What exercises are included in the general training program? Methodological foundations of general physical training, general physical education means, methodological principles of physical education, general physical education methods, methods of developing physical qualities. Why does a long-distance runner need strength training?

The right training program will help you get into good physical shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. This article is about how to improve your health through exercise. We'll cover workout routines, the "five pillars" of fitness, and more! Go.

Some iron enthusiasts strive to develop maximum strength and muscle mass; others are interested in muscle definition. But most people don’t care about all this. When asked to advise on a training program, I always ask the person about their goals. In 90% of cases it all comes down to improving physical fitness.

Many coaches, including myself, are puzzled by this answer. It's too vague. We need specifics. After all, how else can you develop an individual training program - for example, to lose weight by 15 kg or to increase your deadlift result by 25 kg?

The fact is that most people look at training a little more simply. It's not uncommon for fitness instructors to assume that regular gym-goers should take their workouts as seriously as possible. This is mistake.

We need to start not from how people should train, but from how they train and what goals they set for themselves. And most people have one goal - to improve their well-being, get in shape and improve their health. A comprehensive program of general physical training contributes to achieving this goal.

What is “general physical fitness”?

This question can be answered in different ways. For some people, this is the ability to run a cross-country race of at least 3 km. For others, it’s to squeeze 100 kg with perfect technique.

Any of these answers may be correct, but let's look at fitness from the point of view of the average person: good physical fitness is a level of development of strength that allows you to perform routine activities. That is, you should be able to carry your suitcases at the airport or throw your hand luggage into the overhead bin on the train.

Or you must be strong enough to carry bags from the supermarket to your car in your hands. A trained person will not puff like a steam locomotive after climbing several floors of stairs.

For people seriously involved in strength sports, such indicators are not something outstanding. But this article is not aimed at serious “jocks”, but at ordinary people who want to strengthen their body.

An effective training program will help you get into good physical shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. Moreover, properly selected exercises promote the production of serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”) - as a result, your well-being will significantly improve.

So, we have a general idea of ​​what this article will be about. Now let's look at the five key elements of general fitness:

1. Strength

First of all, let's consider such an element as strength. From the point of view of the modern way of life, the development of strength interests us for two reasons. Firstly, to be able to lift objects from the ground: heavy boxes, water bottles, grocery bags, etc.

Secondly, to lift objects above your head: throw a bag on the top shelf of a train, put a heavy pan in the top compartment of a sideboard, etc. If a person cannot do such simple things, then the quality of his life leaves much to be desired.

The two main exercises that develop strength in these areas are and. Progress in these exercises indicates the development of muscle strength throughout the body.

Once you master the deadlift technique, you will learn how to properly lift objects from the ground. You will learn how wide your feet should be to take the load off your lower back. In addition, you can strengthen your back muscles.

Next we have joint mobility, flexibility and balance. In the elite division, many athletes lift weights of over 300 kg on the bench press, but cannot reach the tips of their toes. From the point of view of general physical fitness, this situation is not normal.

Of course, no one requires you to stretch like a circus acrobat, but it is necessary to have a certain level of balance, mobility and flexibility. Reaching your toes is a simple but effective way to measure flexibility.

Bottom line: If you can't reach your toes with your knees slightly bent, your muscles and joints are too stiff. If you can't stand on one leg for thirty seconds, you need to develop your balance.

Finally, the ability to hold the bottom of a deep squat (without a barbell) for thirty seconds indicates good joint mobility. These minimum standards of mobility, flexibility and balance are indicators of the general level of physical development of any person.

Some people need to work hard to learn how to comply with these standards. And others have such innate flexibility that one can only envy. In any case, I advise you to include stretching exercises in your general physical training program, and also perform them in the morning after getting out of bed.

Hindu squats are considered one of the best exercises for developing joint mobility. Exercise improves leg flexibility and blood circulation.

It is recommended to start the exercise with 25 repetitions. To get the most out of Hindu squats, try to breathe deeply, inhaling deeply as you rise up from the squat and exhaling as you lower down. Deep breathing promotes the production of epinephrine, the “happy hormone,” which strengthens the lungs and relieves stress.

There is another good exercise to improve blood circulation and develop flexibility -. Hold a light weight with both hands; take it back between your legs and perform a sharp swing forward, lifting the projectile above your head. Do 25 reps to warm up and... If you don't have a weight, you can use a dumbbell.

Do these exercises regularly to maintain good flexibility. And it happens that a person gets out of bed, has breakfast (sitting), goes to work (sitting), and then spends the whole day in front of the computer (also sitting). Sounds familiar?

I often work at home, and my “path to the office” runs from the bedroom to the living room, where my laptop is. As a result, I came to the conclusion that in the morning you need to drink a couple of glasses of water, walk the dog, and then do a few stretching exercises - then you will feel energetic and eager to work all day. I don’t accept it when a person sleeps for eight hours in a row, wakes up, goes to work and again sits in one place all day; you need to constantly move and do something.

Mobility and aerobic exercises can be done in the morning. With strength training it's a little different. As a rule, in the morning the muscles and joints are a little stiff - it is better to postpone strength training until later. Mobility exercises can also be done immediately before strength training.

What about stretching? I would recommend stretching after strength training and aerobic training. The muscles will be warmed up and become more flexible. The effectiveness of stretching will increase and the risk of injury will decrease. At the end of the article are examples of stretching exercises that can be included in a general physical training program.

To develop balance, you need to stand on one leg (both right and left): at first for at least thirty seconds. Over time, the duration of the exercise should be increased, trying to reach one minute or more. After this, you can proceed to perform the exercise with your eyes closed: starting with thirty seconds and trying to reach ninety.

Undoubtedly, you cannot build a general physical training program on strength training alone (without cardio exercises and exercises to develop flexibility/mobility). We must focus not only on muscle strength, but also on normal heart/joint function. However, the physical aspect of health is only part of the equation. Let's move on to the next "pillar" of fitness, i.e. to nutrition.

4. Food

Training will never bring results if a person eats poorly. Of course, even the most avid sweet tooth can maintain normal body weight if he spends half a day in the gym. But “slim” and “healthy” cannot be equated.

Occasional diet violations are acceptable as long as you have a proper strength training program. In his wonderful book “The Cheater's Diet,” Joel Marion writes that a one-time diet violation for a week helps to increase the level of leptin in the body, a hormone that regulates energy metabolism.

Great news - breaking away from the once-a-week diet is not only possible, but necessary! Remember, we are talking about one day, not all seven. For the remaining six days, we should follow the recommendations of Ori Hofmekler, author of The Anti-Estrogen Diet, to eat lower in the food chain.

