Who will go to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro from Mongolia? Mongolia olympic games

2016 Participation in the Winter Olympics 1976 Men Wrestling
Category Athletes First round 1/8 finals Quarterfinal semi-final The final Place
up to 57 kg Erdenebatyn Behbayar
up to 65 kg Ganzorigiin Mandahnaran
up to 74 kg Purevzhavyn Onorbat
up to 86 kg
up to 125 kg Zhargalsaikhany Chuluunbat
Women's freestyle wrestling
Competition Athletes First round 1/8 finals Quarterfinal semi-final The final Place
up to 58 kg
up to 63 kg Soronzonboldyn Battsetseg
up to 69 kg Ochirbatyn Nasanburmaa

Water sports


The athletes who showed the best result, regardless of the place taken in their swim, go to the next round at each distance.


Distance Athletes Preliminary round semi-final The final
swim Result Place swim Result Place Result Place
50 meters freestyle Batsaykhan Dulguun 5 24,90 8 Completed the performance
Distance Athletes Preliminary round semi-final The final
swim Result Place swim Result Place Result Place
50 meters freestyle Yesui Bayar 4 28,40 2 Completed the performance


Judo competitions were held according to the elimination system. Athletes who lost to the semi-finalists of the tournament got into the consolation rounds. The two athletes who won the repechage round fought the judokas who lost in the semi-finals in the bronze medal match.


Category Athletes 1/32 finals 1/16 finals 1/8 finals Quarterfinal semi-final The final Place
up to 60 kg Tsend-Ochiryn Tsogtbaatar
GUAH. Ramos
AT 100:000

FINJ. Reinwall
AT 011:000

KorKim Won Jin
P 001:010
Completed the performance 9
up to 66 kg Davadorzhiin Tumurhuleg
up to 73 kg Ganbaataryn Odbayar
up to 81 kg Otgonbaataryn Uuganbaatar
up to 90 kg Lhagvasurengiin Otgonbaatar
up to 100 kg Naidangiin Tuvshinbayar
over 100 kg Battulgyn Temuulen
Category Athletes 1/16 finals 1/8 finals Quarterfinal semi-final The final Place
up to 48 kg Munkhbatyn Urantsetseg Did not participate
FRAL. Paye
AT 100:000
up to 52 kg Adyaasambuugiin Tsolmon
up to 57 kg Dorjsurengiin Sumyaa
up to 63 kg Tsedevsurengiin Monkhzayaa
up to 70 kg Tsend-Ayuushin Naranjargal
up to 78 kg Purevzhargalyn Lhamdegd


Men Road events Women Road events


January 2013 International Federation sports shooting adopted new competition rules for 2013-2016, which, in particular, changed the order of the finals. In many disciplines, finalists now start the decider round with no qualifying points, and the final is played in a knockout system. Also in the finals, after each round of shooting, the athlete with the lowest score is eliminated from further competition. In a high-speed pistol, decisive fights take place according to the hit-and-miss system. AT trap shooting a semi-final round was added, where two participants in the final match and the fight for third place are determined.


Competition Athletes Qualification semi-final The final
Result Place Result Place Opponent/
pneumatic rifle,
10 meters
Ganhuyag Nandinzaya 414,8 14 Not carried out Completed the performance
three position rifle
50 meters
Ganhuyag Nandinzaya Not carried out
air gun,
10 meters
Detachment Gundegmaa 379 20 Not carried out Completed the performance
Tsogbadrakhyn Monkhzul 378 32 Not carried out Completed the performance
25 meters
Detachment Gundegmaa
Tsogbadrakhyn Monkhzul


In the qualification of the competition, archers perform 12 series of shots of 6 arrows from a distance of 70 meters. Based on the results of the preliminary round, a playoff bracket is drawn up, where in the 1/32 finals the 1st seed meets with the 64th, the 2nd with the 63rd, etc. In knockout bouts, athletes perform three shots. The participant who scored more points for this series receives 2 points. If both archers scored the same number of points, then they receive one point each. The winner of the pair is the archer who first scores 6 points.


Competition Athletes Qualification 1/32 finals 1/16 finals 1/8 finals Quarterfinal semi-final The final Place
Result Place Rival
individual championship Zhantsangiin Gantogs


Taekwondo competitions are based on a knock-out system. To win the tournament, an athlete needs to win 4 victories. Taekwondo athletes who lost to future finalists during the competition take part in the consolation tournament for two bronze medals.



Each NOC independently chooses the category in which its weightlifter will perform. Within the framework of the competition, two exercises are carried out - a snatch and a push. In each of the exercises, the athlete is given 3 attempts. The winner is determined by the sum of two exercises. In case of equality of results, the victory is awarded to the athlete with a lower body weight.


