Leg training on simulators. Mass leg training for men in the gym - professionals reveal the secrets of effective pumping! Calf exercises

It's going to be hard leg day in the gym! If you're ready to take on a challenge, this 6 hip and calf workout will help you rock your legs. Do not be afraid. Just try!

First of all, you can look at the so-called "Best Leg Workouts for Mass Gaining in the World", yes there are such ones and they have thousands of views, but none of them will become effective if you do not put in the maximum effort in the gym. On leg day, more than on any other day, the dependence of success on effort is unambiguous. To build big legs, thighs, and calves, you have to want it, and resist the temptation to back off.

And then, of course, you still need to follow a well thought out training program. Of course, you can hit your quads hard with endless triple leg supersets that will surely make you scream in pain, only it will not give you growth. The burning sensation is part of the plan, but not all.

Our methodology does not reinvent the wheel. It is built around common and time-tested sequences and rep ranges. This is effective, but difficult for a beginner to understand. Some of the moves are technically difficult - more than a little bit of time to master the dynamics of the movement in the case of the barbell squat and front squat - so take your time before lifting huge weights.

Leg workout in the gym. Complex of 6 exercises

1. Start Regular Bodyweight Squats

Squats are the undeniable exercise to start leg day. Why? Let's count the benefits. Squats max out your leg muscles, you can do them with a lot of weight, they engage your entire lower body (and more than half of your upper body), and studies show they increase muscle growth hormone release more than any other movement.

Squats are actually a group of exercises that involve hip and knee movements. There are many variations, all of which have their value. Some differ in bar placement, others in the type of equipment used, and still others in foot placement.

You can start your day at the gym with a barbell squat or a variant of the single leg squat. We will perform the exercise - squats with a barbell on the shoulders, for this we need a high power rack with a neck. It is placed at a height just below the shoulder girdle. This variation is preferred by most bodybuilders because it hits the leg muscles fairly evenly, and because you can squat with more weight than other variations of the exercise.

The most common recommendation is to squat at least to the point where your hips are parallel to the floor, but to be honest, this varies from person to person and depends on flexibility. No matter how deep you squat, it is important that your spine stays straight and never bends (rounds) which can cause dangerous damage to the discs.

Solution: work on your flexibility; stiffness in the thighs and calves can also affect the depth of your squats. The time you spend on technique will pay off with more performance, a deeper squat is always a better squat.

Execution Method

Do several warm-up sets, increasing in weight each time, but never go near failure on a warm-up. Most workouts call for an 8 to 12 rep range, which is the best zone for building muscle, but for the first few working sets of your leg workout, when the strength level is huge, choose heavier loads. So instead of picking a weight that gives you failure at about 8 reps, go heavier for a set of 6 reps. This will give you a little more incentive to build strength.

2. Do Another Variation of the Squat by Adjusting the Intensity and Angle

No, now is not the time to use the machines. In this leg program, you won't even get close to the machines for the rest of your workout.

We're still focusing on knee and hip movement, and your best bet is probably the one that's the most disliked and therefore the hardest exercise. Most powerlifters are a little behind in quad development, so the front squat is a staple of their leg program.

Simply moving the bar from behind the head to the front changes the distribution of the load on the lower muscles. This puts more stress on the quads than on the glutes and calves, and means that weights need to be reduced. The movement also requires you to stay more forward, which can be safer for your back and also allows you to squat deeper.

Execution Method

Since you've already done some serious strength work from sets of 6, consider lighter weights that can be done for sets of 10-12 reps. You will be working a little on other muscle fibers, and in doing so, give them a stimulus to grow.

3. Add a load on the hamstrings

4. Add a one-way movement, for a separate study of the legs

Now that you have the heavy bilateral work behind you, it's time to work each leg individually. The Bulgarian squat, where you lock your back leg on the bench behind you, is the perfect choice. Raising the back leg forces the front thigh, especially the quadriceps, to take on more workload and also engage that leg's glutes. If balance is too difficult at first, you can do double squats or lunges. As a last resort, you can do it in a Smith machine.

If you think the Bulgarian squat is a weak and ineffective exercise, it is not. On the contrary, this is the main arsenal in the leg program. According to research, some EMG data shows that 4 sets of 10 reps to failure of the Bulgarian Squat is not too different from the barbell squat. The same study also found similar testosterone spikes in Bulgarians and barbell squats.

