Yoga exercise at home. Yoga for beginners at home. Rules, recommendations, initial asanas (exercises). From tension to relaxation

Yoga is an ancient system of self-improvement of the spirit, emotions and body. Its main goal is to achieve harmony between the physical and spiritual components. The practice of yoga simultaneously works on all aspects of life, from muscle condition to subconscious desires. Yoga for beginners at home will allow you to master the basics of this system and help you take a fresh look at your body.

Yoga for beginners at home is a simplified program that will help you get into the classes.

Features of yoga at home

For yoga at home, you do not need special equipment. You can do with a gymnastic rug or a long terry towel. You should wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. You can turn on smooth music or practice in silence, concentrating as much as possible on your own breathing.

When practicing yoga, the inner mood is very important: all worries should be put aside for later and devote this time to the unity of your spiritual and physical essences. You should be warm and calm, and the energy should flow freely through your body.

Basic rules for practicing yoga at home

  1. Always work at your own pace. Each person is individual, as a rule, people who have been practicing yoga for many years prefer to do it alone at a pace that is convenient for them. Yoga (unlike sports disciplines) is not aimed at achieving results. Here the process of continuous movement towards perfection is important.
  2. Do not jerk, move to a new movement smoothly and gradually.
  3. Do not hold your breath while making the effort - this will throw you off the rhythm. Breathe through your nose calmly and evenly.
  4. Stretch your spine during any pose. Stretch the top of your head and arms all the time in the direction that the pose implies.
  5. Do not allow "mechanics". Be present in your every move.
  6. Try to be mindful and not get distracted. Under the TV - will not go.
  7. It is advisable to practice daily. If you have little time, do at least a few asanas.

Yoga at home has a huge advantage over traditional physical education - it brings pleasure and spiritual relief. Its result is so amazing that you will not want to quit classes.

Yoga at home has no limitations compared to yoga in the gym. Many practitioners prefer to practice on their own in seclusion.

Components of yoga practice

Any yoga class includes a set of breathing and physical exercises, as well as relaxation. These three steps should be present in your . Together, these components can improve the physical and psychological state.

Breathing exercises (pranayama)

Breathing exercises or "pranayama" form the basis of yoga. Performing pranayama normalizes breathing, expands the lungs and promotes the accumulation of energy. Its main goal is to teach you to breathe in more oxygen. Having mastered the simplest breathing techniques, you can use them in everyday life to relax and control emotions. Later in the article I will give some examples of breathing exercises.

To understand how to practice yoga at home, you should understand the three components of the class.

Physical exercises (asanas)

Physical exercises or "asanas" are a sequence of movements. They are called by the names of animals and objects they look like (tree, dog, table, fish, etc.). It is customary to perform asanas slowly and thoughtfully, combining each action with proper breathing.

Asanas are also divided into dynamic and static.

Dynamic asanas aim to warm up the muscles and joints, as well as improve blood circulation. Such asanas imply a sequential dynamic change of several body positions. An example of this type of asana is the so-called "sun salutation" (Surya Namaskar). Its implementation is also discussed below.

Static asanas involve staying in one position for a long time. Their essence is to achieve concentration, concentration and preparation for meditation.

Asanas, or postures, are the positions that your body assumes during the lessons.

Of great importance in yoga practice is the correct sequence of exercises. They must be balanced. Thus, the stretching posture is always followed by muscle effort. If you are doing an asana in which your backbone is bent forward, then be sure to perform a compensating posture with a backbend afterward.

Yoga for beginners at home helps:

  • relieve tension from tired muscles;
  • to massage the internal organs;
  • eliminate the clamp in the joints, back and neck pain caused by muscle spasm;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce weight.

Resist the temptation to skip the relaxation exercises, as many who are new to yoga for beginners at home do. They are aimed at relaxing the joints, ligaments, muscles and internal organs.

An example of self-study yoga

So, how to do yoga at home? Start with Ujjayi Pranayama. This exercise is aimed at expanding the lungs.

  • Lie on your back and take the most comfortable position. Slightly spread your arms and legs, close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Inhale slowly, calmly and deeply. Fill your lungs completely with air.
  • Make sure that the whole body is relaxed.
  • Also exhale slowly. If you exhale too quickly, your body will tremble. Exhale calmly, but completely, until the lungs become empty. 1 cycle completed.
  • Perform 8-10 cycles. At the end of the last cycle, breathe normally for 2-3 minutes.

Next, stand up straight, stretch to the ceiling, perform several tilts forward and to the sides. Also make a few circular movements with your head, shoulders and body. Now proceed to the performance of "Surya Namaskar" ("salutation to the sun"). The greeting consists of 12 consecutive movements. Movements are performed in the forward, and then in reverse order.

After breathing practice, do a little warm-up and proceed to perform Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar (sun salutation)

  1. Prayer Pose. Stand up straight, close your legs together and fold your palms in front of your chest, as if you are going to make a prayer. Breathe out.
  2. Pose with raised arms. On an inhalation, stretch your arms with closed palms up and stretch them towards the ceiling.
  3. Posture: hands near the feet. Exhaling, lean forward with a straight back and try to place your palms on the floor. If you can’t reach the floor, bend your legs a little. Your palms should be on either side of your feet.
  4. Rider pose. While inhaling, without leaving the previous position, take a wide step back with your left foot, and bend your right leg at the knee. It's like you're doing a deep lunge. Stretch your crown to the ceiling.
  5. Mountain pose. Exhale. With your weight on your hands, step your right foot back, straighten your arms and legs, trying to stretch your pelvis to the ceiling. The back is straight, the head is lowered down.
  6. Pose of eight points of support. Inhale again. Get down on your knees and bend your elbows, touching the floor with your chest. You must rely on eight points: toes, knees, hands, chest, chin. After assuming a pose, exhale.
  7. Cobra pose. Inhale. Straighten your arms and legs, leaning forward and arching your back. The crown stretches to the ceiling, the gaze is directed forward. This posture is a kind of middle of the greeting. Next, we do everything that we have already done in reverse order, starting with the dog pose.
  8. Mountain pose. Exhale and return to mountain pose again.
  9. Rider pose. On an inhale, step forward with your left foot. So you will again find yourself in the position of a horseman, only the other leg will already be behind - not the left one, as at the beginning, but the right one.
  10. Posture: hands near the feet. Exhale, bring your right foot to your left and bend forward.
  11. Pose with raised arms. Inhale, straighten up and stretch up with your palms together.
  12. Prayer Pose. Lower your folded hands in front of your chest, relax, exhale.

