Arm triceps training for mass. The most effective set of arm exercises in the gym. Mass gain complex

Bodybuilders who have sufficient experience in bodybuilding, as a rule, choose split programs for training. The years spent in the gym affect the results you get. Athletes can no longer fully work out all muscle groups in one or two sessions. To achieve the desired effect, athletes have to devote a specific day of the week to a specific group.

As a rule, no more than two or three groups are involved in one training. The more muscles are worked during one session, the higher the level of anabolic hormones released. And if an athlete wants to have developed muscles in the arms and shoulders, then it is best to use joint training for the deltoid muscles and arms, which contains the most effective exercises.

Basic training principles

The classic training scheme has been and remains the most effective. It is based on working first large and then small muscle groups. The program is composed primarily of basic exercises that are performed with an optimal number of repetitions. To gain weight, exercises are done 3 to 4 times, 8-12 repetitions each.

The total duration of one training should be no more than an hour. If you exceed this time “limit”, the level of catabolic hormones will rise sharply and steadily. Between individual exercises take a break of 60-90 seconds, and approaches - from 30 to 40 seconds.

Deltas and arms: training program

The first to work is the shoulder girdle, that is, the front, middle, and rear deltoids, and the second are the biceps and triceps.

The training program consists of ten exercises:

  • (3-4 x 8-12) – working out the anterior deltoid muscles;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – finishing off the front delts;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – basic exercise for the rear delts;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – finishing off the rear deltoid muscles;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – an excellent exercise for the middle deltoid muscles;
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow grip (3-4 x 8-10) are an excellent basic exercise for working and warming up the biceps;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – basic biceps work;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – we finish off this muscle group;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – one of the best basic exercises for triceps;
  • (3-4 x 8-12) – work to failure for complete exhaustion and better pumping.

Almost all of the listed exercises in the program are basic. To prevent the muscles from adapting and continuing to increase in volume, it is sometimes necessary to add variety to the exercise. During training, it is recommended to do:

  • Seated barbell press for deltoids;
  • Lee Haney rear delt row;
  • Dips with emphasis on triceps;
  • French press with dumbbell.

Effective training for shoulders and arms

Working the deltoid muscles, as a rule, also involves the trapezius muscles. Therefore, they also require close attention. To work your trapezius, you should perform shrugs with weights such as dumbbells. It is necessary to constantly monitor your own progress. When it slows down or a raft state sets in, it’s time to start high-volume methods that involve training in a system of drop sets, forced repetitions, and supersets. This step will allow you not to stop muscle growth and continue to progress.

Many novice athletes are interested in increasing muscle volume. Growing biceps and triceps is one of the highest priorities for many gym goers. You can immediately tell by the size of your hands whether a person is working out or not. To build muscle mass in your arms, you need to know how to train them effectively. In this article we will talk about training arms for weight in the gym, describe the entire workout step by step and explain why this approach is one of the most effective.

During our arm training for mass, we will not split the training of biceps and triceps into separate sessions, we will train them together. The fact is that the biceps and triceps are antagonists, since they are opposite to each other. When one of the antagonists is activated, the other is restored, moreover, a lot of blood with nutrients comes to the other, which makes the recovery process even faster. Joint training of biceps and triceps gives a strong pumping effect, which has a very good effect on muscle growth.

Our arm workout in the gym will consist mostly of compound exercises, and at the end we will add some isolation movements to pump and completely exhaust the muscles. During our training we will use the following exercises:

For triceps:

  • Bench press with a narrow grip;
  • French press;
  • Extensions on the upper block.

For biceps:

  • Standing biceps curl;
  • Biceps Hammers;
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while alternately sitting on a bench.

These exercises are quite enough to completely exhaust the muscles involved. As you can see, at first we took more basic movements, and then shifted the emphasis to isolated work. This approach is considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding.

Since we will be training antagonistic muscles, it will be better if we perform exercises alternately on the biceps and triceps, rather than doing all the exercises on one muscle group at once, and then all on the other. We will show you what this looks like in practice in our training program.

