A detailed guide to the construction of pools for summer cottages. How to make a pool in the country with your own hands: the best options and master classes Do-it-yourself decorative pool in the country

For most city dwellers, the dacha has become a place of relaxed rest. A pool built with your own hands will definitely find its fans.

Before proceeding with the construction of such a large object, it is better to first build a small body of water, such as a fountain or pond.

There are many technologies and ways to build a pool with your own hands. Let's consider several options.

Do-it-yourself monolithic pool. Photo step by step

To build a pool with your own hands, you must complete a series of successive steps. The main steps are:

  • creation of a plan and design drawing;
  • organization of drainage and laying of thermal insulation;
  • installation of reinforcement;
  • installation and wiring of communications;
  • pouring concrete mortar;
  • sealing, waterproofing and finishing.

How to build a monolithic pool with your own hands?

Get a quality result will help instructions for the construction of the pool in the country. The first stage of work does not depend on which pool is to be built. It can be very small or very large, but in any case, you first need to choose a seat. To do this, they take a detailed site plan and select options that are suitable for a number of criteria.

It is not desirable that large trees grow nearby. If the space is open and not shaded, then the water will warm up faster. Tree roots can damage the bowl, and falling leaves in the water can become nasty debris.

When planning a pit for a pool, it should be noted that the depth of the reservoir for adults

the first person should be one and a half meters, with a smaller one it is not comfortable to swim. Additionally, it is required to lay half a meter on the drainage layer and concrete walls.

Before digging a pit, you need to determine the location communications and make a plan for their distribution. Next, proceed to the excavation of the soil. The walls of the pit are made with a slope of five degrees. This will protect against soil shedding.

Consider next how to build a pool. The next step is laying waterproofing. First, a pillow is made of a fifteen-centimeter layer of sand and the same layer of rubble. Next, two layers are laid roofing felt. Its edges should rise above the surface of the pit by no less than twenty centimeters.

do-it-yourself swimming pool in the country. Photo step by step

Further, when arranging the pool with your own hands in the country, it is performed reinforcement. For this, a frame is created from A3 reinforcement. Material with a diameter of twelve millimeters is used. After reinforcement is carried out concreting. Ideally, the bowl is poured simultaneously, in one step. However, this is difficult to do, especially if a non-professional does the pool with his own hands.

instructions for building a swimming pool in the country. Photo

Usually the work is carried out in several stages. First, the bottom is concreted, making a two-degree slope towards the drain, then they are taken for the walls.

In order for the resulting screed to be of the best quality, it is required to use vibrocompactors. While the concrete at the bottom hardens, communications can be laid.

When the concrete at the bottom hardens, the walls are concreted. For this, it is set formwork. The thickness of the resulting wall should be at least forty centimeters. With staged concreting, reinforcement is also performed in two approaches. After the formwork is installed, a frame is made, which is connected to the horizontal elements. Concrete is poured, compacted with vibrocompactors. When it hardens, you can begin to finish the surface of the bowl.

swimming pool in the country with their own hands. Video

Do-it-yourself multi-level pool in the country house. Step-by-step instruction

Detailed step-by-step instructions for building a pool are presented in twenty photographs. This is a detailed answer on how to build a pool yourself and at no extra cost. It does not have a filter, drain and other communications. Water is poured into the bowl, and after a while it is pumped out by a submersible pump and replaced with a new one.

First, a place was chosen and a plan drawn up. Then the pit is dug. Since it is stepped, the size of each step was verified. Concreting was carried out as they were excavated, and so on to the very bottom of the pool. A test flood with water shows if there are leaks. If they are absent, then the water is pumped out and the concrete surface is painted in a pretty color.

how to build a pool with your own hands in the country. Photo

do-it-yourself pool construction blog 2016. Photo

This option for arranging a pool with your own hands in the country does not require laying sewers for waste disposal. There is no need to install cleaning devices. All this makes such a pool cheaper and easier to maintain.

Do-it-yourself polypropylene pool

Pools are built from different materials, one of the possible options is polypropylene. It is reliable, durable, frost-resistant and does not require regular maintenance.

do-it-yourself polypropylene pool. step by step photos

After choosing a place, space markup for the pit. It is better to make it about a meter larger so that you can easily move around the bowl when connecting pipes and other communications. A height mark is fixed where the side should be. Deeper than the pool bowl will be, you also need to dig about half a meter. Below will be laid geotextile, and on it a layer of rubble thirty centimeters thick. The remaining twenty centimeters - reinforced concrete.

