Who is stronger captain marvel or superman. Why would Supergirl be stronger than Superman? There are heroes in our Fatherland

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" - black and blue, God against man, day against night.

Country, year: USA; 2016.
Producer: Zack Snyder.
Genre: science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure.
Duration: 153 min.

Cast: Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Callan Mullway, Tao Okamoto Jason Momoa, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Holly Hunter, Ezra Miller.

“Do you know America's oldest lie? Demons don't crawl out of hell - they come down from heaven."

As we remember from the plot of the movie "Man of Steel", Superman saved our planet by defeating the evil General Zod. During the battle, the hero destroyed a couple of buildings, killing people. What is collateral damage for the superman, for the defender of justice Bruce Wayne (aka Batman) is a huge loss.

Unlike most citizens, he sees Superman not as a savior, but as an extreme threat.

Actually, Batman himself is not a gift either. The Knight of Gotham, for no reason at all, begins to leave his mark on the bandits caught, dooming them to torment in prison. This fact does not please Superman.

Two heroes can only be pushed towards each other, which is what the young and very inadequate entrepreneur Lex Luthor does.

It's no secret that Zack Snyder is not the most beloved director of film critics. Suffice it to recall the number of negative reviews for a very nice "Stricken Reception" and an extremely cool meeting (which, by the way, many consider the best film based on comics).

"Batman v Superman" was no exception: in the first hours after the premiere, the Internet was filled with negative reviews.

Although, as a director, Snyder hasn't done anything criminal: his slow-mo favorites are in place, the action and technical prowess is on point (although how could it be otherwise on a $250,000,000 budget?), the cast seems to be all right, Biblical allusions were also brought in, as was Nolan's gloominess...

However, the film is downright boring.

The biggest failure of Batman v Superman is the script. Although, perhaps, you can’t call it a failure, it is a real disaster.

Absolutely unmotivated characters whose behavior and actions defy logic, colossal holes in the plot, completely toothless Doomsday, lack of intrigue and more or less interesting plot twists (with the exception of one twist, which ultimately meant nothing).

The script simply buried all the good that was in this film.

For example, a nice work of a production designer.

Yes, all gray locations, gloom, darkness and tense faces, but, in general, the right atmosphere is created.

In addition, composers Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL have written a powerful, cool soundtrack, which, unfortunately, sounds too pathetic for such a weak plot.

In addition, the script does not allow the actors to reveal themselves. Take, for example, journalist Lois Lane, played by Amy Adams. Of course, it is impossible to call this role successful, primarily because the character is inadequate and cardboard. What's there for poor Amy Adams to play?

So we get a completely pale and useless heroine at the exit, which interferes with both Superman and Henry Cavill as an actor.

It would seem that here he is - the perfect Superman, correct, in good sense"Heavyweight"... But in the scenes with Lois Lane and completely inexpressive "love", Cavill's acting gift simply disappears, and a mannequin with empty eyes remains in place of Superman.

But Ben Affleck as an adult and stocky Batman, contrary to the expectations of many, is not bad. And Jesse Eisenberg in the role of Lex Luthor is completely beautiful (at least someone was allowed to talk and play, even if it was a villain with porridge in his head).

Jeremy Irons' Alfred is as good as Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman.

I also want to say thanks to the creators for the numerous Easter eggs and references (which will be invisible to viewers who are not too versed in comics, but fans will be pleased).

They also showed us new heroes, however, they did it surprisingly clumsy, just in the forehead.

By the way, Ezra Miller in the role of the Flash is beautiful, you can see it even in the two seconds that were given to him.

However, a marathon of boredom for 2.5 hours will not let you enjoy all the benefits. There are no jokes, as in The Avengers, there is no irony, as in, there is no strong philosophy, as in, there is no atmosphere and an interesting plot, as in Nolan's Batman trilogy ...

Unless there are a lot of pretty people in suits who are fighting for bright ideas with very serious faces.

Unfortunately, I can’t call Batman v Superman more than a passing film. No matter how hard Snyder tries, no matter how great the actors are, this movie can only become a stepping stone to the next works of Warner Bros.

