Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko: short biography, sports career, awards and titles. The best fights of Fedor Emelianenko. Alexander Emelianenko - three-time world champion in combat sambo Results in the international arena

Born in 1976 in Rubizhne, Luhansk region. When he was two years old, his family moved to Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Fedor began martial arts at the age of 11. His first coach was Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov, who taught sambo and judo boys. The section's training room was located in a bomb shelter. After a year of classes, Fedor moved to a special sports class, assembled by Vladimir Mikhailovich Voronov, who later became his permanent coach for many years. Fedor did not stop training even when he entered the vocational school. Since that time, he decided to play sports at a professional level. Being a purposeful person, Fedor continued continuous training while serving in the army, increasing muscle mass during this time by more than 20 kilograms. After returning to the "citizen" in 1997, Emelianenko became a master of sports in sambo and judo, and a year later he received the title of master of sports of international class in sambo.

Fedor Emelianenko was the second child in the family. He has a sister Marina (two years older), as well as two younger brothers - Alexander and Ivan. Alexander is five years younger than Fedor. It was Fedor who instilled in him a love for martial arts, who brought Alexander to the section where he studied himself, since there was no one to leave his brother at home with. Alexander also began to compete in MMA at the pro level. He is an ex-world champion according to ProFC. He became the champion of Russia, Europe and the world in combat sambo, is a master of sports in sambo and judo and an international class master of sports in combat sambo. Due to his addiction to alcohol, Alexander has repeatedly found himself in unpleasant stories in recent years. He is currently serving a 4.5 year prison sentence for raping a housekeeper. The age difference between Fedor and his youngest brother Ivan is 12 years. Little is known about this brother. It is only known that he is a master of sports in combat sambo and hand-to-hand combat, boxing. However, Ivan did not begin to make a professional fighting career. idols

As such, Fedor did not have idols in childhood and adolescence. But there were people - outstanding athletes, legends of Soviet sports, whom he tried to imitate, who he reached out for. First of all, this is the Olympic champion, multiple world record holder in weightlifting Yuri Vlasov, three-time Olympic champion in classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling Alexander Karelin and also three-time Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Alexander Medved. Fedor also admired in his youth the Soviet Union ice hockey team, which was often called the “Red Machine” by the overseas sports media for its impressive strength, power and skill. And when Fedor began to engage in martial arts, he took an example from such fighters as Oleg Taktarov, Igor Vovchanchin and Randy Couture.

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The fighting nickname The Last Emperor was not invented by Fedor himself, nor by his friends, nor by members of the team. So Emelianenko was called by Japanese fans of mixed martial arts when he fought in the Land of the Rising Sun. It stuck with him in the Pride league. However, in this regard, Fedor himself invariably says that there was only one last emperor in Russia - Nicholas II, and he in no way intends to lay claim to these laurels. Although the nickname itself is really very colorful. Score of fights with UFC champions The total score of Fedor in confrontations with fighters who until now have held the title of champion of the most prestigious organization in the world today, organizing and conducting mixed martial arts fights - UFC, is 7-1. Emelianenko defeated American Kevin Randleman, American Mark Coleman (twice), Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (twice), American Tim Sylvia and Belarusian Andrey Orlovsky, and lost only to Brazilian Fabricio Werdum.

What did you do during a pause in your fighting career?

Fedor announced the end of his pro career in MMA on June 21, 2012 after a knockout victory over the Brazilian Pedro Rizzo. His family influenced his decision to leave. “My daughters are growing up without me, and I want to spend more time with them. In this I see the meaning of my life, so it's time to leave, ”Fyodor said then. Nevertheless, he continued to keep fit. On May 16, 2012, Emelianenko was elected the first president of the established Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia. In August of the same year, he became a member of the Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, after which he moved with his family from Stary Oskol to Moscow. In the same year, Emelianenko became an adviser to the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, and also published a book written in collaboration with Sambo - the science of winning. On July 14, 2015, Fedor announced his return to professional sports and on December 31 of the same year he fought his first fight after a break as part of the Rizin New Year's show in Japan, defeating Indian Jaideep Singh by technical knockout. Most Memorable Rivals and Fights Fedor singles out two rivals from the rich and colorful track record of his professional career. These are António Rodrigo Nogueira and Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipović. Emelianenko fought Nogueiro three times. Fedor notes that in the mid-2000s, Nogueira was at the peak of his form. “He is a great wrestler, and our fights were mostly on the ground. With Filipovich, I had one duel. Mirko is a drummer, and we competed mostly in the standing position. I believe that an MMA fighter should fight and box equally well, ”says Fedor.

