Overview of smart fitness bracelets. Fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor The most accurate smart bracelets

A modern gadget called a fitness bracelet is very popular among athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. However, around this invention, disputes about the appropriateness of its use and the functionality of the gadget do not subside. You can learn more about the pros and cons, as well as popular models of bracelets that measure blood pressure and pulse, from the article.

Features and Benefits

Products with a heart rate monitor and a tonometer are new on the market of modern devices, and the demand for them is quite high. With the help of such a device, athletes during training can track the state of their body, and for people with cardiovascular diseases, this gadget will allow you to control pressure and pulse without using uncomfortable blood pressure monitors.

The advantages of such bracelets include their following characteristics:

  • A bracelet with a built-in tonometer allows you to measure blood pressure anytime, anywhere.
  • Measurement is carried out on the go, no need to stop and take a certain position.
  • Most of the gadgets are able to interact with Android and IOS, which makes it easy to synchronize the accessory with a smartphone. There are more modern and functional bracelets that support Windows Phone software.
  • Typically, fitness bracelets are compact and weigh about 30 g, which allows you not to notice them on your arm.
  • Manufacturers use hypoallergenic materials to create straps. The silicone accessory does not rub or squeeze the wrist.
  • The variety of colors and designs allows you to choose a stylish bracelet for every taste, which attracts the attention of buyers. For many companies, the straps are removable, which allows you to replace the classic bracelet with a bright one (for sports or parties).
  • Fitness bracelets have wide functionality. Often they can calculate calories and steps, monitor sleep phases and set alarms, which will allow them to wake up at the optimal time for each person. Business travelers will love the alerts for incoming calls, emails or messages to stay in touch even while exercising. Fans of jogging accompanied by sound will enjoy the ability to control the player on their mobile device using a bracelet.
  • For many, the acquisition of such a gadget becomes a motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The device is able to display the degree of human activity, which not everyone can determine on their own.


With the growing popularity of gadgets, more and more models of such bracelets from different manufacturers appear on the market. It is difficult for a person who does not understand modern advances in technology to make a choice and understand why the prices for an accessory are different everywhere.

You can often find sports smart bracelets with heart rate measurement, which are also equipped with a pedometer and a tonometer. Such devices do not always display accurate readings and have significant errors. Their main task is to determine the minimum and maximum indicators of blood pressure and heart rate during training, which allows you to make bracelets with constant measurement.

Sometimes these devices are able to determine other indicators of the body that are important for health:

  • blood sugar level;
  • the amount of fluid in the tissues;
  • proportion of fat cells;
  • breathing rhythm;
  • calorie consumption.

However, all these indicators will be relative.

The step counting function is basic for all kinds of gadgets. Thanks to this device, each owner can set a daily activity rate for himself, which will motivate a person to move and track his achievements. Some instances are able to take into account other types of physical activity. There will be a separate calculation for running or cycling.

For swimming, you can choose a waterproof fitness bracelet. Such models allow you to swim at a depth and freely take a shower. However, in this case, you should give preference to more expensive and high-quality gadgets, since some cheap waterproof models remain tight only in light rain.

More modern models are often equipped with a screen. Today, in the lineups of many manufacturers, you can find instances with an OLED display that allows you to use the watch. In most devices, it is enough to lift your hand up to make the display active.

Such devices are capable of displaying various information on the screen:

  • number of steps and distance traveled;
  • calorie consumption;
  • heart rate and other indicators.

If the owner of the gadget sits in one place for a long time, he can receive a signal from the device with a call to warm up a little. The bracelet will notify you of incoming calls or messages, and will allow you to manage the alarm. Usually the screen glass is quite durable, it is protected from bumps and scratches, which allows you to use such a device in the most extreme conditions.

Review of the best - 2017

Manufacturers of "smart" bracelets are constantly developing and releasing more advanced models of gadgets. It is difficult to find a perfect device that would combine all the necessary functions, but some models deserve special attention and are rightfully called the best of their kind.

Garmin Vivosmart HR+

The Garmin Vivosmart HR+ bracelet impresses with its functionality, which allowed it to become a winner among other models at the Wareable Tech Awards in 2016.

With this gadget you can:

  • track many health indicators;
  • find out the exact location using the built-in GPS;
  • receive notifications of calls and messages on your phone.

To some, this accessory will seem too weighty, but it holds the battery perfectly. The gadget can be used at depths up to 50 meters.

Among the shortcomings, errors in measuring the pulse and an incomplete range of sports modes are noted.

Fitbit Charge 2

Another interesting bracelet is the Fitbit Charge 2. Many will like the steps and sleep tracking features. The gadget continuously captures blood pressure and heart rate. The bracelet also reflects the VO2 max. This criterion characterizes the ability to absorb and assimilate oxygen during training, and with the help of the health bracelet program, you can train your breathing.

The disadvantages of the device are considered instability to moisture, lack of GPS, failures during intensive training.

For people who simply monitor their condition and do not exhaust themselves with training, such a bracelet will be a great helper for a very reasonable price.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

An excellent combination of low price and necessary characteristics pleases the owners of Chinese Xiaomi Mi Band 2 bracelets. Such a device is the undisputed leader among all Chinese bracelets, which is confirmed by many positive reviews.

The disadvantages include a hand-squeezing heart rate sensor. This device does not measure pressure.

Basis Peak

The Basis Peak bracelet from Intel combines the best qualities of trackers and sports watches. One of the main tasks of the gadget is to control the heart rate. The model allows you to capture fairly accurate data even during training.

Like other bracelets, this gadget is capable of:

  • distinguish types of physical activity;
  • track sleep phases, but against the background of competitors, it stands out for its accurate indicators;
  • measure the heat generated during activity, it is equipped with a galvanic sensor and a three-dimensional accelerometer.

The disadvantage of this model is the lack of a GPS-navigator.

Gear Fit 2

Samsung's Gear Fit 2 bracelet is a fairly powerful device that justifies its high cost.

This device is equipped with a one and a half inch display, it has its own dual-core processor. The gadget is able to continuously measure the pulse, it is equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, it is able to determine the height and location. The bracelet notifies you of calls and messages on your phone. It monitors activity and sleep.

