Essence of the Estonian diet. Disadvantages of a simple diet

A situation familiar to many of our ladies - the beach season is approaching, a date is planned, and your favorite dress does not fasten, and it is impossible to appear in a swimsuit; and the clock hand freezes treacherously at a completely terrible figure. And what to do? The first thing is not to give up, not to write off "woe and trouble" for age-related changes, "hormones", for a sedentary lifestyle. The second is not to resort to extra-radical measures and not to act according to the principle "but my girlfriend told me ...".

One way out of an unpleasant situation can be a diet for 6 days. There are several options for such diets, but they all involve a balanced diet, the rejection of salt, sugar and pastries.

Many of the six-day diets "work" on the basis of separate meals, the use of dairy products, vegetables, fruits and fresh juices. In any six-day diet, the presence of proteins and vitamins is necessary.

The essence of any diet, including the six-day diet, is moral readiness. A sharp transition to “bread and water” can not only add a couple of kilograms, but also cause damage to the body. Lose weight diet 6 kg in 6 days will help, it is only important to choose the right diet. For someone, the European “six petals” weight loss method is suitable, someone will stop at a kefir or buckwheat diet.

Another important factor is the restoration of water balance. Almost any method of losing weight involves a large daily intake of water - up to 2-2.5 liters, and this is in addition to vegetable and fruit juices.

The effect of any six-day diet will increase many times over if you do physical exercises in combination with it. In this regard, the beauty and health of the body will in no way depend on the "thickness of the wallet." There is an opportunity - you can sign up for a fitness center, no - and you don’t have to, there are whole sets of exercises that you can do at home, you can achieve amazing results.

Effective diets for six days:

"Six Petals". The European method of weight loss, developed by the Swedish dietitian Anna Johansson. The diet has undergone serious clinical trials, and in a short time has found many admirers. Since it has a game element, losing weight with it is not only useful, but also fun.

protein diet. It has both pluses and very serious minuses. The protein technique is not suitable for everyone and has a number of unconditional medical contraindications. The protein diet works most effectively in combination with physical exercises, allowing not only to significantly lose weight, but also to gain muscle mass. The main "working factor" is the complete rejection of saturated fats and simple carbohydrates.

Estonian diet. Reviews about this method of losing weight are ambiguous and contradictory. On the one hand, you can lose up to 6 kilograms in a short time, on the other hand, it is of the hard type, not everyone is able to go through it from start to finish. Completely excludes the use of salt, sugar and vegetable oil. You can start it only after consulting a doctor.

A simple and easy diet is nevertheless effective. There is only one condition - to love a variety of cereals - buckwheat, rice or oatmeal.

fruit diet. Suitable for fruit lovers. Almost all types are allowed for consumption, except for bananas, grapes and cherries. There are several types of fruit diets, but they are all quite rigid, so you need to consult a doctor.

Honey diet. A diet for a sweet tooth is useful and effective, but completely excludes foods containing starch.

These are just short descriptions of diets. More details can be found in the next section.

Diet "six petals"

The basic principle of operation is based on the method of separate nutrition, in which different groups of products are not mixed. This is one of the few techniques (and perhaps the only one) where there is an element of the game, a kind of psychological support.

A large, bright flower is cut out of paper and hung in a conspicuous place (on the refrigerator door, for example). The daily ration is written on each petal. The day passes - the petal comes off, the fewer petals remain, the closer the "hour of victory".

  • The first day - a fish, any, river and sea. Baked in foil and boiled, but not fried, fish soup and fish soup. Greens - please, mild spices - are welcome.
  • The second day is vegetable. You can make a salad, you can stew vegetables, you can make mashed potatoes. Baked pumpkin or eggplant, or beetroot salad with garlic - dishes are selected based on taste preferences. One thing is for sure - the dieter is not in danger of starvation.
  • The third day is chicken. Skinless chicken breast or thighs. Yet again. Bake, boil, stew. Greens and not spicy seasonings - as much as you like.
  • Fourth day - cereals, the most useful - buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.
  • The fifth day is cottage cheese. The best option is cottage cheese with a low fat content, for more spice, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or add natural vanilla. In addition to cottage cheese, natural yogurt or kefir will not hurt.
  • Sixth day and last petal. The kings of the sixth day are fruits. Fruit salads and purees, and just fruits without additives and fresh. Apples, pears, oranges, whatever your heart desires, except for bananas, cherries and grapes.

Pure drinking water, green tea, herbal infusions are used on any day of the diet. The “petal” diet for 6 days is simple, gentle and effective, subject to one simple condition - the order of products should not be violated. A fish day cannot be replaced by a fruit day, and a vegetable day cannot be replaced by a cottage cheese one.

Protein or protein diet

A rigid diet using certain mono-products. Protein diet for 6 days belongs to the category of rigid and has both its adherents and ardent opponents. The advantages include rapid weight loss, the formation of a beautiful figure and the absence of a feeling of hunger. The disadvantages are the exclusion of carbohydrates and fats, the possibility of ketosis - poisoning with ketone bodies and significant physical exertion, which is one of the conditions for its effective operation. It is impossible to start a protein diet without consulting a doctor.

Protein diet - what you can:

  • Lean meat - almost any, to taste: lamb, beef or rabbit meat.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, bean curd - oh yes, please.
  • Fish - red and white, tuna, pink salmon, salmon.
  • Beans and beans or soy will be a great addition.
  • Vegetables - greens, in particular parsley - a source of essential minerals, bell peppers, sauerkraut, onions. For variety, you can include one tomato in your diet.
  • A little wholemeal bread - you have to limit yourself to a couple of pieces.

All dishes are seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice; we say a firm and unequivocal “no” to mayonnaise. There should be at least 7-8 meals, but the portion should visually fit on the palm of your hand. To maintain the water balance, we drink not cold water, green tea and natural coffee, but lemonade and alcohol are completely excluded. And remember that when using a protein diet, physical activity is necessary.

Estonian diet for 6 days

The technique first appeared in the capital of Estonia. It is one of the strict and complex methods for losing weight. Its indisputable advantage is a quick weight loss in a short time. A significant drawback is the possible occurrence of side effects. The program is based on the daily change of the main product. Keep in mind that there are several options for the Estonian diet. With a sparing option, the use of fresh vegetables and dietary soups is allowed, with a strict one - only limited portions of the main product and the complete exclusion of salt, sugar and vegetable oil. It is when using the second option that a feeling of hunger, insomnia, or vice versa, drowsiness can occur. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Estonian diet - menu:

  • The first day - six boiled eggs. Yes, and nothing more. One egg at a time.
  • The second day - a pack of cottage cheese with a minimum fat content and a weight of 0.5 kg. is divided into five parts. This concludes the meals on the second day.
  • The third day - you can please yourself a little with chicken meat. A solid chicken breast weighing approximately 700 g is divided into 5 doses.
  • The fourth day is rice. Rice brown or brown is boiled in unsalted water. A portion of rice in 200 is divided into 5 receptions.
  • Fifth day - 6 potatoes are boiled in a "uniform", one potato is designed for one serving.
  • Sixth day - any number of green apples.

That's all. The diet is over, but even if the result pleases and there is a desire to repeat (perform a heroic deed), it is impossible to return to it earlier than 1.5 -2 months, the body has received a significant shake-up and needs rest. The Estonian diet consumes a lot of water and green tea. And, since with this method the body does not receive minerals and amino acids, we must not forget about vitamins.

Diet on cereals for 6 days

“Porridge is our everything” is the main principle of this diet. An excellent, sparing and non-hungry version of the method for losing weight, approved, by the way, by nutritionists. Porridges contain almost all useful and necessary substances and minerals for the body. Such a diet will not only allow you to remove extra pounds, but also cleanse the body.

