When does the fishing ban end? Coastal spinning in May - features of fishing during the spawning ban. Is it possible to catch nets

Well, it's May. There is a spawning ban in the yard, which began in many regions from May 1, in some areas from May 5. Boats will not be allowed to enter the reservoirs where spawning grounds are located, and these are all large reservoirs of the country and their tributaries of the first order, for 45 days. This measure is completely justified and not even in terms of the fact that going out on a boat can somehow prevent the fish from spawning. Indeed, on spawning grounds, if necessary, a boat ride on oars is allowed.

Most of all, this ban is directed against poachers who are engaged in net fishing during this period, setting nets, as usual, without licenses and permits, and catching fish going to spawn. If they scoop up fish in a spawning ban with nets, then the next day they will not be found with fire.

In order not to filter who is an honest fisherman on the reservoir and who is a poacher, a general ban has been introduced on or on the lake.

What remains for the spinners who have already managed to taste spinning again in March - April, when the ice on the reservoirs melted? What to do for those who managed to experience a knock on the hand when biting and the resistance of the fish being pulled out at the other end of the fishing line?

It would seem that there is only one way out - to pick up a float fishing rod and go fishing for roach and bream from the shore for maggots or worms.

What spinning in May can be legal

Having answered the question of what can be legal, you can afford to fish with this tackle until the opening of the spinning season on June 10-15.

First of all, it is, of course, fishing from the shore. Only coastal spinning will not violate the prohibition of anglers on boats on the reservoir during this period. Well, we take a longer spinning rod, three - three and a half meters, and go to the shore of the reservoir.

Secondly, it is fishing with one or two hooks. The rules clearly state that the maximum number of underdresses allowed is two. That is, not two tees, as on a wobbler, but the number of underwear. So, we change the tees on the wobbler to singles, and all the tees to doubles - and now we are within the law. Even better, if all the tees on the spinners are replaced with single hooks - this will turn out to be a more sporty option. Still, there is a high probability during this period that bream or roach, standing in dense shoals, will inadvertently turn purple during the stepped wiring.

And finally, it is worth thinking about choosing the right reservoirs for spinning fishing during this period.

Large reservoirs and tributaries of the first order are declared spawning grounds at this moment. Well, so you need to go to the tributaries of the second order, where there are no restrictions on fishing at this moment. Usually, tributaries of the second order are very small rivers, on which it will just be appropriate. And what lures to use on the second-order tributary during this period and with how many hooks - let your fishing conscience tell you.

And here is an even more correct bait for pike in May - with a single hook.

Fishing is a great outdoor activity. It is easy to combine business with pleasure here. Many men devote all their free time to fishing. And this is not surprising, since on fishing you can take a break from everyday bustle and catch fish, delighting family members. After all, you can cook various tasty and healthy dishes from fish or just fry it, as well as cook a delicious fish soup.

In the presence of a boat, fishing takes on completely different features. If the fisherman has a boat, then he will be able to fish in any part of the reservoir. If we take into account modern wild reservoirs, the shores of which are considered inaccessible, then fishing on them without a boat is simply impossible. Therefore, the presence of a boat practically guarantees a catch. The main thing is that fine weather contributes to fishing, then not only the catch will be ensured, but also a great mood. After all, fishing is primarily recreation and an opportunity to gain strength and energy.

Well, if the boat is with a motor, then fishing is more efficient, especially on large reservoirs. As for small ponds, you can also work with oars, especially since such a movement does not scare away the fish.

When going fishing with a boat, you should be aware of the current prohibitions on fishing from a boat, which are established at the legislative level. At the same time, you should also be aware that the dates can be different every year due to weather conditions, which is associated with the migration of fish. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with such terms through the Internet.


