Tatyana Akimova and her pages in social networks. Russian biathlete Akimova Tatyana: biography, sports career and personal life Biography of Tatyana Akimova

Tatyana Akimova was born on October 26, 1990 in the village of Novye Lapsary, Chuvash Republic. The girl was no different from her peers: she studied well at school, loved to read and meet friends. She was also fond of sports. I chose skis for myself. I got into them at an early age. But pretty soon the sport came to the fore in her life. He devoted all his free time without a trace.

Tatyana Akimova watched the successes of Russian and foreign athletes with pleasure and admiration. When they won the Olympics, I rejoiced with them and most of all dreamed of being in their place.

When Akimova was offered to do biathlon, she immediately switched from one sport to another, which had the same favorite skis plus shooting. The purposefulness of the athlete, supplemented by considerable diligence, soon gave excellent results.

Behind the back of the Chuvash biathlete is a children's and youth sports school named after A. Tikhonov in her native Cheboksary. Here the sports biography of Tatyana Akimova started. Anatoly Akimov has been her personal trainer for more than ten years.

The athlete was first a member of the junior and youth national team of Russia. But soon she was introduced into the reserve team of the country. In 2011, Tanya competed at the World Junior Championships and at the European Championships.

The biathlete managed to achieve her first significant victory in 2011, when she became the silver medalist of the Russian Summer Biathlon Championship. This success allowed her to take part in the Summer Biathlon World Championship. Here, a miracle did not happen, and the athlete from Chuvashia could not win medals.

But in 2013, Tatyana Akimova managed to shine at the Winter Universiade in Trentino, Italy, becoming the winner in the relay race and the prize-winner in individual races.

Unfortunately, the next year did not bring a breakthrough for the biathlete: she took part in the Summer Biathlon World Championship, which was held in Tyumen, but performed unsuccessfully. The athlete took 23rd place in the sprint, and only 25th in the pursuit.

But at the very end of 2014, the biathlete managed to show her best side at the Izhevsk Rifle. She managed to mobilize all her strength and took 3rd place in the individual race and 5th in the sprint. These victories helped Tatyana Akimova get into the Russian team for the World Cup, but due to the lack of qualifying points, the IBU was unable to compete. Therefore, the girl was sent to the stages of the IBU Cup.

In December 2015, an athlete from Cheboksary made her debut at the World Cup in Östersund. In the sprint competition, she started at number 100. Unfortunately, here Tanya was defeated: in her debut race, she took only 83rd place, and came last to the finish line.

The long-awaited breakthrough and triumph came to the biathlete in 2016. And he is doubly pleasant because even Tatyana herself did not expect him. It seemed that such a resounding success did not portend anything. In Canmore, the girl finished only 23. In Presque Isle, 19. She performed much better in the March World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, taking 12th place.

An unexpected victory awaited Akimov in the Czech Republic. In mid-December, at the World Cup stage in the city of Nove Mesto, Tanya won her first and so far the main victory in the sprint.

The biathlete of the Russian national team, commenting on her victory, happily shared that everything worked out for her today. For the first time in her sports career, the 26-year-old athlete managed to enter the top ten, beating rival Dorothea Wierer. This victory turned out to be very important for the Russian team.

At the World Championships in Austrian Hochfilzen on February 9, 2017, as part of the Russian national team, Tatiana won bronze in the mixed relay.

The height of the athlete: 168 cm; weight: 57 kg.

Awards and Achievements of Tatyana Akimova

2013 - bronze medalist of the Universiade in the 7.5 km sprint
2013 - bronze medalist of the Universiade in the pursuit of 10 km
2013 - winner of the Universiade in the mixed relay
2015 - winner of the IBU Awards in the nomination "Rookie of the Year" for the 2015/2016 season.
2016 - Sprint World Cup winner
2016 - World Cup bronze medalist in pursuit
2017 - bronze medalist of the World Championship in the mixed relay
2017 - the winner of the Military World Games in the team race for 7.5 km
2017 - Military World Games bronze medalist in the 7.5 km sprint

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (December 24, 2013) - for high sports achievements at the XXVI World Winter Universiade 2013 in the city of Trentino (Italy)

International Master of Sports of Russia

On March 20, 2016, the biathlete was recognized as the best rookie of the 2015/2016 season according to the IBU and received a special prize

According to Akimova, the coaching staff is to blame for everything. “Last year, when we went through the off-season, rolling in, they constantly explained everything to me. The situation was analyzed and there was always some kind of forecast of my condition for the future,” the athlete explained in an interview with the Sport-Express newspaper.