Category Athletes The weight jerk Push Total Place
1 2 3 1 2 3
up to 56 kg Chagnadorj Usukhbayar 55.65 103 103 103 - - - - DNF

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An excerpt characterizing Mongolia at the 2016 Summer Olympics

Natasha laughed, the countess also smiled weakly.
- I knew that you would allow ... so I will say so. - And Natasha, kissing her mother, got up and went to the door.
In the hall she met her father, who returned home with bad news.
- We sat down! said the Count with involuntary annoyance. “And the club is closed, and the police are coming out.
- Dad, is it okay that I invited the wounded to the house? Natasha told him.
“Nothing, of course,” the Count said absently. “That’s not the point, but now I ask you not to deal with trifles, but to help pack and go, go, go tomorrow ...” And the count gave the butler and people the same order. At dinner, Petya returned and told his news.
He said that today the people were dismantling weapons in the Kremlin, that although Rostopchin’s poster said that he would call the cry in two days, but that an order had probably been made that tomorrow all the people would go to the Three Mountains with weapons, and that there there will be a big fight.
The Countess looked with timid horror at the cheerful, heated face of her son while he was saying this. She knew that if she said a word that she asked Petya not to go to this battle (she knew that he rejoiced at this upcoming battle), then he would say something about men, about honor, about the fatherland - something like that. meaningless, masculine, stubborn, against which one cannot object, and the matter will be spoiled, and therefore, hoping to arrange so that she could leave before that and take Petya with her as a protector and patron, she did not say anything to Petya, and after dinner called the count and with tears she begged him to take her away as soon as possible, on the same night, if possible. With a feminine, involuntary cunning of love, she, who had shown perfect fearlessness until now, said that she would die of fear if they did not leave that night. She, without pretending, was now afraid of everything.

Mme Schoss, who visited her daughter, increased the Countess's fear even more with stories about what she had seen on Myasnitskaya Street in a pub. Returning down the street, she could not get home from the drunken crowd of people raging at the office. She took a cab and drove around the lane home; and the driver told her that the people were breaking barrels in the drinking office, which was so ordered.
After dinner, all the Rostov households with enthusiastic haste set to work packing their things and preparing for departure. The old count, suddenly set to work, continued to walk from the yard to the house and back after dinner, stupidly shouting at the people in a hurry and hurrying them even more. Petya was in charge in the yard. Sonya did not know what to do under the influence of the count's conflicting orders, and was completely at a loss. People, shouting, arguing and making noise, ran around the rooms and the yard. Natasha, with her characteristic passion in everything, suddenly also set to work. At first, her intervention in the matter of packing was met with disbelief. Everyone expected a joke from her and did not want to listen to her; but with stubbornness and passion she demanded obedience to herself, became angry, almost wept that they did not listen to her, and finally achieved that they believed in her. Her first feat, which cost her great effort and gave her power, was laying carpets. The count had expensive gobelins and Persian rugs in his house. When Natasha got down to business, there were two open boxes in the hall: one almost to the top with porcelain, the other with carpets. There was still a lot of porcelain set on the tables, and everything was still being carried from the pantry. It was necessary to start a new, third box, and people followed him.
“Sonya, wait, let’s put everything in this way,” said Natasha.
“It’s impossible, young lady, they already tried it,” said the barmaid.
– No, stop, please. - And Natasha began to get dishes and plates wrapped in paper from the drawer.
“The dishes should be here, in the carpets,” she said.
“Yes, and God forbid, put the carpets into three boxes,” said the barman.
- Wait, please. - And Natasha quickly, deftly began to disassemble. “It’s not necessary,” she said about Kyiv plates, “yes, it’s in carpets,” she said about Saxon dishes.
- Yes, leave it, Natasha; Well, that’s enough, we’ll put it down, ”Sonya said reproachfully.
- Oh, young lady! the butler said. But Natasha did not give up, threw out all the things and quickly began to pack again, deciding that bad home carpets and extra dishes should not be taken at all. When everything was taken out, they began to lay again. And indeed, throwing out almost everything cheap, what was not worth taking with you, everything of value was put into two boxes. Only the lid of the carpet box did not close. It was possible to take out a few things, but Natasha wanted to insist on her own. She packed, shifted, pressed, forced the barman and Petya, whom she dragged along into the business of packing, to press the lid and herself made desperate efforts.
“Come on, Natasha,” Sonya told her. - I see you're right, take out the top one.
“I don’t want to,” Natasha shouted, holding her loose hair over her sweaty face with one hand, pressing the carpets with the other. - Yes, press it, Petka, press it! Vasilyich, press! she screamed. The carpets pressed down and the lid closed. Natasha, clapping her hands, squealed with joy, and tears gushed from her eyes. But it lasted for a second. She immediately set to work on another matter, and they completely believed her, and the count was not angry when they told him that Natalya Ilyinishna had canceled his order, and the courtyards came to Natasha to ask: should the cart be tied or not and was it enough imposed? The matter was argued thanks to Natasha's orders: unnecessary things were left and the most expensive things were packed in the most cramped way.
But no matter how hard all the people fussed, by late night not everything could be packed. The countess fell asleep, and the count, postponing his departure until morning, went to bed.
Sonya and Natasha slept without undressing in the sofa room. That night, a new wounded man was being transported through Povarskaya, and Mavra Kuzminishna, who was standing at the gate, turned him around to the Rostovs. This wounded man, according to Mavra Kuzminishna, was a very significant person. He was carried in a carriage completely covered with an apron and with the top down. An old man, a respectable valet, was sitting on the goats with the driver. Behind the cart were a doctor and two soldiers.
- Come to us, please. The gentlemen are leaving, the whole house is empty,” said the old woman, turning to the old servant.
- Yes, - answered the valet, sighing, - and not to bring tea! We have our own house in Moscow, but far away, and no one lives.
“We are welcome, our masters have a lot of everything, please,” said Mavra Kuzminishna. - Are you very unhealthy? she added.
The valet waved his hand.
- Do not bring tea! You need to ask the doctor. And the valet got off the goat and went up to the wagon.
“Good,” said the doctor.
The valet again went up to the carriage, looked into it, shook his head, ordered the coachman to turn into the yard, and stopped beside Mavra Kuzminishna.
- Lord Jesus Christ! she said.
Mavra Kuzminishna offered to bring the wounded man into the house.
“The Lord won’t say anything…” she said. But it was necessary to avoid climbing the stairs, and therefore the wounded man was carried into the wing and laid in the former room of m me Schoss. This wounded man was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

