Show at the hockey game. Hockey show at home tournament

Details Evgeny Kamentsev January 22, 2017 Hockey

Representatives of the Eastern Conference of the NMHL with hockey players "Progress" in the squad defeated the team of the West.

Glazov has been on the hockey map of the country for more than 60 years. In the upcoming 2017, the will of the organizers marked the northern capital of Udmurtia with a thicker dot. Here at the Glazov-Arena for the first time they held the "star match" of the NMHL - the league in which the local "Progress" plays. Officially - Generation Cup. And even though this event was inferior in importance and entourage to the KHL “star game”, which takes place at the same time only 430 kilometers away, in Ufa, for Udmurt fans (far from only Glazov’s, there were also Izhstal fans on the podium) it came to the fore . Hockey celebration at the home arena with the participation of their favorites gathered full stands. Separate empty spaces do not count.

Meanwhile, if the tradition of holding such matches came to us from North America, then the principle of arranging a show from them was transferred only partially. Same here. The organizers did not plan to entertain the public with some near-hockey performances. We limited ourselves to a bright introduction in the form of a rental of the Progress mascot Wolf with the coveted cup in his hands and brief congratulatory speeches.

Unless the arrival in Glazov of the honored coach of the USSR and Russia Vladimir Yurzinov Sr. can be noted separately. Before the match, he held a kind of master class for young hockey players. As the legendary mentor admitted in an interview with journalists, he was in Glazov for the first time.

The participants of the match were tuned in all seriousness. Which is probably not surprising. At this age, 17-20 years old, any duel becomes a matter of principle. Especially when a tangible trophy is at stake.

From the first minutes on the ice, a stubborn struggle began, in which the hosts, the NMHL Eastern Conference team, looked better, fresher and more aggressive. And this fact even more turned on the already emotionally heated fans, since the application of the East team included four Progress hockey players - Artyom Musalimov, Georgy Tukaev, Fedor Vedernikov and Kirill Afanasiev. And, of course, everyone expected goals from their favorites. And they waited. But only in the third period. By that time, the game advantage of the East over the West was already overwhelming. And it resulted in three unanswered washers. The author of the 4th was the captain of the "wolves" Fyodor Vedernikov, and the 6th, the last in this match, was his partner Kirill Afanasiev. Hockey players of the West, in response, failed to hit the gates of the hosts. Thus, the East won a convincing victory with a score of 6:0.

Last Sunday, a friendly match between the Zelenograd prefecture team and the Legends of the USSR team took place.

The meeting was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the opening ice palace"Zelenogradsky", located in the 20th microdistrict. The meeting was preceded by speeches by Deputy Prefect of Zelenograd Alexei Nemeryuk and President of the Legends of the USSR team Alexander Yakushev. The prefect of the district Anatoly Smirnov visited the game. Before the match and during breaks, young skaters performed in front of the audience.

The duration of each period was 15 minutes. The match abounded with scoring chances from the first minutes, goalkeepers Vladimir Morozov (ZelAO Prefecture) and Mikhail Shtalenkov (Legends of the USSR) did not have to be bored. The Zelenograd team opened the scoring: the goalkeeper of the Soviet legends did not react to the puck thrown by Dmitry Danilov - 1:0. But before the break, the guests forward Vitaly Prokhorov made a "hat-trick" by printing the Zelenograd goalkeeper, who had helped his teammates a lot before. In the first case, Prokhorov made a long pass and launched the puck exactly under the far cross. In the second, he received the puck from Roman Ilyin's pass and sent the puck to the goalkeeper's house. In the third - having received a pass on someone else's blue line, he ran to a rendezvous with the goalkeeper and clearly outplayed him - 1:3.

