Children's poems about a snow and ice slide and skiing. Poems about skiing Nursery rhymes skating skiing

Ah, my skis, skis, -
I am not myself without you.
Well, what in the world is closer
Me snowy winter?
You will fasten on felt boots
crispy belts
And you drive all day
And all day long.
Well, then you breathe a little,
Standing on your feet a little...
Ah, my skis, skis -
Not in the world better than skiing!

Vakhitova A.

I bought skis yesterday!
I leaned lower
attached shoes to them
and hurry to ride
near the house seven circles
I skied
even gave a friend "update"
when he began to ask for skis.
Rolled up and home!
my legs are tired.
I am happy! I am today
made ski roads!

Bashuk N.

Two diligent "twins"
Two girlfriends - pieces of wood
Walk side by side together
They carry me through the snow.

Gubskaya N.

One summer I heard
As skis whisper in the pantry.
- Something exfoliated nose,
Yes, and the back of porridge asks.
They completely forgot about you and me.
Do you remember when we were new?
How the snow creaked under us,
How fervent laughter rang,
How we flew from the mountain
In front of the children
How frost caressed us.
Skiing was remembered for a long time.
Snowy winter, snowdrifts
I want to race on skis.
Where are you winter-winter?
After all, there is only darkness in the pantry.
And mice gnaw at our heels.
Oh, it looks like they're coming!

Nikulina N.

Said ski to ski,
Going down the hill:
- Stay close to me.
- Don't trip yourself.
And rushed at full speed,
Raising the snow fluff.
A tree got in the way
Prickly hedgehog ...
- Turn left, turn left!
- Right, it's better here! ..
- Ski knocked ski confusing,
And with overclocking, both - in the Christmas tree.

Bursov I.

After breakfast in the yard
Yegor came out with skis.
The snow sparkles so cheerfully
How can you not ride here?
Our Yegor got up on skis -
conqueror of the snowy mountains.
Only skis, as a miracle,
they drive very rough.
That one runs to the left,
and the other, clumsily,
suddenly turns right
where the snowdrift is waiting for Yegorka.
The whole Yegorka fell out,
Well, skis do not go uphill.
And they don't go downhill.
What do you say to do here?
Well, you have to take off your skis,
uncomfortable to walk in them.
I'm on a hill with a sled
I'll climb in, Yegor decided.
Let dad teach me later
how to ski better.

Blinnikova M.

Prepare the sleigh - as they say in the summer,
But if you didn't make it, no problem.
As soon as everything around is covered with snow,
I will get back on skis then ...

Terekhin I.

Soon the finish line! Closer, closer
“Help me, skis!
Wooden, two horses,
You are letting me down!
I cherished and cherished you:
He smeared with ointment, rubbed with a rag;
And in a case, carried you to school;
Now, what a shame!
Well, a little, a little, a little!
Coach, to me: "Do not let me down!"
The track will end soon
And the team will win!
Ahead, of course - the master.
Anyway, I'll catch up!
On the knurled crust
I shout: “Give me a ski track!”
Pushed - "my horses"
And they didn't let me down!
Gloriously ended, the chase:
Close to the finish line!
Our school won.
We got the main prize!
... I'm going home - cheerful;
Mom, I'll make a surprise!

Kravetsky B.

Snow in the mountains and on the plains.
The blizzard covered the road -
You won't drive a car
And your feet will be tied up on foot.
Don't worry too much -
The path is shorter. Goals are closer
Let's go through the snowdrifts
If we get up on skis.

Rodivilina N.

Feet walk on snowdrifts.
A dispute with snowdrifts is started:
- We will not get stuck in the snow, -
We were talking on the run
And we'll go where we need to go.
Skis will support us together,
Snowdrifts are not a hindrance to them.
Snow for them is one consolation.

Sorenkova G.

Sparks of sun and snow
The descent is winding and steep.
The pace is right, with a running start
Our skis are taken.

Again fate sent me
Passion, radiance, flight.
Isn't it too late - slalom?
But don't be scared - oh ice? ...

tensed body,
Every muscle is steel.
And I wanted to spit
What will happen to me!

Drunina Yu.

I'm skiing in full swing!
From the mountain high and steep u-u-x!
I look ahead - I don't know fear.
I go down from the mountain and into the snowdrift - bang!
I sit in a snowdrift and shout - Oh!
And I get out all covered in snow, angry!
First tears, then laughter.
I get up on skis, I climb to the top !!!