Execution Method

You won't be able to use a lot of weight on this move, even if you have a lot of strength left from other exercises. Do 3 sets of 10 reps alternately on each leg.

5. Add volume by exercising for a pump

You can't build big legs using only machines, which is why the leg press exercise is not at the top of our program. But machines are perfect for adding volume to your workout after your hips are already on fire and it's hard to keep balance and good tone.

Moreover, you can adjust the position of your feet on the projectile platform to change the focus of tension. A high stance hits the glutes and hamstrings more, while a low stance focuses stress on the quads. As before, the deep range of motion involves the glutes and hamstrings more.

Since this part of the workout is about pumping the muscles as much as possible, light weight sets are more appropriate here than with squats. Pumpig stimulates hypertrophy by delivering blood to the muscles, a different growth mechanism is activated than with the loads created by heavy squats at the beginning of this leg program.

Execution Method

Mentally tune in and proceed to your hips. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps, dropping the last set to increase the burning.

6. The last exercise - lying leg curl

The hamstrings are the antagonist of the quads, so you need to supplement them with work to match the front of the thigh.

A leg movement that better emphasizes the lower hamstring above the knee is also a good addition to a leg program focused on the upper parts. This is a good pumping exercise and is the perfect finishing touch before heading to the locker room.

Execution Method

Finish this leg program by doing 3 sets of hamstrings and finally drop a set like a leg press.

Leg day. Notes for the training program

  • - Warm-up sets are not included; do as much as required, but never use warm-up sets for muscle failure.
  • - Use a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure on the target rep. Rest as much as you need, but try to reduce this time gradually to 1.5 - 2 minutes.
  • - For exercises 5 and 6, do the drop set on the final set. That is, once you reach initial muscle failure, quickly reduce the load by about 25 percent and continue the set.
  • - Once you reach failure again, reduce the load again by 25 percent and continue with the drop set for as long as you can.
  • - In the first week of training, do only 2 sets of the first two exercises to control muscle sensitivity, and limit all other exercises to only one set, completing it to failure. As you progress, adjust the load by choosing the amount of exercise that suits your strength.
  • Video: leg workout

Strong and beautiful legs are the goal of any person who pays attention to himself and goes in for sports. For some, the priority in training will be an increase in endurance and development of relief, and for someone - an increase in the number of muscle fibers, that is, an increase in muscle width and an increase in their mass.

Depending on your goal, choose exercises (their complexes), as well as the number of repetitions and weights. Today we will consider the most effective of them for building muscle mass.

Let's start with the fact that in order to achieve the desired result, your workouts for pumping legs for mass must take place at least 3 times a week, their duration should be from one and a half hours to an hour, not taking into account warm-ups and stretching.

Between training days must have a rest day to restore muscle strength. Warming up and stretching is a very important part of your workout, as it reduces the risk of injury and prepares the joints and muscles for more serious stress.

What number of approaches and repetitions should be done for the growth of muscle fibers in breadth:

  • The optimal number of approaches for the gym - 2-3, for homework - 3-5.
  • Number of repetitions in the gym - 8-12, and the last couple of times should be given to you with great difficulty. If not, then increase the weight to improve efficiency. As for training at home, you can increase the number of repetitions to 14-17.

Brief anatomical data

Before starting the exercises, I would like to briefly touch on the topic of anatomy in order to know which of the exercises affects which muscle group.

The main muscle groups being worked on will be:

  • gluteal;
  • leading m. thighs (front surface) - quadriceps;
  • abducting m. thighs (back surface) - biceps;
  • m. shins.

How to pump up in the gym?

There are basic leg exercises for mass (they involve several muscle groups in the process at once) and isolated ones (they are often used after a series of basic ones to work out a lagging group).


Barbell Squat

Affects the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. starting position: standing, legs straight, are at shoulder level, hold the barbell on the trapezius muscle (not on the neck!).

After a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly lower yourself down. In this case, the knees move forward a little, and the gluteal muscle and pelvis move back, the body forms an angle equal to 45 ° with the wall plane. We squat until the heels touch the floor (or the thighs are parallel to the floor plane). We strain the muscles of the thighs, focus on the heels and rise up, inhaling and taking the starting position.

If you want to focus on the quadriceps, put your feet narrower than the shoulders, if on the biceps - wider.

With this exercise a large load falls on the extensors of the back, so be careful and do not slouch when performing, use a belt if necessary.


Acts on the buttocks, lower leg, biceps, extensors of the back. starting position: the legs are bent at the knee joints, the hips are parallel to the floor plane, the back is straight. Hands hold the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than the shoulders.

