Alexey Nemov - the triumph of an athlete. Biography and personal life of the gymnast. After the Olympics, you need to rest in order to start training again with renewed vigor.

This person can already be safely called a veteran of the Russian national gymnastics team. The well-known athlete Alexei Nemov achieved success not due to some favorable moments and luck, but in spite of everything. The thing is that even in his childhood he received a serious injury. Having fallen and hit his back against an iron bucket, it would seem that he could no longer hope for any achievements in sports. However, he was able to prove to absolutely everyone that no obstacles interfered with his path to success.

The first attempt to enter the gymnastic group was unsuccessful

Athlete Alexei Nemov was born on May 28, 1976 in Mordovia, in one of the villages called Barashevo. After some time, he and his family went to live in Togliatti. And it seemed that he was destined to become a hockey player, since the local Lada successfully performed in the top division, and numerous players successfully proved themselves abroad. However, at the age of 4, Alexei Nemov decided to go into gymnastics. But from the first time they refused to accept him into the gymnastic group. And the whole point was that they brought him early - he was still too small.

A cheeky but promising gymnast

A year and a half later, the well-known coach Irina Shestakova announced the recruitment to the gymnastic group. She tried to find children in kindergartens, asked the teachers about who and how they manifest themselves. And in one of the children's institutions that Irina looked into, Nemov Alexei was brought up. From that moment on, his biography began to be replenished with sporting achievements.

And they noticed Alexei quite simply. When the teachers gathered all the children, it turned out that one was missing. According to one of the leaders, Alexei was somersaulting in the games room. And the athlete himself at that time tried to smoke. But they did not punish him. He was taken to the gymnastic group for "re-education". According to the coach, he studied satisfactorily. His data was not too high. But with it was the opposite. According to the coaching magazine, Alexei was a cocky, impudent, but promising gymnast.

If Alexei is asked if his mother admires him, he always answers this question in the negative. According to the athlete, she always knew what he would be like in the future. At the same time, he always adds that he loves her very much, since she raised him completely alone. The father left the family even at the moment when Lesha was very young.

First achievements in the sports arena

In 1996 he received his first gold at Olympic Games Alexey Nemov. The Olympics at that time were held in Atlanta. The athlete became a two-time champion. After four years, Alexey went to the Olympics in Sydney and again won gold medals in two copies. Accordingly, fans expected new victories from performances at the games in Athens. And Alexei Nemov did not let them down. 2004 was a difficult year for him. To the delight of the audience, the athlete completed the most difficult program, which, according to experts, others could not even dream of. However, the judges had a completely different opinion.

The scandal that erupted at the Olympics in Athens

Of course, it should be noted that the all-around has always been too difficult for our athlete. However, it’s not so bad that as a result you don’t even get into the number of winners. There were also bad marks after the performance on the crossbar. Those points that were given to our gymnast will later be called unprecedented. Numerous viewers from all over the world watched how Alexei Nemov received clearly underestimated marks from the judges, who after a while nevertheless raised them. However, the final score was still not enough to get into the number of winners.

The athlete was amazed by the support from the audience

The audience did not like it, and she began to boo the decision referee team. As a result of the actions of the fans, it was decided to stop the competition. When another athlete approached the projectile, there was no order in the stands. People whistled, shouted and demanded justice. It should be noted that there were not so many fans from Russia. Alexei was amazed by this situation. He went out to the platforms again and thanked the audience for the good attitude towards him, for the support they provided. However, the situation did not subside, and the American athlete could not start his performance.

After the Olympics, you need to rest in order to start training again with renewed vigor.

The audience calmed down only after Alexey personally asked them about it. Subsequently, all sports experts, and even ordinary people, have repeatedly said that the athlete was unfairly deprived of medals. As a result, Alexei took only fifth place. Naturally, it was embarrassing. And Nemov Alexei did not hide this. The biography of the great gymnast contains three trips to the Olympics. And in all these games, he showed himself from the best side. After the Athens games, the gymnast wanted to take a break from the stress that he had experienced. And this could be done only in the family, in the company of people dear to him. And after the rest, you can start training again, with renewed vigor and fresh emotions. At that time, Alexey Nemov did not speak about the termination of his career.

Athlete's personal life

Alexei met his wife at a base in Moscow. At first, there was no talk of anything serious between them. Relations were friendly. Galya, which is the name of the gymnast's wife, worked as an administrator at the training base. And she already had a husband and a son. They just talked to each other, Alexei consulted about his personal life, and Galya tried to help him.

After a while, Alexei began to realize that he was missing Galya more and more. Then he even gave her perfume in order to guess by the aroma whether she was at work or not. This all went on for two years. And none of the lovers could take the first step, they thought that between them was just friendship. Feelings remained a big secret. However, after a while, Alexei announced that he was no longer going to train at the base. For Gali, this was the solution to all problems. There was no need for a divorce. And the mother-in-law considered her marriage happy. And everything seems to calm down.

However, after winning the Olympics, gymnast Alexei Nemov returned to the base and invited Galya to go with him to Togliatti. She, without thinking twice, packed her things, took her son with her and left for Alexei.

