Beautiful all fields marked with an asterisk. How it works. at the Educational Center "Ai Class"


About holding open team and personal competitions

Powerlifting and bench press without equipment,

G. Podolsk and Moscow region

1. Targets and goals

· Competitions are held to popularize powerlifting in Podolsk and the Moscow region

Education of a physically developed younger generation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Attracting young people to systematic physical education and sports

Creation of motivation among adolescents and youth to engage in physical culture

Improving the sportsmanship of athletes in the city of Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Identification of the strongest athletes in Podolsk and the Moscow region

Formation of a team for performance at open team competitions in Podolsk in powerlifting

2. Date and venue

Competitions are held on November 16, 2013 at the Palace of Culture on May 1: Moscow region, Klimovsk, Zavodskaya street, 3. The start of the competition and the weigh-in will be announced additionally (by e-mail or SMS).

3. Organization and leadership

The general organization of the competition is carried out by the Fakel Center for Civil and Patriotic Education of Youth and the Good Lift gym, with the participation of the Podolsk branch of the Military Brotherhood and the Healthy Nation Charitable Foundation.

Direct supervision is carried out by the athletic gymnastics coach of the MU "Fakel" Popov S.A., the director of the gym "Good Lift" Yakovlev P.S. and the representative of the charitable foundation "healthy nation" Rabotkin I.F.

4. Competitors

Interested organizations and institutions are invited to participate in the competition, as well as individual athletes who have reached the age of 16 who have submitted nominal applications for participation in the competition.

The organizers reserve the right to later announce the standards for admission to the competition, with the obligatory notification of athletes (by e-mail or SMS).

The organizers reserve the right, in case of exceeding the number of applications, no later than November 9, 2013 to announce the standards for admission to competitions, with the obligatory notification of athletes by posting information in open sources, as well as sending SMS and e-mail messages.

5. The order of the competition and the conditions for submitting applications

Applications for participation in competitions should be submitted before November 9, 2013 by e-mail: [email protected] or via SMS message to the number +79099250337 (the cost of SMS is equal to the cost of an SMS message from your telecom operator).

Attention! Please see Appendix 1 for the correct application form.

6. The procedure for determining the winners

Attention! Refereeing of the competition is carried out according to the rules of the IPF (see Appendix 2)

Competitions are held in the open age category (Open).

in individual championship:

Women c compete in the absolute weight category, the winners (those who took 1-2-3 places) are determined by the Wilks formula.

Winners in men defined in categories up to 75kg, up to 90kg, up to 110kg and over 110 for the best result. Winners in absolute championship (athletes who took 1-2-3 places) in triathlon and bench press are determined by the Wilks formula.

In team championship 4 best results of male team members and 1 female result are taken into account

Points are awarded according to the following scheme:

1st place - 6 points

2nd place - 4 points

3rd place - 3 points

4th place - 2 points

5th place - 1 point

The winner of the team championship is the team with the most points among all teams.

7. Winner's reward ceremony

The awarding of winners and prize-winners in the individual and team championships, who took 1-3 places in the nominations, is carried out with commemorative certificates and medals.

8. Financing

The costs associated with the organization, holding and awarding of the winners are borne by the organizers of the competition, interested organizations and sponsors. Expenses related to travel and meals of participants are borne by sending organizations. There is no entry fee.

Attachment 1

Sample application (sent by e-mail or SMS message):

1. nomination: for example, bench press or triathlon.

2. team name or note personal *

3. Full name *–

4. Year of birth *–

6th digit *–

7. best result * (for the last 6 months) -

8. age* -

9. coach -

10. contact phone number (preferably cell phone)* -

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Attention! All participants on the day of the competition, with them, must have visas certified by a doctor, and a passport or identity card (license, military ID). Without these documents, athletes will not be allowed to compete.

Annex 2

Competition rules:

  1. Performance at competitions takes place without the use of equipment (bench shirts, overalls, knee bandages for powerlifting).
  2. You can use: wrist bandages, belts (maximum belt width - 10 cm).
  3. If necessary, you can use a non-supporting bandage (on one leg or arm). Non-supporting bandages are conventional medical bandages. The bandage must be presented to the judge before use.
  4. The exercises are carried out according to the IPF rules.

Squats(rules and order of execution).

After removing the bar (assistants may assist), the lifter returns to the starting position.

After the athlete has taken the starting position, the judge gives the command - Squat.

The athlete squats so that the upper part of the surface of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees. Permitted, only one attempt to make a downward movement.

The athlete must independently return to a vertical position with legs fully extended at the knees. Double getting up (“jumping”, prohibited).