This means that you should lean on low-volume fruits and vegetables: berries, etc. This means that we should get protein from beef and dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Lastly, we should choose healthy sources of fats: buffalo butter, nuts and seeds. If you consume such foods, the effectiveness of your training program will significantly increase. Once a week you can eat whatever you want, without any twinges of conscience, since the importance of our relationship to food is difficult to exaggerate.

What about the number of meals? Five times a day, three times, once? There are many answers to this question. Some fitness instructors and nutritionists recommend eating small meals five times a day. I cannot agree with this point of view for two reasons.

Firstly, too much time will be spent on cooking. Most of us don't have time to go to the kitchen that often (the thought of eating five meals a day can be irritating). Manufacturers are well aware of this, which is why there is a huge selection of protein mixtures and bars on sale. But consuming products of dubious quality that have undergone complex technological processing carries a certain health risk.

Secondly, a five-meal diet is ineffective, since it does not allow a person to get enough: every time you have to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. You will constantly think about food, looking forward to the next meal (which again will not make you feel full). Let's be honest - we all love to eat well (we're not talking about filling our bellies to capacity; we're talking about simply satisfying our hunger).

In his books The Anti-Estrogen Diet and The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler writes that the secret to proper nutrition is to have one large meal a day. It’s better if it’s dinner (when all the problems and worries are left behind). After all, how nice it is to come home after a hard day at work and have a nice dinner.

But this does not mean that we should sit on a starvation diet all day - it is unlikely that anyone will be able to withstand such a diet for a long time. On the contrary, you need to organize regular snacks throughout the day: smoothies, salads with nuts, fruits, vegetables - any products from the bottom of the food chain that are easily absorbed by the body. The digestion process takes a lot of energy, which can cause fatigue and apathy.

A heavy breakfast can cause decreased performance. A hearty lunch is a good option... if you can take a nap for an hour or two afterwards. Only through experimentation can you determine the optimal diet for yourself. Some people are used to eating more often, others less often.

Try to plan your day so that your most nutritious meal is in the evening, ideally after a workout. You should have dinner a few hours before bedtime. Not for the purpose of preventing excess weight (this is a myth), but to avoid problems with insomnia.

5. Recovery

So, we come to the last “pillar” of the general physical training program - recovery. (Just in time, because you will definitely want to take a break after reading such a long article.) We live in a society of busy people. The busier we are, the higher our social status.

We despise laziness, although the percentage of obese people in our country is growing. Work gives us a fulfilling life. But the ability to enjoy all its joys directly depends on the body’s recovery program. Just as a car requires repairs and maintenance, our body needs periodic rest.

The most important component of a recovery program is adequate sleep. The problem of lack of sleep is widespread in our country. It’s not for nothing that there are coffee vending machines on every corner. In the hope of deceiving nature, we steal our sleep by using artificial stimulants - over time, this leads to problems with the adrenal glands.

The importance of deep sleep is due to several reasons: firstly, we see dreams, which are necessary for normal mental health and peace of mind; secondly, the body produces large quantities of anti-aging hormones (testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone and growth hormone); thirdly, during sleep, processes of restoration and replenishment occur in the body.

Lack of sleep literally accelerates the aging of the body (the less you sleep, the faster you age). Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects not only our health, but also the people who surround us, because we vent our aggression and discontent on them.

One of the reasons for poor sleep quality is the inability to deal with stress. The source of stress is not the events occurring in a person’s life, but his attitude towards these events. Our perception is to blame for everything.

You need to constantly work on yourself to learn how to overcome stress. Meditation is best for this. There are various meditation techniques. You can, for example, practice qigong or tai chi. Or just walk around the city, watching your breathing.

While the music is playing, I take deep breaths through my nose. During such meditations, I almost always fall asleep, and when I wake up, I feel a surge of strength. Meditation is not a fad. Wise people have been practicing this technique for many millennia. I recommend everyone to use meditation in their training program.

There is another effective component of the recovery program - massage. A good weekly massage does wonders for our muscles and also improves our overall well-being. If it is expensive for you to visit the massage room every week, you can do it once every two weeks. As a last resort, you can go to a massage therapist once a month. If you can’t afford this option, give up cable TV and mobile communications... or find a job with a higher salary.

The quality of the massage depends on the specialist who does it; You may have to visit several massage parlors until you find your massage therapist. A qualified specialist conducts a massage session taking into account the characteristics and wishes of a particular client.

The last element of the recovery program - which doesn't cost a dime - is deep breathing. As soon as you feel stress increasing, start breathing deeply. On the count of five, inhale through your nose, hold your breath for ten seconds, then exhale on the count of five. Try to breathe slowly and intensely, holding your breath as long as possible.

As the famous bodybuilder Steve Reeves said, deep breathing increases the level of the happiness hormone - epinephrine. A person gets a high without external stimulants. Animals have this at the level of instinct; they always breathe deeply.

As I write this, my dog ​​Mona is laying down on the floor doing a “breathing therapy session”; breathing is performed more by moving the abdomen rather than the chest. Mona always breathes deeply. In stressful situations, a person holds his breath. It is not right. The level of stress in the body only increases. You should always breathe deeply and freely.


So we briefly reviewed the general physical training program! If anyone you know ever expresses a desire to get into fitness, give him/her this article to read. And remind us that water does not flow under a lying stone.

General physical training is not something difficult: the main thing is to know when to stop. The basis of a balanced training program is the “five pillars” of fitness. Build your muscles, strengthen your heart and lungs, develop mobility, eat healthy food and don't forget to get proper rest. It’s easy to tell a fairy tale, but it’s not easy to do a military deed. Set a goal for yourself; and start moving towards achieving it today.

General physical training (GPP) in the system of physical education of students

Methodological foundations of physical training Means of physical training Methodological principles of physical education Methods of physical training Methods for the development of physical qualities

Methodological basis of general physical training

Physical training of a person helps to improve vital skills and abilities. The basis of physical training is the training process, which is characterized by performing an action through repeated repetitions. Physical training consists of general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SPP).

General physical training is an educational process aimed at developing the functional capabilities of the body, motor (physical) qualities, ensuring the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person, which prepare a person to perform various jobs.

General physical training helps to improve a person’s overall performance and is the basis (base) for special training and achieving high results in a chosen field of activity or sport. The physical training program faces the following tasks:

Achieve harmonious development of body muscles and corresponding muscle strength;

Gain general endurance;

Increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;

Improve dexterity in a wide variety of (household, work, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;

Learn to perform movements without unnecessary stress, master the ability to relax.

