Funn1k left Natus Vincere. What is your prediction for this matchup?

- Tell our readers who you will be in the modern DotA community?

Hello. My name is Gleb Lipatnikov, I am 18 years old. I study at a technical school: D, and on this moment I play for the Retry team.

- You're new to The Retry. What role do you play in this team?
Yes, they took me there as a "+1" at the request of McDeath, about the role - I mainly play as a carry, but in some picks as a second support.

When were you asked to join this group? Did you plan to go to ASUS Spring with this lineup a month ago?
They offered to go about 10 days before ASUS "a. Before that, I had a co-o-completely different line-up, but I had to leave because of the inconveniences that had developed there.

- Tell us a little about the LAN finals. Did everything go according to your plans?
Initially, our plan was - TOP-1, but something went wrong in the semi-final;D. If we look at the game with Na`Vi in detail, we were too confident in ourselves, which in fact ruined us :) And the game for 3rd place was very easy for us, since Virus could no longer play at the level at which can.

At the recent ASUS "e, you met with OE and Na" vi. In my opinion, it was in these teams that a dozen the best players Ukraine... Who would you like to mention among the participants of other teams, this tournament, as worthy to enter the TOP list of gamers in our country in the near future?
Well, in principle, it is. Of those who have not been to ASUS, this is ImmuNe. Of those who were - Unstop and KiLiK from the PAYKAH team.

Funn1k in PGG+4 at ASUS Spring 2011

- Summing up the results of ASUS "a, who is the opening of this tournament, and name the team of the spring ASUs Spring 2011.
The discovery is that the TAIL has finally lost its "TOP-3 EVERY ASUS" curse, and the team - ArtStyle, Dendi, XBOCT, DREAD, NS.

- What is The Retry and tell us about your colleagues.
The Retry - it seems to be translated as another attempt or just an attempt, I don’t remember; D I have been playing in a team with McDeath for about half a year now. It was always a pleasure to play with him, as long as he didn't pick himself or ;D With Nexius and Jerry I played in 1 team at ASUS Summer, where we took TOP-2. In real life and in communication, these are pleasant people. I wasn’t particularly familiar with pgg before ASUS, as a captain - he is the best of all with anyone I played, well, everyone knows about his manners.

How do you plan to deal with the complex nature of the captain of the PGG team? Are you afraid of collapse? What are the outlooks for the month of June?
There is only 1 way to fight him - this is not to make serious mistakes in games. As for the collapse - it will be sad, of course, if this happens, then I will "break into" European DotA, or not "break into" at all; D Plans for June - to play some tournaments, take "tops" in the leagues (while Gleb is top1 on MYM.CL), and then we'll see.

- How often do you train with a full squad? And will we be able to see TR in Europe's TOP-5 anytime soon?
Before ASUS "a, we trained very closely, and played a very good teamplay, and now we are resting. As for TOP-5, then if there are no problems with online due to sessions. We will break in, no problem.

- Why didn't Fota and SomeHow make it out of the first group round in the Intel Challenge?
The answer is very simple, both teams mostly played in mixes against serious Europeans. Actually, because of this, they did not go to the next round.

Are you ready to conquer the second group round already with The Retry team? Who would you not want to get caught in the same band with and who would you like to play with?
Yes, we will start some training soon. To be honest, the last thing I would like to get caught is against, and I don't really bother about the rest.

- Why exactly Do you consider this team to be the top one in Europe? MYM, Na "vi and Moscow5 are not competitors to them?
This is my personal opinion, I'm too lazy to justify it; D The rest, although they are competitors, I like the game the most.

- How are you ready to surprise in Intel Challenge 8: SuperCup?
Steal aegis "s, and delight fans of action DotA :)

What was the surprise for you in the first group round? Which teams were worthy to continue the fight in the next round?
I didn't really follow other games, but I can say that the teeny and miner from the Druidz team, who were shredding Fota.dota, was unexpected for me. All those who are worthy to continue the fight - they came out.

- Are there obvious outsiders from the formed TOP-16 teams of the second group round?
I think no. Here it is difficult to predict, depending on what groups will be.