Deadlines may vary by country and region. If we talk about Russia, then the timing of catching fish is regulated in the following order:

  • From the moment the ice disappears until June 10, it is forbidden to catch pike perch, bream and asp.
  • From the moment the ice disappears until May 15, it is forbidden to catch pike.
  • From May 25 to June 10 - crayfish.
  • From October 1 to November 20 - whitefish, peled, brook trout, grayling, ripus and eel.

The dates are approximate, so they require clarification in individual regions.

As for Ukraine, fishing here has its own characteristics. The head of Gosrybnadzor signs the corresponding document every year. You can find out about this on the official website and clarify where and how you can fish during the spawning period, or rather, during periods of current bans. The site contains a table with which you can determine similar terms that may apply to specific reservoirs.

The main dates that correspond to the ban on fishing in the spring include:

  • From April 1 to June 30 - fishing on the rivers.
  • From April 1 to June 10 - fishing in ponds and reservoirs.
  • From April 1 to June 30 - a ban on fishing in adnexal systems.

The ban on catching crayfish, which is valid for most reservoirs in spring and autumn:

  • From April 1 to June 30 - a ban on fishing in the spring.
  • From August 20 to September 30 - a ban on fishing in the fall.

For spinners and fans of fishing with rods using one hook, fishing may be allowed in areas remote from spawning grounds.

Recently, fishing in rivers and lakes has been massive and uncontrolled, which is why the number of fish has sharply decreased. In order to somehow restore the number of fish due to its reproduction in the natural environment, there are prohibitions. This is done by services that control the level of biological resources. These bodies monitor the implementation of legal acts and have the right to impose fines in case of their violation.

Particular attention is paid to the process of spawning, as well as the preparation of fish for wintering. The catch of crayfish is also prohibited during the molting period, when caviar is formed in it. During this period, the use of any boats, as well as certain types of gear, is prohibited. Only employees of fish protection are allowed to move around the reservoir.

During this period, it is unacceptable to hold any competitions, as well as blasting and mining in spawning grounds.

Therefore, fishing within the terms prohibited by law is strictly punishable by law. For fishing during these periods, it is realistic to get a serious fine or prison term. This is directly stated in the relevant documents.

Consequences of violations

Both in Russia and Ukraine, a list of gear and improvised means is stipulated that are prohibited in the process of fishing all year round. The use of prohibited means is considered poaching and is punishable by law.

  • It is forbidden to catch any nets.
  • Various traps are prohibited for use, except for crayfish.
  • The use of passive fishing gear, such as hooks, pokes, etc., is prohibited. on rivers where salmon live in large numbers.
  • The use of airguns is prohibited.
  • Fishing rods and spinning rods equipped with hooks with a total number of more than 10 pieces per angler are prohibited.
  • Fishing with bottom nets and trawls is prohibited.
  • Self-made structures based on hooks are prohibited.
  • Net-based devices such as nets, drills, overlays, kerchiefs, etc. are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to use lifts and scoops with dimensions greater than 1 square meter and a cell pitch greater than 10 mm.
  • Catfish traps are prohibited.
  • Various piercing tools for fishing in the form of spears are prohibited.

In Ukraine prohibited:

  • Nonsense.
  • Venteria, paths.
  • Jails.
  • Parachutes.
  • Spiders.
  • Self-propelled crossings.
  • Samodery.
  • Fixed networks.
  • Screens.

In addition, the norms for catching fish per person have been established. Rates depend on the number of days spent fishing. It is permissible to catch no more than 5 kg of fish per person and 30 units of crayfish. If fishing lasts 2 days, then it is allowed to take out no more than 10 kg of fish per person in any form, for example, salted, smoked or dried.

There are restrictions on the catch of fish listed in the Red Book. These types of fish include: sturgeon, Aral salmon, large pseudoshovelnose, etc. For catching such fish, a fine of 40 thousand rubles is imposed. And further:

  • Fishing during the spawning season can cost 300,000 rubles in fines, and all fishing gear will be confiscated.
  • For the catch of carp, pike and carp, 250 rubles per fish.
  • For the catch of bream - 25 rubles apiece.
  • For the catch of crayfish at 42 rubles per crayfish.

