What is the name of the sport of diving. Extreme jumping into the water from a great height. Entrance to the water

Diving- an Olympic water sport, the essence of which is to perform acrobatic elements in a jump from a tower or springboard into the water. In diving, both the quality of the performance of acrobatic elements and the cleanliness of the entrance to the water are evaluated.

The International Swimming Federation (FR. Fédération Internationale de Natation, FINA) is an organization that develops diving and organizes international competitions.

The history of the emergence and development of diving

People from ancient times, one way or another, were engaged in diving, they did it from rocks, coasts, ships. This occupation was distributed mainly among fishermen, divers and warriors. If we talk about diving as a hobby, then for the first time they started talking about it in Switzerland in the 16th century.

Jumping into the water became widespread in the second half of the 19th century, this was due to the widespread construction of bathing complexes. In parallel with the Swiss school of diving, there was also a German school. The main difference between the German school and the Swiss school is the projectile from which jumps are performed - a springboard. The Swiss, on the other hand, performed high jumps.

During the ski jump, the athlete's whole body was very tense. Such jumps were distinguished by great accuracy of execution. The jumps of the Swiss were distinguished by the freedom and naturalness of the position of the body. Later, the American jumpers managed to combine both schools, and got a high reach and entry into the water without splashing.

In 1908, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) was formed, which influenced the further development of diving and promotes its development at the present time.

Diving rules

Each jump must be identified by 3 or 4 numbers and a letter after them.

First digit denotes the jump class:

1 - jumps from the front stance with forward rotation;

2 - jumps from the rear rack with backward rotation;

3 - jumps from the front stance with backward rotation;

4 - jumps from the rear rack with forward rotation;

5 - jumps with rotation in two planes with propellers;

6 - jumping from a handstand.

Second digit can take the value 1 or 0. The number 1 indicates that the jump has a flight phase, and the number 0 indicates that there is no flight phase. In handstand jumps, the second digit indicates the class or direction to which the jump belongs:

1 - front;

2 - rear;

3 - with rotation back from the front pillar.

In the helical jump class, the second digit indicates the class or direction of take-off.

Third digit shows the number of half-turns performed.

Fourth digit in the twist and handstand classes, means the number of half twists performed.

The letter at the end of the jump number indicates the position in which the jump is performed:

A - direct;

B - bending over;

C - in grouping;

D - free.

All competitions in individual and synchronized diving must include six dives. Jumps must not be repeated.

After the referee's signal, the athlete must take the starting position (free and independent). For example, when jumping from a place, the body should be straight, the head is straight, and the arms are straight in any position.

If a running jump is performed, then it must be smooth, aesthetically pleasing and continuous until the end of the springboard or platform, with the last step taken from one foot and always without jumping before taking off.

The take-off from the springboard must be done with both feet at the same time. The jumping take-off from the front stance forward to the back from the tower can be done with one foot.

During flight, the jump position must be aesthetically pleasing at all times.

The jump is considered completed when the entire body of the jumper is completely below the surface of the water.

Diving pool and equipment

For the diving and swimming competitions, the same pool is used, so their parameters will be identical: a width of 21 meters and a length of 18 to 22 meters. However, the FINA rules specify a minimum depth of a diving pool of 4.5 m and a minimum illumination of 1 m above the water surface of 500 lux.

The diving tower is equipped with platforms with a width of 0.6 m to 3 m located at a height of 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 m. The platforms made of reinforced concrete are covered with hardwood and covered with an anti-slip coating on top.

Springboards are made of duralumin alloy, which achieves maximum spring qualities. The height of the springboards varies from 1 to 3 meters above the water surface, the width is 0.5 m, the length is 4.8 m. According to the FINA rules, the front edge of the springboard must recede from the edge of the pool by 1.5 m.

In addition, at competitions in diving, a unit is used to mechanically disturb the surface of the water. This is necessary for a better assessment by the athlete of the distance to the water surface.

Many people ask "Why do athletes climb into a small warm pool after a jump?" All this is done for reasons of hygiene and to maintain muscle tone.


Equipment for male jumpers - swimming trunks with a cuff around the legs, for women - a one-piece swimsuit of the established sample of swimming companies with which FINA and the European Swimming League cooperate. Diving equipment material should be more durable than swimmers' clothing.

Types of diving

There are several groups by which all sports jumps are classified:

  • Front (facing the water);
  • Rear (back to the water);
  • Handstand.

The presence of a run

  • Jump from a place;
  • Running jump.

body position

  • Bending - straight legs connected together;
  • Bending over - the body is bent at the waist, legs are straight;
  • In the grouping - the knees are brought together to the body, the arms are wrapped around the lower part of the legs.