This season, the biathlete noted, the situation has changed: “We also trained a lot, but I simply could not understand some exercises. I asked the coaches, but no one could clearly explain anything to me.”

It was very difficult for the athlete to train when there was no understanding of the essence of the work. “In the course of the season, I couldn’t even understand when I was getting in shape and when I wasn’t. My condition was a mystery even to myself. There should be contact with the coach! And I didn’t have it throughout the season,” said Tatiana .

According to her, there was simply no dialogue between athletes and terriers. “The coach must be trusted, he must be like a father. I won’t hide: this year we had no contact. There was no dialogue in principle. So where does trust come from? Most athletes want to train with those with whom they trained last year. Very it's a shame," Akimova concluded.

As the site wrote, biathlete Anastasia Kuzmina, representing Slovakia, won gold in the mass start. The second place was taken by the Belarusian Darya Domracheva, the third – by the Norwegian Tiril Eckhoff. The only representative of Russia in the race, Tatyana Akimova, fell at the start and finished the race last.

Tatyana was born on October 26, 1990 in Cheboksary under the maiden name of Semenova, where she began to play sports.

From the first grade, little Tanya was engaged in cross-country skiing, she switched to biathlon quite early, at the age of twelve. At first, I tried to combine both types and even became a master of sports in skiing, but biathlon still prevailed - both in complexity and entertainment.

The first serious starts were the 2011 Summer Biathlon World Championships, and then the 2013 Winter Universiade in Trentino. Only if Akimova failed to win a medal on rollerskis, the athlete returned from Italy with two personal bronze medals - in sprint and pursuit, and gold in the mixed relay.

The debut at the World Cup happened last season in Östersund, where she was only 83rd in the sprint with three misses on the “rack” and, of course, did not get into the pursuit. In total, the Russian woman took part in 6 stages (not counting the World Championship), and her best achievement was 12th place at a distance of 7.5 km and 14th in the pursuit in Khanty-Mansiysk.

At the 2016 World Championship Akimova was entrusted to start in four races. She finished 28th with one penalty in the sprint, 29th in the pursuit and 11th with her team in the relay despite a fall, shooting clean.

According to the results, Akimova was recognized by the IBU as the best newcomer. She finished 45th overall with 145 points.

“This is a very unexpected award for me - at the end of the season it’s like this ... I’m happy. The next goal is to get on the podium,” she said then in an interview with R-Sport. “It gives some kind of incentive for the future, we will fight. To grow every year, you need to make more efforts in training. I think we will work, and the result will grow! This is a huge motivation for me for the next season."

As a goal for this season, Akimova called the need to gain a foothold in the first team. At the same time, the athlete is sure that she can guarantee herself a place only with consistently good performances. So, at least, Tatyana spoke before the start of the season. And in the future, the athlete, of course, dreams of an Olympic medal.

The personal trainer of the biathlete is her father-in-law Anatoly Akimov, who is also her first coach, who, obviously, is the father of her husband Vyacheslav Akimov, a two-time European champion among juniors.

It is curious that at first it was Vyacheslav who showed great promise and was considered a very promising athlete. Today, according to the athlete, he is the main fan and adviser, even despite the fact that he did not manage to perform at the World Cup or the IBU Cup.

In her free time from training and competitions, Tatyana loves to read and tries to learn English. In the list of recently read - a biography of the famous Norwegian skier Bjorn Delhi. According to Akimova, learning about the accomplishments of great athletes, she motivates herself for further work.