In each region, lists of prohibited fish have been compiled. Going fishing, you should study the list of fish species that are prohibited from catching at all.

In addition, there are standards for catching fish of a certain size. If the caught fish is smaller than the one that is allowed to be caught, then such fish must be released. For example:

  • Carp - not less than 30 cm.
  • Crayfish - not less than 9 cm.
  • Pike perch - not less than 38 cm.
  • Burbot - not less than 40 cm.
  • Pike - not less than 32 cm.
  • Asp - not less than 35 cm.
  • Catfish - not less than 40 cm.
  • Chub - not less than 20 cm.
  • Carp - not less than 24 cm.
  • Rybets - not less than 22 cm.
  • Ram - not less than 16 cm.
  • White carp - not less than 45 cm.
  • Bream - not less than 25 cm.
  • Trout - not less than 15 cm.
  • Podust - not less than 15 cm.
  • Bersh - not less than 25 cm.
  • Mustache - not less than 20 cm.
  • Herring - not less than 15 cm.
  • Silver carp - not less than 50 cm.

In Ukraine

Recently, penalties for catching illegal fish have been seriously increased. Therefore, before going fishing during the periods of the ban, it is worth considering the consequences.

Catching fish listed in the Red Book can cost 510 UAH. for a unit. At the same time, you will have to pay about 1550 UAH for the caught paddlefish.

The amount of fines depends on the amount of damage to fish stocks. At the same time, you need to tune in to the fact that you have to pay for each fish separately. A fine can be imposed in the amount of up to 150 non-taxable minimums. So:

  • For a caught crucian or perch, you will have to pay 17 UAH.
  • For a caught pike - 340 UAH.

If significant damage has been done to the fish population, then you can count on criminal liability. In addition, all tackle, boat and catch will be confiscated.

As a rule, fish bite best in summer either early in the morning or late in the evening. During this period, fish move in flocks around the reservoir in search of food. For fishing to be successful, it is better to use bait. You can buy it at a fishing store or cook it yourself before going fishing.

The advantage of purchased bait is that it does not need to be cooked, it is enough to add a certain amount of water to achieve the desired consistency. Groundbait prepared at home also has a number of advantages. Firstly, it can be cooked no worse than purchased, and secondly, it will cost much less. The only thing is that for its preparation it is necessary to spend some free time.

If you feed the fish in advance, then this can increase the efficiency of fishing at times. At depths up to 4 meters for fishing, the following are used:

  • Mormyshki.
  • Spinners.
  • Malek.
  • Zywiec.

The activity of biting fish also depends on weather factors. Its activity is affected by atmospheric pressure, water temperature, the presence of wind, etc., for example, in rainy and cloudy weather, trout and catfish are active, and on a hot sunny day, you can count on the active biting of crucian carp or carp. After the rain, trout and chub come to the shore. When the upper layers of water warm up, it attracts many predators that feed on fish fry. If a cold north wind blows, then it's time to catch burbot.

Each fishing requires the angler to choose a certain type of gear, depending on the fishing conditions. At the same time, the choice of gear is influenced by the presence of a current or its absence. If the depth of fishing does not exceed 5 meters, then it is permissible to use classic types of gear.

With a greater fishing depth, about 12 meters, as well as the presence of an undercurrent, it is necessary to select completely different types of gear, such as a ring, for example. The tackle is a short rod, up to 1 meter long, to which a fishing line, a feeder and a metal ring, up to 6 cm in diameter, are attached. A fishing line with hooks is attached to the ring. The fishing technique is that a ring with a feeder and hooks is lowered to the bottom. When the fish becomes interested in bait and bait, it will certainly fall on the hook.

Amateur anglers often ask questions about how you can fish during the spawning ban, what gear and fishing methods are not prohibited.