As soon as the athlete takes a stationary position, the referee gives the command to return the barbell to the racks - RACKS.

- Forbidden- Error in following the Chief Judge's signals at the beginning or end of the exercise. Double rising (jumping) from the bottom position of the squat, or any downward movement while standing up. Error in bending the legs at the knees and lowering the body to such a position that the upper part of the surface of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees.

Bench press lying on a bench(rules and order of execution)

The lifter must lie on his back with his head, shoulders and "whole" buttocks in contact with the surface of the bench. The sole and heels of his shoes must be in contact with the surface of the platform or blocks (as far as the shape of the shoes allows).

The fingers should be wrapped around the bar lying on the racks, while the thumbs are located "in the castle" around the bar. This position must be maintained during

doing the exercise. Reverse grip is prohibited.

To provide firm footing, the athlete may use flat slabs or blocks no higher than 30 cm from the surface of the platform.

The distance between the hands on the bar, measured between the index fingers, must not exceed 81 cm (both index fingers must be inside the 81 cm marks).

After removing the barbell from the racks with or without the assistance of assistants, the lifter must wait for the Chief Judge's signal with the arms fully extended (“engaged”) at the elbows.

The signal to start the bench press should be given as soon as the lifter has taken a stationary position.

position and the boom will be in the correct position. The signal to start the exercise is the command - START.

After receiving the signal, the athlete must lower the bar to the chest and hold it in a stationary position on the chest (usually the base of the sternum), after which the judge gives the command - PRESS. The lifter must then push the bar up into straight arms. After fixing the barbell in this position, the referee gives the command - STANDING.

- Forbidden– Any mistake in following the referee's commands. Any change in the starting position during the exercise (any lifting (separation) of the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench or movement of the legs on the platform or blocks, or movement of the hands along the bar). Any downward movement of the bar during the press. Lack of squeezing the bar on fully extended arms at the end of the exercise.

6. Deadlift (rules and order of execution)

The lifter must be positioned facing the front of the platform. The bar, which is placed horizontally in front of the athlete's legs, is held with a free grip with both hands and lifted up until the athlete stands upright.

Upon completion of the lift of the bar in the thrust, the legs at the knees should be fully extended, the shoulders should be laid back.

The referee gives the command - DOWN.

Any lifting of the bar, or any deliberate attempt to lift it, is considered a set. Once the lift has begun, no downward movement of the bar is permitted until the lifter has reached a vertical position with knees fully extended. If the bar settles when the shoulders are pulled back, then this is not a reason not to count the lifted weight.

- Forbidden– any downward movement until reaching the final position. Supporting the bar with your hips while lifting up. Steps back or forward. Lowering the bar to the command. Releasing the barbell from the hands when executing the down command.


Many parents are familiar with the following situation: having first caught fire with the desire to learn, the child goes to English classes with great pleasure, but gradually the first enthusiasm is replaced by a feeling of monotony in the child, and the need to do additional homework no longer pleases.

Whatever the course, the teacher, the teaching methods and the guys themselves in the group, sooner or later the child's interest disappears somewhere. The sparkle in the eyes disappeared and the child's enthusiastic retelling of the past lesson is becoming less and less common. The reason for this is that the child loses the meaning of attending classes, does not understand why they are needed, because he does not have a goal that would support him and constantly kindle interest in learning: grades, unlike schools, are not given, medals are not give...

Preparing for an international English exam from the Cambridge range of exams, such as KET or PET, can be exactly the goal that a child lacks to motivate to learn a language. Entertaining preparation for the exam, getting to know a new format of classes, which is very unusual for children, and eventually receiving an official international certificate as a long-awaited reward for fruitful and hard work - will help charge the child with enthusiasm and push him to conquer new language peaks!



The KET (Key English Test) exam is considered to be a fairly simple exam from the entire Cambridge chain. The title itself contains the meaning of this exam: “ key” - as the key to learning English as a foreign language. It may seem that the KET exam assumes a low level of language proficiency, but in fact, the examination requirements correspond to the Pre-Intermediate level of the children's Pre-Intermediate level on the international European scale of language competence, and for children, the given basic level of language proficiency is a very high goal.

To prepare for the exam, a child needs to master about ten lexical topics and several grammatical tenses, as well as a variety of grammatical structures and forms.