Turns and screws

  • Half-turn - a jump with body rotation around the transverse axis by 180 degrees;
  • Turnover - a jump with a rotation of the body around the transverse axis by 360 degrees, there are also jumps in 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4.5 turns;
  • Half screw - jump with body rotation around the longitudinal axis by 180 degrees;
  • Screw - a jump with a rotation of the body around the longitudinal axis by 360 degrees, there are also jumps with 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 screws.

The combination of different elements allows you to perform more than 60 options for ski jumping and more than 90 from the tower.


Diving competitions are regulated by the referee with the assistance of assistant referees, judges and the secretariat.

The formation of referee boards is carried out in accordance with the Qualification requirements for sports judges of the sport "diving".

In the case where there are eleven judges, five judges will evaluate the timing of the jump, three judges will evaluate the jump of one jumper, and three of the other.

Five judges may be used in all individual and team events, and nine judges in synchronized events. Five evaluate the timing of the jump, two judges evaluate the performance of one jumper, and two - the other. Jumps into the water are evaluated on a 10-point system.

Two independent secretaries (first and second) maintain and store the protocols of the competition.

Diving competition

The Olympic Games are the most prestigious diving competition.

The World Diving Championship is a competition between the national teams of countries belonging to the International Swimming Federation (FINA).

The European Championship is a competition between the national teams of European countries that are members of the International Swimming Federation (FINA).


We tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of messages, reports on physical education and abstracts on the topic "Diving".

Cliff diving is a type of diving that takes your breath away. Jumps into open water take place from a great height, so only the most courageous and prepared people decide on them.

This kind of sport is actively developing, experienced swimmers participate in world-class competitions, gathering many fans of this risky and spectacular diving.

Basic concepts

High diving (another name for cliff diving) is a sport that requires a sheer cliff (as the word “cliff” is translated from English), under which open water spills, with a depth of 5 meters. There are many similar places on earth, each of which captures with its beauty and risk. Sports events are organized there, during which the most daring and advanced divers compete in skill.

“Cliff” and “high” are two types of diving that differ very conditionally, therefore they are used on an equal footing. High diving involves jumping into the water from specially built forests, and cliff diving involves diving directly from the rocks.

History of occurrence

The history of cliff diving begins in Hawaii, where sheer cliffs seem to be made for diving into the water. This entertainment appeared many years ago among local residents, similarly competing in courage and courage. For many decades, this ritual has been used to confirm the maturation of young men.

Such diving was also common in the Balkans, whose inhabitants jumped into the water from a 20-meter-high bridge.

At the beginning of the 20th century, any mention of cliff diving disappeared, only to reappear in the 80s. years. At this time, athletes united in interest groups, leaving for picturesque corners to make risky jumps. Significant results were achieved by the American Wardle, who conquered a height of 37 meters, a little later her record was broken by a Swiss citizen who dived into the water from a height of 53.9 meters.

In 1996, this direction of sports acquires official features, the High Diving Federation is created in Switzerland, which brought together professionals and amateurs of this sport under its wing.

For more than ten years this type of diving had no official calling, but in 2009 the first World Series was held under the auspices of Red Bull GmbH. And in 2013, a cliff diving championship was held, with strict rules for the highest diving height: for women - from a 20-meter cliff, for men - from a 27-meter one.

Every year the number of stages is increasing. For example, in 2015 there were already 8 of them. In 2016, citizens of England, Russia and the USA took prizes.

Differences from high jumping

Skydiving and cliff diving have no fundamental differences. Both types of sports are to perform a trick in strict accordance with established rules.

The general criteria for evaluating jumps are:

  • technical indicators;
  • literacy of the executed figures;
  • moment of entering the water.

Distinctive features of cliff diving from ordinary diving from a tower:

  • the height of the jumps performed, 2 times higher than the maximum possible parameters of the Olympic disciplines: for men from 22 to 27 meters, for women from 18 to 23 meters;
  • the speed developed at the moment of entering the water can be from 75 to 100 km / h (for example, from a tower 10 meters high, this speed is only 50 km / h);
  • the depth of immersion can reach 4.5 meters, which is 1.5 more than during the period of ski jumping;
  • the time that the diver is in flight is 3 seconds, which is 2 times more than a normal dive;
  • entry into the water feet down;
  • holding competitions only in open spaces;
  • the impact force of the body at the moment of contact with water is 9 times more powerful than during a jump from a tower.

If a swimmer incorrectly enters the water by jumping from a cliff more than 20 meters high, he can suffer injuries comparable in severity to a fall from 13 meters.

