Cardio workouts to burn fat and promote health. Wellness walking - boring and inefficient? What is cardio training for weight loss?

This is a kind of aerobic training, where, in addition to the muscles of the body, the cardiovascular system is involved. As a result of a certain load, glucose is oxidized by oxygen with the production of energy, which ensures the motor activity of the muscles. In fact, cardio training is a training of the heart.

Fat burning occurs as a side effect of it. This type of fitness is one of the most effective in the fight against excess body weight. To achieve the result, you need to practice from 20 minutes to two hours.

Many people who want to lose weight work hard, but their weight stays the same. This comes from the fact that he does not fully understand how to properly organize his workouts and how to distribute the load.

The main criterion for the proper organization of the cardio training process is a certain heart rate.

The lower limit is determined by the formula:

  • (220 bpm - age - resting heart rate) ×0.6+ resting heart rate

For maximum efficiency, you should not fall below this limit.

To calculate the upper limit, another formula is used:

  • (220 bpm - age - resting heart rate) ×0.8+ resting heart rate

It is also not necessary to rise above this limit. It is necessary to measure the pulse before training, during it and after. With self-study at home, empirically, you can choose the best option. Strict heart rate control is the key to a proper and healthy workout.

There is also a simpler formula:

  • For women: heart rate (max)=220-age
  • For men: heart rate (max) = 214-age

To maintain an optimal heart rate, you need intense tension, when the whole body is working at 100%, alternated with short periods of rest, so that the pulse returns to normal.

What are the benefits of cardio?

  • Increasing the endurance of the body.
  • Weight loss.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Increasing resistance to diseases and strengthening immunity.

They will benefit anyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health. Female representatives use this type of fitness to create a beautiful figure. Men involved in strength sports use cardio in preparation for competitions. For novice athletes, they help to better prepare for more serious loads.

How is the program selected?

The number of classes is from three to five times a week. For beginners, it is enough to practice 3 times a week for 25 minutes, gradually increasing the duration and frequency. The interval between workouts should be no more than two days. The intensity must be increased, as endurance increases, and the body begins to get used to the loads. It is necessary to change the types of training, alternate different exercises in order to achieve the desired result.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will select an individual program for a specific person. Being engaged on your own, without having a complete understanding of the essence of cardio loads, you can harm your health.

The program includes various exercises on a stationary bike, running, walking, active games, jumping. If you don’t have time for a full-fledged gym session, you can train between tasks, for example, walk regularly, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride a bike to work or errands. But this applies to exercises in order to strengthen the cardiovascular system and health in general. If the goal is weight loss, then only full-fledged loads will help achieve it.

How to tidy up the figure while exercising at home?

By performing special exercises, you can get rid of excess fat deposits on all parts of the body, including thighs, back and arms, even at home.

  • The simplest of them is jumping rope. You need to jump at a fast pace for 1 minute, then walk slowly for 1 minute. And so - 20 minutes.
  • Run high hips - 10 minutes, rest 2 minutes and run again.
  • Run up the stairs - 10 minutes, then slowly go down and repeat again.

Treadmill cardio includes walking and running. It is better to start with walking, because if you are not used to it, you can damage your knee or ankle joints. For this, low-intensity cardio loads are most suitable. The program consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the body for exercise (3-5 minutes) - walking at a speed of 3 km / h to accelerate the pulse to the required level (calculated using the formula above).
  2. The main training (20-40 minutes) - walking at a speed of 4-7 km / h. If the pulse has reached the maximum permissible maximum (see the formula above), the speed must be reduced. Then increase again.
  3. Hitch (5 min) - a gradual decrease in walking speed to a complete stop.

Walking can be done for up to three months, then, when a stronger load is required, you can switch to running. Among other things, the treadmill is very good for burning fat in the legs.

Monotonous exercises may not be interesting. Interval cardio, which is more pleasant to do to your favorite music, can diversify your routine and increase performance. It differs in that the change of activities occurs without rest.

You can try the following option, where each exercise is performed for 2 minutes:

  1. Jumping rope with fast speed, in turn on each leg.
  2. Quick jumps with both feet to the left and right.
  3. Jumping back and forth, pushing either with the left or with the right foot - 12 times.
  4. Rope jumping again.
  5. Lunges forward, changing legs in a jump.
  6. Jumping with the legs apart at a shoulder-width distance, the arms are also divorced. Return to the starting position by jumping - 20 times.
  7. Rope jumping. You can notice the first results after 3 weeks, if you practice regularly 3 times a week. More often - it's not worth it, as this will only weaken the body.

Do you always have to run and jump during cardio workouts?

Sometimes it is impossible to practice at home, running and jumping, as this interferes with the neighbors below. In this case, there are options without and without jumps. They are also suitable for beginners, for those who have recently suffered an injury, have various diseases, or for the elderly.

There is an interesting video course “Weight loss for dummies”, in which the instructor Gay Gasper competently and clearly explains how to perform the exercises. The main load in this course is designed to burn fat in the legs, but the arms also work well.

Cardio training using dumbbells is also carried out without jumping. This type of strength cardio helps to strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

How to organize your diet so that weight loss occurs faster?

Cardio increases metabolism and fat burning is accelerated. Without proper nutrition, they will not be effective. It is necessary not to eat 2 hours before class and 1.5-2 hours after. It is necessary to drink water after playing sports, it helps to better break down fat that has already been deposited.

If, in addition to losing weight, the goal is to increase muscle mass, then you should add more protein foods to your diet: lean beef, chicken, cottage cheese. To achieve a good result, you will have to abandon foods containing fast carbohydrates (sweet, flour, fatty). Slow carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread, various cereals - oats, buckwheat, barley, on the contrary, are useful for weight loss.

