Ekaterina Gordeeva - biography, information, personal life. Sergei Grinkov: biography and personal life of Gordeev and Grinkov synchronous fall

World champions in pair skating Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov. 1986 The life of Sergei Grinkov is a love story. Unfortunately, this is a sad love story, which the heroes of this story themselves told us in the first person. Straight from TV screens. The story is beautiful, bright, passionate, but painfully short.

Born on February 4, 1967, exactly 49 years ago, Sergei Grinkov, without knowing it himself, until 1981 went through life next to a girl four years younger, who lived in one of the neighboring houses. They went to the same comprehensive school - number 704, but they were not familiar - the age difference was too great for this. They went to the same figure skating section, but also did not intersect. From the age of five, Sergey, like Katya from the age of three, tried to build a solo career. By 1981, it became clear that the guys for single skating did not jump high enough. They were introduced to each other - and this is how their first acquaintance happened, which became fateful for both, as well as for the whole world. She was only 10 years old, he was 14, and then they did not yet know that fate would bind them forever, not only in sports terms. At that time, they only had sports in their heads. For six months, the guys ran in a new program, with which they began performing in 1982. Their first coaches were Vladimir Zakharov and Nadezhda Shevalovskaya. Rapidly progressing, just three years later, in 1985, they became world champions among juniors, and at the championship of the Soviet Union, in which the best skaters of the world then competed, young debutants took a high sixth place for themselves. Noticing the potential of young athletes, they were invited by the most eminent coach at that time, Stanislav Zhuk. It was under his leadership in 1986 that the couple won the title of world champion for the first time. At that time, young Katya was only 14 years old - then a record age in the history of the world championships in figure skating. In the same year, they became second at the European Championship and won silver at the USSR Championship.

In 1988, Sergei was 21 years old, Katya had just turned 17, but it was already noticeable that the guys were held together by far not only partner, sports interests. Perhaps it was precisely this spiritual closeness that helped them move forward, win all competitions, including the Olympic Games, which they conquered with surprising ease. Interestingly, the free dance, which went down in the history of figure skating as a real masterpiece, was performed to the Mendelssohn's March.

Again, but in a different setting, the legal husband and wife, Sergei and Ekaterina, heard this passage three years later, on April 20, 1991, at their own wedding. By that time, they not only managed to become four-time world champions, but also ended their amateur career by moving to the theater of Tatyana Tarasova, where they could not only do what they loved, but also get good money for it, which in the early 90s in our country was very important. For the sake of earning, it was even decided to skip the Olympics-92.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, Daria. At this time, they performed a lot at foreign tournaments, took part in a large number of commercial projects. For sincerity and perfect technique, as well as for that great love for each other, in the USA and Canada they fell in love and were nicknamed G & G - by the first letters of their surnames. Americans give similar nicknames exclusively to movie and pop stars.

A year later, in 1993, the International Olympic Committee, apparently, realized what a huge market share they were losing, categorically forbidding couples who had gone professional to take part in the Olympics, and slightly softened their charter, allowing those who wished to return and participate in transitional games in 1994. Grinkov and Gordeeva took advantage of this opportunity. Having returned the status of amateurs, Sergey and Ekaterina repeated their success in 1987, won the championships of the country, Europe and the world, but this time, to their scattering of gold medals, they also added an award of the highest standard with five Olympic rings on it.

European Champion: 1988, 1990, 1994

Children: daughters Daria and Elizabeth

Talisman: wedding ring on a chain

Best of the day

Country of residence: USA

AT THE DINNER given by the President of the Soviet Union in honor of US President Ronald Reagan, an incredibly beautiful girl was sitting next to the wife of the Soviet leader, Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva. Mrs. Gorbachev, noticing her awkwardness, kept up a conversation with her all the time, calling her Natasha. The young beauty was indeed embarrassed among distinguished guests, and not only because she was constantly called Natasha, although her name was Katya, she felt bad alone, without Seryozha.

For some reason, the famous pair of Olympic champions and world champions in figure skating Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov were separated that evening. Sergei was not invited to the gala dinner. Maybe they didn't want to, maybe they forgot. No one could really explain this to Katya, however, like many other things that happened in her life.

