Eat proteins, fats and vegetables. All for weight loss

In nature, everything is in a certain harmony. We are part of a system called Nature. Violation by us, the balance of this system, entails a violation of the harmony of the body. The question is how to have beautiful body worries mankind for a long time.

Today there is a lot of information on this topic, often contradicting each other. Many experts work in this direction, and each defends his own methodology. But the human body is unique and requires an individual approach.

One of the most common causes of overweight is psychological. Our body is sensitive to our feelings, thoughts and emotions. If a person is not confident in himself, is in conflict with himself and the world around him, then the body, in order to increase the significance of the individual, builds armor, protection in the form of fat. And no matter how irritated a person is by all this fat, he must calm down and sort himself out.

All for weight loss!

He must understand that his body is wisely arranged, that success in losing weight and maintaining weight is possible only if peace with oneself and spiritual harmony are achieved.

Losing weight today is in trend, dieting has become fashionable. Various courses and schools proper nutrition and weight loss is quite a lucrative business. In the spring, the gyms are sold out - people tend to lose weight by the beginning of the beach season.

All this is wonderful! And if in winter overweight can be hidden under clothes, it is good that at least in the spring there is an incentive to start a healthy lifestyle. But it is worth remembering that a person is not only a body, it is also a soul or psyche, so the psychological aspect of the problem of excess weight remains one of the highest priorities.

According to scientists, every second inhabitant of the Earth has excess weight. Of course, many people do not experience any difficulties, having extra pounds and feel quite happy. And for those who really want to lose weight, you need to start with acceptance.

Accept yourself already here and now, as you are, with your kilograms, and not thoughtlessly rush to all kinds of diets. Admit to yourself that you excess fat you ate it yourself, no one forcibly stuffed food into you. And the body is not to blame for the fact that you first, absolutely voluntarily fattened it, then hated it and, as a result, deprived it of nutrition, putting it on a diet.

By the way, a sudden change in diet, dictated by the diet, is perceived by the body as stress, there is a feeling of discomfort, hunger, anxiety, mood deteriorates. As a result, a return to the usual diet occurs very quickly.

And the weight lost during the diet is rapidly returning. It is much more efficient to choose a system for yourself healthy eating which will be comfortable for you. And follow it constantly.

So let's acknowledge our uniqueness and love ourselves a lot, a lot! Psychologists say that when a person begins to love himself, his body immediately accepts ideal weight and form. You just need to love yourself for real, providing your body with fresh healthy foods, good sleep and hiking in the fresh air.

What is the reason for being overweight?

Very soon, your reflection in the mirror will begin to please you. In the meantime, the process of transformation is underway, let's do psychoanalysis. Excess weight is a classic psychosomatic disorder, which is based on eating disorders.

It is extremely rare that the cause of extra pounds lies in one thing. As a rule, this is a whole bunch of internal problems and complexes. One of them a person acquires in the very early childhood, the other part appears in adolescence, at the time of personality formation.

Some complexes that affect excess weight are acquired already at a conscious age. Most often, they become a response of the psyche to some kind of stress, loss, or simply to major changes in life. The most correct will be to understand and identify your own causes of excess weight.

If you have extra pounds, then you need them for something. Therefore, one of the first steps on the path to harmony will be to find out the reasons that encourage you to gain weight. Usually overweight people are sure that their fullness brings them only trouble, while subconsciously they do not seek to lose weight, since it is very convenient to attribute any failures in work and personal life to being overweight.

To understand why you are overweight, take a piece of paper and write down what benefits it gives you. For example:

  • I always have a goal - to lose weight;
  • I can evoke pity and sympathy for myself, play the role of a victim, thereby manipulating loved ones;
  • I have an authoritative, solid appearance, especially true for bosses;
  • I am protected from male attention, which is perceived as danger or temptation;
  • in transport, they always give me a seat so that I don’t fall on anyone or step on my foot;
  • my husband will not be jealous of other men;
  • etc.

Review the list you've made and think about what needs underlie the benefits listed (stress relief, love and attention, feeling safe, being able to release your energy, etc.).

What other ways can these needs be met? What you need to change in yourself, what new things to learn in order to make it possible to implement these methods. For each item, determine how you can get the same thing, but in three new ways, not related to weight issues.