Yaryshevskaya E.

The whole earth is covered in snow
I'm skiing
You run after me.
Good in the forest in winter

Vvedensky A.

Skiing down the hill
I scream with joy.
It shook on a hillock
And I'm flying, I'm flying.
And the sky is closer, closer
And suddenly a snowdrift in the forest ..
Home back skiing
I carry it on my shoulder.

Tolstobrova A.

Skis are standing by the stove,
The sunset fades behind the mountain
The month ends March
We'll be going home soon.
Hello gloomy days
Mountain sun, farewell!
We will keep forever
In the heart of this region.

We are escorted with you
Proud handsome Erzog,
We are waiting with you
Haze of distant roads.
And so the circle ends
Remember, hope, miss!
Snow flags of parting
Posted the old Dombay.

Why are you standing on the path
Why don't you want to go?
We need to sing a song
We need to be less sad.
The trains are screaming from below
It's true that March is coming to an end.
An early star rises
Somewhere avalanches are making noise.

Yuri Vizbor

Two pairs of skis
pressed gently to the house,
almost lifeless.
But in this house
you and I are alive.
Not sleeping.
Are you sleeping.
Our only sentries
two pairs of skis.
Two pairs of skis are a little offended,
that they were not allowed to take a nap in the house.
Each ski has a white hollow,
like the Milky Way.
Danger crunches through the frost.
Everything is fragile
from icicles to us,
and the skis seem to feel threatened,
focusing on the stars.
Do you remember -
snowy forest full of sun
and the inscription with a ski pole:
"G. Saveliev.
Spruces were dropped inside the letters of the needles,
and Saveliev himself,
as if the wolves had eaten
And something scares me
for the life of Savelyev,
for a son
with a mole on a fragile fontanel.
And we are with you
and skis
and the universe -
on a thread.
I'm so afraid
for the crystal silence
for the moonlight
on the slopes of sleeping roofs ...
How long have they left the ski track from us?
two pairs of skis?
health -
pitiful leads
for the so-called life...
press the button
and not a splinter from us -
two pairs of skis.
Under every roof
also humanity.
No less valuable than Paris,
our house,
where at the porch the moon is highlighted
two pairs of skis.
And, listening sensitively to infinity,
where do you move your lips in a dream,
on the cutting edge
two pairs of skis.

Evgeny Yevtushenko

Galina Dyadina


I love skating
In a sequined scarf!
Shine a smile of eyes and lips!
And perform a triple sheepskin coat!
Then go backwards, then sideways!
Spin like crazy!
On a turn, on a turn
I love to jump on the rink!
And when I land, I slide again
Forward to the zigzag turn!
And even if the rink is not the same
Where mirror ice awaits you.
He lays the asphalt
And it weighs a couple of tons.
But the skating rink is very dear to me,
What a breath of fresh air!
And in the summer on hot days
He replaces my skates!

G. Ramazanov


Making a fairy tale
Trees and houses
White came to the guys -
White winter.

Cheerful, desirable
Frosty time -
ruddy from the cold
The kid laughs.

We drew with skates
The whole pond
And we want
swift-winged eagles
Let's go skiing.

Lev Kvitko


Winter storm,
Winter storm,
Winter storm,
Winter storm.
Can't see
Completely each other
Cheeks are cold
On the run
Let's overtake
We are a blizzard!
Everything is faster
skis flash,
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce
Through the bushes
From the pass
From high.
No for skiers
Who will rush
Earlier then others?
On the way to
We're rushing
Everything forward.
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
lifts, -
We don't give up!
Up and down
Whirlwind run!
Fur tree, pine tree,
Step aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
will take place
Ski cross!


I'm warm in my earflaps!
I grab the sled
I'm climbing the mountain
I'm flying downhill.
For me it's empty
The easiest -
Ride standing:
See - I'm rolling!
Suddenly the sled rushed...
My earflaps are missing.
She fell into the snow!
I'm falling too.
The sledges go on
They spin merrily.
Rope through the snow
Curls like a snake.
I found earflaps
I'm chasing the sled
I'm climbing the mountain
I'm flying downhill.
For me it's empty
The easiest -
Ride standing:
See - I'm rolling!