How is cardio done in the gym?

There are many cardio machines available:

  • stepper;
  • Bicycle ergometer;
  • Ski simulator;
  • Treadmill;
  • Exercise bike.

On the simulator, you can choose a suitable program and practice according to it. Another way is an interval load on all simulators in turn for 1 minute. For beginners, one circle is enough, and for advanced ones - 2-3 circles.

How does cardio help to get rid of the stomach?

To reduce the fat layer in the abdomen, the best option would be interval cardio. You don't even have to go to the gym to do it. Intensive cyclic training can be successfully carried out at home. Running helps to reduce the waist. Riding a bike or exercise bike effectively burns belly fat. Step aerobics is especially suitable for women. Boxing, playing football are more suitable for men.

How to combine with other types of physical activity?

Cardio requires a lot of energy, so it is advisable to do it in the morning, when fatigue has not yet accumulated. Although some people are more active in the afternoon. If the goal is to lose weight, then you need to perform cardio before strength training, to enhance the effect. If you gain muscle mass, increase the tone of the body - then after strength exercises.

How to make it useful and enjoyable?

  1. You need to choose simulators and exercises that bring pleasure and joy.
  2. Study to music, it will help maintain the right rhythm.
  3. Alternate exercises and machines to engage all muscle groups.
  4. At a different pace, calories burn better and endurance develops.
  5. Outdoor activities, in nature, allow you to diversify the situation. Oxygen helps to burn fat better.
  6. Comfortable clothing made from natural high-quality materials will not distract from the process.

To achieve the best result in getting rid of excess weight, cardio training should be alternated with strength training. Proper breathing, maintaining the required level of heart rate intensity, and a fast pace of exercise will improve health and improve your figure. Good endurance, a strong cardiovascular system make a person more stress-resistant, which is simply necessary for modern life.

Cardio is a word familiar to all athletes involved in any kind of sport: from athletics to extreme strength. The second meaning of this word is aerobic activity, and it is the subject of many myths, jokes, and even training systems. This is where the term "cardio training" comes from. Let's see what it is interesting for many athletes.

From the point of view of biochemistry, cardio (cardio) is the general name for all types of exercise performed due to the energy exchange process called "aerobic glycolysis". During cardio training, oxygen enters our body, oxidizes glucose, from which energy is released. It is this energy that ensures the maintenance of a person's physical activity for a long time.

This is the essence of cardio training from strength training, in which the release of energy occurs in a different way, oxygen-free, or otherwise - anaerobic.

Types of cardio workouts

To avoid possible confusion, let's take a look at the most popular types of cardio and talk about how they are mixed with strength sports.

  1. Running (can be replaced by brisk walking) is a great way to warm up in the morning, recharge your batteries, ventilate your lungs and the whole body as a whole, and at the same time spend a couple of hundred calories. The condition for such training is not to run too fast so as not to be completely exhausted. On the other hand, it shouldn't be an easy walk that won't even make you sweat. You need to tune in to your own optimal rhythm and run three to six times a week, setting aside an hour or a half for this. This will not only strengthen your body, but also help you become drier, more embossed.
  2. Swimming is the best form of cardio because it is difficult to exceed the maximum exertion limit. It is necessary not only to stay on the water, but to swim at your own pleasure, completing the training with a 200-500-meter swim without stopping. Such cardio training can bring literally fabulous results. This is because, unlike running, swimming limits breathing capacity. The body perceives this as a signal and begins to strive to increase the volume of the lungs, which means that the supply of oxygen to the whole organism will improve. Additional pluses - strengthening the immune system due to contact with water. Muscles in water relax and recover faster. Like marathon runners, swimmers have a much lower release of lactic acid into the muscles, so that people who do strength training with iron have the opportunity to train even more productively.
  3. Treadmills and trainers are imitations of running. There is such a training indoors, which is pretty bad. If there are no options or if the simulator is installed at home, you can train in this way, but it must be borne in mind that the lack of sunlight and clean air rich in oxygen, with increased stress on the heart and blood vessels, requires that such training be strictly dosed.
  4. Circuit training, otherwise called "functional training" These types of training have been around for a long time, but became popular no more than a year ago. Their essence is to perform strength training with a weight much less than bodybuilders use - five times or even ten times less than the usual working weight, but exercises are performed in a circle three to five times, without a break. It looks quite attractive, but it is not only a colossal burden, but also a high danger to blood vessels and the heart. However, it can be clarified that this danger occurs only for a person who does not have the appropriate training, with an unfamiliar technique. The lungs of such a person have not yet acquired the skill to supply oxygen to the body in a critical mode for 15-20 minutes in a row.

For clarity and specific numbers, see the infographic:

Who needs cardio training and why

  1. You can advise all people of middle age, because they help maintain the cardiovascular system in order and prolong life.
  2. When exercising, the purpose of which is to build muscle mass, cardio training is undesirable, since they cause an effect on muscle growth that is opposite to hypertrophy. But, since you cannot build muscle and burn fat at the same time, it is desirable to include cardio in the training plan along with strength training during the fat burning phase, as this will make fat burning more effective.
  3. If your goal is to lose weight, it's a good idea to add cardio to strength training, although cardio on its own isn't the best way to lose weight.
  4. Cardio workouts are good if you do cyclic sports and you need to develop endurance.
  5. Cardio is good to use for recovery. With light loads, recovery is faster.
  6. Many people advise using cardio workouts as a warm-up - to warm up the body for 5-7 minutes before starting a workout. Although this is not exactly cardio, but rather a regular warm-up.