Training program for arms for mass

Our arm workout for mass in the gym will look like this:

  • Standing biceps curl (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Bench press with a narrow grip (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Hammers (3-4 X 8-12);
  • French press (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting on a bench + extensions on a block for triceps, alternately 3-4 approaches for each exercise.

So, if everything is clear with the first 4 exercises, then with the last point of the training you might have questions. At the end of the lesson, we change tactics a little and move on to using. First we do one approach for the biceps, and then immediately in another exercise one approach for the triceps, then we rest a little and repeat the cycle again. Such a super set at the end of the training will give you an even greater pump and lead to even greater muscle exhaustion. You should not use such super sets in every workout; this can lead to overtraining.

Arm training for mass from Denis Semenikhin

Have you been pumping your biceps in training for a long time, but are not satisfied with their strength and volume? After reading this article, you can achieve the desired result.

For most people who start working out in the gym, the main goal is huge biceps, developed chest and six-pack abs.

Are you trying to build powerful biceps but not getting the desired results? All your efforts are frustrated by the harsh reality and mistakes you make when creating a training plan. Next, you will learn what you need to do to start growing biceps without using steroids.

Biceps muscle anatomy

The biceps consists of two heads:
  • Biceps brachii muscle. Located on the outer part of the arm. This muscle works when performing almost any biceps exercise;
  • Brachial muscle. Located on the inside of the arm, deeper than the biceps muscle. With a developed brachialis muscle, there is a clear separation between the biceps and triceps. Also, with the growth of the brachialis muscle, an increase in the peak of the biceps is observed.

Functions of the biceps:

  • Flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint;
  • Flexion of the shoulder at the shoulder joint.

Biceps workout

There are many theories on how to build biceps. This is not to say that they are all wrong, but from each statement you need to highlight the best and create the only correct biceps training program.

  • 1.Many people believe that doing basic exercises is enough to stimulate biceps growth.

Indeed, heavy back exercises involve the biceps. But this is not enough to form the required volume of the target muscle - isolation exercises are needed.

  1. 2.Heavy lifts of barbells and dumbbells are the best exercises for developing biceps. High-repetition exercises can be included in a training program, but they cannot replace heavy training.
  1. 3.One biceps workout per week is enough to start muscle growth. You shouldn’t work your butt off, pumping up your biceps every workout - at this pace, the muscles won’t have time to recover.
  2. 4.Focus on a certain number of repetitions per week.

In this case, an immutable rule applies: the heavier the working weight, the fewer repetitions you can perform. You must keep this balance under control. This is especially true for exercises like deadlifts and squats, as you will need a lot of recovery time.

The optimal number of repetitions when working with a weight of 80-85% of the one-rep maximum is 60-70 times a week. This system applies not only to training biceps, but also other muscle groups.

Please note that the biceps work when training other muscle groups. So don't do another 60 reps that focus solely on your biceps. This will be too much - overload cannot be avoided.

Optimize your biceps reps and get them down to 30-40 per week.

If your biceps stubbornly refuse to grow even after all the above recommendations, then try the following system:

  • Horizontal block thrust

9 heavy sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Standing biceps curl

3 sets of 8–10 reps;

  • A few days later, perform barbell curls again (6 heavy sets).

This method will give a powerful impetus to the development of biceps, and will also help and provoke muscle growth.

Now let's look at the best exercises for growing biceps.

The best biceps exercises

You don't have to do dozens of exercises with numerous sets and repetitions. There are many exercises for developing biceps, but only a few of them work.

1.Barbell curl

It is considered one of the main and effective biceps exercises.

This exercise can be performed standing with an underhand or overhand grip, as well as sitting in a Scott bench;

A great exercise that will not only give a boost to the development of your biceps, but will also relieve tension from your wrists;

3.Alternating dumbbell lifts for biceps;

4.“Hammer” (Dumbbell Curls)

This exercise can be performed by lifting dumbbells either together or alternately;

5.Reverse grip pull-ups to chin level

An exercise that makes not only the biceps work, but also other parts of the body. If it is easy for you to perform this exercise with your own weight, then you can use weights.