A. Vakhitova


Ah, my skis, skis, -
I am not myself without you.
Well, what in the world is closer
Me snowy winter?
You will fasten on felt boots
crispy belts
And you drive all day
And all day long.
Well, then you breathe a little,
A little on your feet...
Ah, my skis, skis -
There is no better ski in the world!

I. Bursov

Tricky sled

My sled drives by itself
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.
I can't get on top
Sledge - from a place and run ...
My sled drives by itself
No motor, no horse.
And under the hill my sled
Behind the snowdrift they are waiting for me.
Naughty, bored them
Climb up alone.

Pushkin A.S.

(From the novel "EUGENE ONEGIN")

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow;

Furrows (furrows) fluffy exploding,
A remote wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the irradiation
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.

Here is a yard boy running,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny
And his mother threatens him through the window ...

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.

Neater than fashionable parquet
The river shines, Dressed in ice.
Boys joyful people
Skates cut the ice loudly;

Pushkin A.S.


Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend, -
It's time, beauty, wake up;
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards northern Aurora (morning dawn)
Be the star of the north!

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -

And now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?

Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

Fet A.A.

Mother! Look out the window -
Know that yesterday it was not for nothing that the cat
Washed the nose
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
Brightened, whitened -
Apparently there is frost.

Not scratchy, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Just look at you!
Like someone chubby (generous)
Fresh, white, plump cotton
Removed all bushes.

Now there will be no dispute:
For the sled, and uphill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you might say to yourself:
- Well, go for a walk!

Anatoly Perevozchikov


At the porch
Lonely sled -
Their friend
For a cold
Banks are set up

And How
Wouldn't spin
Snow at the gate
Today he
It is seen,
Will not play...

And sad Sledges,
Sad Sledge
Stand and grumble
For medical

Because in such
They don't give
Their friend.

Not by the field
Not from the hill
roll down,
But they only force
Lie down and languish.

As if they don't know
That from the people
What about those
Who is apart
Get sick

N.A. Nekrasov
In the winter twilight the nanny's tales
Sasha loved. In the morning in a sleigh
Sasha sat down, flew like an arrow,
Full of happiness, from an icy mountain.

The nanny shouts: "Don't kill yourself, dear!"
Sasha, driving his sleigh,
Fun running. On full run
Sled on one side - and Sasha in the snow!

Braids will be knocked out, a fur coat will be disheveled -
The snow is shaking off, the dove is laughing!
Not to grumbling and gray-haired nanny,
She loves her young laugh...

Surikov I.Z.


Here is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep;

Here the sled turned
And I clap on the side!
head over heels
Downhill into a snowdrift.

And my friends are boys
Standing over me
merrily laugh
Over my trouble.

All face and hands
Made me snow...
I'm in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys - laughter! ..

A.A. Blok

dilapidated hut

dilapidated hut
All covered in snow.
old grandmother
Looks out the window.

For the naughty grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Cheerful for the kids
Fast sled running...

running, laughing,
Making a snow house
ringing loudly
Voices all around...

In the snow house
Rough game...
Fingers get cold
It's time to go home!

Drink tea tomorrow
Looking out the window -
And the house melted
It's spring outside!

What strange boards and incomprehensible hooks!

Daniil Kharms

I walked in the winter along the swamp
in galoshes,
In Hat
And with glasses.
Suddenly, someone swept along the river
On metal

I ran to the river
And he ran into the forest,
I attached two planks to my feet,
sat down,
jumped up
And disappeared.
And for a long time I stood by the river,
And I thought for a long time, taking off my glasses:
"What strange
And incomprehensible

Children's poems about skiing for schoolchildren and preschoolers 5-6 years old

A. Tolstobrova

Skiing down the hill
I scream with joy.
It shook on a hillock
And I'm flying, I'm flying.

And the sky is closer, closer
And suddenly a snowdrift in the forest ..
Home back skiing
I carry it on my shoulder.

G. Sorenkova
Feet walk on snowdrifts.
A dispute with snowdrifts is started:
- We will not get stuck in the snow, -
We were talking on the run
And we'll go where we need to go.
Skis support us together
Snowdrifts are not a hindrance to them.
Snow for them is one consolation

A. Paroshin

On a winter day I do not miss:
Fast skis I put on
I take two sticks in my hands,
I play tag with the wind!