The pit can be dug manually or with an excavator. The soil is removed or distributed over the site.

The surfaces of the pit are leveled according to elevations, geotextiles and crushed stone are laid, which are carefully compacted. For reinforcement, a mesh of twentieth reinforcement is knitted. The sides of the cells are twenty-five centimeters. So that the reinforcement does not lie on the rubble, they put it under bricks.

How to build a polypropylene pool with your own hands. Photo

If a large amount of concrete is required, then it is better to order it ready-made, in a mixer. This will allow the base plate to be poured in one go. Before pouring concrete, beacons are installed from round metal pipes, which will become the basis of the finishing floor. The concrete base is poured over the size of the bowl by half a meter on all sides.

While the base plate hardens, the components of the bowl are made of polypropylene. Such work will require welding extruder, equipped with nozzles for performing different seams. Polypropylene sheets are used four meters by one and a half with a thickness of five and eight millimeters. Five-millimeter propylene is needed to assemble the Roman staircase, because. it bends more easily.

do-it-yourself pool made of polypropylene in the country. Photo

The seams on the outside are welded using shoe designed for 90 degree seams. The seams of the inner side are welded with an oval bar using hot air gun.

The bottom is welded directly in the pit. First, a seam is made with a manual extruder on the reverse side, and then on the other side with a hot air gun and an oval bar.

Before laying a polypropylene sheet for the bottom, the concrete base is covered with geotextile with high density. Then a layer of extruded polystyrene foam. Before making a pool with your own hands from polypropylene, you should familiarize yourself with the welding technology recommended by the material manufacturer.

After connecting the polypropylene sheets for the bottom, markings are made on it for attaching the walls. The presence of markings allows you to make a container of exact dimensions with given radii. A welded wall is installed, a connection is made from the inside with a hot air gun. However, it is not basic, but is required only so that the structure does not move while the extruder is welding from the outside.

After installing the walls, the Roman staircase is fastened.

When the bottom, walls and stairs are assembled into a single structure, do-it-yourself pool construction continues with fastening stiffeners. They are welded with a welding rod using a hot air gun. The distance between the stiffeners is about sixty centimeters. For them, polypropylene is used, having a thickness of eight millimeters. Holes are pre-drilled in the slats to mount fittings with a diameter of 12 mm. Holes are made with a distance of half a meter. There is no need to put ribs in rounded places, since the rigidity of polypropylene is maximum there. The walls of the bowl are insulated with foam, which is placed between the stiffeners.

Four are installed in the pool bowl nozzles, skimmer and bottom drain. Under the drain, a hole should be provided in advance. If you forget about it, then the drain is placed in the wall, but in this case you will need a submersible pump to remove all the water from the bowl completely. All holes in polypropylene sheets can be drilled with a tool intended for wood.

The nozzles are tied with pipes made of PVC. They are glued together using special glue. The bonding process is easy. The pipe is sanded for the gluing length and the inner side of the connecting element (coupling, corner). The end of the pipe is chamfered at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees. Glue is applied to the pipe and to the connecting element with a brush. The pipe is inserted until it stops. The adhesive hardens in about four minutes.

It is put on installed pipes warming material. When pouring concrete, it can be torn off, so the surface is additionally wrapped with tape.

step-by-step instructions for building a pool. Photo

Correct connection will help to ensure the same water pressure in all nozzles. First, they are combined in pairs, and then a trunk is introduced in the center of the pair connection.

Filtration plants, heat exchanger and other devices are best installed in the basement. Pipes are laid in trenches and insulated.

To prevent concrete from pressing too hard on the walls of the pool, the formwork is installed from the outside and inside. The inner formwork is fixed relative to the surface of the earth and the sides. The procedure for pouring concrete is as follows. A formwork 30 cm high is placed, 30 cm of water is collected in the pool and a layer of concrete of the same thickness is poured. A day later, the pool is recruited by another 30 cm, the formwork is transferred and the next layer of concrete is poured.

The manufacture of the pool with their own hands is completed with finishing processes.

What can be a country pool?

The design of the country pool can be almost anything. A general idea can be given by photos of pools in the country.

