Types of load by magnitude in sports. Characteristics of the loads used in sports training. Stress and physical activity

  • 2. Means of sports training
  • Lecture 4 sports training methods
  • 1. General pedagogical methods of sports training
  • 2. Practical methods of sports training
  • Lecture 5 patterns and principles of sports training
  • 1. The relationship of patterns and principles of sports training
  • The relationship of regularities and principles of sports training
  • 2. Principles of sports training
  • Lecture 6 sports and technical training in sports
  • 1. Tasks and requirements of sports equipment
  • 2. Technical training facilities
  • 1) Technical means:
  • 3. Formation of motor skills and abilities
  • Motor errors
  • Lecture 7 sports and tactical training of athletes
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "sports tactics". Types of sports tactics
  • 2.Means and methods of sports tactics
  • Lecture 8 physical training of athletes
  • 1.Physical training of athletes
  • 2. General characteristics of physical qualities
  • Lecture 9 education of strength abilities
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "force". Types of power abilities
  • 2.Methodology of education of strength abilities
  • Lecture 10 education of endurance athletes
  • 1. Definition of the basic concepts of endurance
  • 2.Methodology of education of general endurance
  • Lecture 11 education of speed abilities of athletes
  • 1. Characteristics of the main manifestations of speed
  • 2.Methodology of education of speed abilities
  • 2. Using the effect of "accelerating aftereffect" and varying weights.
  • 3. Leading and sensory activation of speed manifestations. The concept of "leading" covers well-known techniques (running after a leader-partner, etc.).
  • Lecture 12 flexibility and the basics of the methodology for its education
  • 1.Characteristics of the main manifestations of flexibility
  • 2. Methodology for developing flexibility
  • Lecture 13 motor-coordinating abilities and the basics of their education
  • 1.Characteristics of coordination abilities
  • 2. Tasks for the development of coordination abilities
  • 3. Methods of education of coordination abilities
  • Lecture 14 mental preparation of an athlete
  • 1. Characteristics of the mental preparation of an athlete
  • 2. Classification of means and methods of mental training of athletes
  • Lecture 15 sports training as a long-term process and its structure
  • 1. The structure of the long-term training of an athlete
  • 2. Methodological provisions for building a long-term training of an athlete
  • 3. Stages of training athletes
  • Lecture 16
  • 2. Orientation and organization of the training session
  • 3. Load in a training session
  • Lecture 17 building microcycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the microcycle
  • 2.Types of microcycles
  • 3. Combination in the microcycle of loads of different magnitude and direction
  • 4. Building microcycles with one-time and two-time sessions during the day
  • Lecture 18 building mesocycles in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of the mesocycle
  • 2. Types of mesocycles
  • 3. Combination of microcycles in a mesocycle
  • Lecture 19 building macrocycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the macrocycle
  • 2. Construction of training in annual cycles (preparatory, competitive, transitional period)
  • Lecture 20 selection and orientation in sports
  • 1. Characteristics of the concepts of "sports selection" and "sports orientation"
  • 2. Selection and orientation at various stages of long-term training of athletes
  • Lecture 21 control in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of complex control in sports
  • 2. Types of control
  • 3. Requirements for control indicators
  • Load and rest as components of sports training

    The concept of training load

    The performance of any training exercise is associated with transferring the body to a higher level of functional activity than in a state of rest or moderate functioning, and in this sense it is a “surcharge”, “loading” or “loading” the organs and systems of the body and causing, if it is large enough , fatigue. So the term means surplus functionbody activity(relative to the level of rest or other reference level), introduced by the implementation of trainingexercise, and the degree of difficulty to overcome.

    The meaning of the training load in general has long been understood: by causing the expenditure of the body's working potentials and fatigue, it thereby stimulates recovery processes, and as a result (if we do not mean excessive loads) it is accompanied not only by recovery, but also by super-recovery of working capacity (supercompensation - A. A . Ukhtomsky and others).

    Compared with the general forms of physical education in sports training, more significant loads are used both in terms of volume and intensity, which is due to the natural relationship between the level of sports achievements and load parameters. Although their ratio is not always directly proportional, the general trend is that the growth of sports achievements, of course, depends on the increase in training loads. The whole experience of the theory and practice of sports gives constant confirmation of this.