And yes, maybe we should wait for the director's cut. Who knows, suddenly there Zack Snyder put everything in its place.

As is often said, Superman is not the strongest superhero in the DC Universe, but he can be called a benchmark against which to describe the strength of other characters. Now let's ask ourselves who from Marvel can defeat the last Son of Krypton. However, Sups met with the heroes of another comic book universe more than once. For example, with Spider-Man. Well, let's do a little experiment, from which Doctor Octopus and Lex Luthor will happily laugh and rub their hands.


Small size can be a big advantage

Of all the Avengers, Ant-Man is the least likely to kick Superman's ears. One way or another, the Ant has some superpowers that can give him a chance to win. Superman is good at fighting normal-sized opponents, but if he is confronted by a bug-sized hero, problems begin. For example, try to catch a fly - it is very difficult. Of course, Sups can simply slam Ant-Man, but here the second ability of the little Avenger comes into force: he can send hundreds of thousands of ants to the Man of Steel (ideally, put krypton coating on them). This will distract the guy in the blue tights and give Ant an opportunity to get close enough to strike.

He can then climb into the Kryptonian's nostril or ear and begin to strike from the inside (it is worth remembering that in miniature size, Ant-Man's strength increases). As stated earlier, it would be a good idea to combine this with spraying Kryptonite powder - this will weaken the protection of Kal-El's internal organs (Clark Kent's real name, as it is known) and reduce the regenerative ability. Ideally, use a miniature kryptonite weapon. And then Hank Pym (Ant) will be able to strike at internal organs, and Superman won't do anything unless he rips himself to pieces or hits himself. We can safely say that at least it will be interesting to watch such a fight.

And, damn it, don't forget that Pym can become a giant! So Ant can cuff good old Clark Kent quite easily.


The power of the gods of Asgard is a serious problem for Superman

In fact, the Destroyer is more of a weapon than an independent character, but if you imagine him under the control of a powerful creature (for example, Odin), then he may well defeat Superman in a fight.

The Destroyer was created on the orders of Odin the Allfather to protect Midgard from an extremely powerful race of space invaders. After this killing machine was activated, the gods of Asgard transferred some of their powers to her, making her power almost limitless.

Another advantage of the Destroyer is its armor: when Thor, being one of the strongest Marvel heroes, hits the Destroyer with Mjolnir (which, in turn, is one of the most powerful weapons in the Universe), not even a scratch appears on the armor of the mechanism. So Supsa's fists may not be very effective in a fight with this hulk.

The Destroyer's arsenal has a couple more powerful "chips": this is the Sword of Odin, and a destructive beam that strikes from where most living organisms have a head. This beam could theoretically destroy anything. This means that it is much easier for him to destroy the Man of Steel than for Zack Snyder (the director of the latest Superman films).

The incredible Hulk

The power of the Green giant is capable of destroying the planet

The epic battle between Superman and the Hulk will be like a fight between an unstoppable force and a completely immovable object. As you know, the Greenskin is so strong that he can destroy the planet (or revive volcanic activity in its depths). Do not forget that Supsa was killed by the Hulk-like Doomsday, another refugee from the deceased Krypton.

In addition, the Hulk will be strong in any environment where there is oxygen. And the superpower of the Kryptonian depends on our Sun. In any other system and on another planet (like in the Planet Hulk comic, for example), Clark has no chance.

It should also be remembered that Superman and the Hulk already met in 1996 in the Marvel vs. DC #3 crossover. And although then the green giant lost, the battle took place on an equal footing. So on any other day, the Hulk would beat the hell out of the guy in the red cape.

Black Thunder

Ultrasound is a great tool

Fortunately for Lois Lane, one of Superman's abilities is super hearing: as soon as his chosen one gets into trouble and starts screaming, the hero immediately appears out of nowhere to save her.

On the other hand, this can become a big problem when Soops is facing opponents using supersonic weapons or sonic-related abilities. This is what Batman did in The Dark Knight Returns: he used ultrasound to disorientate his opponent. In Impunity: Gods Among Us, Black Canary used her Super Scream to make Superman's ears bleed. Even Wonder Woman managed to immobilize the Man of Steel with her Bracelets of Obedience.

