Ways to catch wild ducks without a gun. Ways to catch wild ducks without a gun How to catch a wild duck with improvised means

A chapter from my book, The Basics of Survival.
In this chapter, we will talk not only about catching ducks, but also about hunting other near-water birds. In the warm season near the reservoirs, the highest concentration of animals and birds in particular. Migratory ducks, geese, waders appear on the reservoirs. Arriving at a watering place or to collect pebbles, local, sedentary species of birds. Again, on the reservoirs you can hunt, fish and harvest plant foods at the same time or along the way.
Let's start with the fact that ducks, geese, cormorants, pelicans, herons, flamingos and other near-water birds can differ from each other in size, shape, lifestyle, etc. In this case, all these near-water birds are of interest to us mainly from a gastronomic point of view. Therefore, without going into scientific classification, we will divide all near-water birds according to the level of edibility. Ducks (and geese) are diving and ordinary. In diving species, the beak is sharper and the tail of a bird sitting on the water looks down, and in ordinary ones it looks up. All diving species feed mainly on fish and therefore their meat may taste like fish. Fish-eating birds are usually not plucked to reduce odor, but skinned and all subcutaneous fat removed. Sometimes ordinary ducks eat fish, and in order to find out in advance whether poultry meat smells like fish or not, open its beak and sniff the smell from the mouth "". The smell of fish will indicate a possible pre-cooking option.
Waders of all breeds and sizes usually taste good, if sometimes dry. But nevertheless, all near-water birds require sufficient boiling or roasting, as they can be infected with parasites that are dangerous to humans.
For waders walking along the shallows, fences with loops in the aisles are built across the coast (to the water). And it is better to build trapping, covered courtyards with cone passages. Cone passages are about the same as in fishing tops or muzzles. Or the entrances may resemble something like primitive labyrinths. Birds, for the most part, go directly or where the path indicates, they themselves usually do not think of detours. Birds, having fallen into a trap, try to get out along the shortest path, and the hunter must use these features. At the same time, birds, according to the level of their intelligence, should not be considered complete idiots, their unpredictability, often well, very reasonable behavior, can leave you without prey and dinner.
Exactly the same hunting yards, of the appropriate size, but already on the water they put on ducks and geese. Guide fences are placed from the courtyards in convenient directions. Trapping yards can be placed both on water and on land. With and without bait.
There is such a trap for birds, called an earthen stupa. A conical hole breaks out in the ground, up to a meter deep and at the top with a diameter of half a meter. A lid is hung over the pit so that the bird, stepping on the lid, falls into this pit. These mortars can be used both in the aisles of fences, and separately with bait. By the way, such trapping mortars are made from poles and pegs and above the ground for catching upland birds. There is also a variety of wicker, portable stupas, they are also used to catch others, up to songbirds.
Catching birds alive helps to avoid a whole bunch of problems. Superfluous and inedible can be released, or left for later, without worrying about canning.
Ducks, geese and other waterfowl are attracted to any floating objects on which the birds can dry their wings and rest. Based on this, traps with falling lids are built, like traps for upland game. A similar trap is woven in the form of a basket with a false lid and fixed on float logs. A duck (or a goose), sitting on a false cover, falls into the trap and attracts other ducks with its cries, which can also fall into the trap.
The construction of live traps, hunting yards and fences takes a lot of time. For more efficient fishing, simpler traps, loops and hook tackle are used. Loops for geese and ducks are placed in narrow passages between grass bushes and bushes, with the expectation of catching birds with a loop by the neck and legs. Or they put loops on narrow strips of the coast between grass and water with the calculation of catching (herons) by the legs.
For a person who finds himself in an extreme situation, it makes sense to catch birds at watering places. Sometimes near huge reservoirs (and far from large reservoirs too) there are puddles-lakes that attract birds. It is on these puddles that the bulk of non-waterfowl flies. Such puddles are interesting in themselves for observers of naturalists. Birds fly in an endless stream to the watering place exactly to this puddle, and not to the shore of a nearby stretching reservoir. Perhaps the salinity is different or something else is unknown. What kind of birds you will not see there.
At watering places for birds, traps are set according to the type of these birds and their capabilities. In such places, networks with the appropriate cell size work well. Nets are better than loops in terms of catchability and small pieces of nets are often more convenient than loops. Nets can be adapted for both neck and leg fishing. A fine-mesh del from a thick thread can be adapted for guide fences and the construction of hunting yards. Long fishing nets can also be placed in places where ducks, geese and waders feed at night. Nets can be placed both vertically and laid horizontally on grass or water (without weights). Or L figuratively, half on the ground horizontally, and the other half vertically. Options for every taste.