Due to the large number of functions, the battery holds a charge for no more than three days.

Healbe Gobe

The Healbe Gobe device is another good fitness bracelet (mid price range).

The gadget is capable of:

  • Distinguish levels of stress.
  • Determine the pressure and heart rate, the distance traveled.
  • It can calculate the number of calories burned by measuring glucose levels.

The downside of this bracelet is a weak battery that needs to be charged daily.

Principle of operation

The emergence of compact and stylish fitness bracelets with blood pressure and heart rate measurement functions has become a real salvation for many athletes (and not only for them). With this smart device, hypertensive patients can monitor their well-being continuously. Of course, he will not determine the exact state of health, but it is quite possible to maintain some indicators in the normal range with the help of such a gadget.

All smart bracelets function thanks to special sensors and software that can be installed on the bracelet or on a paired smartphone. All measured and calculated data are displayed on the screen, and when some indicators increase, the device gives a warning signal.

For uninterrupted pressure measurement, the devices are equipped with a double module. With its help, the bracelet constantly picks up nanosecond pulses of near-polar sensing. By tracking readings in two places, the device can measure the upper and lower pressure, which is immediately displayed on the screen.

To get the most correct data on the pulse, chest devices are used. In some bracelets, the measurement sensor can be worn not only on the arm, but also on the chest. Other models require an additional sensor.

With accurate data obtained using such a heart rate monitor, athletes can adjust the intensity of their training (in accordance with the general condition of the body).

You can find out which heart rate monitors are best for athletes in the following video:

How to use?

Using a smart bracelet with additional features is quite simple. Among a wide variety of models, you can choose a battery-powered device that works autonomously from a smartphone. There are many elderly people among people suffering from high blood pressure, so the ease and clarity of the testimony play a very important role.

The bracelet is much better than other medical devices for taking readings. It allows you to measure pressure and pulse in any position, without being distracted from important matters. If desired, you can easily remove and put the bracelet back on, and some people do not part with their device even during a night's rest.

Using a fitness bracelet makes it easy to control activity without harm to health, track your achievements, maintain a healthy lifestyle and the right daily routine. A visual display of indicators motivates people to be active or makes them see a doctor in time, without waiting for a serious deterioration in well-being.

How to choose?

You should purchase a gadget only from trusted manufacturers, paying attention to the relevant certificates. During the purchase process, special attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Before buying a bracelet, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used. To control pressure, you need a bracelet with a tonometer, for weight loss, a calorie counting function is useful, for swimming enthusiasts, you should choose waterproof models.
  2. The bracelet should most accurately and correctly determine all the main indicators. To do this, manufacturers conduct a large number of tests, information about which is available in the description of the model.
  3. If your every day is quite eventful and involves constant movement, it is better to choose a model with a powerful battery that holds a charge well.

The most popular models of fitness bracelets are often faked.

A person with a plastic rim on his wrist can be seen more and more often. And not only in the gym or on the treadmill in the park, but also in non-sporting environments. It is not effective enough to be worn for beauty, and it is not a medical device. Then what's the point?

Trackers: fashion for the benefit of health

Fashion for health is a bright sign of our time, like all gadgets, without which it is already difficult to imagine the modern world. Fitness bracelets are the know-how of recent years, a successful combination of both trends in the next "smart" accessory of our life. This is not an item of extreme necessity, but at the same time it is not a toy, not a trifle.

The bracelet put on the pulse zone provides a kind of constant medical control over the work of the heart.. Given the readings of the device, you can balance the load, adjust the rest periods and train effectively without overstrain.

Heart rate measurement is a mandatory, but not the only function of this miracle device, which is otherwise called a tracker. Its possibilities are much wider. Depending on the inherent functionality, there are several options for fitness bracelets.

With heart rate monitor and smart alarm clock

Such a bracelet not only provide information about the heartbeat, but also carefully wake up. He will need to set the interval for waking up, and the alarm clock will choose the time of the alarm itself, and the most suitable one.

How will he do it? While the owner is sleeping, the bracelet works, fixes the change in postures, reads the phases of sleep, builds graphs. Then he selects the optimal moment for lifting. The bracelet knows when to wake up so that a person wakes up well-rested and cheerful. Uses soft vibration for this, not loud music. This also applies to daytime sleep, you just need to put the fitness tracker into sleep mode.

With heart rate monitor and pressure

Individual fitness trackers are equipped with blood pressure sensors. One hundred percent trust the gadget is not worth it. Errors in readings are significant. But medical accuracy is secondary here, changes in the minimum and maximum blood pressure indicators are more valuable.

Bracelets with a tonometer function are often a multitracker, a kind of mobile healthcare, since they are able to additionally determine the level of sugar and fluid in tissues, the mass of adipose tissue, breathing amplitude, and count calories. It is fair to admit that the correctness of measurements is not a strong point of universal trackers.

Smart pedometer - motivator of physical activity

Step counting is the basic function of fitness trackers. With its help, you can develop an individual weight loss program, learn about the number of meters traveled and calories burned. The daily rate of steps is set arbitrarily. Upon reaching the goal, the bracelet will joyfully congratulate the owner on the fulfillment of the plan. If he is lazy and not active enough, the electronic “controller” will remind you by vibration that it is time to leave his familiar place.

Some models also track the type of physical activity: roller skates, bicycles. And they are also able to count steps, floors.

About amphibious bracelets

Especially for swimmers, the designers have developed bracelets that work properly at depth, they are allowed to dive with them. In a waterproof bracelet, you can take a shower without fear of damage. But moisture protection does not apply to all models of these devices.. Despite being claimed to be water resistant, most only survive the rain test.

With heart rate monitor for Iphone and Android

Fitness trackers are paired with a smartphone or computer. The parameters of human activity registered by the sensors are transmitted via Bluetooth to a special application installed on the communicator. It is downloaded to manage the functionality of the sports tracker. The application is the "brain" and statistical center of the device, and it is individual for bracelets from different manufacturers. Tracker synchronization is also selective. Some work in tandem with the Android or Apple iOS operating systems, others with the Iphone.

