Yamakiro - the secrets of losing weight from Japanese geishas! Japanese Yamakiro Slimming Method Japanese Yamakiro Slimming System

This spring I was lucky enough to go on a business trip to Japan. I went to a pharmacy in Tokyo and was surprised - one department is medicines, the rest is healthy lifestyle products. Of course, as a fungotherapist, I was interested in a showcase with mushroom preparations. There are a great many of them and shiitake, and meitake, and agariki, and some other specific Japanese mushrooms. Suddenly I see that the label says in Russian - a tinder fungus, and at the bottom is a translation in hieroglyphs. The translator immediately explained that this mushroom is indeed called the Russian mushroom. The Japanese know him well. In the 19th century, the tinder fungus was bought in Russia in tons, and now it is also supplied from Russia, since these mushrooms do not grow in Japan.

The medicinal properties of tinder fungus are amazing. For 70 percent it consists of resinous substances that heal the liver, bile ducts, all lung diseases, up to tuberculosis. The experience of Japanese fungotherapists has shown that tinder causes the liver to secrete an enzyme that breaks down fats, so it is used for weight loss. The pharmacist told me that at the Olympics, skaters simply took the drug from tinder fungus in packages - they always need to be in shape. And he also said that the “Russian star Alla” came in, also bought a tinder fungus. Well, I think it will not be harmful for Alla Borisovna to put her liver in order, especially since losing weight is the same need for her as for many women.

Clinical trials of tinder fungus conducted in Japan made it possible to isolate a polysaccharide, which scientists named "lanophile". This polysaccharide causes the "lazy" liver to secrete the necessary enzymes that are required to break down glucose and fats in the body, that is, in other words, to restore impaired metabolism.

The liver is an extremely capricious instrument. The fact is that the production of enzymes by the liver is a complex matter. And the liver learns this for a long time. Have you noticed that kids up to 3-4 years of age are funny fatties and bbws? Is it only from breast milk? No, all because the liver has not yet formed enzymes for splitting - it breaks down proteins and carbohydrates only to fatty amino acids, which are again absorbed by the liver, transforming into fat cells. By the age of five, the liver matures and begins to produce all the necessary enzymes, so at this age, as a rule, all diatheses pass, and weight loss begins.

The liver "forgets" its work on the production of enzymes, usually in women after childbirth due to a hormonal shake-up, in many men and women after 35 years during a "hormonal calm". Usually these deviations are called impaired metabolism.

All known drugs for weight loss work on the splitting of already formed fat cells. And no drug "teaches" the liver to ferment. The sad experience of fasting, dieting, etc. shows that adipose tissue recovers very quickly if the liver works as before.

Therefore, the main task in order to lose weight is to force the liver to produce the necessary enzymes. And such an effect on the liver has a polysaccharide "lanofil".

In Japan, a lot of drugs are now being produced, methods for losing weight have been developed, where the “Russian mushroom” is an obligatory component. Japanese tinder preparations are very expensive, but in our country this fungus grows everywhere.

I was given one of the Japanese methods of cleansing the liver and bringing it to "combat readiness" for weight loss. This is a very simple technique called "Yamakiro", that is, "streamlet".

Japanese method of weight loss (liver cleansing).

Ingredients: woody Japanese shiitake mushrooms, meitake, larch tinder fungus, Sudanese rose petals (hibiscus), long leaf black tea, milk.

The course is designed for 2 months, during this time the liver should work in a gentle mode, as there is a progressive fermentation. Diet - plant foods with the inclusion of vegetable oils.

You don’t have to force yourself to a strict diet, the tinder fungus also works to dull your appetite.

Irina Alexandrovna Filippova, Doctor of fungotherapy, member of the International Association of Fungotherapy (Osaka). Journalist, author of books and publications on health literature.


(estimated for 2 months)

  • tinder fungus larch - 120 capsules;
  • shiitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
  • Maitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
  • Hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose petals)
  • black long leaf tea;
  • milk.