Here is an example of a great video tutorial on doing a sun salutation:

After you have done the greeting a few times, you can move on to other asanas. Yoga for beginners at home often includes combinations of several classic poses. The following exercise is a combination of Table Pose and Cat:

  • Get on all fours, arms and legs shoulder-width apart. The knees should be strictly under the pelvis, straighten your back and lower back.
  • As you exhale, press the abdominal muscles to the spine, tighten the buttocks and round the back. Lower your head down.
  • As you inhale, relax your stomach, lift your head and buttocks up, bending your back in an arc down. Repeat 5 times.

This exercise is a combination of two poses.

Move to the Fetal Pose:

  • Lying on your back, press both knees to your stomach with your hands. Try not to take your shoulders off the floor. Hold for a few breaths. Relax your muscles and pull your knees even closer to your stomach. Lower your feet to the floor.
  • Slowly lower your knees to the right side and turn your head to the left. Repeat on the other side. Do 3-5 times in each direction and relax.
  • Try touching your knees with your forehead. Hold for 5-6 seconds, then rest and repeat 2-3 more times.

Try not to take your hands off the floor while doing this exercise.

Yoga at home ends with relaxation. You need to relax as much as possible and calm your body and mind after class.

The most popular relaxation pose is Shavasana:

  • Lie on your back. To make you feel more comfortable, put a small pillow under your head.
  • Stretch your arms along the body with palms up.
  • Sequentially, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, relax all the muscles. Let go of unnecessary thoughts and rest in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Shavasana is a pose for complete relaxation.

Now you know how to do yoga at home. If you are one of those people who want to comprehensively monitor their health and train all muscle groups at the same time, feel free to choose yoga for beginners at home. She does an excellent job with this task, as she not only trains muscles, but also helps to relieve emotional stress.

Today, yoga is an excellent method for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It has been proven that in any business the most difficult thing is to start. Trying to get acquainted with yoga at home on your own, it is extremely difficult to understand what exercises you should start mastering this practice with, how to perform the pose correctly and in what sequence so as not to disturb their harmony.

In addition, until one has fully mastered all the exercises (asanas), it can be very difficult to motivate oneself. And instead of improving the technique, he proceeds to carefully study the literature about this art or to watch video tutorials and manuals in pictures, which takes a lot of time.

But only exercises can make your body flexible and healthy, not related information. The only thing to do is to take your willpower into a fist and hone your yoga skills. And besides, we will tell you how to do it at home. How to do yoga correctly? How to start yoga at home? Can this technique be used for weight loss? And also about other issues that interest beginners, we will talk today. Let's get started.

All the benefits of yoga exercises can be felt by any person who systematically devotes half an hour to practicing every day. To experience all the beneficial properties of yoga, it is enough to practice this art regularly for several months.

If you do yoga correctly, even at home, you can get rid of various diseases of the spinal column. Most of the exercises of this technique are aimed precisely at maintaining correct posture and normal functioning of the spine.

Regular exercises, both in specialized centers and at home, help get rid of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the organs and systems of the digestive tract, endocrine system, etc. During the performance of this or that exercise, all internal organs are massaged, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.

In addition, if you regularly practice yoga at home, you can improve the functioning of metabolic processes, which has a very positive effect on weight loss itself.

Systematic practice of this art will make the body extremely flexible and plastic. And thanks to meditation in the exercises, you can strengthen the immune system.

If you start exercising now, then in a week, you will be overwhelmed with vital energy, as well as gain self-confidence. And if you also have problems with weight, then yoga will “adjust” the process of losing weight in your body.

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Who is yoga not suitable for?

Yoga can be practiced by everyone. However, like any other type of gymnastics, this technique has its contraindications. Therefore, if you have any diseases, you should definitely consult with your doctor. This will help to avoid the negative consequences and complications of existing ailments.

It is highly undesirable to engage in the following deviations in health:

  • hypertension and intracranial pressure;
  • complex heart diseases and the period after surgery on it;
  • recent myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage;
  • the presence of any hernia;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of internal organs;
  • the presence of injuries of the spinal column or diseases of the joints;
  • oncological diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza and fever.

If you start exercising and feel any discomfort during the exercises, you should immediately stop exercising and seek the advice of a qualified specialist. It is also undesirable for women to exercise during menstruation and in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

The basics of yoga for beginners

Many qualified experts believe that yoga is the morning awakening of the body, and therefore it is necessary to exercise in the morning, devoting approximately two hours to the exercises. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a reserve of time, and therefore they postpone yoga for the evening.

If the day turned out to be very difficult, then try to still devote time to yoga, doing at least 10-15 minutes. This will be much more effective than several two-hour sessions for the whole week.

It is very important not to eat anything for two hours before yoga. This will not only relieve you of discomfort during the training session, but also speed up the process of losing weight. Exercises, as a rule, must be carried out on a hard and non-slip surface. If you practice at home, then the floor is perfect, but if you go to a specialized yoga center, then there you will definitely be offered to purchase a mat. Asanas should be performed with bare feet.

To start a yoga class, you need to choose a place where there will be absolute silence, which is necessary so that you can fully concentrate on doing the exercises. If you exercise at home, then you need to do this when no one can disturb you.

Performing asanas, you need to tune in to the spiritual line and completely relax. For beginners, it is extremely important to start the lesson with simple asanas, and not immediately jump to more complex ones.