The gymnast is not going to regret his choice

A month later, the athlete again left for competitions in France. And it would be time for Galya to become depressed, since her beloved is not around, she left her family and is in an unfamiliar city. The two of them literally counted the hours until the meeting, madly missing each other.

The return path of the gymnast lay through the capital. There he was supposed to spend the night and fly out the next day by plane to Tolyatti. However, he, without hesitation, took the car and rushed home at breakneck speed into the downpour. His coach also went with him. As a result, he arrived at his beloved a day earlier, which he was very happy about. Alexei never doubted the correctness of his choice and is not going to doubt in the future.

Some time after the competition in France was completed, the young couple formalized their relationship.

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Who are they, these first, stars and champions, the chosen lucky ones? Or can everyone be the best? If it didn’t work out now and you don’t know where to start, it’s very difficult to believe in success. Leave the dream just a fantasy or create your own path out of it? It turns out that only you can decide.“My mother brought me to gymnastics. I was a hyperactive child, stood on my head all the time, did not know where to put my energy. The sport was the perfect solution, the training took over my head. But imagine that sports career will become golden in the history of world gymnastics, then no one could.

Alexei's childhood was not cloudless: they lived together with their mother in a small family on the outskirts of Togliatti, and there were enough difficulties. Nemov admits that his dreams could not come true without the support of the household: in childhood - a loving mother, later - the most devoted comrade-in-arms, wife Galina. Absolute faith in his talent and success, the family habit of always sticking together and standing up for each other are the secret ingredients of the outstanding athlete's victories.

“In the group of the gymnastic school where I got, out of eight people, I took ninth place. In general, I didn’t have any special data, ”says Nemov. - But I was very coordinated, this is the only plus, thanks to which, probably, they did not dare to kick me out of gymnastics". Yes, and relations with peers were not easy, offensive "fatherlessness" was heard more than once in his address.

Today, Alexey is raising two sons, Alexei and Dmitry, and his wife's son from his first marriage, Eugene. Galina says that her husband's father turned out to be exemplary: caring and loving. He does not expect sports records from the guys, but he supports them in all endeavors: “Our elder is artistic in nature, and the younger, Dima, is energetic, stubborn. While we observe what their soul lies in, and we try to help in everything!

At one time a dream young athlete Alexey Nemov to get to the Olympics and win it seemed unrealistic to many, similar to the fantasies of peers about becoming an astronaut. But compromises were not included in the athlete's plans: champion character and hard work did the trick. In 1989, when Alexei got into the youth team Soviet Union, he felt that the goal was closer than ever. “When I arrived at the Ozero Krugloye sports base, where our Olympic team trained, for the first time I saw with my own eyes my idols that I hung on posters in my bedroom! Probably from that moment I really felt that this is a reality, that dreams can be made a reality. In the same place, Alexei met his future wife: “Galina worked at the Krugloye Lake base as an administrator. When she looked into the hall, no matter how hard I tried to impress her, I did this on the uneven bars! We knew right away that it was destiny. I had to go through Galina's divorce from her first husband, but our love helped to cope with everything.

There are no victories without defeats, this is known to all athletes. In 1995, at the European Championships, when Alexei was ahead of his rivals by more than a point, at the next stage the coach suggested that he make a standard program that would guarantee victory. “I said: “No, we will do that complex program that we were preparing.” It so happened that I fell three times on the projectile and ended up in ninth place. I didn’t know what to do, I was very upset, of course, I was sitting in the locker room crying. But then he pulled himself together, because there were still final competitions. As a result, I had to win three gold medals, - the athlete recalls with a smile. “How else, I had to prove to everyone that I didn’t give up, I’m moving on.”

The habit of taking risks and doing everything to the maximum remained with Alexei forever. This is how Nemov becomes a two-time winner at the Olympic Games in Atlanta next year. Olympic champion(receives two gold, one silver and three bronze medals), and in 2000 in Sydney he will become the absolute Olympic champion, having won six medals.

The path to the dream was not direct and simple, but the athlete is grateful to everyone who supported him, and even to those who doubted him. “Someone didn’t believe in me, they said: “Yes, nothing will come of you.” And that encouraged me too. Sometimes you yourself lose faith, and therefore here a lot depends on your relatives. For me - from my mother, for whom I tried, thanks to which I went to gymnastics ... She inspired me all the time, she said: "Lyosha, son, you will succeed, everything will be fine." I am infinitely grateful to my coach Evgeny Grigoryevich Nikolko, who has been leading me since the fourth grade. And the guys with whom I was on the team - they also, of course, inspired me.

“What else am I dreaming about right now? Sorry, I won’t talk, otherwise it won’t come true, ”Nemov laughs.

Critics and rivals will always be close to your ambitions, and at times it will be difficult. Then it's time to show character and prove loyalty to the dream. It is she who decides whether you will be at the top of success tomorrow or left behind after another defeat. After all, the winner is the one who gets up one more time than he falls.