Soon a new series will appear on the website amateur tournaments. Do you personally remember interesting opponents and the level of competition in tournaments?
When we played with the full squad of Fota, we did not feel any competition as such. For teams of amateurs, there is some interest in the end result. I remember games in groups of 3x5, 4x5, etc. ;D

- The finals of FARM4FAME are approaching, your team is in danger of not getting into Last round. Is it time to think?
Wait and see. I think everything will turn out for the best.

- Greetings, wishes, a message to children?
Hello to all my friends, namely Leshka, Alex, Chester, Anstop, Butch, Switchback and Dubas. And also to fans of The Retry.

Thanks for the interview, good luck with the next step! I hope you come across Team GosuGamers, Natus Vincere and OK.Nirvana.Int in the next group round :)
Thanks for taking the interview with me. Good luck to you too ;D

A few days ago, the famous Ukrainian player Gleb "Funn1k" Lipatnikov started posting a large series of messages on Twitter about the state of the CIS DotA. Today he held a stream on his channel, within which he launched the show Let them burn and told everything that he used to prefer to hide.

We will not express a position by words Funn1k, and we will only give his main statements, which everyone can read. So, first, a few quotes from his Twitter. Basically, Gleb criticized eSports in the CIS as a whole.

It's a shame what our region has become, and the generation that came after mine is even more finished than mine. And as a result, people cannot distinguish black from white, because they live in their “autistic invented world” ... It is very sad to realize that the once strongest region has become a garbage dump in which people do not even want to agree with each other. For the CIS - children and unprofessionalism. I'm tired of eating all this for two years and here's my real opinion - rip cis.

Today it is sickening even to communicate with old friends/teammates. One gets the feeling that those people whom I knew, and they were smart, simply degraded to such an extent that this is absurd. Excuse me, but keep everything in your face as it is, you got chsv-children to whom you tell everything after the fact, and they can’t even form an opinion in ten minutes, having all the facts there.

You can write that I am a ruiner and 6k; this only makes it funnier. How does 95% of the CIS players reflect on society? real problem that people want to degrade and be inadequate, and after any of your weakness, they will only throw knives in the back.

As promised today Funn1k did a stream. It lasted about an hour, during which Gleb tried to concretize his attacks on the CIS players and convey his point of view. Some of his remarks are also included here.

You are all losers and roosters, and I am 1% (probably not addressed to everyone, but to certain people). And for me the facts. And for those who are 1% are also facts. And behind you are the "moon facts", that's what I call it. In two years, I've been drinking so many of these facts...

Let's start with me. I degraded to such an extent that I ended up at the very bottom ... It became uninteresting for me to follow the CIS. I am interested in three people there: this silent, another person and fng. Only in them I see the prospect that they will someday win at least something ...

I met two interesting people who took me out of this world of autism that all these people in the CIS live in; all of you, 99%, live in your own world, in which you are comfortable and where you do not want to leave. In my moments of weakness, you ridicule me, but you don't even know what happened. Maybe something bad happened to me?

Vanechka (art style) - this is the height of absurdity ... A man is so weak, but so self-confident ... In fact, he does nothing, he only knows how to ride on his backs, and tries to catch on to the back, which will take him away. This is a rat that promised me something and did nothing...

I pulled him out of the mud, from which he got out for a very long time. And the man, instead of trying to do something for himself, went to restaurants and drank vodka with cherry juice, constantly calling me: although I told him “Vanya, let's play DotA” ...

Do you know how it was in my childhood, in the club? If they couldn't figure out who was stronger, they played for money. If this friend (apparently, it means one of the participants in the grand final The International 3, most likely, XBOCT) , thinks that in something stronger than me, we will play for money, for a hundred thousand. If I, of course, be sure of my words. If I have a normal team in six months, if I can assemble it.

KuroKy and Puppey made right choice when they renounced this cursed place. And now they are the bosses of DotA. Like ppd, s4, xiao8, XBOCT. The same me. We are one percent, and you are 99.