For example, during the skaters' trips around America, everyone was given envelopes with money after the performances. And only Soviet skaters were not allowed to open them. Members of the Sports Committee, who accompanied our athletes, took away the envelopes, giving out only a negligible amount. The true fee remained, perhaps not a secret, but far behind seven seals.

First kiss

THEY met in training at CSKA. At that time, figure skating in our country was at the peak of its popularity. The parents of Katya Gordeeva and Serezha Grinkov followed the fashion and sent their children to the skating rink. Katyusha came to the sport already with choreographic training. From the age of three, she danced in the children's ensemble "Kalinka" and even successfully passed all the tours to the ballet school of the Bolshoi Theater. However, despite the great desire of the father - a dancer of the ensemble led by Igor Moiseev - to see his daughter as a ballerina, there was still one more student at the CSKA figure skating school.

It turned out that both Katya and Serezha's jumps were not strong enough for single skating, and the coaches decided to combine them into a pair. It happened in August 1981. The girl was then eleven, and the boy was fifteen. And so the relationship began to develop not only for the beautiful sports, but also for the future married couple.

For the first time, Katya kissed Sergey on New Year's Eve visiting a friend, figure skater Alexander Fadeev. He invited them to look at a recently purchased summer cottage, the only building on which was a bathhouse. True, only the owner himself visited the sauna that day. Left alone with Katya, Sergei suddenly asked: "Why don't we kiss?" And he kissed her gently, and when he realized that she liked it, he kissed her again. At that moment Sasha came out of the sauna to have a snack. But, seeing that he appeared out of place, he immediately returned back. “I think that Sasha then lost five kilograms, after sitting in the sauna all the time that we kissed,” Katya recalls with a smile.

And then they went to competitions in England. There, far from Moscow, from parental care, Katya for the first time had a real opportunity to be alone with Serezha: “I was intoxicated, I completely forgot about the competition. Thanks to him, I suddenly felt much older, felt like a woman. It seems to me that every a girl would dream of having her first experience of sex with such a man."

Soon Sergei received a small apartment and directly told Katya: "I would like you to live here with me." She, without hesitation, moved, and a little later received a ring with diamonds and an offer to become a wife as a gift. A funny moment happened at the wedding. When the time came for the bride and groom to perform a waltz, they did not know how to dance on an ordinary floor - they were used to ice.

After some time, Katya became pregnant. Sergey, of course, was there all the time. They decided to give birth in America, since in Moscow doctors insisted on a caesarean section. “I was placed in a room in which I felt uneasy: a woman was screaming behind the wall. I fell asleep from an injection in the shoulder. Contractions began, the pain became stronger and stronger,” recalls Katya. The doctor reassured her, explained that if desired, you can make an injection in the spine and the pain will go away. "Kolit!!!" she screamed. On September 11, 1992, a girl was born - Daria Sergeevna Grinkova.

Without Sergei, but for him

IMMEDIATELY after giving birth, Katya began to restore her shape in order to return to the ice as soon as possible. And the audience has already missed the performances of their favorite couple. The results were not long in coming. Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov won gold at the European Championships in Copenhagen and at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer.

During one of the training sessions before the Stars on Ice tour in Lake Placid, USA, Sergei became ill. He fell right on the ice. It seemed to Katya that all this was due to back pain that had been bothering Sergey lately. But the skater had a heart attack.

When those around him realized that he was unconscious, they immediately called an ambulance. But, despite the instant arrival of doctors, they could not help the 28-year-old Grinkov. The doctors determined that during the last days Sergei suffered at least one more mild heart attack, and if they knew about it earlier, then everything could have ended differently. In the hospital, a doctor approached Katya and said quietly: "We did everything possible, but we could not save him."

The famous athlete was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Thousands of Muscovites came to say goodbye to Sergei Grinkov. Many did not hide their tears, could not believe that the tale of two people madly in love with each other could have such a tragic ending.

On the fragile shoulders of Katya lay all the worries about the family, daughter, home. Almost everything had to be done by myself. She was supported by friends from the Stars on Ice show - Kristina Yamaguchi, Katarina Witt, Viktor Petrenko, Oksana Baiul, who decided to dedicate one of their performances to the memory of Sergei Grinkov. Katya, as planned by the organizers, was to be present at this performance as a spectator. But she decided that she would dance herself. One, without Sergei, but for him.

