and proteins (about 1 to 2.5). It is noteworthy that before following the diet, it is recommended to spend a day - loading and during it eat food on 2500 calories.

Then begins a week of hard tracking calories and nutrients.

For example, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, you should eat more carbohydrates (calorie 1500 ), on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - more protein (calorie content 1200 ), and on Sunday arrange a loading day with a diet of any food for 2 thousand calories.

The maximum period during which BEAC is allowed to follow this scheme is 12 weeks.

BUCH from E. Malysheva

The alternation consists of 2 - day cycles: in the first one you can eat 1 boiled egg and 1 boiled chicken (unsalted, without skin and fat), in the second - divide the salad of cabbage, beets and carrots into several portions during the day (500 gr. ) with lemon juice dressing.

Menu example

protein day

We offer several options:

  • breakfasts and snacks: cottage cheese with cinnamon; 2 boiled eggs + fresh vegetable salad; scrambled eggs + greens and seafood;
  • lunches: salad + steamed fish; chicken breast + steamed vegetables;
  • dinners: beef stew; cottage cheese.

carb day

  • breakfasts and snacks: porridge from any cereal; berries or fruits; muesli with milk/honey; rye bread + kefir / yogurt without additives;
  • lunches: rice / noodles + meat / seafood; cereal + vegetable salad with olive oil dressing;
  • dinners: meat or fish, you can add kefir.

mixed day

  • breakfasts and snacks: bread + a piece of cheese + kefir; cheesecakes / oatmeal + dried fruits; cottage cheese + fruit.
  • lunches: rice / buckwheat + steamed fish; vermicelli + meat + a piece of rye bread.
  • dinners: meat + salad / lentils; scrambled eggs + tomatoes + bran bread; cottage cheese + greens.

BUCH has many positive reviews. According to the stories, alternation often helps those who have weight for quite a long time, despite all the efforts and tricks.

Among the pluses, the usefulness and simplicity of the diet, the absence of a constant feeling of hunger and improved well-being are also noted.

One of the main advantages of the reviews is the ability to combine nutrition with training, as a properly selected menu helps to get enough energy and strength for various activities.

However, those who were not zealous in the gym note good positive results. This is mainly a change in the quality of the body due to the burning of fat, not muscle.

There are also negative reviews. Most of them are associated with contraindications - diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidneys. In the presence of such problems, eating on a diet can lead to bad consequences.

  1. The essence of BEACH is to change the cycles of protein, carbohydrate and mixed days. Scientific rationale: receiving predominantly protein products, the body uses body fat as an energy source. A carbohydrate day restores energy reserves and does not allow the body to "burn" muscle fibers. A mixed day gives a little respite and prepares for the next cycle.
  2. The main result when eating BUCH is better to track not by weight, but by measuring volumes. The effectiveness of the alternation allows you to work specifically on the quality of the body in order to get rid of excess fat and get a beautifully defined silhouette.
  3. BUCH has a number of contraindications, therefore, before eating according to such a system, you should consult a doctor.

video clip

Watch a useful video about protein-carbohydrate alternation.