General physical training is associated with the achievement of physical perfection - a level of health and comprehensive development of physical abilities that meet the requirements of human activity. It should be remembered that even fairly high general physical fitness often cannot ensure success in a specific sports discipline or in various types of professional work. This means that in some cases increased development of endurance is required, in others special training is required.

General physical training means

The general physical training process is implemented through the use of various means of physical education:

Physical exercise is the main remedy! Healing forces of nature Hygiene factors

Physical exercises are motor actions that, in form and content, correspond to the objectives of physical education. If running is used for sports training purposes, then this natural motor action takes on rational forms. The same can be said about any other motor actions that arose initially in the sphere of work and everyday life, and then, changing, became physical exercises - means of physical education. The relationship between physical exercise and physical labor lies in the fact that, having arisen on the basis of labor actions, exercises have become a means of physical education and sports practice and preparation for work. The number of physical exercises developed and used in various sports is extremely large. They differ significantly from each other in form, content and target orientation.

The healing forces of the natural environment and hygienic factors are means of physical education.
Physical exercises in combination with natural hardening factors help increase the body’s overall resistance to a number of adverse environmental influences.
Compliance with hygiene rules in the process of physical education enhances the positive effect of physical exercise. Hygiene requirements for the regime of exercise and rest, nutrition and external conditions of exercise (cleanliness, lighting, places of exercise) contribute to the effectiveness of physical exercises.

Principles of general physical training

Physical exercises give a positive effect only if the basic rules (principles) of conducting classes are strictly observed.

The principle of consciousness and activity. This principle involves the formation of a meaningful attitude and sustainable interest in physical exercise.

The principle of visibility. Visualization is a necessary prerequisite for mastering movement. During the training session, the main thing is to create the correct idea, image of a motor task or a separate element before attempting to perform it.

The principle of accessibility. This principle obliges us to strictly take into account age and gender characteristics, level of preparedness, as well as individual differences in the physical and mental abilities of those involved.

The principle of systematicity. The principle of systematicity is, first of all, the regularity of classes, the rational alternation of loads and rest.

The repetition factor in physical education is more pronounced than in other types of education. This is explained by specific patterns of acquiring and consolidating skills and abilities, improving the forms and functions of the body.
Equally important is the modification of exercises, dynamic loads, updating the forms and content of classes without changing their target orientation. This will diversify the educational and training process and reduce psychological overload that occurs when performing monotonous tasks.
Consistency in mastering educational and training tasks and educational material within the framework of one lesson, many months and many years of physical education is also one of the aspects of the principle of systematicity. The general sequence (in a multi-month and multi-year aspect) is determined by the logic of the transition from broad general physical education to more in-depth specialized classes. In a long-term plan, the overall sequence is also influenced by the characteristics of a person’s age-related development.

The principle of dynamism, or a gradual increase in requirements, is to set increasingly difficult tasks as the previous ones are completed.

The principle of strength is the formation of skills and abilities when mastering educational material. Psychologists distinguish 4 levels of assimilation:

    Level 1 (familiarity): the ability to recognize a studied object among others Level 2 (reproduction): the ability to reproduce studied material Level 3 (skill): the ability to solve practical problems based on the studied material Level 4 (creativity): the ability to create new approaches to solving problems in the field activities.

GPT methods

In the process of physical education, both general pedagogical methods and specific ones based on active motor activity are used: the method of regulated exercise, the game method, the competitive method, verbal and sensory methods.

The method of regulated exercise provides a firmly prescribed program of movements (predetermined composition of movements, order of repetitions).
The gaming method is based on a combination of various situations and the corresponding independent actions of the players (trainees). Stimulates the flourishing of activity, motor creativity, can be applied on the basis of any physical exercise and is not necessarily associated with any games, for example, football, volleyball, etc.
The competitive method is used both in relatively elementary forms (a way of stimulating interest and activating students when performing a separate exercise in class), and in its own form as a test or official sports competition. The main feature of the competitive method is the comparison of the strengths of those involved in conditions of orderly competition for superiority or high achievement. The competitive method is used to solve a variety of pedagogical problems. This is, first of all, the improvement of skills in difficult conditions for the development of physical, moral and volitional qualities. The factor of rivalry in the process of competition creates a special emotional and physiological background, which significantly enhances the impact of physical exercise and contributes to the maximum manifestation of the body's functional capabilities. This method must be used after special preliminary preparation.

The circular method consists of performing specially selected sets of exercises and alternating them in order to develop different muscle groups and physical qualities.

Development of physical qualities

General physical fitness is characterized by the sum of the development of physical qualities. Physical qualities are the functional properties of the body that predetermine the development of human capabilities. In the theory of physical education, it is customary to distinguish 5 physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility. Their manifestation depends on the capabilities of the body’s functional systems, on their readiness for action.

Development of strength.

Strength (or strength abilities) in physical education is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle tension. The development of strength is accompanied by thickening and growth of muscle fibers. By developing a lot of different muscle groups, you can change your physique, which is clearly evident in those who do gymnastics.

Distinguish between absolute and relative strength. Absolute strength is the total strength of all muscle groups involved in a given tension. Relative strength is the amount of absolute strength per 1 kg of human mass. Strength is measured using dynamometers. Up to a certain age, absolute and relative strength increases in both non-athletes and athletes, although in the latter it always looked much higher (Table 1).

Table 1

Strength of individual muscle groups in men and women

For qualified athletes, these data are higher. Thus, the average hand strength in men is 60-70 kg, and in women 50-55 kg.

Tools for developing strength: strength exercises:

Exercises with external weights or resistance (barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, partner, expander, etc.)

Exercises with weights of your own body: for the anthem. Apparatuses (pull-ups, hanging leg raises) and without apparatuses (squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, jumping jacks).

The amount of burden can be dosed:

As a percentage of maximum weight

By difference from the maximum weight (for example, 10 kg less than the maximum weight)

By the number of possible repetitions of exercises in one approach (weight that can be lifted 10 times)

The author of these recommendations, the professor, considers the third option to be the most relevant and proposes the following symbols: a weight that can, for example, be pulled up 25 times will be designated as 25RM (Maximum Maximum); 1 RM is a weight that can be lifted 1 time. Then it is possible to apply the following gradation of weight load:

Methods for developing strength can be very diverse, their choice depends on the goal. The following methods of developing strength are used during training sessions.