Permitted gear and fishing methods

We selectively quote the explanations given by representatives of the Moscow Department of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

Question: Is it possible during the period of the spring ban (from April 1 to June 10) to fish with spinning, feeder, fly fishing, and also use a bombard (sbirulino) or a summer jig with one hook?

Float rod and feeder

The Fishing Rules do not define a float or bottom rod.

It should be noted that fishing with bottom or float tackle on natural baits implies "passive" way of fishing. At the same time, the nozzle is in a calm state or is carried downstream.

Feeder refers to bottom fishing rods and fishing on it is not prohibited. The use of a spinning rod for fishing with bottom or float tackle on natural baits (“passive” method) is also not prohibited.

Spinning and others

Spinning, based on encyclopedic definitions (tackle for catching fish on artificial and natural baits), is "active" way of fishing, which consists in casting the bait and attracting fish with its game as a result of posting, broach and other methods.

Fly fishing without a float, with artificial and natural baits, as well as spinning, refers to the "active" method of fishing.

Fishing with a summer mormyshka, as well as with a bombard (sbirulino), involves attracting fish to play with bait and also refers to “active” fishing methods.

Based on this, fishing for spinning, fly fishing, bombard and summer jig in the waters of the Moscow region is completely prohibited during the spawning period of fish from April 1 to June 10.

In addition to all this, it is forbidden to be on board a vessel or other watercraft of any gear, fishing for which is currently prohibited (clause 16.3 of the Fishing Rules).

Despite the appeals of anglers to the Federal Agency for Fisheries with a request to classify the permitted methods and types of sports and amateur fishing, such a classification has not yet been made.

On the part of the agency, there are only promises to create a single Directory of “permitted fishing tools”.

The terms used, denoting permitted methods of fishing, are not sufficiently defined and cause different interpretations. Therefore, in the event of a dispute, it is more likely that the angler has the opportunity to appeal the decision to impose a fine.

Having decided to go to the shore of a reservoir, you need to know exactly when fishing from a boat is allowed. With the opening of the season and the onset of the warm season, the quiet life of avid fishermen ends. They begin preparing tackle, buying new hooks, repairing the boat. They inspect their favorite fishing spots, looking for the best bite. This is understandable, many are fond of fishing, because a tasty fish is only good if it was caught by one's own hands. But the fact is that in the spring it happens that the fish ban begins.

Often the whole family gathers for fishing on a boat. What could be better than a family vacation in the fresh air in a beautiful place? Especially if the weather is clear and there is no rain. A boat is a convenient way to transport the necessary fishing equipment with an approved fishing rod. The ideal option would be a motor boat, which has a decent weight and does not blow over. When fishing from a boat is allowed - many are interested.

However, you need to choose the time of rest with a fishing rod so that the ban on fishing does not apply at this time. Let's find out why fishing may not always be allowed. On the territory of Russia there are several fishing zones, which have their own climatic conditions. Fishing is prohibited by the Ministry of Agriculture.

You must use approved equipment.

Not allowed and no permissions for:
  • spinning rods;
  • fishing rods with several hooks;
  • use of explosives;
  • chemistry;
  • electric current;
  • traps;
  • the use of piercing objects.

The timing of the ban changes annually. And they are also taken at different times. Therefore, to know exactly when you can, you should look at the official website of this department.

As a rule, the dates when you can catch fish are related to the spawning of fish, as well as the weather that has been established in a particular region.

However, the reason that the favorite type of permitted recreation is prohibited is not only the spawning period. There are periods when fishing from a boat is allowed in limited numbers and this is seasonal. During this period, fishing from boats is allowed, but only in a certain amount. Ponds where spawning takes place are prohibited.

Prohibited during spawning.

It depends on the:
  1. Species of fish.
  2. A reservoir in which spawning takes place.
  3. weather conditions.
  4. The region where they go to fish.

The opening of fishing from a boat occurs after the end of the spawning period. Definitely, you should not gather on a pond during spawning, since such fishing is poaching, and therefore there is a high probability of getting a lot of trouble.