Features of diving

There is an erroneous opinion about the simplicity of performing such jumps, but in reality everything is more complicated. Among the adherents of cliff diving, there are beginners and amateurs, virtuosos and professionals. It is not difficult to isolate them from each other, at least in terms of execution technique (for example, beginners jump exclusively in the “soldier” position, without performing additional tricks). Experienced divers always show risky elements, and head down into the water.

The maximum height of jumps depends on the level of fitness of the athlete and can exceed 30 meters.

Difficulty doing tricks :

  1. Immersion in water, taking place with serious overloads, requiring maintaining the vertical position of the diver's body. Otherwise, the person may be seriously injured.
  2. Difficulties in calculating the dive trajectory due to the high jump height.
  3. Planning acrobatic stunts for which there is no more than 3 seconds.

Beginner divers hone their skills without tricks, while professionals can perform from 3 to 7 elements during the flight.

The Cliff Diving Federation has developed a unified list of jumps, which describes 149 of their varieties, as well as the technical characteristics of acrobatics and the features of athletes entering the water.

In order for the cliff diver to determine the calculated landing point, a jet is used, flying out of the hose. And for insurance, specially trained divers swim nearby and, as soon as necessary, are able to get the diver out of the water.

The best places to jump

Cliff diving is the leader among other sports in terms of entertainment. The scenic beauty of the surrounding landscapes adds a special zest to it.

The most spectacular jumps are performed on:

  • Jamaica: Rick's Cafe;
  • Hawaii: Kahekili's Leap;
  • Australia: Ord River;
  • USA, Vermont;
  • Canada: Horseshoe Lake;
  • Ireland: Serpent's Lair.

Particularly interesting is the diving that takes place in the water, with sharp rock formations located under it. The athlete has high risks of collision with them and instant death.

To enjoy the skill of cliff divers, you can go to the following countries:

  • Krabi Island, Thailand: here jumps are made among picturesque cliffs, indented with caves and rich in waterfalls;
  • the vicinity of the city of Kimberley in Australia: this area is distinguished by the different heights of rocks and gorges;
  • the island of Santorini in Greece: beckoning with the beauty of turquoise waves and mid-height elevations from which divers perform dangerous stunts. Beginners are more common here, because professionals work at more serious heights.

Why is cliff diving so attractive?

A person who chooses cliff diving for himself goes through a lot of training that prepares his body for this risky event:

  • jumping in the pool from towers of different heights;
  • Acquaintance with the basics of acrobatics, performing twists and somersaults;
  • increase in personal endurance;
  • strengthening of the muscular corset.

All these measures are necessary to ensure the safety of a diver entering the water at a speed of 100 km / h, which requires full muscle tension to maintain a level body position. Any mistake can result in serious injury.

In addition to physical training, mental training is also important. A person diving into the water from a high cliff struggles with himself, his own fears and emotions. The control of the latter allows you to fulfill your plan as accurately and safely as possible.

Why is this type of diving so attractive? A jump performed by a diver causes the release of a large amount of adrenaline into his blood and a persistent increase in blood pressure. Moreover, such emotions are experienced not only by the athlete himself, but also by the audience watching his work. One moment that the jump lasts is the result of many years of hard training, allowing you to achieve perfection.

Cliff diver faces the following dangers:

  • gusts of wind that violate the chosen trajectory and provoke the occurrence of traumatic situations;
  • loss of coordination, threatening with irreversible consequences;
  • lengthening the time for performing tricks, preventing the correct entry into the water.

One failed jump can, if not kill a person, then turn him away from sports forever. Therefore, there are no more than 100 people all over the world who are professionals in their field.

Cliff diving competition

True connoisseurs of cliff diving are not stopped by danger, risks or fear. Especially for these people, as well as connoisseurs of spectator sports, highly popular competitions are held.

In cliff diving, it is difficult to predict the winner. Any athlete can perform a jump with incredible stunt elements and land so accurately that in an instant he will become a champion. Therefore, hundreds and thousands of people tend to the venues of the annual competitions.

Cliff jumping competitions are organized under the leadership of the International Federation of this sport, which is completely autonomous. This organization holds world and European stages, called the International Cliff Diving Championship.

In addition, competitions around the world are held by Red Bull, they are called the Cliff Diving World Series. Since 2013 there has been a World High Diving Championship. The first one took place in Barcelona, ​​the second one in Kazan, where the Russian Artem Silchenko was awarded a bronze medal.

Separately, it is worth noting the Cliff Diving World Cup, which gathers only eminent athletes, whose jumps amaze with their riskiness and refinement of movements. In 2015, the representative of the Russian Federation took first place, beating the well-known favorites.

How are jumps scored?