A special conversation about catching birds with hook tackle. You can use this method of catching birds only in really extreme cases. The essence of such fishing is the same as catching fish. A bait is placed on a fishing hook or a needle sharpened on both sides, of the appropriate size: a piece of fish, meat, bread and a bird, having swallowed the bait, is caught. In order for the bird to suffer less and not scare away other birds with its attempts to free itself, a load is tied to the fishing line just above the hook. The duck, having swallowed the bait, pulls off the load from a special raft and the load (stone) pulls the bird's head under the water, where the duck quickly chokes.
A few words about the characteristics of waterfowl. If for ducks, especially for teals, even any large puddle is desirable, then geese and other large birds splash down and land only against the wind. And no matter how attractive the body of water is, if the wind is unsuccessful for their landing, the approach of large birds is not worth waiting for. All waterfowl are well lured by stuffed animals (profiles) of their own kind. This is understandable, where the brothers sit should be safe. The more dummies (or profiles) the better. Waterfowl have very good eyesight and hearing. It is almost impossible to sneak up on a sure shot (40-50m) to a flock of geese. Waterfowl are very cautious and...(!) curious. An unfamiliar and incomprehensible object of the same geese can lure better than a flock of real geese.
Ducks and geese often fly at night to meadows and fields for night grazing. They usually fly to the same places, along the same routes. Once upon a time in the old days they caught birds flying for fattening with huge nets hanging between two tall trees at the place of flight. Geese and large ducks take off against the wind, and if there is a clearing in the forest on the way to take off, then this is where the birds were just starting to gain height and set these nets.
Sometimes the nets are placed at a low altitude above a small river or stream, and the ducks that have taken off are driven into the net on motor boats. But this case is clearly not about those who find themselves in a deplorable situation and need only a piece of bread (without butter).
Geese are one of the fastest birds in flight. Geese also hold a record for altitude, about 7000 meters above sea level and for frost resistance, about 70 degrees below zero. Geese are the last to fly south in the fall and are the first to return to the northern climes in the spring. A flock of geese, usually in a wedge, flies noisily, a continuous cackle, and at first you hear such a flock and only then you see it. The bigger the flock, the bigger the cackle. By sounds and appearance, you can determine what kind of birds are in the flock. Swans and ducks fly almost silently. Ducks flap their wings in flight. Herons in flight throw their heads back and croak, cranes stretch their necks forward and coo. Flying pelicans rarely flap their wings and look more like a picture of prehistoric, flying pterodactyls.
Geese raise their offspring in pairs, while ducks are different. The drake can break the eggs in the clutch, and peck the chicks, and will not allow the duck to sit on the eggs if he sees it. Therefore, spring shooting of duck drakes within reasonable limits is not only not harmful, but even useful. Nature seems to have taken care of the well-being of the duck with ducklings, and while the duck is sitting on the eggs, male drakes begin to molt. They lose their feathers so much that they can't even fly. The molting of drakes and unmarried ducks lasts almost a month, all this time the birds hide in swampy fortifications. A duck (with ducklings) does not shed and can fly all the time. Different types of ducks make their nests in different ways. Some build nests on the banks of water bodies, others away from water bodies. Some on the ground, others on hills, bumps, in hollows of trees and in crevices of rocks.
Geese molt too, and almost without exception. They also cannot fly during molting. If, scaring off enemies from children, one of the pair cannot take off, the second one will not fly either, even to save his life.
An interesting way to catch ducks and geese for drunken bait. On the routes of the spring-autumn migration of birds there are places where flocks of birds rest. Or places of night feeding of birds. Such places are well known for local hunters and are unsuitable for ordinary hunting with a gun, for some reason. There they lay out treats for them: bread, grain or peas soaked in vodka, moonshine or mash. Wash thickets are also suitable, especially on berries and fruits. And it’s easier and cheaper to specially put such a mash specifically for birds. Birds drunk from such a treat go to the hunter. The main thing here is to come for prey in time. Birds quickly get drunk, but quickly sober up. For a slow hunter, a bird, without any thanks for a free drink and a snack, will simply fly away.
A special warning for duck lovers for free in city ponds. City ducks feed on landfills, city cesspools and other unseemly places. In a day, one duck can visit a dozen feeding "" places and it may happen by accident on your clean pond. Catching and eating such birds is dangerous for your own life and the health of your loved ones.
Think carefully before you start waterfowl hunting in suburban areas.

