Mayweather - Pacquiao: Floyd wants money, bookmakers are waiting for him to win. Let the thunder roll. Fight of the Century: Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather Floyd Mayweather Manny Pacquiao Full Fight

This fight rose too high in its significance before it was held, after which it collapsed with an incredibly loud bang, debunking the myth of the status of the “fight of the century”. You can see enough of such "fights of the century" for 5-6 fights a year, so you should not use this term anymore. An excellent publicity stunt by promoters who were in such a big profit in terms of money that the memory of this fight will be remembered as the most expensive, but not the coolest.

The hopes and sympathies of most boxing fans were turned to Manny Pacquiao. Boxing is life, a natural reflection of true human power on this moment. And as practice has shown, in our days the power of a money bag and an arrogant, but still incredibly talented boxer has prevailed. And honor, dignity, humanity, coupled with the speed and force of the blow, were left behind. It is simply impossible not to love Manny Pacquiao, especially knowing him. The slums raised him, and now he pays tribute to them all his life. He spends a lot of money not on himself, as is typical of Floyd Mayweather, but on the poor neighborhoods of Manila. A man-hero, a man-legend who never could become a cult boxer. He is great, but not enough to be able to beat the champion.

Mayweather showed absolutely nothing in this fight, and he didn’t have to show anything. It was Manny who needed to find gaps in Mayweather's impenetrable defense, break the distance and constantly keep pace, squeeze the opponent. But Pacquiao didn't do much either. To say it was a boring fight is an understatement. He was a competent, kind of manual for a novice boxer. How to hit, how to move, where to go after a blow, how to attack towards, etc. But that's all. A real demonstration battle, and such do not go down in history. The history includes exceptions to the rules, outstanding fights, where boxers move to another, transcendental level, discover new abilities in themselves on top of those that they already possess in full. Not necessarily a boxing match should be cutting, but a fight with such a flashy sign, at least, had to be super-spectacular. And he certainly did not justify the money that was at stake. For these millions of dollars, Mike Tyson at one time would have agreed to enter the ring against his entire division at the same time. And he would have won in better shape. But MayPac's standoff wasn't worth $300+ million.

Floyd simply kept Pac-Man at a distance throughout the fight, walking along all four sides of the ring and, in cases of impending danger, gently hugged his opponent. Why couldn't Manny do something? Yes, because the champion did not let him do anything. Yes, it's a shame that all the dangerous attacks ended in the clinch, but this is only a problem for Pacquiao and his trainer Freddie Roach. And expecting a spectacular fight from Mayweather is an empty business. If you are upset by the decision of the judges, then just do not bring the matter to a decision. Or do everything so that they have no doubts. Mayweather does not enter the ring to please the fans. He goes out to play chess, and in this he is incredibly good, if not wonderful. Pragmatism, restraint - these are his trump cards. But what if one fine moment all boxers become some kind of "swing" in the ring, chess players in gloves? What will happen to this sport? Even Dmitry Pirog, who prefers to box smartly, turns out to be a more spectacular athlete compared to Mayweather.

In general, the excitement around the fight will pass incredibly quickly. Only the result and undefeated champion status will remain. Floyd Mayweather has already issued a statement that there is only one fight left before the end of his professional career, which will most likely take place this fall. After that, he will leave boxing as an undefeated world champion in several weight categories and in several boxing associations at once. And then nothing will stop him from considering himself greater than Mohammed Ali. But it is one thing to consider yourself as such yourself, and another thing when people recognize you as such.

P.S. We cannot but express our opinion about the broadcast on Channel One. If you took on the show of such a high-profile fight, then be so kind as to keep the mark. It is not necessary to insert advertising against diarrhea in between rounds. Was it really impossible to pick up videos on sports or near-sports topics? In addition, it was funny to listen to the commentator, who was talking throughout the fight that Pacquiao did absolutely nothing in 12 rounds. He colorfully described Mayweather's hits, and Manny's hits were answered with meaningful silence. As if in those moments he was leaving the commentator's room. The fight was too even to speak of Floyd's superiority.