    The loads used in sports training, by their nature, can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal), large (marginal); in terms of focus - on promoting the development of individual motor abilities (speed, strength, coordination, endurance, flexibility) or their components (for example, alactate or lactate anaerobic capabilities, aerobic capabilities), improving the coordination structure of movements, components of mental preparedness or tactical skill, etc. P.; in terms of coordination complexity - for those performed under stereotypical conditions that do not require significant mobilization of coordination abilities, and are associated with the execution of movements of high coordination complexity; according to mental tension - to more intense and less intense, depending on the requirements for the mental capabilities of athletes.

    Loads can differ in belonging to one or another structural formation of the training process. In particular, one should distinguish between the loads of individual training and competitive exercises or their complexes, the loads of training sessions, days, the total loads of micro- and mesocycles, periods and stages of training, macrocycles, a training year. .

    There are indicators related to the external and internal sides of the load. The former are quantitative characteristics of the training work being performed, evaluated by its externally expressed parameters (duration, number of repetitions of training exercises, speed and pace of movements, the amount of weight being moved, etc.). The latter, expressing the degree of mobilization of the functional capabilities of the athlete's body during the performance of training work, are characterized by the magnitude of physiological, biochemical and other changes in the functional state of organs and systems due to it (an increase in heart rate, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, stroke and minute blood volume, blood lactic acid in the blood, etc.).

    According to existing ideas, the magnitude of the training load is a derivative of its intensity and volume, and their simultaneous increase can occur only up to certain limits, after which a further increase in intensity leads to a decrease in volume, and vice versa. This implies the need to take into account the parameters of the volume and intensity of the load, their ratio and change during the training process.

    concept "volume" training load refers to the duration of its impact and the total amount of work performed during a single training exercise or a series of exercises (the term "work" here is understood not only in the physicomechanical, but also in the physiological sense). The concept "intensity" load is associated with the magnitude of the applied efforts, the intensity of the functions and the force of the load at each moment of the exercise, or with the degree of concentration of the volume of training work in time (when characterizing the total intensity of a number of exercises).

    One of the most widely considered external indicators of the volume of the load is the time spent on the exercise, i.e. its length over time. The intensity of individual exercises is often assessed by the speed and pace of movements, the amount of external weights overcome, and similar indicators. When assessing the load on the part of functional changes occurring in the body, one of the indicators of its volume is, for example, the total pulse cost of the exercise (the total increase in heart rate during the exercise relative to the initial level) or the energy cost of the exercise (calculated by the additional oxygen consumption for work ), and the intensity indicators are the average, minimum and maximum values ​​​​of heart rate or energy consumption per unit of time (for example, per second or minute).

    The loads used in sports training, by their nature, can be divided into training and competitive, specific and non-specific; by size - into small, medium, significant (near-marginal), large (marginal).

    Three stages can be distinguished in urgent adaptive reactions.

    The first stage is associated with the activation of the activity of various components of the functional system, which ensures the performance of the specified work. This manifests itself in a sharp increase in heart rate (HR), ventilation of the lungs, consumption of O2, accumulation of lactate in the blood, etc.

    The second stage occurs when the activity of the functional system proceeds with stable characteristics of the main parameters of its provision, in the so-called steady state.

    The transition to the third stage is characterized by an imbalance between the request and its satisfaction due to fatigue of the nerve centers that regulate movements and the activity of internal organs, the depletion of the body's carbohydrate resources, etc. Too frequent presentation of demands to the athlete's body associated with the transition to the third stage of urgent adaptation, can adversely affect the rate of formation of long-term adaptation, as well as lead to negative changes in the state of various organs.

    Rest as a component of sports training

    The training process, as you know, includes rest. But only then can rest be considered V as a truly organic component of a workout when organized V accordance with its rules. Excessively short or, on the contrary, excessively long rest breaks the structure of training and in such cases turns from its integral component into an overtraining or detraining factor (detraining factor). This raises the problem of optimal regulation of rest in sports training.

    Rationally organized rest (active and passive) performs two main functions in training, which are basically the same: 1) ensures the restoration of working capacity after training loads and thereby allows them to be reused; 2) serves as one of the means of optimizing the effect of loads.