That's why Blackgar Boltagon, also known as Black Bolt, is a formidable opponent capable of defeating Supsa. Black Bolt, the leader of the Inhuman team, has such a powerful voice that even a whisper is enough to knock the Hulk away. And that's not all: in Black Panther Part 4 #7, with the help of an almost inaudible movement of his lips, Thunder laid the Apocalypse on the shoulder blades.

By the way, a sound in the range from 185 to 200 decibels can easily kill an ordinary person: the waves will cause an air embolism (blood to enter the vessels), which is critical for the brain and heart. And if you remember that Superman's hearing is even sharper, then you can imagine how unbearable torment awaits him (even with instant regeneration). So Grom will be able to at least qualitatively stun the enemy, even if he does not kill.

Jean Grey/Phoenix

Telepaths are bad jokes

Superman is really good at physical combat, but mental combat is a completely different matter. As practice shows, his mind can be captured, and superpower can be used to destroy everything that comes in his way. This happened when Poison Ivy took over Clark Kent's mind and Starro the Conqueror stole his body.

In the Marvel Universe, Charles "Professor X" Xavier and Zebediah "Purple Man" Killgrave would probably be able to control Superman's brain with ease. After his mind is subjugated to someone else's will, you can do anything with him: make him commit suicide, become a maniac killer and turn other heroes against him. In addition, telepaths can simply order him to sit in a corner and cry until they get tired of playing with him.

However, the most powerful Marvel psychic is Jean Grey, an "Omega" (the most powerful) mutant. Her strength is doubled when she transforms into the Dark Phoenix. In addition, being at the mercy of his evil half, Gray can influence objects at the subatomic level. And no matter how hard Superman tries, all his strength is not enough to resist a creature whose prerogative is the ability to change physical laws.


Madness can't be predicted

You may be wondering how the Chatty Mercenary's abilities, like regeneration and longevity, can help him defeat the Son of Krypton. And here's our answer: we don't know. This is the main charm of Deadpool - he is completely unpredictable.

As you know, Deadpool has a very impressive list of victims. Moreover, he destroyed the Marvel Universe along with the Hulk, Wolverine, Luke Cage, the Avengers and the X-Men. One of the reasons for the mercenary's victory is the desire to kill: where Sups can spare the enemy, Deadpool will not hesitate to kill the opponent. That is why he is the epitome of an anti-hero.

In the end, Deadpool will win because he doesn't have to be fair and honest. He can easily make, for example, kryptonite handcuffs and drown a guy in a blue tights. Or, even worse, a mercenary can stuff Superman with kryptonite so that he will not be able to resist. It’s safe to say that he will accompany this mockery with remarks like: “This is how I felt when I looked at Ben Affleck in Batman v Superman.

And, since Deadpool is pathological, inventive, manic and completely insane, in this fight he will win without much effort if he nevertheless paves the way to the DC Universe.


When your enemy is pure energy, you have to sweat

Magic is one of Superman's Achilles' heels. That is why Captain Marvel and Green Lantern fought him so successfully.

Marvel also has its own wizards like Doctor Strange and Mephisto, but Dormammu may be the strongest opponent for a Kryptonian. According to the publisher's official website, he is one of the most powerful creatures in the fictional universe.

First appearing in the pages of comics in 1964, Dormammu often acted as Doctor Strange's worst enemy. He was born in another dimension and consists of pure cosmic energy. Not exactly the same weight category enemies that Superman is used to. Dormammu can shape-shift, teleport, use telepathy, create artificial life, resurrect the dead, and summon demons. And this is not the whole list of his abilities!

Given Superman's weakness in magic, the most powerful magical being in the universe could easily get the better of him.


It's not easy to defeat someone whose abilities are similar to yours.