Last Saturday, when the entire boxing world was in anticipation of a rematch between Kazakh Gennady Golovkin and Mexican Saul Alvarez, the media were taken aback by a sensational report that another rematch of superstar boxers could take place at the end of this year - 41-year-old American Floyd Mayweather Jr. (50-0-0, 27 KOs) and 39-year-old Filipino Manny Pacquiao (60-7-2, 39 KOs).

“I'm coming back to fight Manny Pacquiao this year. Another nine-figure check."

And almost immediately after that, a message of the same content was published on his Instagram by the ex-world champion in eight weight categories, and now the regular WBA welterweight champion Pacquiao, who promised to inflict the first defeat on Mayweather in his pro career: "50-1, no excuses."

The boxing public at one time expected the organization of the first duel between these rivals for 7 or 8 years. However, when this fight took place in May 2015, it turned out not to be a mega-fight longed for by many, but a frankly boring and insipid confrontation. The expectations of boxing fans then did not materialize at all. Many of them called that duel dull and boring, and some considered themselves deceived. Although such a scenario for the development of events in the ring from the very beginning was seen as quite probable.

Knowing Mayweather's cautiously defensive, rational manner of conducting a duel, it was hardly worth hoping that in such a responsible fight, and even against such a serious opponent, he would suddenly decide to radically change it and climb into the wheelhouse. Regarding Pacquiao, it would be wrong to reproach him, because only he was the only one who strove for exacerbations in the ring that evening, trying to impose exchanges on Floyd. But Manny simply could not do it, he was not able to implement such tactics due to the skill, speed and mobility of the opponent.

Mayweather also excellently took advantage of the advantage he had over his opponent in linear dimensions in this fight, keeping his opponent at a dangerous distance in most episodes of the fight. The American mainly tried to "dry" the fight, often clinching and leaning on the opponent at the slightest danger to himself. Floyd also made full use of his signature agility on his feet, acted clearly and rationally in order to control the development of events in the ring. Pacquiao, in most of the episodes, did not reach the target, his blows either flew by or fell by the way.

In the end, all three side judges unanimously gave the victory to Mayweather - 118-110, 116-112, 116-112. According to a computerized punch count, Mayweather scored 148 of 435 attempts, while Pacquiao scored only 81 of 429 shots.

In post-match interviews, the American paid tribute to his opponent, saying that he was able to outbox Pacquiao, primarily due to competent defense. And even Mayweather's father and trainer Floyd Sr. could not force him to fight more actively. Then Floyd did not utter a word about the possibility of a rematch, and even said that he did not want to break the legendary record of Rocky Marciano, who left the ring as the world champion, having 49 wins without a single defeat, and specifying that he had enough and repeating this record (after defeating Pacquiao achievement list Mayweather was 48-0-0, 26 KOs).

Pacquiao then noted that he did not consider himself a loser in the fight, as he was more active in the ring, and Mayweather only avoided the fight. The Filipino also said that although the blows of the opponent were very strong, they did not shock him at all. Pacquiao saw the main reason for this development of events in the ring in the superiority of Mayweather over him in linear dimensions. The Filipino's then coach, Freddie Roach, said he wanted Mayweather to give his charge an immediate rematch. A little later, Pacquiao himself began to talk about this.

But subsequently it never seemed that the rivals were close to organizing a rematch. Pacquiao began to heal from an injured right shoulder, which his team believed was one of the main factors behind his poor performance in that fight. Manny returned to the ring after almost a year, defeating American Timothy Bradley on points in their third fight. After that, Pacquiao had 3 more fights. First, he confidently dealt with the Mexican-American Jesse Vargas. Then in July 2017 he went to Australia, where he suffered a controversial defeat from local boxer Jeff Horn. And finally, in July of this year, Manny won his first stoppage victory since 2009, defeating the Argentinean Lucas Matisse in the 7th round.