“I started to worry that I would get lost on the rink, that I was so small and no one would see me. But the music started playing, the lights turned on, and all the torment suddenly disappeared. Listening to my legs, listening to Sergey, I felt double energy. I know for sure that I will never be able to dance like that again," says Gordeeva about her return to the ice.

For the first time entering the ice arena alone, the figure skater began to participate in professional competitions and dance in the Stars on Ice show. It helped me recover from the loss. Yes, and daughter Dashenka began to grow up, and with her, cares for her began to grow. “Yes, I dance for money,” says Ekaterina. “After all, figure skating is also a profession. And I earn this for myself and my child for a living.”

A year after the death of Sergei in America, the book "My Sergei. Love Story" was published in English. The epigraph to it was the lines from the poems of Anna Akhmatova "I stopped smiling ..."

The story of Ekaterina Gordeeva has always interested fans of her talent. Somehow, the skater found out that her friend was talking to her fans on the Internet, who usually writes: “I’m fine, everything is fine, everything is very good ...” And when Katya asked her why she was doing this, she answered : "But you really are fine. Isn't it?"

But could the widow who found out that some vandals desecrated her husband's grave be "all right"? One of the cemetery workers said: “In the morning, during a detour, I saw that a crystal polyhedron had been sawn off from the monument and thrown to the ground. Probably, they were here at night. They tried to break the sawn off part, traces of a chip were visible on it. or didn't make it."

New love

NOT SO long ago, Ilya Kulik, the Olympic champion of Nagano, was among the participants in the Stars on Ice show. First, she and Katya did a pair number and performed quite successfully. Then they began to appear together at professional tournaments. Ilya was at Gordeeva's house more often than others, helping to manage household chores. And then Katya unexpectedly announced that she would not skate in the new season. Officially, she stated that she was very tired of constant flights and wanted to spend more time with her daughter Dasha. And only close friends knew that after five years after the death of Sergei, she met a new love. And the feeling was mutual.

Lisa Gordeeva-Kulik was born on June 15, 2001 in a Los Angeles hospital. Parents hid the birth of their daughter from journalists for a long time. Ilya and Katya are not thinking about the wedding yet. And life goes on, and I want to believe that they will have a happy life.

Julia 05.02.2006 08:51:06

I live in America, I'm 34, my husband is American, he treats Russia with great love and respect, not only because my son and I are Russian, but simply Russia itself is an interesting country with many great people in various spheres of life, this is directly regarding our magnificent skaters, of course, many Americans know this pair of Gordeev - Grinkov, and this is already a generally established fact, if you name Raisa in America, an American will add Gorbachev, to the name Oksana, this same American will always say: "A-A-A, it's like Oksana Baiul", but the American always associates the name Katya or Ekaterina with Gordeeva. This Christmas, the whole family watched an ice show - skating star skaters, and each skater represented his family, I was so glad to see the same thin charming Katya, her second husband Kulik and two cute daughters, and Dasha looked like Grinkov and Liza to Kulik. Katya rode with Dasha, mother and daughter, they are like 2 sisters. I am very, very happy for Katya and her new family!!!

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Gordeeva. She was born on May 28, 1971 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating with Sergei Grinkov. Two-time Olympic champion (1988 and 1994), four-time world champion, three-time European champion and three-time world champion among professionals. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994).

Father - Alexander Alekseevich Gordeev, a dancer in the Moiseev ensemble.

Mother - Elena Lvovna, journalist, TASS employee.

Has a younger sister Maria (age difference 4 years).

The family lived in Moscow on Kalininsky Prospekt.

From the age of 3 she began to engage in figure skating at the Youth Sports School of CSKA. She started as a single skater, but her jumps were not strong enough and in 1982 she was paired with Sergei Grinkov. She was then eleven, and he was fifteen. Vladimir Zakharov became their coach.

Since the fall of 1983, the coach Nadezhda Shevalovskaya (Gorshkova) and the choreographer Marina Zueva began to work with the couple. At the World Junior Championships in December 1983, the couple became the sixth, and in 1984 - the first.