All movements should be smooth and slow, during which each inhalation and exhalation should be controlled. And remember that only proper breathing will help to fully relax the body and protect you from worldly fuss. This is where the effectiveness of this technique lies.

Prohibitions during yoga classes?

This type of gymnastic technique like yoga has always been associated with a calm and safe activity that has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress, promotes the process of losing weight and strengthens the immune system. And it really is. However, each asana must be performed correctly, slowly, without making sudden movements.

You should carefully monitor the condition of the spinal column and, at the slightest discomfort, immediately stop exercising. This prescription is more for beginners, since it is beginners who strive to master the basics of this technique as quickly as possible, forcing events. If you do not pay attention to pain in time, then this can result in stretching, at best.

The main thing is to start classes correctly

How does yoga gymnastic technique begin at home? This question worries all people who just want to learn yoga.

The main thing is the regularity of classes. For beginners, one session will be enough (provided that you are studying at home), the duration of which is from 10 to 15 minutes. You should also choose a set of exercises for beginners. It contains simpler exercises that do not exhaust the body so much, but contribute to a quick habituation to the systematic.

In the event that for any reason you missed one training day - there is nothing to worry about, and you do not need to blame yourself for this. A positive and serene attitude is a very important component of this art.

And when a set of exercises for beginners becomes a pleasant habit for you, you can expand your classes, complicating the poses and giving them not 10 minutes, but half an hour or even an hour. And besides, an increase in duration and classes will have a positive effect on the process of losing weight, because an ever-growing load is the key to successfully getting rid of unnecessary centimeters.

Asanas (exercises) to help master yoga

Basic asanas can be performed at home, without the support of an instructor. For beginners, this is a great option, thanks to which you can quickly master this technique. And even if you do something wrong, it will in no way harm your health - only positive emotions and peace. The following asanas for beginners will prepare the body for more serious stress and speed up the process of losing weight.

If you plan to practice this gymnastic technique at home, then you need to allocate enough time for the procedure and protect yourself from all problems. It's not worth rushing. First you need to learn to feel your body.

We bring to your attention a set of exercises for beginners that will help not only make your body flexible and your spirit stronger, but also speed up the process of losing weight. And all this can be achieved in a comfortable environment, that is, at home. All you need is to set aside at least 10 minutes of your time.

First pose "Tree"

We become straight. We slowly inhale and slowly raise our hands, trying to stretch them as high as possible. Now we take even hands back, behind the head, while opening the chest.

To make this exercise even more effective, you should raise your leg, bend it at the knee joint and place the foot on the surface of the thigh of the opposite leg. This movement improves posture and strengthens the spine.

Pose two "Child"

We sit down with the buttocks on the heels. After that, you should lower the body to the surface of the thighs, and stretch your arms forward in a relaxed state.

Pose three "Mountain" ("Dog")

We bend over and rest our palms on the floor surface. Now lift your buttocks up and step back with your heels.

It is very important that the body weight is evenly distributed between the hands and feet, and the head is lowered under the elbows. Asana will help to make your legs more slender and relax the muscles of the spinal column.

Pose four "Stork"

We raise our hands up and, as we exhale, bend down so that the body is bent in the lumbar region.

Thanks to this exercise, you can improve the flexibility of the legs and increase the tone of the whole body.

Pose fifth "Bow"

We lay down on the surface of the floor dorsal up and take ourselves by the ankles. Inhaling, raise both the upper part of the body and the lower one. The back will become smoother, the arms will be slimmer and the abdominal muscles will be stronger.

That's the whole set of exercises that you can easily do yourself at home. We wish you good luck!

Everyone has heard the word “yoga” at least once in their life. But will everyone be able to explain in an accessible way what it is? Yoga is an amazing practice that came to the world from mysterious India, bringing health to the body and soul of a person. Yoga will teach you how to breathe and relax properly, put your blood pressure in order, and help you forget about insomnia.

If we talk about yoga in the full sense of the word, then this is a special way of life that helps to achieve enlightenment. This is the oldest philosophical doctrine about the essence of human life.

Anyone who decides to seriously engage in yoga should be aware that life according to the new canons will require a lot of time for this serious hobby, it will be necessary to give up some of the benefits of civilization.

Yoga will make you rethink your life principles and habits. It will demand an immediate rejection of everything harmful and bad. A person must instill in himself control over his feelings, acquire mental and physical balance. Independence from one's feelings, the ability to meditate and fully concentrate one's attention lead to the achievement of the perfection of the human soul.

If, however, yoga is perceived as a set of asanas (special postures), then it will become just gymnastics, nothing more. But it will not bring the desired effect. In this case, yoga is a complex of various exercises to improve health, normalize the work of individual organs, and form a perfect figure.

How did it appear?

The history of yoga is long and rich. Even on Indian seals dating back to the II-III centuries BC. e., there are images of figures in poses of yogic meditation. Such a concept is found in the "Rig Veda" - in the ancient Upanishad, which scientists attribute to the tenth century BC. e. The basic concept of yoga is set forth in the "middle" Upanishads of the 6th century BC. e. These are the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutra.

The earliest school was called "Raja Yoga". It is also called "Mind Control Yoga". The Yoga Sutra defines Ashtanga Yoga, the eight limbs of Raja Yoga.

These steps are divided into two main parts:

  • the four lower steps are Hatha Yoga;
  • the four higher steps are actually "Raja Yoga".

It is Hatha Yoga, which is focused on cleansing the body and mind of a person, increasing vital energy, that has become widespread in the world.

The benefits of yoga

The beneficial effects of yoga on health can be fully felt by any person who regularly devotes several hours to it every week. Even two months is enough to feel positive changes. Exercise helps to forget about chronic pain in all sections of the spine. Most of the asanas are aimed specifically at maintaining its proper functioning.