The last day of Moscow has come. It was clear, cheerful autumn weather. It was Sunday. As on ordinary Sundays, the gospel was announced for mass in all churches. No one, it seemed, could yet understand what awaited Moscow.
Only two indicators of the state of society expressed the situation in which Moscow was: the mob, that is, the class of poor people, and the prices of objects. Factory workers, servants and peasants in a huge crowd, in which officials, seminarians, noblemen got involved, on this day, early in the morning, went to the Three Mountains. After standing there and not waiting for Rostopchin and making sure that Moscow would be surrendered, this crowd scattered around Moscow, to drinking houses and taverns. Prices that day also indicated the state of affairs. The prices of weapons, gold, carts and horses kept going up, while the prices of paper money and city things kept going down, so that in the middle of the day there were cases when cabbies took out expensive goods, like cloth, from the floor, and for a peasant horse paid five hundred rubles; furniture, mirrors, bronzes were given away for free.
In the sedate and old house of the Rostovs, the disintegration of the former living conditions expressed itself very weakly. With regard to people, it was only that three people from a huge household disappeared during the night; but nothing was stolen; and with regard to the prices of things, it turned out that the thirty carts that came from the villages were enormous wealth, which many envied and for which Rostov was offered huge money. Not only did they offer a lot of money for these carts, from the evening and early morning of September 1, orderlies and servants from wounded officers came to the Rostovs' courtyard and dragged the wounded themselves, placed at the Rostovs and in neighboring houses, and begged the Rostovs' people to take care of that they were given carts to leave Moscow. The butler, who was approached with such requests, although he felt sorry for the wounded, resolutely refused, saying that he would not even dare to report this to the count. No matter how pitiful the remaining wounded were, it was obvious that if you gave up one cart, there was no reason not to give up another, that's all - to give up your crews. Thirty carts could not save all the wounded, and in the general disaster it was impossible not to think about yourself and your family. So thought the butler for his master.
Waking up on the morning of the 1st, Count Ilya Andreich quietly left the bedroom, so as not to wake the countess who had just fallen asleep by morning, and in his purple silk dressing gown went out onto the porch. The carts, tied up, stood in the yard. The carriages were at the porch. The butler stood at the entrance, talking to an old batman and a young, pale officer with a bandaged arm. The butler, seeing the count, made a significant and stern sign to the officer and orderly to leave.
- Well, is everything ready, Vasilich? - said the count, rubbing his bald head and looking good-naturedly at the officer and orderly and nodding his head to them. (The count liked new faces.)
- At least harness now, Your Excellency.
- Well, that's nice, the countess will wake up, and with God! What are you, gentlemen? he turned to the officer. - In my house? The officer moved closer. His pale face suddenly flushed bright red.
- Count, do me a favor, let me ... for God's sake ... shelter somewhere on your carts. I don’t have anything with me here ... I don’t care in the cart ... - the officer had not yet managed to finish, as the batman turned to the count with the same request for his master.
- BUT! yes, yes, yes,” said the count hastily. - I'm very, very happy. Vasilyich, you order, well, clear one or two carts there, well, there ... what ... what is needed ... - with some kind of vague expressions, ordering something, the count said. But at the same moment, the officer's warm expression of gratitude already confirmed what he ordered. The count looked around him: in the yard, at the gate, in the window of the wing, one could see the wounded and orderlies. They all looked at the count and moved towards the porch.
- Please, Your Excellency, to the gallery: what do you want about the paintings there? the butler said. And the count entered the house with him, repeating his order not to refuse the wounded who ask to go.
“Well, then, you can put something together,” he added in a low, mysterious voice, as if afraid that someone would hear him.
At nine o'clock the countess woke up, and Matryona Timofeevna, her former maid, who had acted as chief of the gendarmes in relation to the countess, came to report to her former young lady that Marya Karlovna was very offended and that the young lady's summer dresses should not stay here. When asked by the countess why mme Schoss was offended, it was revealed that her chest had been removed from the cart and all the carts were being untied - they were taking off the good and taking the wounded with them, whom the count, in his simplicity, ordered to take with him. The countess ordered to ask her husband.
- What is it, my friend, I hear things are being filmed again?
- You know, ma chere, I wanted to tell you this ... ma chere countess ... an officer came to me, asking me to give a few carts for the wounded. After all, this is all a matter of gain; But what is it like for them to stay, think! .. Really, in our yard, we ourselves invited them, there are officers here. You know, I think it’s right, ma chere, here, ma chere… let them take them… where is the hurry?.. – The count said this timidly, as he always said when it came to money. The Countess, however, was accustomed to this tone, which always preceded the business, ruining the children, like some kind of construction of a gallery, greenhouse, setting up a home theater or music - and she was used to, and considered it her duty to always oppose what was expressed in this timid tone.
She assumed her meekly deplorable air and said to her husband:
“Listen, Count, you have brought it to the point that they don’t give anything for the house, and now you want to ruin all of our - children’s fortune. After all, you yourself say that there is a hundred thousand good in the house. I, my friend, disagree and disagree. Your will! There is government on the wounded. They know. Look: over there, at the Lopukhins, everything was taken out clean on the third day. That's how people do it. We alone are fools. Have pity at least not on me, but on the children.
The count waved his hands and, without saying anything, left the room.
- Dad! what are you talking about? Natasha told him, following him into her mother's room.
- About nothing! What do you care! said the Count angrily.
“No, I heard,” Natasha said. Why doesn't mommy want to?
– What is your business? shouted the count. Natasha went to the window and thought.
“Papa, Berg has come to visit us,” she said, looking out the window.