Dacha is a place where we rest from the bustle of the city. Perhaps the most relaxing effect is water. Having built a swimming pool in the country, you “kill two birds with one stone”: give your backyard a luxurious look and enjoy swimming in clean water.


The construction of an object can be ordered from companies directly involved in this type of service, but it will be much more interesting and more budgetary to solve the problem on your own. Moreover, building a pool with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Depending on service life allocate temporary and stationary pools. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be considered when choosing one or another option. Stationary are durable structures that do not move from one place to another. Their bowl is a monolith made of concrete, brick, etc. Moving such an object will cause it to collapse.

The temporary pool can be removed when the summer season is over and used again the following year. This category includes inflatable pools and frame structures. Their service life is 2-4 years.

For a pool that will only be used in the summer, any location will do. Inflatable pools are a cheap option that does not require drastic changes to the site.

If you opted for a stationary pool, before you dig it out, you need to choose the right location on the site. After all, it will not work to move such a structure after the completion of all work on its creation.

There are several important points to take into account:

  • Trees. They should not be near the pool for two reasons. The first is the root system, which negatively affects the waterproofing of the pool. The second is foliage that pollutes the water surface. If the leaves are not removed in time, the water "blooms" and the pool loses its attractiveness.
  • Soil type. Ideal if your site has clay soil. It does not let water through, which is important if damage to the waterproofing suddenly occurs.

  • Direction of the wind. The pool one way or another will be clogged with debris brought by the wind. It will be nailed to a certain board. Therefore, make it so that it is there that cleaning the pool is as convenient as possible and you can quickly remove the brought leaves, blades of grass, etc. The drain system should also be placed here.
  • Water pipes. By placing the pool close to the water supply, you will ensure the ease and speed of filling the bowl.

If you decide to install a frame pool, try to make sure that the surface reserved for it is absolutely flat. Potholes, bumps, dents, remnants of tree roots - all this should not be. Ideally, the site is concreted, creating a smooth base for the pool.


The monolithic pool is a one-piece hermetic structure with its own drainage system. Created by yourself, it will not only save money, but also allow you to equip the site in the best possible way.

The advantages of a monolithic design are obvious. Compared to all possible pool options, monolithic is the most durable. Its service life exceeds 50 years. Designs are not afraid of temperature changes, mechanical influences. If the soil on the site is “problem”, a monolithic pool will be the only option that can be used in the country.

Another advantage of a monolithic pool is the variety of shapes. The bowl can be made both in the correct form and unusual, which will look very impressive. Using different finishing materials (mosaic, tile, stone), you will turn the pool into a real masterpiece.

After the end of the swimming season, the water is drained, part of the equipment is removed. If the dacha is left without owners for the winter, nothing threatens the pool, it is simply impossible to steal it.

For beginners who do not have enough experience in the field of construction, it will seem difficult to make such an object. Certain financial costs will be required. It is not recommended to save at the same time, as this can cause breakdowns and repairs will bring serious losses. Therefore, we use only high quality materials.

Construction is carried out step by step. Initially, a foundation pit is dug, then a drainage system is created, thermal insulation is equipped. The structure is sealed and reinforced, the bowl is poured. The last step is finishing.

A monolithic pool can be created in two ways: pouring concrete formwork or using polystyrene foam blocks.

Let's consider the first option. Initially, we determine the size (large, medium, mini) and the shape of the future pool. Of course, the larger the design, the more building materials and funds will be required. The pit should be slightly larger than the intended dimensions, since the bottom and walls will take about 50 cm in thickness.

A project for a pool water supply and drainage system is being developed. This is a necessary condition for the correct functioning of the object.

So that the walls of the dug pit do not crumble, they are made at a slope of 5 degrees. After the pit is ready, we proceed to backfilling the bottom, tamping and waterproofing. Sand is poured to the bottom (layer thickness - 15 cm), then crushed stone (thickness - 15 cm). The layers are carefully compacted, a waterproofing double layer of roofing material is laid on them. Its edges should go on the walls by 20 cm.

Before proceeding with pouring the bowl, it is necessary to make a metal frame structure from class A3 reinforcement. Only wire is used to fasten the reinforcement. Welding work is unacceptable, as the joints will rust over time. The distance between the horizontal ones varies from 10 to 50 cm, vertical - from 20 to 30.