During this time, Pacquiao considered ending his boxing career many times. But he did not make statements about hanging gloves on a nail, although he was elected to the Philippine Senate and devoted a lot of time to legislative work. Also during this period, Manny spent major changes in his team, refusing further cooperation with promoter Bob Arum and trainer Freddie Roach, with whom he went side by side for a long time and in partnership with whom he achieved his greatest successes in the ring. Now he personally manages his sports career, and his longtime friend and assistant Buboy Fernandez became his coach.

Regarding Mayweather, 4 months after the duel with the Filipino, he spent the last of his six fights previously planned under a grand contract with Showtime, easily dealing with compatriot Andre Berto. After that, repeating the iconic indicator of Rocky Marciano, Floyd, as promised, announced the end of his boxing career.

But, despite repeated confirmation of his reluctance to return to the ring, after 2 years of inactivity, Mayweather lived up to his nickname "Money", tempted by a promising fight with MMA superstar Irishman Conor McGregor, which took place in August 2017. In it, Floyd, in an atypical pressing style for himself, defeated an opponent by technical knockout in the 10th round and put a huge amount into his bank account. After that fight, Mayweather's total fees for his entire sports career exceeded the fantastic mark of $ 1 billion.

And now, after such unexpected information about the possibility of a rematch between Mayweather and Pacquiao, many are wondering: does the world of boxing need a rematch between them? And the opinions of the boxing public on this issue were divided. Many believe that this idea is already rather outdated and no one has really expected it in recent years. In fact, a fight between a retired 41-year-old and a semi-retired 39-year-old boxer does not seem to be in demand for the boxing community.

But on the other hand, there are opinions that Floyd and Manny still have superstar status and their meeting in the ring has not completely lost its relevance. Yes, and many Pacquiao fans would like to receive satisfaction for the lost first fight, in which their idol was prevented from boxing with full dedication by an injury and which, as they believe, the then quick Mayweather simply “dried”.

Despite this, it is most beneficial to hold this fight for the boxers themselves. earned for his professional career several hundred million dollars Pacquiao, according to some reports, was unable to properly dispose of them. And for a figure (including a political one) of such magnitude as he, several tens of millions of dollars earned at the end of his career will be very useful. There is nothing to say about Mayweather, because, as he himself stated, more than anything in the world he loves money.

And if you just think rationally and somewhere even cynically, then why shouldn’t people who have spent so many years and efforts on promoting and popularizing their names take advantage of their fame to earn money on it at the end of their sports quarry. It is clearly not necessary to condemn them for this, since in their place almost everyone would have acted in this way.

You can also note another factor that will attract the attention of a certain part of boxing fans to this rematch. The fact is that a decent number of them would like to see the first defeat of Mayweather, who has undefeated status. After all, everyone knows that Floyd built his huge popularity and box office through many years of creating a negative image for the audience. A decent part of the public bought paid broadcasts of his fights, hoping to finally see how he was beaten.

Even returning to the first fight with Pacquiao, one can recall that immediately after it ended, the spectators sitting in the arena of Floyd's native city of Las Vegas greeted the winner with a disapproving hum and hiss, and Mayweather himself teased them with pleasure, climbing onto the ropes and demonstrating by any means , that as if someone did not like it, but he is the best. Therefore, there will surely be enough boxing fans who will want to buy a PPV broadcast of this rematch just in the hope of watching Floyd's first defeat.

In addition, almost any outcome of this fight will not significantly affect the overall assessment of the achievements that these two world boxing superstars have achieved over the years of performances in the ring. In fact, it will really be a fight between two opponents of pre-retirement or even retirement age for boxing. Because of this, of course, there can be no talk of any “dream fight” in this case.