Personal life

Fedor has known his current wife Oksana since his school years. Their acquaintance happened in a pioneer camp. Subsequently, they became close, and Oksana was waiting for Fedor from the army. They got married in 1999. In the same year, the newlyweds had a child - daughter Masha. However, Fedor's first marriage broke up after seven years of marriage. In 2007, Emelianenko had a daughter, Vasilisa, from an actual marriage with her friend Marina. Two years later, Fedor legalized relations with his second wife. And two years later, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth. However, in 2013, Fedor and Marina broke up, and soon Emelianenko returned to Oksana, whom they married in February 2014. Religion

Emelianenko began to seriously think about issues of faith while serving in the army, but faith for Fedor took on a pronounced character since 2006. “It all happened in Nizhny Novgorod. Once I was invited there for competitions, and at the same time for a tour of the holy places. When I went there, something inside me changed a lot. I not only understood, but felt that God exists. Later in the church, I met Father Andrei, began to come to him for confession, and then asked him to become my confessor, and he agreed. Before each fight, he blesses me, ”says Fedor. Since religion began to play an important role in his life, he began to often mention God in interviews. Especially famous was the phrase "All the will of God", which is the life motto of Fedor. He attends every Saturday and Sunday service - evening and liturgy, and also goes to church on major holidays. “Life in Christ comes first, then everything else. Sometimes people ask me how it is possible to combine faith and life. But they cannot be combined, because they are not separated. You can just live by faith,” says Fedor.

Fedor, as a rule, devotes his free time to his family - he devotes most of his leisure time to his wife and his children. But he also enjoys listening to music, watching movies, drawing (which he does very well) and reading. “If there is a free minute at the training camp or on the train, I read. In particular, the lives of the saints, other spiritual literature, as well as historical books. I love Ivan Shmelev very much, especially “Summer of the Lord”. I watch good and varied films - old, domestic and foreign. I don't watch bad movies. I also play chess almost every day,” says Fedor.

On Saturday, February 4, the first competition day of the 11th Russian Combat Sambo Championship took place in Moscow, within which the winners in the weight categories up to 52, 62, 74, 90 and over 100 kg were determined. In the absolute category, the Emelianenko brothers, six-time Russian champion in combat sambo Fedor and four-time champion Alexander, were expected to reach the final. To be frank, the overwhelming majority of those who came to the Druzhba HSS on Saturday evening purposefully went to the battle of the brothers, who, let's get ahead of ourselves, revealed the winner, as they say, with little bloodshed.

There was plenty of blood without it. The current tournament can rightfully be considered one of the most brutal in recent times. “There are a lot of knockouts and early endings of fights, this speaks of the motivation and high level of athletes,” said Vladimir Voronov, head coach of the Alexander Nevsky OEMK club. - The level of fighters is growing every year, progress is evident. Therefore, those who won last year faced serious problems this year.

At the moment, sambo is not an Olympic sport, therefore, like many other sports not included in the Olympic program, it has to prove its worth by competing for a commission with a dozen no less ambitious sports disciplines. A subtle political moment is present everywhere, which is why sambists do not hide their position on the upcoming presidential elections. Sambo openly supports presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, who, in turn, will try to lobby the interests of sambists on the eve of the 2016 Olympic Games. Tandem is understandable. The poster unfurled in the stands is, in fact, confirmation of this: "Putin - for the President, Sambo - for the Olympics!"