Wild drakes peck at decoy ducks if they look like wild ones. So your goal is very logical. And, of course, a gun will not help you in achieving this goal. In general, you have three ways to carry out your plan.

The first

It is more dangerous - it is hook fishing. But before we talk about how to catch a wild duck on a hook, let's warn. With this method of fishing, there is a risk of damaging the bird during the removal of the hook, so be careful.

We choose a reservoir chosen by wild ducks;
- we find among the snags already on the shore a small and branchy one (it should be convenient to tie several lures to it);
- buy a thin but strong fishing line. It must be invisible in the water, but withstand the battle with the caught duck;
- we attach hooks to the fishing line (no more than 5 or 6 sizes), put the bait on them and fix it on the snag. Ideally, these should be small live fish or frogs. They will attract the attention of your prey with their fluttering. If you don’t have such a luxury, then a crumb of bread, a piece of bacon, will do. Inanimate bait must be hung between the branches of driftwood above the water so that it is visible and does not drown. It is better to make several of these lines with bait of different lengths in order to increase your chances of a good hunt.

Don't forget to properly moor your snag as well. A caught duck in an attempt to escape can drag it all over the lake and it will be difficult for you to keep up with it. Therefore, either tie it with a long rope to something on the shore, or make an impromptu anchor. And again, this method does not guarantee that the duck will not injure itself in an attempt to get off the hook. Therefore, it is better to observe the fishing process from the shore and remove the duck as soon as possible after swallowing the hook.

A more difficult way is trapping. It is he who is ideal if you need to get an intact bird. Traps can be different. For example, it's easy to attract a bird by offering it a convenient way to dry its feathers.

Your actions:

Take some logs and fasten them together;
- put a basket on top (also attached to the logs), on the lid of which pour earth. The basket should have such a lid that, under the weight of a duck sitting down to dry its feathers, would open and the game would fall inside, and the lid would fall into place.

And, of course, you can lure a wild bird with food. Build something like a house with a cone-shaped entrance or a labyrinth-like entrance so that the duck that gets there does not have time to get out before you arrive. Put a lot of tasty things inside and hide nearby.


The last way is catching in snares or loops. If you know how to hide well, know exactly which side the wind is blowing from and are able to lie low for a long time, then this is the best way to hunt. Absolutely not costly in terms of means and forces. Make a pull loop and place a corncob in the center. Wait for the duck to start eating and pull on the end of the rope so that the loop wraps around the duck.

Wild ducks live in all reservoirs almost throughout Russia, even in those reservoirs where there are many people, ducks still live and breed, you probably saw wild ducks more than once when fishing or when you went swimming, the Hermit, as he will live in the wilderness , near water bodies, will observe a lot of this free “floating meat”, but how can you catch this meat if you don’t have a gun, of course you can try with a stone or a slingshot, but most likely you will just scare them away without getting anything and stay hungry and angry.

Here is a really working way to catch ducks on impromptu vents, the meaning is as follows. We take that realties that do not drown will be heavy enough and will not cause suspicion in ducks, for example, a small log with twigs. Next, we tie a fishing line with hooks of the 5th 6th to this log No. 1, the line should be as thin as possible, but still strong enough to withstand the duck, which will desperately resist when you remove it.

Leashes can be tied both to a log and to branches, the length of the leashes can be different, about three meters on average, the longer we go into the reservoir or swim in the boat and set our log on the water where the ducks gather, and put the nozzle on the hooks, the nozzle is live fish or bread or small frogs, we tie the NOZZLE so that if it is alive, it will be in the water, but at the same time it will not swim away and the duck will notice it, for this we make notches on a branch or log and clamp the fishing line about 20-30 cm from baits, so that the bait itself does not pull itself out of the clamp, and the duck, while eating, can effortlessly.

If the fish is dead, then it is not necessary to do so, just plant it and throw it into the water, it will not drown, the duck will find it and eat it, but remember that the live bait itself attracts the duck, as it moves and creates movement on the water. If you use bread, then it must be hung above the water, on those branches that stick out of the water, but so that the duck can easily take it off and swallow it with the water. To increase the efficiency of such fishing, you can make more than ten such devices, in different places and tie more baits, and then catching can go in whole flocks, and I think you’ll figure out what to do with meat - boil stews, maybe pickle, or maybe in the village for something trade or sell.



Loops and traps for catching small animals and large forest dwellers are an affordable and easy way to get food and animal fur, and other types of animal products. Many people think that this method of catching is just pampering, and hunting with a gun is much better, but in practice with a gun it is rather a sport, since current hunting involves tracking down an animal, chasing it and, as a result, an accurate hit, which requires training and at least minimal shooting skills.