Among the idols Akimov calls Ole Einar Bjoerndalen. However, the athlete believes that with age and the achievement of certain successes, they can change. I would like to believe that soon Tatyana will be able to ask this question again.

Russian biathlon star Tatyana Akimova has recently become famous and is now rightfully considered one of the main contenders for gold in the competitions of the upcoming season.


The future athlete was born in 1990 in the suburbs of Cheboksary. By nationality, Tatyana is a Chuvash. From the first grade, the girl enrolled in the cross-country skiing section and began to show good results in training. She also managed to study well in a comprehensive school and most of all loved humanitarian subjects.

But gradually the sport came to the fore, friends appeared in the section and even the first love, which grew into a family in adulthood.

While skiing, Tanya always imagined herself with a weapon in her hand and watched famous biathletes. At the age of 12, she was offered to go to the biathlon section, and she agreed without hesitation. Perseverance and regular training very quickly made it possible to show good results on the ski slopes in Russia and the world.

Sports career

Tatyana got into biathlon thanks to her coach, and more recently, her father-in-law Anatoly Akimov. He became for her not only a coach at a sports school, but also a personal trainer. The coach not only trained the young athlete, but also helped with the purchase of expensive equipment for sports competitions.

At the beginning of her career, Tatyana was a member of the youth national team of the country and in 2011 made her first debut in its composition at the European Championship. But only six months later, she was able to show a good result at the Russian Summer Biathlon Championship. From there, the biathlete brought silver and got the opportunity to compete at the World Championships. But, unfortunately, she did not achieve victory there.

But already in 2013, Tatyana managed to prove herself at the Winter Universiade in Italy. She received the victory for the relay race and a prize-winning place in the individual race.

In 2014, Tatyana again took part in the summer biathlon competitions at the World Championships. But she failed to show a good result in any category.

But in the winter season at competitions in Izhevsk, the biathlon star rehabilitated and showed good results in the sprint, and took third place in the individual race.

These victories became a ticket to the World Cup, and in December 2015 she competed in Östersund. But Tanya came last to the finish line.

Only in 2016 did the long-awaited success come to Tatyana, and she was able to win the sprint. It happened at the World Cup stage in the Czech Republic. This victory became a landmark not only for the biathlete, but for the entire Russian team.

Personal life

The love of Tatyana Akimova's life is her current husband Vyacheslav Akimov, the son of her coach. Young people have known each other since childhood and went in for biathlon together, and in 2015 they got married.

A sports family is always together, young people do what they love - biathlon, and also spend leisure time together and do household chores, which Akimova demonstrates on Instagram.

Social networks

Biathlete Tatyana Akimova on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tanyaakimova1/. Here she uploads photos from training, as well as pictures with her husband and fellow biathletes.

Personal page of the athlete VKontakte - https://vk.com/id36898647. Here the information echoes the posts from Instagram. Also from here we managed to find out that the other day the girl is waiting for the performance in the individual race in Östersund, Sweden. There is also a fan group on VKontakte athletes - https://vk.com/we_love_tatianasemenova.

Unfortunately, we were unable to find Tanya's personal and official pages on Odnoklassniki, Twitter and Facebook. Apparently, the heroine does not have enough time to maintain additional social pages.

Loud victories of biathlete Tatyana Akimova are yet to come. Her fans under each post wish her good luck and gold medals.

Tatyana Akimova, whose biography, sports career and personal life are presented in this article, is a famous Russian biathlete. She is the winner and prize-winner of the World Cup stages, as well as the owner of the World Championship.

Biographical information

Tatyana Sergeevna Semenova was born in October 1990 in the capital of Chuvashia, Cheboksary. As a child, the future biathlete was not much different from other girls - she studied well, loved to hang out with friends and read books. Tatyana also loved sports, especially skiing, which she was fond of from early childhood. It was they who became the companions of the girl for many years.

Going in for skiing, Tatyana Akimova always watched with interest the performances of biathletes. Therefore, when she was offered to switch to this sport, she agreed without hesitation. And very soon her hard work, dedication and perseverance brought the first successes.