Diet on cereals - what you can:

You can - cereal: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. The number of servings - from two to four - depends on the type of cereal and the feeling of hunger.

Diet menu for 6 days:

  • The first day is oatmeal. Hearty and at the same time, a dietary product containing a lot of fiber. We cook on water, we use 2-4 servings a day.
  • The second day is buckwheat porridge. The most high-calorie porridge containing a large number of trace elements. We are preparing 3 servings of buckwheat boiled in water, namely boiled, and not steamed - from the unaccustomed to such a product, the stomach can rebel.
  • The third day is rice porridge. Rice is the most popular product in Southeast Asia. Perfectly removes excess water from the body and is perfectly absorbed. It is great, if possible, to use brown or brown rice at least during the diet. We cook ourselves 3-4 servings of rice porridge for a day.
  • Fourth day. On this diet day, legumes reign on the table - peas or lentils. Which porridge to give preference - everyone decides for himself. Peas are cheaper, lentils do not contain fats and carbohydrates and are the carrier of a unique vegetable protein. Lentil porridge cook 4 servings.
  • The fifth day is semolina porridge, unloved by many. Well, we cook only 100 g, this is quite enough, semolina has the ability to weld well. Semolina is beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Of course, this is not very tasty, but the last day remains to be patient.
  • Sixth day - millet porridge. One of the most useful, as it contains potassium, phosphorus and rarely found silicon. We cook 3 plates of healthy millet porridge.

Fruit diet for six days

Suitable for fruit lovers. There are “soft” options that allow you to supplement the menu with low-fat cottage cheese, other fermented milk products, or a small amount of white meat. There are tougher options when fruits, fruits and only fruits are consumed for six days, fresh and in any quantity, from morning until six o'clock in the evening. Not everyone knows, but fruits contain almost all the nutrients needed by the body. But, despite the apparent simplicity, a fruit diet for 6 days depends on the individual characteristics of the body and may have contraindications.

Fruit diet - what you can:

  • Sweet fruits - apricots, passion fruit, strawberries. Together with sweet fruits, the body will receive the necessary energy.
  • Sour fruits - any citrus fruits, plums, cranberries, currants, cherry plums. Sour fruits deliver the necessary organic acids to the body, and thanks to them, the water-exchange process is activated and fat is broken down.
  • Medium fruits, i.e. fruits with a low sugar content: blueberries, blackberries, apples contain dietary fiber that reduces appetite.

You can eat fruits in combination and in the form of salads, you can try every day to use a certain type of fruit or berry. So the first day is an apple diet, the second is watermelon, the third is plum. The only fruits completely excluded from the menu are grapes, bananas and cherries. The diet is certainly “tasty”, but there is a not very pleasant nuance: from a lack of protein, protein starvation can occur, which active vegetarians so often suffer from.

Honey diet for six days

A diet that is optimally suited not only for those with a sweet tooth, but also for those who care about their health. The correct method of losing weight with the help of honey, on the one hand, will allow you to remove unpleasant wrinkles and extra pounds, on the other hand, it will have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Support and strengthen the immune system.

The principle of the effective work of the honey diet is based on the action of the "correct" complex carbohydrates, and since a negligible amount of protein and fat is consumed, it belongs to the category of high-carbohydrate diets.

Honey is a completely natural product, ideal for any weight loss program. It is important to follow only a few of the most simple rules.

Honey diet - what you can:

Honey, of course. Linden, heather, buckwheat honey. Tea with honey and honey water - as much as you like. With all that, a complete rejection of products containing starch follows. A small piece of cake will reduce the result to zero. But you can and should include in the diet milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A.

An example menu might look like this:

  • fresh honey and a big apple in a bite;
  • cottage cheese with honey;
  • grated apple, sprinkled with honey - a small salad;
  • cream with added honey.

You can add some dietary meat, natural yogurt, pepper, tomato, boiled beets to the menu. There is a variant of the six-day honey diet with a honey drink every morning.

An excellent result can be achieved by combining a honey diet with various types of massage.

The honey diet is suitable for almost everyone. The limitation is individual intolerance to the product or nephrolithiasis.

It is worth remembering that the weight will go away faster if you additionally train in the gym. Alternatively, you can work out at home: for example, daily jogging and jumping rope will help tighten your muscles. The symbiosis of diet and sports will help you lose weight by 6 kg in a week. It is a mistake to abruptly switch to a strict diet - this can harm your health, lead to a plateau effect when the weight stops at one value. This happens because the body feels stress. Diet for 6 days minus 6 kg, includes different dishes, it helps to "deceive" the body, and it is easy to burn accumulated fat.

How much can you lose weight by 6 kg

Minus 6 kg in 6 days is quite feasible, but you should not give up meat, it contains the protein necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. It is important to add fresh fruits and vegetables to the menu, if desired, you can also include low-fat kefir, milk. A rational diet for 6 days burns minus 6 kg, but it is important to remove dishes that contain a large amount of carbohydrates: these are sweet desserts with a lot of calories, chocolates, carbonated drinks. Such products with regular use lead to obesity.

Effective diets for 6 days

The chosen method of losing weight should have not only a low-calorie food set, but also the correct daily routine, for example:

  • go to bed before 22:00;
  • wake up no later than 6:30;
  • plan the last meal before 19:00;
  • any physical exercise to do in the afternoon.

The selected diet of 6 kg in 6 days includes different products, therefore, unlike monotonous mono-diets, it is easy to maintain. Effective methods are:

  • Lose weight with different types of cereals without sugar and salt.
  • fruit diet. It includes available types of fruits.
  • protein diet, which suggests boiled or baked lean meat on the menu. Such a menu will help to remove extra kcal and kg without stress for the body.

six petals

This weight loss method was suggested by the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. Each day is associated with one flower petal and contains only 1 product: it should be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The daily change of the proposed dishes allows you to diversify such mono-diets, so Six Petals is easily tolerated, without stress for the body.


To quickly lose weight in 6 days, you can use a protein diet. The benefit of such a nutrition system is that it is rich in essential amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of organs and their systems. It is worth remembering that you can’t eat up at night, even when the diet has been completed and the bar minus 6 kg of excess weight has been taken. Here are some features:

  • Diet meals can include any lean meats, fish.
  • You can eat boiled offal - kidneys, tongue, heart, liver, as well as low-fat hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, boiled egg white.
  • To prepare a side dish, you should use vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil.
  • Meals should be fractional, you can not overeat, portions should be small.
  • It is important to remember that with any diet you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day.


It includes products whose calorie content is minimal, and in order to get rid of excess weight, they need to be taken fractionally. You can add a fat-burning set of exercises to the diet, which will help to quickly get rid of excess weight. It is worth remembering that with such weight loss it is important to drink plenty of fluids. The Estonian diet is light and has no drawbacks, if you feel hungry, you can add a small grapefruit to the recommended food, do not forget to drink plenty of liquids - tea, rose hips, still water.

Days of the week

Menu for the day


Boiled chicken eggs (6 pcs.)

0.5 kilograms of low-fat cottage cheese

Boiled lean meat, chicken, turkey (700 g)

Boiled potatoes (6 pcs.)

Any kind of apple

Diet on cereals

Subcutaneous fat is deposited in different parts of the body, but to remove it, you can not resort to extreme diets. Eating various types of cereals, you can see the result - this is minus extra calories daily, such food speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. You can add 6 types of cereals to the diet for weight loss, but before you start such a diet, you should clean the body by resorting to an enema. Remember that salt, sugar, butter are not recommended when cooking porridge.