    As a recovery phase, rest in the process of training is rationalized with the help of such means and methods as the use of its various forms (including by switching to a different activity than the one that caused fatigue); complexing in certain variants of active and passive recreation; introduction in the intervals between exercise series of elements of psycho-regulatory training aimed at calming and toning the athlete, restorative massage, thermal effects (for example, short-term warming up V sauna in the intervals between swimming exercises), other hygiene procedures, etc.

    The use of rest as a means of optimizing the effect of training loads is based on the fact that the “aftereffect” of the previous load and the effect of the next one depend on its duration in the intervals between exercises and the characteristics of the content (active or passive). It is known that a sufficiently short rest interval, or "hard" interval, enhances the impact of the next load, since it coincides with the phase of incomplete recovery of working capacity and residual functional activity that remains from the previous load; rest sufficient for a simple restoration of working capacity to the initial level, or an “ordinary” interval, allows the use of a repeated load without reducing, but without increasing its parameters; rest, which creates conditions for "over-recovery" of working capacity, or "maximizing" interval, provides an opportunity to increase the next load, however, the degree of sum

    The highest readiness for performance in competitions and the achievement of high sports results are possible under the condition of modern scientific and methodological support for the entire training system. This is where the concept of "school of sports" comes from, which is understood as the system of training an athlete, which has developed on the basis of the latest scientific data and advanced sports practice.

    Along with the concept of "sport", the concept of "physical culture" or their combination "physical culture and sport" is often used. Sport is an integral part, a major component of physical culture. A number of social functions of physical culture extend to sports. However, not all sports can be attributed to the components of physical culture. This is due to the fact that the term "physical culture" is understood as an organic part of the culture of society and the individual, the rational use of physical activity by a person as a factor in optimizing his condition and development, physical preparation for life practice.

    Such sports as chess, checkers, bridge, model design disciplines are not directly related to the use of physical exercises as the main means of preparing for sports achievements.

    Although sport is one of the components of physical culture, at the same time it goes beyond its framework, gaining a certain independence. The sports movement in our country and around the world, as a rule, embraces the practice of mass sports. A multi-million army of children, teenagers, boys, girls and adults, while playing sports, improve their health, get joy from communicating with people, improve in their chosen sports specialization, improve their physical condition, overall performance and achieve sports results in accordance with their capabilities.


    In this material, we will try to list the main types of physical activity with a brief description of their features. The material is intended for those who are just beginning to understand the specifics of sports physiology.

    It is clear that the effect of physical activity on the body is determined by a whole set of factors - the amplitude, speed (intensity) of movement, the presence or absence of weights, the number and size of muscle groups involved. Let's dwell on the main types of physical activity.

    1. Static or eccentric load

    An eccentric movement is a movement in which the muscle does not contract, but, on the contrary, lengthens. Usually these are resistance exercises or the negative phase of the movement. For example, when the arms are bent for biceps with a barbell, the muscle contracts, and when the arms are extended (reverse phase) with the same barbell, there is a static load.

    A static load, respectively, is a physical exercise that fixes the position of the body under load without making a movement.


    Static poses performed with effort: yoga poses, planks of all kinds, stances in martial arts, reverse movements with a barbell (with an emphasis on reverse phases), climbing for difficulty, bouldering, etc.

    • It should be noted that it is this type of physical activity that causes the so-called muscle strength - pain within 1-3 days after exercise.
    • The reverse phase of the movement can also be performed with a large number of repetitions, for example, exercises “down the stairs” can cause terrible soreness. Those who train on simulators or on a flat surface, and then go out on trail running competition- can fully appreciate this effect.
    • Physical activity of a static and eccentric nature develops strength, but does not lead to a significant increase in muscle mass.
    • A large role in heavy exercises of this type is played by the creatinine-phosphate reaction - more about it below.

    ADVICE. Include static exercises and reverse exercises at least in volume - 5-10% of the training time, regardless of the sport you are doing (with the exception of marathons and very long activities).

    2. Development of maximum strength

    Repetitions with large (75-100%) of the maximum possible weights for 1-5 times. This type of physical activity is the basis for speed-strength sports - powerlifting and other types of weightlifting, rock climbing.