Also, such a hunt requires a gun and all permits for carrying weapons and for shooting certain types of animals in a certain period, and even if it hunts in deserted spaces, the sounds of a shot are carried for kilometers around and you will still be interested in the local supervision services "FISH HOT NADZOR" and the district police officer .

And hunting for traps is a secretive silent way of catching an animal, and at the same time much easier and more effective than hunting with a gun. Various traps began to be used in ancient times, but they are still relevant today, since these methods are specifically for mass catching animals and they are widely used by hunting farms, hunters, and this is a favorite way of catching an animal for poachers. By the way, in general, catching an animal with traps is prohibited everywhere with rare exceptions, these are catching quotas for the indigenous population and hunting farms.

Due to the fact that such methods cause irreparable damage to nature, and quickly reduce the number of animals in this area. That is why for a hermit or a resident of a remote area, samolov is an ideal option, since samolov is made from improvised means and is quite simple to master.

When installing, so as not to give yourself away and your craft, do not put loops where people can pass, they can detect traps and spread it all over the district, and then you are guaranteed a meeting with the control authorities, or they themselves can fall into your traps and be crippled and then you will not envy.

The traps represent a wide variety of designs for different animals, I will not describe the details of the manufacture and installation of these traps, since this information can be easily found in books or the Internet, but I will write a rough idea of ​​the traps.

Self-catchers are traps - metal and wooden products for capturing and holding the beast, as well as loops, this is a product made of metal wire or other thin, soft, but simple materials, the principle of operation is that the beast falls into the loop, it is tightened and does not allow the beast to free itself, these are pits with sharp stakes or a net inside - the beast falls into the pit and runs into the stakes or gets tangled in the net, and there are many variations and a method of manufacture and installation.

Wild ducks can be found in many water bodies. This is the traditional prey of hunters. But mallards are not always killed - you can catch a wild duck alive and make it a bait. Sometimes birds are taken home and kept on farms. There are several methods of catching that keep birds alive, and sometimes health.

How to catch a wild duck for breeding

These birds were caught alive back in Ancient Russia. Since then, little has changed. The principles of duck hunting without a gun remained the same. Today, they simply use more advanced materials and devices.

With hooks

Hunters love inhumane methods. Hook fishing is popular. Do the following:

  1. Looking for the right body of water. Choose a convenient place and some snag.
  2. Prepare a trap. Fishing hooks No. 5, No. 6 are suitable. They are attached to a strong and inconspicuous (transparent, colorless) fishing line.
  3. The bait is put on the hook. The best option is a frog or a fish. Crumb of bread, lard and so on are also suitable. Although in this case it is necessary that the bait remains on the surface.
  4. Sometimes they make several traps with fishing line of different lengths. This increases the chances.
  5. Tie a fishing line to a snag.
  6. The slashed ducks actively resist. A small snag often floats away. They imperceptibly fasten it to the shore with a rope or set an anchor.
  7. Hiding on the shore.

Hook fishing always injures ducks. Birds get injured both when trying to escape and when a person takes out the hook. At least the duck's tongue is injured. There are more serious injuries, sometimes - death.

There is less harm when the hunter constantly monitors the process, quickly and accurately removes the hook.


To maintain the health of ducks, other methods are used. These include numerous traps. For example, they offer the bird to dry the feathers, to feast on the bait:

  1. Build a raft from two logs. They are fastened and tied.
  2. Between them, a basket with a hinged lid is installed, which itself closes again after opening. The trap is masked - sprinkled with earth, twigs.
  3. Lower the raft into a pond or other body of water.
  4. The duck wants to dry its wings, to refresh itself with bait. She lands on the lid, falls into the basket and is trapped.

The trap should be checked frequently. Captive and forgotten ducks can die of starvation or become the prey of a predator.

Sometimes a trap in the form of a small cone is used. It resembles a labyrinth. Works like this:

  1. The wild duck eats the bait and gets inside.
  2. The hunter is nearby, so the bird does not have time to find a way out of the labyrinth.


Since ancient times, another simple method of catching ducks has been used. These are well-known snares or snares. You will need a rope and a stick (wood).

You can successfully catch ducks in the former riverbeds. Do the following:

  1. The end of the rope is attached to a stick or peg.
  2. Make a self-tightening loop in the middle. They're thrown to the ground.
  3. The second end of the rope is attached to the spacer.
  4. A bait connected to a spacer is placed in the loop.
  5. Hiding and waiting.
  • wild duck pulling food;
  • the spacer flies off;
  • the rope straightens out, and the trap tightens the leg.