Days of the week





Assortment of all cereals


Such weight loss is minus 6 kg per week. The user can include 1 type of fruit or several, and in the latter case, the body tolerates such a diet more easily. The mono-diet also has its advantages: it is more effective, helps to lose more excess weight. With this weight loss, you need to drink low-fat milk or kefir. From fruits, you can not eat grapes and bananas, they can lead to the opposite effect. The best fruits to eat are:

  • a pineapple;
  • grapefruit;
  • watermelon;
  • Apple;
  • peach;
  • orange.

Nutrition methods that allow you to lose up to 10 kg in a week are designed for those who have about 30% of excess weight. If 2-3 kg is not enough to the cherished ideal, you should not consider this option of reducing body weight, it is better to pay attention to fasting days.

Diet on buckwheat for 7 days

In this diet, the effectiveness and speed of weight loss is combined with maximum benefits for the body. Buckwheat contains a lot of protein, which puts it on the same nutritional level as meat. In addition, buckwheat contains folic acid - a valuable stimulant for strengthening blood vessels.

The basic rules by which the diet is built:

    In addition to buckwheat porridge, tea, water and kefir with a fat content of 1.5%, nothing should be consumed;

    So that the liquid does not linger in the body, buckwheat is eaten without salt. It is poured overnight with boiling water, kefir.

    You can eat only until 18.00, after that they drink only kefir.

    Before eating, you should drink a glass of water at room temperature to reduce the amount of eaten food.

    Diet - every 2 hours in small portions up to 5 times a day.

    The supply of vitamins is replenished by taking multivitamin complexes.

    Regular exercise is essential for effective weight loss.

Menu. It includes only porridge in unlimited quantities and 1 liter of kefir. Water can be drunk up to 2-3 liters per day. Before going to bed, 200 ml of kefir is allowed.

The therapeutic option provides for a therapeutic effect aimed at cleansing the body. Weight loss of 4 kg with this diet option is an additional bonus to cleansing. Buckwheat is poured with boiling water at night, or during the day for 5-6 hours.

In addition to buckwheat, you can add to the menu:

    All dried fruits except raisins;

    Tea, coffee without sugar 3-4 hours before bedtime;

    Oatmeal porridge 1-2 times a week;

    Honey dissolved in tea 1-2 times a week;

    Kefir, yogurt;

    Tomato and cucumber salad without dressing with greens.

Sample menu for the day:

    Breakfast - buckwheat porridge without additives, 2-3 slices of cheese, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;

    Lunch - salad of cucumbers and fresh cabbage, 150 g of chicken, steamed or boiled in water;

    Snack - 1/2 cup yogurt, any fruit except bananas;

    Dinner - porridge without additives, vegetable cutting.

Diet Benefits:

    Even without physical exertion, you can achieve a reduction of up to 10 kg of weight.

    Fiber effectively cleanses the intestines and liver.

    The diet strengthens the cardiovascular system, there are no side effects.

    There is no limit on the amount of food eaten.

Disadvantages of the buckwheat diet:

    Limited number of consumed products.

    The risk of lowering blood pressure to critical levels.

    There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the appearance of headaches, increased fatigue.

To correct the lack of sugar, with the appearance of apathy, weakness, you can add a little dried fruit to the porridge, eat a small spoonful of honey.

Contraindications. Among the contraindications are diseases of the digestive system, lactation and pregnancy, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, depression, intense physical activity.

Minus 7kg on a protein diet in 7 days

The diet is very effective for those who want to lose weight without exercising. The basis of the diet is the rejection of carbohydrates that form body fat. The abundance of protein food allows you not to feel hungry.

Diet principles

When using this method, only protein products remain in the diet, with frequent use of which the body gets stressed and uses the accumulated fat reserves for energy. Weight loss occurs due to the loss of fluid and adipose tissue on the muscles.

Allowed and prohibited products

The diet includes more than 70 different foods, here are some of them:

    Lean meat, offal, skinless poultry, ham;

    Fish, seafood;

    low-fat dairy products;

  • Vegetable protein in the form of tofu cheese;

    Soy sauce, wine vinegar, adjika;

    Mustard, ginger;

    Lollipops without sugar, agar-agar.


    • Breakfast - Sour cream, cottage cheese, apple, green tea.

      2 breakfast - Peanuts.

      Lunch - Cabbage salad, broth, chicken breast.

      Snack - 1/2 orange.

      Dinner - Kefir, green tea.


    • Breakfast - Omelet with ham, tomato, rye bread.

      2 breakfast - Fresh berries.

      Lunch - Fish stewed with vegetables, an apple.

      Snack - Walnuts.

      Dinner - Fresh vegetable salad, boiled beef.


    • Breakfast - Yoghurt, tea, apple.

      2 breakfast - 1/2 grapefruit.

      Lunch - Baked chicken breast.

      Snack - Pine nuts.

      Dinner - Stewed beans with mushrooms, lettuce.


    • Breakfast - Kefir with bran, berries.

      2 breakfast - Green apple.

      Lunch - Boiled fish, 1/2 grapefruit.

      Snack - Almonds.

      Dinner - Boiled shrimps, herbs, tea.


    • Breakfast - Oatmeal on the water with apples, green tea.

      2 breakfast - Mandarin.

      Lunch - Beetroot salad with herbs, boiled lentils.

      Snack - Peanuts.

      Dinner - Cabbage and carrot salad, baked chicken fillet.


    • Breakfast - boiled eggs, orange.

      2 breakfast - Fresh berries.

      Lunch - Vegetable soup with boiled beef.

      Snack - Walnuts.

      Dinner - Cottage cheese, grapefruit.


    • Breakfast - Fruit salad, natural yogurt.

      2 breakfast - Orange.

      Lunch - Seafood fried, cucumber salad.

      Snack - Almonds.

      Dinner - sauerkraut, grilled fish.


    In a week, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight;

    There is no feeling of hunger;

    There are a minimum of prohibitions and restrictions;

    Fat reserves will not return after the end of the diet;

    If you follow the terms of use and follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, the diet is safe.


    The kidneys are under a lot of stress;

    The state of health, the condition of the skin, nails, hair worsens;

    Food is difficult to digest due to lack of fiber

Contraindications, the opinion of a nutritionist. Nutritionists say that when carbohydrates are deficient, the body replaces them with protein. Since protein is used as an energy source, there is a lack of it for the implementation of basic functions - the production of hormones, antibodies, and tissue regeneration.

Due to an excess of protein, ketone bodies are formed as a by-product of incomplete destruction of adipose tissue. Ketone bodies enter the bloodstream, spread through the vessels to vital organs (liver, kidneys).

Since they are toxic, a person who is losing weight experiences symptoms of poisoning:

  • Weakness,


A diet high in protein poses the following risks:

    Due to an excess of protein, kidney stones form, urine becomes acidic;

    Since there is a deficiency of glucose, there are problems with mental activity, weakness;

    Due to fiber deficiency, the activity of the digestive tract is disrupted, the stomach hurts;

    Due to reduced insulin production and metabolic disorders, even a minimal intake of carbohydrates leads to weight gain;

    Due to the lack of glycogen, fluid is not retained in the tissues, the body is dehydrated, the skin loses its tone.

This method of losing weight, although it imposes restrictions on the menu, is very effective. The benefits of kefir provoke those who are losing weight to keep a diet for more than a week. This is fraught with exhaustion and a slowdown in metabolism, so 7 days is the optimal time to restore microflora and reduce intestinal volume. The total period that is recommended to be given to the diet is 20-25 days, since the diet requires a competent way out of it.

Basic provisions:

    The maximum diet period is 7 days;

    Fat is burned due to low calorie foods;

    It takes 7 kg of excess weight per week;

    Despite strict restrictions, this is not a mono-diet;

    In addition to kefir, the diet also includes other low-calorie foods;

    The exit from the diet is smooth, allowing you not to gain excess weight again, with restrictions on the use of sweet, fatty, pastries;

    The frequency of repetition of the diet is once a year.