The list of lexical topics that take place as part of the preparation for KET includes such as:

  • my family
  • My school
  • My home
  • animals
  • food and beverages
  • The World Around
  • Daily Routine
  • free time
  • Shopping
  • Weather
  • Health
  • Clouthes

Students' knowledge of grammar should include:

  • The structure and order of words in simple sentences
  • Rules for using Present Perfect, Past Continuous verbs
  • Definite and indefinite articles, possessive pronouns
  • Basic modal verbs
  • Conditional sentences of the first type
  • Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
  • Adverbs much, a bit, a lot


  • Listening - 30 minutes


To receive a certificate confirming English language proficiency at the A2 level, a child needs to correctly complete more than 70% of the tasks. If 45 - 69% of tasks are correctly completed, then a certificate is issued for level A1. Thus, almost all the guys who take the exam receive an official certificate on the letterhead of the Cambridge English Language Assessment organization. And what could be nicer for a child than getting his first official document in English, which he can proudly show to friends, relatives or even teachers?



The PET (Preliminary English Test) exam is best taken by older children. The exam is much more serious, and by and large this is the first rehearsal for passing the IELTS or the Unified State Examination. The children must show that they are able to speak English, correspond, fill out certain written forms, read different texts within the framework of everyday communication topics. It is necessary not only to know the language material, but also to be able to successfully use it in speech, oral and written.

The exam covers those topics that can be useful and at the same time interesting for a child aged 10-14 years. Abstract topics are added to the lexical topics for discussion in preparation for the PET exam, for example:

  • Personal Feelings
  • Opinions and experiences

as well as rich terminology, such as:

  • Environment
  • Education
  • Entertainment and Media
  • Shopping
  • holidays
  • Medicine
  • Sport
  • Jobs and Professions

It is assumed that the child must master the vocabulary on all these topics, be able to maintain a dialogue and express their opinion. The vocabulary of a child at this level of language training should contain about 1300 lexical units.

Compared to the KET exam, the grammar in the PET exam is significantly more complicated, which includes:

  • The system of English tenses of the active voice: Past Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous
  • Redemptive Pledge - Simple Passive
  • Conditional sentences of the 2nd and 3rd type
  • Word order in compound and complex sentences
  • Modal verbs with perfect infinitive
  • The use of prepositions and postpositions


  • Reading and writing - 1 hour and 10 minutes
  • Listening - 30 minutes
  • Conversation in English - 10 minutes


The results of the PET exam are assessed in the same way as the KET exam: if more than 70% pass, the child receives a certificate for level B1, with 45-60% - a certificate for level A2, the same as for a high result in the KET exam.

An important motivation for children in preparing and passing this exam can be the fact that the B1 level, confirmed by an official international certificate, is taken into account even when employed in large international companies such as Samsung or Panasonic. Imagine, I am 14 years old, and I can already apply for a place in the most famous corporation! Of course, for this, the candidate must have a certificate of passing the “adult” PET, and not “PET for Schools”, but these are the details ...

Exam Age English proficiency Level Description
8 - 14 years old A1 - A2

Elementary - Pre- intermediate Level

The level of basic English proficiency, learning to conduct and maintain a conversation in situations familiar to the child (about yourself, family, study, daily duties, etc.)

10 - 15 years A2-B1

Pre- intermediate - intermediate Level

Confident knowledge of English at a basic level, includes the ability to exchange information and express your opinion in situations typical for a child (about yourself, family, studies, plans for the future, etc.)


at the Educational Center "Ai Class"

At the Educational Center "Ay Klass" your child can take a course of preparation for the KET or PET exam individually or in a mini-group of 3-4 students.

The course of classes includes preparation for all sections of the exam, while the goal of the classes is not only to pass the exam, but also to improve the general level of English in all aspects: grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, oral dialogic and monologue speech and phonetics . The preparation course is very long in terms of time (more than 6 months), so during this period of time the guys will really be able not only to prepare for the exam format, but also to pass almost the whole level. So, if a child comes with English at the Elementary level, then for a full course of preparation, he can successfully raise the level to Pre-Intermediate and pass the KET exam.

At the same time, a clearly set goal (passing an international exam) will keep the child interested in classes and in general in learning the language throughout the course. And regular intermediate tests will help to fix the student's progress and strengthen his self-confidence.


Cambridge KET and PET exams can be taken several times a year, mainly in autumn and spring. At the same time, it is worth considering that it is necessary to register for the exam in advance: almost two months before the exam. Therefore, preparation for the exam should also be planned in advance, so that by the time of registration you will already reach the finish line and be sure that the exam is up to you.

ExamKET for Schools
June 1, 2019 6 700 rubles
November 23, 2019
December 14, 2019

First time on the site?

Here you can find frequently asked questions related to the operation of the site.

