Extra-curricular event on informatics "info". Extracurricular event on informatics "info" Questions and tasks

An algorithm in which commands are executed in the order they are written, that is, sequentially one after another, is called linear.

The form of organization of actions, in which, depending on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of a certain condition, either one or another sequence of actions is performed, is called branching.

The form of organization of actions, in which the execution of the same sequence of actions is repeated until some predetermined condition is met, is called a cycle (repetition).

Questions and tasks

  1. What algorithms are called linear? Give an example of a linear algorithm.
  2. The executor Calculator can execute only two commands: multiply by 2 and add 1. Come up with the shortest algorithm for getting 50 from 0.
  3. What form of organization of actions is called branching? Give an example of an algorithm containing branching.
  4. Remember the plot of the Russian folk tale"Swan geese". What conditions did her heroine have to fulfill? Think of other fairy tales where the characters had to make a choice that determined their fate.
  5. Read an excerpt from J. Rodari's poem "What do crafts smell like?":

      Each case has a special smell:
      The bakery smells of dough and pastries.
      You go past the carpentry workshop -
      It smells of shavings and a fresh board.
      The painter smells of turpentine and paint.
      The glazier smells like window putty.
      The driver's jacket smells like gasoline
      Worker's blouse - machine oil.

    Paraphrase the information about professions using the words "IF ... THEN".

  6. Out of 9 coins of the same denomination, one is counterfeit (lighter). For what minimum number of weighings on a pan balance without weights can you determine it?
  7. What form of organization of actions is called repetition? Give an example of an algorithm containing repetition.
  8. In what literary works do you know there is a cyclic form of organization of actions?
  9. Where will the performer who completes the following group of commands 16 times in a row end up?

      walk 10 meters forward
      rotate 90° clockwise

  10. Which group of actions and how many times should be repeated when solving the next problem?

    Forty soldiers approached a river where two boys were rowing in a boat. How can soldiers cross over to the other side if the boat can hold only one soldier or two boys, but the soldier and the boy can no longer fit?

Computer workshop

Job 15"Creating a Linear Presentation"
Job 16"Create a presentation with hyperlinks"
Job 17"Create a cyclic presentation"

Choose the correct answer: Where will the performer who has performed the following group of commands 8 times in a row: walk 5 meters forward,

rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.

a) 5 meters ahead.

b) 20 meters to the right.

c) In the same place.

d) 5 meters to the right.

1) The executor calculator can execute only two commands: multiply by 2 and add 1. Come up with the shortest plan for getting it from 0

2) Out of 9 coins of the same denomination, one is counterfeit (lighter). For how many weighings on a pan balance without weights can you determine it?

3) Where will the performer who completes the next group of commands 16 times in a row end up?



4) Using this flowchart, develop rational algorithms for obtaining the numbers 1024 and 500 from the number 0. (See photo)

1. Write down the definition of the algorithm by inserting the missing words: “An algorithm is ... and ... an instruction to the performer to execute ... a sequence of commands,

leading to ... ".2. The structure of the algorithm, all commands of which are executed in turn only once, is called: a) Linear.b) Branching.c) Cyclic.d) Recursive.3. The property of an algorithm to contain only those commands that are understandable to the performer is called: a) determinism; b) mass character; c) understandability; d) uniqueness.4. What is the name of the property of the algorithm, which reflects a clear separation of steps and their sequential execution: a) uniqueness; b) effectiveness; c) understandability; d) discreteness.5. What is the name of the algorithmic construction in which, depending on the conditions, either one or the other action can be performed? a) Linear.b) Branching.c) Cyclic.d) Recursive.6. Performer Turtle moves on the computer screen, leaving a trail in the vision. At each specific moment, the position of the performer and the direction of his movement are known. The performer has two commands: Forward n, where n is an integer, causing the turtle to move n steps in the direction of movement. Right m, where m is an integer, causing a change in direction by m degrees clockwise. Record Repeat 4 [Command 1 Command 2] means that the sequence of commands in square brackets will be repeated 4 times. The turtle was given the following algorithm to execute: Repeat 4 [Forward 10 Right 120] What figure will appear on the screen? 1) open polyline c) square 2) regular triangle d) regular pentagon Note : the sum of the exterior angles of a regular n-gon is 360 degrees.7. Determine the value of the variable a after the execution of the algorithm.a:=6b:=22-3*aa:=b/2*aThe procedure follows the rules of arithmetic. In your answer, indicate only one number.8. Determine the value of the variable b after executing the algorithm, written in the form of a flowchart: Note: the sign: = denotes an assignment operation. In your answer, indicate one number - the value of variable b.9. The performer Calculator has two teams, which are assigned numbers: 1. add 22. multiply by 3 The first one increases the number on the screen by 2, the second triples it. Write down the order of commands in the algorithm for obtaining number 1 from number 31, containing no more than 5 commands, indicating only the numbers of commands (for example, 22211).10. Some algorithm from one string of characters gets a new string as follows. First, the original character string is written, after it the letter that is in the first place in the original string is written, then the original character string is written in reverse order. The resulting chain is the result of the algorithm. For example, if the original string of characters was LES, then the result of the algorithm will be the string LESLSEL. Given a string of characters ZU. What chain of characters will be obtained if the algorithm is applied to this chain twice (that is, the algorithm is applied to this chain, and then the algorithm is applied again as a result of its work)?11. There is an endless wall on an endless field. The robot (P) is above the wall and looks to the right. Write an algorithm that will transfer the Robot to the first cell of the subwall (s.s.).Pk.s Note: ask the teacher for commands that the Robot can perform.