If this fight goes through, it will be pretty much just a money making show. Although, for sure, such huge incomes as were received as a result of their first fight (a total of more than $ 550 million), which became (and still is) the box office record holder in the history of boxing, the organizers of the rematch will not be able to collect even close. And therefore, the fees of Floyd and Manny this time will be much less than in their first confrontation (then Mayweather received $ 210 million, and Pacquiao - about $ 140 million).

Apparently, Floyd Mayweather Jr is not sitting on his retirement. He and Manny Pacquiao took to social media last weekend to announce their intention to have a rematch, and rumor has it they're serious about it. Allegedly, the fight may take place as early as December, although according to other sources, Mayweather planned a tune-up in Japan for this month, and after a second meeting with the Filipino.

In 2015, the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight, although it turned out to be terribly boring, nonetheless collected a record 4.6 million pay-per-views and this figure has not yet been surpassed.

Both boxers, despite their age, are still considered among the best in the welterweight division and have a huge fan base. But a lot has changed since their fight. Now Mayweather looks like a guy who chooses easy targets for his fights and arranges dull performances in the ring. His last four fights were incredibly boring to watch: against Conor McGregor, Andre Berto, Pacquiao and Marcos Maidana (rematch). It was interesting to watch the first fight with Maidana, where Floyd stood at the ropes for half the fight and fought with the Argentinean. In the rematch, Mayweather ran away from Maidana for 12 rounds and defeated him with a boring decision. Mayweather's next three performances were no more expressive.

Mayweather claims another nine-figure fee awaits him for the rematch with Pacquiao. However, he may be wishful thinking, as Pacquiao is no longer the PPV generator he was in 2015. Since then, “Pac-Man” lost to Jeff Horn and in fights with Timothy Bradley and Jesse Vargas looked like a completely vulnerable boxer. Yes, Pacquiao was good on July 15 in the ring in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when he knocked out Lucas Matthysse in the 7th round, but in the eyes of many people he is no longer considered a top welterweight.

Of course, Mayweather will get good money for a rematch with Pacquiao, but it is very unlikely that the boxing community in the States will shell out their money en masse to see the fight of two fading 40-year-old superstars who 3 years ago gave a truly hypnotic effect. From a financial point of view, Mayweather would have been more profitable to challenge Canelo Alvarez or face one of the strongest welterweights today: Errol Spence, Sean Porter or Keith Thurman.

For the fight with Pacquiao to Mayweather$100 million was guaranteed, in total, taking into account the percentage of broadcasts, he then earned more than $200 million. Will they be able to guarantee him $100 million for a rematch with Pacquiao now? Since 2015, the landscape in boxing has changed dramatically, as has the situation with PPV. It's harder for promoters to sell pay-per-view unless it's a duel between the two. best boxers like Canelo vs Golovkin. Mayweather is probably too old and weak to try and beat any of the aforementioned names with a boring 12 round decision. This is especially true for Alvarez, who is no longer the same 22-year-old boy that he was in 2013 and who was easily outplayed by Mayweather. Now the Mexican is in his prime, and he has become much bigger. Now he is unlikely to agree to box at 152 pounds, as he did 5 years ago. Mayweather would have to climb into the 160 pounds limit or so and would most likely face defeat, much like he would face "GGG".

Last year, Mayweather managed to earn $300 million for a frank miss match with Conor McGregor. McGregor wanted a rematch in the octagon, but Mayweather showed little interest in this. Conor will probably agree to meet Floyd again in the ring, but this fight will be even harder to sell than the Mayweather vs Pacquiao rematch.

Pacquiao is interested in a rematch because he wants revenge for the defeat. If Floyd has other better options on how to get rich through boxing, then Manny Mayweather is the most moneyed opponent. For a fight with the same Terence Crawford, he will not get close to as much as for a rematch with "Money". Crawford is top notch, but he's never been a PPV star. It is popular in Nebraska but nowhere else.

In general, they want to sell us rotten meat, even in 2015 it was already stale, but it turned out to be the most disgusting taste. It looks like they want to fool us. Again.