  • Registration and Login
  • Working with a question
  • Online consultations
  • Profile editing
  • Balance replenishment
  • Acceptance of payments for services
  • Registration and Login
  • Working with a question
  • Online consultations
  • Profile editing and Personal account
  • Rating and reputation
  • Balance management
  • Council of Experts
  • Opportunities for a law firm
  • Virtual currency
  • Affiliate program
  • registration procedure or ask a question through the question submission form. After that, your login and password will be sent to your e-mail to enter the site. You can also enter the site using an account in popular social networks.

  • How to enter the site using social networks?

    In order to enter the site using an account in social networks, you need to click the "Login" button on the main page and select the social network in which you have an account. Next, you enter the necessary login and password, after which you will be authorized on the site.

  • How to ask a question?

    You can ask a question by selecting the "Ask a question" item in the main menu, or by entering the text of the question in the form on the main page of the site. You will then be redirected to the submission page.

    Follow a few simple steps by filling in the required fields marked with a red asterisk.

  • When submitting a question, I enter my email address, and I am asked to enter a password. What's this?
  • What is a "Private Question"?

    Only paid questions can be made private. If, when submitting a question, you selected "Paid Question" and ticked the box "Private Question", then this question will be visible only to registered lawyers. Clients and visitors of the site will not be able to see the text of your question and the answers to it.

  • How can I find a question I asked a few days (weeks, months) ago?

    There are two ways to find a question that you asked some time ago.

    Method one. When you ask a question, an email will be sent to the specified email address. By clicking on this link, you will be able to view your question.

    Method two. Log in to the site by clicking on the "Login" button in the upper right part of the screen. Enter your email and password (if you don't remember your password, use the link to reset your password). After you have logged in, go to your Personal Account and select "Your consultations" in the left menu. This section contains all the questions you have ever asked.

  • Why make a question paid?

    When you select a paid question, it is fixed on the main page. Publication of a paid question significantly increases the quality and speed of legal advice.

    In addition, a paid question can be made "Private" (see).

  • Why pay someone else's free question?

    If you find a free question on the site, similar to the one you would like to ask yourself, and there is no lawyer's answer, you can pay for the question and get better advice from specialists.

  • How to complain about the response of a specialist?

    Our experts always give the most accurate and detailed answers. But sometimes situations arise when you need to complain about a message (for example, spam from a newly registered specialist or incorrect behavior). For these purposes, we have placed buttons for evaluating the answer of a lawyer, thereby giving the author of the question and other registered lawyers the opportunity to rate the answer of a specialist.

    There is an opportunity to complain to arbitration only if a personal consultation is provided.

  • How to correctly determine the cost of the issue?

    In order for a lawyer to quickly and efficiently answer your question, we recommend that you pay attention to the assessment of the cost of the question.

    Of course, each legal situation is unique in its own way and has its own nuances and subtleties. On the project, we conditionally divide all questions to lawyers into three categories:

    Easy question Usually this is a standard, typical situation, the solution of which can be a short answer from a lawyer, based on his base of legal knowledge (laws, codes, etc.). Such situations do not have special nuances and do not require clarification.

    A common question Most legal cases, despite the external standard, have their own characteristics, which automatically requires a deeper study by a lawyer of all the details of the issue. This situation involves clarification and leading questions.

    Difficult question Difficult questions imply ambiguous interpretations from the point of view of the law. Such cases require a collegial decision and a detailed study of documents.

  • Why should I choose multiple lawyers to answer my question?

    The greater the number of lawyers answering your question, the less likely it is to make a legal mistake. There are issues that can be approached from different angles, and the opinions of lawyers on them can vary significantly. If, when solving such questions, you choose several lawyers to answer, then you give the opportunity to make a collegial decision, which is more likely to be correct, and when making which all aspects of your question will be studied.

  • What is an urgent matter?

    If you choose this option when submitting a question, you are guaranteed to receive a response from lawyers within a few minutes (on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 Moscow time).

  • What is the opinion of a member of the Expert Council?

    The Expert Council is the 20 best lawyers of our project. These are the most experienced, reliable and competent lawyers who have earned our trust with their high-quality answers. Therefore, when choosing the opinion of a member of the Expert Council, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality and detailed answer to your question, which allows you to minimize the risk of a legal error.

  • Why should I distribute the fee?

    If you have received the necessary answers from lawyers and consider that your issue has been resolved, click on the "Distribute the fee" button and divide the remuneration among those lawyers whose answers, in your opinion, helped you.

  • My question has not been moderated. What is the reason?