Increase the load

In order to start the process of muscle growth, you must increase the working weight of the equipment. The fact is that the body skillfully adapts to monotonous loads, which stops muscle growth. You need to shock the muscles so that they take the path of progress and development.

It is important to remember that the load must be increased gradually to avoid the possibility of injury.

If you follow this advice and don’t forget, your muscles will definitely grow. This rule applies not only to the biceps, but also to all other muscle groups.

Biceps training program

A productive workout includes exercises that can pump up all the components of the biceps muscles.

Be sure to do it before exercise. This will allow you to warm up your entire body and prepare it for the upcoming stress.

  • Barbell curl

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Dumbbell biceps curl

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Don't be surprised that you only need to do 9 bicep curls for the entire workout. There is no need to lift weights to the point of exhaustion.

Over the next 8 weeks, try the training program described above for yourself and see if it really works.

After 8 weeks, modify your training program slightly to include other exercises.

  • Reverse grip pull-ups

3 sets of 6–8 reps;

  • Barbell curl using an EZ bar

3 sets of 4–6 reps;

  • Hammer dumbbell curls

3 sets of 6–8 reps.

Alternating the type of load is necessary for the muscles to continue to grow.

Selection of optimal projectile weight

  • If you can easily do the maximum number of repetitions required for a particular exercise, or even more, then you should increase the weight of the apparatus;
  • If you are unable to get close to the lower limit in the number of reps required, then you are using too much weight. Reduce it and perform quality work with optimal weight;
  • Add weight only if you can confidently perform the maximum number of repetitions required for a given exercise with the working weight. For example, if you did 8 reps on a 6kg dumbbell curl, then pick up the 8kg dumbbells and keep going.

If you can’t even do 4 repetitions with the new weight, then you obviously rushed to increase the weight, overestimating your capabilities. Go back to the old weight and work with it for a while.

There is nothing wrong with trying to lift more and more weight. The main thing is to do it wisely.

If you really want to properly pump up your arms, you will have to give up previous ineffective workouts. This brutal arm workout in the gym will shock your biceps and triceps and give you what you've been craving: bazookas that will make your sleeves burst at the seams!

Guys, answer me, which muscle group would you like to make bigger? Are you looking to build powerful arms? Few of us are happy with our biceps and triceps, even though we diligently do biceps curls, do triceps extensions, and press until the muscles feel mushy. For what?

Perhaps, over the months and years of such training, your muscles have even grown, but it is unlikely that the results obtained will even remotely meet your expectations. I don't want to discourage you, but if training your arm muscles hasn't done anything for you in a long time, you won't be able to make progress with your current program.

This was bad news.

The good news is that with the help of some serious, hardcore kick-to-the-shoulder training—relief training for men that is unmatched in intensity by anything you've ever tried—your hands will once again become friends with the measuring tape.

Warning: Unless you're willing to push yourself to the max and endure incredible amounts of pain, this arm-mass training program is not for you. But everyone who is hungry for serious results is welcome!

1. EZ-bar biceps curl

1 set, 20 reps (9 kg)

1 set, 10 reps (18 kg)

1 set, 15 reps (13.5 kg)

1 set, 20 reps (9 kg)

2. Triset

Triceps press down on a vertical block with a reverse grip

1 set, 12 reps

Triceps press down on a vertical block with an overhand grip

1 set, 12 reps

French press on the lower block

Use a short straight handle

1 set, 12 reps

3 sets, 8 reps

4. Weighted triceps push-ups

3 sets, 10 reps

5. Exercise “hammer” on the lower block – rope handle

3 sets, 12 reps

6. Superset

French bench press EZ-bar

Perform on an incline bench with your head down

3 sets, 12 reps

Bench press on an incline bench with your head down

3 sets, 12 reps

EZ-bar biceps curl

While you're still fresh and energized, jumpstart your workout routine by destroying your biceps with one brutal set of exercises. Prepare three EZ bars with fixed weights and increasing weights, for example 9, 13.5 and 18 kg or maybe 13.5, 18 and 23 kg. Unless you're a superman, you probably won't need any more weights. Remember that the only respite here is to change bars.