Berg, the son-in-law of the Rostovs, was already a colonel with Vladimir and Anna around his neck, and occupied the same calm and pleasant position of assistant chief of staff, assistant to the first department of the chief of staff of the second corps.
On September 1, he came from the army to Moscow.
He had nothing to do in Moscow; but he noticed that everyone from the army asked to go to Moscow and did something there. He also considered it necessary to take time off for household and family affairs.
Berg, in his neat little droshky, on a pair of well-fed, savras little ones, exactly the same as one prince had, drove up to his father-in-law's house. He looked attentively into the yard at the carts and, entering the porch, took out a clean handkerchief and tied a knot.
From the ante-room Berg, with a floating, impatient step, ran into the drawing-room and embraced the count, kissed the hands of Natasha and Sonya, and hurriedly asked about mother's health.
What is your health now? Well, tell me, - said the count, - what about the troops? Are they retreating or will there be more fighting?
“One eternal god, father,” said Berg, “can decide the fate of the fatherland. The army is burning with the spirit of heroism, and now the leaders, so to speak, have gathered for a meeting. What will happen is unknown. But I’ll tell you in general, dad, such a heroic spirit, truly ancient courage of the Russian troops, which they - it, - he corrected, - showed or showed in this battle on the 26th, there are no words worthy to describe them ... I’ll tell you, dad (he hit himself in the chest in the same way as one general who spoke in front of him hit himself, although a little late, because it was necessary to hit himself in the chest at the word "Russian army") - I will tell you frankly that we, the bosses, not only did we not have to urge the soldiers or anything like that, but we could hardly hold on to these, these ... yes, courageous and ancient feats, ”he said quickly. “General Barclay before Tolly sacrificed his life everywhere in front of the troops, I'll tell you. Our body was placed on the slope of the mountain. Can you imagine! - And then Berg told everything that he remembered from the various stories he had heard during this time. Natasha, not lowering her gaze, which confused Berg, as if looking for the solution of some question on his face, looked at him.