    A moderator can delete a question if:

    • the same question is asked repeatedly;
    • the text of the question is typed in capital letters (usually this happens if the Caps Lock button is pressed);
    • the text is typed in uppercase and lowercase letters mixed up (“THIS WAY”) or letters of different alphabets (“following way”);
    • the text of the question contains a large number of grammatical and/or syntactical errors;
    • the text contains explicit or hidden rudeness, rudeness, insults, obscene language, including those hidden behind special characters;
    • the title does not reflect the essence of the question (non-informative), for example: “Help!”, “I have a problem!”, “Cry from the heart!” etc;
    • the title of the question is overloaded with punctuation marks (more than three in a row), for example: “How to arrange alimony???”.
  • Why do you need a chat?

    The chat allows any registered user to request a paid consultation from a specific lawyer, as well as discuss its cost and terms of rendering. If the client is not satisfied with the response of the lawyer, he can file a complaint against this lawyer in arbitration.

  • How to get legal advice?

    You choose the lawyer you like in the section "Catalog of lawyers" or on any page of the project and click on the "Chat" button.

    Next, you inform the lawyer about your problem in a short form and specify the cost and duration of the consultation. Next, you click the "Request a consultation" button, then fill in the required fields and click the "Request" button. After the lawyer has agreed to provide you with a consultation, you press the "Pay" button (to pay for the consultation, you must have the necessary amount on your account Pravoved.RU). After pressing the "Pay" button, the required amount on your account is frozen. Next, you communicate with a lawyer in the framework of your problem, and at the end of the dialogue, the lawyer completes the consultation. After this moment, the frozen amount from your account is transferred to the lawyer's account.

    If the consultation was not provided properly (the lawyer took time, behaved inappropriately, etc.), you can complain to the user support service.

  • How can I change my first or last name?

    If you need to change your first or last name, you need to write a letter to the e-mail address specified during registration. Indicate the necessary changes in the letter.

  • How to top up an account?

    You need to go to the Personal Account>Finance section. Next, you select the “Account replenishment” tab in the upper right corner. Then indicate the amount you want to deposit to your account and the method of replenishment (Bank card, SMS, electronic money, etc.). If you have a promo code, you enter it in the required field and click "Continue". Then you will be redirected to the website of the payment system, where, after entering the necessary data, payment will be made.

    Pravoved.RU accepts payments from a mobile phone account. When choosing a payment method, select the logo of your operator and proceed to payment. You will need to enter a phone number. You will receive an SMS with instructions to confirm the payment. We work with operators: Tele2, MTS, Beeline and Megafon.

  • What should I do if an error occurs while using the payment service?

    If you encounter an error when paying for an issue or replenishing your account, write a letter to the address with a description of the error. In the letter, please indicate the email address that you provided during registration, the payment method you have chosen, and the amount you would like to deposit into the account.

  • Payment Security

    The security of payments using bank cards is ensured by secure HTTPS connection technologies and 3D Secure two-factor user authentication.

  • Payments. Payment by credit card online

    Our site is connected to Internet acquiring, and you can pay for the service with a Visa or Mastercard bank card. When paying for the service, a secure window will open with the payment page of the CloudPayments processing center, where you need to enter your bank card details. For additional authentication of the cardholder, the 3D Secure protocol is used. If your bank supports this technology, you will be redirected to its server for additional identification. For information about the rules and methods of additional identification, check with the bank that issued your bank card.

  • Security Guarantees

    The CloudPayments processing center protects and processes your bank card data according to the PCI DSS 3.0 security standard. Information is transferred to the payment gateway using SSL encryption technology. Further transmission of information takes place through closed banking networks with the highest level of reliability. CloudPayments does not share your card details with us or other third parties. For additional authentication of the cardholder, the 3D Secure protocol is used.

    If you have any questions about a completed payment, you can contact customer support by e-mail [email protected].

  • Online payment security

    The personal information you provide (name, address, phone, e-mail, credit card number) is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Your credit card information is transmitted only in encrypted form and is not stored on our Web server.

    The security of processing Internet payments is guaranteed by CloudPayments LLC. All transactions with payment cards take place in accordance with the requirements of VISA International, MasterCard and other payment systems. When transferring information, special security technologies for online card payments are used, data processing is carried out on a secure high-tech server of the processing company.

  • Refund for services
  • How to register on the site?

    In order to register on the site, you need to go through the registration procedure by selecting the appropriate profile: Lawyer or Law firm. After that, your login and password will be sent to your e-mail to enter the site. You can also enter the site using an account in popular social networks.

  • Can I earn money by answering questions?

    Of course! This is one of the main functions of the Pravoved.RU project - to provide lawyers with the opportunity to work and earn money remotely, regardless of their location.