When I asked artstyle, why he didn’t do anything, he answered me “Yes, you are on Tuskar 0-7 playing in the finals” What? Which Tuskar, what are you talking about? Ruined my life, and you told me about Tuskar. I would like you Walrus Panch arranged...

However, after the broadcast, Gleb noted that he had not expressed everything:

Do you think that when I pour this water, I need to tell you something important, when you are all chasing me? Think about it. I will never tell you what is important, and people who understand this do the same.

I don’t need to prove anything to you, I won’t, it’s not interesting when you live for yourself at the behest of the moon :) good luck to you

It's nice that some people have proven otherwise to me. But there are only two xD

Recall that the finalist The International 2013 finished playing for Na "Vi, after which he returned to the camp Empire. After failing to qualify for Shanghai Major Gleb moved to Team Spirit, with whom I could not go through open qualifiers for The International and left the team along with other players.

I don't even know where it came from.

- What are the chances of CSKA?

I watched the game of the army with " Lyon". Just handsome! Great match Victor Goncharenko. Well done! The odds against" Arsenal"There is, although the Gunners are the favorites. But the quality football of Muscovites can instill a certain optimism in the fans. Anyway!

- Did you congratulate your compatriot Goncharenko on his victory?

No. I just don't know his Moscow numbers. Here through your newspaper I congratulate him! The guys are just handsome, in perfect order.

- In the future, do you assume that Goncharenko will get a job in Europe?

It's hard to guess. Why not? But it's not that easy. Slutsky also considered the top Russian coach, but in the end it was hard in England. I think that Viktor Mikhailovich has everything ahead. Let it gain experience. And we, Belarusians, wish him only victories and good luck.

- Who will you root for in this pair?

I'm generally sick of beautiful football. On the one hand, Russia is much closer to us, Belarusians. On the other hand, I played Arsenale". It would be great to CSKA gave battle to the "gunners" and went on. I will hope so. But in general, I am primarily attracted by a bright game.

- What is the peculiarity of this "Arsenal"? In England, the team of Wenger decently feverish.

trap" Arsenal"You can do everything. That's why I'm talking about the chances CSKA. Of course, it will be difficult for the army team to play with the first number, but if they act strictly, pragmatically, then everything is real. At CSKA a good selection of performers, you can, as they say, draw and win.

- But how to stop Aubameyang and Mkhitaryan? Are Berezutsky and Ignashevich able to do this?

Listen, if you asked me how to stop Messi, I would not have found what to answer you. I would say - no way. Aubameyang and Mkhitaryan- world-class football players, but they do not represent something supernatural, like the same Argentinean. You can play against them and win.

- How do you like Golovin's progress?

- Golovin now, perhaps, the most talented Russian football player. Of course played against " Lyon"great, even phenomenal. But I would not separate him from the whole team, which also played excellently.

Earlier there was information that Wenger was interested in Golovin. Is this confrontation the moment of truth for the Russian football player?

I don't think he's thinking about it now. The most important thing is to give all your strength in the confrontation for CSKA. In any case, after the World Cup, he will leave for Europe. It seems to me.

- In your opinion, is he capable of playing at Arsenal?

I think yes. As far as I know, Golovin- a great professional, gives all the best on the field at 100 percent. Mobile, technical, sees the field well. So it can play in " Arsenale". Why not?

- What is your prediction for this confrontation?

It's hard to predict. Now - 50 to 50. Football consists of mistakes. " Arsenal"on paper, a favorite, but not clear. CSKA real chances to go further. " Arsenal"it's not" Manchester city". So you can fight.

Gleb "Funn1k" Lipatnikov successfully performed at the regional qualifiers for The International 2017, winning the hearts of many fans. The team managed to pass the open qualifiers, and then was the first to guarantee itself access to the playoffs after an unbeaten dry streak in the group stage, which amounted to seven victories in a row.

Summing up the results of the qualifications, you wrote on Twitter that the result was a big surprise for you, because you didn’t perform so well in training matches. What is the secret of such a breakthrough?
- As there is no such secret, in the open qualifiers we were able to find our game, gained some self-confidence, and this helped us to perform well.