Cliff diving competitions are held in strict accordance with the developed standards and requirements for performing jumps and trick elements.

Ratings are given in this way:

  • competitions are judged by five people, each of whom represents his country;
  • separately, the technique and complexity of the completed elements are evaluated;
  • the evaluation system has 10 points;
  • step can be 0.5 and 0.25 points;
  • during the calculation, the smallest and largest indicators are not taken, the remaining points are summed up and the result obtained is multiplied by a coefficient that determines the complexity of the jump.

Judges evaluate diving according to the following criteria:

  1. The quality of the jump: there is an analysis of the height of its implementation, the starting position of the athlete, the strength and angle of the jump, the position of the body at the time of the push.
  2. Performed figures: coups, rotations, somersaults and other acrobatic elements, as well as the placement of limbs at the time of its implementation.
  3. Entering the water: vertical position of the body, position of the hands, deviations from the original trajectory and the amount of splash created.

If an athlete makes mistakes, penalty points are assigned to him. Difficulty is estimated by means of a coefficient, which consists of several components. Its basis is the height of the rock from which the jump is made. The judges start from it, estimating the duration of the flight and the number of figures performed by the diver.

Cliff diving is still in the amateur niche, so its development is in small steps. High diving can become a mass sport only if it is classified as an Olympic discipline. But the people who perform jumps from steep cliffs are real professionals who get adrenaline and give the audience a storm of emotions and a spectacle indescribable in its beauty. We also remind you that here in St. Petersburg you can go through and get a real full-fledged NDL diver certificate. We also carry out

The main elements of ski jumping and platform jumping are the run-up, push, flight phase and entry into the water. These elements determine both the result and the score.

Building a takeoff and push

The execution of the entire jump depends on the push. In this case, the direction of the push determines the subsequent flight path, which the athlete cannot change during the flight phase. In jumping from a springboard and from a tower, jumps are distinguished, which are preceded by a run-up and jumps from the front and rear racks.

The run-up precedes forward jumps, Auerbach jumps and part of the screw jumps. All other jumps: back jumps, "Dolphin" and the rest of the propeller jumps - are performed from the rear rack. Some jumps (Auerbach's head-first jump or Auerbach's 2.5-turn somersault) are performed almost without exception from the tower from the forward stance.

Flight phase

The flight phase, also called the free-standing phase, begins at the moment the feet take off from the board or from the platform and ends with touching the surface of the water. The flight phase is entered by a push that determines the (optimal) flight path (feature influencing the evaluation) and the execution of the movements. In the evaluation process, regardless of the complexity of the jump, beauty and harmony are in the foreground.

Entrance to the water

The basic requirements for entry into the water are considered fulfilled if the athlete, while maintaining the optimal position of the legs and the tension of the muscles of the body, reaches the bottom of the pool. In this case, the part of the body immersed in water must be vertical with respect to the surface of the water in order to enter the water almost without splashing.

Summer is just around the corner, which means that the time will come when you can spend time on the beach, sunbathe and swim. Well, in order to spend time fun and varied, it’s not enough just to swim, you also need to learn how to jump into the water. This skill will come in handy in the future. We will tell you how to jump into the water correctly and give you practical tips that will allow you to learn how to jump into the water without negative consequences.

Experienced athletes jump from towers and ski jumps, doing various acrobatic stunts during the flight, however, if you are a beginner or amateur, then start from low heights. There are several simple types of jumps into the water, the technique of which always consists of four phases: approach, push, flight and entry into the input.

  • Soldier jump. Starting position: the body is straightened, arms along the body, legs together, chin raised. Next, you need to push off. To do this, you need to slightly bend your knees and push off the surface forward and upward. During the flight, your body should always remain upright and your head should remain slightly elevated. The last phase - entry into the water occurs at right angles to the water;
  • Bomb jump it is also performed, but after you have pushed off, you need to bend your legs at the knee joints and bend your knees under you, clasping them with your hands;
  • A fish jump is a head down jump. Starting position: the body is straightened, arms are straightened and stretched up, palms are connected. Push off with your feet and dive vertically head down with arms outstretched. It is very important to jump into the water with a flat body so that your stomach does not hit the water. Also bring your legs together so that they resemble the tail of a fish.

Safety engineering.

When you learn to jump into the water, it is very important to follow the safety rules. First, don't be afraid. Fear of water and heights is the main reason why people lose their bearings while jumping. Secondly, you need to know exactly how much time you can spend underwater. Thirdly, perform acrobatic exercises to train the vestibular apparatus. For example, jump over a gymnastic horse or perform somersaults on a mat. And of course, if you decide to jump into the water, it's worth it or mastering it - it's not the style of swimming that matters, but your ability to stay on the water.

