Manga rivals or aki and. I'm better than him, or how to eliminate an opponent. Rivals or something more

An opponent can appear in anyone's life. And there are such rivals not only in work, but also in love. What to do if someone else is claiming the love of your chosen one? How to eliminate an opponent?

Find out everything you can about him

First of all you need learn as much as possible about your opponent. Forewarned, as they say, is forearmed. “Armed” with information about who, along with you, claims the love of your chosen one, turn his minuses into your pluses. If he doesn't know how to cook, amaze the girl with your culinary delights. He does not like leisure? Go skiing with your soul mate more often, get out on bike rides, and so on.

It will be useful to know what your opponent is good at in order to outshine him in every way. Again, if he loves and knows how to cook, learn how to cook better than him, tastier, more varied. Does your rival know how to competently organize picnics in nature? You, therefore, need to learn this too, and learn better than him in order to surpass him.

Do not openly show your dislike

In no case do not show your antipathy to your opponent, do not intrigue him. If a girl invited both of you to take a walk, you should look at him with wolf eyes throughout the walk if you do not want to ruin your relationship with the girl. Behave with opponents kindly and affably. If someone will show their aggression, then let it be him, not you.

Let him get nervous

Make your opponent nervous so that he makes mistakes, thereby alienating yourself from the girl whose location and love you are seeking. But this must be done carefully, because if a girl finds out that you are plotting behind her back, your relationship may immediately come to an end, and your rival will win..

However, it is still better to think ten times before trying to make your opponent stumble. As already mentioned, if your bad deeds come to the surface, and sooner or later they will come up, you will lose all chances to win the girl's heart. Many people know how to form an opinion about a person themselves, so just be better than your opponent, and if he acts meanly to present himself in a more favorable light, do not stoop to his level.


Rivals or something more?

Chapter 1

Albert Almazov has been working at Posledniy Put LLC for two years. He calmly sat at the table, drank his favorite coffee and occasionally glanced at the clients walking between the future living space of their relatives. Some looked for something cheaper, wondering if it was possible not to spend money on upholstery, and there were those who asked to cover an expensive tree with gilding, upholster it with silk and make shelves on the sides for various valuable trinkets. Laughing to himself, the guy was ready to even offer to make hats on nails out of silver (well, so that “dear” relatives couldn’t get out, what if they were undead?), but he was silent, continuing to look at the magazine, solving crossword puzzles. He loved his work, no straining, they paid on time, they didn’t demand any extra movements ... There was only one “but”! Pavel Zaletaikin.

This moron had an awl in one place, always climbed to clients with his stupid ideas for improving the living conditions of the deceased and was his replacement. The most offensive, the director of the enterprise singled out this skinny, always strove to caress with his eyes, to feel! Everyone suspected where Zaletaikin had carved out a place for himself under the sun. Although it is more correct in this situation to say "underground"!

Albert, come to my office! - the boss's rough voice brought the guy out of his thoughts about the injustice of life and for some reason slender legs Pashki, which he probably often throws around the neck of Vladlen Illarionovich.

Grimacing, a young man of about twenty-two left the premises, going to be torn to pieces by his superiors.

And what this time? Albert thought aloud out of habit. “Someone ordered a crystal coffin, and I need to draw crosses on it?”

The chief's office was smoky. Pashka huddled in the corner on the sofa, staring at Larik with sick eyes. This is something new!

I have gathered you here to describe the full extent of the problem that has arisen in our enterprise. Sales have fallen, there is nothing to pay taxes with, my wife is demanding a new fur coat, employees do not want to meet halfway… Don't they want to? - Vladlen Illarionovich looked with anticipation towards Zaletaikin, waving his head in the negative, pressing even harder into the back of the sofa. - So, from tomorrow you are given a week to prove who is the best seller and who is an amateur. You will work in pairs, each item sold will be recorded in a notebook. And at the end of the week I will decide who will give blowjob to whom!

Both boys' eyes bulged.

What? What blowjob? Albert shouted, stepping back towards the door.

The most ordinary, with sponges, - the boss licked his lips, again staring at Pavel.

But… according to the law…

I didn't care about him! Pavlusha, I do not insist, you can refuse, you know my conditions ...

Zaletaikin tried to get up proudly from the sofa, his legs gave way, and the guy began to collapse. Al unconsciously took a step towards him, picking him up. The chief, narrowing his eyes, followed this performance.

V-Vladlen Illar ... onych, but it’s also impossible! Pavel croaked, pushing Albert's hands away from him. - I can't…

I'll fire you! With an entry in the work book - you will not be able to get a job anywhere else!

The boy took a deep breath and walked towards the exit.

So you agree? - Albert had the feeling that this whole performance was arranged only between these two, and he, for extras.

Zaletaikin stopped, nodded his head in agreement, and left the room.

Now you can blame, - the chief hissed rudely in his direction, coming up to his table. “And let's see how he sings when he starts to lose,” he added quietly.

Albert, in a state of shock, returned to his workplace, behind which the guy had already settled down, greedily swallowing cold coffee.

This is my! Albert growled, looming over the brown-haired man.

Maybe you quit? was his answer. “But no, this freak will find someone else to take your place, and I will have to ... Better you!”

So you want to suck me? Albert's question escapes involuntarily.

Yes, I ... yes you ... yes, I never ...

Never? Virgin, right? - dumbfounded considering a rather handsome twenty-year-old boy with brown eyes.

N-no… I mean, yes… I mean, I already had girlfriends!

What about guys?

Yes, how are you?! Bitch, you're going to suck me! Pavel shouted, jumping up and clenching his fists.

The old woman, who had been listening intently to the interesting conversation between the two, recoiled, deciding to leave quietly and changing her mind about dying in the near future. There are still so many interesting things in the world, and at her eighty-nine in general such wonderful things ...

Let's see, - Albert squinted angrily, feeling the excitement. This situation no longer seemed so hopeless, and getting a blowjob from a guy ... it will be an unforgettable experience!

Boys, who will help me choose? - I heard an old voice from the front door.

Pavel started up, stretched his lips in a happy smile and hurried to the client:

you for yourself? I can offer an improved version with air conditioning! I just have to wait a little while I run to the nearest household appliance store!

Woman, and I can immediately embroider a pattern on the pillow for you, with my own hand, with a cross! Albert joined the conversation, catching up with his opponent.

In short, not a single product was sold that day ... But that's okay: tomorrow will be a new day, and the guys will try to get around each other!

Chapter 2

The morning of both guys began with the sound of an alarm clock.

Albert set a goal for himself - to appear at the workplace before the opponent! After a quick rinse and brushing his teeth, he put on black trousers and a light shirt, tied his tie for some reason, looked at himself in the mirror and was completely satisfied.



1. A person who seeks to defeat another in achieving something, in the struggle with someone to achieve the same thing that someone else is trying to achieve. Worthy opponent. Dangerous opponent.

|| The same - in love for the same woman. Happy rival.

2. One who has the same dignity as someone else, the same qualities as someone else. “In harmony, my rival was the noise of the forests or the violent whirlwind.” Pushkin . "Rivals in battle I do not know." Pushkin .

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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