Which kefir to choose? The main ingredient of the diet should be of high quality, it is better if it is produced according to state standards. 100 g of such a product contains 2.8 g of protein, 0.5% - 2.8% fat. CFU (number of forming units) in a fermented milk drink should not be less than 107 units, if it is prepared on yeast sourdough - 104 units.

Biokefir is prepared on another sourdough, it contains bifidobacteria and acidophilus bacilli, which have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The freshness of kefir is an important quality, for 3-4 days it loses most of the lactic acid bacteria. Long shelf life kefir contains many preservatives to increase shelf life.

You can diversify your diet with the following products:

    Oat flakes, buckwheat, boiled in water;

    Lean beef and veal, white meat and fish;

    Prunes, dried apricots;

    Unsweetened pears, apples, citrus fruits;

    Vegetables (tomatoes, green beans, sauerkraut, cucumbers);

    Low-fat cottage cheese;

    Herbal tea, mineral water without gas in unlimited quantities;

    Natural yogurt.

Products not approved for use:

    Fatty meat and fish, semi-finished products;

    Bread, pastry;

    Sugar and sweets;

    Tea coffee;

    Grapes, bananas.

Basic kefir diet menu for 7 days:

    Day 1 - 0.5 l of kefir and 0.4 kg of boiled potatoes are divided into 3 doses, in the evening you can eat a green apple and drink a glass of kefir;

    Day 2 - 0.5 l of kefir and 0.4 kg of low-fat cottage cheese are divided into 3 doses, in the morning a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee, put 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;

    Day 3 - 0.5 l of kefir and 0.4 kg of any permitted fruit for the whole day, in the morning you can eat an egg and drink coffee;

    Day 4 - 0.5 l of kefir and 0.4 kg of boiled chicken breast with a minimum amount of breast;

    Day 5 - repeats day 3;

    Day 6 - unloading, when only non-carbonated water is allowed, in extreme cases, you can drink 400 ml of kefir;

    Day 7 - the diet repeats day 3.

Menu "hungry" kefir diet for 7 days. In this case, the proportion of kefir increases to 2 liters per day, and the proportion of additional products decreases by 4 times, to 100 g.

Contraindications for this strict diet - increased acidity of the stomach. In each of the 6 meals, losing weight consumes 200 ml of kefir and one apple.

Another option:

    3 days daily, 1.5 liters of kefir per day;

    3 days daily, 1.5 kg of apples;

    3 days daily, 1.5 liters of kefir per day.

In addition, you can drink only plain water. Apples for both options can be baked with 1 tsp. honey, grate and mix with kefir.

Advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of the diet - it is short-term, the body does not starve, but receives a lot of valuable nutrients, the body is actively unloaded.

A big drawback of the kefir diet is the need to do cleansing enemas every evening. In addition, losing weight often feels the urge to defecate due to intestinal upset.

The main ingredient of the diet is pearl barley, which has valuable qualities. It not only promotes weight loss, but also cleanses the body, stimulates metabolic processes.

Diet principles. Pearl barley does not burn fat, the diet works according to a different principle: first, the intestines are cleansed, then excess fluid leaves, and only then, due to the low calorie content of the dishes, several kilograms of fat are taken away.

When returning to a traditional diet, excess weight is likely to return, so it is worth adopting longer sparing barley diets. Since cereals have a diuretic effect, it is important to drink plenty of water. Suitable tea, rosehip broth, mineral water without gas.

Allowed Foods and Prohibited Foods. The diet is based on boiled or baked pearl barley without salt and oil, with spices and herbs. In addition, boiled or baked chicken, beef, flounder, cod cooked without oil are used. They are served with fresh or stewed vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, almonds, walnuts, dried fruits and low-fat fruits.

To improve the taste of dishes, pepper, lemon and juice, aromatic herbs, spices, balsamic vinegar are used.

Fatty meat, lard, white bread, chocolate, pastry, sugary drinks, butter, fried potatoes, alcohol are removed from the diet. So that the liquid does not linger in the body, do not use salt.

Cooking sequence:

    Pour 200 g of cereal with a liter of water for 12 hours.

    After soaking up the liquid, pour 3 more cups of water into the pan.

    Cook over low heat for half an hour.

    Then remove from heat, cover with a thick cloth, leave to swell for another 15 minutes.

Groats are prepared without oil, salt and sugar. Barley will increase 5 times from the original volume.


    Breakfast - barley with an apple, kefir 1.5% (200 ml);

    2 breakfast - a banana or a few nuts;

    Lunch - pearl barley with 100 g of boiled chicken;


    Breakfast - barley with prunes, green tea;

    2 breakfast - an apple;

    Lunch - barley soup, tomato;

    Dinner - pearl barley, vegetable salad, kefir 1.5% (200 ml).


    Breakfast - 0% fat cottage cheese with prunes, green tea

    2 breakfast - banana;

    Lunch - barley, 100 g of baked fish, 1 bell pepper;

    Dinner - pearl barley, boiled egg, vegetable salad.


    Breakfast - barley with an apple, kefir 1.5% (200 ml);

    2 breakfast - a green apple or a few nuts;

    Lunch - barley soup, cucumber;

    Dinner - 0% fat cottage cheese with dried apricots, green tea.


    Breakfast - cottage cheese 0% with nuts and apples, green tea;

    2 breakfast - banana;

    Lunch - pearl barley, boiled egg, vegetable salad;

    Dinner - pearl barley, vegetable salad.


    Breakfast - pearl barley with dried apricots, kefir (200 ml);

    2 breakfast - kefir, a few nuts;

    Lunch - barley soup, carrot and cabbage salad;

    Dinner - pearl barley baked with vegetables, kefir 1.5%.


    Breakfast - 0% fat cottage cheese, banana, green tea;

    2 breakfast - low-fat yogurt (200 ml);

    Lunch - pearl barley, boiled chicken meat (100 g), vegetable salad;

    Dinner - kefir (200 ml).

    Availability and low cost;

    Benefits for skin, hair and nails;

    Efficiency, allowing you to lose up to 10 kg;

    Lack of feeling of hunger at observance of all rules.


    The need for water to prevent constipation.

    Inexperienced users of the diet in the first 1-2 days may experience nausea and hunger.

Contraindications. Barley dishes are contraindicated for persons prone to increased gas formation, constipation. It is not recommended for those who have an increased acidity of the stomach.

White, red, green beans contain a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Delicious salads, soups and other dishes prepared from it help to lose weight and stay healthy.

Diet principles. This diet not only helps to reduce weight, but also heals the body - metabolism and the work of the endocrine glands are normalized, aging is prevented. Weight loss occurs due to a decrease in adipose tissue, not muscle. If you apply a dosed physical activity, the muscles will become more prominent.

The main component of the diet is from 150 to 300 g of beans per day. To prevent constipation and flatulence, the menu includes kefir, drinking dried apricots and prunes. In addition, they eat dishes from boiled and baked turkey, chicken, flounder, hake. In addition, the menu includes fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, eggs, cottage cheese, various nuts.

Allowed spices for flavoring:

    The minimum salt

    Lemon and juice from it

  • Parsley, mint, basil, dill and other herbs.

Since beans are already high in calories, fatty meat, mushrooms, sweet fruits, white bread, and alcohol are not allowed. In small doses, when cooking, it is allowed to use a minimum amount of vegetable oil.


    Breakfast - a glass of kefir 1%, whole grain bread with feta cheese;

    Lunch - beans baked with cheese and vegetables;

    Dinner - boiled beans, vegetable salad.