A relatively "fresh" character born in 2000, Robert "Bob" Reynolds gained his Sentry abilities after drinking a serum. He is one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe and is on par with Superman. Sentinel has super strength, can fly, controls light, magnetic fields ... Almost a twin brother of Supsa. The only difference is that Sentinel's power is almost immeasurable. The hero's profile on the Marvel website states that he has the power of 1,000 exploding suns. In World War Hulk, the Sentry and the Hulk were on the same level of power, so Superman is clearly out of his league.

What the Sentinel really does stronger than man from Steel, so it is the manipulation of consciousness. He can delete and add memories to the brain, has telepathy, which makes his victory over Superman even more obvious: he can not only hit him on the head, but also climb into it, removing all the memories that made Clark Kent a man and a person worth in defense of justice.


An omnipotent creature from other worlds gives very little chance of winning

Not much is known about the Beyond: it is an omnipotent, interdimensional entity that lives in a completely different multiverse. In fact, he can be called a deity: he contains everything that exists and everything that exists is him.

After a breach formed between the multiverses and the Beyonder discovered Earth, he became interested in the eternal struggle between good and evil.

To satisfy its curiosity, this entity kidnapped many heroes and villains during the Secret Wars in 1984 and sent them to a distant planet with the telling name "Battleworld", watching them fight each other. For purely research purposes, of course.

If Superman was in the Marvel Universe or the Beyonder had found the DC Universe, then the Man of Steel would be one of the top contenders for the kidnapping. The interdimensional entity easily managed to take the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Magneto, Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man and many others from Earth. It's hard to imagine that Superman would have had a chance to escape from this.

In order to defeat the Kryptonian, it is enough for the Otherworldly to move him to the World of Battles, where the superhero will become just Clark Kent, who does not have his superpowers away from our Sun. And then you just need to let the villains come to him, who will turn Superman into a bloody mess.


If your enemy can eat the planet, you better stay out of his sight.

Comparing the power of Galactus and Clark Kent does not stand up to scrutiny. Galactus, whose real name is Galan, is the sole survivor of the universe that existed before the Big Bang, and he literally devours planets to survive.

The process of becoming one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe began when he sent his ship into the Big Bang event horizon. Once there, he merged with the Universal Mind. After the Big Bang, Galan drifted through the expanses of space for billions of years until he was accidentally awakened and emerged from the capsule already as a being consisting of pure energy. Galan, now known as Galactus, created a suit that could contain and protect his body (including a freakish helmet) and began to devour planets.

Galactus wields Cosmic Energy, which is one of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe. For some reason, he endowed the Silver Surfer with powers simply by sharing some of his power. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the Surfer will be strong enough to defeat Superman.

In addition, Galactus swallowed up many worlds and planets with the most advanced and powerful beings, not inferior in strength to Superman. The only reason the Earth wasn't destroyed by Galactus is because of the Silver Surfer. He took pity on the people and helped the superheroes defeat his master. Even then, they didn't quite beat him, but simply threatened him with a weapon that the Silver Surfer had helped them steal. When Galactus returned to Earth in Fantastic Four Volume 1 Episode 243, he was weak and tired, having been tricked by Terrax the Tamer. In such an exhausted state, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers and Doctor Strange were able to defeat him.

There is only one option in which Superman will survive the fight with a healthy Galactus - this is the will of Galactus himself. He'll just let him survive.

The Man of Steel may not be the strongest, but the "S" symbol on his chest is still popular, and a new round of DC Universe history will only spur the younger generation's love for a superhero who has just learned to wear his red shorts under his overalls.

Why does a superhero need a weakness? Probably to keep the chance of defeating him. It's bad when no one can stop you. It's also a good way to get the reader to care about the character: “Oh no! Lex has a kryptonite ring. Run, Superman, save yourself!"

6Wonder Woman: When a man ties his hands

Wonder Woman is a well-established symbol of female power and feminism, and also dilutes the male campaign of the guys from the Justice League (sometimes they have about it). She is often portrayed as a kind of omnipotent, self-confident Amazon who will not hesitate to break someone's neck.

Don't look like that, I'm not in the mood!