    You can earn money by answering paid questions posted by clients or by providing personalized advice via online chat.

  • What is required to answer a paid question?

    To get access to paid questions, you need to answer 150 free questions, get 50 positive reviews from customers and confirm your education. Try to answer any paid question - a window will appear with your achievements and the ability to send an application.

    In response to the application, you will receive a test on knowledge of the rules of the project by e-mail, the successful completion of which will open access to paid services.

    If the box that appears shows fewer reviews received or questions answered, it means you've received multiple reviews from the same customer, or you've added an add-on rather than a complete answer. For access to paid questions, only one answer per question and one review from each client is counted.

  • What is the commission of the site Pravoved.RU?

    Pravoved.RU charges a commission of 30% of the basic cost of the issue and 30% of the amount of a personal consultation in an online chat.

  • If several lawyers answered the paid question, who will get the money?

    If the client himself decides to close the issue after receiving several consultations, he will be asked to select one or more specialists who helped him and whose answers he (the client) found useful.

    If the client has chosen several specialists, he has the opportunity to distribute the remuneration between them in any percentage.

    If the client has chosen one specialist, this specialist will receive the entire amount of remuneration.

    After 3 days, if the client has not closed the question, but at the same time it has been answered, the Expert Council is connected to the closing of the question (see). Members of the Council of Experts vote for the answers they think are correct. After 5 votes of the members of the Council of Experts are typed, the issue is considered closed. The fee is distributed as a percentage between those who answered the question, depending on the votes of the SE. If a member of the EC answered the question, he does not participate in the distribution of the fee. All this time, the user has priority when closing the issue. The rest of the specialists who participated in the consultation increase their rating.

  • How to provide advice to the user?

    There are two options for starting an online consultation: the client chooses you, or you offer the client a paid consultation by clicking on the "Message" button.

    Further, the client informs you about his problem in a short form and specifies the cost and duration of the consultation. Then the client either asks you for a consultation, and you agree to the terms, or you click the "Start a consultation" button, fill in the required fields and click the "Offer" button. After the user has confirmed the conditions and paid for the consultation, you will see a corresponding message. The money in the client's account is frozen. Then you communicate with the client within the framework of his question and, at the end of the dialogue, complete the consultation. After this moment, the frozen amount from the client's account is transferred to your account.

    If the advice was not provided properly, the client can complain to arbitration.

  • Why should I complete my profile?

    A completed profile is the client's trust in a lawyer. Clients are more likely to book a personal, paid consultation with a lawyer with a completed profile and uploaded photo. We recommend that you fill out the fields about education, specialization and upload a photo.

    In the "Extras" section, you can briefly describe the main services that you provide and their average cost. In the “About Me” column, enter something that will help the client choose you when looking for a specialist to seek personal advice.

  • Why and how to confirm legal education?

    At Pravoved.RU, we strive to maintain high quality and a proper professional level of advice, so only those lawyers who have passed the verification procedure, i.e. confirmed the presence of higher legal education. Also, confirmation of education is necessary to be able to answer paid questions.

    In individual cases, we may allow lawyers with secondary specialized legal education or higher narrow-profile education (tax consultant, auditor, etc.) to provide paid services on the site.

    To confirm your education, you need to upload a photocopy of the diploma of education through your personal account (My Account > Edit Profile > Education). The uploaded document is not published anywhere and will be available only to the administration.

    After verification, which takes 2-3 working days, the administration assigns you the status of a verified lawyer.

  • What is the rating for?

    Clients select specialists for personal consultations, including by rating.

  • How is the rating calculated?

    The rating is calculated for the last year. At the same time, the performance of each lawyer is compared with the performance of colleagues. The exact rating formula is not disclosed in order to avoid possible cheating. But in the Personal Account of a lawyer, you can track all the metrics that affect the rating.

  • How to withdraw funds from the account?

    To withdraw money from your balance on the site, go to the "Balance Management" section, select the "Withdraw Funds" tab and go through verification. Select the account of an individual or a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur. Please note that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will only be able to withdraw money to a current account.

    For individual The minimum withdrawal amount is 1500 rubles. Choose a withdrawal method, enter the number and click "Continue". You will receive an email with a link to confirm the withdrawal of funds. After 1-3 working days, the money will be credited to your account.

    For legal entity / individual entrepreneur The minimum withdrawal amount is 5000 rubles. To withdraw money, write to us at. We will send you instructions and sample documents.

  • What is expert advice and how to get there?