Reinforcement in one run is considered ideal. This method makes the structure as strong and stable as possible. However, in reality, such a process is difficult to implement. Therefore, the bottom of the bowl is first poured, and then the walls. It is important to note that the bottom does not have to be completely flat. It is necessary to make a slight slope of 3 degrees and fix a drain pipe at the lowest point of the pool.

The solution hardens for 1-1.5 weeks. To prevent cracks from appearing during the drying process, wet the pool with water. While the pool dries out, you can start arranging communications: dig a trench for the drain pipe, lay it at an angle.

When pouring mortar walls, it is required to build a wooden formwork. It is desirable to fill the solution with the help of special vibrators. This is what will make the pool durable.

After the solution has dried, proceed to finish the pool: the joints between the seams are sealed, the surface is covered with water-repellent impregnations. In order for the water in the pool to cast blue, a PVC film of the corresponding color is used. This will not only make the pool incredibly beautiful, but also provide additional sealing.

The final stage is the installation of equipment that will supply, purify and disinfect water. The pool can be decorated with beautiful and useful accessories: stairs, ladders, lights, etc.

The pool can also be made using polystyrene blocks. The first stages are identical to those described above: we dig a pit, create a drainage system, stretch a drain line, fill the bottom with concrete mortar.

After the bottom of the bowl has dried, blocks of expanded polystyrene are laid around its perimeter. The material is light and easy to connect. The height of the block is standard - 25 cm. Calculating the amount of consumables is simple: the height of the pool is divided by 25. This is how we find out how many rows will be required in order to build the walls of the bowl. The blocks have vertical holes for reinforcing bars. Concrete is poured after rebar is installed

The walls, lined with blocks, are covered with a layer of plaster, which has water-repellent properties. After it dries, proceed to finishing. As in the first case, you can use PVC film, tiles.

At the last stage, we install equipment that fills, purifies and disinfects the water in the pool. The pool can be made indoor if you build a canopy. To keep the water warm enough, use special equipment to warm it up.

Building from polystyrene foam blocks is much easier than concrete reinforcement of both walls and bottom. However, you can't call it economical.

A multi-level homemade pool not only looks very impressive. Its walls look like steps, smoothly turning into the bottom. This design is ideal if there are children in the family. They will enjoy splashing in the water, sitting on the steps at a safe depth.

After you have decided on the shape and number of levels of the pool, we begin to dig a foundation pit. Steps are excavated gradually. We dig the next step only after the previous one is concreted. Be sure to do a test flood of water, which will let you know if the structure is airtight.

Installation of additional equipment is not required. This is the easiest and cheapest option. Periodically, water is pumped out using a submersible pump and replaced with fresh water.

A multi-level pool can be made not only from concrete. There are many materials for its creation. No less reliable is the design of polypropylene.

We choose a place for the future pool, carry out all the necessary marking measures and proceed to dig the pit. The bottom of the bowl is formed by several layers. The first is formed by geotextiles. This is followed by crushed stone (layer thickness 30 cm). The layer of poured concrete should be 20 cm. Before pouring the concrete, we create a mesh of reinforcement with cells of 25x25 cm. The mesh cannot be placed directly on the concrete. We put bricks under it.

Filling the bottom must be done at a time. You will need a lot of concrete mix, so the ideal solution would be to order the mix in a mixer. Polypropylene is available in different thicknesses: 5 mm and 8 mm. The first is more plastic, easily bent. Therefore, we will use it for the construction of stairs. Polypropylene parts are connected using a welding extruder. Welding of the bottom is carried out in the pit itself.

When welding the walls to the bottom, make sure that they do not move. For fixing, use wooden bars. The ladder is attached last. Further, stiffeners are attached to the outer side of the structure (we use eight-millimeter polypropylene), the distance between which is 60 cm. These 60 cm are filled with foam insulation.

After the pipeline system is laid, the pool around the perimeter is poured with concrete from the outside in several stages. One stage - a layer 30 cm high. In this case, the formwork should be placed both on the outside and on the inside of the pool. Thus, polypropylene is not deformed by concrete. It is also necessary to draw water into the bowl in stages, the level of which will be equal in height to the level of the concrete layer located outside.

To decorate the finished pool, use improvised tools and objects: chairs with cozy pillows, sun loungers, beach umbrellas, etc.