At the 1985 Skate Canada tournament, Shevalovskaya included a triple salchow record for couples of that time, but Gordeeva fell.

Since the fall of 1985, Stanislav Zhuk began to train the couple. Under the guidance of this coach, Gordeeva and Grinkov won silver at the USSR and European Championships in January 1986, and on March 19, gold at the World Championships in Geneva. Ekaterina became the youngest world champion in history.

In 1986, a campaign was launched to discredit Stanislav Zhuk. The Central Committee of the CPSU received a letter signed by Anna Kondrashova and Marina Zueva, as well as a number of figure skaters (including Gordeeva and Grinkov), in which the famous coach was accused of "immoral behavior." The signatories could not provide any evidence, but Zhuk, in the end, was nevertheless removed from coaching.

And in July 1986, the couple went to train with Stanislav Leonovich, and Marina Zueva again became the choreographer. At the European Championships in Sarajevo, Sergey's hairpin came off, and judge B. Wright (USA) blew the whistle and stopped the music. The couple completed the program without music, but no scores were given. The athletes refused the offer to re-roll the program at the end of the competition, having received a disqualification. At the World Championships in Cincinnati, they were again first. At both championships, they performed a four-turn twist.

In November 1987, Catherine was injured in training - a concussion. The couple missed the USSR championship.

Then they won the European Championship, and on February 16, 1988 they became Olympic champions: both programs were brought to perfection. The free skate (to the music of Mendelssohn, Chopin and Mozart) is considered a masterpiece in the history of figure skating. All elements were perfectly executed, including the combination of double axel - double toe loop, both throws and three lifts, all on one hand. In one of them, for the first time in history, a rotation was performed in the usual direction, followed by the descent of the partner, again lifting and rotation in the other direction. The amazed judges gave 14 marks 5.9 and 4 - 5.8.

At the 1989 World Championships, for absolutely clean short and free programs, the couple received all 9 first places from the judges.

However, at the 1990 World Cup, they won with difficulty. In the short program, a number of judges considered the spirals to be inappropriate and reduced the score by 0.2 points. In the free program, Ekaterina stumbled on a triple sheepskin coat, and in the combination of jumps double axel - loop - oiler - double salchow she performed only a single axel - loop (Sergey did all the jumps). As a result, it was possible to beat the rivals with an advantage of only one referee vote.

In 1990, the skaters left amateur sports for Tatyana Tarasova in the All Stars Theater on Ice.

In 1991-92, the couple successfully performed at the professional world championships.

In 1993, the International Skating Union and the International Olympic Committee allowed professional skaters to return to amateur status and take part in the Olympic Games.

Taking advantage of the new rules, Gordeeva and Grinkov switched to amateur sports and won the championship of Russia, Europe and the Olympic Games in Lillehammer.

Gordeeva and Grinkov - "Moonlight Sonata" (Olympics-1994)

Then they returned to professional sports. On November 20, 1995, while training in Lake Placid, Sergei Grinkov suffered a massive heart attack and died in the hospital.

In February 1996, Catherine returned to the ice. In the same year, she published the book "My Sergei", prepared with the help of a professional author, in memory of Sergei Grinkov. In 1998, the CBS channel made a documentary film on it, then the second book, Letter to Daria, was published.

In 1998, Gordeeva took second place in the professional world championship.

In 2000, she finished participating in competitions, but continued to perform in ice shows. In many shows, she performed paired elements with partners such as Arthur Dmitriev, Anton Sikharulidze, David Pelletier and John Zimmerman.

In the 1998-99 season she performed in Stars on Ice in a quartet with Ilya Kulik, Elena Bechke and Denis Petrov, and in 1999-2000 she was paired with Ilya Kulik.

In 2008, she participated in the First Channel show "Ice Age-2" in a pair with actor Yegor Beroev, with whom she won.

She also took part in a tour of the cities of Russia and neighboring countries, organized by Ilya Averbukh.

Growth of Ekaterina Gordeeva: 157 centimeters.