The next method of catching ducks will require almost no materials. For loops, only a rope is needed. However, you can not do without hunting knowledge and skills. The person will need:

  • the ability to navigate the terrain well;
  • knowledge of the habits of wild ducks;
  • patience, readiness to lie in ambush for a long time.

Use the direction of the wind. This is necessary for the correct installation of the loops and your own disguise.

Hinges are installed like this:

  1. Take a strong rope. Make a loop that can be quickly tightened.
  2. Set the trap in a place where wild ducks often visit.
  3. The bait is placed in the middle.
  4. They hide. The wind is taken into account so that the wild bird does not smell the human smell.

When the duck steps into the trap, the hunter tightens the loop on the foot. They do it "strongly, but carefully." Sharpness matters. If you overdo it, you can break the paw of a wild duck.

This device has a modification. The end of the rope is thrown over the branch. This helps to catch flying wild birds.

Several other ways to get a duck alive

There are also less common fishing methods:

  1. Caught females attract drakes from the wild. Sometimes a mixture of wild and domestic ducks is used. Often, drakes fly right into the farmer's yard. It is not difficult to take a male alive in this situation. The flight feathers on the wings are immediately shortened to the prisoner.
  2. They collect eggs and hatch ducklings on the farm. Nests are sought in swamps, in warm reservoirs, floodplains. There they examine hills, bumps, small trees. April and May are best.
  3. Catching little ducklings. They do this, for example, with a piece of net in a pond. Sometimes they steal from the nest when the parents are away.
  4. Wild ducks often walk in the same places with almost the whole family. On the way, a box, a cage, a basket are installed. Raise the edge and put a peg with a rope. They put bait under the trap and wait. When the prey is under the box, the rope is pulled. So often they catch several wild ducks: a female with offspring.
  5. Use fishing nets, rope and 4 pegs. Pull, fasten. They throw bait. When wild ducks gather under the net, they pull a rope tied to a central peg. He falls, and the net covers the prey.
  6. Traps. This method of fishing is dangerous for prey by injuries. To reduce them, use traps made of wood without sharp teeth. Such devices are sold in hunting stores. Traps must be fastened with pegs.
  7. Hypnotic. Mixed with food and thrown where wild ducks often appear. Observe the dosage. The action begins within 2-3 minutes after swallowing the food. Sleep lasts for several hours.

DIY wild duck trap

To catch these birds alive, no complex devices are required. Most duck traps are made by hand: fishing line with a hook, loops, and more.

Many interesting and effective devices have been invented. There are favorites in different parts of the world. For example, in Asia they use such a trap for wild ducks:

  1. Look for a flexible not thin rod. They bend in an arc and stick into the ground. You can set up an ambush in shallow water, at the place where wild ducks come ashore. The diameter of the resulting arc is 30–50 cm.
  2. A thin and flexible young tree is found nearby. The original is bamboo. We have suitable, for example, its analogue for fishing rods - hazel. You can not look for a tree, but firmly stick your stick.
  3. Bend the stem. Tie a rope to the end.
  4. Find a small stick about 15–20 cm long.
  5. Tie it with the same rope. The distance between this stick and the flexible stem is about 20 cm. The second end of the rope remains free.
  6. A small tied reed is wound around an arc. The top end rests on it.
  7. To prevent the flexible tree from pushing this stick out ahead of time, you need a mount. Its role is played by another reed. In length, it is slightly larger than the diameter of the arc. Installed on it parallel to the ground from the side opposite the tree. At the same time, the lower part of the stick is placed on the resulting spacer. The upper one rests on the arc.
  8. When done neatly, the pieces hold together. The tree trunk is tilted. He is assigned the role of a compressed spring.
  9. On a stick parallel to the ground, put a few more across. This is the "scaffold" for the duck. Here she will take a walk in the wild for the last time.
  10. Take the other end of the rope and make a self-tightening loop. Size - large: approximately with a stuck arc.
  11. Put a loop on top of the "scaffold" of the sticks.
  12. They throw bait, for example, rice, millet, corn.
  1. A wild duck comes for food and steps on the "scaffold".
  2. The equilibrium of the system is disturbed. The flexible trunk springs, is released and pulls the rope.
  3. The loop is tightened on the paw.

Catching a duck alive is not that difficult. For hunting, they stock up on patience and simple or cunning traps. Before setting the trap, you can feed the bird. On the paths and at the entrance to the water, grain is poured. If you plan to use the caught duck for further breeding, it is better to use the most humane methods of catching.