    EXAMPLES OF EXERCISES. This training technique is especially effective for large muscle groups and, accordingly, basic weightlifting exercises with large weights: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, deadlift, bench press, push-ups from behind the head, barbell row in an incline, barbell jerk into a set, etc.

    • The main mechanism for providing such sports loads is the fastest possible use of ATP in muscle fibers, in which creatine phosphate and creatine phosphate reactions play an important role. Therefore, it makes sense to include this nutritional supplement in the diet during vigorous physical activity of this type, at least 1-3 grams immediately before training.
    • Muscle growth with such physical activity will be noticeable (with a normal high-carb and high-protein) diet, but much less than doing 8-16 repetitions with smaller weights. Strength training does not lead to an increase in body weight. It seems that this type of training is relevant for mountaineers and climbers who periodically have to perform high-amplitude power movements.
    • Large muscle groups require a long recovery period - at least 4 days between strength training.
    • Between sets, rest should also be significant - 3-5 minutes. This is necessary so that the level of creatinine phosphate has time to recover.
    • It makes sense to include climbers and most athletes in training

    3. Skeletal muscle hypertrophy

    Physical activity performed within 1-1.5 minutes. with weights, allowing you to perform 8-16 repetitions. With proper nutrition, this is the most effective way to build muscle mass, which is especially actively used in bodybuilding. Another thing is that physical activity of this type is rarely found in everyday life and sports other than bodybuilding and there is no special effect in terms of functionality from these exercises.

    EXAMPLES OF EXERCISES: the entire modern bodybuilding system (whose ancestor is Joe Vader - champion trainer (c)) with a lot of both basic (squats, bench presses, free weight deadlifts) and isolated (along a given trajectory on simulators) physical exercises.

    • Physical activity of this type leads to the stimulation of hormonal metabolism and the production of testosterone in the first place, therefore, after such training, well-being, mood, and desire to live improve, which is difficult to achieve, for example, when running a marathon.
    • This is the easiest way to achieve an athletic physique, but only with proper nutrition. Bodybuilders usually alternate periods of "gaining mass" and "drying", the nature of physical activity in which is radically different.
    • These exercises can accelerate the pulse (Heart Rate, abbreviated HR) to 120-130 beats / min, the nature of the load is aerobic (without significant oxygen consumption)
    • In the process of performing the exercise, acidification of the body occurs when the production of lactate (lactic acid) in the muscles exceeds its consumption - the athlete feels a burning sensation in the muscles and general fatigue

    It is generally accepted that the maximum heart rate can be considered a value equal to 220 - the age of the athlete. Those. if an athlete is 35, then his maximum heart rate = 220-35 = 185. Of course, it all depends on the level of adaptation to physical activity and individual characteristics, but for the entry-level it is quite possible to accept this formula. There are a number of methods for determining HRmax and TAN (anaerobic threshold), but at the initial level, the above formula is quite enough.

    Anaerobic (well, that is, anaerobic-aerobic) is considered physical activity from cyclic exercises (one movement is performed many times, such as running) at heart rate = 80-95% of heart rate max. Approximately on the pulse of 170-175 beats / min.

    The above types of sports load are anaerobic, however, cyclic sports (when one movement is repeated many times - running, swimming, crap, cycling, skating) allow you to achieve an anaerobic load when performed at high speed with a large amplitude.

    EXAMPLES: speed run from 100 m to 3 km at a speed close to the maximum, other cyclic loads lasting 0.5-15 minutes.

    • Loads of this type are difficult to perform and are not recommended for beginners;
    • Physical activity at the anaerobic threshold requires a long recovery period between workouts, for recreational athletes this should be min 2-4 days.
    • Training of this type "falls off" the fastest, so usually the emphasis on functional anaerobic physical activity is especially relevant in the pre-competitive period. During periods of basic training, it is better to concentrate on aerobic exercise on the one hand, and on the power base on the other.