The decorative pool differs in the small sizes. It is often compared to a pond. It is not difficult to make such an object yourself, the cost of its creation is minimal. It will become a real highlight of your suburban area. And since you will ennoble and decorate it at your own discretion, the pond will be exclusive.

We choose a place for a decorative pond in such a way that the sun illuminates its surface for only half a day. Too much sun will negatively affect the state of the entire ecosystem of the reservoir. The shape of the pond and the design style of the site should be one. The circle is ideal for English style landscapes, the oval is used for Chinese and Japanese style.

Initially, we dig a pit that matches the size and shape of your reservoir. Its minimum depth is 1 meter, the area is 4 square meters. m. If you are making a pond from a bath, then the shape of the pool must match it. Do not despair if you do not have a finished bowl. You can build a decorative pool of any shape, even the most incredible.

Please note that the bottom of the pit should be flat: no stones, tree roots, sharp objects. We use sand as a drainage layer. Next, a composite material is laid - a durable film. Ordinary polyethylene is not suitable for such needs, since it does not differ in strength. Ideal options are polyvinyl chloride or butyl rubber. Butyl rubber has different thicknesses, which allows you to optimally choose such a coating for your pond.

The edges of the film should extend beyond the edges of the pit so that they can be fixed with large stones and covered with rubble or pebbles. The pond needs a device that circulates water. Otherwise, the water in your reservoir will quickly “bloom” and the pond will lose its attractiveness. The pond will not interfere with the lighting system, which will effectively highlight it at night.

To give the pond a natural and aesthetic look, the bottom is laid out with beautiful stones. Along the perimeter we place plants (creeping and shrubs are ideal) and a variety of decorative elements: garden figurines, plastic flower vases, lanterns.

In order for the pond to always be beautiful, it must be monitored. In the spring we make the first inspection of the reservoir. We check how the plants overwintered, whether the shore of the pond crumbled, we remove the leaves that have fallen since autumn. With the advent of heat, we supplement the area around the pond with new plants.

In summer, it is necessary to carefully monitor the water level in the pool, since evaporation occurs intensively during the heat. The area adjacent to the pond is rid of weeds. In autumn, we prepare the pond for winter: we remove the dried grass, we transfer the flowers in pots to the warmth of the home.

Cleaning system

The arrangement of the pool is impossible without a cleaning system. If you do not use a special device, the water in the pool will become dirty, an unpleasant odor will appear. A specific plaque will appear on its surface.

The most budget option is to use a pump for pumping water. You make a complete drain of polluted water and fill the pool with clean water. But in this method there is one minus: it will take time for the water to warm up again.

You can install a special installation with a filter for cleaning. Two pipes are connected to the pump. One of them drains the water, the second supplies the purified and passed through the filter back to the pool. Filters are sand, cartridge, diatomaceous.

Chemical reagents are also used for cleaning and disinfection. These include chlorine, bromine, rehydrol, or agents designed specifically for this. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

Clean the debris brought by the wind manually with a net.

Beautiful examples and options

A frame outdoor pool is a good solution for a summer cottage. It is durable and easy to assemble and dismantle. This is a budget-friendly and easy way to please yourself and your family with great outdoor recreation. A distinctive feature of such a pool is its high sides, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing. But it gives limitless scope for imagination to hide the sides and give the object a beautiful look.

Create a surface of light stones around the pool. A touch of greenery will be added by flowers located in pots of different sizes. At the same time, observe the unity of the color scheme. Brown flower pots look appropriate, in harmony with the outer skin of the pool and the wooden staircase.

If the frame pool is completely immersed in the pit, the perimeter is trimmed with mosaic or stone, planted with plants, then you get a very beautiful option for any suburban area.

For a small frame pool, you can build a canopy. Thanks to this, you can enjoy swimming in any weather, even in rainy weather. The similarity of a tent looks especially interesting.

The frame does not have to be closed. Build a platform inside which there will be a pool. Perform the edges of the platform in the form of a lattice fence. Cover the lower part from prying eyes with an abundance of flowers and plants.

The pool with glass walls looks especially impressive. Of course, its creation will require special knowledge and skills.

Illumination of various colors turns the pool into a fabulous and romantic place, which can be enjoyed even at night.

Outdoor pools amaze with a variety of forms. The violin pool will be appreciated by creative and creative people.

To date, several types of pools have been developed, with the arrangement of most of which you can handle on your own. The best option is a full-fledged monolithic concrete pool. This design is characterized by the highest rates of reliability and durability.