Maximum effort method. Exercises are performed using maximum or near maximum weights (90% of the record for a given athlete). With one approach, 1 to 3 repetitions of 5-6 approaches are performed in one session, with a 4-8 minute rest between them (before recovery). This method is used to maximize the possible results for a particular practitioner and is associated with the development of “explosive strength” ", which depends on the degree of intermuscular and intramuscular coordination, as well as on the muscles’ own reactivity, i.e., nervous processes. Thus, masters of sports exhibit greater values ​​in a shorter period of time than novice athletes.

The repeated effort method (or the “to failure” method) involves exercises with weights of 30-70% of the record, which are performed in series of 4-12 repetitions in one approach. 3-6 approaches are performed in one session. Rest between them for 2-4 minutes (until incomplete recovery). This method is most often used for the purpose of building muscle mass. The optimal weight for developing muscle mass will be the one that a student can lift (push-ups or pull-ups) by performing 7-13 movements in one approach.

The dynamic effort method involves the use of small and medium weights (up to 30% of record weights). Exercises are performed in series of 15-25 repetitions per approach at the fastest possible pace. In one session, 3-6 approaches are performed, resting between them for 2-4 minutes. Using this method, one develops primarily the speed-strength qualities needed in throwing and short-distance running.

The isometric (static) method is used as an auxiliary method, in which muscle tension occurs without changing their length. Using the isometric method allows you to maximally strain various muscle groups for a duration of 4-6 seconds. During one session, the exercise is repeated 3-5 times with a rest after each tension for a duration of 30-6 seconds. Classes using isometric exercises take little time and use very simple equipment. With the help of such exercises you can work on any muscle group, but their effectiveness is less than with the dynamic method.

In people of different constitutional types, the effect of strength exercises manifests itself differently. Endomorphic types with rounded shapes, stockiness, and strong bones (hypersthenics) achieve results in strength training faster. Representatives of exomorphic types (asthenics) are usually thin-boned, slender, without excess fat depots. Their muscle volume and indicators increase more slowly. This is necessary to know in order to avoid early and unfounded conclusions about the effectiveness of ongoing training sessions. At the same time, you should know and remember that a person with any body type can increase muscle volume and strength through regular and methodically correctly constructed training sessions.

Endurance development

Endurance as a physical quality is associated with fatigue, so in the most general sense it can be defined as follows: endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue. The subject of our consideration is physical fatigue, which is directly related to types of muscular work, and, consequently, to different types of endurance. There are two types of endurance - general and special.

General endurance is the ability to perform at low intensity for a long time using aerobic energy sources without reducing its effectiveness.

In this definition, the property of low intensity is very conditional (for one person this load can be considered low intensity, for another it can be considered high). The sign of aerobic energy supply for work is decisive. Means of developing general endurance are physical exercises characterized by moderate power, significant duration, continuity and the work of all organs and systems of the body, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Such cyclic exercises as: walking, long running, skiing, rowing, swimming, jumping rope, etc.).

General endurance is the basis for developing special endurance. It is the education of general endurance, which is characterized by highly economical and effective work of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and other body systems (including processes), aimed at increasing general endurance, that time is devoted to in the preparation of highly qualified athletes.

Uniform work at a pulse of 130-150 beats/min, ensured by aerobic processes in the body, most contributes to increasing the functionality of the autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems according to the law of super-recovery of performance after a rest from the work done. That is why in the specialized literature you can find the term “education of vegetative endurance.”

Thus, training work to develop general endurance comes down to strengthening the body’s autonomic systems with active oxygen metabolism, improving its processes through long-term low-intensity work. Physiologists believe that indicators of aerobic endurance are: the ability to maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), the rate (or time) of MOC gain, the duration of maintaining performance at near the maximum MOC level. The last indicator is to show strong-willed efforts and the ability to endure. Athletes understand this well and do this at almost every training session, otherwise the result will be lower and the body’s reaction to the load will be more acute.

Methodological features of the development of general endurance

In the process of developing endurance, the following methods are used: repetitions, uniform, variable, repeated-variable, interval - these are methods of regulating exercises, supplemented by game and competitive methods.

For practically healthy people starting to train in sports, an acceptable speed is 1 km in 5-7 minutes. According to the pulse, the intensity is adjusted at the rate of no less than 120-150 and no more than 160-180 beats/min, depending on the level of fitness. The duration of the load is from several minutes to tens of minutes (in extreme terms this is a daily run)

The level of general endurance (performance) can be determined by the Cooper test - 12 minute run (levels - superior, excellent, good, satisfactory, bad, very poor) y - more than 2.8 km, d - more than 2.3 km

The development of general endurance serves as a prerequisite and condition for the development of other types of endurance (special endurance). It is the development of general endurance, which is characterized by highly economical and effective work of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body, that the main time is devoted to general physical training.

Special endurance is the ability to work in a certain work or sports activity, despite the resulting fatigue. There are types of special endurance: speed, strength, static.

In cyclic exercises (100-200 m running) in some sports games, speed endurance is associated with the emergence of a significant oxygen debt, because the cardiovascular and respiratory systems do not have time to provide the muscles with oxygen due to the short duration and high intensity of the exercise. Therefore, all biochemical processes in working muscles occur in almost oxygen-free conditions. Most of the oxygen debt is repaid after you stop exercising.

Strength endurance is the ability to perform exercises (actions) for a long time that require significant strength. Endurance to static forces - the ability to maintain muscle tension for a long time without changing posture. Typically, only certain muscle groups work in this mode. Here there is an inverse relationship between the magnitude of the static force and its duration - the greater the force, the shorter the duration.

There are other types of special endurance. Each of them is characteristic of some work, household, motor action or sports exercise. The methods for acquiring different types of endurance are also different. But two provisions are considered the most important: the presence of a sufficient level of general endurance and compliance with the basic pedagogical principles of developing physical qualities.

Development of flexibility

Flexibility – the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. The presence of flexibility is associated with heredity, but it is also influenced by age. And regular exercise. Different sports have different effects on developing flexibility. Various sports (sports, trampoline) and some forms of sports activities place high demands on flexibility. But most often, flexibility acts as an auxiliary quality that contributes to the development of highly coordinated motor actions or the manifestation of other motor qualities.

There are dynamic flexibility (manifested in movement), statistical (allowing one to maintain posture and body position), active (manifested through one’s own efforts) and passive (manifested through external forces).