    The Expert Council is a group of lawyers to whom we have assigned the status of an expert. They have earned professional recognition for their work on the project or in real life, according to the subjective opinion of colleagues and the project team. The expert icon and the inscription “Member of the Expert Council” are displayed in the lawyer’s profile, in the catalog and on the question page when the lawyer publishes his answer.

  • I have registered a law firm on the Pravoved.RU website, what's next?
  • How to add a new employee to the company?

    To add a new employee, you need to go to your Personal Account and go to the "Employee Management" section. On the "Employee Management" page, it is enough to enter the employee's e-mail, his name, surname, position, after which he will be sent an invitation to join your company on the Pravoved.RU website.

  • How to block access to an employee?

    Go to your Personal Account in the "Employee Management" section. Under the form of sending an invitation is a list of employees of your company. Next to each profile is a "block employee" link.

  • What do my employees see in their personal account?

    All your employees see all the company's consultations (including requests for a personal consultation), all personal messages, ratings and company metrics, customer and specialist reviews of the company's consultations.

    The remaining sections are available only to the head of the company.

  • Can my employee advise both on behalf of a law firm and as a private practice?

    Yes, maybe, but for this he will need to register for himself a regular lawyer account on a different email address. In this case, he will be able to provide advice as a private practitioner.

  • What is the commission of the Pravoved.RU project for law firms?

    Pravoved.RU charges a single commission from both private lawyers and law firms - 30% of the basic cost of the issue and 30% of the amount of a personal consultation in an online chat.

  • Yurcoins

    Yurcoins are the currency of, which is awarded to each lawyer as a bonus for useful actions on the project. Participation in one paid question costs 8 yurcoins. At the same time, within the framework of one question, you can answer unlimitedly - Yurcoins will be debited only for the first answer.

  • How the affiliate program works
    • Placement of materials on the site (form, widget, phone).
    • A user of your site asks a lawyer a written question or contacts him using your personal phone number.
    • You receive a reward for the sold text application and call.

    A text claim is a targeted legal claim that implies a problem and a potential paid service. A text order can only be sold if:

    • client has a legal question
    • the client has entered a valid phone number
    • the client correctly specified his region

    A call is an application that is formed during the dialing of a phone number assigned to a partner.

  • Partner tools and materials
    1. Widget. An online consultant is the most conversion tool. Adapted for mobile devices.
    2. The form. Includes fields for entering data: question description, phone number, region and name, unlike the widget, is not “opened”, remains static. By placing an order form on your website, you will receive even more targeted applications.
    3. Phones. Phone numbers with extensions are allocated to all partners when they are activated in your personal account. You can activate them in the "Materials" → "Phones" section. You can get direct telephone numbers (Moscow, St. Petersburg, federal number 8-800) upon request from your personal manager.
    4. Banners. They contain a hyperlink to the landing page that the account manager makes for you upon request.
    5. API. Using the API, you can create your own ticket submission tool.

      Instructions for installing and configuring the API can be requested from your personal manager.

  • Application processing
    1. The incoming application goes through automatic processing for duplicates and the anti-fraud system, then the received lead is called by the call center employees and the lead is assigned a right category. Lead - a direct call goes to lawyers. If the pre-order for direct calls to lawyers is completed, the call goes to our call center and the operator forms a telephone lead.
    2. Applications are processed according to the redeemed regions indicated in the current price list: .
    3. After the implementation of the application, rejection by buyers (lawyers and law firms) may occur. Reasons for rejection: the lawyer did not get through to the client, the issue was resolved by the client on his own, etc. Due to the lack of hold on applications, funds may be deducted from your balance after being rejected by lawyers.
  • Withdrawal methods
    1. Yandex.Money (YAD): the minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles.
    2. Bank card: the minimum amount for withdrawal is 5000 rubles.
    3. Cashless payment (for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities): the minimum amount for withdrawal is 1500 rubles.
    4. Webmoney (WME): the minimum amount for withdrawal is 5000 rubles.

    The default withdrawal method is Yandex.Money (YAD).

    To connect/change one of the withdrawal methods, please contact your personal manager.

    The withdrawal is carried out within 4 business days.

    To order a withdrawal:

    • go to the "Finance" → "Withdrawals" page
    • select the desired withdrawal method
    • enter the wallet number, the amount to be withdrawn and click the "Continue" button
    • A link will be sent to your email inbox to confirm the withdrawal, click on it.

    In the event that you order the amount, but do not provide the details for the withdrawal (except for the poison), the withdrawal transactions will be canceled and the funds will be returned to your balance.

    If you order an amount less than the minimum, the transaction is also canceled and the funds are returned to your account balance.

  • Verification

    To carry out the withdrawal of earned funds, you need to go through the verification procedure - identity confirmation.