The work begins with setting up the application, setting goals that are planned to be achieved for the day. The indicator on the bracelet is designed to display the process in real time or show hours and minutes.

On your favorite mobile device you can see the entire log of statistical reporting according to day and night physiological indicators: how much they moved, whether they went in for sports and what kind, how many calories they spent, how long and how well they slept. The bracelet, like an experienced and caring coach, after analyzing the lifestyle of its owner, will draw up a training program or a personal plan of action to improve health. And, importantly, it will constantly push you towards the goal.

How to choose the bracelet that you need

For four years, heart rate bracelets have been going and running with us literally hand in hand. Their release is mastered by an increasing number of manufacturers, popular brands include a new position in their catalogs. How to navigate in a rich assortment of models and choose the right and useful one for yourself? How not to overpay and, at the same time, get a quality item?

To start you need to decide what the bracelet is for, and what are its priorities. Options to pay attention to:

  • Heart rate monitoring while running. A sports tracker with a heart rate monitor will do.
  • Stimulation of daily activity. It is enough to have a simple model with a pedometer and counting the meters traveled.
  • Slimming bracelet. You need a calorie tracker that can count them. According to the data entered about the lunch or dinner eaten and on the basis of the energy balance produced, the program will give a hint how much you need to move if you want to lose weight.
  • Sleep and wake regulation. A bracelet with a vibration alarm function is what you need. Wakes up only the owner of the bracelet, others do not hear.
  • Water protection. This indicator ranges from waterproof to waterproof. The need for the latter is only for those who train in the pool.
  • External aesthetics. Attractiveness to trackers is added by the display. It also reduces the operating time of the gadget without recharging. If one screen is enough for a person - a smartphone, then you can do without these design bells and whistles. But an indication of one kind or another is desirable for convenience.

If there are several problems in the lifestyle and you want to solve everything at once, then it is recommended to stop your choice not just on a “smart”, but on a “smart” device, where the described functions are not only combined, but also expanded.

The perfect fitness bracelet as it is

Before moving on to a review of fitness bracelet manufacturers, it should be noted that there are much more worthy trackers now than a couple of years ago. Although it is difficult to point to a reference tracker, its criteria have been formed, and they are as follows:

  • accurate readings without errors;
  • synchronization with as many operating systems (platforms) as possible;
  • high-quality battery that works for a long time without recharging;
  • advanced and easy-to-use application;
  • moisture protection;
  • indication (the ability to track personal progress using LEDs);
  • invisibility and compatibility with clothing (design neutrality).

Comparison table of manufacturers

Brand Jawbone UP24 Jawbone UP3 Sony Smart Band SWR10 Garmin Vivofit
Platform Compatibility iOS, Android iOS, Android Android from 4.4 Android from 4.3 iPhone (iOS from 7), Windows, OS X
without backlight
heart rate monitor Separate heart rate strap
Protection From the rain, you can't swim Immersion up to 10 m IP58 rating (dust and water resistant for long-term immersion) Class WR 50 Water-resistant up to 50 m
Calorie monitoring

scans barcodes of consumed products
Smart alarm clock Information visual
Peculiarities Excellent activity motivator; Tracks the location, beeps if the phone is forgotten, selection of the size of the strap; Great battery operated pedometer
Working hours 10 days 7 days 5 days 1 year
Price (r.) 6000-6500 12500-13000 3000-3300 7000-7600
Brand Fitbit Flex Fitbit Charge HR Gear Fit Misfit Shine
Platform Compatibility Android, iOS, Windows, OS X Android, iOS, Windows Phone Android for Samsung, Galaxy only Android, iOS, Windows, OS X

Amoled color touch
heart rate monitor
Protection Can only take a shower From splashes IP 67 (dust tight, short term immersion possible) WR 50
Calorie monitoring
Smart alarm clock
Peculiarities Pedometer, the percentage of activity is reflected by dot LEDs on the strap; small in size; Accurate pedometer, but the pulse measures correctly only on a stationary hand; Notifications about calls, messages, there is a stopwatch and a timer It looks like a tablet (dial), fits a classic suit, can be attached to different places;
Working hours 5 days 5 days 2 days 4 months
Price (r.) 4400-5000 12000-13000 7000 4500-5000

Chinese fitness bracelets

Brand Huawei TalkBand B1 Xiaomi Mi Band Digicare ERI Copy Fitbit Force
Platform Compatibility Android 4.4, iOS Android 4.4, iOS Android 4.4, iOS
Oled monochrome

heart rate monitor
via phone
Protection IP57 Dust proof, short term immersion possible IP67 IP67
Calorie monitoring
Smart alarm clock
Peculiarities USB connector, can be used as a Bluetooth 3.0 headset, missed call notification; Bluetooth 4.0LE connection Bluetooth 4.0 LE connection, thermometer sensor, clock, SMS notifications.
Working hours 6 days 1 month 150 hours
Price (r.) 5000 1300-1400 (15$) 4500

Chinese manufacturers have also succeeded in this sector of electronics. Practice shows that many bracelets are no worse than branded ones in quality. Among them there are frank toys that do not deserve attention, but some brands of trackers are already generally recognized.

So, budget sector leader - Xiaomi Mi Band. It does everything that the expensive Jawbone does, but it costs a penny, it works with high quality. There are no serious complaints about Huawei TalkBand B1 either. All "Chinese", of course, do not deserve five-star reviews. There are problems with stability in work, there are no declared functions, but the models are also more expensive.

A modern fitness bracelet is becoming an indispensable tool not only for professional athletes, but also for ordinary people. Going in for sports, having a beautiful, trained body has become fashionable. When an electronic device monitors how many calories you burned, how far you walked, what your heart rate is during training, interest in sports increases. And everyone who decides to buy such a gadget and go to the training room is interested in the most accurate heart rate monitor and.

What is a heart rate monitor for?

First of all, it is the controller of the heart. When training at high intensity, it is important to know your heart rate so as not to overdo it with the load. You can not overwork the heart muscle.

Your pulse during exercise should be controlled by healthy people and those who have heart problems. During exercise, the heart rate rises. This is how the heart responds to the work of the muscles. If it is little trained, then even with a moderate load, the pulse grows rapidly. Prolonged work at an increased heart rate is harmful to the body.