We take a deep breath and begin to smoothly raise the projectile, slightly reducing the shoulder blades. Fully straighten up, exhaling air. Inhale again, hold your breath and return to the starting position, exhale.

leg press

We swing the lower leg, biceps, buttocks. Starting position: sitting on an incline bench with legs at shoulder level, located on a special platform. Legs at the knee should not be fully extended.

He removes the platform from the fuse and, while inhaling, slowly lower it to the chest. In the position of maximum flexion, the angle in the knee composition should be 90 °. As you exhale, you should return the platform to its original position, while tensing your muscles as much as possible and pushing the platform with your heels. At the end of the approach, we again fix the platform with fuses. Throughout the exercise, the back should fit snugly against the back of the bench.

The load on the biceps and quadriceps can also be adjusted according to the principle of the width of the legs.

The advantage of this exercise is that if you have a back injury, you can safely perform it without fear of inflicting additional injury on yourself, since it is not involved in it.


Bending the legs in the simulator lying

We swing the biceps, partially the calf muscles. Initial position: lying on the bench of the machine, the emphasis of the legs under the roller is above the Achilles tendon, hands on the handles of the simulator.

You should bend your knees to a right angle while inhaling, hold this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.

Choose the right weight especially for you, so that during the exercise there are no jerky movements. The hips should always fit snugly against the bench.

Reduction of legs sitting in the simulator

The inner part of the thigh, biceps is affected. Starting position: sitting in the simulator, hands on the side handles, legs apart and behind the blocks.

On the exhale, we bring the legs to each other and hold at the point of maximum approach for a couple of seconds. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

Particular attention should be paid to the upper body, which must remain stationary.

Leg abduction while sitting in the simulator

The outer part of the thigh, buttocks are trained. Starting position: sitting in the simulator, hands on the side handles, legs brought together and located behind the blocks.

The principle of work is the same as in the previous exercise, only we work on breeding legs.

We download at home

If for some reason you do not have the desire or opportunity to work out in the gym, we can advise you on an excellent selection of exercises for working out the muscles of the legs at home. Recall that the number of approaches should be at least 3, and repetitions - 15.

Let's move on to exercises to pump up the muscles of the legs - calves, biceps and the rest - at home, and a description of how you can correctly and effectively achieve the result.

Classic squats

Quadriceps, gluteus, biceps work. Can be performed both without weighting and with additional weight(dumbbells, if any, or just a heavy bag).

The only thing worth watching is that it does not go beyond the level of the toes, that is, the shins should be perpendicular to the floor.

Read more about proper squat technique.

Various lunge options

If you step 1 wide step forward and sit down (thigh parallel to the floor) - this will be considered a lunge forward (mainly quadriceps and gluteal muscles), if to the side - then a lunge to the side (outer thigh, buttocks, quadriceps).

Raise with one foot on a support

The muscles of the thigh, legs and buttocks swing. For this exercise, you you will need a chair in addition to dumbbells.

From a standing position (with dumbbells in hand on the sides), we put one foot on a chair previously placed in front of you. Next, we transfer all our weight to it and make it a support, then we raise the second one with a bent knee joint to the level of the waist. Then everything is in reverse order. Returning to the starting position, we take the other leg.

Romanian deadlift

The biceps and buttocks are trained. Starting position: standing, legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, arms weighted at the sides in a neutral position.

Trying to keep your back straight, lean forward, while simultaneously retracting the pelvis and gluteal muscle back. At the same time, your hands will be at the level of the knees in front or slightly lower. With a breath, we return to the starting position.

  1. Cardio - 5 minutes.
  2. Squats.
  3. Forward lunges with weights.
  4. Bending the legs in the simulator lying down.
  5. Deadlift.
  6. Side lunges with weights.
  7. Reduction of legs in the simulator while sitting.
  8. Cardio - 15 minutes.

To increase efficiency, you can conduct training in the form of supersets.

Approximate complex:

  1. Squats with a barbell, sitting legs in the simulator.
  2. Leg press, deadlift.
  3. Side lunges, bringing legs together in the simulator while sitting.

Useful video

Here you will see how to gain muscle mass on the legs in the gym:

And this video will tell you how to pump up calves and other leg muscles at home:

It is quite possible to have a beautiful shape of the legs and buttocks, you just need to make a little effort, willpower and, of course, endurance, since no one has yet canceled the diet and the right one. Do not forget about the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness, because in its absence, the muscles will not be able to recover as quickly as possible. We wish you good luck and sports success!