Cardio training is not the best way to lose weight

Among women involved in fitness, this is a fairly popular misconception: hoping to lose weight and afraid to “swing”, they are storming ellipses in all the fitness halls of the world. But you don’t have to worry - it’s simply impossible to “swing” without hormones and steroids. But if cardio training is used exclusively for weight loss, then this is really a delusion, and a very common one.

Indeed, in 45 minutes of cardio training, you can burn more calories than during the same duration of strength training, but for weight loss, the overall effect will be worse. Strength training works differently - it burns fat not during training, but after it in the process of rest, which significantly increases the overall metabolic rate. Thanks to strength training, you will have a way even a small amount of muscle, for example, 5 kg, but they will already require you to add 250-400 additional kilocalories per day to your regular diet. As a result, it becomes easier to maintain some calorie deficit and burn fat on a consistent basis.

The maximum effect for burning fat is observed when combining full-fledged strength training with cardio training. Fitness experts advise for weight loss to carry out 2-3 strength training per week and add 2-3 cardio workouts lasting 45-60 minutes to them, and it is better to choose different days for training.

When is the best time to run?

1. Running on an empty stomach

Modern research has found that exercising for 30-60 minutes in the morning, immediately after waking up, allows you to burn fat three times more than similar exercises at other times of the day. The fact is that the main source of energy for the body throughout the day is carbohydrates from food. During a night's sleep, these reserves are depleted by the body. Therefore, when a person wakes up, carbohydrates no longer play their energy role and fat begins to be consumed for energy.

Interestingly, as a result of morning workouts, metabolism increases throughout the day, so after training on an empty stomach, the body will burn more calories throughout the day.

Attention! Those who have good muscle mass should definitely take into account that training on an empty stomach is contraindicated for them, because with a lack of fat, the body will begin to burn muscles. So this way to lose weight is only suitable for those people who have something to lose, that is, there is excess fat.

In the state of Kansas, studies were conducted that showed that during a morning workout, one kilogram of fat was oxidized faster than if physical activity was shown towards the end of the day. A cyclist who pedaled in the morning before breakfast burned 60% more fat than a cyclist who trained in the afternoon.

For muscular people seeking to improve their muscles, running in the morning on an empty stomach is contraindicated. In general, running in the morning is good, but in terms of losing muscle instead of fat, doing cardio on an empty stomach is bad. Therefore, you can make for yourself such a schedule for a morning run:

  • get up early, no later than 6-7 in the morning;
  • have a light snack without meat, for example, eat 4-5 boiled eggs with a glass of juice and bread;
  • after eating, take a 30-45-minute pause;
  • make a run.

So, for those who want to get rid of excess fat mass, it is advisable to run in the morning on an empty stomach, and if running is seen as a way to develop muscles, it is better to eat before cardio.

2. Cardio before strength training

For men seeking to gain muscle mass, aerobic activity in any of its forms one to two hours before working with iron is absolutely contraindicated. Cardio performed before strength work will lead to the depletion of glycogen stores, as a result of which there may simply not be enough strength for the last two or three repetitions, the most effective ones, which stimulate growth most of all. Another argument that pre-workout cardio is not necessary is that running leads to a decrease in protein synthesis and an increase in protein breakdown. With strength training, everything happens the other way around: protein synthesis remains at the same level or slightly increases, but protein breakdown increases.

Thus, it turns out that after cardio training, protein synthesis, which refers to the ability of the human body to form new muscle structures, decreases, and if after that you go to strength training, then the ability to build muscle mass will decrease significantly. Therefore, cardio, especially with a long duration, leaves its mark on muscle progress. For women who do not want to have muscle in large quantities, training with low intensity and low weight, it is quite possible to afford a 20-25-minute jog.

Thus, before training, cardio training may well be carried out, but after it it is necessary to withstand a certain time - 2.5 - 3 hours in order for the glycogen depot to be restored. The correct diet and the use of appropriate sports supplements, such as carbohydrate-protein shakes or gainers, will speed up this process.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of cardio after strength training

Such cardio workouts are more favorable than those carried out before strength training. The reason is that during strength training, glycogen stores are not depleted as much as during aerobic activity. So after the workout, there will still be enough stored glycogen in your muscles, and you will be able to carry out your race at a high level. You can get even more effective cardio if you wait two or three hours after class, eat, and only then go for a run. Thus, you will quickly replenish your glycogen stores, the breakdown of proteins will be stopped and the body will be ready to send all the pitchforks for a run, because it will no longer have to worry about restoring “post-workout holes”.

Best results from cardio

Everyone wants not just to run, but to achieve certain results by this - to improve their physique, heart function, etc. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to know the exact time of the intended run and plan your races accordingly. You can follow the following tips:

  • if in one of the strength training you plan to train your legs, then cardio should be carried out away from this day, for example, training legs on Monday, run on Thursday or Friday;
  • do cardio workouts on days when you don't have strength training;
  • if you can’t allocate separate days for running, practice jogging after your workout is over.

If the body is 100% charged with energy, you will get much more benefits, that is, an increase in muscle mass, an improvement in appearance.

What pace should I run during cardio?

It is necessary to calculate the intensity of running according to the formula, which is tied to the indicator of the maximum heart rate (HR max). This frequency is defined as follows:

Heart rate max = 220 - age.

So, for a 17-year-old person, the maximum heart rate is 220 - 17 \u003d 203. During cardio training, the pulse should be from 65% to 85% of the calculated maximum.