Important! Each person, depending on age and state of health, has his own indications of heartbeat. To see your heart rate at a particular moment of training or walking, without stopping movement, makes it possible to use a heart rate monitor. It will help you protect your heart from overload.

There are great precision. They are attached to an open body below the chest - this is not very convenient. At heavy loads, when sweat is plentiful, they shift, in addition, rub the skin, and vigorous body movements can knock down the data of the device.

Modern optical sensors that measure the pulse using light waves have made it possible to create equally accurate heart rate monitors on the wrist. Yes, and fashion today dictates the form of gadgets in the form of a bracelet. In addition, they have not a single pleasant and useful additional service. This increases the effect of sports activities.

Modern heart rate monitors have the ability to notify the owner if his heart rate during training is higher than a predetermined parameter, preventing cardiac overload.

The presence of a pedometer

Today we often hear about 10,000 steps. They must be taken daily in order to maintain good physical shape - to have a healthy heart and a slender figure. Depending on the size of a person, the length of his step, this number of steps is from 6 to 8 km per day. To find out how many steps and how far you have covered, you need to have a pedometer with you. Which pedometer to choose will depend on your tasks and capabilities.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get around. At the same time, it improves overall well-being, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and eliminates excess weight. Two hours of walking a day at an average pace significantly raises vitality.

The modern world market shows that interest in heart rate monitors in its purest form has decreased. They were replaced by multifunctional fitness bracelets. In addition to heart rate and step count, these trackers track calorie consumption, sleep duration, and sleep phases. A smart alarm clock wakes the wearer up in light sleep, and getting up becomes easy.

The most accurate sports bracelets - 2018 with heart rate monitors and pedometers

Honor Band 3

The manufacturer is the largest Chinese company Huawei. The tracker has a fairly accurate optical heart rate sensor (according to user reviews), a gyroscope, an accelerometer. The result of the test for the accuracy of the number of steps is 98.6%. The gadget keeps track of calories, tracks sleep, has a clock and a stopwatch. It is relatively cheap, monochrome, non-touch.

Its screen is activated by turning your hand, as if you were looking at a watch. Calls and messages are notified by vibration. The bracelet is compatible with iOS and Android operating systems. It stores the data in its memory. Charges with a convenient magnetic adapter. Charging is enough for 30 days, and with the constant operation of the heart rate monitor - for 10. Price: 2990 rubles.

  • Accurately measures heart rate and number of steps;
  • waterproof;
  • high build quality;
  • moderate price.
  • no GPS;
  • detachable strap.

TomTom Spark 3 Cardio + Music

The manufacturer of this fitness tracker is a Dutch company. It is equipped with an optical heart rate sensor, the accuracy of which is comparable to that of one of the best Garmin HRM-Tri chest heart rate monitors. Compatible with Android and iOS. This waterproof gadget is swim-ready, tracks sleep, and counts calories. The result of the step accuracy test is 98.4%. Plays audio formats: MP3 and AAC, sound quality is high. One charge lasts for three weeks in activity tracking mode, and for 5 hours with all functionality, including music. Price: 14800 rubles.


  • gives accurate heart rate and distance traveled data;
  • availability of GPS;
  • water resistance;
  • the presence of music.
  • work with the included heart rate monitor reduces the charging time to 11 hours;
  • does not notify about notifications from a smartphone.

TomTom Spark 3 Cardio + Musik

Garmin Vivoactive HR

The bracelet is made by the American company Garmin. It has a built-in heart rate monitor on the wrist. It gives an accuracy in heart rate readings comparable to that of the Japanese Omron M2 Classic blood pressure monitor (a special medical device). The gadget is one of the most accurate pedometers, the test for the accuracy of counting the number of steps is 98.9%.

The design of this tracker is simple, but it has high functionality, convenience and reliability. On its color touch display, indicators are clearly visible even on a sunny day. For the dark time of the day, a backlight is provided. It has detachable straps on a metal clasp, which ensures the strength of the fastening on the arm. Autonomous work - up to 8 days. Compatible with OS: Android, iOS, Windows. Price: 26300 rubles.

  • continuous operation of the pulse sensor with high accuracy of readings;
  • water resistance;
  • clarity of the image on the screen, regardless of lighting;
  • detailed statistics;
  • battery life.
  • high price;
  • unattractive design.

Garmin Vivoactive HR

Nokia Steel HR

The Finnish Nokia Steel HR can also be attributed to the models of bracelets equipped with the most accurate heart rate sensors, and this is its important feature. In addition, it is multifunctional: calories burned, monitors sleep, tracks activity, supports notifications about calls or messages received on the smartphone. The result of the test for the accuracy of the number of steps is 98.9%. Autonomous work - 25 days. Possesses water resistance. Its round dial resembles a watch. Price: 11300 rubles.

  • long battery life;
  • Beautiful design;
  • water resistance;
  • functionality.
  • lack of GPS;
  • inconvenient charger.

Polar V800 GPS

This is one of the most expensive heart rate monitors in the world, which is a powerful fitness bracelet in its functionality. The accuracy of its pulse readings is comparable to the accuracy of an ECG. GPS accuracy - 98%. It is rather intended for professional athletes. Runners appreciated its extensive GPS mode. Loaded to the max, this Polar runs for 14 hours.

Protection of the mechanics provides it with shockproof properties and immersion in water to a depth of 100 m. It has the "Smart Trainer" function: it monitors past results, gives recommendations for new achievements. Compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, OS X. This is the most expensive fitness bracelet with an accurate heart rate monitor today, but it justifies its cost. Its official price: 31,400 rubles.

  • multifunctionality;
  • accuracy of measurements;
  • a large number of different sports;
  • Beautiful design;
  • ease of use;
  • reliable moisture protection;
  • The screen has a durable coating.
  • not marked.

Fitness bracelets with heart rate monitors continue to improve, experts are working to improve the accuracy of the sensors. Today on sale you can find gadgets that meet the needs of professional athletes and ordinary people who seek to improve their health and fitness.