If you consider it important for yourself to increase the number of muscle fibers, then this complex is created for you. Strong legs- an integral part of any athlete. The selected effective exercises in the program are aimed not only at working out the muscles of the legs, but also at increasing the strength of the whole body.

Leg weight training program: a set of exercises

Before embarking on a training program aimed at gaining muscle mass in the legs, you need to warm up properly. This will avoid significant micro-traumas and sprains when performing a particular exercise. Light running in place, jump rope will help you with this. But first, stretch: gently pull the toe of your foot towards you; stretch your feet; make 20-30 leg swings to the right and left, kneading the inguinal region. All exercises must be performed carefully, slowly.
A set of exercises designed to pump up the legs and calf muscles as quickly as possible in the gym. How to do the tasks correctly can be found below in the article.

Leg weight program for men

Exercises Sets Reps/Time
Squats 6 15, 12, 12, 10, 8, 6
5 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
4 15, 12, 10, 10
4 15, 12, 10, 10
4 20, 17, 15, 12
4 20, 17, 15, 12


One of the basic exercises. Work is being done on several joint movements at the same time. The bar is the guarantor of that noticeable result.


  1. Position your feet shoulder-width apart. Feet point forward.
  2. When doing a squat, keep your heels stationary. If it doesn't work out, add pancakes.
  3. Grasp the bar with 4 fingers on one side, and with your thumb towards them. Hands must be placed at an equal distance from the center: this will maintain balance when squatting.
  4. The gaze is directed above the horizon to fix the correct position of the neck. In addition, it will provide protection against spinal injuries.
  5. Remove the bar. Place on your shoulders. Watch your posture. Lean forward a little.
  6. Squat. Remember, the knees should not be located further than the level of the feet, and the buttocks become parallel to the floor.
  7. When returning to the starting position, push off with your feet from the floor. Do not straighten your legs completely, fix the moment of slightly bent legs. Pay special attention to your breathing. Movements should be as smooth as possible.

How much: 6 sets of 15, 12, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps.

Mass Exercise "Press Legs"

Safe basic exercise. There is no negative load on the spine. A simulator with a movable platform at an angle is used.


  1. Sit on the platform. Press your back and head to the support. During the exercise, do not change the position of these parts of the body to avoid possible injury.
  2. Rest your feet on the platform. The wider you place your legs, the more effective the tension of the muscles of the hips and buttocks will be.

How much: 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps.

Bending the legs lying on the mass

Exercise isolated: the back surfaces of the thighs are involved. The simulator is either horizontal or with a variable bench angle. It is more convenient to use the first one, it helps to stretch the muscles. For the same result on another bench, you need to bend in the lower back. There is a risk of back injury.


  1. Lie down so that your knees are over the edge of the bench. The roller rests on the ankles. The legs are parallel.
  2. Press the body firmly against the bench, grab the handles with your hands. Do lifts.

How much

The quadriceps of the hips are worked out in isolation.


  1. First of all, adjust the simulator. Set the weight to the lowest setting, then gradually increase. It is necessary in order not to accidentally injure the knee joints.
  2. The back should be firmly pressed against the surface of the simulator. When performing the exercise, the roller should be on the top of the foot. Hold on to the handles to secure the body.
  3. Inhaling, straighten your legs. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Exhaling, slowly lower. Repeat actions without time interval.

How much: 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10 reps.

Tension of the calf muscles.


  1. In the simulator, stand with your toes on its lower part. The heels remain behind the edge of the platform.
  2. Next, use a special soft support for the shoulders. Straighten up, fix the body. Do lifts.

You can do the same with the Smith machine. It is only necessary to organize a low platform. Then get up and get to work.

How much: 4 sets of 20, 17, 15, 12 times.

So, like the previous one, it is considered isolated. The difference is that when lifting while sitting, the load falls on the soleus muscles. And they are located below the calf. Both exercises are included in the complete workout.


  1. Adjust the load in the simulator. Sit down with your knees under the rollers.
  2. Straighten and bend your ankle.

How much: 4 sets of 20, 17, 15, 12 reps.

Tips on how to properly pump legs and calves in the gym

Stretch at the end of your leg workout. This will make it easier to get through the next day after class. It is also recommended to take a bath, go for a massage session. It is important not to confuse muscle pain with joint pain. The reason for the second variant of the appearance of discomfort may be the wrong technique for performing exercises or an already acquired injury. In this case, you should consult a doctor. Be attentive to your health!