    5. Black hole in training

    Physical activity, usually of a cyclic type, at a heart rate of 75 to 85% of the maximum (conditionally from 150 to 170) is a “black hole” in training, i.e. Basically a waste of time. The fact is that with such a pulse, effective glycolytic metabolism is already turned on (glycogen stored in the muscles and liver of the athlete is consumed), and fat consumption (the so-called lipid metabolism) is reduced, but this is not enough for a full-fledged functional training. At the same time, the feelings of the athlete are as follows: on the one hand, he feels that he is “training”, on the other hand, it is “tolerably hard” for him. That is why most inexperienced amateur athletes spend a maximum of their time on this physical activity, and this is very inefficient in terms of results.

    It is necessary either to carry out long workouts at a lower heart rate, which will strengthen the capillary system and develop lipid metabolism, or vice versa, go to higher pulse zones or strength physical activity.

    Aerobic physical activity up to the level of 65-70% of heart rate (+-130 beats / min) for average people and amateur athletes is considered easy and can be performed for a long time (more than an hour) - it is used by athletes for recovery and for beginners.

    The load in the range of 70-75% of the maximum heart rate (+-140 beats / min) is the most effective for the development of the aerobic base, i.e. the ability of the body to perform physical activity with maximum oxygen consumption.

    • This kind of cyclic training such as running, cycling, swimming in the aerobic range makes sense to spend more than 40 minutes, and preferably more than 1 hour, because. the longer the training lasts, the greater the role played by lipid metabolism (energy supply due to the breakdown of fats, not glycogen).
    • Again, to stimulate lipid metabolism and fat burning during training, it is not recommended to eat either during or immediately before or after exercise.
    • If we talk about nutritional supplements, then again, in order to burn fat and stimulate the heart muscle, it makes sense to pay attention to L-carnitine.
    • There are complex methods for determining the PANO (anaerobic exchange threshold) and, accordingly, the pulse zone, however, for beginners, it is easy to determine aerobic physical activity - breathe freely through your nose. If it is difficult and impossible not to open your mouth, then you have left the desired zone (entered the black hole of training) and you need to slow down.
    • This kind of long physical activity should be the basis in the base periods of training, because. endurance is trained for a long time and is maintained for a long time, and in the pre-competitive and competitive periods, aerobic activity should take much more time.

    March 22, 2016

    A healthy lifestyle is the motto of today. proper nutrition, sports loads can help to remove extra pounds, relieve tension associated with stress, strengthen the nervous system and the body as a whole.

    What are sports loads and why are they needed

    is a complex of physical exercises of different intensity, volume and complexity. During classes, all systems of the human body are included in the work.

    Sports activities contribute to:

    • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
    • restoration of the work of the heart, breathing;
    • increase in blood volume;
    • development of muscle mass;
    • reducing excess weight.

    Complexes of physical exercises are adapted to any age group, which helps to reveal physical abilities, improve overall health.

    All physical activities are divided into:

    • Cardio or aerobic exercise. Examples are running, swimming, brisk walking, active games, cycling, skiing;
    • contribute to the development of muscle relief, the study of individual muscle groups. Bodybuilding, weightlifting, shot throwing, football and other sports cannot be imagined without strength training;
    • Helps to stretch the muscles, which allows you to gain flexibility and improve the condition of the joints. The main types of loads associated with stretching are yoga and pilates.

    Cardio training improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, reduces weight. Due to active work, the lungs are saturated with oxygen, cholesterol decreases, and the total body weight decreases. A combination of cardio and strength training can improve muscle relief and tighten the entire body. The most effective cardio exercises will be:

    • run,
    • tracking,
    • swimming,
    • cycling,
    • cardio workouts.


    The advantages of cardio loads include a rapid decrease in body weight, strengthening the SS system, all muscles, and improving metabolic processes.


    Some types of cardio training lead to increased stress on the joints and ligaments. Intensive classes are not recommended for people with heart disease, diabetes, oncology and a number of other diseases.

    Strength training is essential for:

    • weightlifting,
    • kettlebell lifting,
    • bodybuilding (muscle building),
    • arm wrestling (long-term medium-intensive load)
    • and others.


    The advantages of strength training are the development of strength, the formation of muscle mass, and the adjustment of the contours of the figure. In combination with aerobic exercise, they give amazing results.


    Before doing strength exercises, you should check the condition of the spine. It is not recommended to practice if osteochondrosis, scoliosis is detected. Hypertension is also a contraindication to strength training.