When it came time to determine the winner in the category over 100 kg, the hands of the Druzhba HSS clock on Luzhnetskaya Embankment had already counted down 12 hours of the competition day. The spectators, many of whom had been watching the battles since the morning, got tired, and the only thing they would like to see is the very final of the Emelianenko brothers, the first official final fight in the history of the fighters.

On the way to the final, the brothers won four victories each, while each acted by no means at the limit of its capabilities. Fedor gave a kind of master class in the initial stages, and after that the semi-finals went without a fight (Kirill Sidelnikov did not resist). Alexander, in turn, worked out all the fights with rivals, in whose actions a threat was visible. Each of the opponents put up real resistance, but in the end they could not show anything but the will to win. Emelianenko Jr. took skill and deservedly won.

Fedor Emelianenko is a native of the Ukrainian city of Rubizhne, Luhansk region. He was born in 1976 in the family of Olga Fedorovna (now a teacher, he teaches young crane operators at a professional technical lyceum) and Vladimir Alexandrovich (gas-electric welder) Emelianenko. The second child in the family, he lived in Ukraine until the age of two with his parents and his older sister Marina. After moving to Russia in 1978, the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region, two more sons were born in the Emelianko family - Alexander (born in 1981) and Ivan (born in 1988).

Fedor's sports passion for wrestling began with sambo and judo classes in the section, under the leadership of Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov. A year later, Fedor was accepted into the sports class, staffed by Voronov Vladimir Mikhailovich, a coach who has been working with him to this day on the basis of the A. Nevsky Youth Sports School. Fedor Emelianenko graduated from school in 1991 and entered a vocational school, which he graduated with honors in 1994. From 1995 to 1997 he served in the Russian army, where he continued to play sports on his own. In 1999 he married Oksana, in the same year his daughter Masha was born in his family.

Sports milestones of Fedor Emelianenko:

1997 Fulfilled the standard of the Master of Sports of Russia in Sambo, (St. Petersburg). After 2 months, he won an international tournament (Kursk) and became a master of sports in judo.

1998 Received the title of Master of Sports of the International Class of Russia in SAMBO, having won first place at the prestigious international class "A" tournament in Moscow. Also in 1998 he became the champion of Russia and the bronze medalist of the Russian championship in judo (Kstovo), as well as the bronze medalist of the Russian championship in sambo (Kaliningrad). In the same year, he won the title of champion in his weight category and became a silver medalist in the absolute weight category among the Russian armed forces.

1999 Won international sambo tournaments (Moscow), became a bronze medalist of international tournaments of class "A" (Moscow, Sofia). In the European Team Championship, the Russian team, which included Fedor Emelianenko, took first place (Istanbul).

2000 Simultaneously with wrestling, he began to study the striking technique of arms and legs at the Golden Gloves Sports School. Coach Michkov Alexander Vasilievich.

2000 Took third place at the Russian Sambo Championship. In the same year, he switched to fighting in the fighting version of the Rings, where he achieved high results.

2001 Became the world champion in this version in the heavy weight category.

2002 Became the champion in the absolute weight category and moved to the most prestigious version of fighting without rules "Pride". In the same year he won the Russian Combat Sambo Championship (Moscow). He became the first at the World Heavyweight Championship in Combat SAMBO (Thessaloniki, Greece), was the captain of the team, which took first place in the overall standings. Won the World Combat Sambo Championship in the open weight category (Panama).

2003. Having passed the selection and won against Sam Schilt (Halland) and Heath Hiring (USA), he went to the world champion of the Pride version, Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nagier, from whom he took the champion title and belt. In the same year, he won in Pride over such famous fighters as Kazuyuki Fujita (Japan) and Gary Goodridge (Canada).

2004 He fought five fights in PRIDE (rivals Mark Coleman, Kevin Rendleman, Naoya Ogawa, Antonio Nogueira), and on the eve of the new year 2005, having won the Grand Prix, he became the owner of two title belts - “Grand Prix Champion” and “Champion world" according to the version of "PRIDE".