Often they also talk about the pulse zone of fat burning (most likely because it is often noted in fitness rooms on cardio machines). This zone is also determined individually by testing on a gas analyzer. This rate is slightly lower - it is 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. For an average 30-year-old person, the rate is 115-135 beats per minute. However, we must not forget that cardio training is not particularly effective for burning fat.

Should You Eat After Cardio?

Many people believe that eating after a race is like death, because it cancels out all the work done so reluctantly. If you think this way, you need to reconsider your point of view, because it is erroneous. If you do not eat after running, but starve, the body will begin to develop a tendency to accumulate fat. Therefore, you must eat right. This does not mean that after running you need to dig into the confectionery department. Proper nutrition includes the following products: protein shake, fish, chicken, brown rice, buckwheat.

How long do you have to run to burn 1000 calories

The information below comes from an American running and weight loss magazine. It traced the relationship between fast food consumption and running, that is, how much you need to run to compensate for various foods. The results were as follows: if a person runs at a speed of 7-9 km / h, that is, at a moderate pace with a pulse of 65-75% of the maximum, then with an average build (70 kg), he burns about 550-600 kcal / h. So running a distance of 1.6 kilometers allows you to spend 100-120 kcal.

What form of aerobic activity to choose

Everyone understands that you can run in different ways. Some people think that you need to run at a slow pace to lose weight, while others advocate the benefits of interval cardio. Let's describe four types of aerobic activity that allow you to achieve both fat burning and “cultivate” muscle mass.

1. Low Efficiency Cardio (CED). This is the well-known jogging. It not only affects body composition, but also helps to reduce muscle pain, promotes the recovery of muscles damaged by microtraumas, since blood enriched with nutrients is intensively delivered to the muscles. KNI is not only jogging, but also cycling, classes on a treadmill at a low speed of its movement. In SOI, the energy of free fatty acids is predominantly used, followed by carbohydrates as an energy source.

During CNI training, it is desirable to take additional proteins and amino acids that are present in sports nutrition to maintain and preserve muscle mass. When training at low intensity, it is necessary to maintain the heart rate within 60-65% of the maximum. For a cardio workout that lasts 30-45 minutes, you need to stay slightly hydrated throughout it.

2. Medium Intensity Cardio (CSI) is an intermediate option between sprinting and jogging. The main goal is to perform work at an active pace, while the level of effort must be maintained for a long time. With such a run, you need to focus on breathing and constantly maintain the target heart rate zone within 65-70%. It is necessary to perform KSI for at least 30 minutes, while no rest is allowed and the pace should not go astray even for a second.

In this type of cardio, not only fats, but also carbohydrates are a source of energy. To maintain and maintain normal muscle mass, it is necessary to additionally take amino acids and proteins. After 5-7 minutes after the start, such a run leads to increased sweating, so you need to be wary of dehydration and drink water on the go.

3. Interval cardio (IR) requires the same intensity as CNI, but with less concentration and attention. You can work without fear of a possible breakdown. The goal of such activity is a quick workout, leading to an increase in metabolism for a long time after its completion. Many studies have shown that IC provides an even better fat burning effect than double the duration of CNI - this is due to a higher metabolic rate.

Sprints are intense cardio over fixed intervals with active recovery periods of walking in place between runs. The second name for IC is HIIC (high intensity interval cardio). Due to the anaerobic nature of this intensity, it is predominantly provided by carbohydrates, so in order to achieve the best results, it is required to consume carbohydrates both before and after running training. The use of amino acids and proteins is required for muscle recovery, and cool water consumed during breaks gives a surge of fresh strength and a charge of vivacity. To perform training according to this scheme, you can use the following schedule:

  • exercise 2-3 times a week;
  • the duration of the intensive run - 15 seconds;
  • in 15 seconds you need to run 50-60 meters;
  • the number of sprints - 20, of which 12 - with full intensity, 4 warm-up and 4 for cooling down;
  • total workout time is 15-20 minutes.
  • training the cardiovascular system;
  • strength and explosive abilities are improved.

The athlete chooses 2-3 exercises and ties them into one bundle. The weight is approximately 650% of the one-rep maximum. If a barbell weighing 50 kg is lifted on the biceps for one repetition, then a weight of 25 kg can be used for circular training. You need to repeat 12-15 times, in three sets with a rest between sets of 15-20 seconds. So, one circle is 2-3 exercises that are performed in a row one after another with breaks between circles of 15-20 seconds. This type of anaerobic activity consumes carbohydrates as fuel, so during the session they must be consumed to fuel the body. It is also necessary to control the intake of protein in the body and constantly stay hydrated, that is, sufficiently hydrated.

Each type of cardio has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages, so it's not so important which type provides the most efficiency: you can choose the one that you like and enjoy the most. You can try everything that is described above, and pick up your own. Any method creates an anabolic environment in the body and has a positive effect on body composition. The main thing is to use the chosen method systematically.

How to lose weight with cardio

Not everyone likes running, so other types of aerobic activity can be used instead. We also remind you that cardio is not the most effective way to lose weight quickly. Here are some tips that can be helpful when doing cardio workouts:

Tip #1: Replace walking with running. Everyone around you is indifferent to your weight, and only you yourself are interested in getting rid of it. Until you start running, you won't be able to lose weight. For starters, you can alternate running with walking - run for two minutes and walk for two minutes, and so on for 30-40 minutes. Gradually, you can reduce the time of respite, and you will soon see the changes in yourself.

Tip #2: Drink water during cardio. At the same time, the concepts of “wet the throat” and “drink as it should” should not be confused. If you drink more than half a liter of water per hour of cardio, you will simply secure an invitation to the toilet. We feel thirsty even if our mouths are just dry. You can soak it and run on.