Practice heals all body systems: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, etc. When performing asanas, all internal organs responsible for the normal functioning of the body are massaged. Regular yoga classes make the body flexible and plastic. Correction of incorrect posture eliminates the causes of pain in the joints, makes the gait more graceful and smooth.

Meditation in asanas increases the ability of the immune system to resist disease, reduces the risk of heart disease. Yoga classes fill a person with vital energy, help to gain self-confidence, make a person calmer and less prone to stress than usual.

Are there any contraindications?

Yoga can be practiced by anyone. But, like any gymnastics, yoga classes have their contraindications. Without consulting a doctor, you should not start performing asanas with:

  • mental disorders, especially schizophrenia;
  • the presence of inguinal hernias;
  • high arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • heart disease, especially after a heart attack;
  • any exacerbations of diseases of internal organs;
  • in the first year after a stroke;
  • joint diseases, spinal injuries;
  • oncology;
  • immediately after any operation;
  • colds or flu, as well as any increase in body temperature;
  • for women, classes are unacceptable during critical days, as well as during pregnancy periods of more than 3 months.

Yoga classes should be interrupted if health worsens after training. In such cases, medical advice is needed.

Rules for beginners

Before you start practicing, you need to learn a few main points that will help you practice yoga for the benefit of the body and mind:

  1. Since yoga classes require systematic.
  2. It is necessary to immediately determine the time of classes. It is believed that every morning you need to set aside a couple of hours for yoga. At this time, the body is more flexible, and asanas are easier to perform.
  3. If the work day is too busy, then it is better to set aside at least 15 minutes each day than then try to catch up in one day.
  4. It is necessary to deal with an empty stomach or a few hours after eating.
  5. Perform exercises on any non-slippery rug or floor.
  6. Classes are held barefoot.
  7. Practice requires complete silence and concentration, so all external sound sources must be turned off.
  8. Performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on the body, and, at the same time, completely relax. Asanas should be performed slowly and very smoothly, feeling each inhalation and each exhalation. Only by correct breathing can you completely relax the body and calm the mind. This is the essence of yoga practice.

What can't be done?

Yoga has always been considered a fairly calm, safe activity that will only help you cope with constant stress, improve your figure and strengthen your immune system. All this is so. But at the same time, you need to correctly, concentratedly and smoothly perform each exercise. It is necessary to take care of the spine when performing asanas, one should not allow discomfort or even pain in its area.

If such sensations appear, then it is better not to do such exercises. You need to consult a trainer or a doctor. It is impossible to force the development of complex movements and asanas. Stretching is possible. In the event of pain in the knees when performing such postures as the lotus, special attention should be paid to the smoothness and correctness of movements. And then the injury can be avoided.

Initial asanas (exercises)

You can start the first asanas even without an instructor. They will only bring benefits, even if their implementation is not entirely accurate or correct. But these simple asanas will prepare you for a better understanding of your body, give you a direction for development. There is no need to rush. You just need to tune in to the sensations of your body.

The easiest exercises for beginners:

Get straight. To relax. With the right hand we help to put the heel of the right foot on the inner part of the thigh of the left lower limb.

We spread our arms to the sides, bring them together with our palms at chest level. When inhaling, raise your hands as high as possible. We hold the position.

We take our hands back, opening the chest. Then you can change the leg if you wish. Move slowly.

This asana will give a graceful posture and strengthen the spinal column. It is quite possible to do it at the very beginning of yoga classes, it will allow the body to tune in the right way.


Slowly lean forward, lower your buttocks onto your heels. The stomach should lie on the hips, touch the floor with your head and stretch your arms forward.

Hold this position, relax and keep calm breathing. Spend 5-7 breath cycles. Next, raise your body and return to the starting position.

This asana will gently relax the tight muscles of the back, relieve tension from the neck.

Downward facing dog pose

Place your hands under your shoulders, spread your fingers wide, press your palms to the floor. Feet stand hip-width apart, parallel to each other. Curl your toes and push your hips up as you rise from your knees.

Relax your neck. Hands remain in place, and try to put your heels on the floor without lifting your toes from it.

Watch your fingers and palms, they should rest against the mat and not move. The weight should be evenly distributed between the palms and feet.

In this case, the back should not be rounded, you need to stretch the spine. Start transferring the load to your hands, as if you are trying to move the floor while inhaling, and as you exhale, try to put your heels on the floor. This asana will make the legs slender and relieve tension from the shoulder girdle and back.


We stand shoulder-width apart, bend over, rest our hands first on the hips, then on the knees. Bend your knees and stretch your lower back even more. Continue to bend your knees until you can step on your palms with your feet.

The heel should be placed between the middle and index fingers, and the toes should be on top of the wrists. We take our elbows to the sides (if flexibility allows). We press the chin to the chest as much as possible, we collect the shoulder blades together.

We reach the knees, reduce the shoulder blades as much as possible. Then you need to push off from your feet and stretch your back. This should allow the back of the body to be stretched as much as possible.

The development of this pose is Kundalasana, in which the legs are initially placed slightly wider than the shoulders, and at the end point, the shoulders are wound behind the legs (as shown in the picture). This asana will give flexibility to the legs and increase the tone of the body.


Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. Spread your legs a little to the sides, you do not need to close them. Bend your knees and wrap your hands around your ankles on the inside.

Slowly raise your head and upper body. Try to lift your hips off the floor, stretching out like a bow. Hold for 7-10 breaths and return to the starting position.

This asana will make the back straight, arms slender, strengthen the abdominal muscles.

The first acquaintance with the practice of yoga begins with a small shock from a huge number of poses, each of which has its own name and features of the effect on the body. Trying to memorize each one, approaching the classes as a school lesson, will not work. All knowledge comes gradually. The longer you practice yoga, the more techniques you master.

Don't be tempted to do complex poses right away. It is always necessary to start with the basics and the simplest techniques. This is true not only for yoga, but also for any sports discipline. Mastering simple asanas is not just a preparation for more complex postures, but also a huge benefit for the body, the body. Most of the basic movements do not lose their relevance even for those who have been practicing yoga for a long time.