In total, you do 80 repetitions: first the weight increases and the number of repetitions decreases, and then vice versa: the weight decreases and the number of repetitions increases. Why so many repetitions? One of the reasons why many beginner and intermediate lifters fail to achieve muscle growth is because they have an arm-centric training program that focuses on heavy weights and low reps. As a result, they have neither pumping nor sufficient stress on the muscles to stimulate active growth.

Pyramid curling gives you both. Don't worry if you can't complete all the reps listed. Do what you can. You'll do two rounds of this sequence with a 2-minute recovery break in between.


Triceps press down on a vertical block with a reverse grip, triceps press down on a vertical block with a straight grip, French press on a lower block

Attach a short straight handle to the top block. Start with 12 repetitions with a reverse grip. Change your grip to a regular straight grip and do 12 more reps. To finish, turn your back to the rack and weight stack and perform 12 repetitions of French presses.

You may need to move the clamp a couple of weight plates lower when performing an overhand extension. After this, you can return to the starting weight to perform the French press. Most of us are better at straight-grip extensions.

Your biceps rested for a while while you pumped your triceps until they burned. Now we'll focus on them again with arm curls.

Spider curls are typically performed with an EZ bar on the straight, vertical side of a Scott bench. This way the amplitude of movement is greater than on the inclined part.

This will essentially be a one-arm spider curl. Take a dumbbell that you can curl your biceps 8 times and start the exercise. Once your muscles reach positive failure, do 3-4 more curls, helping yourself with your other hand. When you can no longer curl without applying maximum effort with your free arm, use your free arm to lift your working arm into a bent position.

Slowly resist the negative movement as the dumbbell pulls your working arm downward under gravity. You should be able to do 3-4 of these negative reps before your biceps are begging for mercy.

Take the dumbbell in your other hand, and punish your second bicep beyond the “failure” limit.

Triceps push-ups with weights

Dips are a fantastic exercise, but many athletes overuse their chest and anterior deltoids when doing them. Bench push-ups are different in that they focus specifically on the triceps, especially if you add weights. Try doing this exercise with at least 10 kg, or even a pair of 20 kg plates on your knees.

Start with a weight that allows you to do no more than 10 repetitions. Then take it off (you'll need a helper here) and continue to failure with your own body weight. On average, you will do another 10-20 push-ups without weights.

Exercise "hammer" on the lower block with a rope handle

Time for the finishing touch on the biceps. These curls will stress your outer (long) heads of the biceps. The brachialis muscle, located between the long head of the biceps and the lateral head of the triceps, will also be included in the work.

Attach the rope handle to the lower block. Keeping the ends of the handle close to each other, bend your arms and contract your biceps. Lower your arms 1/3 of the way and bend again. This is one repetition. There are still 35 left.


French EZ-bar bench press and incline barbell head down press

The French bench press is an extremely effective exercise, but it can wreak havoc on your wrists and elbows. You can protect yourself from injury only by performing the exercise at the end of your workout, when your arms are so tired that you cannot lift heavy weights.

The head-down French incline press will provide a good range of motion and stretch the muscles at the bottom of the range. At the same time, the EZ bar will be more gentle on your wrists than a regular straight bar.

Do 12 presses, lowering the bar until the bar almost touches your hairline. Make sure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. After that, move on to incline bench presses with a close grip, head down, and perform another 12 repetitions.

If the barbell is too light to force you to push as hard as possible, ask your assistant or training partner to bring you a heavier barbell. If the French press is difficult for you with the selected weight, perform it next to the Smith machine. When you're done with the French press, switch to the Smith machine and do 12 incline presses head down with a heavier barbell.

Why alternate exercises for biceps and triceps?