The smart bracelet with blood pressure and heart rate measurement is little more than an attractive sports accessory. It is also a medical device that makes it possible to monitor the state of the body in real time. Athletes can use fitness trackers with a tonometer; people prone to hypertension or hypotension; as well as those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and who care about their own health.

What is a fitness bracelet for? Functions

Depending on the manufacturer and model, the device has different options. However, the main functionality is the same for all devices in this category.

Fitness bracelet determines the following indicators:

  • actual blood pressure;
  • pulse rate;
  • calories burned;
  • distance traveled (number of steps plus distance in meters);
  • sleep phases.

The bracelet, worn on the hand, is equipped with a built-in Bluetooth, which allows you to synchronize it with your smartphone. The data is transferred to the phone and processed in a special application. As a result, on the display we see the performance of the body.

Thus, the device gives the user the opportunity to monitor the health status of the most significant and vital indicators.

For hypertensive patients and the elderly- this is an opportunity to do without bulky devices and to fix changes in your state in time.

When exercising in the gym, cardio the bracelet allows you to control the intensity of the loads and adjust them in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the body.

For people who lead a healthy lifestyle, a pedometer with heart rate and pressure measurement allows you to objectively assess the level of physical activity and change it if necessary.

Some models are equipped additional functions. These include the following:

  • tracking geographic location;
  • measurement of body temperature and sweating;
  • respiratory rate control;
  • task system;
  • alarm.

Modern fitness bracelets are most often performed moisture resistant, because most users prefer to wear them without taking them off. The bracelet must withstand daily procedures - washing dishes, going to the shower, etc. A high-quality gadget from a reliable manufacturer remains operational even when the owner of the device swimming in the pool.

How to use?

A fitness bracelet, as a rule, is worn constantly, this gives the owner the opportunity to get a complete picture of the activity and condition of the body.

Smart bracelets for measuring heart rate and pressure are equipped with their own miniature display that displays key indicators. Basically, bracelets are connected via Bluetooth to external devices - smartphones, tablets. On the screen of which the most complete information from the bracelet is displayed. The fitness tracker notifies you of changes in current performance using a sound signal or vibration.

To start using the bracelet, you need to put it on and connect via bluetooth to your smartphone. Next, install the application for the bracelet on your phone.

Fitness bracelets only sync with specific operating systems, such as Android, iOS, or Windows. At this point, you should pay attention before buying a gadget, because. from synchronization with available smartphone will depend on the possibility of full use of the device.

Another point that you should pay attention to when buying a bracelet is the presence Russified application version.

An interesting feature is the ability to follow the public information of other users. This makes it possible monitoring the health of loved ones you people at a distance, as well as the exchange of sports results and achievements with friends and colleagues.

In order for the analytical data to be correct, you need to enter your gender, height, weight, age and other indicators in the application.

Understanding the operation of the application is not difficult even for older people.

Many bracelets can be optionally replace the straps. Electronic capsules are easily removed from them and worn as a pendant or clip.

How accurate are blood pressure monitors in fitness bracelets?

According to the principle of operation, blood pressure monitors in the form of bracelets are somewhat different from the classic medical blood pressure monitors that are used in hospitals.

The bracelet captures the speed of propagation of the pulse wave, measures the pulse and analyzes this information. Based on the results of calculations, the data is displayed on the display.

The information is true in ~80% cases. The error can be up to 10-15 mmHg st. The accuracy of blood pressure data measured with a wearable gadget, below than when measured with a medical device. However, this is offset by ease of use and the ability to check pressure. unaided.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

"Smart" fitness bracelets with the function of measuring pressure and heart rate have a number of advantages:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • measurement of pressure without special knowledge and effort;
  • blood pressure can be measured at any time and in any position;
  • choice of colors and design solutions for devices;
  • bracelets are made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • readings are displayed on the phone screen; they are easy to understand; understandable, including for older people;
  • can be used continuously or periodically as needed;
  • with the help of the data obtained, it is possible to rationally and correctly select a program of physical activity;
  • hypertensive patients can determine the optimal time for taking medications;
  • are charged from the mains, work on batteries or an accumulator;
  • separate models show the level of cholesterol in the blood, body temperature and other significant indicators of health.

At the same time, there are some disadvantages:

  • mobile application is unique for each manufacturer;
  • the device is relatively expensive (depending on the functionality);
  • some bracelets do not have an audible alert;
  • there are non-moisture resistant bracelets - you should carefully consider the choice in accordance with your needs.

Rating of fitness bracelets 2018 with pressure and pulse measurement

More expensive devices allow you to additionally assess the level of fatigue, sleep quality, physical activity per day, and even the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Thanks to the calorie burn indicator, the owner has the opportunity to monitor his diet. The bracelet will tell you if it's time to go for a run, or you can already eat a cake.

Smart bracelet CK11

The main feature of the fitness tracker with a blood pressure monitor is the accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure pressure.



  • Small battery capacity (up to 2 days in active use, up to 10 days in standby mode).
  • Limited range of connection with the phone (if the signal with the phone is lost, re-synchronization with the device is necessary).
  • To determine the exact blood pressure, it is necessary to measure 2-3 times, and then derive the average value of the indicators.
  • In the notification of an incoming call or SMS, the device does not display the phone number and text of the message.

Fitness bracelet Rovermate Fit Oxy

The main feature of the bracelet: suitable for people who appreciate modern gadgets, but do not need an accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive smart bracelet appearance, modern design.
  • Affordable cost.


  • Average quality of body materials.
  • Small battery capacity (in intensive use mode, the charge lasts for 1-1.5 days).
  • Limited choice of device colors.
  • Weak software.
  • According to users, the application is buggy and spontaneously closes.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, the difference with the tonometer is ± 5 divisions.
  • Inaccurate measurement of the number of steps taken.

Y2 plus fitness bracelet

The main feature of the bracelet: made in a modern design, with the ability to externally personalize the device for yourself, choose a color scheme.


  • Convenient display of time on the screen.
  • Attractive appearance, modern design.
  • Variety of device colors.


  • Inconvenient buckle on the strap.
  • In the official application on a mobile phone, the translation into Russian is made with errors.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate (when measured 2-3 times, the pressure and heart rate are very different from the previous ones).
  • Inaccurate measurement of the level of oxygen in the blood (oxygen levels at rest and while holding the breath are practically the same).