2005 Participated in PRIDE tournament fights (three fights). In the title fight with Mirko Cro Cop (August), he won, becoming a three-time world champion in fights of this version.

In October 2005, at the World Combat Sambo Championship in Prague (Czech Republic), he won two fights, winning the title of three-time world champion.

2006 Due to a serious hand injury, he was able to compete in only two PRIDE tournaments and won them, including the title fight with Mark Hunt on December 31, 2006. As a result of the fight, Fedor Emelianenko was awarded the title of four-time world champion in fights of the PRIDE version.

2007 Fedor was awarded the national award "Golden Belt" in the nomination "The brightest victory of the year."

2008 Fedor received the Dog.Ru award. TOP-50 The most famous people of St. Petersburg.

In November 2008, Fedor took third place at the World Combat Sambo Championship.

In January 2009, he won the WAMMA championship belt in a fight with Andrey Arlovsky.

In November 2009, he defended his title and confirmed the title of the strongest fighter on the planet by knocking out Brett Rogers in the second round.

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Honored Master of Sports of Russia, four-time world champion in combat sambo. The first Russian to become world champion in mixed martial arts.

Results in the international arena:

Born in Stary Oskol in a poor, working-class family. Together with his parents, he lived in a tiny room designed for drying clothes. Since 1988 - in sambo. Coaches - Vasily Gavrilov, Vladimir Voronov.

He served in the fire brigades: "He breathed poisonous gases, poisoned himself." But even in these conditions, he did not stop training. In 2007, he was awarded the national award "Golden Belt" in the nomination "The brightest victory of the year."

Cherished dream: "To go to the sea, where it is warm and the fish are like in an aquarium." Prefers big cars. “All my cars were given to me. The deputy gave, the city, the combine, the governor gave. In 2008, he carried the Olympic flame across St. Petersburg.

The theater does not like: "I am a person who is drawn to nature." Father of three daughters.

He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.

When the eldest daughter was asked if she was afraid for her dad when he entered the ring, Masha replied: “No, he wins everyone!”

The hall gathers 50-60 thousand spectators. Since my heavyweight fight is the final one, it starts around 10:00 pm. I go out to him in a sambo jacket, this is a tradition. The pre-fight video cutscene reads: “There are 6 billion people in the world. The strongest among them is Fedor Emelianenko!

With Jean Claude Van Damme. In recent years, several proposals have been received at once, allowing you to leave your mark on art. Van Damme asked me to play myself in a new film about the pioneers of professional fighting.

With Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi.

On April 14, 2007, the Ultimate Fighting Tournament "Russia vs America" ​​was held at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg. Vladimir Putin and ex-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi were also guests of honor.

I had to see recordings of fights with the participation of Vladimir Vladimirovich. The skill level is high. A promising fighter.

In Japan and Korea - the most dedicated fans.

The Japanese consider it an honor when a champion hits them, say, on the shoulder. They believe that in this way he transfers part of his power. When they first ran up to me on the street and asked me to hit, I was confused: “In general, I just don’t hit people like that ... only in the ring.” Korea is even more interesting. Do not believe it, but there I move with a guard of one hundred and fifty people! Otherwise, they will just take it away for souvenirs. The Koreans have developed a computer game where I am the main character. I defeat everyone I fight. By the way, I don't play it myself. Tried a couple of times, didn't like it.

My mother brought me to the sambo section. I remember going down to the basement (the hall was in a bomb shelter), and the first thing I hear - bang! bang! - throws. The coach gave me a jacket, not even for SAMBO, but a work overall. Since this all started.

We lived very poorly at that time. There was no money to buy sportswear. When I finished school, I firmly decided to help my family. I got a job as a watchman. During the day he trained, and in the evening and at night he guarded. Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov laid the habit of “plowing” in us: if after training the jackets remained dry, it means that we didn’t work hard enough. He taught nobility on the carpet. It was for noble behavior that not so long ago I was awarded the Glory Award. The fact is that at one of the last Russian championships in combat sambo, I took first place. But since the opponent was injured, I considered this victory unworthy and offered to hold a second meeting.