Nothing transforms the physique like well-developed legs. In this article, you will learn about the best leg exercises.

If you regularly go to the gym, but at the same time neglect leg exercises, then your body will look like this ...

I perfectly understand your reluctance to train legs.

I confess that I myself often skipped leg workouts, and because of this I looked like a guy in a photo.

But I realized my mistake and I won't make it again. And although my legs lack definition and volume (which is a matter of time), they are still quite well developed ...

I also learned to enjoy leg workouts.

Be that as it may, the bottom line is that it takes a lot of time and effort to develop the muscles of the legs, and for this it is not enough to do only squats.

Of course, squats are an extremely important part of your leg workout, but if that's the only thing you do, then you could benefit a lot more from your time in the gym.

  • the most effective way to create a leg workout program;
  • the best exercises and techniques for their implementation;
  • my favorite workout program that you can start using right away.

Let's start!

Anatomy of leg muscles

Before we talk about training, I would like to briefly review the main muscles of the legs so that you know exactly what we need to develop.

Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris) is a muscle that consists of 4 heads and makes up the main muscle mass of the front of the thigh. The four heads of the cradriceps are:

  • rectus femoris;
  • lateral broad muscle of the thigh;
  • medial wide muscle of the thigh;
  • vastus intermedius muscle.

Muscles of the lower limb

The main part of the back of the thigh is:

  • semitendinosus muscle;
  • semimembranosus muscle;
  • biceps femoris.

Here's what they look like:

And last but not least, what is worth mentioning is the back of the lower leg, which consists of two muscles:

  • calf muscle;
  • soleus muscle.

Here's what they look like:

As you can see, the main part of the back of the lower leg is the gastrocnemius muscle, under which is the soleus muscle.

These are the main muscles of the legs, to the development of which we must direct our efforts.

There are also a large number of small muscles that significantly affect our ability to work on large muscles, but we do not need to consider each of them separately.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you will develop them along with large muscle groups.

The Simple Science of Effective Leg Training

The three biggest mistakes that most people make when exercising their legs are:

  1. Doing inappropriate exercises

Many people focus too much on machines and isolation exercises when they should only be considered as an addition to the main exercises.

  1. Wrong squat technique

And I don't just mean incomplete repetitions. There are many other common mistakes, such as rounding the lower back, too narrow stance, and incorrect knee position.

  1. Doing too many reps

Such training inhibits the growth of all muscle groups of the body.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that when building muscle, the more heavy weight compound exercises you do (80-85% of 1RM or more), the better your results will be.

And if you hear any fitness model claiming to have huge muscles due to the high number of repetitions, then know that steroids have not been done here.

I know it sounds cynical, but it's true.

If you take steroids, then it is extremely easy to achieve muscle growth: stay in the gym for several hours every day, do more repetitions in each exercise, and the muscles will become bigger and bigger.

Steroids make muscles grow quickly, but ligaments and tendons can't keep up with this growth, so weight that may seem light to you may be overwhelming for connective tissues.

Therefore, joint injuries are common among those who use steroids.

In any case, do not despair - you can build great legs without "chemistry".

For example, look at this bodybuilder competing in natural competition:

Although he may not actually be a natural athlete (it is very easy to get around the drug test in many federations), but I think that it is quite possible for any natural athlete to build legs like his.

To achieve such (or almost such) result, it is necessary to have certain knowledge, as well as diligence and patience. The strategy is pretty simple:

  1. Focus on core exercises with heavy weights

If you want big and strong legs, then do 4-6 or 5-7 reps

  1. Do exercises that allow you to safely apply the progressive overload method.

As a natural athlete, you must take into account the following principle: if you do not get stronger, then you will not get bigger.

Rule #1 of natural muscle growth is progressive overload, which involves constantly increasing the working weight over time.

Some exercises are not suitable for both heavy lifting and progressive overload. For example, leg extension puts more stress on the knees.

Another aspect of leg training is the total number of reps you do in a week.

This becomes especially important when you do a lot of heavy weight exercises, because the main rule is:

The heavier the weight, the fewer reps per week you should be doing.

Heavy weights take longer to recover. This means that you cannot do a large amount of work without the risk of overtraining.

I have tried many different training programs and found the one that works best.

This statement applies not only to the muscles of the legs, but also to all other major muscle groups.