- Caught courage?
- Yes, you can say that.

Appetite comes with eating. Were you very upset, realizing that you stopped a few steps away from a trip to Seattle, or were you still satisfied with the result, realizing that it was good enough anyway?
- We were not particularly upset after the loss, everyone understood that in fact it was too early for us to get ready for Seattle. Still, our game was not good enough for this, and, of course, both we and our organization were satisfied with the result.

Yuri Markov, director of disciplines at M19, said that players and coaching staff from the League of Legends team. What exactly was it?
- The players, manager and coach of the LoL roster shared their experience, ideas and approach to training with us. In the end, it worked out well for us.

"Success formula: openness, honesty and professionalism"

Yury Markov, Director of the Albus NoX League of Legends roster, talks about the difference between Dota and LoL, the growing popularity of LoL in the CIS region, and much more.

He also mentioned that a lot of work was done by the manager and the analyst. Sergey "AnahRoniX" Bykovsky is known to the Dota community, but who acted as an analyst?
- The guy with the nickname SafeOne acted as an analyst, he is from Kazakhstan. He has been with us since the beginning of the team.

Does he only collect information or does he influence the game process, performing coaching functions to some extent?
- Rather the first. It collects all possible information on the enemy, indicates any repeated actions of enemies or certain habits of specific players, helps to build a draft, and the gameplay itself already depends on us.

- Are you planning to get a coach in the offseason?
- We have not thought about this yet, since it is difficult to find a suitable candidate for this particular role in the CIS region.

You are one of the most experienced players not only in the CIS, but also in the world. There are four young and promising players playing with you now, about whom little is known to the community. Tell us briefly about each of them.
- Nix - the guy is very emotional, cheerful and at the same time he is the most serious about our activities. In the game, he behaves aggressively, brazenly, impudently and well worth 1 on 1 - suitable set skills for the midlaner. Misha - calm, balanced, loves to joke (not always funny, of course, but that's another story). He is also a good performer of his position and does a good job as a drafter and captain. ILTW is a young and funny 8.5K player who is our team's tasher, in a word. In the game, he shows a good “micro” on certain heroes, tries to dilute the situation during the game if it heats up. And he has cute cheeks too! Muriel is a completely new (for me personally) character in the dota scene, he can be described something like this: "Peaky Blinder". He talks a lot in the game, offers his ideas, tries to defend his point of view in disputes and discussions, also points out mistakes and cooks an excellent "soup" on Warlock.

One of the main problems in the CIS teams is the inconsistency of characters. How was the bootcamp in terms of team building?
- Pretty good. We were able to find a common language in resolving most of our problems, of course, not without outside help. The atmosphere was mostly positive, cheerful, sometimes during a series of defeats it was not easy to dilute the situation, but we somehow coped with it.

How will you use the time of The International: train hard to get in shape, or will you take a break before the start of the season?
- Soon we will start training as soon as everyone decides their personal issues. We will try to make the most of the time before The International: play as many games as possible with teams that will be preparing directly for the tournament itself, come up with a training system. And during the World Cup, we will take a break from DotA and enjoy watching the tournament itself.

“We will work hard until The International”

Planet Dog captain Aleksey "j4" Lipay talks about the team's path at The International, plans and goals, as well as the sensational story with Prodota Gaming.

- Who will you root for?
- For Team Liquid. I really like their style of play and impresses every player of this team.

- The level of which players of the complex line would you call a reference at the moment?
- Saahil "UNiVeRSe" Arora, Arif "MSS" Anwar, Ivan "MinD_ContRoL" Borislavov and Neta "33" Shafira.

My congratulations to the best offlaner in Europe - "33". You and your team have come a long way.

You recently named 33 from Planet Dog the best offlaner in Europe. He was really good in qualifying. What exactly do you like about his playing style?
- He performs well on Batrider, Dark Seer, Nature's Prophet, shows a strong micro-skill. He also has a good understanding of the macro game: he is always where his team needs him, but if his help is not needed, he will split-push the lanes and not get caught by the enemy. All in all, a great player!