Fitness bracelet E26

The main feature of the fitness tracker with blood pressure and heart rate measurement: it has a wide range of health monitoring options, suitable for people who are actively involved in sports and monitor their physical condition.


  • Various colors of the device (black, green, red, pink, purple).
  • High level of water resistance, class IP67.
  • A wide range of health monitoring options: blood oxygen percentage, pedometer and other indicators.
  • High battery level (up to 3 days active, up to 7 days standby).


The main feature of the bracelet: a high level of battery charge, allows the device to work up to 14 days in standby mode. The fitness bracelet can be completely personalized for the wearer.


  • Lightweight, easy to hold on the hand.
  • Color LED display, pleasing to the eye.
  • The ability to personalize the device for yourself, including choosing a design option for the main screen.
  • Fast synchronization with your smartphone.
  • Fast charging device, high battery level (up to 5 days in active use, up to 14 days in standby mode).


  • The charger is not included.
  • Low sales of the device, it is difficult to assess the durability, as well as determine the accuracy of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.

Fitness bracelet DofX6Sit

The main feature of the fitness tracker with a tonometer is an attractive appearance. A high battery level allows the device to work up to 14 days in standby mode.



  • Fingerprints and greasy spots are visible on the glossy surface.
  • When the device is turned on in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.
  • There is no tactile button for switching device modes.
  • Low sales of the bracelet, it is difficult to assess the durability, as well as to determine the accuracy of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.
  • The device gives an underestimated indicator of the number of steps taken and kilometers per day.

Fitness tracker Herzband Elegance

The main feature of the bracelet is an accurate measurement of pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • Durable Gorilla Glass, it is almost impossible to cause mechanical damage to the screen.
  • Accurate pressure measurement (at the same time, with the smallest errors, the device measures pressure on people of thin build).
  • Wide range of health monitoring options: blood oxygen percentage, pedometer and other options.
  • Affordable cost.


  • When the device is turned on in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.

Smart bracelet H09

The main feature of the fitness tracker is the accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure pressure.


  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with the tonometer is ±3 divisions.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


  • The device comes with a leather strap, which, according to users, is impractical.
  • When worn for a long time, irritation from the sensor of the device appears on the skin.
  • It is not possible to program the frequency of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.

Fitness bracelet Herzband Active

The main feature of a fitness bracelet with a tonometer is an accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for people who need to obtain reliable information on these two indicators.


  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with the tonometer is ±3 divisions (measurements were taken at rest and increased user activity).
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • High battery level.


  • Low quality of information display on the display.
  • When the device is turned on in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.
  • Weak bracelet vibration.
  • Sleep mode, according to reviews, works intermittently.

Smart bracelet V07

The main feature of the smart bracelet is the low cost of the device with a wide range of health monitoring options. Accurate determination of heart rate.


  • The case has a curved shape, which makes it easy to fit the wearer's hand, while being very light.
  • Stylish appearance of the device and modern design of a smart bracelet with blood pressure and pulse measurement.
  • Fast synchronization with your mobile device.
  • The bracelet independently monitors the wearer's sleep pattern and physical activity pattern.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • A wide range of health monitoring options: the percentage of oxygen in the blood, a pedometer per hand (the number of steps taken per day, the distance traveled in kilometers per day, the number of calories burned per day) and other options.
  • Affordable cost.


  • Low battery level (in active use mode - up to 2.5 days).

Fitness bracelet WME2

The main feature of the fitness tracker: suitable for people who appreciate modern gadgets, but do not need an accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • The case has a curved shape, which allows you to comfortably fit the owner's hand, while being very light.


  • The pedometer skips part of the steps, the device gives an underestimated indicator of the number of steps taken and kilometers per day.
  • When training in the cardio belt, steps are not counted and calories are not calculated.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure, discrepancy with the tonometer up to 10 divisions.
  • Sleep mode, according to the feedback of several users, does not work or works intermittently.

Fitness tracker Withings Pulse O2

The main feature of the bracelet is the accurate measurement of the pedometer and heart rate, which will be useful for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • Ability to personalize your device.
  • Wide range of watch accessories.
  • Online user support in English.
  • On the official website of the manufacturer, there is the possibility of competition between different users in the number of steps taken and calories burned per day.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • Accurate pedometer when worn on the belt.
  • High battery level (up to 7 days active, up to 14 days standby).


  • Inaccurate blood pressure measurement.
  • When worn on the arm, the pedometer makes an error, counting fewer steps and calories burned per day.
  • There is no moisture protection.
  • There is no vibration of the device when notification of a call or SMS message.
  • There is no alarm function.

Wearfit F1 smart bracelet

The main feature of the fitness bracelet is the accurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, which will be useful for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • The case has a curved shape, which makes it easy to fit the wearer's hand.
  • Accurate blood pressure measurement. At normal pressure, the difference with the tonometer is ±3 divisions, however, at elevated pressure, the difference with the tonometer may increase.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


  • Low battery level.

Smart bracelet X9 Pro Smart

The main feature of the fitness bracelet: it is suitable for people who appreciate modern gadgets, but do not need an accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • High-quality assembly of the device.
  • Notification of incoming calls and SMS messages.


  • Spontaneous clicks on the screen of the device.
  • The display of information on the screen is not clear even when used indoors.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Low battery level (in active use mode no more than 1.5 days).
  • There is no option to set up notifications from social networks.

Monitor H2

The main feature of the bracelet is the accuracy of measuring blood pressure and heart rate, which is especially relevant for users who need regular pressure measurement without wearing a tonometer.


  • Small size and light weight, which allows the device to remain invisible on the hand.
  • A wide range of accessories and straps for the device (black, red, green, blue).
  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with the tonometer is ±2 divisions. It is possible to personalize the fitness bracelet with setting the pressure range; when the pressure rises, the device will inform the owner with a sound signal.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


Low battery level (in active use mode no more than 2 days).


Thus, among the many gadgets, the best fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and pressure in 2018 is a tracker. An outstanding design, liberal price and, most importantly, measurement accuracy, deservedly made it the leader of our rating. For those who lead a healthy lifestyle, the device is indispensable.