Excess weight is an external reflection of internal problems, without solving which it is difficult to gain harmony, because the body itself resists this. Overweight says that our body needs psychological protection.

This is a signal that a person does not love and does not value himself, ignoring his needs. Instead of torturing your body, listen to him. Get rid of any form of aggression against you. Start respecting your personality, celebrating the very fact of your existence.

When a person loves himself, accepts all his shortcomings, he creates a space of love around him, which begins to change everything around. Lines up inner harmony and, this is the first important step towards a slender, harmonious, healthy body.

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also not suitable
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At birth, we have a constructor in our hands, which we can use to the best of our desire and understanding. Its elements are everything that fills and provides our life - the body, feelings, different kinds thinking, Spirit, instincts, and even genes inherited from ancestors. If we just live, the results of the "assembly ...

In order to find real harmony, you need to love and accept yourself very, very much, a person who is whole with soul and body. If there is even a drop of self-rejection, then the physical body will reflect this with its appearance and health.

A person who does not love himself destroys the physical body, and it obeys, or, if you still have the potential, and you will be able to accept yourself sometime in the future, it begins to defend itself and increase. Fat builds up and becomes a protective layer around the organs and the entire body.

In order to gain real harmony, you need to approach working with yourself from two sides at the same time: spiritual and physical.

On the spiritual plane, there is an extensive work to be done - this is the liberation from the negative attitudes of one's own, the whole family, the soul and all past life experience, the filling with true qualities and the practice of these new qualities in one's life. And also need liberation from contracts, curses and self-curses.

To work with yourself like this, you need to learn or do it intuitively if you trust yourself in such work. The most optimal mode is to learn to feel yourself and find reasons invisible to the mind, and work with a specialist as a plus.

Working on your own, you can even hide the reasons for being overweight from yourself, because there are many benefits to having it. Yes, yes, it is beneficial for a person to be overweight, it protects from hunger, from sexual claims, from promiscuity, from betrayal, from stupidity.

Therefore, you need to contact a specialist in order to pull out the most hidden programs and benefits, in order to look at the level of the family and the level of the soul, and look at such a depth where it’s scary to look at yourself.

Spiritual work is not for a month or a year, it can last a lifetime.

With the physical side, everything is much easier, if I may say so, because it is not at all easy to start exercising and eating right if the spiritual side is not yet attuned. But you need to work with the physical body, because. this speeds up the spiritual work and gives quick and tangible results.

The Internet is simply torn from various offers instantly and without the slightest effort, for a modest price, to part with extra pounds.

Anything is used: wonderful diets, Tibetan (directly from Shambhala) tea, fat burners, and other incredible recipes that are both the legacy of ancestors and modern developments of "outstanding" scientists.

I will upset those who like to do nothing and get everything - it has been established for certain that a reliable way to maintain a slender figure on physical plane just one: to match the number of calories consumed and expended.

You can ensure this balance in the following way: either eat less, or bring more activity into life.

Since the first option is associated with all sorts of restrictions and is difficult psychologically, the second is recommended. In addition, everyone knows from school that sport provides not only normal weight body, but also a number of other positive aspects:

  1. increases the level of the hormone of joy in the blood;
  2. strengthens and develops all body systems;
  3. increases endurance and working capacity;
  4. develops self-confidence and self-satisfaction;
  5. harmonizes neuropsychic activity;
  6. is a prophylactic against stress and depression.

Physical activity helps you pay more attention to your body and embrace its beauty. Naturally, this must be done without fanaticism, when in the name of the goal, you drive it even more.

In order for you to enjoy exercising and want to continue doing it, the load must be balanced relative to your current capabilities, otherwise after the first 2 workouts you will abandon this business and your self-confidence will become even less.

It is good if an experienced trainer will help you develop a program. If this is not possible, focus on your feelings, on what your body tells you:

  1. start exercising on the first day with 3-5 minutes (if you decide to start physical training for the first time) and add 3 minutes every next day;
  2. monitor the pulse and avoid excessive increases, especially in the first weeks;
  3. you should not have pain, only pleasant muscle tension;
  4. Be sure to warm up and stretch at the very beginning.

That, in fact, is all.