    Breakfast - a glass of kefir 1%, 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, prunes (3-4 pieces);

    2 breakfast - an apple or a banana;

    Lunch - bean soup, cabbage and carrot salad;

    Dinner - boiled beans, steam or baked fish.


    Breakfast - a glass of kefir 1%, bran bread with a slice of low-fat cheese;

    2 breakfast - fruit or a few nuts;

    Lunch - boiled beans (100 g) with stewed vegetables;

    Dinner - boiled beans (100 g), Caesar salad in olive oil.


    Breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese 100 g, green tea;

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir 1%;

    Lunch - borscht with beans, carrot and cabbage salad;

    Dinner - boiled beans (100 g) with vegetable salad.


    Breakfast - a glass of kefir 1.5%, oatmeal with prunes, bread;

    2 breakfast - fruit or nuts;

    Lunch - boiled beans (100 g), boiled egg;

    Dinner - low-fat yogurt, canned bean salad.


    Breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese, green tea;

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir 1.5%;

    Lunch - beans baked with cheese and vegetables;

    Dinner - boiled beans (100 g), vegetable salad.


    Breakfast - a glass of kefir 1%

    2 breakfast - fruit or nuts;

    Lunch and dinner - boiled beans (100 g), stewed vegetables.

Positive qualities of the diet:

    Beans contain easily digestible protein, a full range of useful substances (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), fiber, vitamins;

    It is a cheap and affordable product;

    It is easy to get enough of a minimum amount of beans;

    Suitable for the nutrition of pregnant women, it is beneficial for anemia and toxicosis.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    To prevent constipation, you have to drink plenty of water;

    To exit the diet, you should cook bean dishes within a week after it ends.

Oatmeal is extremely beneficial for the human body. Its use does not require any age restrictions, it will help you get rid of toxins with comfort, lose weight quickly without harm to health.

Diet principles. This diet should not be used for more than 7 days, as calcium begins to be washed out of the body, and monotonous dishes are very annoying. Since oatmeal is a carbohydrate, protein should not be consumed with it at the same time. It is best if the porridge is cooked not with milk, but with water, without adding salt.

How to cook oatmeal? It is most useful to cook porridge from whole grains, although it is cooked for a long time. Washed oats are poured with water (1:3) and left overnight. In the morning, boil porridge, simmer it for 40-50 minutes, stirring from time to time.

Oatmeal porridge is easier to cook:

    Boil 2 cups of water, salt, pour a glass of cereal.

    Cook until tender, stirring from time to time.

    Add apples, cottage cheese, raisins, cinnamon for taste.

To prepare porridge from "extra" class flakes, you just need to pour boiling water over them for 3-5 minutes.

Unless otherwise noted, oatmeal boiled in water is used on the menu. Its quantity is 200-250 g of porridge per serving.

Day 1:

    Breakfast - oatmeal;

    Lunch - oatmeal, bifido-yogurt;

    Dinner is oatmeal.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - oatmeal, half an apple;

    Lunch - oatmeal, coleslaw and apple salad;

    Dinner is oatmeal.

Day 3:

    Breakfast - oatmeal with skim milk;

    Lunch - oatmeal with milk, an apple;

    Dinner - oatmeal, kefir.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - oatmeal;

    Lunch - oatmeal (flakes) in milk, vegetable salad of radishes and cucumbers;

    Dinner - oatmeal, kefir

Day 5:

    Breakfast - oatmeal, half an orange;

    Lunch - oatmeal with milk, vegetable salad, apple;

    Dinner - oatmeal, prunes (50 g).

Day 6:

    Breakfast - oatmeal (flakes) in milk, an apple;

    Lunch - oatmeal (flakes) with milk, 100 g of vegetable salad;

    Dinner - oatmeal, yogurt.

Day 7:

    Breakfast - oatmeal (flakes) in milk, banana;

    Lunch - oatmeal with milk, vegetable salad (100 g), an apple;

    Dinner - oatmeal (flakes), kefir.

Diet Benefits:

    Slows down the aging process of the body;

    Improves the condition of the skin and hair;

    Reduces excess weight;

    Normalizes stool and the work of the digestive organs;

    Brings glucose levels back to normal.


    A limited set of products bothers;

    Sometimes there is weakness, constipation;

    The period of use of the diet is limited to 10 days, then metabolic disorders may begin.

Contraindications. Pregnant and lactating women should not use this diet. Due to its monotony and imbalance, the oatmeal diet is not suitable for those who suffer from constipation and obesity.

Eating rice perfectly saturates the body, blocks hunger for a long time. It contains protein, carbohydrates and fats, a large number of trace elements. A rice diet will help you lose 4-6 kg, with a load - 8-10 kg, subject to all recommendations.

    Drink at least 2 liters of water;

    Eat about 200 g of protein products per day (cottage cheese, meat, seafood);

    You can not eat sweet, fried, that is, foods containing fats and carbohydrates.

Allowed Foods and Prohibited Foods. The basis of the diet is unpolished rice with a shell, it is low in calories, 100 kcal per 100 g of the product. Because rice absorbs water, plenty of fluids (water, apple juice, green tea) are required. A non-strict rice diet allows the inclusion of fish, seafood, non-starchy vegetables, low-fat dairy products, unsweetened fruits in the menu.

It is forbidden to eat all other cereals, fatty broths and soups, canned foods, bread, legumes, nuts, drink coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Day 1:

    Breakfast - boiled rice, green apple, rye toast;

    Lunch - vegetable broth, boiled chicken breast, boiled rice with chopped herbs;

    Dinner - boiled rice, stewed vegetables, natural yogurt.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - boiled rice, fruit;

    Lunch - fish soup, boiled lentils with rice

    Dinner - steamed omelet, kefir;

Day 3:

    Breakfast - boiled rice, banana;

    Lunch - vegetable broth, boiled chicken breast, boiled rice;

    Dinner - vegetable salad, low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - boiled rice, 1-2 pears;

    Lunch - soup on meat broth, boiled peas with rice;

    Dinner - boiled rice with boiled meat, kefir.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - boiled rice with natural honey, dried fruits;

    Lunch - vegetable salad, boiled fish with rice;

    Dinner - boiled rice, stewed vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 6:

    Breakfast - natural yogurt, fruit salad;

    Lunch - rice, baked vegetables;

    Dinner - rice with green peas, low-fat kefir;

Day 7:

    Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, fruits;

    Lunch - vegetable broth, boiled chicken breast, boiled rice

    Dinner - low-fat kefir with dried fruits.

Diet Benefits:

    Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails;

    Strengthens the cardiovascular system;

    Rice does not contain gluten, but is a high energy food;

    The body is cleansed of toxins, salts, excess fluid, cleansed comprehensively, bypassing exhausting starvation.

Disadvantages of the diet, as determined by nutritionists:

    Weight loss occurs due to the removed water, not fat and toxins;

    Bowel obstruction, weakness, depression, headache, bloating, nausea may occur;

    The dishes are monotonous, you can break loose;

    It is not fat that disappears, but muscle mass due to its splitting into energy.


    Pregnancy, lactation;

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Severe obesity;



    Liver and kidney failure.

White, or milk, diet enriches the body with calcium, minerals and vitamins. With its help, you can get rid of the stomach, lose 1-2 kg and at the same time improve your health.

Diet principles. While following this diet, you need to drink a lot, and eat little and often. The last meal should be scheduled 2-3 hours before bedtime. Foods containing carbohydrates are eaten before lunch.

Allowed Foods and Prohibited Foods. Dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5% are allowed. This is cottage cheese, kefir, milk. They add fish, chicken, lean beef, meat and fish broth, apples, citrus fruits.

You can not eat dairy products with a fat content above 5%, salt, sugar, muffins, white bread, fatty meat, alcohol.