In the morning: 2 capsules of the drug "Fungo-Shi" - drink shiitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 ml of clean drinking water. After 20 minutes, brew 1 teaspoon of black long leaf tea, 50 ml of hot milk, leave for 15 minutes, filter, drink in sips. Breakfast: pear, apple. 2 cups "hibiscus" with sweetener.

Afternoon: 2 capsules of the drug "Fungo-Shi" - drink meitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 g of drinking water.

Dinner: some chicken or lean beef, vegetables, 2 cups of hibiscus.

In the evening: at 19-20 hours, drink 2 cups of "hibiscus" (possible for 1-2 hours), then 2 capsules of the tinder fungus with a glass of water. Eat with a piece of cheese (10g).


From this moment, fermented milk products, lean meat, black bread can be introduced into the diet. The regimen for taking the drugs is the same. You can cancel the milk brewed on tea, since it has already fulfilled its function - it opened the bile ducts.

Black leaf tea can be replaced with green tea.

In Japan, now the "Russian mushroom" is so popular because after taking it, the liver begins to work like at the age of fifteen. After treatment, the opposite effect - gaining lost kilograms - is not observed. The technique you have learned has been adapted to Russian conditions and is being successfully applied in our center. When using the tinder fungus, the color of the feces (darken) may change. This is due to the outflow of stagnant bile from the ducts, a slight diarrhea may also begin, or just an increase in stools - this is normal.

In the tinder fungus, in addition to the famous "lanofil", they also found resinous substances that destroy the pathogenic flora of the broncho-pulmonary tract. Trutovik in Russia treated tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer of the lungs and bronchi at any stage.

Recipe: 1/2 teaspoon of crushed tinder fungus pour 200 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath and drink in sips throughout the day.

You can also do inhalations.


In addition to the fact that mushrooms: shiitake, meitake, larch tinder, are used in this diet (weight loss and body shaping), they have one more important feature- Mushrooms have antitumor properties. Simultaneously with the diet, you carry out the prevention of cancer.

Finally, the child does not have a temperature, so let's go for a walk today We definitely did not have enough fresh air!

And I also have shiitake, which are very tasty. Ekaterina53 generally grows them at home, and she does the right thing, since they are terribly good for health and are included in the list of yamakiro diet products

Yamakiro - losing weight ... in Japanese

The ancient tradition of fungotherapy helps the Japanese even now. It turns out that the secret of the Japanese geisha's semi-airiness is the use of special mushrooms that ... reduce weight.

There was a whole art (it is called "Yamakiro") that geisha learned - how not to offend the guest and treat him, be sure to try every dish and - not gain weight. And each of them always had three bottles with such mushrooms in their cosmetic chest.

The first bottle is a mushroom, which is responsible for losing weight, it is called so: Japanese geisha mushroom - meitake.

Doctor of Medicine Masanori Yokota from the Koseikai clinic in Tokyo came to grips with the "secret of Japanese geishas" and made sure that meitake act "losing weight" not only on Japanese women, but also on ... rats.

The second mushroom that the Japanese used was the larch tinder fungus.

This ancient mushroom has long been famous for the best appetite suppressant and as a mild laxative (in addition, it is also used for a number of diseases of the liver and lungs).

And the third mushroom from the "geisha first aid backpack" - shiitake, the most famous mushroom in the world. He performed the function of "opening the liver", that is, the production of the necessary enzymes for the breakdown of proteins and fats and lowered cholesterol.

Dr. Masanori became interested in the secret of geisha and conducted clinical studies of these three mushrooms specifically for weight loss: the results were impressive - patients lost from 3 to 5 kg per month in a sparing regime, that is, without a diet.

More intense weight loss with the same mushrooms and a special diet was developed in the same Koseikai clinic and is known throughout the world as the Yamakiro system. This system is used exactly when it is necessary to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Now Yamakiro's weight loss system is used all over the world, in Hollywood the most famous artists (for example, Mini Driver and Harrison Ford) make sure to do emergency weight loss with mushrooms before filming, as they have always been known as big fans of "fast food".


