Zhirinovsky splashed juice. The history of the glass: from Zhirinovsky to Avakov. "Impressed"

The proverb says: "In love and war, all means are good", and in politics even such means as a glass or its contents are good. It is hard to say who initiated the path of the glass as a means of clarifying relations, but in Russian politics he became known in this role thanks to the ORT television channel.

Zhirinovsky vs. Nemtsov

It was on the air of ORT in the television program "One on One" with the participation of Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Boris Nemtsov that the glass was first used as a "weapon" of political struggle. This release of the program became so famous that some quotes from the program became catchphrases.

The main topic of discussion was to be Zhirinovsky's trip to Budyonnovsk, where more than 1,000 people were taken hostage by Chechen terrorists. Nemtsov offered to negotiate with them, and Zhirinovsky advocated a forceful solution. But this was not the cause of the scandal. During the discussion, Zhirinovsky said that the Nizhny Novgorod region was the leader in the country in terms of the number of venereal diseases, to which Nemtsov advised the interlocutor to undergo treatment for venereal anxiety and showed Vladimir Volfovich the Playboy magazine with an interview in which Zhirinovsky claimed that he "slept" with 200 women.

There was a short dialogue:

Nemtsov - "We will cure you!"

Zhirinovsky - “Yes, you don’t need to treat something!”

Nemtsov - "We have two injections, and that's it."

And then Zhirinovsky splashed his opponent with orange juice. Juice hit Boris Nemtsov on his face, shirt and jacket. In response, Nemtsov splashed the LDPR leader from his glass, but Zhirinovsky covered himself with his hand. At this point, the live broadcast was interrupted. The release of the television program, which had a huge success, was even decided to repeat unscheduled the next day.

Detroit Pistons vs. "Indiana Pacers"

At first glance, a harmless glass provoked fights not only in Russia, but also in the United States. With less than a minute left of the game between the Detroit Pistons and the Indiana Pacers at the Palace of Auburn Hills in November 2004, a fight broke out between the players on the court. Just as the brawl was almost over, one of the spectators threw a glass of soda at Indiana Pacers player Ron Artest, after which a real battle began between the players and the fans.

After the fight, 9 players were suspended from games for a total of more than 146 games, due to which they lost more than $ 11 million in wages. Five players were charged with assault, sentenced to a year of probation and sentenced to community service. Five fans were also prosecuted and banned from attending Pistons home games for life. The fight itself, which went down in basketball history as the "Palace Massacre" (after the name of the stadium), marked the beginning of numerous discussions about safety in arenas and about limiting the use of alcohol during games.

Klitschko vs. Briggs

After the orange duel between Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Boris Nemtsov, this kind of showdown apparently began to gain popularity. How else can one explain the act of the brother of the current mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko - Vladimir, who thus cooled the ardor of the American boxer Shannon Briggs? Prior to this incident, Briggs repeatedly challenged Klitschko to a fight, but he did not agree. In response, Briggs first tried to disrupt the weigh-in ceremony before the fight between Wladimir Klitschko and Alex Leapai, and also burst into Klitschko's training a couple of times, once throwing a boot at him.

On the this time the odious boxer showed up for dinner at Vladimir's famous restaurant in Hollywood"Mamma Mia", and tried to provoke him into a duel. Briggs behaved defiantly, took away food from Klitschko and even began to eat from his plate. Vladimir reacted to all this very reservedly, asking what Briggs was going to drink with food, and then cooling the ardor of the American with a glass of cold juice, which Vladimir poured over the restless boxer's head.

Avakov vs. Saakashvili

And just the other day, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov published a video of the conflict that took place between him and the former president of Georgia, and now the governor of the Odessa region, Mikhail Saakashvili. The conflict itself happened on December 10 at a meeting of the National Council of Reforms of Ukraine, when, after Avakov’s question about the goals of privatizing the Odessa port plant, Saakashvili accused Avakov of corruption, as well as that he contains informal armed groups. After a long verbal skirmish using obscene language and all sorts of epithets and comparisons, in which none of the participants in the meeting and even the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko dared to intervene, Avakov threw a glass at Saakashvili and advised him to get out of Ukraine. This incident began to be discussed in the media long before the video appeared, but on December 16, Arsen Avakov nevertheless published the video.