The rest is entirely up to you: level, intensity, frequency - all this is set based on goals, well-being, your determination and good company. After all, it is known that good friends you can move mountains.

Another plus is that most of the exercises can be done at home with just dumbbells (or even nothing special at all). At the same time, everything can be brought to such indicators that fat will gradually burn without heavy effort.

Best of all, fat burns with aerobic exercise: running, skiing, swimming, jumping on a trampoline. With all these types of activity, so much hormone of joy is released into the bloodstream that the worst mood will dissipate, and you will feel great.

This is what you need! When you are content and joyful, your body begins to reflect this. The body is the material reflection of your thoughts and feelings.

In other words, everything is in your hands - a great mood and a great shape ..

This book contains my observations on the principles of nutrition and behavior in order to achieve the goal, tested on myself personally.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Fitness as a way of life. How to find harmony and maintain it (D. D. Isaev) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

© Dmitry Dmitrievich Isaev, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-7439-3

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


Hello dear readers! Nowadays, in the age of fast foods and often unhealthy eating behavior, a lot of people are faced with a huge flow of various kinds of information on the way to healthy, slim body. And how not to get lost in this abundance, often contradictory information, a simple man in the street? It is this question that inspired me to write this book for you. In order to highlight in it the most significant, proven by many years of experience, information through trial and error. I really wanted you not to take that huge number of reckless steps, often harming you rather than bringing any benefit.

In order to effectively lose weight without affecting the muscles, but only thinning adipose tissue, you should eat at least three foods that are rich in protein. Protein-rich foods should definitely be included in the list of food for each person. Most of us think that protein-rich foods are on the list for athletes so they can develop their muscle mass in short time. But this is far from true. Yes, indeed, protein-rich foods, the table of which is provided to you below, build muscle mass and participate in education. muscle fiber. But it's okay without developed muscles our body looks much older. If you limit yourself in protein, then after a few months, muscle tissue will become flabby.

DAILY PROTEIN RATE If you need to calculate daily allowance protein, then you should follow the following formula - 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilo of body weight. In any of the protein products, you will find approximately 15-25 grams of protein. On average, this is 20 grams per hundred grams of product.

EXCEPTIONS To the table of foods rich in protein, you can rank meat in the first place. But if you don't want to have problems with overweight, or, moreover, are going to lose weight, then you need to eat in moderation, and only lean meat. It is better to forget about pork for the duration of the diet - this meat is too high in calories. Also, do not look for protein in sausages, smoked meats and sausages. Canned food - stew and salted meat is also better to postpone for the time being.

BIRD Poultry is the best source of animal protein. But it is better not to eat fatty poultry - duck and goose. The best option is chicken and turkey.

FISH You should also pay attention to seafood and fish. The protein value is high in the following products - tuna and salmon, cod and mackerel, as well as trout and herring. Other foods are also suitable for replenishing the body's protein reserves - you can eat mussels and shrimp, lobsters and crabs - they are very rich in protein. It is better not to eat heavily salted or smoked fish.

DAIRY PRODUCTS Foods that are quite familiar to you are rich in protein - the list for athletes includes milk, cottage cheese, kefir, as well as any dairy products. You can successfully combine dairy products with any berries and fruits, but it is better to refrain from combining milk or sour cream and meat. This also includes cheeses - for example, sur cheese and feta, any soft cheeses and homemade cheese, including can give you the necessary amount of protein. Processed cheeses are more reasonably attributed to the neutral group, but in general, cheeses contain about 5% protein. EGGS Eggs are the perfect food when it comes to protein content. Most importantly, you should never eat raw eggs. Protein is easier to digest if eggs are soft-boiled rather than hard-boiled, but keep in mind that high-calorie yolks will be on the list of neutral foods.

FRUITS, JUICES It would also be great if you included fruits in your diet, which are rich in vegetable protein. Usually these fruits are quite hard. That is, you can buy pineapples and apples, pears, as well as many exotic fruits - mango and kiwi, passion fruit and lychee. A lot of protein is found in fruits that have bones. It is better to take grapes and plums, cherries, nectarines and peaches in mind. Like everything else, fruits should only be eaten fresh. Also, you can drink fruit juices without fear for your figure or health - but just observe the main condition - there should be no sugar in the juices. And they must be freshly prepared.