Shiitake contains phytonutrients that have an anti-flu effect due to "virus-like particles" similar to the influenza A virus, which cause the body to produce its own interferon, a powerful protein component of the immune system that blocks the reproduction of viruses.

The polysaccharide lentinan contained in shiitake activates the perforin enzyme (according to Japanese scientists, 1998).

strengthening the immune system;
viral diseases;
infectious diseases;
liver disease;
chronic fatigue syndrome;
relieves the condition with AIDS and cancer;
increases a positive emotional mood;
cardiovascular diseases;
hepatitis treatment;
herpes treatment;
has radioprotective properties;
rehabilitation after chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
strengthening the nervous system.


Dosage forms of Shiitake mushroom are combined with any medicines, except for aspirin and aconite tincture.

Japanese system for weight loss Yamakiro


Slimming drugs Slimming system Yamakiro(estimated for 2 months)

When conducting a diet, you need:
- mushroom tinder larch - 120 capsules;
- shiitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
- Maitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
- Hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose petals)
- black long leaf tea;
- milk.

Ingredients: woody Japanese shiitake mushrooms, larch tinder fungus, meitake tree fungus, Sudanese rose petals (hibiscus), long leaf black tea, milk.

The course is designed for 2 months, during which time the liver should work in a gentle mode, as there is a progressive fermentation.

Diet - vegetable with the inclusion of vegetable oils. There will be no hunger as such - you won’t have to force yourself to a strict diet, the tinder fungus also works to dull your appetite.

First two weeks

In the morning: 2 capsules of the Fungo-Shi preparation - drink shiitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 ml of clean drinking water After 20 minutes, brew 1 teaspoon of long leaf black tea 50 ml of hot milk, leave for 15 minutes, filter, drink in sips. Breakfast - pear, apple. 2 cups "hibiscus" with sweetener. Lunch: 2 capsules of the drug "Fungo-Shi" - drink meitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 g of drinking water. Lunch: some chicken or lean beef, vegetables, 2 cups of hibiscus. In the evening: at 19-20 hours, drink 2 cups of Hibiscus, then 2 capsules of the tinder fungus with a glass of water. Eat with a piece of cheese (10g).

After 2 weeks, fermented milk products, lean meat, black bread can be introduced into the diet.

The mode of taking drugs is the same. You can cancel the milk brewed on tea. Since it has already fulfilled its function - it opened the bile ducts.

Main settings


This spring I was lucky enough to go on a business trip to Japan. I went to a pharmacy in Tokyo and was surprised - one department is medicines, the rest is healthy lifestyle products. Of course, as a fungotherapist, I was interested in a showcase with mushroom preparations. There are a great many of them and shiitake, and meitake, and agariki, and some other specific Japanese mushrooms. Suddenly I see that it is written in Russian on the label - , and below is the translation in hieroglyphs. The translator immediately explained that this mushroom is indeed called the Russian mushroom. The Japanese know him well. In the 19th century, the tinder fungus was bought in Russia in tons, and now it is also supplied from Russia, since these mushrooms do not grow in Japan.

The medicinal properties of tinder fungus are amazing. For 70 percent it consists of resinous substances that heal the liver, bile ducts, all lung diseases, up to tuberculosis. The experience of Japanese fungotherapists has shown that tinder causes the liver to secrete an enzyme that breaks down fats, so it is used for weight loss. The pharmacist told me that at the Olympics, skaters simply took the drug from tinder fungus in packages - they always need to be in shape. And he also said that the “Russian star Alla” came in, also bought a tinder fungus. Well, I think it will not be harmful for Alla Borisovna to put her liver in order, especially since losing weight is the same need for her as for many women.

Clinical trials of tinder fungus conducted in Japan made it possible to isolate a polysaccharide, which scientists named "lanophile". This polysaccharide causes the "lazy" liver to secrete the necessary enzymes that are required to break down glucose and fats in the body, that is, in other words, to restore impaired metabolism.