The main rule of safety during diving is the correct grouping. Your body during entry into the water should be straight, as elongated as possible. You need to enter the water either with your feet or head down. Otherwise, you may injure body parts. And one more thing: in order to avoid, choose proven reservoirs, where you are sure of sufficient depth and bottom topography.

Tips: how to learn to jump into the water.

  • To saturate the blood with oxygen before the jump, take a few deep and quick breaths and exits;
  • You must be convinced that the depth of the water is sufficient for diving;
  • Do not be afraid and do not be upset if you did not manage to jump into the water beautifully the first time;
  • Learn to group in the air.


Diving is a popular Olympic sport. During the flight, the athlete performs various acrobatic stunts. The jumper must have strength, agility, a sense of balance and the ability to concentrate. This discipline is close to gymnastics and dancing.


Since ancient times, people have loved to jump into the water from a height. However, it was first considered a sport in the 1880s, after competitions in England.

In the same country, high-diving is widespread - jumping into the water from a great height. The first special tower for such leisure was erected in 1893 at a height of about 4.5 m. And in 1895, the Royal Life Saving Society held the first world championship in this sport. It was at this event that Swedish athletes first demonstrated jump acrobatics to the world. This event prompted the creation of the Amateur Diving Association in 1901, which later merged with the Association of Amateur Swimmers.

For the first time this sport was presented at the 1904 Olympic Games in the American city of St. Louis. Women were able to join the competition in 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Types and classification

Jumps are performed from two types of projectiles: a springboard for jumping into the water and a tower. The springboard is a long springy board located at a height of 1 or 3 meters. The tower is a structure with several rigid platforms at a height of 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 meters.

There are 6 groups of jumps, defining the position of the athlete in front of and rotation during execution:

In flight, the jumper's body can take one of the following positions:

  • straight - with straight legs (difficult level);
  • bent over - legs are straight, the body is bent (middle level);
  • in a grouping - the body forms the shape of a ball, the hands hold the ankles, the socks are extended (easy level).

In addition, the jump can start with or without run. It also happens that during the first half of the flight the athlete keeps the torso straight and arms outstretched to the sides (flight phase), and then takes the standard position.

Each jump is assigned its own number, consisting of 3 numbers and one letter. The first number determines the group of the jump, from 1 to 6. The number in the second position can be 0 or 1, where 0 is a normal jump and 1 has a flying phase. The third number indicates the number of half turns. And the letter indicates the position in which the jump is performed (from A to D).


Most competitions consist of three disciplines: ski jumping at a height of 1 and 3 meters, and from a tower. Athletes are divided by gender and often by age groups. Their performance is judged according to how well they did all the elements and how much splashing they had when immersed in the water. The maximum 10 points are divided into three parts. 3 points for the start, 3 for the flight, and 3 for the entry. One more point remains free for the sake of refereeing flexibility.

Champions and records

At the third Summer Olympics (1904), this sport was first represented by two disciplines: high jumping and long distance jumping. In the first competition, George Sheldon won gold, in the second - William Dickey from America.

At the 1948 Summer Olympics, where for the first time two disciplines were combined into one, there were three gold medalists. Among the men, they were Bruce Harlan (3m springboard) and Sammy Lee (10m platform). Among women - Victoria Draves, who won two competitions. All gold and silver medalists were from America.

In the program of the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, for the first time appeared synchronized diving. Xiong Ni and Xiao Hailiang from China won gold in the springboard jump (3 m), Russian athletes Dmitry Sautin and Igor Lukashin won gold in the high jump (10 m). Among women in the same disciplines, the Russians Vera Ilyina and Yulia Pakhalina and the representatives of China - Li Na and San Xue won.

In terms of gold medals, the Chinese jumpers excelled most of all. Guo Jingjing is a 4-time Olympic champion and 10-time world champion. Wu Minxia and Chen Ruolin won the Olympic Games 5 times. In addition, Wu Mingxia won the World Championship 8 times, and Chen Ruolin - 5. There is also Fu Mingxia, who won the Olympic Games four times, and the world championship twice.

Among the Olympic champions, the most titled among men is American Greg Louganis. He has 4 gold medals. And also 5 times he won the title of the best jumper in the world.

Russian athlete Dmitry Sautin became the winner of the Olympic Games twice. Among his achievements is that he is the only one in history who has won 8 Olympic medals in this sport.

The highest jump in the water was made in 2015. Extreme athlete Laso Schalle from Sweden jumped from a height of almost 59 meters. By this, he surpassed the record of Randall Dickinson, who in 1985 jumped from a height of 53.23 m.