Flexibility depends on the elasticity of muscles, ligaments, and joint capsules. With emotional upsurge already in the pre-start state, flexibility increases. And with an increased degree of fatigue, the stretched muscles may decrease. To increase flexibility, pre-warm-up is used. Massage the stretched muscle groups or briefly tense them immediately before performing the movement. Flexibility is affected by external temperature (low temperatures reduce flexibility), time of day (the highest indicators of flexibility are from 10 to 18 hours), in the morning and evening hours mobility in the joints decreases). Typically, physically stronger people are less flexible due to their high muscle tone. Very flexible people are less capable of demonstrating speed-strength qualities. Therefore, for people with persistent limitations in joint mobility, increased (more frequent and prolonged) loads in “stretching” exercises are necessary. During certain periods, they can be given 2-3 times a day every day (including independent individual lessons at home on the instructions of the teacher). On the contrary, for people with naturally high levels of flexibility, it is necessary to limit stretching exercises and take special measures to strengthen the musculoskeletal system with the help of selectively targeted strength and general development exercises. If it is necessary to ensure significant changes in the development of flexibility in a relatively short time, the following proportions in exercises are recommended: approximately 40% active - dynamic, 40% passive and 20% static exercises.

To develop flexibility, stretching exercises are used to stretch muscles, muscle tendons and joint ligaments with a gradually increasing range of motion. Movements can be simple, springy, swinging, with external assistance (dosed and maximum), with or without weights. Indicative recommendations for the number of repetitions have also been developed. The pace of movements or the “exposure” time. For movements in the shoulder and hip joints, up to 30-45 repetitions in a series: the pace for active exercises is an average of one repetition per second. For passive ones - one repetition in 1-2 s. Exposure in static positions - 4-6 s. It is advisable to use passive static stretching exercises mainly when muscle mass increases significantly with age and the ligamentous apparatus is difficult to deform.

The exercises can be used both in educational and independent forms of study. And the more often they are repeated, the higher their effectiveness. It has been found that daily twice-daily training with 30 repetitions of exercises in each approach after one to two months leads to a noticeable increase in flexibility. When you stop training, flexibility quickly returns to its original level or close to it.

In recent years, stretching has begun to spread in our country - a system of exercises aimed at improving flexibility and increasing joint mobility. It is believed that slow and calm stretching exercises are used not only to solve various health and sports problems, but also helps to relieve nervous and emotional stress and active recreation.

When developing flexibility, you should adhere to the following methodology:

    Mandatory warm-up Set specific goals Perform in series, 25-30 repetitions in a series Between series, perform relaxation exercises Increase the amplitude gradually The main method is repeated

Development of dexterity (coordination ability)

Dexterity is usually called the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, and economically solve motor problems. Dexterity is expressed in the ability to quickly master new movements, precisely different characteristics of movements and control them, improvise in the process of motor activity in accordance with a changing stop. When developing dexterity, the following tasks are solved: - master coordination - complex motor tasks; - quickly rearrange motor actions in accordance with a changing situation (for example, in sports games); - increase the accuracy of reproducing given motor actions.

The development of dexterity is facilitated by the systematic learning of new complicated movements and the use of exercises that require an immediate restructuring of motor activity (martial arts, sports games). Exercises should be complex, non-traditional, novel, possible and unexpected in solving motor problems. The development of coordination abilities is closely related to the improvement of specialized perceptions: the sense of time, pace, developed efforts, body positions and body parts in space. It is these abilities that determine the student’s ability to effectively control his movements.

Development of speed

Speed ​​is understood as a complex of human functional properties that directly and primarily determine the speed characteristics of movements, as well as motor reactions. Speed ​​is the ability of a person to perform a greater number of movements at maximum speed in minimal periods of time. Meanwhile, speed of movement should not be confused with speed of movement. The speed of a speed skater over short distances (400-500m) is greater than the speed of a sprinter, but the latter has a higher frequency (speed) of movements. It is no coincidence that in the latest research on sports theory, instead of the term “speed,” the concept of “speed abilities” is used. When assessing reaction speed:

Latent time of motor reaction Speed ​​of single movement Frequency of movement

These manifestations of speed are quite autonomous. The motor reaction time in a series of movements (or a cycle of movements) may not correlate with other manifestations of speed. The factor of heredity plays a significant role here. The time of a simple motor reaction for those not involved in sports usually ranges from 0.2-0.3 s, for qualified athletes 0.1-0.2 s. In other words, during training, reaction time improves by only 0.1 s.

Meanwhile, in the 100m race, the results of beginners and qualified athletes differ not by tenths, but by whole seconds. And this is no coincidence. In many movements performed at maximum speed, there are 2 phases: a phase of increasing speed (acceleration phase) and phases of relative speed stability. The first phase characterizes the starting acceleration, the second - the distance speed. Both phases are relatively independent of each other, but if the first is based on the latent time of the motor reaction and the frequency of movement, then the second, in addition to the frequency (tempo) of movement, is also based on other components of distance speed (for example, in a 100m run - on the technique of performing the movement, length legs, repulsion force). Consequently, distance speed is inherent in elements that change significantly under the influence of educational and training work - running technique, speed and strength indicators.

Speed ​​and speed capabilities are required both in cyclic and in a number of acyclic sports, work and everyday movements: fencing, boxing, sports games. The prerequisites for speed and speed abilities are not only the natural mobility of nervous processes, but also the level of neuromuscular coordination of targeted training. Sports science and practice have repeatedly confirmed that the manifestation of a person’s speed abilities in one operation or exercise will not always be significant in another. In this regard, the very content of the process of training speed for sports or applied purposes should be based on the peculiarities of the forms of its manifestation, since direct direct movements occur only in coordination-similar movements.

Education of simple and complex motor reactions

There are simple and complex reactions. A simple reaction is a response to certain movements to a previously known one. But a suddenly appearing signal (for example, the firing of a starting pistol). When cultivating the speed of a simple reaction, the most common method is to repeatedly, perhaps more quickly, respond to a suddenly appearing signal. In each type of exercise, there are specific techniques that contribute to the manifestation of a good reaction to an audio, auditory or visual signal. Thus, the speed of reaction increases somewhat with some preliminary tension of the working muscles (highly skilled sprinters, waiting for the starter to fire, lightly press their feet on the starting blocks). The speed of reaction is also affected by the wave-like change in the readiness of the central nervous system to react to the expected signal (the optimal time between the preliminary and executive command is about 1.5 s).

A complex reaction can be different, but most often it is a reaction to a moving object and a choice reaction. When reacting to a moving object, it is important to constantly see the object moving at high speed. To do this, exercises are used with a gradually increasing speed of the object, with its sudden appearance in various places, with a reduction in the observation distance, etc. In cases where the object (the ball in the game) is already fixed with the gaze before the movement begins, the time of a complex reaction is significantly reduced . The accuracy of the reaction to a moving object is improved in parallel with the development of its speed. The peculiarity of training a choice reaction is associated with the selection of the desired motor response and a number of possible ones. The complexity of the choice reaction depends on the options for changing the situation, on the variety of behavior of the opponent or teammate.