Personal life of Ekaterina Gordeeva:

The first husband is a performance partner. They got married on April 20, 1991, and on April 28 they got married. September 11, 1992 in Morristown (New Jersey, USA) their daughter Daria was born.

It happened at one of the usual training sessions in preparation for a tour of 50 US cities in Lake Placid, Sergey suddenly became ill. Katya thought it was because of the back pain that had been bothering him lately. He was taken to the hospital, and while Katya was being questioned about whether Sergei had previously had heart problems, a female doctor approached Katya and said that they had done everything possible, but could not save Sergei. The artery that carried blood to the heart was blocked. It turns out that Sergey's genes were predisposed to heart disease.

Ekaterina Gordeeva. Love for life

The second husband is Ilya Kulik, Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Olympic champion. They got married on June 10, 2001. On June 15, 2002, their daughter Elizabeth was born in Los Angeles.

In 2008, there were rumors about Catherine's romance with the actor during their participation in the Ice Age-2 show. The couple not only behaved too frivolously on the ice, but they were regularly seen together in hotels and restaurants. These relations developed against the backdrop of rumors about discord in the families of Ekaterina and Yegor.

At the same time, versions were put forward that it was a PR novel in order to draw public attention to the Ice Age project.

Achievements of Ekaterina Gordeeva (paired with Sergei Grinkov):

Olympic Games: gold (1988, 1994);
World Championships: gold (1986, 1987, 1989, 1990), silver (1988);
European Championships: gold (1988, 1990, 1994), silver (1986);
Championships of Russia:
USSR championships: gold (1987), silver (1986);
Skate Canada International: gold (1986, 1994), silver (1987);
NHK Trophy: gold (1990);
Professional World Championships: gold (1991, 1992, 1994), silver (1990).

Has state awards: Order of Friendship of Peoples (1988); Order "For Personal Courage" (1994) - for high sports achievements at the XVII Winter Olympic Games in 1994.

Sergei Grinkov and Ekaterina Gordeeva were not only a talented and beautiful couple, the winner of the Olympic Games. Charm and sincerity love in life and dance- conquered the whole world. No one could even imagine how fleeting happiness is.

The lives of Catherine and Sergei intertwined in early childhood. They lived next door and went to the same school. But we met only in a pair, which was formed because the young athletes did not show results in individual skating. Katya is four years younger than Sergei. She was only 10 when they started training together. The figure skater recalled that Sergei treated her very carefully. And her mother clarified: the work did not go well at first. Sergey saw himself as a single skater and was lazy. The coach put the question tough, right up to elimination. Little Katyusha did not let the couple break up. She called Sergei, made appointments, and things worked out.

Very soon it became clear how promising this duet was. In 1985, the couple became world junior champions. Further - a consistent rise: world champions, silver at the European Championships, and, finally, in 1988 - Olympic champions. The dance to the "Mendelssohn March", brilliantly performed at the games and gone down in history, is a sign of fate, an omen of a future wedding, which will take place in 1991. Katya said that one of the happiest moments was New Year's Eve on December 31, 1989, when Sergey confessed his feelings for the first time. Sergey was late for the wedding itself, he came with a bandaged hand (due to a serious shoulder injury) and also forgot his passport, but the registry office employees turned a blind eye to this. The happy event took place.

There was no honeymoon. The couple by that time had moved into the category of professionals and joined the troupe of the theater of Tatyana Tarasova. In the difficult nineties, the theater provided an opportunity to earn money. A year later, a daughter, Daria, was born. They continued to perform in international projects and tournaments. In the United States and Canada, as a sign of special love, they were called by the first letters of their surnames G & G, like movie stars.
In 1994, in Norway, Ekaterina and Sergey again become Olympic champions. It seemed that all the peaks were submitted to them. And now, finally, it's time to reap the fruits of many years of patient work.

Frequent injuries taught the athlete to endure pain, not to attach importance and not to complain. At a training session in the American city of Lake Placid on November 20, 1995, Sergei suddenly fell onto the ice. The ambulance arrived 4 minutes later. It was not possible to save the athlete: it was the second heart attack. He was only 28 years old, widowed Catherine - 24 years old.
Katya said that none of the skaters could “present” a partner like that both on and off the ice, she recalled Sergey’s modesty, curiosity, how he did not like to talk a lot. She dreamed that someday he would build a house for them and their daughter. Did not happen.