“The video of the clash with Saakashvili was demanded by me from the Presidential Administration (Presidential Administration - approx. site). Here it is, uncut. There is little beautiful there, but with such a volume of public discourse - and most importantly, the background - it is important that each person sees for himself what it is about.- commented Arsen Avakov.

Of course, the presented list of conflicts, where the glass played an important role, is not complete. So, the conflict between the director of the Derbent Museum-Reserve Ali Ibragimov and the mayor of Derbent Imam Yaraliev in September 2014 was not without a glass, but we could not find a video of this case. Surely such conflicts arose much more often and the news about them simply did not become public knowledge. And this is even for the better, since we stand for the peaceful resolution of any conflicts, for constructive dialogue, mutual respect for the interests of the parties and the use of the glass for its intended purpose!

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Who would have thought that the dispute of applicants for the post at the helm of Mother Russia could end in a brawl. And everything started so peacefully ... In the studio of TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, presidential candidates converged: from Ksenia Sobchak with Vladimir Zhirinovsky, to Grigory Yavlinsky with Boris Titov. The floor was given to Sergei Baburin. The dispute went about the "holy 90s."

Mr. Zhirinovsky and Yavlinsky rejoiced at the execution of the Supreme Council,” Baburin waved his hand.

Like this? When? Why are you lying, Baburin, - Zhirinovsky got excited. - I never said that.

At your age, it’s harmful to worry so much, ”Sobchak put in her “five cents”.

Shut up, you fool, - Volfovich flared up. Sobchak's malicious smile was replaced first by horror, then by surprise. It feels like she was just told about the closure of Dom-2.

In general, how do you talk, - after a light knockout, Sobchak returned to the fighting stance.

You don't have to bring people in from the street," Zhirinovsky raged. Politics could no longer be stopped even by an old acquaintance Vladimir Solovyov. - Market girls. Dirt is everything. Depravity. House 2! It's all there! Let it shut up!

Here Zhirinovsky forgot about Sobchak and again set off to smash Baburin.

The participants of "House-2" behave more decently, - Sobchak did not let up.

Shut up, fool! You fool, shut up, - Vladimir Volfovich dismissed.

Why are you talking to me like that?!

If she is stupid, if there are no brains, - Zhirinovsky became red-hot, like a poker forgotten in the oven. Everything turned upside down in the Oblonskys' house. But then bang - the planet stopped for a moment. Sobchak splashed Zhirinovsky with a glass of water. Like, cool down, politician!

You see, you idiot, - Zhirinovsky shouted at Solovyov, brushing drops of water from his forehead. - Get her out of here! Get that hooker and dirt out of here. Black dirt, disgusting woman.

But Sobchak already at least henna. Stands to himself and chuckles at Zhirinovsky's hysteria. She, with a slight movement of her hand, inscribed herself in the political history of Russia. Yes, she entered it so that you can’t cut it out with an ax. Well, here the soul of the offended poet could not stand it.

You are the last one, - Zhirinovsky blurted out. Sobchak has a silent scene in Gogol's style. Well, what can I say when the hype is pouring on your head like manna from heaven.

So it is impossible, - Solovyov was indignant.

But how else, - Zhirinovsky was perplexed. - Who gave her the right to splash water. Crazy fool. And crazy Yavlinsky.

Only Grigory Yavlinsky (seemingly turned green as an Antonovka from horror) listened to all this, his gaze dazed at the floor. Sometimes he turned away so as not to look at the fight. He clearly did not want to harvest this hype crop.

And you all complained that we have boring elections in Russia. So here's the show! All Americans tempted by political battles will get it. And it was only the third day of the debate marathon. There will only be more! Or maybe we won’t see such a cut again. Maybe the candidates will come to their senses. But you can't erase the words from this song. The fight between Zhirinovsky and Sobchak will go down in history.