Tip number 3. What to do if it hurts in the side. It happens to everyone and most often they ask what to do about it. You don’t have to do anything, you can run a little more slowly, breathe more often and keep the rhythm of breathing, and everything will pass in a couple of minutes.

Cardio training is an important part of the fat loss journey, but not the only one. To achieve success, you need to combine several components, the most important of which is proper nutrition. This must not be forgotten.

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Can't get up to the 3rd floor without being out of breath? Tired of carrying extra pounds? Cardio will help you. But even to such a seemingly simple thing need approach wisely. People often choose the wrong strategies and do not get results or lose the weight along with the muscles. As a result, they are disappointed and stop classes.correct fat burning cardiois a whole science. Need to know what cardio exerciseschoose how often and for how long to do them. In this article, I have collected a lot of research, my personal experience and willingly share my knowledge with you. Go!

What is cardio?

Cardio workout - It's a workout first.cardiovascular (cardiovascular) system. Cardio is performed at a low to high intensity and is based primarily on the aerobic energy system. Words are not very clear, I agree. Now I will try to explain. To determine what relates to cardio training, you need to know 2 main systems (mechanisms) for generating energy in the body:

  1. Aerobic oxidative system- to the body oxygen alone is enough to meet the energy requirement.
  2. Anaerobic oxidative systemThe body switches from oxygen to ATP and glycogen.

Aerobic oxidative system is more efficient (running at a moderate pace can for a long time). However, the anaerobic oxidative system is capable of providing a large amount of energy in a very short period of time. It is used during strength training and making very fast movements. (a classic example is the sprint).

Effects of cardio

cardioeveryone needs- not only to maintain shape, but also for health in principle. HereWhat does cardio training do?

  1. Burns fat and helps with recovery after strength training, read below.
  2. Increases aerobic power (VO2max). In simple terms, cardio increases the ability of cells to efficiently utilize oxygen. As a result, you can train longer and harder, and the onset of fatigue is delayed.
  3. Relaxes blood vessels. It helps normalize blood pressure. A positive effect on blood pressure levels is also achieved through the ability of cardio to combat psychological / physical stress and anxiety.
  4. Enhances blood circulation so that the muscles get more nutrients, "garbage" is removed from them(toxins). In addition, toxins are eliminated through sweat.
  5. Reduces "bad" cholesterol levels and raises "good".
  6. Helps in the digestion of food and has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Fights depression, gives a feeling of energy, well-being, and also increases life expectancy.

cardiohave a number of beneficial effectsfor fat burning:

  1. Cardio excellent burns calories. An hour-long cardio workout at a moderate pace consumes about 600 kcal (1 min ≈ 10 kcal).
  2. After cardio your body continues to burn extra calories for up to 24 hours. This phenomenon is known asEPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). It occurs due to the need for muscle recovery after loads. EPOCis 6-15% of the calories spent on medium-intensity cardio, that is, if you burned 500 kcal, another 30-75 will “burn out” during the day. And after HIIT, the additional calorie consumption will be about 100 kcal.
  3. increases the body's insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar spikes after meal . High insulin sensitivity causes more energy to be stored in muscle and less energy in fat.

However, the role offat burning cardio.The most important component in this case is nutrition with a calorie deficit. If you eat too much, you won't burn fat. Strength training is next in importance. It boosts metabolism for 48 hours (not 24 like cardio) and builds muscle. BUTthe more muscles, the more they consume energy.

Conclusion: cardio very useful, BUT for fat burning is not necessary.It acts as a supplement to proper nutrition and strength training.

Types of cardio

Main types of cardio:

  • low-intensity static cardio(for example, normal walking);
  • static cardio of medium intensity;
  • long-term high-intensity static cardio(for example, a marathon);
  • high intensity interval training(HIIT).

We are interested in cardio training for bodybuilding purposes (body composition, endurance, etc.) These are walking, static moderate intensity cardio and HIIT. Long marathon cardio is not suitable for us, because. it's bad for muscle mass.

Essence. Cardio workoutin its classical sense, activating the aerobic oxidative system.

Pulse.It is performed in the range of medium intensity (pulse 65-70% of the maximum) and from medium to long duration (20-60 minutes). The pace of execution does not change (static/constant = Steady State).

Effect.Used in bodybuilding, melts fat, increases stamina and has other beneficial effects described above.

Example.Classes on an elliptical trainer (orbitrek) at a moderate pace.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Essence.HIIT is based on maximum intensity intervals alternating with active rest intervals. Such a mechanismactivates two oxidative systems - aerobic and anaerobic.In HIIT training you needact with full dedication, otherwise it's just a short steady-state. It is important to keep the balancework-rest, it should be 2:1 (for trained). If you are a beginner, start with 1:4 and work your way up to 2:1.

Pulse.80-95% of maximum (intensive phase) and ~70% (active rest phase).

Effect.Static cardio and HIIT about the same in terms of efficiency., . At the same time, B IIT has several advantages:

  • the duration of HIIT training is 2 times less;
  • causes a strong surge of testosterone;
  • allows you to maintain and even build muscle mass ;
  • when using HIIT, it helps to overcome the plateau (this effect is caused by spikes in the level of catecholamine, a substance that is produced by the body to mobilize fat stores in order to burn them).

An example of interval cardio.30 seconds sprint and 1 minutes walk, which alternate for 15 minutes. Type of HIITtabata workout. It can be done in just 8 minutes.


