The Eskimo boat is still relevant today. The Eskimo boat is still relevant today Modern use of kayaks

The world knows a variety of devices for overcoming water expanses. Boats were made by different peoples from the most unexpected materials; their choice depended on what exactly the area where this or that nationality lives is rich in. From this point of view, the boat of the Eskimos seems to us the most interesting, living, as you know, in very harsh conditions, in places poor in materials most familiar to us. And at the same time, these northern hunters were quite successfully engaged in the extraction of fish and

Varieties of Eskimo boats

Any floating facility must be suitable for its intended purpose. In the harsh northern conditions, the Eskimo boat could serve two purposes: hunting, that is, the extraction of provisions, and transportation. Accordingly, the transport ship was called "umiak" and was a rather wide boat with an open top, where cargo could be stored. Umiak was also considered a female vessel, since they were mainly engaged in transportation. In turn, the fishing boat among the Eskimos was called "kayak". It was made completely waterproof, tightly closed from above - only a hole was left that was clogged by the hunter's body. The kayak was very narrow and nimble, with good maneuverability.

What were the Eskimo boats made of?

In the Far North, in the original habitat of this people, the tree is in great short supply. However, the frame that the Eskimo boat had was still wooden. A fin was assembled for him - a forest carried for years along the ocean waters. Over time, when ships began to come to these distant shores, the Eskimos began to exchange ready-made boards for the results of the hunt. Preference, however, was still given to floating timber, since it is much lighter than boards.

The wooden base was covered with walrus or seal skins taken from freshly killed animals. If the skin was taken “stale”, then it had to be soaked in salt water for a long time and beaten off so that it became elastic again. Covered with leather, the Eskimo boat was completely sealed and did not let a drop of water through. Especially if it was correctly stitched with a special seam, which women learned from childhood. In addition, to enhance water resistance, the leather lining was rubbed with oil or grease from the outside.

Features of the structure of the boats of the Eskimos

It is thanks to them that it is impossible to sink a kayak even on purpose. The Eskimo boat has a center of gravity below the waterline, which makes it extremely stable. Even in the case of capsizing it upside down, the rower, with certain skills, will easily turn the kayak into the correct position.

From the inside, the insides of sea animals, inflated with air, were attached to the boat - this increased buoyancy.

The hole in which the hunter was placed was made exactly according to the size of his body; it was framed with a hoop, on which a skin was stretched, making the entire structure completely isolated from water.

Straps were stretched across the “deck”, on which prey was attached. For example, a bird was tightly fixed by them, while a large marine animal was attached to the transverse braces with a belt and towed behind the ship.

In a word, the Eskimo boat was extremely reliable and adapted specifically for water hunting.

Modern use of kayaks

Despite ancient history and apparent primitiveness, the fishing boat of the Eskimos is in use at the present time. Until now, kayaks beyond the Arctic Circle are made independently. However, this is not the only use of such boats. Recently, kayaking is gaining more and more popularity - overcoming rivers and large open water spaces, during which an old Eskimo boat is used. For this sport, of course, not home-made kayaks are used (although many fans consider home-made kayaks to be a special chic). Modern boats of this type are made of composite, polyethylene or carbon fiber. However, all the requirements that the Eskimos have imposed on a kayak since ancient times are met.