The menu is divided into 2 stages, in the first 4 days the daily diet includes:

    0.5 l of low fat milk;

    200 g unsalted cheese or low-fat cheese product;

    A glass of homemade yogurt;

    1.5 liters of unsalted non-carbonated mineral water.

In the next 3 days, the set of products for the day is:

    A liter of homemade milk;

    A liter of mineral water;

    A glass of homemade yogurt;

    200 g of cottage cheese;

    Lean meat or sea fish (150 g);

    1 citrus fruit.

Milk should be drunk separately, all products should be divided into 5-6 meals.

Diet Benefits:

    The saturation of the diet with protein will have a positive effect on muscle tone;

    Maximum calcium will effectively lose weight;

    The absence of solid food stimulates the burning of adipose tissue.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    Strict diet;

    Lack of fiber

    The abundance of milk causes an imbalance of microflora, disturbances in the digestive tract.

Contraindications. The main contraindication is lactose intolerance, dairy products.


    Condition after stomach surgery;

    skin diseases;

    Contraindications to the use of monotonous food.

The diet, according to inaccurate information, was developed by the US military, hence the name. Thanks to her, in a short time you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

The rules are simple:

    Eat 3 times a day;

    Drink water at will;

    Do not eat after 18.00.

Physical activity doesn't have to be exhausting.

Permitted Products. Allowed the use of protein foods such as eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, tuna. Allowed vegetables: broccoli, peas, carrots, beans, fruits: apples, bananas. You can drink coffee, black tea, eat peanuts, vanilla ice cream.

Advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to the military diet, you can quickly lose weight in preparation for some kind of event. But it is impossible to stick to this diet for a long time, because the amount of calories received is much less than required, a woman may feel lethargy, loss of strength. They are followed by hormonal disorders, health problems. In addition, the weight is reduced due to the loss of water, and, therefore, it will return.

It is not difficult to follow the menu - the first 3 days you need to eat according to the menu given, the next 4 days - whatever you like, but without frills.

    Day 1:

    • Breakfast - tea or black coffee without sugar, half a grapefruit, toast or whole grain bread with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter;

      Lunch - tea, coffee, toast, canned tuna (100 g);

      Dinner - meat (100 g), stewed or boiled green beans (glass), apple, half a banana, a glass of ice cream.

    Day 2:

    • Breakfast - half a banana, toast, chicken egg in any form;

      Lunch - 1 boiled egg, 150 g of cottage cheese, 5 crackers;

      Dinner - 2 sausages, 150 g of broccoli, half a glass of grated carrots, half a banana, half a glass of ice cream.

    Day 3:

    • Breakfast - apple, cheddar cheese (slice), 5 crackers;

      Lunch - toast, chicken egg in any form;

      Dinner - canned tuna, half a banana, a glass of ice cream.

The basis of the diet is to reduce the proportion of fat and calories in the daily diet. It is required to eat by the hour and consume only recommended foods.
Strict rules to follow:

    Six meals a day are used - at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 hours.

    It is required to do a cleansing enema, take natural laxatives.

    Before eating, they drink half a glass of infusion of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula - 1 tsp per 200 ml of boiling water).

    In addition to the infusion of herbs, you can drink no more than half a liter of water per day.

The main product of the diet is 0.5 l of kefir 1%. In addition to it, low-calorie foods are used: white chicken meat, potatoes cooked in uniform, apples, low-fat cottage cheese.

The food set cannot be changed at will, only recommended foods are eaten at a strictly allotted time. A set of products per day should be divided into 6 doses. The breakfast portion is slightly larger than the dinner portion.

The following are the meals that are implemented at the time indicated by the author of the diet - 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 hours.


    boiled potato;

    Kefir (200 ml);

    Baked potato;

    boiled potato;

    Baked potato and 100 ml of kefir;

    100 ml of kefir.


    Cottage cheese (100 g);

    Kefir (200 ml);

    Cottage cheese (100 g);

    Kefir (100 ml);

    Cottage cheese (100 g);

    Cottage cheese (100 g).


  • Kefir (200 ml);

  • Kefir (200 ml).


    Boiled chicken fillet (100 g);

    Kefir (200 ml);

    Baked chicken (100 g);

    Kefir (100 ml);

    Boiled chicken fillet (200 ml);

    Kefir (150 ml).


    Kefir (200 ml);

  • Salad of apple and pear halves;

  • Kefir (200 ml).

Saturday - to spend the day on the same water:

On Sunday, the Wednesday menu is repeated.

The diet is very effective, results are quickly noticeable. All diet products are available, financially not expensive, do not require time for cooking.

Of the shortcomings:

    A meager menu, hunger cannot be avoided;

    Little protein and fiber;

    Losing weight feels tired, nausea, headache;

    It is impossible to endure at least some physical activity;

    It is difficult to eat by the clock, you can use the diet only on vacation;

    It is difficult to maintain the achieved result, for this you should increase the diet from 1200 calories by no more than 100 calories daily.


    The presence of somatic diseases;

    Diabetes mellitus, renal failure;

    Adolescence and old age;

    lactation and pregnancy;

    Mental disorders;

    Cardiovascular diseases and pathologies of the digestive system.

The weight loss technique is designed for those who cannot live a day without sweets and chocolate. Oddly enough, sweets and coffee will help you become slimmer in just a few days.

Diet principles. No need to think that with this diet you can uncontrollably consume sweets. Only 100 g of chocolate is allowed, the regular use of which speeds up metabolism and reduces body fat. Flavonoids of cocoa beans, as well as antioxidants, rejuvenate and help you lose weight.

Dark dark chocolate is most suitable for this, while white contains sugar substitutes and stimulates the deposition of fat.

Menu for 7 days. Within 3 doses, you need to eat 100 g of chocolate, you can drink cocoa prepared with low-fat milk in one dose. In addition, they drink 3 cups of coffee without sugar during the day with the addition of milk, which speeds up metabolic processes.

During the day, not earlier than 3 hours after eating, you can drink up to 2 liters of water or green tea. Excess fluid is excreted from the body by eliminating salt from the diet.

Positive qualities of the diet:

    It will suit the sweet tooth;

    You can lose weight in a short time;

    The activity of the brain, creative activity is activated;

    Due to the high content of endorphins, immunity increases, mood improves;

    Prevention of anemia, cardiovascular diseases;

    Antioxidants in cocoa butter slow down aging.

Of the minuses of the diet:

    Metabolic processes slow down;

    Weight quickly returns, and with the addition;

    You can provoke diseases of the liver and kidneys;

    There is a deficiency of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.


    Allergy to cocoa beans;



    Cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the digestive system;

    fungal diseases;

    Overexcitation of the central nervous system.

It doesn't matter which apples are used for weight loss, dried, fresh, or baked, they are all good for weight loss. They can be used when following a mono-diet, you can eat up during fasting days. The only limitation is that you should not eat them for more than 7 days.

Diet principles. Apple diet can be used at any time of the year, it can take 2-10 kg of excess weight. At the same time, the body is cleansed of toxins.

The variety should be selected in accordance with the needs of the body:

    Varieties with a sour taste can exacerbate the course of a stomach ulcer, in which case they should be baked or take sweet varieties. Sour apples are great for people with low acidity.

    Sweet and sour varieties should not be used for the diet of those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

    Red and bright orange apples can cause allergies.

    Red and yellow apples have more carotene.

    Green apples contain more fruit acids, iron and vitamins, but less sugar and coloring pigment.

In the menu of this diet, only apples and water in unlimited quantities.

1 and 7 days of the diet:

    Morning - 400 g;

    Day - 300 g;

    Evening - 300

2.5 and 6 days of the diet:

    Morning - 500 g;

    Day - 500 g;

    Evening - 500

Days 3 and 4 of the diet:

    Morning - 600 g;

    Day - 800 g;

    Evening - 600

Diet on baked apples. This method of processing apples is acceptable for the digestive system, it makes the diet varied, and allows you to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight. The rate of consumption of apples in this diet is similar to the diet with the use of fresh fruits.