The game takes place in the form of a competition between game groups, whose task is to score the maximum number of points that are awarded for correctly completed tasks and the correct answers of the team during the game. At the end of the game, the total points scored for the game are calculated.


Computers, interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, presentation, crosswords.

Game progress

Tour 1


..., in which commands are executed in the order they are written, that is, sequentially one after another (Linear); Where will the performer who completes the following group of commands 16 times in a row end up? walk 10 meters forward turn 90⁰ clockwise (At the starting point); What does the geometric figure of a parallelogram mean in a block diagram? (Input Output); All commands that the performer can execute form (Executor Command System);

    Computer generation

In what year was the first computer built in our country (1951); What generation of computers is associated with the appearance of integrated circuits (Third); In what year was the first computer built in the USA (1946); The element base of which generation of computers are semiconductor elements, transistors (Second generation)

What nationality was the author of the first adding machine, the great French mathematician Blaise Pascal (French); And family, and military, and file (Archive); What is the name of the main board of the computer (motherboard); What is the name of the conductor of the orchestra of computer devices (Operating system);


Edowi (Video); Figarac (Graphics); Rokurs (Cursor); Mentudoc (Document);

Tour 2

Novice user (Teapot); A special program that performs actions that are undesirable for the user on a computer (Virus); Usually the month ends on the 30th or 31st. What month has the 28th? (In all); Burned 7 candles. 3 is off. How many candles are left? (3, the rest burned down);

    Recognize the proverb

To format a hard drive - a second, and to restore - a year (Break a tree - a second, and grow - a year); Bit bytes saves (Kopeck saves a ruble); Seven troubles - one "Reset" (Seven troubles - one answer); What is removed from the Basket is gone (What fell from the cart is gone);

    Try to read

ENIE (Division); LETKA (tablet); B TIKA (Baltic); NOT I (Week);

Crossword Contest

Horizontally: 3. An information input device, which is a pen swinging in two planes, is most often used in games. 5. One of the main devices for inputting information from the user to the computer, in the standard form it has 104 keys and 3 lights. indicator. 7. A storage device based on the principle of magnetic recording on tape, with sequential access to data, similar in principle to a household tape recorder 10. An electro-acoustic device that converts sound vibrations into electric current vibrations, an input device 11. A pointing input device, most often used in laptops 13. Device designed to display graphic or text information:

Vertically: 1. A camera in which an array of semiconductor light-sensitive elements, called a matrix, is used to obtain an image, on which the image is focused using an objective lens system 2. A sound reproduction device consists of acoustic design and emitting heads mounted in it. 3. A device for inputting freehand drawings directly into a computer 4. A small digital video or camera capable of capturing images in real time for transmission over the Internet 6. A combination of a television transmitting camera and a video recording device on flat media, images in digital format 8. A device used in communication systems for the physical interface of an information signal with its distribution environment, where it cannot exist without adaptation 9. A computer device that allows reading or writing information to information media 12. Peripheral a computer device designed to transfer text or graphics to a physical medium from an electronic form in small print runs (from units to hundreds) without creating a printed form