    Exercises are aimed at developing flexibility, mobility of joints and ligaments. Stretching is necessary for classes:

    • gymnastics,
    • synchronized swimming,
    • acrobatics,
    • ballet,
    • dancing,
    • martial arts.


    It is best to do after strength or cardio loads. This will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. During stretching, tissue elasticity improves, the spine becomes mobile.


    Stretching exercises are forbidden to be practiced after injuries, during an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the joints, with any injuries and diseases of the spine. If during the exercise there is a sharp pain, it should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

    First of all, you need to set yourself a goal, decide what you want to achieve by doing physical activity.

    If you need to increase muscle mass or lose weight, then the first classes should be carried out with a trainer. He will select and calculate the sports load for training.

    Properly dosed physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body. They allow you to achieve the perfect figure, increase muscle tone and even strengthen the human immune system. However, to get the desired result, you need to correctly compose a set of exercises and choose their optimal intensity. What types of physical activity exist and for what purposes they are most suitable, we will tell in our article.

    Load classification

    Sports activities are performed for a specific purpose. This can be to maintain muscle tone, lose weight, recover from an injury, or prepare for sports competitions. In each case, the types of physical activity and their intensity will differ, so they are usually divided according to the following classification:

    • aerobic;
    • anaerobic;
    • interval;
    • hypoxic.

    Some of these loads our body is exposed to daily, while others may be completely beyond the power of a novice athlete. Let's take a look at the differences between each type and for what tasks one or another option should be chosen.

    Aerobic exercise group

    Aerobic exercise (or cardio) is a set of simple exercises that are aimed at enriching the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen, increasing the body's defenses and training its stability.

    Our body is exposed to these loads every day: while going to the store, in the process of cleaning the apartment, on the way to work and while walking. Also this can include:

    • cycling;
    • water sports;
    • skiing, skating, rollerblading;
    • daily gymnastics;
    • walking up the stairs;
    • dance classes, etc.

    This group includes almost all options for active pastime. To keep the body in good shape, this is an ideal form of exercise.

    Aerobic exercises are considered the safest. They can be performed by people of all ages, regardless of the level of training. Patients who have suffered severe injuries and have chronic diseases are recommended just such loads. However, in this case, the intensity of classes and the reaction of the body should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

    Anaerobic exercises and how to perform them

    The anaerobic group of exercises includes types of physical activity characterized by increased severity and intensity. These include those performed by athletes in order to increase muscle mass, and train the body's endurance.

    Exercises are performed using heavy dumbbells, barbells and various simulators. Their main essence is a short-term movement of gravity without moving the body. The final result is a significant increase in the volume of muscle tissue and high strength indicators. However, you should be aware that in the process of rapidly increasing muscle volume, their elasticity is significantly reduced.

    Anaerobic exercise has contraindications and is not recommended for people over 40 years of age. Nevertheless, you can perform exercises with moderate weights that allow you to keep your body in good physical shape: lift dumbbells up to 5 kg, use rubber or spring expanders.

    Group of interval exercises: what are their features?

    During training, athletes can alternate and combine different types of physical activity (and their intensity). In this case, one speaks of an interval load, when classes include elements of the first and second types.

    For example, young and healthy men involved in heavy sports are recommended to perform aerobic exercise without fail. That is, during their training, heavy exercises and easy running alternate. At the same time, athletes can additionally use large loads that affect a specific muscle group. In sports, the types of physical activity alternate constantly, especially when it comes to professional training.

    Hypoxic loads

    They are used for endurance training of professional athletes. Hypoxic loads are heavy exercises, as they are performed in conditions of lack of oxygen, when a person is at the limit of his abilities.

    The main goal of this type of training is to minimize the process of acclimatization of the body in an unusual environment. are used to train the respiratory system of climbers, who often stay in high altitude conditions, where

    The principle of choosing types of physical activity (according to the nature of the impact)

    The right choice of optimal exercises is the key to obtaining the desired result. That is why before starting training, you need to clearly identify the final goal. It could be:

    • rehabilitation after injuries, operations and chronic diseases;
    • recovery and recuperation, stress relief after a hard day;
    • maintaining the body in the existing physical form;
    • increase endurance and increase the strength of the body.