Must be performed incertain pulse corridor. Its boundaries can be calculated by knowing your ownHRMax - maximum heart rate (HR) per minute. The best known method of determination is the formula developed by Fox et al. in 1971:HRmax = 220 - age. But according to modern research, the equation"208 − 0.7 × age" is more accurate.

Pulse for maximum fat burning

According to Achten J and Jeukendrup AE. ,The maximum oxidation of fats occurs at a pulse rate in beginners - 66-69% of the maximum, in trained ones - 73-76%.The transition of the fat-burning border negatively affects the muscles (with prolonged loads). These data apply only to static cardio.Heart rate calculation for cardio trainingin HIIT mode is not particularly needed. As I mentioned, work to the maximum andfocus on feelings.

For example, let's calculateoptimal static cardio heart rate corridor for Steve (remember him from ?):

  1. HRMax \u003d 208 - 0.7 x 25 (age) \u003d 190.5;
  2. Bottom line Heart rate during cardio= 190.5 x 0.73 = 139.06;
  3. Upper limit = 190.5 x 0.76 = 144.78.

Total fat burning cardio workoutStiva should be performed in the heart rate range from 139 to 145. To make it easy and without any mathcalculate yourpulsefat burning, use my .

How to measure the pulse

Intensity scores Pulse, HRMax What do you feel?
1 pointup to 30%Rest state
2 points30-40% Respiratory rate normal, very light exertion
3 points40-49% Respiration rate normal, light warm-up
4 points50-59% It's getting hot, you breathe a little faster
5 points60-69% It's hot, breathing quickens, but you don't choke, you can keep up the conversation
6 points70-75% You start to choke, exhale through your mouth, there is no burning sensation in the muscles
7 points76-81% A slight burning sensation in the muscles, it is difficult to speak
8 points82-87% Strong burning sensation in the muscles, you can say a few short phrases
9 points88-95% Extreme burning in the muscles, can only say a few words
10 points96-100%

Frequency and duration

The main task of cardio training in bodybuilding isincreasing calorie intake to burn fat. In addition, proper cardio:

  1. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. And it needs to be trained on a par with muscles, first of all, in order tomaintain the pace of strength training.The heart of beginners gives up faster than the muscles - the pulse goes off scale, shortness of breath occurs.
  2. Promotes muscle hypertrophy, has a beneficial effect on recovery after strength trainingexercisesdue to improved blood flow, excretion of lactic acid and replenishment of phosphocreatine (a substance required for energy synthesis).

Medium intensity static cardio

Duration. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (running, swimming, biking) 3 times a week. That is, you do not need to do more than 1-2 hours of cardio per week to maintain health and burn fat (assuming proper diet and strength training).

How often?After every strength trainingcardio workout in the gymbefore power is not recommended, read about it below) and on rest days.

Can you do cardio every day?? For optimal recovery, you need 1-2 “weekends” per week. If you can't go a day without cardio, do light (low-intensity) cardio on the "weekend".


Duration. From 12 to 30 minutes. For beginners, 15 minutes is enough.

How often?HIIT workoutstake more time to recoverthan static cardio. startwith one HIIT workout per week, preferably on rest days. When you're ready, add a second HIIT per week, evenly spreading them out over the days. A safe mode of doing HIIT is 2-3 sessions every week, each no longer than 30 minutes. For beginners, before HIIT, it is better to do regular cardio for 2-3 weeks.

If it turns out that HIIT is negatively affecting your strength performance, replace it with medium intensity cardio. This is enough to enjoy the benefits of cardio while avoiding its drawbacks.

Important: warm up before cardio workout(especially before HIIT) is required. A few minutes spent significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Harm of excessive high-intensity cardio

More doesn't mean better.Long-term high-intensitycardio workoutnegatively affects the body:

  1. Muscles burn, fat is practically not used. Free radicals are activated - metabolic products that destroy muscle and other tissues. (short cardio workouts, on the contrary, have an antioxidant effect). Significantly increases the level of cortisol, a hormone dangerous for muscles.
  2. The prerequisites are being created fordecrease in metabolism and development yo-yo effect.As a result, processes slow down.
  3. Too much cardio can lead tocardiovascular problems, and can also provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

Conclusion: Don't kill yourself on cardio. Use the average intensity and gradually increase the duration.

Before or after strength training?

Can you combine cardio and strength training on the same day?It is possible and necessary, butnever do cardio before working with iron. In this case, you will run out of glycogen stores. Respectively:

  • there will be little energy on the power;
  • do less work;
  • muscle hypertrophy will be less;
  • fatigue increases the risk of injury.

Another reason not tocardio before strength trainingmTOR inhibition,signaling complex for muscle growth. It's optionalmakes it harder to gain muscle mass.

A study by Goto K. et al. showed that moderate staticcardio immediately after strength training burns morefat, compared to doing cardio alone. At the same time, the break between strength and cardio training should be small (up to 20 minutes).

Conclusion:do cardio after lifting weights or in your free time time /holiday. If your goal is to burn fat, the best time to do cardio is immediately after strength training.

Cardio on an empty stomach

Is it better to do cardio on an empty stomach or after a meal? On the one hand, a study by Kaito Iwayama et al. showed thatfasted cardio in the morning much increases fat oxidation for up to 24 hours. A study by Kenshiro Shimada et al. indicated that "hungry" cardio oxidizes more fat, but at the same time stores more glycogen.

Other studies show thatcardio workouton an empty stomach has a catabolic effect.That is, along with fat, muscle proteins are used. How to avoid catabolism? It's simple - before training, drinkBCAAs.They regulate protein synthesis to minimize muscle damage and accelerate fat burning.

Conclusion:if it is possible to do cardio on an empty stomach, do it after throwing in BCAA.