The liver is an extremely capricious instrument. The fact is that the production of enzymes by the liver is a complex matter. And the liver learns this for a long time. Have you noticed that kids up to 3-4 years of age are funny fatties and bbws? Is it only from breast milk? No, all because the liver has not yet formed enzymes for splitting - it breaks down proteins and carbohydrates only to fatty amino acids, which are again absorbed by the liver, transforming into fat cells. By the age of five, the liver matures and begins to produce all the necessary enzymes, so at this age, as a rule, all diatheses pass, and weight loss begins.

The liver "forgets" its work on the production of enzymes, usually in women after childbirth due to a hormonal shake-up, in many men and women after 35 years during a "hormonal calm". Usually these deviations are called impaired metabolism.

All known drugs for weight loss work on the splitting of already formed fat cells. And no drug "teaches" the liver to ferment. The sad experience of fasting, dieting, etc. shows that adipose tissue recovers very quickly if the liver works as before.

Therefore, the main task in order to lose weight is to force the liver to produce the necessary enzymes. And such an effect on the liver has a polysaccharide "lanofil".

In Japan, a lot of drugs are now being produced, methods for losing weight have been developed, where the “Russian mushroom” is an obligatory component. Japanese tinder preparations are very expensive, but in our country this fungus grows everywhere.

I was given one of the Japanese methods of cleansing the liver and bringing it to "combat readiness" for weight loss. This is a very simple technique called "Yamakiro", that is, "streamlet".

Japanese method of weight loss (liver cleansing).

Ingredients: woody Japanese shiitake mushrooms, meitake, larch tinder fungus, Sudanese rose petals (hibiscus), long leaf black tea, milk.

The course is designed for 2 months, during this time the liver should work in a gentle mode, as there is a progressive fermentation. Diet - plant foods with the inclusion of vegetable oils.

You don’t have to force yourself to a strict diet, the tinder fungus also works to dull your appetite.

Irina Alexandrovna Filippova, Doctor of fungotherapy, member of the International Association of Fungotherapy (Osaka). Journalist, author of books and publications on health literature.


(estimated for 2 months)

  • tinder fungus larch - 120 capsules;
  • shiitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
  • Maitake mushroom - 120 capsules;
  • Hibiscus tea (Sudanese rose petals)
  • black long leaf tea;
  • milk.

In the morning: 2 capsules of the drug "Fungo-Shi" - drink shiitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 ml of clean drinking water. After 20 minutes, brew 1 teaspoon of black long leaf tea, 50 ml of hot milk, leave for 15 minutes, filter, drink in sips. Breakfast: pear, apple. 2 cups "hibiscus" with sweetener.

Afternoon: 2 capsules of the drug "Fungo-Shi" - drink meitake on an empty stomach, drink 100 g of drinking water.

Dinner: some chicken or lean beef, vegetables, 2 cups of hibiscus.

In the evening: at 19-20 hours, drink 2 cups of "hibiscus" (possible for 1-2 hours), then 2 capsules of the tinder fungus with a glass of water. Eat with a piece of cheese (10g).


From this moment, fermented milk products, lean meat, black bread can be introduced into the diet. The regimen for taking the drugs is the same. You can cancel the milk brewed on tea, since it has already fulfilled its function - it opened the bile ducts.

Black leaf tea can be replaced with green tea.

In Japan, now the "Russian mushroom" is so popular because after taking it, the liver begins to work like at the age of fifteen. After treatment, the opposite effect - gaining lost kilograms - is not observed. The technique you have learned has been adapted to Russian conditions and is being successfully applied in our center. When using the tinder fungus, the color of the feces (darken) may change. This is due to the outflow of stagnant bile from the ducts, a slight diarrhea may also begin, or just an increase in stools - this is normal.

In the tinder fungus, in addition to the famous "lanofil", they also found resinous substances that destroy the pathogenic flora of the broncho-pulmonary tract. Trutovik in Russia treated tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer of the lungs and bronchi at any stage.