At the beginning of the second period, "Legends of the USSR" dangerously attacked and Prokhorov designed "poker", going one on one with the goalkeeper, he again clearly sent the puck to the "nine". Prokhorov's series of goals was interrupted by Roman Ilyin, who passed from the right and threw under the crossbar - 1:5. Zelenograd players were not able to immediately close a large backlog, Dmitry Shamolin and Boris Shekalin failed to outplay Shtalenkov in the implementation of free throws, which were appointed in this game for each violation. But soon after the second unsuccessful shootout, Gennady Artemyev won back one puck from Alexey Deev's pass. Dmitry Zinin finished off the puck into the net, reflected by Shtalenkov after Oleg Kurbatov's shot - 3:5.

At the beginning of the third fifteen-minute period, Oleg Kurbatov and Vladimir Filippov scored goals against the "Legends of the USSR" and equalized the score. But very quickly, after the transfer of Igor Boldin, Prokhorov again brought his team ahead - 5:6. A little time passed, and Prokhorov scored his sixth goal of the match, beating Zelenograd goalkeeper Maxim Platonov. The defender of the "Soviet legends" Ilya Byakin could have scored one more goal, but did not convert the bullet. Missed the chance to score another goal Prokhorov, who also did not use a bullet. Gennady Artemiev from Zelenograd reduced the gap to a minimum with Vladimir Zhilin's pass. Top scorer guests Vitaly Prokhorov did not implement a bullet, and Dmitry Shamolin used this hockey "standard position" on the second attempt, and the second seven appeared on the scoreboard.

After the end of the match, a series of free throws was held, which also ended in a draw - 2:2.

Friendly match (three periods of 15 minutes).
"ZelAO Prefecture" - "Legends of the USSR" 7:7 (1:3, 2:2, 4:2), in shootouts - 2:2.

Goals: Danilov (Filippov, Deev), 8 (1:0), Prokhorov, 14 (1:1), Prokhorov (Ilyin, Byakin), 14 (1:2), Prokhorov (Ilyin), 15 (1:3), Prokhorov (Byakin), 17 (1:4), Ilyin, 18 (1:5), Artemyev (Deev), 26 (2:5), Zinin (Kurbatov), ​​28 (3:5), Filippov (Lazutin, Danilov) , 32 (4:5), Kurbatov (Mishukov), 34 (5:5), Prokhorov (Boldin), 35 (5:6), Prokhorov (Byakin), 35 (5:7), Artemiev (Zhilin), 41 (6:7), Shamolin, 45 (7:7 - bullet).
Missed free throws in regular time: Shamolin, 20, Shekalin, 25 - Byakin, 40, Prokhorov, 43.
Post-match streak: Artemiev (0:0 - goalkeeper), Davydov (0:1), Danilov (1:1), Ilyin (1:1 - goalkeeper), Filippov (2:1), Byakin (2:2).
"ZelAO Prefecture": Gorosov, Platonov, Morozov - Lazutin, Sukhanov, Khvostunkov, Parshkov, Shamolin, Gavrilov, Artemiev, A. Petrov, Deev, Vorobyov, D. Zhandarov, Stepin (K.), Filippov, Shekalin, Zhilin, Kurbatov, Danilov, Zinin, Mishukov, E. Petrov.
Main coach: Mikhail Sedov.
"Legends of the USSR": Shtalenkov, Shilkin - Gusev, Shatalov, Babinov, Byakin, Tyurikov, A. Golikov, V. Golikov, Davydov, Lebedev, Shalimov, Blinov, Volchkov, Prokhorov, Boldin, Ilyin, Babashov.
Main coach: Nikolay Karpov.
April 17th. Zelenograd. LDS "Zelenogradsky". 400 spectators. The match starts at 14:00.

Alexander Timakov

Traktor played its first game at the Governor's Cup Chelyabinsk region and lost to Avtomobilist in a very productive match in a shootout.