Seasonal restrictions are related to:
  1. The need to protect rare breeds.
  2. The fearfulness of the inhabitants of forbidden reservoirs to sharp sounds.
  3. conditions for laying eggs.

When planning a trip to a reservoir, if you can’t wait at all, look where they can allow it, don’t be too lazy to go to the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture. There will be all the information about when the current period for fishing from a boat starts.

Since there are 8 zones on the territory of our country, each of them has its own permits.

Here is some general information, from what date you will need to navigate:
  1. The dates of the opening of the ice cover have nuances in terms of fishing for pike perch, bream and asp, and from June 10 it is allowed.
  2. From the moment the ice breaks until May 15, it is impossible to catch pike.
  3. From May 20 to June 10 - the beginning of spawning in crayfish.
  4. In autumn, from October 1 to November 20, whitefish, peled, brook trout, grayling, ripus and eel are banned.

Given the above, it is better to wait a bit for the season to open, and then go on vacation, than to lose at best a fishing rod, and at worst, get very serious trouble. Therefore, you need to find out in advance and plan your trip taking into account applicable laws.

You should not be very upset, because in Ukraine there are also bans on fishing from a boat. In order to know exactly the date of fishing when it is not allowed, you should use the official website of the State Fisheries Supervision Authority. In this country, time periods also change, so you can easily find yourself in an awkward position.

Spring activities:
  1. Starting from the first of August, fishing on the rivers is not allowed, and it ends on June 30th.
  2. From the beginning of August until the beginning of the 10th day of the first summer month, fish reservoirs and ponds are prohibited.
  3. At the beginning of April and until the end of the first summer month, there is no fishing from a boat on subordinate systems.

Also in spring and autumn there are nuances for catching crayfish, and throughout Ukraine. Therefore, find out in advance when the reservoir is removed and opens. To avoid trouble.

Unfortunately, when planning a pleasant pastime, few people pay attention to the laws in force and the availability of permission. But even if a person does not know about the ban, then in the event of a meeting with the inspector, this will not help him much. Even if the time for hunting fish has already opened before, he cannot be told: “Allow me, please.”

The punishment, if there are no permits, is severe and quite severe for trying to fish during the ban. Most likely, you will have to pay with a spoiled vacation, a boat, spent nerves and finances. In addition, if the fault is serious, then they can be held criminally liable. Therefore, it is worth considering whether such difficulties are necessary.

The Federal Law No. 166 paragraph “On Fishing” will help us clarify the situation. This document does not restrict free fishing in permitted areas when it is not prohibited. It is necessary to choose water bodies in which fish breeding has not begun and do not have a special mode of use.

Therefore, the website of the Federal Agency for Fishery is useful to us. There is a whole list explaining where it is allowed to fish on boats and where it is not allowed, what fish can be caught and in what quantity and when it is forbidden. In particular, it is stipulated that fishing is allowed on one boat and one person.

So, what will happen if you are caught by inspectors of the specified department, if it is forbidden to catch in the place where you:
  • you will be fined if there is a violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses, article 8.37 of part 2. The approximate amount will be from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. In addition, this legislative act provides for the confiscation of property. Including, they will take away your boat and fishing rod;
  • destruction of the prohibition sign is also punishable by a fine;
  • fishing from a boat during the spawning period will cost much more, at least 300,000 rubles;
  • in the event that you were seen with tackle and the damage was assessed as large, you will have to pay from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. In addition, the article also implies a possible arrest for six months;
  • if you arrived at the reservoir in your own car, then you face an amount of 3,500 to 4,000 rubles, provided that the car is 200 meters away from the shore.

As we can see, the consequences are quite serious, so it is worth planning the event in advance so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation.

To date, most amateur anglers, going on a spring spinning fishing trip, do not even suspect that catching certain types of fish at certain spring times is prohibited. And if you do not comply with these standards, then instead of active recreation, you can get a lot of trouble and financial costs in the form of a fine.