Now let's move from theory to practice and look at the best exercises aimed at increasing muscle mass and leg strength.

The best exercises for leg muscles

There are many exercises for the legs, but only a few of them are really necessary to perform.

The list of the best exercises for the leg muscles is quite short: several types of squats and lunges, as well as several exercises in the machines.

Before we look at them, let's talk about the Smith machine.

Should You Use the Smith Machine?

If we talk about squats, the main drawback of the Smith machine is that it provides less growth in muscle mass and strength compared to free weights.

One of the main reasons for this is that in such a simulator the neck moves along a constant vertical path. On the other hand, free weight exercise requires you to balance the equipment to prevent it from swinging and deviating from the correct trajectory.

I used to do squats on the Smith Machine and never lifted more than 105kg for multiple reps. When I first switched to free weight, I barely mastered 85 kg.

That was a few years ago and since then I've increased my normal squat weight to 165kg for 2-3 reps and front squat to 125kg for the same reps (not outstanding, but respectable).

Power rack is the best choice

A regular power rack is a good option if you are training with a spotting partner. But if it is not there, you will probably not be able to apply maximum effort, for fear of not mastering the weight in one of the repetitions.

Even if you are an experienced athlete and know your abilities well, when training to muscle failure, there may be a situation where you feel that you can do one more repetition, but fail.

Use a power frame. Here's a great frame from Rogue that I highly recommend.

The limit bars are what makes the frame so indispensable. Set them to the right height and you can safely take the bar off your shoulders when you can't finish a rep. Here's what it looks like:

Let's now move on to an overview of the exercises I recommend.

The barbell back squat is by far the most effective exercise for building muscle and leg strength.

Many people think that this exercise is only for the legs, but it is not. In fact, this complex exercise involves all the muscle groups of the body, except for the chest.

However, it must be done correctly. Incorrect execution not only makes the exercise less effective, but also increases the risk of injury.

The first thing you need to know about squats is proper squat depth. You should lower your hips to at least parallel to the floor.

Here's what I mean:

Note that the pelvis is slightly below the level of the knees, and the hips are slightly below the line parallel to the floor.

There are several reasons for this position, but one of the main ones is that the shallower the squat, the less the muscles work, and this leads to a decrease in their growth.

Also note that the head and spine are in a neutral position, the chest is forward, the shoulders are back, and the knees are slightly forward of the toes.

These are the key points that will ensure proper squat technique. Here's what it looks like in action:

Before we move on to the next exercise, let's talk about the deep squat.

First, here's what it looks like:

While deep squats have their upsides (they place more stress on the legs and especially the buttocks), they require more mobility and flexibility—much more than most people.

If you are not, then squat to parallel. Deep squats are not necessary for building large and strong posterior chain muscles.

Lack of flexibility in the hips is perhaps the most common problem that prevents people from properly performing squats. But low mobility in the back of the thighs, calves, and ankles can also cause problems.

Fortunately, you can quite easily solve or prevent such a problem by exercising under this program.

  1. Front squat with barbell

The barbell front squat is by far my second favorite leg exercise.

Research shows that front squats work the quads more than regular squats (which work the hamstrings more) and also reduce stress on the knees and lower back, making them ideal for those with problems in those areas.

Here's how to do this exercise:

Yes, at first you may experience difficulty or inconvenience, but the more often you do the exercise, the better you will get it.

When I started doing front squats, 60kg put a lot of pressure on my shoulders. Now I work with a weight of 125 kg and do not experience any discomfort.

  1. Barbell lunges

While lunges are considered a quad exercise, studies show that they target more the hamstrings and glutes.

Whatever it was, this exercise should be included in your leg training program.

Here is how they are performed:

  1. Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is one of my favorite hamstring exercises.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Bulgarian split squat

Although you may observe that only a few people in the gym do this exercise, I consider it worthy of attention.

In fact, the split squat is becoming more and more popular among trainers. And not in vain.

Research shows that split squats can be just as effective at increasing 1RM in the squat as the squat itself, while putting less strain on the lower back.

In addition, they differ from front squats in that they more actively involve the hamstrings.

  1. Hack squats in the simulator

Although I'm not a fan of machines, I love this exercise because it focuses on the quads.

Along with front squats and split squats, this is an effective way to train your legs and hips with minimal stress on your lower back.

  1. leg press

Leg press is another exercise performed in the machine, which is specifically aimed at developing the strength of the quadriceps.