The beginning of a professional career

Studying in Cheboksary at the A. Tikhonov Youth Sports School under the guidance of V. M. Pavlov, biathlete Tatyana Akimova soon began to be attracted to republican and international competitions. She began to be called up to the junior, and then the youth Russian team.

The first successes came to the 21-year-old athlete in 2011. At first she performed at the world and continental junior championships, but, unfortunately, she could not take prizes. But Tatyana did not give up: at the Russian Summer Biathlon Championships, she sensationally became one of the winners.

This success allowed her to get into the team that competed at the World Championships in this sport. However, at the competitions in the Czech Nove Mesto Tatiana failed to repeat her achievements.

First international successes

The turning point for biathlete Tatyana Akimova was 2013. During her performances at Trentino, Italy, the Russian athlete made a large number of journalists and experts talk about herself.

First, she became third in the sprint, and then repeated her achievement in the pursuit. A few days later, Tatyana, along with Sergey Klyachin and Alexander Pechenkin, won the Universiade gold medals in the mixed relay.

In 2014, the athlete was not able to particularly please her fans. At the Summer Biathlon World Championships in Tyumen, Tatyana Akimova did not perform very well, taking places only in the third ten. Only at the end of the year she was able to prove herself at the commercial tournament "Izhevsk Rifle". Here Tatyana became the third in the individual race and the fifth in the sprint.

Performances in the IBU Cup

Tatyana Sergeevna Akimova, after such performances, was able to break into the Russian team, but could not compete at the World Cup due to the fact that she did not have the qualification points scored in IBU tournaments. Therefore, the leadership of the national team decided to send Akimova to compete in the IBU Cup.

In the 2014/15 season, she made her debut at the stage in the Polish Duszniki-Zdrój, where she finished sixth in the sprint. At the next race, Tatiana was already fourth. These results were enough for the young athlete to make her debut at the most prestigious world biathlon competitions.

Performances at the World Cup

For the first time, Tatyana Akimova entered the track of the World Cup stage at the end of 2015. At the first stage in Östersund, Sweden, she participated in the sprint race. Unfortunately, the debut turned out to be unsuccessful: having started under the 100th number, Akimova ended up in the ninth ten with three misses.

At the next stage in Hochfilzen, Tatiana took 66th place, and in Ruhpolding she scored credit points for the first time. In the sprint, the Russian athlete was thirty-second, and in the pursuit race - forty-ninth. Akimova improved her performance at the stage in Canmore, Canada. Here she became twenty-third in the sprint.

At the next stage in Presque Isle, Tatiana participated in the relay race for the first time. Unfortunately, the debut failed here too: the Russians took only seventh place.

The most successful start for Akimova was the stage in Khanty-Mansiysk. Here she became twelfth in the sprint and fourteenth in the pursuit.

In the next season, Tatyana Akimova was only expected to improve her results. And she did not delay with this: at the very first stage, she became fourth in the mixed relay. But the real sensation occurred in the Czech Nove Mesto. Akimova first sensationally won the sprint race, and a day later she became third in the pursuit race.

Tatyana spent the entire season 2016/17 relatively smoothly. In almost every individual race, she fell into the points zone. Another "shot" she succeeded at the World Championships in Hochfilzen: Tatyana Sergeevna Akimova became the bronze medalist in the mixed relay.

On the eve of the new biathlon season and the Olympic Games, both the coaching staff of the national team and ordinary fans have high hopes for the Russian biathlete. According to the athlete herself, she will do everything possible to please them with her success.

The personal life of an athlete

The Russian biathlete, previously known under the name Semenova, has been listed as Tatyana Akimova in all official protocols since the summer of 2015. It was then that she married Vyacheslav Akimov, who is the son of her coach.

Tatyana's husband is also a well-known biathlete, who in 2011 became the European champion among juniors. Now he plays at the stages of the IBU Cup.

In their free time from the training process and competitions, the Akimov family often appears in public, but even more often they can be found fishing.

Tatyana also started an account on Instagram. Here she puts her photos both from training camps and competitions, as well as her own photo shoots for sports and