During education, the reaction of choice also goes from simple to complex, gradually increasing the number of possible changes in the situation. However, with any options for training speed (single movement or cyclic, simple or complex reaction), the means of training it must satisfy at least the following three requirements:

The technique of the exercises must be such that they can be performed at maximum speeds for the performer.

The degree of mastery of the exercise is so high that efforts are directed not at the method, but at the speed of execution

The duration of the exercises should be such that by the end of the exercise the speed does not decrease due to fatigue.

To cultivate speed, methods are widely used: repeated, variable with varying accelerations, game and competitive.

The means of developing speed are:

    Running short distances, at maximum speed Exercises using great force (for example, jumping) Exercises in quick response to internal signals (exercises of outdoor and sports games).

Today every schoolchild knows what general physical training is. Physical education lessons, in addition to teaching entertaining sports games, are designed to develop children's capabilities. For this purpose, general physical training is used. It is not only part of the school curriculum. General physical training is mandatory for professional athletes. It is also indispensable for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Let's get acquainted with the goals, the main set of physical fitness exercises and age standards.


General physical training is aimed at developing human strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and speed. In addition, do not forget that any physical activity improves health. General physical fitness has a positive effect on the body at the molecular level. It significantly improves physiological and biochemical processes. The body becomes more resistant to negative influences, immunity increases, and the aging process slows down.

When wondering what general physical training is, many perceive it as a sport. But this is not entirely true. Ensuring the comprehensive development of a person, general physical training is the basis for special physical training.

Ruffier-Dixon test

Before physical fitness classes, it is necessary to correctly assess the physical qualities of a person. The Ruffier-Dixon test (or test) is a special load complex designed to determine the performance of the heart at various levels of physical activity.

There are direct and indirect assessment methods. Their essence is to measure heart rate during periods of recovery after physical activity. The heart rate is determined in a lying position for 15 seconds before and after exercise (usually squats). During the minute break, heart contractions are measured twice. Then the three indicators are summed up, multiplied by 4 and subtracted by 200. The resulting number is divided by 10. If the index value is less than 3, this indicates good performance of the person. The average result ranges from 3 to 6. The range 7-9 indicates satisfactory performance. But indicators of 10 and above indicate heart failure.

This test should be done every eight weeks. Changes in performance indicate improvement or deterioration in fitness (i.e., overtraining).

How to build sets of exercises?

The basis of general physical training can be any sport (athletics, swimming, martial arts, outdoor games, etc.). It is important to remember when constructing sets of general physical fitness exercises that this kind of program is aimed at the harmonious development of physical skills. Narrow specialization must be eliminated. For example, you cannot intensively develop strength at the expense of flexibility or speed at the expense of strength.

General physical fitness exercises differ in category, method of execution and area of ​​influence. It makes more sense to start with simple ones and gradually move on to complex ones. To get started, you can take one simple exercise from each category. And during the first month, increase the number of repetitions and approaches. This will allow you to smoothly and correctly change the vector of load on the body and prepare yourself for the next level.

Class schedule

In order for general physical fitness training to be as beneficial as possible and not harm the body of beginners, their number should not exceed three days a week. Typically classes are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each training day involves performing exercises from one category or a combination of them. An advanced level of training allows you to practice more often, with one or two breaks per week.

Before starting general physical fitness training, it is recommended to perform a maximum physical endurance test. To do this, you need to warm up and perform the entire set of exercises (according to plan, one after another) with a break of two minutes. It is important to give 100% effort for as many reps as possible. This test should also be taken when moving to the next level of training.


Each physical training session should begin with a warm-up. It involves warming up the body muscles, mobilizing the joints, light stretching and increasing the heart rate. This part of the program usually takes no more than five minutes. True, if the general physical fitness complex is the basis for professional athletes, then the warm-up may additionally include exercises with a skipping rope (no more than a minute) and two or three exercises from the main complex (three to four repetitions each).

Strength exercises

One of the goals of the general physical training program is to develop strength. And exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, standing presses, abdominal swings, squats, and planks help achieve it. This is the main complex. It should be performed in a clear sequence.

Let's pay attention to the technique of performing certain exercises.

For beginners, it is better to do push-ups on your knees. The number of repetitions ranges from 1 to 15 in 3-4 sets. In the future, you can switch to the prone position with the same numerical performance indicators.

Pull-ups are done on a low bar with a narrow and reverse grip. The number of repetitions ranges from 1 to 15 times.

Beginners perform squats on two legs from 1 to 30 times. Professional athletes and highly trained people make this exercise more difficult by doing it on one leg. The number of repetitions is the same on each leg.

The plank is held on the floor for 60 to 90 seconds. The angle between the floor and hands is 45 degrees. Beginners can perform this exercise using their elbows. The hold time must be at least 30 seconds.

Professionals add a row behind the head while sitting on the floor (with a shock absorber), a side plank and a gluteal bridge (with two or one leg) to the general strength training complex.

Cardio classes

Cardio exercises include jumping jacks, sprinting, long-distance running, and jumping rope. In this complex, do not forget about the pace. For example, the number of jumps with a change of legs per minute is approximately 45-50. And in jumping rope, the optimal indicator is 100 times per minute.

Professional athletes sometimes combine this complex with strength exercises. It should not exceed 10 minutes in time.

To make the exercises easier and without putting extra strain on the heart, you need to remember to breathe. It should be kept in a certain rhythm of inhalation and exhalation.


If a warm-up is necessary to warm up the body before general physical fitness training, then it is recommended to properly “cool down” after it. This is what the cool-down is for. The intensity of the exercises increases your breathing and heart rate. If you stop abruptly after finishing your workout, you may experience nausea and dizziness. This is due to the fact that blood, which is in large quantities in the muscles, does not have time to reach the internal organs. A cool-down allows you to smooth out the transition to rest after general physical training.

What is the load on the heart muscle can be felt precisely by ignoring this component of the program. After all, in the process, blood pressure normalizes and overall body temperature decreases. Cooling down also helps reduce post-workout pain and aches and helps to better restore strength.

This part of the general physical training program includes two phases. At the first stage, the athlete needs to gradually bring his pulse and breathing back to normal. To do this, it is recommended to gradually stop the exercises and reduce the rhythm.

In the second phase, stretching of the muscles occurs, the training of which was aimed at by a set of general physical training exercises. This helps to remove metabolic products and normalize local blood flow. Also, stretching hot muscles makes them more flexible and elastic.