Recipe: 1/2 teaspoon of crushed tinder fungus pour 200 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath and drink in sips throughout the day.

You can also do inhalations.


In addition to the fact that mushrooms: shiitake, meitake, larch tinder, are used in this diet (weight loss and body shaping), they have one more important feature- Mushrooms have antitumor properties. Along with the diet, you carry out prevention

Indications for use Mushroom diet "Yamakiro" for 1 month:

Method of weight loss on medicinal mushrooms "YAMAKIRO"

"It's time to take care of yourself ..." - this thought visits us every day, and it's a pity that it is not always embodied in a real thing. But in vain. With the help of medicinal mushrooms, this can be done quite simply.

Japanese women have always amazed the imagination of Europeans with their diminutiveness. Until now, overweight women are a rarity on the streets of Tokyo. And it's not just about nutrition. Fast food in Japan is no less than ours. The ancient tradition of fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms) helps even now.

The tradition of Japanese geisha has been preserved to this day. One of the arts that geisha learn is "yamakiro" - to taste every dish on the table and treat the guest to it. How did the geisha manage not to gain weight? The secret is simple - a geisha always had three bottles of medicinal mushrooms in her purse.

The first is Maitake. The fungus is responsible for weight loss. Meitake is also called: Japanese geisha mushroom. Professor Masanori Yokota (Masanori Yokota) from the clinic Koseikai (Koseikai) in Tokyo, dealing with the "secret of Japanese geishas" proved that meitake "weight loss" affects not only Japanese women, but even rats. Two groups of rats weighing 350 g were taken. One group was often fed high-calorie food, the second - the same, but meitake powder was also given to the food. The first group of rats already after 1 month weighed 400 grams, and the second group had a clear underweight - they weighed less than 350 grams, that is, they lost weight with a clearly good appetite.

And finally, the third mushroom - Shiitake, perhaps the most famous mushroom in the world. He performed the function of "opening the liver", that is, the production of the necessary enzymes for the breakdown of proteins and fats and lowered cholesterol levels.

Leto Trading House LLC and the Russian Roots online herb store offer unique herbal preparations under the Russian Roots brand. A feature of these fees is a very large number of component components. The effectiveness of herbal preparations has been tested over the years and grateful reviews from patients. Collections of medicinal herbs will help you gain health for many years!

Collection of herbs Russian roots "For Weight Loss" normalizes metabolism, gently cleanses your body of toxins (including radionuclides and carcinogens), lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. The plants included in the collection activate the enzyme systems of the body, regulate lipid metabolism and reduce appetite, thereby helping you get rid of body fat.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buyMushroom diet "Yamakiro" for 1 monthand consult on its application. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this diet , how much does it cost. A large assortment and excellent prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Various diet products can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, as well as ordered by mail.About what is usefulMushroom diet "Yamakiro" for 1 monthwhat heals, how it is used, you will find out by contacting the page of our website.



Shiitake mushroom, 10g Intercom (art. 00169) - 1pc;Maitake mushroom, 10g Intercom (art.00159) - 1pc; Trutovik mushroom, 10g Intercom (art. 00168) - 2 pcs, Collection "For weight loss", 100g Russian roots (art. 02059) - 1 pc


Method of preparation and use Mushroom diet "Yamakiro" for 1 month:

1-15 day

Breakfast:Maitake mushroom. 1 measuring spoon (0.5 gr.) per 100 ml of boiling water, brew tea. Consume half an hour before a meal collection for weight loss 150 ml.

Dinner:fungus Trutovik. 1 measuring spoon (0.5 gr.) per 100 ml of boiling water, brew tea. Consume half an hour before a meal collection for weight loss 150 ml.

Dinner: collection for weight loss 150 ml.

Recipe for infusion from the collection for weight loss: collection for weight loss 1 tbsp. pour 500 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the collection, insist overnight in a thermos or porcelain dish, strain. Take the infusion warm, 150 ml 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The resulting infusion is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.

Break in taking the collection for weight loss 2 days