The main advantage of all asanas, regardless of the level of difficulty, is that they can be performed at home and do not require any special equipment. It is enough to buy a special mat and comfortable clothes. To make the first lessons easy and simple, you can use the program below with a description of the basic thirty poses that are most useful and effective.

Yoga postures are different. They are divided into several types, belonging to each of which determines a specific effect. Exercises fall into five main categories.


Most often performed at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up. Asanas performed from a standing position are the most difficult for beginners. Hatha yoga practices these asanas separately and assumes the presence of rest between them, and Vyansa-flow - a cycle when they follow one after another, which contributes to the construction of ligaments.

For the development of balance

This category of exercises is considered the most important and useful for beginners. It allows you to develop balance and strengthen the muscles of the core. This is extremely important for further studies and performing difficult postures. Maintaining balance in the first lessons will be quite difficult, but after a while, improvements will become noticeable.


One of the most uncomfortable asanas for most beginners. Such postures should be mastered with slight backbends and sprains of the spine. In everyday life, such movements are performed extremely rarely, which is the cause of numerous problems with the musculoskeletal system. This makes these postures essential for keeping the spine in good and healthy condition.

In a sitting position

Sitting exercises are aimed at stretching the hamstrings and thighs. These poses are usually done at the final stage of training, since the body is as warm as possible and the muscles are ready for such a load. To increase the comfort of the posture, it is recommended to use a block or a rolled-up ordinary blanket, which is placed under the buttocks.

For rest and back

These asanas allow you to rest between individual movements. A particularly good respite allows you to get the pose of the child. Techniques that are performed in a lying position are aimed at stretching the tendons and muscles, and also help to make twists and backbends.

Basic yoga asanas with photos and descriptions

It is a bridge that gently stretches and improves the mobility of the spine. Thanks to this exercise, you can eliminate the negative consequences of prolonged sitting, because most modern people spend most of their lives in this position. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the pose at first seems difficult. The comfort of the asana in the first lessons allows you to increase the block, which is placed under the back.

Another pose of the "bridge" type, which allows you to not only stretch and improve the curve of the spine. Thanks to the movement in the direction up and then down, the back warms up and literally “wakes up”. This has a positive effect on well-being and allows you to prepare for Vinyasa, balance breathing with movement.

Rest pose, which is essential for all yoga beginners. It stretches the hips and spine, but that's not the only effect it has. Thanks to this asana, you can give yourself a break between postures without compromising the practice, since it works for the benefit of the body. To take such an asana, there is no need to wait for the right time. If the body gives signals that it needs a little rest, you can safely take this position.

The seated asana, often referred to as the cobbler's pose, is a body position that allows you to stretch your inner thighs. The first times the exercise can be performed while sitting on a blanket or block, which will allow the knees, since the hips are slightly higher than when sitting on the mat, to open up as naturally as possible. Keeping your knees high is much more difficult than it might seem, but you can’t strain your legs while doing this. Proper technique means that they are completely relaxed. To improve the beneficial effect of this movement, something is placed under the knees.

It is a bridge called the cobra pose. Consistent performance of asanas in Vinhsiasa requires repeated repetition of this movement during each session. A full-fledged pose assumes that the cobra is done on the arms, straightened at the elbow joints, with a deep deflection in the back. There is also an easier variation that is suitable for beginners. It is performed without emphasis on the hands, that is, with the bending of the chest alone. Both options involve securing the pelvis to the floor surface before lifting.

A calming asana for rest, which is also called the posture of the deceased. It is performed at the end of each lesson and allows you to fully fix the effect and safely make the transition to everyday life. In yoga, the body is completely subject to movement, and the mind is released. When they take a completely immobile position, at first it seems uncomfortable and does not give peace, but after a certain time it starts to come much easier and a feeling of calm comes almost immediately.

This is a fairly popular and common asana, which allows you to achieve a versatile effect. Movement is included in almost every class. This position of the body is not natural. At first it is given with difficulty, but pretty soon it begins to come easily and allows you to relax calmly. The legs in this position do not have to be fully extended. The ability to bend your knees makes movement accessible to many.

A balance pose similar to the previous asana. It improves coordination, strengthens the core muscles. From the starting position, lift the leg upward. The emphasis is on the position of the hips at the moment the leg is lifted off the floor. The height to which the leg rises is of secondary importance.

Sitting is an easy pose that many beginners find one of the most difficult when they look at yoga practitioners. Sitting cross-legged is quite difficult for most people and becomes the main reason why people do not continue their classes. There is nothing wrong with the fact that asana is given with difficulty. It will definitely work if you first use the supports. The main advantage of the technique is that it allows you to get rid of the negative consequences that long and frequent sitting on a chair leads to.

Right Side Angle Standing Pose can be done with the hand outside the foot, but this position is not for everyone. The hand can be placed on the block either from the inside or outside of the foot, so that the forearms are opposite the hips. This position is especially good for beginners. The main thing is that the hands do not create obstacles for opening the chest towards the ceiling.

Standing Garland Pose. It allows you to compensate for the absence in a person’s daily life of such an important movement as squats. Exercise for the corresponding effect is often referred to as the "opener" for the hips. This does not mean that it affects only these muscles. Asana has a beneficial effect on the feet, which are almost never given attention. In cases where squats from such a position are difficult, they resort to the help of a support.

A standing asana or a half-tilt is performed with a straight back and is often included in the Sun Salutation complex, but rather quickly, which does not allow it to be given enough deserved attention. For beginners, this pose is highly recommended as a separate practice. It allows you to learn to feel and control your own body. At first, it is better to follow the plane of the back with the use of a mirror. It is not recommended to lower the hands completely on the palms, using the latter as a support for better balance. It is better to place the hands on the legs in such a way that it is easier to keep the back straight.