The demand for smart bracelets is growing every year, and more and more manufacturers are releasing new models with wide functionality and fashionable design.

In the spring, everyone begins to think about how to get in shape. Someone buys a gym membership, someone hopes to force themselves to run around the house once again, and someone just starts walking more ... In any case, you will face the question of purchasing a fitness bracelet that will allow you to track your progress (will show the number of steps and calories lost per day), and in some cases, get additional opportunities to control your physical condition.

In fact, there is still no consensus on how necessary this thing is - a fitness bracelet. After all, just having a cute gadget on your arm that counts your steps doesn't make you any more athletic or healthy. But a fitness bracelet can help keep you motivated by making your day's performance more visible and quantifiable. In addition, almost all bracelets can track sleep phases. And some models also offer interesting additional features - notification alerts, smart alarms, etc.

The hardware basis of any fitness bracelet is an accelerometer. This is a sensor that detects movement. And already the corresponding software installed on the smartphone receives the sensor readings via Bluetooth and interprets them into steps, from which calories are then calculated (based on the user's weight-height-age indicated when the application is first launched). Moreover, calorie counting is very approximate, so it is hardly possible to seriously rely on it with a strict diet, for example. But, again, this is a motivating moment.

It is worth mentioning here that it is quite possible to use a smartphone or a smart watch for the same purposes (we told you about how to choose a smart watch), since they also contain accelerometers. But in the case of a smartphone, you will get more or less accurate data only on the condition that you constantly carry it in your trouser pocket so that the vibrations from each step are well felt by them. It is clear that this is not very convenient. Especially if you are at least minimally involved in some kind of sport - for example, run or swim.

Smartwatches are a more logical solution. Like a wristband, it fits on your wrist, and some models are even water-resistant, allowing you to swim in them, take a shower, etc. On top of that, smartwatches with a full operating system offer much more options than fitness bracelets. And, at a minimum, they display the time, which not all fitness bracelets are capable of. However, smartwatches are noticeably more expensive, and most importantly, more bulky. This is especially important if you are going to track your sleep. It is quite comfortable to sleep with a bracelet, but with a watch it is uncomfortable.

In principle, if you already have a smart watch or you decide to get one, then you can save money on a fitness bracelet. But if your tasks are limited to fitness functions, and you do not need notifications and other specific smartwatch features, then it is better to take a fitness bracelet. Fortunately, there are also options with time display, heart rate tracking, etc.

So, let's see what we can expect depending on the price category, and try to highlight the most successful devices.

Cheaper than 3000 rubles

Despite the fall of the ruble, it is now quite possible to find good fitness trackers for less than 3,000 rubles. Of course, you need to understand that these are the simplest options - without a screen, additional sensors and some specific features. Just an accelerometer, a Bluetooth module and a vibration motor (and even then not always) in a silicone case. But if you don't need anything else, why not save some money?

The most famous solution here is, of course, Xiaomi Mi Band. This device came out in mid-2014 and made a splash with its price: only $13! In fact, it was problematic to buy it for that kind of money, especially outside of China, because resellers took everything apart, but even with all the mark-ups of intermediaries, it was a very attractive offer. Note the presence of such a function as a smart alarm clock. You can set the time interval during which the bracelet should wake you up, and specify the days when this should be repeated. Say, if you get up at 8:00 on weekdays, then specify the interval from 7:30 to 8:00 - and there is a chance that the bracelet will wake you up at a better moment in terms of the sleep phase than if you get up exactly at 8: 00.

We tested the bracelet in October 2014, and since then the smartphone app has received an iOS version and got rid of some shortcomings. So this option is quite reasonable and balanced. But even “tastier” looks like the successor of Xiaomi Mi Band – Mi Band Pulse (another name is Mi Band S1). Its feature is the presence of an optical heart rate sensor. Moreover, it can measure the pulse in automatic mode during sleep and constantly record it during training.

However, its price is already on the border of the considered price category (although it can be ordered directly from China and cheaper). But, indeed, such functionality is more typical for more expensive devices. By the way, in the case of fitness bracelets, the relationship between price and functionality is the most direct (unlike smart watches). So the more you want from the bracelet, the more expensive it will be. And, conversely, this applies to the design of the device to a lesser extent. An example of this is the same Xiaomi Mi Band, very nice for its price.

Another factor is the brand. Since the brand in this case is not show-off and whim, but reliability, the availability of a guarantee and at least some hope for good software (which is especially important in the case of fitness bracelets), we recommend that you still strive for branded devices. Apart from Xiaomi in the lower price category, it is only Sony with its SmartBand SWR10.

When this bracelet was just released (in the first half of 2014), it was sold for almost 4,000 rubles, that is, at that time, about $ 100 - not very much compared to competitors, but still expensive for such a simple device. Now Sony SmartBand SWR10 can be bought in Moscow for less than 3,000 rubles (although in some places it is more expensive). In dollars, this is less than 40, and for the money this is an excellent offer.

We can't say that the Sony SmartBand SWR10 is very pretty - it's rather plain, just a black piece of silicone. But he, like the Xiaomi Ma Band, has a smart alarm clock, while many more expensive bracelets do not know how to do this.

There is also an alert for notifications and calls. The vibration alert will help you not to miss a call or a message when your smartphone is in your bag or jacket pocket.

From 3000 to 5000 rubles

Of these, Misfit is on average more expensive (although you can find sales on the Internet where it costs less than 2,000 rubles!), But it is also much more interesting both in terms of functionality and appearance.

Misfit Shine can be worn both as a bracelet and as a clip that is attached to clothing. A chain is sold separately that allows you to turn your gadget into a pendant. All electronics are hidden in an aluminum “coin”, where, in addition to the accelerometer and Bluetooth sensor, there is a standard coin cell battery. Thanks to this, the device does not require recharging, which we think is a huge plus. True, the battery will have to be replaced with a new one every few months.

Another important feature is water resistance. With Misfit Shine, you can safely swim and dive, and the bracelet is able to track swimming and a number of other sports activities (although the information on them, of course, is very general and insufficient for any conclusion about the quality of your training). The disadvantages include the absence of a vibration motor and the strangely implemented work of the alarm clock.