    To do this, you need to provide scans or photos of the main page of the passport (Russian Federation), as well as the registration page. Files must be in jpg or png format, in good quality.

    For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (LE), the name of the organization or full name of the individual entrepreneur and TIN is sufficient.

    Please note that after passing the verification as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, you will be able to withdraw funds only by bank transfer.

Active ingredient (according to ISO): aluminum phosphide, 560 g/kg
Preparative form: tablets.
Tare unit: vial 1 kg.
Hazard Class: 1 (extremely dangerous compound)
The drug is highly toxic to mammals and aquatic organisms. There are no data on the effect of the drug on bees, however, given the specifics of the use of Alfin (indoors), its effect on terrestrial and aquatic organisms is excluded.
Warranty period of storage: 2 years from the date of manufacture, in unopened original packaging at temperatures from -10°C to +30°C.

Action spectrum
Insect pests of stocks: barn weevil, rice weevil, red flour beetle, Surinamese flour beetle, Mauritanian goat, small flour beetle, bread grinder, tobacco beetle, tragoderma caryopsis, mill moth, grain moth, grain moth, mites and other species.

The mechanism of action of the drug: as a result of the contact of the active substance of aluminum phosphide with the moisture of atmospheric air, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the drug decomposes with the release of colorless phosphine gas, carbon dioxide and ammonia. Phosphine gas causes paralysis of the nervous system of pests, resulting in a violation of metabolic processes and blocking the flow of oxygen to the body. As a result, insects die.

Regulations for the use of the drug:


Harmful object

Method, time, features of the drug

Consumption rate of the drug, g/t, g/m3

Waiting period (multiplicity of treatments)

Unloaded granaries

Insect pests stocks

Fumigation at air temperature above +15C. Exposure 5 days. The product of concentration and exposure time (PCE) -25 g * h / m3. Admission of people and loading of storage facilities after full ventilation and when the content of phosphine in the air of the working area is not higher than the MPC

Grain food, seed, fodder in bulk, in warehouses, in silos of elevators, batches weighing no more than 200 tons in bulk up to 2.5 m and packed in bags under the film

Fumigation at air and product temperatures above +15C. Exposure 5 days. PKE-25 g * h / m3. Degassing for at least 10 days. Implementation with a phosphine residue in the product not higher than the MRL. Admission of people after full ventilation and when the content of phosphine in the air of the working area is not higher than the MPC

Protective period
Alfin has an effect on a harmful object only during the exposure period, depending on the temperature, 5–10 days. After degassing, the drug has no protective effect.
The rate of action of Alfin on harmful organisms depends on the actual concentration of gas created in the volume, as well as on temperature, the type of pest and the stage of development of insects. In general, the complete death of mobile openly living insects from the group of pests of grain stocks at temperatures above +15 ° C occurs when the SEC value reaches at least 7 g * h / m m3.

Method of application and consumption rates
Before use, calculate the required number of tablets. Fumigation should be carried out at an air temperature above +15C, in accordance with the regulations of the List of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Allowed for Use on the Territory of the Russian Federation.
When fumigating grain in the silos of elevators, Alfin tablets are introduced using a dispenser into the grain moving on the conveyor. The bunker of the elevator must be filled as soon as possible.
When fumigating grain in warehouses, tablets are distributed over the grain mass using special probes. When fumigating small batches and packed in bags of grain, flour and cereals, unloaded granaries, tablets are placed over the entire area of ​​the object being processed.

Restrictions and security measures
Limited drug. Dangerous for inhalation and oral intake. Diluted concentrations of phosphine in the air in outdoor areas are hazardous to the environment. All work must be carried out by special teams, consisting of specialists with appropriate training.

Compatibility with other drugs
Alfin is not used simultaneously with other insecticides. The action of phosphine can be enhanced by an increased content of carbon dioxide.

Phosphine released from the Alfin preparation does not have a negative effect on the processed products. If the recommended modes and technologies of fumigation are observed, phosphine does not adversely affect the germination of seeds of various plant species. Therefore, phosphine can be used for disinfestation not only of food and fodder grains, but also for the fumigation of seed grains and malting barley. Phosphine causes damage to green plants, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Possibility of resistance: In a number of scientific publications, cases of the emergence of resistance to phosphine in insects both in the imagenal and in other stages of development have been noted. The destruction of resistant populations can be achieved by increasing the exposure time even at relatively low concentrations of phosphine. To prevent the emergence of resistance in populations, it is recommended, first of all, to carefully seal the treated object and strictly follow the fumigation regimes.