The reason is simple - there is a ban on fishing with spinning. And ignorance of the law does not relieve you of responsibility.

How pike spawn

Any fish living in freshwater reservoirs, upon reaching the age of more than one year, begins to breed. This happens by laying eggs, which are then fertilized by the male. After a certain amount of time, the eggs turn into fry. This whole process has a name - spring spawning. Let's take a closer look at how it happens.

For good spawning, the composition and temperature of the water must comply with certain standards, since both fish and caviar are very sensitive to its changes. But this is not the case for all types of underwater inhabitants. Some species of predators spawn well in cold waters. Pike, for example, begin preparing for spawning when the ice has not yet melted on the reservoir. Spawning itself begins as soon as the ice moves away from the coast, and the pike rushes into the floodplain of the river or spawns near the coastal strip.

In lakes, the spawning period begins much later, since the ice there lies longer. Usually it's one and a half to two weeks. There, the pike tends to spawn in the smallest places.

When the water in closed ponds or rivers barely reaches a temperature of 3-6 degrees, this predator begins to actively spawn. Pike spawning occurs in places with a minimum depth, which varies from 5 to 100 cm, where the bottom of the reservoir is covered with dense last year's vegetation.

When is the ban on fishing with spinning

Each angler must know and adhere to the rules of sport and recreational fishing. The time of spring spawning in different regions of the country can vary significantly. Therefore, before going fishing in the spring, it is advisable to clarify in advance the time frame for which a ban on spinning fishing has been introduced in your region. Why can't you fish even from the shore?

It is precisely because the pike comes very close to the shore, and also, after spawning, it begins to actively feed and loses all vigilance, as it pounces on any prey, and a spawning ban has been introduced.

In general, throughout the country, the ban on pike fishing lasts from early spring until the first days of the summer month. The main reason for this is to allow natural procreation to take place under normal and safe conditions.

What kind of fishing is prohibited during spawning

During the spawning of fish in the spring, there are certain rules for fishing.

  • nets (as at any other time), as this is considered poaching;
  • fishing with a float rod and a bottom is prohibited if it has more than three hooks or a hook larger than 10 in size;
  • it is forbidden to use more than one rod per person (spinning is completely prohibited);
  • the use of any floating means with the presence of a motor.

It is worth noting that fishing during spawning from a boat is also prohibited, although you can swim in the reservoir, but only if you don’t have any fishing accessories (rods, nets, etc.) with you. If you need to navigate the river while carrying fishing gear during spawning, you must obtain permission to avoid misunderstandings and trouble.

What kind of fishing is allowed during spawning

But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. And fishing, albeit with some restrictions, is still possible.

So, you can fish during spawning:

  • from the shore;
  • using one rod or donk with one hook;
  • the hook should be no more than 10 sizes according to international standards;
  • only during daytime.

Despite the severe restrictions, using only the listed fishing methods, you can have a good time and catch your long-awaited trophy.

All restrictions and prohibitions on spinning fishing, as well as the number of rods, fishing time and other restrictions are automatically removed after the end of the fish spawning. The deadline for lifting the ban is mid-June.

Penalties for pike fishing during the ban

During the spawning of fish, strict restrictions or even a ban are imposed on its capture. This is due to the fact that, along with the catch, millions of eggs are not destroyed. Further fish stocks of the coming seasons depend on this. For preventive actions, fines have been introduced in Russia to prevent poaching of fish during the spawning ban.

If during fishing you find any inconsistencies related to the prohibition during spawning, whether it be two or more rods, a large number of hooks, nets, and so on, you are considered a poacher, and you are fined 250 rubles per caught individual . If the fish turned out to be a female, the boudin fine is doubled.