E. Yaryshevskaya

I'm flying to skiing I'm in full swing!
From the mountain high and steep u-u-x!
I look ahead - I don't know fear.
I go down the mountain and in snowdrifts!
I sit in a snowdrift and scream- Oh!
And I get out all covered in snow, angry!
First tears, then laughter.
I get up on skis, I climb up!

N. Rodivilina

Snow in the mountains and on the plains.
The blizzard covered the road -
You won't drive a car
And your feet will be tied up on foot.
Don't worry too much -
The path is shorter. Goals are closer
Let's go through the snowdrifts
If we stand up skis.

O. Alenkina

Winter is getting closer every day
The wind beats against the glass.
crying on the balcony skis
And sigh heavily:
"We're tired of gathering dust,
Wait for the hosts for the time being.
We would like to take a ride!
Fly from a steep mountain!
We should run faster than the wind
Leaving a smooth trail
Kilometer after mile...
But so far there is no snow.

B. Kravetsky

Soon the finish line! Closer, closer
"Help, I'm skiing!
Wooden, two horses,
You are letting me down!
I cherished and cherished you:
He smeared with ointment, rubbed with a rag;
And in a case, carried you to school;
And now - such a shame!
Well, just a little, a little, a little!"
Coach, me: "Do not let me down!"
The track will end soon
And the team will win!
Ahead, of course - the master.
Anyway, I'll catch up!
On the knurled crust
I shout: "Give me a ski track!"
Pushed - "my horses"
And they didn't let me down!
Gloriously ended, the chase:
Close to the finish line!
Our school won.
We got the main prize!
... I'm going home - cheerful;
Mom, I'll make a surprise!

N. Nikulina

One summer I heard
As they whisper in the pantry skis.
- Something exfoliated nose,
Yes, and the back of porridge asks.
They completely forgot about you and me.
Do you remember when we were new?
How the snow creaked under us,
How fervent laughter rang,
How we flew from the mountain
In front of the children
How frost caressed us.
Skiing was remembered for a long time.
Snowy winter, snowdrifts
I want to race on skis.
Where are you winter-winter?
After all, there is only darkness in the pantry.
And mice gnaw at our heels.
Oh, it looks like they're coming!

T. Dubovskaya

Wonderful day, beautiful day
Gathered the guys on the mountain.
Alyoshka is also among them -
First time on skis got up.
And, although a little scary,
He does not show.
Pushed off and bravely
Rushed forward down the hill.
He boldly descended from the mountain,
Wanted to stand out.
But it looks like he overdid it
And flew into a big snowdrift.
And laugh at Alyosha
Five funny magpies.
From the snowdrift only legs
Together with skis stick out.
- Well, a skier! That's how he left,
The baby roar didn't stop.
Someone shouted: "This is fun!
Cool Lech flipped!"
But Alyoshka was not embarrassed,
He laughs at himself.
Got up and rolled again.
Here is a groovy boy!

M. Blinnikova

After breakfast in the yard
came out with skiing Egor.
The snow sparkles so cheerfully
How can you not ride here?
Our Yegor got up on skis -
conqueror of the snowy mountains.
Only skis, as a miracle,
they drive very rough.
That one runs to the left,
and the other, clumsily,
suddenly turns right
where the snowdrift is waiting for Yegorka.
The whole Yegorka fell out,
Well, skis do not go uphill.
And they don't go downhill.
What do you say to do here?
Well, you have to take off your skis,
uncomfortable to walk in them.
I'm on a hill with a sled
I'll climb in, Yegorka decided.
Let dad teach me later
how to ski better.

N. Bashuk

I was bought yesterday skis !
I leaned lower
attached shoes to them
and hurry to ride
near the house seven circles
I skied
even gave a friend "update"
when he began to ask for skis.
Rolled up and home!
my legs are tired.
I am happy! I am today
made ski roads!

L. Nizhegorodtseva

We drove out of town
Look like skiing.
Here is a village, here is a hillock.
I don't see skiing.
Dad said to me: "Problem?
You are already big.
See: knee-deep snow?
This is good.
I'll lay the track, you follow
Wait, don't fall behind."
I clung to dad, food,
Like a tram car
Whole 45 minutes!
Only, it turns out:
I'm big, but .. for some reason, my legs are moving apart.
He drove me with a trailer
Right to the village.
It can be seen, dad's ski track
A little small for me.