As for the Jawbone Up Move, its creators clearly took Misfit Shine as a model - here is a similar solution with a battery and a clip. Alas, there is no vibration signal either. But, unlike Misfit Shine, Jawbone Up Move cannot boast of an attractive design and full water resistance. But it uses excellent software from Jawbone - this is one of the pioneers in the field of fitness bracelets.

From 5,000 to 10,000 rubles

In this category, we can already count on novelties and devices with really interesting functionality and attractive design. For example, Jawbone Up2 is one of the best smart alarm bracelets, and on top of that, it is beautiful and reliable.

The Up2 was released by Jawbone to replace the popular Up24 model, which, however, often failed because its design assumed the distribution of electronic components along the entire length of the bracelet. In Up2, this problem was solved, and in general the design has improved significantly.

Even more interesting in terms of functionality is the Sony SmartBand Talk SRW30. This is not just a fitness bracelet, but a kind of smart watch, and even with the ability to answer calls.

The model is equipped with an E Ink display that shows the time, incoming messages, information about your activity for the day, incoming calls (yes, using the bracelet you can receive a call and talk without taking out your smartphone!), weather, a remote control for playing music on your smartphone and many other things. Of course, like the Sony SmartBand SWR10, there is a sleep tracking function and a smart alarm clock.

Among the shortcomings, we note a not very long battery life (about three days) and an inexpressive appearance. However, in terms of the combination of qualities, the bracelet undoubtedly deserves attention and is one of the main candidates for purchase if you have an Android smartphone (it will not work with other operating systems).

No less curious hybrid is Huawei TalkBand B2. Here, too, there is a black and white screen, and the main feature is the ability to use the device as a Bluetooth headset. At the same time, the device has a very nice appearance (however, the golden version with a leather strap costs more than 10,000 rubles).

The difference between this model from the first SmartBand and from SmartBand Talk is the function of automatic heart rate measurement every ten minutes. Otherwise, the capabilities of the gadget are identical to the first SmartBand. And the design is not better (but not worse). The main question is why is it needed in this form. We don't have a conclusive answer. Another thing is devices from the next price category, where the heart rate measurement function is implemented much more meaningfully from the point of view of practical application.

More than 10,000 rubles

Jawbone Up3 is the flagship of the current Jawbone line, a stylish gadget with great software. Its main difference from the Jawbone Up2 is the presence of additional sensors that allow you to automatically measure your heart rate. The pulse is measured immediately after waking up in the morning (the bracelet determines this moment on its own and, as our testing has shown, is not mistaken). Statistics accumulate, and if after some time this figure changes dramatically, this will be a good reason to see a doctor.

During the day and night, the bracelet also measures the pulse, starting measurements at a certain time interval (this function appeared after our testing). Night measurements allow you to more accurately record the sleep phases (based on which the smart alarm clock works), and daytime measurements in a passive state will help you understand how stress and consumed substances (coffee, cigarettes, energy drinks, etc.) affect your heart rate.

Another expensive bracelet - Garmin Vivosmart - cannot boast of having a heart rate sensor, but it is compatible with external heart rate monitors using the ANT + protocol. Moreover, the bracelet can be bought directly complete with such a heart rate monitor. Other benefits of the Garmin Vivosmart include a black and white touch screen that displays messages and notifications, water resistance (which Jawbone Up3 unfortunately doesn't have), and very advanced software aimed at people who are actively involved in sports.

In addition, unlike all the other fitness bracelets mentioned in the article, Garmin Vivosmart does not require a smartphone to work. All data is processed in the Garmin Connect cloud service, where they can be uploaded via a Windows or OS X computer by connecting the bracelet with a USB cable. Of course, there is also a mobile application for iOS/Android, and it has become much more convenient in the new version.

By the way, the Garmin Vivosmart HR has recently appeared on sale - a new version of the bracelet, now with an optical heart rate sensor. But this option is still too expensive.

And the last device we will talk about is Mio Fuse. Its main feature is a constant heart rate measurement, and not periodic, like the Jawbone Up3, Sony SmartBand 2 and other models. There are no analogues yet - only chest heart rate monitors. But unlike them, Mio Fuse can show the value of your heart rate, changing in real time, and signal the achievement of different heart rate zones. This may be useful for training.

Statistics about your heart rate is stored in a proprietary application (it is, however, very imperfect). Plus, Mio Fuse can be used as an external heart rate monitor when working with third-party fitness apps and devices (such as a GPS watch). Of course, like other bracelets, Mio Fuse can count steps and calories. But due to the specific appearance and a very large area of ​​​​fitting to the hand for constant everyday wear, Mio Fuse is not very comfortable. Rather, it is just an option for training.


We have told you about only a few fitness bracelets that have passed through our hands and seemed interesting to us. Of course, there are many more models on the market. However, all of them are more or less similar to the devices we have described. Therefore, after reading our guide, you can already independently evaluate the characteristics of the novelty that interests us and compare them with examples from this material.

And, of course, if you are interested in any of the mentioned models, follow the link to a separate article for a more complete acquaintance with the device.

Finally, we will give some general tips for choosing a fitness bracelet.

First of all, it makes sense to buy, first of all, devices from 2014 - the first half of 2015, because their prices are the most attractive. Over the past six months, no qualitative breakthrough has occurred in this area, so fitness bracelets from a year ago and even older still remain relevant.

Secondly, remember that the simpler the bracelet in terms of functionality, the longer it runs on battery power. Simple pedometers will last a week, devices with a built-in heart rate sensor or a screen (even black and white) are significantly smaller.

Thirdly, be sure to pay attention to compatible operating systems. Most bracelets work with iOS and Android smartphones, but there may be variations.

And the last thing: the hardware capabilities of the bracelet are no more important (or even less) than the software ones. And since it is impossible to evaluate the software according to the list of characteristics, do not be lazy and look at the reviews of the bracelet you are interested in, where there would be screenshots of a smartphone application and an assessment of its quality. On the site, we have always paid attention to this and will keep you informed about all the new bright novelties from this area. So stay tuned for new articles!