This arm training program in the gym is built on the principle of alternately working on antagonist muscles. There are several good reasons to alternate training these muscle groups. First, by switching to the second muscle group, you allow the first to rest. This technique also provides equal intensity training for each muscle complex. Starting with all the exercises for biceps or triceps, the second muscle group will not receive enough load due to the fact that you train it later, when you are already pretty exhausted.

And finally, pumping antagonist muscles provides a pumping effect, as bodybuilding luminaries found out a long time ago. Blood actively flows and stretches some muscles while others contract. This is what four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler called “stretch and saturation.”

How to build a training program for your arms

To give your biceps and triceps a better chance of growing, work the rest of your muscles together, combining them into several training complexes with supersets. This will give you the opportunity to dedicate a separate training day to specializing in arms. For 6-8 weeks, do the following split program for your arms in the gym:

  • Day 1: Hands
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Shoulders
  • Day 4: Back
  • Day 5: Rest

If you can withstand the intensity of this training in the gym, and eat well and rest, you will soon see the desired progress in mass growth. You don't even need a centimeter: every time you bend your arms in a T-shirt, you will feel that your muscles have grown.

How to pump up your arms, 5 techniques that will get things moving.

Training in the gym is aimed at developing all muscle groups and training arms for weight is one of the priorities. Huge biceps are the dream of not only a beginner, but also an avid gym goer. However, the hands of genetically gifted people grow quickly; the rest need to work hard to get things moving.

Below we will talk about only 5 effective techniques that will make your arms grow.

How to pump up arm muscles

1. Arm workout with two dumbbells

This technique involves training your hands using:

  1. Dumbbell biceps curl
  2. French bench press with dumbbells
  3. Exercise hammer

Completing this training regimen will bring great benefits to your hands in terms of development:

  • when performing 3 exercises, the muscle mass of the arms is worked out with the same intensity;
  • due to the large amount of blood supplied to muscle tissue, muscle detail and venousness improves;
  • the time spent by the muscles under load increases, which receive severe stress and in the end react to the load with a strong burning sensation.

2. Method of training: “you give me - I give you”

An old and forgotten training scheme, but no less effective. It was actively used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in training with Franco Colombo. Its essence is quite simple - after completing the approach, it is passed on to your partner, who, having completed the approach, again gives the barbell back to you. Thus, the workout is performed with minimal hand rest.

This technique provides the following advantages:

  • the time spent by muscle tissue under load increases;
  • training in the form of a competition, no one wants to be a loser, so biceps training will be maximum;
  • the ability to use forced repetitions, when your strength is running out and your partner helps you lift the barbell from almost exhausted hands.

3. Biceps training system No. 21

The essence of the scheme is quite simple: choose an adequate one in which you can perform 21 repetitions of barbell curls.

  • 7 repetitions will be performed until the elbows bend at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • 7 repetitions are performed from a 90 degree angle to the highest point;
  • 7 repetitions are performed using the full range of motion.

4. Long breaks

Quite a strange scheme, but it has the right to life. To do this, use the maximum possible working weight, performing the exercise for 6-8 repetitions, resting between approaches for up to 10 minutes.

This method is often used by bodybuilders during competitions, allowing them to maintain visual muscle volume, and a long rest period promotes good recovery. In fact, it’s a “muddy” way of training, but you can try it for variety, because everyone’s body and genetics are different.

5. Using neck extenders

Special extenders on the barbell make it possible to obtain the following:

  • the area of ​​contact between the bar and the palm increases, and therefore the neuromuscular connection between the brain and the loaded muscle improves, which makes it possible to better feel the muscle being trained;
  • on the bar, the hand is not completely locked, which means that the forearm steals less load, giving it more to the biceps and triceps;
  • As the area around the dumbbell or barbell increases, it becomes more difficult to hold it, so the exercises are performed under control and slowly.

Use these techniques in practice, it is much more effective than standard training schemes day after day. And remember that the lowering of the barbell should be 2 times greater than the lifting, good luck!