It is better to do the cool-down smoothly without jerking or pain. It is recommended to hold the muscle tension for 20-40 seconds.

Cool-down exercises include smoothly pulling your head in different directions with your hands, bending your legs in turn (while standing, the heel touches the buttocks), a fold (bending towards your legs while sitting on the floor), twisting the spine while lying on the floor, stretching the shoulder joints, etc. .


The level of development of a person’s physical qualities is assessed according to the standards of general physical training. The school curriculum has a clear table of indicators that vary depending on the age and gender of the child. The standards allow for certification of students in physical education lessons.

Let us present the main complex of general physical training at school and quantitative indicators in the table.

Age (years)

Physical exercise

lying push-ups (number of times)

standing long jump (centimeters)

lifting the body (number of times)

hang on the bar (seconds)

forward tilt of the torso (centimeters)

The school general physical training program also includes running against the clock. Distances range from 60 to 1000 meters, as well as shuttle running (3 x 10 m).

For students, the indicators are higher and the range of exercises is wider. This can be seen in the following table.


60m run (seconds)

100m run (seconds)

500 m run (minutes, seconds)

Running 1000 m (minutes, seconds)

Standing long jump (centimeters)

Pull-ups (boys, number of times)

Flexion and extension of arms (girls, number of times)

Swimming 50 m (seconds)

Cross-country skiing 2 km (min, s)

As for professional athletes, the standards here largely depend on the type of sport and level of training. People who simply want to keep themselves in good shape are advised to focus on the standards intended for certification of 1st-3rd year students.

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These exercises are intended for selective inclusion in the main part of the general physical training session in order to primarily develop strength and flexibility.

Breathing is voluntary.

Exercises with a primary effect on the muscles of the upper limbs and neck

1. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. Issue: raising and lowering the head (forward and backward), bending and turning left and right, circular rotations in one direction and the other. For 1 minute at a slow to medium pace.

2. I. p. - lying in support lying behind on a bench. Issue: flexion and extension of the arms. Repeat for men 8-10 times, for women - 6-8 times at a slow or medium pace.

3. On the crossbar. I. p. - hanging on the bar with an overhand grip. Issue: pull up until your chin touches the bar. Men 4-6 times, women 2-4 at an average pace.

4. I. p. - o. With. with dumbbells in hands (dumbbell weight for men 2-2.5 kg, for women 0.5-1 kg). Issue: simultaneous and transverse raising of the arms through the sides or in front of oneself with bending them at the elbow joints.

5. I. p. - the same. Issue: alternately pulling dumbbells up to the armpits, with the torso tilted towards the extended arm. Repeat 6-8 times in each direction at a slow or medium pace.

6. I. p. - the same. Issue: tilting the torso forward while simultaneously moving the arms back and up (or to the sides) and returning to i. p. Repeat 6-8 times at an average pace.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, hands with dumbbells to your shoulders. Issue: simultaneous or alternating dumbbell press. Repeat 6-8 presses with each hand at an average pace.

Exercises with a predominant effect on the leg muscles

8. I. p. - os. With. Issue: squats on toes with arms raised forward (or up). Options: squats from and. feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

9. I. p. - in a squat, hands on the belt or palms on the knees. Issue: movements “goose step”, “moving legs forward”; “slider” (moving your legs to the sides); jumping forward. For 15-20 steps.

10. I. p. - standing with one foot on the bench, the other hanging. Ex.. flexion and extension of a standing leg. Repeat 6-10 times on each leg.

11. I. p. - standing facing the gymnastic bench. Issue: jumping over a bench with a push with both legs or from foot to foot. Options: jumping onto a bench and jumping off with one or two feet, jumping over a bench and jumping onto it sideways and other similar jumps. Perform 10-15 jumps.

12. With a jump rope. I. p. - standing with a skipping rope in his hands. Issue: jumping rope on two legs, from one leg to the other, moving forward, on one leg, etc. for 1 minute at an average or fast pace.

Exercises with a primary effect on the abdominal and back muscles

13. I. p. - sitting on the floor or bench. Issue: simultaneous or alternating swings with straight legs to the sides or crosswise, up and down. Options: imitation of cycling with leg movements; flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joint, pulling the heels towards the buttocks. For 20-30 seconds at a medium to fast pace.

14. I. p. - sitting on the floor or bench. Issue: circles with straight legs over a large amplitude with the legs positioned together and separately - inward and outward. Repeat 8-10 laps at an average pace.

15. I. p. - lying position. Issue: push your legs into a crouching position - bend over, then lie down again. Repeat 6-8 times.

16. I. p. - hanging on the bar with an overhand grip. Issue: raise straight legs, fixing the “angle” position and lower into i. p. Options: alternately raising legs; raising your bent legs until your knees touch your chin. Repeat 4-8 times.

Flexibility and muscle stretching exercise

17. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands behind your back with a “lock” grip. Issue: bend forward with a double jerk with your arms up. Repeat 8-10 times at an average pace.

18. I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms down. Issue: rising on your toes and bending as far as possible in the lumbar part of your back, reach your heels with your fingers, return to i. P.; lean forward, reach your heels with your fingers, return to i. P.; lean forward, touch the floor with your palms. Repeat each cycle of movements 4-6 times.

19. I. p. - kneeling, fingers on heels. Issue: bend back, bend in the lumbar part of your back (without lifting your fingers from your heels), fix this position for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times at a slow pace.

Exercises with a rubber band, rubber bandage (expander)

To develop strength and flexibility, you can successfully use exercises with rubber bands. The rubber must be elastic so that its stretching is achieved by applying sufficiently large forces to ensure the proper training effect.

20. I. p. - free standing, rubber band horizontally on the chest side, with light tension in bent arms with a shoulder-width grip. Issue: bending and spreading your arms to the sides, stretch the rubber on your chest; relaxing, return to i. n. Repeat - 6-8 times.

21. The same, but with stretching the rubber over your head.

22. The same, but with stretching the rubber and “twisting” it behind the back - down (to the pelvic area).

23. I. p. - free standing (can be in motion), rubber with light tension on the shoulder blades, grip at the shoulders. Issue: on the count of 1-2 - arms to the sides stretch the rubber on the back; 3-4 - return to i. P.; 5-6 stretch the rubber, sending your hands forward; 7-8 - return to i. p. Repeat 6-8 times.

24. I. p. - the same. Issue: 1-2 - stretch the rubber behind your back, raising and straightening your arms, right up - to the right, left down - to the left; 3-4 - take and in reverse order. P; 5-6 - the same as 1-2, only the left hand up - to the left, the right hand down - to the right; 7-8 - return to i. P.