Cardio exercises

With the techniques of moderate static cardio and HIIT, you can perform variouscardio exercises:

  • normal walking;
  • walking uphill;
  • jumping rope;
  • bicycle or exercise bike;
  • ellipse cardio, rowing;
  • swimming;
  • boxing, kickboxing;
  • martial arts (kendo, karate, taekwondo…);
  • running (jogging, sprinting);
  • cardio workout on a treadmill.

Essentially, cardio isany prolonged activity that uses a lot of muscle. Therefore, it is not necessary tocardio exercises only in the gym. Try running on the spot according to the Tabata protocol - you will get tired.

Advice:avoid stress on the joints(running, jumping), especially with obesity. Better use bicycle, ellipsoid, uphill walking, rowing, etc.


The healthiest and most natural activity is walking.. The body is designed for walking - our distant ancestors walked most of the time and looked great. Walking gives the same effects as the classicfat burning cardio workout. At the same time, she has no flawssuch as stress on joints, risk of injury or overtraining.

How much to walk? To burn fat and increase endurance, walk for at least 30-60 minutes 5 days a week. In general, do it whenever possible.

fat burning cardio program

Suggested fat burning cardio workout programssuitable for both boys and the fair sex.Cardio workout in the gym for girlsno different from men.

Static cardio

Type of cardio exercise:

Execution frequency: 5 times a week, after strength training (i.e. 3-4 times) and 1-2 times on rest days

Benefit: one workout = 300 kcal, 5 workouts will burn about 1500 kcal per week + fat burning, increased endurance and other beneficial effects.


This 4 phase program cardio workout to burn fat in the gymwill turn you from beginner to HIIT pro in 8 weeks.

Phase 1 (week 1-2).Work-leisure ratio 1:4

15 seconds - intensity 9 points;

Lead time: 14 min (11 reps with a 15 second "snatch" at the end)

Phase 2 (week 3-4). Work-leisure ratio 1:2

60 seconds - intensity 7 points;

Lead time: 17 min (11 reps with a 30 second “snatch” at the end)

Phase 3 (week 5-6).Work-leisure ratio 1:1

30 seconds - intensity 9 points;

30 seconds - intensity 7 points;

Lead time: 18 min 30 sec (18 reps with a 30-second “snatch” at the end)

Phase 4 (week 7-8). Work-leisure ratio 2:1

30 seconds - intensity 9 points;

15 seconds - intensity 7 points;

Lead time: 20 min (26 reps with a 30 second "snatch" at the end)

Frequency of doing workouts according to the program: 1-2 times a week, on rest days.

Type of cardio exercise:exercise bike, ellipsoid or walking uphill.

Benefit: A bunch of calories burned, hormonal surge, fat burning, muscle growth, endurance increase!

Cardio workout without equipment

Cardio can be done anywhere and without equipment, For example:

  • go for a walk (light static cardio);
  • do sprints (HIIT);
  • jump rope (in static or HIIT mode), etc.

You can find an excellent home workout program.

Nutrition for cardio

Research says: only one fat burning cardionot enough. Oddly enough, some people even gain fat after starting classes cardio. They begin to consume more calories and indulge in hard workout food. Nothing and no one can help you if you eat too much, abuse simple carbohydrates and fast food.

  • healthy and natural food;
  • optimal ratio of BJU;
  • correctly selected daily calorie intake;
  • vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals in the diet.

What to eat after cardio? According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is optimal to consume protein and carbohydrates in a 1:3 ratio after a workout. Protein will help restore muscles, and carbohydrates will replenish glycogen.

Explore in more detailthe basics of proper nutrition can . To quickly find out the correct ratio of BJU and the daily calorie intaketh(depending on purpose), use my.

Now you have all the essential knowledge about what should be the rightcardio workout.It remains only to begin to act. And the most important. The key to success in any business is consistency.. Especially in sports. Therefore, choose the type of cardio that you like and that you don’t want to give up. In your favorite business, the result will not keep you waiting, believe me.


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If you do not like running, biking and other monotonous activities, this is not a reason to give up cardio training. We show you 30 cool bodyweight exercises you should try.

How to make a workout

  1. Determine the duration of the workout, for example 30 minutes.
  2. To make it easier to count, choose 10 or 15 exercises. Or do all 30.
  3. Do the exercises in a row, one after the other. Take 40 seconds for one exercise, then rest for 20 seconds and move on to the next.
  4. After completing the circuit, you can rest for 1-2 minutes or immediately start it again. If you chose 10 exercises, you will get three circles, if 15 - two, if 30 - one.

You can easily adjust the workout time and difficulty. If you want it easier - increase the rest time between sets, if it's harder - rest less.

If you have a fitness bracelet, keep an eye out. Throughout the entire workout, it should not fall below 150 beats per minute. Then your cardio training in terms of efficiency will be comparable to a long measured run and even surpass it in terms of pumping different muscle groups.

Very busy people can work out. Classic tabata lasts 4 minutes and consists of eight intervals: 20 seconds of work + 10 seconds of rest. Choose 2, 4 or 8 exercises and do one or more circuits at maximum intensity. Such a workout will help you burn more calories in a minimum amount of time and pump up your stamina.

What exercises to do

1. High hip jumps

Jump up in place, bringing your knee high up each time. Help yourself with your hands.

2. Stretch in plank

21. Knee to elbow in lying position

Stand in an emphasis lying, palms under your shoulders, legs straight. Bend your right leg and bring your knee to your elbow. Return to push-up position and repeat with the other leg.