Last Saturday, when the entire boxing world was in anticipation of a second fight between the Kazakhstani Gennady Golovkin and mexican Saul Alvarez, the media were stunned by a sensational message that at the end of this year another rematch of superstar boxers could take place - a 41-year-old American Floyd Mayweather Jr.(50-0-0, 27 KOs) and .

The war is over. Golovkin lost to Alvarez in Las Vegas

The judges this time also refused to give the victory to GGG in an equal fight. Another scandal?

Moreover, the boxers themselves became the authors of this news. 12-time world champion in five weight divisions Mayweather wrote on Instagram that he would return to the ring for a rematch with Pacquiao: “I am returning to fight with this year. Another nine-figure check." And almost immediately after that, a message of the same content was posted on his Instagram by the ex-world champion in eight weight categories, and now the regular WBA welterweight champion Pacquiao, who promised to inflict Mayweather's first defeat in his pro career: 50-1, no excuses."

old abacus

The boxing community at one time expected the organization of the first fight between these rivals for seven or eight years. But when this fight took place in May 2015, it turned out not to be a mega-fight longed for by many, but a frankly boring and insipid confrontation. The expectations of boxing fans then did not materialize at all. Many of them called that fight dull and boring, and some considered themselves deceived. Although a similar scenario for the development of events in the ring was initially seen as quite probable.

Knowing Mayweather's cautiously protective, rational manner of fighting, it was hardly worth hoping that in such a responsible fight, and even against such a serious opponent, he would suddenly decide to radically change it and climb into the wheelhouse. As for Pacquiao, it would be wrong to put forward reproaches to him, because only he alone that evening sought to aggravate in the ring, trying to impose exchanges on Floyd. However, Manny simply did not manage to do this, could not implement such tactics due to the skill, speed and mobility of the opponent.

Mayweather also excellently took advantage in this fight of the advantage he had over his opponent in linear dimensions, keeping his opponent at a dangerous distance in most episodes of the fight. The American basically tried to "dry" the fight, often clinching and leaning on the opponent at the slightest danger to himself. Floyd also used his trademark agility on his feet with might and main, acted clearly and rationally in order to control the development of events in the ring. Pacquiao, in most episodes, did not reach the goal, his blows either flew past or fell in passing.

As a result, all three side judges unanimously gave the victory to Mayweather - 118-110, 116-112, 116-112. According to computerized punch counts, 148 of Mayweather's 435 attempts were successful, while only 81 of Pacquiao's 429 shots hit the target.

In post-match interviews, the American paid tribute to his opponent, saying that he managed to outbox Pacquiao, first of all, due to competent defense. And even Mayweather's father and trainer Floyd Sr. could not make him fight more actively. Then Floyd did not utter a word about the possibility of a rematch, and even said that he did not want to break the legendary record of Rocky Marciano, who left the ring as the world champion, having 49 wins without a single defeat, and noting that repetition was enough for him this record (after defeating Pacquiao, Mayweather's track record was 48-0-0, 26 KOs).

Pacquiao then said that he did not consider himself a loser in the fight, because he was more active in the ring, and Mayweather only avoided the fight. The Filipino also noted that the blows of the opponent, although they were quite strong, did not shake him at all. Pacquiao saw the main reason for this development of events in the ring in the superiority of Mayweather over him in linear dimensions. Filipino's then coach Freddie Roach said he wanted Mayweather to give his charge an immediate rematch. A little later, Pacquiao himself began to talk about this.

Further developments

However, subsequently it never seemed that the rivals were close to organizing a re-fight. Pacquiao began to heal his injured right shoulder, which, according to his team, was one of the main factors in his poor performance in that fight. Manny returned to the ring almost a year later, defeating American Timothy Bradley on points in their third fight. After that, Pacquiao spent three more fights. First, he confidently dealt with the Mexican-American Jesse Vargas. He then traveled to Australia last July, where he suffered a controversial loss to local boxer Jeff Horn. And finally, in July of this year, Manny won his first early victory since 2009, stopping the Argentinean Lucas Matisse in the 7th round.