Most gyms have 2 types of leg press machines.

In one, you sit in a more or less upright position, pushing your weight forward and back:

In the other, you sit and press the weight at a 45° angle:

I prefer the latter option, as it allows you to do the exercise with a full range of motion. Here is how this exercise is performed:

  1. Lifting the pelvis with emphasis on the bench

Although this exercise looks simple, it is great for working on the buttocks.

It can be performed without weights or with light weights:

Or with relief:

  1. Rise on socks standing

This simple exercise is a tried and true way to work your calves.

  1. Lifting on socks while sitting

This exercise is also a worthy option for developing the calf muscles.

I like the fact that this exercise does not put additional stress on the lower back.

  1. Rises on toes in the leg press machine

This is another calf exercise that I enjoy doing.

remember, that progress is the key to muscle growth.

These are the best exercises for leg muscles.

However, the key to success is not simply implementation these exercises, and in continuous progress in them. That is, you must increase the working weight over time.

If you don't get stronger, you won't get bigger.

If you work on building strength by doing these exercises, as well as eating enough food, then your legs will definitely improve. will respond to these actions.

Comprehensive leg workout

A good leg workout includes exercises to develop the quadriceps and hamstrings, and also emphasizes the basic exercises with a lot of weight. It may also include exercises for the buttocks and calves, if needed.

As with other muscle groups, a high rep range can benefit leg muscles, but you need to focus on heavy weights if you want muscle growth to continue over time.

You can learn more about building a workout program in my books Bigger Leaner Stronger and Thinner Leaner Stronger, but I want to give you a simple example of a leg training program that you can follow for the next 8 weeks to see how my adviсe.

For 8 weeks, train on the following program once every 5-7 days.

As you can see, the program includes 9 heavy sets for the hamstrings and quadriceps, while the exercises for the muscles of the buttocks and calf muscles are up to you.

Real leg training is quite exhausting and painful. Therefore, the solution to the question of how to pump up the legs will require long and diligent work. The time and intensity of classes will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

A complete leg workout should include a variety of exercises to evenly pump all muscles. A qualified trainer, after listening to your wishes, will select effective leg exercises in the gym in accordance with your level of physical fitness. In addition, it will help determine the optimal duration and frequency of training and explain how to properly perform the entire set of exercises.

Important! Before embarking on intense training, go through a medical examination and consult a doctor.

Features of pumping legs for mass

Legs during training take on a significant load. Therefore, a proper place in the complex of exercises should be occupied by pumping the legs to the mass. The program is designed to increase muscle mass as quickly as possible. Usually consists of basic and isolating exercises for the legs with weights, as well as with the use of special simulators.

Rules for effective leg weight training:

  • 4 days a week to train, 3 days to rest;
  • each workout should be preceded by a warm-up;
  • between exercises and at the end of the workout, stretching of the leg muscles should be performed;
  • aerobic loads should be minimal;
  • each exercise should be performed slowly, feeling how the muscles being worked out are tensing;
  • breaks between exercises should be no more than 3 minutes, between sets 2 minutes;
  • mass training should be as short as possible, long sessions are not advisable during muscle growth;
  • get at least 8 hours of sleep.

It will be useful for you to learn also about on our website.

Important! In order to achieve maximum results, in addition to hard training, it is necessary to follow an appropriate diet that promotes muscle gain. A prerequisite is meals before training and after its completion.

this exercise is isolating, which indicates its narrow focus. It allows you to effectively work out the back of the thigh, indirectly involving the calves. This muscle is also called the biceps femoris.

legs in the gym

By doing the best leg exercises in the gym, you can quickly pump up thin legs for men, and thereby improve the proportions of your body.

When performing basic exercises, almost all muscle groups of the legs are involved to one degree or another. They are very energy-intensive, allow you to lose weight, strengthen and build muscle mass, as well as become stronger and more resilient. Do not overload yourself with heavy dumbbells and barbells. Learn how to do the exercises correctly first. Violation of the execution technique can lead to injury to the joints or spine.

Basic basic leg exercises in the gym:

  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • leg press;
  • deadlift.

In the case of isolating exercises, the load is aimed at working out certain muscles of the legs. In combination with basic exercises, they allow you to shape and give relief to individual muscle bundles.

Important! Isolation exercises help to effectively stretch the muscles of the legs, warm them up thoroughly and prepare them for heavy loads.