The sitting half asana of the lord of the fish is twisting, which is an indispensable part in the practice of yoga. They improve the mobility of the spine and have a beneficial effect on the function of the digestive system. Especially well, such twisting helps with constipation. If the bent lower leg interferes with the development of the exercise, it can be straightened in the first lessons.

Happy Child Pose is often chosen as the final yoga class. It allows you to balance well the two states - relaxation and tension. Pressing on the feet in order to maximize the pressing of the legs to the armpits should be only until the moment when the coccyx does not come off the floor. If it starts to rise, you need to stop. The golden mean is important here, not extremes.

The head-to-knees sitting pose is difficult for all those who have hamstring elasticity problems, and most of them do. Refusal to perform inclinations will not solve the problem, therefore this asana is recommended to be done. It allows you to stretch not both at the same time, but one leg, and then the second.

This bridge pose is usually undeservedly excluded from the class or performed quite rarely, which leads to some problems. It is this bridge that allows you to prepare for Chaturanga and be fully prepared for the sequence in the Sun Salutation complex. The exercise not only prepares for other more difficult asanas by warming up the muscles, which contributes to better and easier deep backbends.

The resting position, with the legs raised up along the wall, does not cause any problems with the observance of the execution technique. It will especially appeal to and will be useful for those who walk a lot. To fully recover and feel an improvement in well-being, you can linger in this position for several minutes.

It is a standing posture, in which special attention is paid to the position of the body. When performing a lunge, it is necessary to control that all angles are correct, that is, the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the knee is located above the foot. The back leg should be straight. Some beginners don't lean forward enough, causing the back leg to bend. To hone the technique of performing asanas, it is recommended to perform the pose in front of a mirror.

The standing mountain pose is one of the most important in yoga practice and is mentioned in almost all asana complexes recommended for mandatory performance. It seems pretty simple, but that's just the first impression. Tadasana requires balance, which is important in all standing postures and general coordination. Having taken this position and remaining to stand in it for some time, you can safely move on to other asanas.

Asana for balance, in which it is almost impossible to fall, is one of the best poses for strengthening the muscles of the core. The more developed the latter, the better are asanas from a standing position and exercises performed on the hands, and the process of transition to more complex movements is also accelerated. Thanks to the plank, you can become more enduring and not experience problems with coordination and balance.

The standing pyramid pose involves leaning forward, which forms a semblance of a pyramid. If it is difficult to reach this position by taking a step with one foot forward and leaning back, the blocks are placed on the left and right sides of the leg, which allows you to comfortably place your hands. This will not reduce the effect, since the hamstrings will be involved in any case, and, therefore, will receive a good load.

Another pose of the “standing” type, but based on the “mountain” asana. Performing this exercise requires standing firmly on your feet, with your arms reaching up. Due to this movement, the body is completely stretched. This asana is an excellent step to start yoga strength practices.

The resting pose, also called the big toe pull, is performed by using the hands. The full version of this asana is not suitable for beginners, who are recommended to do the light version. If you do a difficult pose right away, you should use a belt that will keep your shoulders on the floor and your leg straight.

Forward bends from a sitting position, which allow you to work out the tendons and muscles of the thigh well. Performing this and similar exercises allows you to avoid shortening of the muscle tissues and tendons of the back of the thigh, and, therefore, not to experience pain in the back. This exercise is often used as a therapeutic exercise. It is also preventive. The sooner you start doing the asana, the lower the risk of having problems in the future.

Performing seated bends with legs wide apart creates a different stretch than the previously discussed postures. It is quite difficult for beginners to touch the floor with their chest. Everyone will be able to achieve this goal after some time, but first you should concentrate on keeping your back straight and your pelvis turned as much as possible in the direction of the tilt. The movement should not be made by bending the spine, so the feet are kept motionless. If the technique is correct, the depth of the slope does not matter much.

The staff pose is often called an analogue of the mountain. Both postures are of the "sitting" type. Dandasana is performed with a straight back. For beginners who find it difficult to accept this position, it is recommended to put a folded blanket under them, which will allow you to lift and tilt the pelvis slightly forward, and the spine is in a more comfortable position. This “trick” can be used in absolutely any sitting posture.

Twisting the abdomen from a prone position refers to postures that are performed at the end of the class. You can do this asana at the beginning, since there are no strict restrictions regarding this. The position of the legs can also be one that is comfortable. For people who are not naturally flexible, the upper leg can be kept straight. In addition, rotation of one leg in relation to the other is allowed (as in the asana of the eagle), which also allows you to stretch the outer part of the thigh.

Balance tree pose is recommended for all beginners as it is a great balance aid. In order not to fall while performing the asana, it is enough just to take a step. It is not recommended to take out the hips further to the sides. This reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.

Standing Extended Triangle Pose is performed by many beginners using a block. Thanks to the extra height at hand, the front leg straightens out without locking the knee, and the chest opens up rather than facing the floor.

The first version of the standing pose of a warrior. This asana belongs to the classical asana, covering several practices and styles. The first pose is more difficult than the second, because the pelvis looks forward in a similar position to the position of the mountain pose, and the legs are placed in a completely different way.

The second posture differs from the first position. The rear leg is positioned so that the pelvis is facing the mat rather than forward, which is why this variation of the warrior pose is called open. Here it is important to be able to control the position of the pelvis, which in the future will allow you to easily take a position and take more complex postures.

The desire to start practicing yoga is an important decision, which means that a person is ready to practice. It remains only to decide on some nuances. You can do both at home and in the section. Here it all depends on your own preferences. The main thing is to consider what is systematically of paramount importance.

What type of yoga to choose?

There are many varieties of yoga practice. There are those that are not suitable for beginners and require a certain physical good preparation. To choose the style that best suits both your own level and your goals, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each in advance.

For beginners and most people, Vinyasa or Hatha is best. These styles are basic. They differ only in tempo - fast and slow. You need to choose what is more acceptable to the inner worldview. Further, when the practice of yoga ceases to be something new, and the level of physical fitness becomes much better, you can move on to a more complex style.