The fact is that this is not my program, it is strictly regulated by the CEC, - TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov explained to KP. - It's time for candidates. We don't touch anything. If there is no violation of the law (let's say a mat), it will go on the air. It has already gone on the air, it was broadcasting to the Far East. I cannot comment on the matter, because the CEC does not allow us. This is the time and the program of candidates, they rule there.


Ksenia Sobchak in dousing Zhirinovsky with water is far from being a pioneer. In 1995, in the One on One program, Vladimir Volfovich was poured from a glass by Boris Nemtsov. The politician claimed that the LDPR member slept with 200 women.

We will cure you,” Nemtsov quipped.

Yes, we do not need to be treated, - Zhirinovsky fought back.

We have two injections, and you are free, - Boris Efimovich sarcastically.

Then Zhirinovsky splashed the offender in the face with orange juice. Nemtsov splashed juice from his glass in response. A fight broke out between the politicians. This is where the program ended.

On the recording of the pre-election debates on the Russia-1 TV channel, Vladimir Zhirinovsky insulted Ksenia Sobchak, who advised him not to be nervous. Unable to bear the unflattering comments addressed to her, Sobchak splashed water on the LDPR candidate, after which Zhirinovsky switched to obscene language.

screenshot from youtube

On the recording, which was broadcast live on February 28 to the Far East, Sobchak was heard recommending Zhirinovsky to stop being nervous, to which he reacted with an insulting tirade. The statements included such phrases as “black dirt”, “disgusting woman”, “fool” and “stupid”. Zhirinovsky tried to stop the presenter Vladimir Solovyov, urging him not to insult the woman. Sobchak herself tried to silence the politician, splashing the contents of a glass in his face. However, this only caused an additional storm of emotions from the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party - Zhirinovsky switched to a mat, exclaiming: "Who gave her the right to splash water?"

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the program will be shown on tape today at 11 pm.

Recall that in 1995 Zhirinovsky himself also used liquid as a way to silence an opponent. He poured juice on Boris Nemtsov in the One on One program when the conversation turned to Zhirinovsky's "venereal anxiety" (Nemtsov advised the politician to cure her when he said that there were a lot of venereal patients in the Nizhny Novgorod region). Nemtsov also emptied his glass, but missed.

"Behave yourself. I use your own methods," Sobchak said. After that, Zhirinovsky allowed himself to use foul language on the air.

The debates of presidential candidates on the Russia 1 channel on February 28 are dedicated to the defense capability of the country and the army. Seven people take part in them: Sergey Baburin (Russian People's Union Party), Pavel Grudinin (KPRF), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR), Ksenia Sobchak (Civil Initiative), Maxim Suraikin (Communists of Russia), Boris Titov (Growth Party), Grigory Yavlinsky ("Yabloko").


Later, Ksenia Sobchak commented on her act on her Instagram page. According to her, she is under a vivid impression.

“I even had to lightly sprinkle grandfather with cold water to stop the attack, otherwise the poor fellow just went into foul language. It probably looked sad from the outside. And if you think about what happened a little, it becomes even sadder,” she wrote.

"Historical plagiarism"

In connection with the act of Sobchak, the press service of the Liberal Democratic Party recalled the incident in 1995, when Zhirinovsky splashed orange juice on the then governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Boris Nemtsov, on the air of the One-on-One program. He responded by splashing from his glass, but Zhirinovsky dodged it. At this point, the broadcast devoted to the discussion of the hostage-taking by Chechen terrorists in Buddenovsk was interrupted.

"The provocateur with rich experience in showdowns at the" frontal place "did not calm down and splashed water on the back of the head of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. It should be noted that even such historical plagiarism turned out to be a miserable fake and parody," commented on the current incident in the Liberal Democratic Party.

The press service added that they consider Sobchak's act a "disgusting provocation", and she herself was reproached for "without any reason whatsoever, she began her first speech by calling Vladimir Zhirinovsky a 'clown.'