But it was not always so. At 40, when Wonder Woman first appeared in the pages of comics, her creator William Marston, being a psychologist, believed that BDSM had a good effect on relationships. Thus, Wonder Woman became completely helpless if she was tied up by a man! Ta-dam!

Oh no, now I'm not a miracle, but just a woman.

Yes, you read everything correctly. And it only works for men. Her hands must be tied in some way. You thought the pair of indestructible bracelets on her arms were part of a supersuit? No. The fact is that if you break these indestructible bracelets (um ..), then Diana loses control over herself and, like the Hulk, splashes out rage on passers-by.

My rage cannot be contained. Truck, you're on my way!!

The most interesting thing is that Wonder Woman used this weakness for about 30 years. Only since the 80s of the last century, DC Comics decided to forget about this fact of the heroine's life, like a nightmare. Literally for a few pages, this fact of the heroine’s biography reminded of itself in the 12th issue of “Wonder Woman” from The New 52. With the help of her rage, Diana put Artemis in her place in the showdown on Olympus.

5. Thor: letting go of the hammer for more than 60 seconds

Wonder Woman shows the world how cool it is to be a woman, and Thor proves the superiority of the male part of the population. It's hard not to notice the phallic shape of Thor's hammer, it even has a nickname - Mjolnir. And the hero often likes to “boast” about him in front of the ladies.

Your hammer is so big!

With his incredible strength, the ability to fly, invulnerability, lightning strikes, and, as it turns out, mastery of magic, Thor is probably the most powerful hero. But the source of strength is his massive hammer.

In the early comics, each time he let go of the hammer from his hands for more than 60 seconds, Thor lost all his abilities and turned into a mortal, and the hammer itself into a cane.

Worst of all, this mortal (a medical student named Donald Blake) was a kind of younger version of the protagonist of House. No seriously, we bend our fingers: a sore leg, a skinny physique, God's syndrome ... okay, the last point is justified.

Think about it, Thor is the most powerful hero on Earth, but he can't even sleep without clutching his massive... hammer.

Okay, these are already his intimate problems, but let's remember what is Thor's favorite method of fighting enemies? That's right, he throws it over great distances!

60, 59, 58, 57…

Of course, Mjolnir usually comes back, but after all, all that any villain needs to do to defeat Thor is to prevent the hammer from returning to the hands of the god of thunder. And then, 60 seconds later, Thor, as they say, hit. But in the history of comics, this has happened a couple of times.

Oh yeah, remember Odin's phrase “Whoever takes this hammer, if he is worthy, will have the power of Thor!"? While Thor will look for where he threw his hammer, any "worthy" passer-by has a chance to become the god of thunder.

In the end, the stupid 60-second segment had to be abandoned, because ... yes, somehow stupid.

4. Venom: lighter or matches

Venom- perhaps one of the most frightening and creepy comic book villains. Assuming that Spider-Man's abilities are a metaphor for Peter Parker growing up, Venom represents Peter on hard drugs robbing Aunt May to buy another hit. Venom is hardcore!

Venom is a creature from another planet, an intelligent symbiote that clings to the wearer and changes him both physically and mentally. Spider got rid of the black suit over 20 years ago, but he has to clean up the mess after the former representative of his wardrobe quite often. We have come close to an important question - how can you defeat this alien killer who hates you with all his black soul and constantly clings to your most sworn enemies?

Fire, friends! No, no, we are not talking about a flamethrower, and not even about a Molotov cocktail. Venom is extremely vulnerable to heat (as well as loud sound, but you already know that). Take a look at the picture where Venom is about to kill Spider-Man...

... a passing man saves the Spider with a cheap lighter. Venom should be grateful that the man did not have a pipe or a mouthpiece in his pockets.

Why Spider-Man???

Imagine how hard it is to be Venom. We have seen many times that anyone wearing a black suit actually wears it around the clock. Think about what will happen if he wants to fry a barbecue in nature, or just make scrambled eggs? And what about the New Year, when everyone around blows up firecrackers?

How Johnny Storm from the Fantastic Four could mock poor Venom is just terrible to think about. Against this background, the "jokes" of fellow villains look harmless.