Which heroes do you think will be the most in-demand in the lane at TI7? Should we expect any surprises?
- Batrider, Puck, Dark Seer, Earthshaker, Enigma will be in demand, and Faceless Void and Tidehunter will appear closer to the playoffs. As for the other characters, it's hard to say. Basically, teams will start from the best pool of their players.

Only 10 player-hero combos have a win rate of over 75% in 50+ games.

Renowned statistician and analyst Alan "Nahaz" Bester has published a list of hero-player combos that win rate above 75% in 50+ games. You are present in it on two characters at once: Io and Bounty Hunter. Now you can see how some teams practice forgotten developments: for example, Ancient Apparition for the mid lane. Under what conditions will Bounty Hunter be able to return to difficult?
- These are very situational heroes for today. Let's say AA can only appear in a situation where Huskar closed you, and there are already supports - then you can risk playing with AA on the mid lane. As for BH - it's already hard to say. If at first you don’t have a game, then it will be difficult to return to the game with him. But in theory, he has the potential to be a core offlaner, since he has very good talents for this. But this is all in theory.

Do you think one of the traditions of The International champion will be broken this year, whether it is the alternation of victories between China and the West, or a second title for a player or team?
- In my opinion, the tradition of victories between West and East will continue, as the western team, Team Liquid, will most likely win the tournament. As for the second championship, SumaiL and UNiVeRSe have the most chances here, and possibly Puppey if Team Secret catches the wave.

- Finally, a few words for those who support the team and you personally.
- I would like to thank all those fans who supported me for a long time, I hope I pleased you with my performance in the qualifiers, I will try to be even better. I also want to express my gratitude to our organization M19 for believing in us and providing Better conditions for the bootcamp I've ever had.

Just a couple of minutes ago, an official announcement appeared on the official website of the Ukrainian organization Natus Vincere that the team's offlaner, Gleb "Funn1k" Lipatnikov, left the team.

"Natus Vincere esports club announces a change in the Dota 2 roster. One of the club's old-timers officially leaves us, a player whose contribution to the success of the roster can hardly be overestimated. After two years of cooperation with Na`Vi, hardliner Gleb "Funn1k" Lipatnikov announced his departure.

Na`Vi thanks Gleb for everything he has done for the club and sincerely wishes him success in the field he has chosen for himself. We believe that Gleb will succeed, and he will be able to realize himself to the maximum."

Gleb's comment:

Greetings dear fans. Today I have sad news for you: I decided to leave our friendly family, which I was accepted into 2 years ago. This decision was not easy for me. My life priorities have changed at the moment, and I may regret this decision, but I want to go my own way, write a new page in my life.

I am very grateful to the organization, to all the guys with whom I played and spent almost all my time. There were many positive emotions and, of course, there were some negative ones, but still more positive :). I wish you all good luck and success in the future, and again thank you very much for the time we spent together. I also want to thank all those loyal fans who never stopped believing in us even in the most difficult times. We appreciate and respect it, you know.

About my future plans. I'm going to go inactive for a while and solve my own problems and affairs. Farewell, see you soon!

Comment by Evgeny Erofeev, general manager of Na`Vi rosters:

Well, we will have to turn the page to write a new chapter of our path. In this already difficult period for the team, the departure of Gleb is really a big loss for us. There are a lot of reasons for such an inexpressive game of the guys lately, but after all, every team is going through such periods. This is fine. However, Gleb has never been our weak link, but rather showed a stable game. It is now difficult for me to somehow comment on his choice and try to speculate on this topic, but the decision has been announced, and we are forced to accept it. Apparently, Gleb really made a difficult and very important decision in his life. On behalf of the organization, I want to thank Gleb for all that he did for us, for being with us for so long and shoulder to shoulder through this path of ups and downs. I also want to wish him the successful implementation of his plans. Well, we will continue to try to go to new victories, realizing that it is at such times that we gain the most experience and become only stronger.