Read the guidelines provided and get started.

Work set

  1. Level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Stones.
  4. Rope.
  5. Steel knitting wire.
  6. Reinforcing mesh.
  7. Small pegs.
  8. Fittings.
  9. Stop valve.
  10. Wooden boards or shields.
  11. Anticorrosive agent for metal processing.
  12. Self-tapping screws.
  13. Cement.
  14. Screened sand.
  15. Material for waterproofing.
  16. Bar for tamping layers of backfill.
  17. Shovels.

Preparatory activities

Decide on the desired shape and the required dimensions of the equipped artificial reservoir.

When determining the optimal size of the pool, consider how many people will swim in the pond. For a large family, it is better to immediately equip a spacious container.

In accordance with practical experience, the optimal depth of the reservoir is an indicator of 1.5-1.8 m, in width and length, 4 m is most often enough.

Otherwise, focus on your needs and requirements. For example, if you plan to use the pool for a full workout, consider this point when determining the required length and width of the reservoir.

Choose a convenient place to build a pool.

The main thing is that the space should not be covered with trees. Because of the trees, the water in the pool will not be able to warm up properly and, in addition to this, will be constantly polluted by fallen leaves.

Also, low-lying areas are not suitable for arranging pools, because. with such an arrangement, the water will be constantly polluted by rain flows.

Marking and digging a pit

Armed with a tape measure, stakes and a cord, proceed to marking the construction site.

The dimensions of the site for construction should be 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future pool on each side. To mark the boundaries, drive pegs into the ground and stretch a cord between them.

Completely remove the top fertile ball of soil.

Dig a pit of the required dimensions, while the bottom of the pit should be approximately 25-30 cm below the desired depth of the pool.

Carefully level the walls of the pit. The bottom of the pit must be given a slight slope.

Construction of a monolithic pool

Proceed directly to the construction of a monolithic pool.

Lay a 20-30 cm layer of sand on the bottom of the pit. Carefully tamp the laid material and cover it with waterproofing.

A fairly large assortment of effective ones is presented on the modern market. To ensure high-quality moisture protection, roofing material is well suited. It is practical, reliable and inexpensive material.

Lay the ruberoid. You can use molten bitumen to fix the material.

Lay out the waterproofed surface with stones. Lay a ready-made reinforcing mesh on top of a layer of stones, or make it yourself from metal bars.

Set up a drainage hole. Its depth should slightly exceed the depth of the main reservoir. Install a drain pipe in the hole. The end of this pipe must be introduced into the reservoir. Equip the pipe with a shut-off valve to drain the water.

Fill the drainage hole with a fairly thick layer of gravel. Install overflow and skimmer systems to clean the water in the pool.

Place reinforcing bars around the perimeter of the pit in increments of 30 cm. Maintain a 50 mm gap between the reinforcement and the edges of the reservoir. Fasten the rebars with wire.

Fold from boards. Maintain a 15 cm gap between the formwork and the walls of the pit.

At the same stage, provide for the installation of pipes and equipment for pumping and supplying water. Or you can use external systems of pumps and hoses - whichever is more convenient for you.

Start concreting the pool. You can order or make your own.

Pour concrete gradually and slowly, in a horizontal layer.

Also fill in the voids between the formwork panels and the walls of the pit. Give the mixture a month to set strength and proceed to the arrangement of the pool.

Do your own interior design. You can tile the bowl. Or you can lay out the bottom with a 10-centimeter layer of clean sand, and then the pool will look like a natural reservoir.

Other private pool options

Frame systems

Such structures are constructed of wood with tin or aluminum finishing. Aluminum sheets have an attractive appearance and are superior to tin in terms of reliability and service life.

The frame straps are made from pine timber. Intermediate parts can be made from any thick quality boards. To ensure additional rigidity of the structure, braces made of strong boards are used.

Among the main advantages of frame pools, it should be noted that there is no need to perform large volumes of earthworks and the possibility of dismantling the structure during the cold season.

Replacing the water in such a pool is carried out using a flexible garden hose, which can be conveniently fixed at the bottom of the tank. Waste water from the pool can be used to water the garden.

All joints of the frame structure are subject to mandatory sealing. To give the structure the required tightness, even ordinary plastic film is well suited.

Wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic.