A set of isolating exercises for the muscles of the legs:

  • extension / flexion of the legs;
  • adduction / abduction of legs;
  • rise on socks;
  • swing your legs.


Despite the ease of execution, squats can achieve impressive results. It is recommended to include squats with your own weight, dumbbells or a barbell, as well as in a special simulator (hack machine) in your workout.

Barbell squats are aimed at. At the same time, the muscles of the back and the press also receive a certain static load. The main thing is to choose the optimal weight and carefully familiarize yourself with the execution technique.

It is permissible to hold the barbell during squats on the shoulders or in front of you on the chest. You can use dumbbells instead of a barbell. They are held in the hands on the sides along the torso. When performing squats in a narrow stance, the legs are located approximately shoulder-width apart. Wide leg squats work the inner leg muscles more intensely.

During squats, the back is kept straight, the gaze is turned forward. In order not to tear off the heels from the floor, it is permissible to slightly tilt the torso forward. Bent knees should not protrude beyond the line of the toes. Without stopping at the bottom point, with a springy movement they return to their original position.

Hack squats work primarily on the quadriceps of the legs. A fairly high level of training is required for training on this simulator.

After adjusting the simulator to your parameters, press your back against the inclined movable platform. Rest your shoulders on special pillows, feet together or shoulder-width apart. Without taking your heels off the platform, sit down. The line of the hips in the bent knee joint should be parallel to the surface of the platform for the legs.

Resting their shoulders on the pillows, they fully straighten at the knee and hip joints. The back is kept straight, the shoulders are not rounded, the chest should be straightened.


When performing lunges with the foot forward, backward or to the side, the muscles of the buttocks are mainly loaded. For weighting it is more convenient to use dumbbells, with a barbell it is more difficult to maintain balance.

You can increase the effectiveness of the exercise by increasing the range of motion. To do this, the front leg is placed on a platform about 15 cm high.

Tip: The back foot is always kept on the toe. In order not to injure the knee joint, during the lunge, the bent knee should not go beyond the line of the toes.

leg press

Leg press is performed on a lying machine. Slightly apart with bent legs on the platform, and tightly pressing against the back, they squeeze the movable platform with their feet to the end, taking a breath. Then slowly lower it, bending your knees and exhaling. By adjusting the position of the legs on the platform, you can distribute the load on certain muscles of the legs.


The deadlift is one of the best leg workouts, targeting the muscles on both sides of the spine.

Standing in front of the bar, tilt the torso forward, shifting the pelvis back and arching the lower back. The legs are kept straight. They take the barbell in their hands with an overhand grip, take a deep breath and, moving the pelvis forward, straighten the body. Exhale air. Repeating the movement, the bar is not released from the hands.

Important! After completing the entire set of exercises, it is necessary to restore the flexibility and elasticity of the working muscles. Stretching your legs after a workout stimulates muscle recovery and helps reduce the feeling of pain.

Often, athletes diligently pump the quadriceps of the legs, paying insufficient attention to training the hamstrings. But they perform important functions of bending the legs in the knee joint and stabilizing it. In addition, unevenly pumped up legs look disproportionate. A set of highly targeted exercises will help you effectively pump your hamstrings in the gym and achieve impressive results.

Principles of training to reduce the muscles in the legs

After a significant mass gain due to muscle hypertrophy, it may be necessary to shed excess muscle mass and increase the relief of leg muscles. First of all, you should reduce the amount of proteins coming from food. The diet should be low in calories.

To quickly reduce the muscles in the legs, leg training for relief helps perfectly. Their feature is the use of medium or light loads, as well as performing a large number of repetitions. Fat burning training compared to strength training is carried out with a large number of approaches.

Read also the article about that on our website.

Advice! You can start training to reduce the muscles in your legs by jogging, cycling or jumping rope. Then you can do squats, leg extensions / leg curls, leg presses (4-5 sets of 15-20 reps).

During classes to reduce the muscles of the legs, the emphasis is on aerobic exercises aimed at creating a negative energy balance in the body. In this case, it is not the load that matters, but the intensity and duration of classes. The duration of the workout should be at least 30-40 minutes.

In everyday life, the legs are the most stressful. This must be taken into account in the process of sports activities and due attention should be paid to training leg muscles. A complete training program should include both basic and isolation exercises to evenly work out all the muscles in the legs.

To achieve the desired result, the systematic and regular exercise is important. Having agreed on the list of exercises, having determined the duration and frequency of training, it is necessary to strictly observe the schedule and intensity of training.