During this time, Pacquiao repeatedly considered ending his boxing career. However, he did not make statements about hanging gloves on a nail, although he was elected to the Philippine Senate and spent quite a lot of time on legislative work. Also during this period, Manny made drastic changes in his team, refusing further cooperation with promoter Bob Arum and trainer Freddie Roach, with whom he walked shoulder to shoulder for many years and in partnership with whom he achieved his greatest success in the ring. Now he manages his sports career on his own, and his longtime friend and assistant Buba Fernandez has become his coach.

As for Mayweather, four months after the fight with the Filipino, he spent the last of his six fights previously planned under a grand contract with the Showtime television channel, easily dealing with compatriot Andre Berto. After that, repeating the iconic indicator of Rocky Marciano, Floyd, as promised, announced the end of his boxing career.

However, despite repeated confirmation of his reluctance to return to the ring, after two years of inactivity, Mayweather lived up to his nickname "Money", tempted by the prospect of a very money fight with MMA superstar Irishman Conor McGregor, which took place in August last year. In it, Floyd, in an atypical pressing style for himself, defeated an opponent by technical knockout in the 10th round and deposited a huge check into his bank account. After that fight, Mayweather's total fees for his entire sports career exceeded the fantastic mark of $ 1 billion.

Who needs (or benefits) this rematch?

And now, after such unexpected information about the possibility of a re-fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao, many are wondering: does the world of boxing need a re-fight between them? And the opinions of the boxing public on this matter were divided. Many believe that this idea is already rather outdated and no one has been particularly expecting it in recent years. Indeed, a duel between a retired 41-year-old and a semi-retired 39-year-old boxer does not look in demand for the boxing community.

However, on the other hand, there are opinions that Floyd and Manny still have superstar status and their meeting in the ring has not completely lost its relevance. Yes, and many Pacquiao fans would like to receive satisfaction for the lost first fight, in which their idol was prevented from boxing with full dedication by an injury and which, in their opinion, the then quick Mayweather simply “dried”.

Nevertheless, it is most beneficial to hold this fight for the boxers themselves. Having earned several hundred million dollars in his professional career, Pacquiao, according to some reports, could not sensibly dispose of them. And for a figure (including a political one) of such magnitude as he, several tens of millions of dollars earned at the end of his career will by no means be superfluous. There is nothing to say about Mayweather, because, by his own admission, more than anything in the world he loves money.

Yes, and if you just think rationally and somewhere even cynically, then why shouldn’t people who have spent so many years and efforts on promoting and popularizing their names take advantage of their fame to earn money on it at the end of their sports careers. It is clearly not worth condemning them for this, since in their place almost everyone would have acted in this way.

We can also note another factor that will attract the attention of a certain part of boxing fans to this rematch. The fact is that a considerable number of them would like to see the first defeat of Mayweather, who has undefeated status. It's no secret that Floyd built his huge popularity and box office through many years of creating a negative image for the audience. A decent part of the public bought paid broadcasts of his fights, wanting to finally see how he was beaten.

Even returning to the first fight with Pacquiao, one can recall that immediately after it ended, the spectators sitting in the arena of Floyd's native city of Las Vegas greeted the winner with a disapproving hum and hiss, and Mayweather himself willingly teased them, climbing onto the ropes and demonstrating in every possible way that as if someone did not like it, but he is the best. Therefore, there will certainly be many boxing fans who will want to buy a PPV broadcast of this rematch just in the hope of seeing Floyd's first defeat.

In addition, almost any outcome of this fight will not significantly affect the overall assessment of the achievements that these two world boxing superstars have achieved over the years of performances in the ring. In fact, it will really be a fight between two opponents of pre-retirement or even retirement age for boxing. In this regard, of course, there can no longer be any talk of any “dream fight” in this case.