The arrangement of frame pools usually takes less money compared to the cost of erecting a monolithic structure, while such reservoirs have a fairly solid appearance and fit well into the design of the site.

Learn how to build with step by step instructions in our new article.

To equip the pool, if desired, you can even use a regular PVC film. This material has a rather attractive appearance and acceptable performance.

The film normally tolerates contacts with water, ensures proper tightness of the structure and saves on waterproofing the reservoir.

Even if cracks appear in the container, a properly installed PVC film will retain water.

PVC film can be used both in the arrangement of a new reservoir, and in the repair of an old pool. At the same time, for the construction of such a structure, it is not necessary to perform bulk earthworks: the elements of the film are simply fastened together using the temperature welding method, resulting in a very durable bowl.

The pool is installed on a pre-prepared base and fixed with a frame made of boards.

Pools, the base of which is made of fiberglass, are very popular today. This durable material withstands even the most severe mechanical loads and does not need any additional coating.

Among the shortcomings of the design under consideration, one can only single out the need for a mandatory summing up of all communications.

The bowl is installed on a solid concrete base.

Thus, there are many pool options available for the owner to choose from. Having studied the features of each considered type of artificial reservoirs, you can come to the optimal solution and build the pool of your dreams without outside help.

Successful work!

Prices for prefabricated and inflatable pools from the manufacturer Azuro

Prefabricated and inflatable pools Azuro

Video - How to build a pool with your own hands

Pools in the country have long ceased to be a rarity. Only the sizes of such structures and their shape vary. can be both full-fledged, with full equipment of the appropriate equipment, and small, intended only for bathing children.

Types of country pools and their features

First you need to decide which of the country pools you plan to place on your site. According to the installation methods, they are divided into:

According to the materials of manufacture, pools for summer cottages are divided into products from:

It is better to protect a stationary pool with at least the simplest canopy. In this case, it will accumulate less debris and fallen leaves.

Filtration system

Without a high-quality filtration system, stationary pools for summer cottages will simply become overgrown with mud in the shortest possible time. Depending on the way the water circulates in them, you can choose any of the cleaning systems:

Monolithic concrete pool for a summer residence

From durable reinforced concrete, you can make both a small swimming pool and a full-fledged swimming pool equipped with modern equipment. But in both cases, the process of its arrangement is largely similar. We will describe in detail how to build a pool in the country with our own hands from concrete.

Site selection and site preparation

In order for the water in the pool to warm up as quickly as possible, it is placed in an open space, away from tall buildings and trees that block the sun. The proximity of vegetation is also undesirable because in the fall, crumbling foliage will clog the pool, and it will take much longer to clean it. The growing roots of such powerful plants as poplar, willow or birch can easily destroy even concrete.

The July heat evokes thoughts of water, swimming, cool rivers and lakes. It is hard to imagine a person who, in such weather, would refuse to have his own pool for relaxation and cooling. Especially if he owns a personal plot or works in the country.

However, not every yard has room for a large swimming pool, and not every owner has the means to build one from scratch. Therefore, in this article, we have collected 6 of the best modern ideas for a small, but also inexpensive pool that will turn this heat into your best vacation partner.

Framed, inflatable and handmade - then you will get acquainted with the simplest and most economical pool options to date, and you will also see them in 40 photos in the design of a summer house or a small courtyard!

1. The best choice of 2016 is a frame pool (10 photos)

Modern frame pools are available in a wide range of sizes and prices. A simple children's version measuring 2.5 by 1.5 m and a volume of 1200 liters costs about $ 60 (1500 UAH or 4000 rubles).

A more capacious model with a volume of 6500 liters and a diameter of about 4 meters will cost twice as much. But you must admit: this is an inexpensive price to pay for such pleasure, especially when you consider the following advantages of frame pools:

  • Quick and easy installation (the pool folds, not inflates);
  • Reliable, stainless steel frame;
  • Dense walls made of heavy-duty PVC and polyester;
  • Additional wall support with dense tapes;
  • The presence of a drain valve that can be connected to a garden hose to gently empty the pool of water;
  • No need for maintenance (only keeping the surface clean and sometimes checking the water filter);
  • Warranty (term depends on the manufacturer).

Many frame pool models come with a cover that will protect the pool from leaves and other debris during the days or hours when you will not be using it.