25. I. p. - legs apart, rubber band horizontally with light tension behind the back, grip from below, hip-width apart. Issue: sharp, extremely deep bend forward - down, simultaneously raising your arms up and stretching the rubber - exhale; straightening up, return to i. p. Repeat 6-8 times.

26. I. p. - o. s, stepping with one foot on the middle of the rubber, extremely stretched and pressed with hands on both sides to the hips. Issue: lift the leg with the rubber, bending at the knee, relaxing the tension of the rubber, then, tensing the muscles of the leg, return it to i. n. Repeat 8-10 times with each leg.

27. I. p. - stand in the middle of a slightly stretched rubber band, held by both ends at the shoulders with your hands. Issue: bending slightly, raise your arms up, stretching the rubber; return in reverse order to i. P.

28. I. p. - the same. Issue: raise your arms to the sides, stretching the rubber, in arcs until they connect above your head; return in reverse order to i. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

29. I. p. - the same. Issue: on the count of 1 - raise both hands with rubber above your head and connect, at the same time bend slightly - inhale; on 2-7 - slowly bend over as far as possible, stretching the rubber on the spine; at 8 - return to i. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

K.M. Prikhodchenko

Constant physical activity is the key to good health and a wonderful appearance. To maintain your body in good condition, there is no need to engage in any kind of sport. To do this, it will be enough to perform several exercises included in the general training program. Today we will talk about these exercises.

General physical training is general physical fitness. This is an integral part of playing any sport. For example, if you are a hockey player, then in addition to the skills of skating and working with a stick and puck, you need to be physically strong in order to cope with high loads. That is, you add certain exercises to your workouts.

There is also special physical training. In the case of hockey, this is dribbling the puck, passing, acceleration, hitting the puck with a stick. This is very important, but does not make sense without general physical training. After all, it is she who develops the athlete’s speed and strength indicators, which are very important in any sport.

When doing general physical training, you You will be able to develop the following sports qualities:

  1. Force.
  2. Endurance.
  3. Speed.

To develop each of these indicators, there are various sets of exercises. Each of them has a certain principle on which the development of a particular indicator is based.

Let's now talk in more detail about the development of these sports indicators.

Strength development

The following exercises are ideal for developing strength:

  1. Pull-ups on the bar. The standard is 10 repetitions.
  2. Dips. The standard is 8 times.
  3. Pushups. The standard is 25 repetitions.

All these standards do not depend on the age and weight of the man. That is, it doesn’t matter whether he is 16 or 25 years old, but if he is able to perform this number of times, then he can be called physically prepared.

To work on increasing strength you need to perform these exercises as many times as possible. To increase strength, two workouts per week will be enough. The main condition is constant growth. If you're already able to do high reps of an exercise, such as 50 push-ups, you can add extra weight.

The main advantage of such training is its simplicity. You don't need additional equipment, which can be expensive. You can work out on any playground. And if you want to train at home, then buy a wall-mounted horizontal bar. Its price does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.

To develop endurance you need to perform the exercises that we talked about above, only according to a different principle. Here the training should be more intense. When you work out to develop strength, you perform sets with a rest of 2-3 minutes. And when working on endurance, the break between approaches should not exceed 1 minute.

Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to practice, and after two approaches you will already be like a squeezed lemon. However, over time you will be able to do more and more repetitions.

What is endurance? This is a person’s ability to perform prolonged physical activity. That is, if you did 100 push-ups in 1 set, then you are endurance. And if it’s 10, but with extra weight, then you’re strong. Constantly increase the number of repetitions per set. Thus, you will increase the duration of your approach and become more resilient.

Here we can’t help but mention middle and long distance running. Boys should start with two kilometers, and girls with one kilometer. The pace should be kept moderate, and in the first few weeks of training - slow. The main task here is not speed, but distance. After all, running a greater distance, you are under load for a longer time. This means you become more resilient.

To develop endurance for beginners Two runs a week will be enough. Over time, it is necessary to increase the frequency of jogging to 4-5 per week.

To make your body more resilient, combine jogging with intense training on the horizontal bars and parallel bars. For example, twice a week you can run in the mornings and do pull-ups and push-ups in the evenings. This will be enough to keep us in shape.

Speed ​​development

To develop speed It is necessary to regularly perform short distance races - these are 100, 200 and 400 meters. You need to start from 100 meters. And then, when it becomes easier for you, increase the distance. The indicator of success in this matter is the time it takes you to run the distance. Work on running faster.

In addition to running fast, you must do the following exercises:

All these exercises must be performed at a fast pace. Try to do as many times as possible of each of these exercises in a minute.

If you combine short runs with these exercises, the results will not be long in coming! You need to practice this principle 3 times a week.

A set of general physical training exercises to develop explosive strength

What is explosive force? This is force times speed. You can just be a strong person, but clumsy, like some weightlifters. But if you are not only strong, but also fast, you will achieve significant success in sports.

For ordinary people who just want to keep their body in shape, there is no need to develop explosive strength. It is required in the following sports:

  1. Martial arts.
  2. Hockey.
  3. Skiing.

To develop explosiveness, it is necessary to perform pull-ups and push-ups at the fastest possible pace. At the same time, you should not violate the technique of performing the exercises, because this can lead to injuries. A very good training program for developing explosive strength:

  1. Pull-ups with a medium grip - 3 sets for a maximum of reps.
  2. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip - 3 sets for a maximum of reps.
  3. Dips - 3 sets to failure.
  4. Clapping push-ups - 3 sets to failure.

These exercises must be performed at the fastest possible pace. There should be no delays at the top and bottom points. Take a break between approaches until breathing is restored. That is, it will last differently for all people.

This set of exercises must be performed twice a week. At the same time, do not forget about short distance races. By combining them with the proposed complex, you can speed up the process of increasing your speed and strength.

Many athletes engage in similar physical training complexes in preparation for competitions. After all, strength and speed are decisive factors in many sports.

Don't forget about warming up! Even though these exercises are performed with body weight, they can still lead to injury. To avoid this, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes before training.

To assess your level of general physical fitness, find tables of rank standards for physical fitness on the Internet. And if you want more, you can clearly set a goal and follow it!

Your workouts don't have to be monotonous and boring.. Have fun training! Try different exercise variations.

You can do general physical training both at home and in fitness centers. There are group physical training classes for both children and adults. By signing up for group physical training classes, you can find new friends. Competitions are also held among the participants of these groups. And this will help you get motivated and achieve better results.