22. Steps crosswise in plank

Stand upright, palms under shoulders, feet together. Take a step with your left hand crosswise and place it in front of your right. At the same time, take a wide step with your right foot to the side. Then take a step to the right with your right hand, and substitute your left foot with your right. This is one time.

Perform three times to the right side and three times to the left. When walking to the left, during the cross movement, the right hand is placed in front of the left.

23. Elbow Plank with Knee Raise

Get into a plank position on your elbows. Move your pelvis up, lift your right leg, bent at the knee, and try to reach your chest with your knee. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.

24. Side plank push-ups

Perform a push-up and turn into a side plank: turn your body to the right, tear your right hand off the floor and lift it up. Lock for a second, return to the lying position, do push-ups and plank to the other side.

25. Bridge

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, place your palms behind you. Raise your pelvis so that your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. At the top point, each time tighten the buttocks to better work them out.

26. Rock climber

Get into an upright position. Pull the knee to the chest, the foot can be left in the air or placed on the floor under the pelvis. With a jump, change legs, try to keep the pelvis in one place.

27. Boxing jumps

Find a stable elevation at least 50 centimeters high. Jump on it, fully straighten up, get off or jump back down and repeat.

28. Burpee

From a straight position through the lying support, lower yourself to the floor, touch the floor with your chest and hips. With a jump, bring your legs closer to your arms, straighten up and jump up. As you jump, clap your hands over your head.

29. Jumping out of a squat

Squat down to parallel with the floor or slightly below. Jump up and go into a squat again. Try not to lift your heels during the exercise.

30. Skater

Tilt your body forward, make a sliding jump to the side with your right foot, bring your left cross behind your right, swing your hands to the right. Repeat on the other side. The movement resembles fast skating.

Cardio training (however, like strength training and, something tells us, any other) training is surrounded by legends. Most of the adherents of a healthy lifestyle believe that it is cardio loads that can help in reducing body weight, while this is not to be expected from working with weight. Fitness trainers, in turn, argue that it is precisely this approach to training that prevents you from gradually and productively losing weight.

Let's figure out what myths about cardio training prevent you from losing weight and why.

Myth 1. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio training.

Doing only cardio is not only boring, but also ineffective in terms of weight loss. “Strength training builds muscle mass, which, in fact, increases your metabolism,” says Hollywood trainer Elizabeth Hendrix Burwell. “So the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn day after day.”

Add to that, recent research by the Personal Trainers Association of America has shown that dumbbell exercises can burn up to 20 calories per minute.

Myth 2. You should start your workout with cardio exercises.

What should come first: cardio or strength training is a question as eternal as the one in which the chicken and the egg appear. “If you first do 40 minutes on the treadmill and then pick up dumbbells, you will have too little energy left to work out the relief,” warns personal trainer Lindsay Vastola. She advises alternating cardio workouts and strength training, choosing a separate day for each of them.

Myth 3. You need to burn at least 500 calories during cardio.

Persevering on a treadmill that shows calories burned is a waste of time and energy. “If only because the machines can only roughly estimate the speed of your metabolism,” says Vastola. The trainer advises not to pay attention to the red numbers, focusing on the intensity and quality of the exercises. Choose an intensity of 8 or 9 if you feel you can do it, and then you can afford to take breaks more often without hurting your end goal.

Myth 4. We must not forget about the "fat burning zone"

Beneath the cryptic phrase "fat burning zone" lies a not so complicated, but in a certain sense useless formula that allows you to calculate the "ideal" training intensity for weight loss. But experts are sure that you should not fill your head with calculations. "The higher the intensity, the more calories you will burn - that's all you need to remember," says certified trainer Marta Montenegro. At the same time, the expert recommends alternating high-intensity exercises with relaxing ones to give the body time to recover.

Myth 5. Cardio exercise on an empty stomach burns more calories.

You can't start a car without gas, so why do you expect anything else from your body? The secret to the effectiveness of cardio training is that they are inextricably linked with. “It should be remembered that during training on an empty stomach, our body tends to look for carbohydrates in the blood and muscles, and not at all in excess fat, as we would like,” says physiology professor Michelle Olson. The result is fatigue, drowsiness and lack of hydration.

Try to eat at least 90 minutes before your workout. Olson says it should be something light but nutritious, like half a cup of low-fat kefir + 2 tablespoons of muesli + fruit pieces + cinnamon. And be sure to complete this set with two glasses of water.

Myth 6: Running marathons is a great way to lose weight.

Needless to say, marathons have enough benefits: strengthening the cardiovascular and immune systems, increasing endurance, or, as is increasingly the case, contributing to charity. Plus, training for a marathon makes your body more efficient in every way, allowing it to learn how to conserve energy and function at its best. "However, don't expect big results from the first race," warns personal trainer John-Eric Kawamoto. And, of course, you should not make weight loss the ultimate goal of participating in a marathon.

Myth 7. Cardio and strength training should always be separated.

So, we are ready to completely confuse you. Experts report that while it's often beneficial to separate cardio and strength training, sometimes pairing the two can be truly effective. Studies have shown that if once a week cardio and strength exercises alternate within one workout, then at the end of it, calories continue to be burned for at least another 20 minutes. “So you can lose weight even after the workout is over,” comments Montenegro. Not bad, right?

Myth 8. Cardio training allows you to not limit yourself in nutrition.

Oh yes, we would like that. But, unfortunately, most of us overestimate the power of cardio - namely, the number of calories that can be burned with these exercises. “Physical activity alone is not enough anyway,” comments certified fitness expert Bret Contreras. “The average obese person loses about 2.5 kilograms of fat in eight months of training, and this is very little. regular exercise proper nutrition and ".