Diet on apples and green tea. The frequency of food intake and its volume remain the same, you just need to drink green tea instead of water, which relieves hunger and starts the metabolism.

Diet on apple juice. Following this diet, you need to drink a glass of apple juice an hour before meals. This technique will prevent overeating, will allow you to eat less.

Diet on dried apples. In addition to dried apples, which will have to be consumed outside the apple season, other dried fruits and nuts can be added. It is impossible to build a diet only on dried apples.

Positive aspects of the diet:

    In a short time, excess weight disappears;

    The body is cleansed of toxins;

    Constipation is eliminated, digestion improves;

    The level of cholesterol decreases.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    Dieting is difficult;

    Losing weight feels weakness and irritability;

    Urination becomes more frequent;

    There is a deficiency of fat and protein.

Indications and contraindications. In the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you can add 1100 g of sugar per kilogram of apples. With gastritis, sweet apples are contraindicated, and with stomach and duodenal ulcers, on the contrary, you should not eat sour apples.

The diet is characterized by a reliable result and a strict but varied diet. If the reason for excess weight was a disturbed metabolism, you can lose up to 4 kg.

Diet principles. The diet of this diet is based on vegetables and fruits, seafood, brown rice, you can drink green tea with milk. We welcome the implementation of cosmetic procedures, massage, cleansing baths.

Allowed and prohibited products. Any fruit is allowed except persimmon, lemon, bananas, grapes, bran, rye crackers. Vegetables - only those indicated on the menu, sauerkraut, sea and fresh cabbage, vegetable juices, half diluted with water.

Protein foods - lean beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey, fish, offal. The meat is boiled, steamed.

Soda, sweets, salt and sugar, soy sauce, smoked meats, sausages, sausages are prohibited. Instead of snacks, it is recommended to drink non-carbonated mineral water, tea, coffee. Before eating, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. Serving volume - no more than 200-250 g.

All ingredients for the menu are prepared in advance.

Day 1:

    Breakfast - black coffee without sugar;

    Lunch - 2 eggs, coleslaw dressed with oil, tomato juice (200 ml);

    Dinner - a large portion of lean fish stew.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - black coffee without sugar, crackers;

    Lunch - boiled fish with stewed cabbage;

    Dinner - boiled beef, kefir 1% (200 ml).

Day 3:

    Breakfast - black coffee;

    Lunch - fried zucchini;

    Dinner - cabbage salad, boiled eggs, a portion of boiled beef.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - coffee, crackers;

    Lunch - a raw egg, grated carrots seasoned with butter, a little cheese;

    Dinner - 1 large apple.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - coffee;

    Lunch - baked fish, tomato juice;

    dinner is an apple.

Day 6:

    Breakfast - coffee;

    Lunch - 0.3-0.5 kg of boiled chicken breast, cabbage salad;

    Dinner - 2 eggs, cabbage salad.

Day 7:

    Breakfast - green tea without sugar;

    Lunch - boiled veal, apple;

    Dinner - any option except dinner for 3 days.

Positive sides:

    With the right exit from the diet in 2 weeks, you can lose up to 10 kg;

    The diet does not differ from the usual;

    Metabolism is accelerated, food is easier to digest;

    If you do not use salt, sugar, alcohol, the body is cleansed of toxins.

Negative sides:

    The menu is not balanced in terms of vitamins; to replenish them, you need to take vitamin complexes.

    There is no breakfast, although the metabolic rate is usually higher at this time;

    Breakfast coffee is a short-term stimulant;

    Large list of contraindications.


    Breastfeeding and pregnancy;

    Diseases of the liver and kidneys;

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Anemia, beriberi;

    Acute infectious and somatic diseases in the acute stage;


Thanks to this diet, you can lose 5-10 kg per week. The power system is not expensive, but extremely effective.

Favorite diet is a combination of 4 mono-diets consumed in a certain sequence:

    3 drinking days;

    1 vegetable day;

    1 fruit day;

    1 protein day;

    1 combined day - the day of the exit from the diet.

Allowed products:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs, tea without sugar;

    Lunch - vegetable soup and fruit;

    Snack - any fruit (kiwi, grapefruit, etc.);

    Dinner - any vegetable salad (cucumbers, cabbage and bell peppers)

The use of alcohol, sugar and salt is prohibited.

Day 1:

    Breakfast - kefir (200 ml);

    Afternoon snack - kefir (200 ml);

    Water and tea can be drunk without restrictions.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - salad (cabbage with tomatoes);

    Lunch - salad (cabbage, greens, cucumbers);

    Snack - salad (cabbage, carrots);

    Dinner - salad (cabbage, peppers, cucumbers).

Day 3:

    Breakfast - kefir (200 ml);

    Lunch - chicken broth (200 ml);

    Snack - milk, kefir, low-fat yogurt (200 ml);

    Dinner - milk, kefir, low-fat yogurt (200 ml)

    Green tea and plain water can be drunk in unlimited quantities.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - orange, apple;

    Lunch - grapefruit;

    Snack - kiwi, apple;

    Dinner - 2 kiwi or grapefruit.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs;

    Lunch - boiled chicken without skin (200 g);

    Snack - cheese or cottage cheese (100 g);

    Dinner - seafood.

Day 6:

    Breakfast - green tea, or orange juice (200 ml);

    Lunch - chicken broth (200 ml);

    Snack - kefir or tea (200 ml);

    Dinner - kefir or milk (200 ml).

Day 7:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs;

    Lunch - vegetable soup, any allowed fruit;

    Snack - an apple, an orange or 2 kiwis;

    Dinner - salad (tomatoes, cucumbers).

Benefits of the diet:

    Allowed foods can be eaten without restriction;

    Feeling unwell almost never occurs;

    You can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight;

    Weight loss occurs at a high rate;

    Short-term period of food restrictions;

    The menu varies according to taste preferences;

    Within 3 days spent on the liquid, the body is cleansed;

    The diet is balanced in vitamins and minerals.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    During days spent on fluids, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible;

    Sometimes there is weakness, jumps in blood pressure, headache;

    There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    A second course of dietary nutrition is possible only after 2 weeks.

To avoid negative consequences, you need to consider contraindications:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;


    lactation and pregnancy;


    Heart and kidney failure;

    Postoperative period after interventions in the abdominal cavity.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

The principles of methods that allow you to lose weight by 6 kg in 6-7 days

The main principles of all methods aimed at combating extra pounds are the following:

  • Refusal of fast food, smoked meats, pickles, sauces, marinades. As well as sweets, soda, alcohol, pastries.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day (when drinking coffee, the amount of water increases by half a liter).
  • Fractional meals 5-6 times with an interval of 2-3 hours until a feeling of hunger appears.
  • A balanced diet is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the proportion of 1.2: 0.8: 3.5.
  • Reducing portion sizes to the size of a fist. Dimensions may vary depending on the specific product. For example, you can eat enough vegetables at a time to fit in two palms. A serving of meat should not exceed the size of an open palm, excluding fingers. Similar sizes for portions of porridge and cottage cheese. You can eat no more than 300-400 g of soup at a time, while you can’t eat the second one.

However, the so-called "express diets" (those aimed at quickly achieving results) have other nuances. One of them is strict staging. By and large, a diet for 6 days is a sequence of fasting days with a different diet. The diet plan may differ depending on the type of diet and the point of view of its developer. However, in general terms, in 6 days you need to achieve the following results:

  • lose six to seven kilograms;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • remove excess fluid, thereby reducing puffiness;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • stimulate intestinal motility;
  • create the prerequisites for subsequent weight loss.