No videos or books can replace a professional instructor. If there is no opportunity to attend classes, it is the video materials that should be chosen, and not the paper manual. Yoga classes are available in many fitness centers. Usually they involve group lessons, but you can also find a personal instructor. The main thing is that he should be sufficiently qualified and professional.

What to expect from classes?

Usually yoga classes are equipped with everything necessary for classes. On the first day, you only need to have comfortable, breathable clothing with you. You can take a mat with you if you are not sure in advance that there is one in the gym. They arrange the mats in a checkerboard pattern so that there is free space nearby and there are no obstacles for performing asanas for people nearby. Those who have been doing yoga for some time at the beginning of the class do a light stretch or sit cross-legged.

Classes are usually held in the following order:

  1. Instructors may suggest that students begin the class with meditation practice, breathing exercises, and humming three “ommms.”
  2. Next, they move on to performing postures for warming up the muscles, active, stretching and complete with relaxation, that is, asanas for rest. At any time when you feel very tired, you can take the pose of the child.
  3. Some instructors walk around the class at the end of the class, when the students are relaxing, and give advice. The lesson can end with the singing of “ommm”.

The next day after the first session, the muscles may hurt. This is normal, especially when a person does not exercise on a regular basis.

Not everyone is able or willing to go to class and do asanas with others. This can be caused by elementary embarrassment regarding the awkwardness of one's own movements. Of course, if it's the latter, you can just go to a trial class, and if the feeling of discomfort due to self-doubt does not go away, you can practice yoga at home for the first time.

In order for yoga to bring maximum benefits, you should listen to the following important recommendations:

  • daily classes should be based on the principle: a fifteen-minute stretch, followed by an extended workout, lasting from 30 to 45 minutes;
  • if you have free time, you should add new asanas to your program that will speed up progress;
  • It is recommended to practice every day, but skipping one lesson is not critical.

At home, you have to study longer than in the classroom, so many people prefer to visit the center and do asanas on their own when there is some free time.

The first month of classes can be held according to an already developed general program. It allows you to start practicing yoga at home, comprehend the basic movements and improve your level of physical fitness.

The first day

  1. Start your workout with stretching.
  2. Add three sun salutations.
  3. Rest for a few minutes in the posture of the deceased.

Week 1

During the first week of training, stretch daily, Sun Salutation every other day. Combine standing and sitting postures during the sessions in order to perform a longer session at least three times a week. Remember to rest in mortuary position at the end of each session.

Think about what time is best for you to practice. A good opportunity to do yoga in the morning, you can start the day with stretching, find the best time.

Schedule for the first week:

  • Day 1: Stretching + 3x Sun Salutation.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

For the remainder of the month, you will be doing short daily stretches and adding variation to longer sequences of poses.

Week 2

  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Standing Stretch + Balance Poses.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretching + 3 x Moon Salutations + Standing Stretches + Yoga Abs.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

Week 3

  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a sitting position + stretching in a standing position.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a standing position + yoga for the press.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

Week 4

  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch + Hand Yoga.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: stretch + Surya Namaskar + standing stretch + balance poses + sitting stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Standing Stretch + Abs Yoga + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

The 30 day workout program is a great way to start practicing yoga. It does not include too complex elements. Regular performance of the same exercises allows you to master the technique and understand the basic principles of yoga. In the future, you can complicate the program, add new elements. And if in the first week, there are no significant improvements in well-being, from the second week and the following days, you can notice a significant improvement in tone and physical fitness. In addition, systematic studies develop the habit of constantly performing asanas, and a person already develops the need to practice and practice when the process begins to bring real pleasure.

There are some important points that should be considered by those who practice at home, and people attending a yoga class in a fitness center. They concern what is not recommended and, conversely, what should be done.

  1. You should refrain from a heavy lunch or dinner. If classes are held in the morning, then from breakfast. A light snack should be no earlier than a few hours before the start of classes. This is much longer than for other physical activities.
  2. Drink fluids during class. In order not to feel thirsty, you should drink plenty of water before training, and then after.
  3. Wear shoes or socks. Asanas are done exclusively on bare feet.

You can do better:

  1. If you purchase a subscription, then at the very first lesson you must tell the instructor about your level of physical fitness and experience in yoga practice. Often lessons are divided by level.
  2. Ask the instructor about unclear points and do not hesitate to ask for help if something does not work out.
  3. If something does not work out at the first lesson, you should not be upset. Soon, asanas will be given easily and simply, so you should not refuse to continue classes immediately after the first visit to the fitness center.


If the desire to do yoga is great, you can train both at home and in a group. However, by visiting a fitness center, you can make progress faster. You should not worry that some movements do not work out. You should always remember that everyone was once a beginner. At home, there is no one to ask for advice and help, and only a mirror helps to control the correctness of the pose, but it is not an instructor who can immediately see what exactly is being done wrong.

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Surely there is no such person who would not have heard of such a word as “yoga”, but at the same time, not everyone is able to explain what it is. I would like to note that yoga is a unique, amazing practice that came into the world from the mysterious, mysterious India, and in fact, as you know, this particular country brings health not only to the body, but also to the soul of a person, so you should be aware and understand this .

It is impossible not to add that yoga allows you to learn how to breathe correctly, breathe correctly, fully relax, but in addition, it allows you to forget about insomnia, and many people suffer from this ailment so often.

Speaking in general about yoga, of course, it should be understood that this is a special, unique way of life, which is famous for the fact that it will allow everyone to achieve enlightenment. Remember that if you want to do yoga, you will have to give up certain benefits of civilization.

After all, yoga is different in that it makes you rethink not only life principles, but also habits. If you want to practice yoga, be prepared for the fact that now there will be a desire to give up everything bad and harmful, you can learn to control your feelings, acquiring not only mental, but also physical balance. Those people who regularly do this claim that they started life differently and had no idea how their gray days went before.