In 1996, Ekaterina Gordeeva returned to the ice. She dedicated her first exit to her late husband. It was the program "Celebration of Life" to the musical composition of the fifth symphony by Gustav Mahler. At the end of the program, four-year-old daughter Dasha ran out onto the ice to calm her tearful mother.

Sports couples stand the test of time and rigors. They are united by purposeful work, common achievements and, of course, love. For example, they carried their affection through their whole lives and even went out on the ice again at a venerable age.

On the eve of the finale of the TV show “Ice Age: Global Warming”, which will be shown on April 25, viewers are discussing not the chances of couples to win, but the love of Turkish Gambit star Yegor Beroev and two-time Olympic champion in figure skating Ekaterina Gordeeva. OK! found out the details

It all started with the fact that three weeks ago the paparazzi caught a couple having lunch at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, where Yegor and Katya arrived after another workout. In anticipation of the order, the actor and the famous figure skater in the past were tender with each other. At some point, Katya even gently hugged Yegor by the neck. By today's standards - nothing criminal. However, the paparazzi, who filmed the stars on video from a distance of twenty meters (he asked not to disclose his name), told OK! that this was not the first time such a scene had been observed. Allegedly, the couple at the hotel not only dine, but also retire in one of the rooms on the tenth floor. Such meetings between Beroev and Gordeeva, when both are in Moscow, take place almost every other day. The lovers are not even embarrassed by the fact that Beroev’s wife, actress Ksenia Alferova, is also a member of the Ice Age (she skates in tandem with the Lithuanian figure skater Povilas Vanagas) and flirting (at least) her husband with Gordeeva actually happens before her eyes.