Children's rhymes about snow and ice slide and slides:

A. Kabanov

On the ice quickly from the hill
Little Yegorka rolled.
And after him glided Denis,
Flying fast down...
Skis, sleds took in hand -
And they ran to ride.
On a winter day, in frost, in the morning
A snowy mountain is waiting for us.

T. Nesterova

A hurricane is rushing down the hill
From babies and laughter.
A hurricane is rushing down the hill
From sleds and snow.
A hurricane is rushing down the hill
From commotion and echo.
A hurricane is blowing down the hill.
Look, here's the fun!

V. Shishkov

Ice slide
Slippery like that
Just got in, already below,
I'm taking the sled up again.
Here are the guys early in the morning
Who is with a cardboard, who is on a sled,
And one wanted to ski
Ride, but did not work.
Some of the little ones
Just falls on the belly
And, sliding, rushes down,
Only laughter and squeals are heard.

L. Ulanova

Let's get into fur coats with a hood,
Like mice in minks.
And it will be very good for us
Rolling down the hill…
The mountain is so big
Like an elephant, I guess...
Why should I
Roll first?
You incite to ride:
"Don't be afraid, come on!"
And so I fly, I fly like a bird ...
Trembling like a bunny!
Like a pig - only not a sea pig! -
I squeal in fear.
Rolled down ... Boom! And I crawl away
Like a turtle.
But still I can now
Be proud of yourself!
I am a very brave animal.
Perhaps a lioness?

Z. Sosnina

Looked out Yegor's window:
under the window from the snow slide.
- Who is that in the yard?
built a hill for kids?
Maybe it's Santa Claus
brought snow here at night?
Maybe make a snowman?
He is not used to work.
Maybe hares and foxes
would you like to work here?
Maybe a teddy bear?
Dad built a hill for us!
“I guessed, I guessed!
I saw a shovel!
Look, under it in the corner
snow melted on the floor?
Dad is the best in the world!
How happy the children will be!

G. Smith

Slide. Sled. Well it's time
Rush down. Hooray! Hooray!
Down the hill, whistling in the ears,
Only snow in the face flies.

O. Strizhova

Hat, jacket and jacket,
Mittens, boots!
Boys - Oleg and Yurka
They go down a small hill.
This is a hill, what is small?
The kid was surprised.
This is a whole mountain
The kids screamed!
- Here! Get in this sleigh
And slide down the mountain yourself!

N. Borisova

How much snow in January!
Let's build a hill in the yard.
Yep... it's not that easy...
We lack growth.
Serezhin's older brother came,
He is also happy to build a hill.
And mom and dad came out -
Grow, mountain, higher!
We are from the yard right down to the ground
Shoveled all the snow with shovels ...
I won't praise
But it turned out a miracle!
Water was poured from a bucket -
Let it freeze until the morning.
By the morning the hill is ready,
The crust is frozen.
Glittering in the sun!
Rushing somersault down the hill
Plywood and cardboard
Boys and girls!

A. Aliyeva

What cartoons, what toys,
If we have "cheesecakes"!
And up the hill, up the hill
We are riding on a "cheesecake"!
On the cheerful mountain slopes
and millions of snowflakes
rush down with us,
is there anything more wonderful?
Screeching and laughter, everything is in motion,
all in a swift gliding
and along the snowy corridors -
from top to bottom - to the expanses of the earth,
right-left labyrinths
and the end is not yet in sight.
Heartbreak - wow!
We are rushing with all our might!
Someone down there flickers,
someone overtakes from above,
flies, flies
throws snowballs on the fly!
Weightless "cheesecakes"
fly away from each other
like balloons
and rush down the mountain!
I ride on a "cheesecake" -
let your girlfriends envy you!

Children's poems about skiing:

I. Schastneva

We are rolling down the hill
With little Yegorka.
Sledges carry us forward
Gaining full speed
It's already breathtaking.
- Hey-gey! - we shout out loud,
-Get out of the way!
Wow! And we - in a snowdrift!

A. Tolstobrova

Skiing down the hill
I scream with joy.
It shook on a hillock
And I'm flying, I'm flying.