If this fight happens, it will be pretty much just a money-making show. Although, for sure, such huge incomes as were received as a result of their first fight (a total of more than $ 550 million), which became (and still is) the box office record holder in the history of boxing, the organizers of the rematch will not be able to collect even close. And consequently, the fees of Floyd and Manny this time will be significantly less than in their first confrontation (then Mayweather received $ 210 million, and Pacquiao - about $ 140 million).

Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao- PPV welterweight boxing match with WBA super, WBC, WBO, Ring magazine titles, and the best boxer regardless weight category. The fight took place on May 2, 2015 in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand and ended with a unanimous victory for Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Part 1. Fight Manny Pacquiao - Floyd Mayweather. Fight of the Millennium.

Millennium fight between two superstars professional boxing passed in the most unexpected manner for the audience, for the layman it was boring, without any particular sharpening attacks. The duel for every minute of which the boxers received an average of about $ 5,000,000 was not a triumphant spectacle, it was more like a game of chess between two grandmasters in boxing gloves.

This fact is confirmed by statistics, out of 435 strikes by Mayweather Jr., only a third reached the goal, Pacquiao had even less, with an almost equal number of thrown strikes - 429, there were only a fifth of clear hits.

Floyd's defense, brought almost to perfection in his amateur and professional career, unshakably withstood all the multi-hit combinations of the Filipino, in turn, no one has been able to provoke Mayweather Jr. into an open exchange of blows for many years, Manny was no exception.

Pacquiao showed high level boxing and tactically proved to be a level higher than the American, many believe that as a contender he gave everything more than 100%, but the verdict was still in favor of Floyd Jr.

Everyone was waiting for this event for about 8 years and in the end, the holiday was a success, but to a greater extent it was for two legendary boxers of his era.

Part 2. Fight Manny Pacquiao - Floyd Mayweather. The history of the failures of the battle.

For more than 8 years, the entire boxing world has been waiting for the duel of these two boxers. This part of the article will be devoted to the history of the failures of the battle of the century for 8 years.

When Floyd Mayweather just got out of prison on August 8, 2012, and with us, boxing fans had a little hope that soon they would still be able to organize this fight.

It all started in 2008, when Manny Pacquiao miraculously began to rapidly gain muscle mass.

Without losing speed and defeating all the superstars in all weights, from lightweight to super middleweight. Even then, everyone had doubts about whether the Filipino was taking illegal drugs. He got it very quickly muscle mass, and even managed to surpass Miguel Cotto, Ricky Hatton and Antonio Margarito in striking power, and this despite the fact that Manny began his performances in the professional ring in the bantamweight division up to 48 kg.

As Floyd put it, "Manny was showing very mediocre results until his move to America, when Freddie Roach began working with him and his striking power and dimensions immediately doubled." Floyd has never been open about Pacquiao's doping, but in every interview for a potential fight with Manny, he indirectly accused Pacquiao of doping.

The condition has always been simple. It was necessary to pass an examination in the international anti-doping commission WADA. It is this commission that controls amateur boxers on international competitions and Olympic Games. Professional boxers are not so tightly controlled, which creates certain opportunities for doping.

Pacquiao's first response was extremely strange and stupid.

He stated that he was afraid of injections and that he was against taking blood at any time during the preparation for the competition. This, at least, is strange considering that Manny Pacquiao's entire body is covered in tattoos. In the future, Manny agreed to a blood draw at any time, but no later than 20 days before the fight. Floyd was not satisfied with these conditions and the fight dragged on for 2 years. During this time, Floyd and Manny killed all the top boxers, and they had no worthy competitors other than themselves.

In the end, Manny agreed to draw blood at any time before the fight and a new problem arose.

Fee split.

Each of the parties insisted on a large part of the fee from all fees. The fight almost managed to be organized on May 12, 2012, but there was another breakdown of the fight for very strange reasons. As a result, on May 12, Floyd fought against Miguel Cotto, and Manny later met with Timothy Bradley, to whom he sensationally lost (all the audience were unanimous that Manny was sued).