    The choice of load in the second and third options usually does not cause difficulties. But exercises for therapeutic purposes are much more difficult to choose on your own. Thinking about what types of physical activity most effectively restore, one should take into account the current state and capabilities of a person.

    The same exercise can be very effective for an athlete in moderate physical condition and absolutely useless for a beginner athlete. Therefore, the choice of a training program should be carried out according to the principle of threshold loads, and it is better if the coach is well aware of the condition and capabilities of the athlete.

    Types of loads

    In addition to the main classification of training, there is a division of exercises into several types. Each of them is aimed at developing a specific quality.

    According to the nature of the impact on the body, there are several main types of physical activity:

    • power;
    • high-speed;
    • for flexibility;
    • to develop dexterity and coordination abilities.

    In order to get the maximum benefit from training, they should be performed in accordance with certain rules, which we will discuss below.

    Strength exercises

    Strength exercises help keep the body in good shape, slow down the aging process of tissues, and prevent the development of various cardiovascular diseases. It is important that everyone receives the load, as dormant tissues are deprived of the necessary substances, which leads to aging.

    The positive impact of strength exercises is achieved if the load is gradually increased, but at the same time it corresponds to the state of human health. Weighting loads and their repetition should also increase gradually. Exercises with an uncontrolled number of repetitions are absolutely ineffective for training endurance and strength.

    In recreational exercises, physical activity (the classification and types of which are prescribed by the doctor) is based on unlimited weighting and a clearly established number of repetitions. This method of selecting loads allows you to achieve results and avoid injuries.

    At the initial stages of training, weights of no more than 40% of the maximum possible according to the state of the body should be used. Further, the load can be selected so that the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise is about 8-12 times. And for the muscles of the forearm, neck, lower leg and abdomen, it would reach 15-20 times (with pauses between sets of 1-3 minutes).

    Speed ​​type loads

    Such training does not require a lot of endurance and strong tension from a person. They have a positive effect on both young and aging organisms. In the latter case, speed exercises are considered especially relevant. After all, the main sign of the withering of the body is not only the extinction of its motor functions, but also the slowing down of movements.

    High-speed loads should not be carried out for longer than 10-15 seconds. Long exercises (from 30 to 90 seconds) should be performed with reduced power. It is these exercises, alternating with small time intervals for rest, that contribute to the maximum extent to slowing down the aging process of cells. In order to keep the body in optimal shape, speed exercises are recommended to be performed during each sport.

    The benefits of elasticity of muscles, ligaments, joints

    Flexibility exercises are the most popular types of loads in them. They are included in school classes for children in the very early grades. Such loads contribute to maintaining the flexibility and mobility of the joints and spine. In addition, the positive effects of such loads include:

    • prevention of excessive wear of the joints;
    • preventing the development of arthritis;
    • improvement of the condition of the articular bag;
    • prevention of osteochondrosis.

    The elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments significantly reduces the likelihood of injury, contributes to the speedy recovery of muscle tissue after physical exertion. Flexibility exercises perfectly relax the muscles, improve their tone.

    The absence of such loads leads to enslavement of tissues. Energy that could be used for recovery is wasted, and the muscle itself suffers from a lack of oxygen.

    What other training is needed

    Dexterity and coordination abilities are no less important qualities required by a person throughout his life. In the absence of systematic training, these skills gradually decrease. What types of physical activity should be included in training to develop these abilities? Everything is simple here. The best option would be various sports games: tennis, table tennis, badminton, etc.

    Light sports perfectly train agility and are a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Such loads do not have age restrictions, but it is very difficult to dose them. For this reason, in the process of training, you need to control your own breathing and monitor your heart rate.

    Agility training with the help of sports games significantly increases the adaptive abilities of the body, and exercises that require constant attention train the mental reaction well. A person begins to make complex decisions faster and acts faster in unforeseen situations.

    As we have seen, any kind of physical activity can positively affect a person. However, in order to achieve maximum results, training should be systematic and include several types of exercises at the same time. Thus, it is possible to ensure a high degree of resistance of the organism to adverse factors, as well as to constantly develop and improve new skills. The main thing - remember, no matter what type of load you choose, it is important to always know the measure!