If for other diets designed for a longer period, deviations from the prescribed are possible, then in express diets it is important to observe not only the number of grams and the ratio of products, but also the sequence of their use during the day and the entire diet. Only with this approach, the mark "minus 6 kg" becomes a reality.

The diet provides for a significant reduction in the calorie content of the daily diet. For those who keep fit with the help of active loads, the calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1500 kcal (1700 is acceptable in a normal diet). For representatives of "sedentary" professions, calorie content is reduced to 1300-1400 kcal. Of course, only a nutritionist can more accurately calculate calorie content, based on the initial parameters and characteristics of the body.

Diuretic products (cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon) and drinks (herbal decoctions, dried fruit compote) may be present in diets for faster fluid removal. From them we not only lose weight, but also improve intestinal motility.

Commentary by a nutritionist. One of the most common weight loss mistakes is not eating. This is fundamentally wrong, since the body switches to an energy-saving mode, and calories, instead of being consumed, on the contrary, are stored. A critical mark for the body is considered a caloric content of 1000-1100 kcal. It is better to never go below it, as you can lose consciousness and earn a lot of digestive problems.

Rigid diet menu

A rigid diet is stressful for the body, so you need to stick to it for a maximum of a week, and then return to your usual diet.

How to lose weight by 6 kg in a week:

Diet Peculiarities Approximate diet
low carb No more than 60-70 g of carbohydrates per day. Be sure to drink plenty of water - at least 2-2.5 liters per day. Give up alcohol, fruit juices, fruits (you can grapefruit)
  • Breakfast - hard cheese (30g), protein omelette, cottage cheese + grapefruit, a piece of black bread, unsweetened coffee or tea.
  • Lunch - low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), boiled beans (100 g), a piece of black bread, coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese and egg white casserole, baked fish, lean boiled meat + dried fruit compote
model Salt and sugar are completely excluded, the energy value of the daily diet is 1200 kcal
  • Breakfast - 1 soft-boiled chicken egg, green tea.
  • Lunch - fat-free cottage cheese (150 g), tea without sugar.
  • Dinner - 1 glass of low-fat yogurt or fermented baked milk
Jockey In addition to the diet, massage, sauna and aerobic exercise are used. Boiled chicken, lean veal (300 g each), natural coffee without sugar (3-5 cups), 2.5 liters of water. All food is divided into 5-6 receptions

The above diets are effective, but due to insufficient amounts of nutrients, they can negatively affect well-being. The Brazilian diet is considered more balanced.

Each new day is a new set of products. For example:

  • 1st day - 3 hard-boiled eggs 3 green apples, 3 cups of coffee without sugar;
  • 2nd day - 2 soft-boiled eggs, 100 g of lean boiled beef, protein omelet and stewed spinach;
  • 3rd day - scrambled eggs, tomato, cucumber, 200 g fish baked in foil, grilled vegetables (200 g).

In the future, the sequence of days is repeated.

An alternative to strict express diets can be food, which is often used by domestic and foreign stars. In different sources you can find names: "diet of actresses", "star" or "Hollywood"

An example of a diet from the arsenal of stars:

  • Breakfast - 2 cups of tea or a cup of coffee without sugar, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes.
  • Lunch - grilled meat (piece up to 200 g), salad from any leafy vegetables, apple.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 small servings of biscuit, a cup of unsweetened coffee.
  • Dinner is missing. 2 hours before bedtime, you need to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

As a snack, you can eat dried fruits and nuts (no more than 5-8 pieces at a time).

A semi-liquid diet is considered even more effective. It is primarily indicated for constipation, heaviness in the abdomen and heartburn. Before resorting to such a diet, you need to prepare the body. 3 days before the start of the diet, give up flour, sweets, alcohol, coffee, smoked meats and include more vegetables in your diet.

Daily diet example:

1st - 1.5 liters of milk;
2nd - 0.5 l of yogurt, 2 l of dried fruit compote;
3rd - 6 hard-boiled eggs, 2 liters of green tea without sugar;
4th - 400 g of lean beef, boiled without salt and spices, 2 liters of dried fruit compote;
5th - 700 g of cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini in any proportion;
6th - 700 g of fruit, except for persimmons, grapes, bananas;
7th - oatmeal in water with milk (in a ratio of 2: 1), low-fat cottage cheese (300 g), leafy vegetables, green tea.

Contraindications to rapid weight loss, possible consequences, ways to reduce risks

Rapid weight loss is contraindicated in principle, since the lost weight returns just as quickly, and even with a surcharge. But if for some reason, by all means, it is important to quickly get rid of 5-7 kg, consult your doctor first. There are many diseases in which rapid weight loss is contraindicated. Among them: chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, kidneys, pregnancy and lactation.

There is only one way to reduce the risk - to lose weight gradually and monitor a balanced diet.

How to lose 6 kg in a month by adjusting the diet

If a whole month is allotted for everything about everything, you can slightly adjust your usual diet, and the weight will decrease even without training in the gym. For this you need:

  • Refuse completely from sugar, flour, sweets, pastries, smoked meats, marinades and alcohol.
  • Watch the amount of salt in the diet, as it retains fluid in the body. It is better to stop salting your dishes altogether.
  • Eat lots of fibre. It is found in most vegetables and fruits, cereals and whole grain breads.
  • Drink plenty of water - at least 1.5 liters per day. To speed up the metabolism, you can drink water with lemon and ginger (cut half a lemon into circles per liter of water and add half a teaspoon of grated ginger).
  • Eat no more than 2 fruits a day, but only in the morning.
  • Drink a cup of natural coffee a day, but without fillers (syrup, cream, milk).

Examples of sparing diets that are not harmful to health

Option Breakfast Dinner Dinner
№1 1 glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey, stale bun from flour of any grinding, vegetable salad Vegetable soup, 200 g lean meat, except pork and lamb, vegetable salad of celery and cauliflower A small black bread sandwich with celery leaves, parsley and cheese, a glass of kefir
№2 Vegetable salad of celery and beets, as well as a glass of 1% kefir Boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, meat broth A glass of milk, a piece of black bread with butter or honey, 100 g of cottage cheese
№3 4-5 pieces of radish, soft-boiled chicken egg, a piece of black bread and a glass of 1% kefir salad with celery, steam cutlet, mushroom broth with rice 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, 1 stale bun, a glass of low-fat milk or kefir
№4 2 medium tomatoes, 2 lean sausage sandwiches, 1 cup green tea Stewed vegetables, baked apple, meat broth (300 g) Two slices of black bread with boiled fish, one glass of 1% kefir, one medium green apple

How to lose weight without sports and diets by 6 kg

You can lose weight without sports, just the results will be different (the body will be less prominent). The same goes for diets. But in this case, you will have to reconsider your attitude to food and perceive proper nutrition as a lifestyle.

Here are some tips that will help you to put your body in order without severe restrictions and physical activity:

  • Eat only when you feel hungry. Many are accustomed to eating because it is lunchtime. But each organism is individual, one needs to consume food strictly every 3 hours, and someone may not want to eat even after 5 hours.
  • Do not confuse hunger with thirst. There is a rule: if you want to eat, you need to drink a glass of water and wait half an hour. If you still feel hungry, you can start eating.
  • Do not sort out products. If the thought arises that you want to eat, but it should be some specific dish, but just an apple does not suit you, most likely, this is an imaginary hunger. If it is real, the body will gratefully accept any source of fuel.
  • Chew more slowly. The more food is crushed, the easier it is for the stomach and intestines to cope with the load. And the brain will receive a satiety signal before a giant portion of food is destroyed.

For more information on weight loss, watch the video below.