Since the pool can safely stand all summer, it is sometimes additionally equipped with a body or even a podium so that the whole structure fits beautifully into the design of your dacha or plot. Here's how some craftsmen decorate the frame pool (photo below):

2. Children's and family inflatable pools - photo on the site

Children's and "adult" inflatable pools are considered the main competitors of the frame ones. They are easy to transport and relatively quick to set up, though it does take some fiddling with the pump. The walls are also made of dense PVC and polyester + most manufacturers complete inflatable pools with a protective cover from debris.

Perhaps the main advantage is the cost of such pools - they are 1.5 times cheaper than frame pools. At the same time, they also have one serious drawback - the lack of water drainage. In addition, if the inflatable pool is large, it will be necessary to buy an electric pump in addition to it.

Attached are beautiful photos of inflatable pools on personal plots.

3. Concrete pool to order or do it yourself

Of course, not everyone can afford this option, and the cost will be decent, but there are craftsmen who managed to build a concrete pool with their own hands. Therefore, we decided to include it in our list of inexpensive ideas.

The most problematic moment in this case is digging a hole. You can only deal with this on your own if you plan to build a small and shallow pool. Renting a crane today is extremely expensive, and it is only advisable when creating a luxurious pool for swimming, and not just for relaxing in the heat.

Unlike frame and inflatable pools, the concrete version is stationary, but at the same time it is one of the highest quality and most durable. To make such a pool with your own hands, they usually use a mixture of concrete and sand, which is sprayed onto a metal frame. The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Dig a hole for the pool. At the same time, its depth and width should be 23-31 cm more than the estimated dimensions of your pool. This distance will be filled in by the shape.
  2. Install plumbing. This is usually a drain pipe that will be located at the bottom of the pool, as well as all the necessary structure (pipes, filters and pumps) to ensure the safe flow of water through the pool. It is acceptable to use PVC pipes with a strong binding material.
  3. Cover the walls and bottom of the pool with a steel frame that will maintain its shape and strength over a long period of operation.
  4. Spray the concrete/sand mixture onto the steel mesh using a powerful sprayer. The most popular pool mix today is Gunite (dry sprayed) or shotcrete(mixed with water). When applying, it is recommended to keep the spray nozzle at a distance of about 1 m from the steel mesh, direct the jet perpendicular to the surface and move in a circular motion.

Then it remains to wait until the concrete hardens, after which you can start decorating the walls of the pool with tiles or paint (optional).

Photos of finished projects on how to build a pool with your own hands:

Also read:

4. Swimming pond or natural pool

Another option for an inexpensive stationary pool that you can build yourself. Instead of concrete, gravel and clay will serve as walls, and natural aquatic plants (reeds, sedges, lilies, etc.) can act as decorations.

The principle of building such a pool pond is similar to building a pool of concrete, but can be done without a steel frame - just try to make the walls have a good slope, and not be perpendicular to the bottom. When the walls are perpendicular, then for stability they are covered with a layer of clay or betonite.

It is believed that a natural pool can do without expensive filters and pumps if it is planted with natural plants. However, in order for them to really purify the water, they need to be planted with about 50% of the entire surface.

In a natural pool, the water must be constantly circulated and aerated, otherwise it will stagnate and become filled with foul-smelling bacteria. To direct the flow of water through the pool, flexible PVC pipes that are not afraid of cold weather are best suited. They are buried in the soil about 45 cm deep. For underwater aeration, you can use an air compressor and high-strength pipes that are connected to a diffuser. Note that aeration devices consume little energy and should only work 4-8 ​​hours a day (depending on the size of the pool).

Also read:

5. Metal containers as an inexpensive pool for giving

Cargo containers and other large containers can easily serve you as a pool for a summer residence or a children's pool on the site. The only problem with their use is that some metal containers are not rust proof. To solve the problem, they are painted or covered with another waterproof finishing material. If you would not like to do this, then use galvanized tanks as a pool, which are not threatened by corrosion.

6. Simple ideas on how to make a pool with your own hands (photo on the site)

Rain tarp is another material that is widely used to create simple do-it-yourself pools. You only need to make a reliable case from improvised materials and cover it with a tarpaulin. We invite you to take a look at the latest photos in this article and evaluate how a pool made of wooden pallets, haystacks or other materials looks like in a country house or garden plot.

Also read:

Inexpensive pool for the yard or cottage: 6 ideas + 40 photos updated: March 12, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko