Jo biography. Jo Alves Joao (Jo Alves). "Golden Horseshoe" for "Fast Gazelle"

Career Jo was quite typical up to a certain point. In his youth, he was able to prove himself in Corinthians. When the chance arose to leave for Europe, he signed a five-year contract with CSKA. Later, the football player admitted that he agreed to a transfer to Moscow because of the money. The attacker then left for

Manchester City, where he achieved shameful statistics for the striker: 1 goal in 21 matches. The Brazilian went on loan to Everton and Galatasaray, but there his results were not much better. Then in his career was Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. And then Jo ended up in China.

More or less all legionnaires go to this country to earn huge money. Investment in Chinese football has come from local corporations. And they began to invest in football because of the interest in the game from the General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping. In Chinese football, they pay so much that foreign players are even ready to give up their favorite instagram. This network was temporarily blocked after the protests in Hong Kong in September 2014.

Things didn’t go well for Jo even in the Chinese championship, where legionnaires are provided with the most comfortable conditions. And it’s not even about performance - it was no longer shameful, not bad, but mediocre (9 goals per

Things didn’t go well for Jo even in the Chinese Championship, where legionnaires are provided with the most comfortable conditions

24 matches). The football player was put up for transfer and transferred to the double due to the limit on foreign players. According to the regulations of the Chinese league, each team must have no more than five foreigners. Jiangsu Suning sign Colombia striker Roger Martinez, so Jo was transferred to the double. Incidentally, the same thing happened to Asamoah Gyanom to Shanghai SIPG after Hulk's transfer.

So Jo was left without a club this summer. He is 29 years old and does not play in official matches to this day. Non-obvious perspectives, criticism of the Brazilian press. It seemed that nowhere could be worse, but suddenly the striker gave a sensational interview to the main Brazilian sports portal GloboEsporte. The football player admitted that he had serious problems with alcohol.

“You go to a bar, then you accidentally find yourself in some other institution. You meet friends there and drink and drink and drink all night long. In the morning I went further to one of my friends. At some point, I caught on. God, what's happening to me? What am I doing? Why do I drink at home with my wife? For two days I could have enough, then again broke down. Parties were not my priority. I liked drinking at home. Alcohol has overshadowed other interests, it has become the essence of everything,” said Jo.

Drunkards, drug addicts and great football players. Maradona, Best and others

To live happily and not die young - on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of Maradona, we remember the great players who abused drinks and drugs.

The football player admitted that he had a serious problem with alcohol

“We distanced ourselves from each other. I left Brazil and lost touch with him. I think that - outstanding football player. I learned a lot from him on the field. Everyone has their own life. If it seems to him that he is doing everything right, then let him - this is his choice. If one day I have the opportunity to talk to him one on one, I will tell him about myself. I cannot say that there is no God in his life. He is. And if he listened to him, then 10 times would become the best football players in the world". After such revelations, the criticism of the Brazilian press subsided, and just the other day, one of the most popular clubs in Brazil, Corinthians, announced that it had agreed on the transfer of a football player. True, he will not be able to take part in official matches yet.

Jo burns in Corinthians. Why not remember how the four Brazilians from CSKA are doing, which made a splash in the mid-2000s?

Jo, along with Corinthians, is in first place in the Brazilian championship. The former CSKA forward scored 7 goals in 12 starting rounds. In CSKA, however, at first he played even more effectively. We recall where each of the four Jo-Carvalho-Wagner Love-Dudu is now, who smashed everyone in the RFPL a dozen years ago.

Jo (30 years old)

In CSKA: 2006-2008

Jo is the player who has traveled the most. After the RFPL, he played in five more countries: England (Manchester City, Everton), Turkey (Galatasaray), Brazil (Internacional, Atlético Mineiro), UAE (Al Shabab) and China ("Jiangsu Suning").

Last year, Jo had to leave China due to the limit on foreign players. The lean striker went into the shadows, and then suddenly gave a candid interview to Brazilian journalists. Jo admitted that he was addicted to alcohol, drinking all night even with his wife and children, sometimes it was not clear where.

Corinthians believed in Jo again. The team that brought up the striker. In the system of this club, for 11 years he went through all the children's and youth teams, and then played in the Brazilian championship. Apparently, Jo's head began to think in the right direction, and the player took the chance. Corinthians are now in first place in the championship with a nine-point lead. In many ways, this is the merit of Jo, who consistently goes to starting lineup. For 12 rounds on account of his 7 goals and 3 assists.

Dudu (34 years old)

In CSKA: 2005-2008

Each of the four soldiers traveled a lot after leaving CSKA. Dudu played in Brazil and Greece, but his transfer to Maccabi turned out to be the most mysterious. He moved there as a free agent, but did not play a single match in the Israeli championship.

Six months later, Dudu fled to the team from his hometown of Fortaleza. The midfielder was not even embarrassed by the fact that the team played in Serie C (the third most powerful league). As part of Fortaleza, Dudu won the state championship twice (2015 and 2016), after which the midfielder, despite his age, was invited to Botafogo.

Posted by Dudu Cearense (@duducearensedc) Jun 29, 2017 at 9:59 PDT

By the way, Dudu still has a fighting character. He is now receiving yellow cards for dismantling on the field during the match. Video

Wagner Love (33 years old)

In CSKA: 2004-2009, 2010-2011, 2013

Recently identified the 100 best legionnaires in RFPL history. It was fairly obvious who would take first place. On this occasion, we dug up several stories about Wagner that you probably did not know. Definitely if you haven't already.

Now Vagner Love is preparing for the new season of the Turkish Championship. After a not very successful period in Monaco, the ex-soldier forges the glory of Alanyaspor. Last season, the forward became top scorer Turkish league: 23 goals in 28 matches. Wagner regularly takes penalties and confesses best player matches. It is curious that twice Wagner Love was placed as a midfielder. I remember that even in Russia, he often gravitated towards sinking into the center of the field to start attacks.

Daniel Carvalho (34 years old)

Carvalho is the only one of the army four who is not playing at a serious level now. In 2013, due to problems with overweight He finished professional career. But two years later, he lost weight and returned to the level of the Brazilian championship. We talked in detail about where Carvalho found motivation.

Of the fantastic four Brazilians that CSKA had 10 years ago, Carvalho seemed to be perhaps the most talented. His role was key in CSKA's victory in the UEFA Cup. However, on high level he played for a short time. Less gifted Dudu (also born in 1983) keeps at the level of the Brazilian championship. Jo overcame alcohol problems and is leading in the same tournament. Wagner shines in the Turkish Super League. But Daniel Carvalho, it seems, has already retired.

At the end of 2005, CSKA Moscow signed one of the most successful contracts ever Russian history club. From the Brazilian "Corinthians" in the camp of the army, for a period of five years, the young striker Alves Jo moved. The player cost the club 5 million euros, but this transfer later paid for itself by 500%.

This football player began playing for Corinthians in 2003, at the age of 16, becoming the youngest player in the team's history. During the three seasons spent at home, Alves Jo played 113 games in the jersey of his club and scored 18 times. Then his European career began.

The debut turned out to be simply phenomenal, in almost every match the player scored a goal, and he shipped 4 goals at once against the Yaroslavl "Shinnik". After the first round, the striker had 14 goals, and his leadership in the dispute of the best scorers was unconditional, but a serious injury made adjustments. In total that season, Jo appeared on the field in 30 games and hit the opponents' goal 22 times. The following season was also shocking, as the result of 18 goals in 38 games and a call to the Brazil national team.

Alves Jo played three matches as part of Canariña, yet the level of competition in the attacking line did not allow the player to gain a foothold in the team. However, as part of the Olympic team, he took part in the Beijing Olympics, where he won bronze medals. In the 2008 season, the striker played 10 games for CSKA, in which he scored 4 goals, and went "up", signing a contract with the English "Manchester City". The deal amounted to 18 million pounds, a record for both Russian and British clubs. Tall, able to open anywhere on the field, with an amazing scoring instinct, Alves Jo not only benefited the army club on the field, but also allowed him to seriously replenish the team budget.

However, things didn’t work out for the player at Manchester City, he appeared more often in Europa League matches than in the national championship, as a result, the player was loaned to Everton for a year, where he played 35 games and scored 7 times. After that, there was a loan to Galatasaray, where in one round he played 15 games and scored three goals against opponents.

The player started the 2010/2011 season with the Citizens, but played only 23 games and scored 2 goals. This was followed by a return to their homeland, performances for Internacional and Atlético Mineiro, for last club Alves Jo is currently performing. But the striker does not play so often in the Brazilian championship either. For Internacional, the striker spent 16 meetings, while scoring only 2 goals against opponents. As part of his current club, Alves Jo has played four games this season and scored twice.

Despite his young age, this year the player turned only 25 years old, best years the athlete's performances fell on CSKA Moscow, so far it turned out to be the only club where the player was able to fully reveal his bombarding talent and show high performance.

"Fast gazelle" - football player Jo received such a nickname due to his high speed and sharpness, thanks to which he shone on the fields of Brazil and Russia, regularly upsetting opponent goalkeepers goals scored. At one time he was considered one of the most promising young forwards playing in Europe, but he decided to try his hand at the English Premier League and, unable to adapt to the tough style of play, returned to his homeland in Brazil.

Speed ​​multiplied by technique

Football player Jo, whose photo is familiar to all fans of CSKA and Corinthians, continues to play football at a high level, having long since left European fields. This is a very high-speed and technical striker, throughout the match forcing pressure on other people's goals.

Tall, long-legged, football player Jo, however, has excellent control of his body and is well coordinated. With a good vision of the field and a good passing culture, he is able to play a long forward, taking part in the organization and development of attacks.

The Brazilian is not the most athletic player, so he is not very good at dealing with defenders within the penalty area, where the ability to simply push through opponents with mass and power is required. He feels more free where there is enough space to accelerate and beat opponents at speed.

Certain criticism was caused by his actions when playing on the defensive. Not the most athletic football player, Jo was reluctant to go to hard martial arts in the selection of the ball, preferring to shift the responsibility for this to his partners. This was one of the reasons for his unsuccessful performances in England, where the concentration of hard joints and tackles per square meter of the field went off scale and was the highest in Europe.

Becoming a striker

Juan Alves de Assis Silva, or simply Jo, was born in 1987 in Sao Paulo. Being a son professional football player, he did not even think about anything else, except for doing the most popular sport in Brazil. In 1997 he entered football school the legendary "Korintias", where he stood out among his peers with extraordinary technique and remarkable sports intelligence.

Since 2002, Jo has been regularly called up to various junior and youth teams of Brazil, having won many international awards. In 2003, the Sao Paulo native played for Corinthians for the first time, becoming the youngest debutant in the club's history.

For three seasons, he played more than a hundred matches, scoring 13 goals. The performance, of course, is not amazing, but it should be noted that the role of the main snipers was assigned to other players, Jo did a huge amount of useful work in organizing the game.

"Golden Horseshoe" for "Fast Gazelle"

In 2005, Jo's talent was spotted on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Many European clubs were interested in the services of a promising striker, but CSKA Moscow, who signed a contract with a football player, was the fastest to navigate.

In Russia, the guy from Sao Paulo did not have any problems with adaptation, because by that time a solid Brazilian diaspora had gathered in the army club, including Wagner, Dudu, Carvalho. A plastic, technical football player, Jo stood out against the background of predictable and straightforward Russian strikers.

With the help of his Brazilian clubmates, he started his career at his new club very brightly, scoring 14 goals in the first round of the national championship. However, due to injury, he missed the second half of the season, remaining in second place in the scoring race.

Nevertheless, the admiring fans of the army team, for their part, encouraged the new favorite with the Golden Horseshoe award for outstanding goalscoring skills.

The so-called "Second Season Syndrome" did not hit CSKA's Jo and he continued to score, becoming the club's top scorer with 13 goals in 2007. Then even the official UEFA magazine included him in the top five best young football players in Europe.

A crisis

In 2008, Manchester City, then not yet the richest superclub, shelled out £ 18 million for footballer Jo, which was the most expensive transfer in the history of the English team. However, as is often the case, English Premier League became a kind of purgatory for a technical, but not very athletic player.

Veron, Di Maria, Forlan - they were all extremely talented guys, but in conditions of super-tough English football they were lost and could not show their best qualities. The same fate befell Jo, who in three years with Manchester City played only 21 matches, scoring a single goal. Most of the time he wandered around on loan, having played at Everton, Galatasaray.

Disillusioned with European realities, Jo returned to his homeland, where, after a series of unsuccessful transitions, he found himself in Atlético Mineiro and even earned a call to the national team to participate in the 2010 World Cup. Now the talented striker plays in his native Corinthians, continuing to score regularly in the Brazilian championship.