EGOR BEROYEV: “When they called me Katya’s name, I couldn’t object…” At first, Beroev did not want to participate in the Ice Age - Yegor had to be persuaded personally by the project manager Ilya Averbukh. It was Katya Gordeeva who became his main trump card. Beroev confirms this: “For me, participation in this show is a pure adventure. But when they called me Katya’s name and suggested that I could skate with her, I couldn’t object and dutifully put on my skates. At that time, Yegor Beroev had been walking with a wedding ring on his hand for eight years and was raising his daughter Dunya with his legal wife. The initiator of these relations was the actor himself - for a long time he sought the hand and heart of Alferova. “I just could not get past such a woman,” recalls Beroev. “When I saw her, I immediately realized that I want her to be with me.” According to the testimony of the couple’s entourage, during their life together, small quarrels between Yegor and Ksenia occurred quite often, but they never quarreled on a grand scale. Their family was considered strong and happy. The personal life of Katya Gordeeva was less successful. Her first husband, figure skater Sergei Grinkov, with whom she won two Olympic gold medals and won the world championship four times, died of a heart attack. It happened right on the ice, during a training session in the American Lake Placid on January 20, 1995. Katya was left with her two-year-old daughter Daria in her arms. For a long time she could not recover, did not train and did not actually go out. Gordeeva wrote two books in memory of her beloved: "My Sergei" and "Letters to Daria." Both became bestsellers, Katya's personal tragedy was experienced by the whole world. But in 1999, returning to the ice, she met another Olympic champion - Ilya Kulik. “It happened on tour with the Stars on Ice troupe,” Ilya recalls. - During the season we traveled half of America - about seventy cities. Our team is small, and on the road, you know, people like to talk. Katya and I often spent our free time together. And then suddenly they realized that communication had flowed into love. On June 15, 2001, Gordeeva and Kulik had a daughter, Lisa. A year later, they officially got married and have been living in Los Angeles ever since. However, according to rumors, this marriage gave a serious crack, and Gordeeva, who will turn 38 in May, decided to find solace on the shoulder of her next ice partner. “Pair figure skating often gives rise to love - there is nothing surprising here,” says Nikita Dzhigurda, one of the former participants in the Dancing on Ice show. - This is a very emotional sport. It is impossible to skate well without having any feelings for a partner. Hence so many ice married couples. You can remember Belousova and Protopopov, Bestemyanov and Bukin, Averbukh and Lobacheva, Rodnina and Zaitsev, Marina and me, in the end ... Yes, hundreds of couples! Moreover, it often happens that if someone has a new partner, then a new romance breaks out, and the previous marriage breaks up. In the acting environment - the same thing. Office romances on film sets are as common as on ice. Yegor Beroev, already married to Alferova, admitted in an interview: “I will never represent Ksyusha instead of my partner. I will try to find at least something, even a small wrinkle, on the actress I fall in love with. Otherwise, I will be unconvincing, and love will be unconvincing, and the viewer will not believe. Moreover, sometimes these relationships need to be created not only in the frame ... ”In the cinematic get-together, Beroev was never considered a saint, but also a scoundrel, capable of cheating on his wife in fact before her eyes, too. Gordeeva was a role model for many women. Now both participants in the love scandal, who are the main contenders for victory in the Ice Age show, have put at stake not only each other's family happiness, but also their reputation. EKATERINA GORDEEVA: “On the Internet, Yegor and I have already given birth to children and bought a house ...” However, there is another point of view that has its own weighty arguments: almost all the novels that take place between the participants of the Ice Age are specially invented by the producers of the show to promote it. After all, after the publication of the scandalous shots taken at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, the rating of the final project will probably go off scale. And it is no coincidence that the Alferov-Vanagas pair skates right after the Beroev-Gordeeva pair: it is at these moments that the whole country freezes at the screens. “Yegor, of course, is a complex and ambiguous person,” says one of the members of the Turkish Gambit film crew. - But he is not so stupid as to hide from prying eyes in one of the largest hotels in the center of Moscow. I find it funny that everyone believes this nonsense. I read here on the Internet that Alferova almost beat her husband and his mistress behind the scenes of the project out of jealousy. Do you know that in acting couples there is no jealousy at all? People have already kissed hundreds of partners on the set. If they were jealous for every such occasion, they would have gone crazy a long time ago. Ksenia Alferova didn't actually beat anyone. She appears confident and continues to state that "her husband inspires and supports her during the show." And about office romances, he says: “Of course, you should like your partner. But where is love? You know, I had a love scene in Mirror Wars. I doubted whether she was needed, and Yegor himself persuaded me not to worry, not to be shy, to allow myself to be relaxed and sexy. Just to make everything look beautiful and natural!” Her husband Yegor Beroev is the only member of the love triangle who has not yet commented on what is happening. But Gordeeva let it slip for him - on tour of the Ice Age in Perm. “I know that on the Internet, Yegor and I have already secretly married, and had children, and bought a house,” she told local journalists. - I don’t read it myself - Yegor often tells me. Talking and laughing. Actor Vadim Kolganov, who rides in the Ice Age with Tatyana Navka, generally believes that their couple is not very interesting to the audience right now precisely because they cannot act out a romance. Navka already has Marat Basharov in this regard (their quick wedding turned out to be not just a fake, but also a good income: both ask for five thousand dollars for an interview about their personal lives), and Vadim himself loves his wife Katya too much. “Tanya Navka is not enough for everyone, and me too,” Kolganov laughs. - We just enjoy riding. But viewers always want a fairy tale or intrigue. I don’t blame anyone for this, I just don’t use prohibited weapons myself.” But there are a lot of scandalous rumors about other participants in the Ice Age. Strange coincidence: their activity peaked just before the end of the show. Ekaterina Strizhenova allegedly secretly meets with Andrei Tikhonov. Alena Babenko is crazy about Roman Kostomarov. And Povilas Vanagas is divorcing his wife, figure skater Margarita Drobyazko, because his missus had an affair with her partner, actor Alexander Dyachenko. “For ten years, the athletes lived in perfect harmony, but the Ice Age show, which became a real rock for married couples, broke their happiness in one minute!” - the media write angrily. At the Ice Age forum, one of Alexei Yagudin’s fans jokes: “I won’t be surprised if Lesha marries tomorrow, for example, ... Tatyana Tarasova.” And yet, the shots of the romantic dinner of Beroev and Gordeeva, made by the paparazzi at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, haunt many. Look at them again: can just friends and partners behave so romantically? ALEXANDER NUTS