3. Power Girl: any natural, unrecycled material

On the 3rd place of our Top ridiculous weaknesses of superheroes is Power Girl, Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin from a parallel universe. Most readers remember her for her ... strong personal qualities, they are the key to her popularity.

Strong personality traits.

Her abilities are virtually the same as those of Superman, with the exception of a vulnerability to kryptonite, which Power Girl does not have (since she is from another reality). Do you think the authors removed this vulnerability in order to come up with something more interesting?

Hell yes, they did! Power Girl is vulnerable to natural materials. What does this even mean? How would you explain...

It is worth questioning the effectiveness of a superhero who can be knocked out with the first stick that comes across from the street. In the same comic, the heroine describes her weakness as "vulnerability to any natural, unrefined material", which supposedly includes things like water, earth, and...ahem...air.

She can withstand machine gun fire, but if you throw a stone at her head, she will most likely die. This begs the question, what is she doing on this planet, which in fact is one big vulnerability for her?

The meaning, we think, lies on the surface. Let's take another look at Power Girl:

No need to hurry.

What do you think, does it look "natural"? Are the creators of the comic really trying to tell us that there is so much plastic in her (Kryptonian plastic surgeons?) that any non-silicone material will automatically kill her?! Probably not, because Power Girl has been trying not to remember this weakness lately.

2 Thanos: Desire To Lose

Remember Thor? We said that he is the most powerful hero in the Marvel world. But for all his strength, Thor is not the most powerful being. Meet Thanos(do you already know?) - a man so severe that at a certain point in his career as a villain, he became a walking embodiment of the universe. And yet, he ranks second. Top Ridiculous Superhero Weaknesses.

We're just microbes in Thanos'...

Okay, okay, he's not always THAT harsh, but even in his normal life, he can manipulate matter, move objects with his mind, travel through time, teleport and, yes, he's immortal. In addition, he is also a brilliant scientist, although after all these abilities, nothing is surprising here.

And every time, when meeting with the heroes, he comes out the loser. In what way, you ask?

"Unconscious desire to be defeated." So stop what?! Tell me, is it just us, or are all these weaknesses and vulnerabilities starting to become more and more abstract? I wonder if there is a superhero whose weakness is "any action described by an adverb" or "mentioning a banana in a conversation"?

Okay, it doesn't matter. It turns out that Thanos subconsciously wants to be defeated, because deep down he understands that he is not worthy of victory. At this moment, I want to feel sorry for the poor fellow.

Yes, I am like this. Don't judge me, Red Man!

For such insults, the mighty Thanos will simply wipe this red-and-yellow insolent from the face of the Earth, right? Well, is it true?

No, he'll stand there mumbling apologies as if he's being scolded by the formidable Thanos mom for tearing his new shirt again.

But the red-yellow guy said that this happened more than once. Poor, poor Thanos.

1 Captain Marvel Jr.: Saying His Own Name

Captain Marvel Jr., as the name suggests, is Captain Marvel's junior assistant and also the inspiration for Elvis Presley's hair.

Let's take a look at what makes Captain Marvel so special. He gets his powers by shouting the word "Shazam"(Shazam), which gives him the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, and (what kind of Pokémon?) Azamoncules. In turn, Junior Captain Marvel must yell "Captain Marvel" to gain super powers. In general, on all fronts, he looks like a senior in rank, that's just ...

He cannot pronounce his own name.

Yes, this is his super weakness. A guy can't introduce himself when he comes to a party. And in general, in principle, it cannot be imagined.

It really is the Top 1 ridiculous superhero weakness! If Captain Marvel Jr. says "Captain Marvel Jr." he turns back into a crippled orphan. This can lead to unexpected situations...

Um, call me Wolverine.

Modern authors very strangely decided to get around this weakness of the hero by reducing his name to CM3 (in the English version - CM3). The number 3 probably came about because he is a lesser member of the Marvel Family than Uncle Marvel and Hoppy the Marvel Bunny.

Of course, KM3 is something else. But now at least the guy can live a full life.