Many people perceive yoga as a set of asanas, if you wish to do the same, then you should know that for you it will become a simple gymnastics and nothing more, therefore it will not be able to bring the proper effect. In this case, yoga will be a complex of various exercises designed to improve health, normalize the work of certain organs, etc.

A Brief History of Yoga

As for the history of yoga, naturally it is long and rich, because if you carefully study the Indian seals, you can see images of figures in yoga meditation postures.

Despite all the advantages that yoga has, nevertheless, many people do not know what benefits it brings, and if you carefully study this issue, then all doubts will disappear instantly, instantly. We can safely say that even two months is enough, and you can feel favorable, positive and positive changes.

Such exercises are also famous for the fact that they will allow you to forget about chronic pain in certain sections of the spine, which is important. It is important to add that yoga is also different in that it heals all body systems, and these are not empty words. Of course, you should practice regularly in order to achieve some results, and the effect, in this case, you yourself will begin to notice how the body becomes flexible, plastic.

Attention: Remember that only yoga classes will allow a person to feel real life energy, gaining self-confidence, moreover, such classes will allow you to become calmer, less prone to both stress and other negative situations, and this is a serious advantage.

Contraindications for yoga

You need to understand that yoga can really be practiced by all those who wish it, but, like any gymnastics, there are some contraindications that it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance so that such training cannot cause any damage and harm to your health.

  1. For example, it is strictly forbidden to practice yoga with certain mental disorders, this includes schizophrenia, certain exacerbations of diseases of the internal organs, so it is worth considering this;
  2. If you are faced with such a problem as arterial, intracranial pressure, then you should forget about such activities, you may also have various heart diseases;
  3. You can not do yoga and in the presence of inguinal hernia;
  4. In the case of certain heart diseases, especially after a heart attack;
  5. It is impossible not to add here the diseases of the joints, various injuries of the spine, oncological diseases;
  6. If certain operations were carried out, then such activities should be abandoned;
  7. Accordingly, this must be done with the flu, colds, and fever.

Attention: Sometimes it happens that during yoga classes a person begins to feel bad, his condition worsens, naturally, it cannot be tolerated, in this case, you should definitely stop training so as not to face serious health problems, moreover, you will need medical consultation .

Now you probably understand that yoga will require systematicity, so try to immediately decide on the time of classes, it is generally accepted that you should start every morning with yoga, doing it for a couple of hours, but of course, the most optimal time for practicing is evening.

In addition to the above, it is important not to forget that yoga should be practiced strictly with an empty stomach, or, a few hours after eating, you can perform special exercises, both on a slippery rug and on the floor, barefoot.

Many people do not take such activities seriously, later wondering why they could not achieve any results. Know that yoga always requires complete silence, concentration, which means that external sound sources should be turned off accordingly.

At the moment when you begin to perform certain exercises, you will definitely need to concentrate on the body, completely relax, forgetting about all those problems that may be bothering you, completely immersing yourself in the process of meditation. In general, know that asanas should be performed correctly, namely, slowly and smoothly, then you can feel every breath, exhalation, which is important.

Indeed, with exceptionally correct breathing it will be possible to properly relax the body, calm the mind, so do not forget about it, this is the main secret, the effectiveness of such exercises.

What not to do while doing yoga?

Yoga, as a rule, is considered a calm and safe activity, it will allow you to cope with constant stress, it also strengthens the immune system, but you should not ignore the fact that you need to perform each exercise not only smoothly, but also focused.

Initial exercises for beginners

As for the first exercises, you can start them on your own, even without an instructor, such asanas are extremely beneficial, and even if they are not performed quite correctly. Of course, you should not rush, try to tune in exclusively to the sensations of your body, doing the exercises gradually.

To perform this exercise as efficiently and correctly as possible, you need to stand straight, while inhaling, slowly raise your arms, stretching them up as far as you can. After the manipulations, even hands should be taken back behind the head, this will allow you to fully open the chest. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to raise the bent leg, placing its foot on the thigh. Such an exercise is effective and useful, because it gives a graceful posture, moreover, it seriously strengthens the spinal column.

You can perform the following exercise, which is called the child's pose. In this case, you need to sit with your buttocks on your heels, and then begin to lower your body onto your hips, while stretching your arms forward. Such an exercise is necessary, effective, because it will relax your tight muscles, relieving tension from the neck.

For this exercise, you should bend over with your hands on the floor. Then lift the pelvis up, stepping back with the heels, and the weight should always be evenly distributed between the palms, feet, respectively, as a result, you can relieve tension from the shoulder girdle, from the back.

For example, the stork pose is a good option. Where you should raise your hands up, bending down with an exhalation, thereby bending from the waist. This exercise improves the tone of the body.

To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, holding yourself by both ankles, while inhaling, simultaneously lifting both the upper and lower halves of your torso. The exercise is effective, as it will allow you to make your back straight, arms slender, so it is impossible not to appreciate it.

It is important not to forget that practice yoga at home, it is natural to perform certain exercises thoughtfully, leisurely, this is the most important thing. Only in this case, there is a great opportunity to feel your every movement as efficiently as possible, enjoying it to the fullest.

Of course, one should never forget about thoughts when doing such exercises, this is due to the fact that they will allow you to relax, distract from certain problems, making yourself much better than yesterday.

If something is not clear, then you can always watch videos teaching these exercises that will help you not to make mistakes. Thus, after a while, you will remember all these exercises by heart, respectively, you will be able to perform them without much effort, difficulties and difficulties.


Now you understand for yourself that yoga is really a complex of serious, effective and safe exercises that allow you to look at the world with completely different eyes, get rid of certain problems, creating a special harmony of soul and body.

In addition, now you know that yoga is the direct path to health, such training will allow you to get rid of the negative baggage that has been accumulated throughout your life, etc.

There are many wonderful exercises in yoga, but the minus of yoga is various spiritual practices that often lead to spiritual problems.