G. Sorenkova
Feet walk on snowdrifts.
A dispute with snowdrifts is started:
- We will not get stuck in the snow, -
We were talking on the run
And we'll go where we need to go.
Skis will support us together,
Snowdrifts are not a hindrance to them.
Snow for them is one consolation

A. Paroshin

On a winter day I do not miss:
I quickly put on my skis
I take two sticks in my hands,
I play tag with the wind!

E. Yaryshevskaya

I'm skiing in full swing!
From the mountain high and steep u-u-x!
I look ahead - I don't know fear.
I go down from the mountain and into the snowdrift - bang!
I sit in a snowdrift and scream - Oh!
And I get out all covered in snow, angry!
First tears, then laughter.
I get up on skis, I climb to the top !!!

N. Rodivilina

Snow in the mountains and on the plains.
The blizzard covered the road -
You won't drive a car
And your feet will be tied up on foot.
Don't worry too much -
The path is shorter. Goals are closer
Let's go through the snowdrifts
If we get up on skis.

O. Alenkina

Winter is getting closer every day
The wind beats against the glass.
Skis are crying on the balcony
And sigh heavily:
"We're tired of gathering dust,
Wait for the hosts for the time being.
We would like to take a ride!
Fly from a steep mountain!
We should run faster than the wind
Leaving a smooth trail
Kilometer after mile...
But so far there is no snow.

B. Kravetsky

Soon the finish line! Closer, closer
"Help, I'm skiing!
Wooden, two horses,
You are letting me down!
I cherished and cherished you:
He smeared with ointment, rubbed with a rag;
And in a case, carried you to school;
And now - such a shame!
Well, just a little, a little, a little!"
Coach, me: "Do not let me down!"
The track will end soon
And the team will win!
Ahead, of course - the master.
Anyway, I'll catch up!
On the knurled crust
I shout: "Give me a ski track!"
Pushed - "my horses"
And they didn't let me down!
Gloriously ended, the chase:
Close to the finish line!
Our school won.
We got the main prize!
... I'm going home - cheerful;
Mom, I'll make a surprise!

N. Nikulina

One summer I heard
As skis whisper in the pantry.
- Something exfoliated nose,
Yes, and the back of porridge asks.
They completely forgot about you and me.
Do you remember when we were new?
How the snow creaked under us,
How fervent laughter rang,
How we flew from the mountain
In front of the children
How frost caressed us.
Skiing was remembered for a long time.
Snowy winter, snowdrifts
I want to race on skis.
Where are you winter - winter?
After all, there is only darkness in the pantry.
And mice gnaw at our heels.
Oh, it looks like they're coming!

T. Dubovskaya

Wonderful day, beautiful day
Gathered the guys on the mountain.
Alyoshka is also among them -
First time on skis.
And, although a little scary,
He does not show.
Pushed off and bravely

Rushed forward down the hill.
He boldly descended from the mountain,
Wanted to stand out.
But it looks like he overdid it
And flew into a big snowdrift.
And laugh at Alyosha
Five funny magpies.
From the snowdrift only legs
Together with skis stick out.
- Well, a skier! That's how he left,
The baby roar didn't stop.
Someone shouted: "This is fun!
Cool Lech flipped!"
But Alyoshka was not embarrassed,
He laughs at himself.
Got up and rolled again.
Here is a groovy boy!

M. Blinnikova

After breakfast in the yard
Yegor came out with skis.
The snow sparkles so cheerfully
How can you not ride here?
Our Yegor got up on skis -
conqueror of the snowy mountains.
Only skis, as a miracle,
they drive very rough.
That one runs to the left,
and the other, clumsily,

suddenly turns right
where the snowdrift is waiting for Yegorka.
The whole Yegorka fell out,
Well, skis do not go uphill.
And they don't go downhill.
What do you say to do here?
Well, you have to take off your skis,
uncomfortable to walk in them.
I'm on a hill with a sled
I'll climb in, Yegorka decided.
Let dad teach me later
how to ski better.

L. Nizhegorodtseva

We drove out of town
Go skiing.
Here is a village, here is a hillock.
I don't see skiing.
Dad said to me: "Problem?
You are already big.
See: knee-deep snow?
This is good.
I'll lay the track, you follow
Wait, don't fall behind."
I clung to dad, food,
Like a tram car
Whole 45 minutes!
Only, it turns out:
I'm big, but .. for some reason, my legs are moving apart.