In case of non-payment of the fine, according to the law, you have the right to be arrested for up to 15 days. As a rule, arrest is imposed in case of repeated evasion of payment. The fine for catching pike with nets during the spawning period can be 100-300 thousand rubles. It is also possible to imprison a fisherman for up to 6 months. From the moment spawning ends, the ban on spinning fishing in the spring is lifted. After that, you can fish with any gear that does not contradict the law.

Fish catch rates

In Russia, certain daily norms for catching fish by weight have also been introduced. They are distributed both to amateurs and to fishermen who are members of sports clubs. For the latter, the daily norm of fish is no more than five kilograms. It also applies to the minimum length of the fish. When fresh, the length of the pike must be at least 32 centimeters.

For amateur fishermen, the maximum daily volume weight when pike is spawning is three kilograms. The length of the fish is unchanged and is also 32 centimeters. Being at the reservoir for more than one day, the fisherman has the right to catch fish equal to the two-day norm. As an exception, the weight may be more than normal if this is one copy.

What fish can not be caught during spawning

During spawning in water bodies there is a high concentration of various fish species near the coastline. In this regard, in addition to catching pike, there is a ban on catching other types of fish by spinning.

Each region of Russia has a list of prohibited species of aquatic biological resources. In the Moscow region, these include:

  • sterlet;
  • trout;
  • grayling;
  • podust;
  • white-eye;
  • blue breeze;
  • sabrefish;
  • bersh;
  • lamprey;

For other regions of the country, the lists of subspecies of fish prohibited for catching should be clarified with local fisheries authorities.

Where in Russia it is forbidden to fish

Please note that spinning fines can be obtained in some areas of rivers and reservoirs, as it is forbidden to fish there by any means.

Here are just a few of the major reservoirs:

  • In the city of Dubna, downstream of the Volga, at a distance of 1 kilometer from the dam.
  • Pestovskoe, Istra and Klyazma reservoirs.
  • River Lutosnya.

Some places for fishing in these reservoirs are still allowed. For their clarification, you also need to contact the special authorities.

What gear is poaching

In addition to the fact that spinning fishing during spring spawning is prohibited, fishing with all kinds of poaching “gadgets” is also prohibited. By the way, for the use of the latter, penalties are much higher than for the use of standard rods, and possibly even criminal prosecution.

Poachers include:

  • Chinese nets from fishing line (popularly - "Chinese"). Such nets cause tremendous damage to water bodies, as they are most dangerous for small and medium-sized fish. In addition, such gear is quite cheap, and therefore they can be thrown into the water along with the fish, which will rot and poison the water.
  • Nylon networks with a large cell. They prey on larger fish.
  • Dragnet. It is often used for commercial purposes, but its use is possible only with special permission.
  • A valve is a tackle used by poachers during the spawning period. The fish enters a V-shaped trap made of durable materials, from where it can no longer get out on its own.

  • Spider. Its use is allowed if the dimensions do not exceed 1 by 1 meter.
  • Change. This is a tackle, which in its design has a huge number of hooks. They are tied to a long rope and dragged across the pond.
  • Ostrog. The use of this type of fishing leaves behind a large number of wounded animals, so it is also equated with poaching.
  • Electric fishing rod. Perhaps this is the most terrible weapon of poachers. Such a "tool" ruthlessly jams and kills fish of any size. After its application, the fish will never be able to spawn.
  • And the last type of poaching, which is also prohibited, is the use of explosives and poisons.

How not to get fined for fishing poaching

In order not to spoil your fishing holiday, especially during spring spawning, and not to become a poacher out of ignorance, do not use various gear that increases the volume of fish caught. If you are going to any body of water, try to find out as much as possible about it: what kind of fish can and cannot be caught in it, what is the maximum weight you are entitled to.

During spawning, do not break the “month of silence”. Do not litter, do not park cars on the shore, do not use water transport, avoid yourself and do not allow anyone to poach. In a word, take care of the surrounding nature, so that tomorrow your children will get all the delights of a good rest and fishing.