The other day in Ulaanbaatar, a sports uniform was unveiled, as well as a ceremonial set of clothes in which the Mongolian Olympians will walk through the stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro.

In the new Olympic collection of the ceremonial set, according to the idea of ​​the creators, "Gold color symbolizes the sun and victory."

As for the regular sportswear, "The color blue symbolizes the ever-blue skies of Mongolia."

The mold was made by ASICS. ASICS is a Japanese corporation that is one of the leaders in the production of sports shoes and clothes. It also has a fashion trend called Onitsuka Tiger.

By the way, the history of ASICS began in 1949 in post-war Japan. Kihachiro Onitsuka wondered how he could help the Japanese youth in such a difficult time for the country. The decision came quickly, Mr. Onitsuka decided to create a sports brand for everyone to inspire his fellow citizens through sports. Thus, Onitsuka Tiger was born.

This will be the first Olympics to take place in South America. In addition, a record number of medal sets will be played during the games - 301, the number of participating countries will also be the highest in history. Olympic Movement - 206.

To date, 49 Mongolian athletes national teams were qualified for the Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Rio 2016. This is the largest number of Mongolian athletes in the history of Mongolian sports who will take part in the Olympics.

For the first time, Mongolian athletes began performing at the Olympic Games in 1992 in Barcelona. On summer world games in Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012, the Mongols took part in 7 disciplines. In total, 29 athletes received the right to compete in the Olympic arenas.

About thirty athletes received licenses this year: freestyle wrestling - 9, archery - 1, shooting - 3, weightlifting (barbell) - 1, taekwondo - 1, boxing - 4. this moment 19 members of the Mongolian national team have already received the right to participate in summer games. About twenty more athletes are waiting for confirmation: 4 athletes, 12-13 judokas.

As for the Paralympic athletes, seven athletes are already intensively preparing for the most important starts: 2 - archery, shooting -1, judo - 2, powerlifting - 1, Athletics - 1.

There are still pre-Olympic starts for shooters, boxers and athletes. It is possible that the Mongolian national team will be replenished with new participants after these competitions.

There are two months left before the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Prime Minister of Mongolia Ch. Saikhanbileg met and got acquainted with the course of training of his Olympians.


The country places its greatest hopes on its judokas. After all, it was in this form that Mongolia received its first ever Olympic champion. It was N. Tuvshinbayar, who won gold in the category up to 100 kg at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The judo team will leave for Brazil ten days before the start of the competition. As the Prime Minister was told, the trainings are going on in working mode. The coaching staff is satisfied with the pre-Olympic preparations.

Recall that in Rio de Janeiro to compete for Olympic medals Tsogtbaatar, D.Tumurhuleg, N.Odbayar, O.Uuganbaatar, L.Otgonbaatar, N.Tuvshinbayar, B.Temuulen, M.Uranchimeg, A.Tsolmon, D.Sumyaa, Ts.Munkhzayaa, Ts.Naranzhargal, P .Lhamdegd. As previously stated, about a dozen more wrestlers are waiting to be eligible.


Another one great hope Mongolian Olympic team - .

Recall that the athlete received a license for the Olympic Games, having won gold medal at the licensed Asian weightlifting championship in Tashkent (75 kg).

"Queen of Sports"

Four marathon runners will represent Mongolia at the current Olympiad: B.Ser-Od, B.Munkhzayaa, B.Otgonbayar, D.Gantulga.

Freestyle wrestling

Wrestlers E.Behbayar, P.Unurbat, G.Mandakhnaran, O.Uytumen, D.Khuderbulga, J.Chuluunbat already have vouchers. As the Prime Minister noted, wrestling is the hallmark of Mongolia. Therefore, athletes must show a beautiful wrestling and adequately perform at the Olympics, restore the former glory of the Mongolian wrestling.

Shooting sport

Famous and titled sportswomen, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Beijing O. Gundegmaa and master of sports international class Ts. Munkhzul this year will again storm the Olympic podium.


D. Baatarzhav and A. Ankhbayar, representatives of archery, have already received a license for the main starts of the universe. Shooting sport will be presented by Z.Ganbaatar. Judoists - B. Ugankhuu, A. Munkhbat - do not stand aside either. E. Sodnompelzhee will compete for medals in powerlifting, and G. Tsogtgerel in shot throwing.