"Tractor"-"Motorist"-5:6 B (1:1, 1:3, 3:1, 0:0, 0:1)

0:1 Elo (Cowkal), 01:24, GB

1:1 Popov (Davydov, Osnovin), 04:26

2:1 Glovatsky (Mokin, Ruzicka), 22:09

2:2 Simakov (Loginov), 23:39

2:3 Dostoynov (Loginov, Elo), 24:22

2:4 Shemerov (Simakov), 36:59

3:5 Golyshev (Simakov, Tryamkin), 45:02

4:5 Osnovin (Glinkin, Popov), 48:46, GB

5:5 Borodkin (Popov, Osnovin), 54:38

5:6 Koukal, 65:00, PB

Goalkeepers: Francoise (Demchenko) - Ustinsky

The updated "Tractor" appeared before the native audience in this form. In the first link, Chistov, Boldyuk and Yakutsenya entered the ice, in the center of the second, along with Glinkin and Popov, Osnovin appeared, in the third line of attack Mokin, Glovatsky and Ruzicka were announced, and the fourth trio looked like Sentyurin - Rybakov - Kokuev. Also in the application were Zinoviev and Korinevsky. It did not appear in the composition of Pestunov, Kruchinin and Penkovsky. The following pairs played in defense - Quint-Borodkin, Martynov-Davydov, Petrov-Khlystov, Shinin-Klimontov. The place at the gate was taken by the Czech rookie Pavel Francouz, Vasily Demchenko became his replacement.

The match was preceded by a traditional solemn opening ceremony, with a welcoming speech by the governor of the Chelyabinsk region. “We wish Traktor only victory,” Dubrovsky said. However, his words did not set the team on victorious mode. In the first minute of the meeting, Artem Borodkin went to the penalty box, and the Finnish legionnaire of Avtomobilist Ero Elo converted the majority - 0:1. However, "Tractor" quickly moved the game to the opposite goal, and Andrey Popov put his stick under the throw of Vyacheslav Osnovin - 1:1! Chelyabinsk immediately got the opportunity to play "5 on 4", but the opponent's goalkeeper Igor Ustinsky failed to score again. Further, the teams ended up "4 on 4" due to the sending off of Oleksandr Boldyuk and Ero Elo, who were separated by a few seconds. Further, Traktor had great opportunities, but Oleksandr Boldyuk and Martin Ruzicka could not realize them. At the end of the period, the Avtomobilist player got 2+10 for an attack to the head, but the team failed to take another majority.

But for the second period, Traktor came out with a great desire to score a goal and soon took the lead in the score. After Martin Ruzicka successfully rolled out from behind the gate, the puck was corrected by Anton Glovatsky - 2:1! But almost immediately Alexey Simakov returned equality, and Alexey Dostoynov even brought the guests ahead - 3:2. Then the teams played once in the majority, Traktor again had Boldyuk on the penalty box. And closer to the second break, the neighbors from Yekaterinburg only strengthened their position more strongly, when defender Alexander Shchemerov scored from the blue line - 4:2.

Traktor started the third twenty-minute period in the majority, which they again failed to convert. But the next two penalty minutes of the opponent still benefited Andrei Nikolishin's wards: Egor Martynov returned the intrigue to this match - 3:4! However, Anatoly Golyshev immediately returns everything to normal - 5:3, taking advantage of the terrible game of the Chelyabinsk defenders. However, Traktor went on a power play and Vyacheslav Osnovin, with Glinkin's and Popov's passes, again reduced the gap to a minimum - 4:5. This was followed by a whole scattering of violations and the removal of Alexander Boldyuk until the end of the match. Although it all went to Traktor's benefit, and Artem Borodkin finally established equality - 5:5! At the end of the third period, Maksim Yakutsenya left the team in the minority, however, Traktor survived, and it came to overtime. In extra time, the Chelyabinsk hockey players missed just one hundred percent chances to score, so the game ended in shootouts. In a series of post-match shots, the only successful attempt was on the account of the Czech forward of Avtomobilist Petr Koukal. Although Vasily Demchenko played very well in shootouts.

Traktor will play the second game of the tournament against Metallurg Magnitogorsk, which previously lost to Avangard 3:4. In the afternoon meeting, Avtomobilist will play with the Omsk club.

Especially for the Traktor Fan Club