Children's poems about skates:

G. Sorenkova

Skates have one concern -
Go hunting to the skating rink
Where winter ice sparkles
To run back and forth

Stay at home today
Of course I couldn't.
Taking the skates with you
I rushed to the skating rink.
On skates I'm like a bird
Like an arrow I run on ice
To unfamiliar faces
I smile as I walk.

G. Dyadina

figure skating
It's like being in the clouds.
It looks like a fast flight
As if everywhere the sky, not ice.
And it's hard for the legs after that
Get used to your own boots.

A. Taraman. On skates

The skating rink burned like a hundred mirrors,
Shimmered and sparkled
One hundred suns reflected in it!
I danced,
I rejoiced
The circle was drawing
Don't forget about fatigue!
No, on such magical ice
I will never fall
I forgot about the bruises!
And I will fall - I will want!
And here I am rolling again
I'm flying
And behind the back - wings!
There is nothing better than ice!
When will we go there?

S. Tragotskaya

The elephant got on skates
Draw turns on ice
Fell so many times
Sparks flew from his eyes.
Twisted the fox in his hands
Nearly dropped her.
Was clumsy, awkward
There was a sudden commotion.
Flying in circles like a bird
Smiling fox...
After all, with such a good friend
It's good to fly in circles.
Who loves sports seriously
Never mind any frost!

Nikolka is very small
I put on boots on Saturday.
Guys on the rink
Nicholas in the corner.
Standing, silent, yawning,
He does not wear skates.
They shout: "Hey, Nikolai,
Put on your skates!
And step on the ice to us,
Try it, catch up!"
Nikolka is our resourceful:
- And boots are more stable,

I'll go in felt boots -
I'll catch you on ice!
Stepped on the ice, fell
But he didn't cry.
Go to the snow
And we'll have a run!
Don't take off your skates
Try to catch!

R. Bikmetova

What glorious days!
Come on, children, take the skates
Hurry to the rink!
Hurry up, my friend.
Here we are playing at the Christmas tree,
We roll down the hill.
We all have fun to tears
And Santa Claus is not terrible.
Kids love winter
What a wonderful time!

L. Zubanenko

I went to the skating rink with my dad,
Skating there.
Often fell, but did not cry,
He said "OH", then "AH".
I tried to drive straight
Holding my dad's hand
Only slippery ice caught
Everything pushed me into a snowdrift.
And ride in boots
It's not difficult for me on ice, "AH" ...

S. Loseva

Two skates for me Santa Claus
AT New Year brought home.
"You jump on top of them -
You don't recognize your feet,
So he said, and off he went.
I'll take a look at them soon.
This is such a miracle shoes!
They are unusual.
On the sole - on the knife.
I won't hold myself back.
“Hey, bold on the ice, kid!
Yes, do not be afraid,” said the father.
Smooth ice is beautiful and white, -
I got a little bolder
I took a step and flew

I didn't even have time to scream.
Oh, and the ice is strong, friends.
It hurts, but I don't cry.
Here the guys ran
And they took me by the hand.
Began to teach the rules
Lead me along.
The tree is lit up with lights.
Ice sparkles underfoot.
And to the music of the people
Breaks through the ice.
“Great!” I shout to my friends,
Taught. I'm going by myself!"
And when he left them,
I did not recognize my feet.

S. Shkolnikova

They pour us a skating rink.
Don't feel sorry for the legs guys!
All the guys rolled
I only have bruises.
I probably got
Abnormal skates:
Just stand on the ice -
are leaving
I'll just take a step -
They scatter...
But by the end of the week

Skates suddenly wised up -
Now they don't leave
Now don't run away!
I fell a few times
But that doesn't count!
It doesn't matter if you're bruised
But I'm skating!

I. Rodionov

On a frosty sunny day
We went with a friend to the rink -
We bought skates yesterday
We're going to study. Hooray!
And tomorrow we will play
Score pucks in the goal!
I tied the laces tight
And stepped on the ice for the first time.
The whole world has turned upside down!
Skates, that is, no support!
I rubbed my knee:
- Oh no! So just don't give up!
He fell again, and again ... and again
And blood flowed from his nose.
I look, lying down, at my friend.
And he folded his skates for now,
And going home!
Then I shout to him: - Wait!
Try to learn more!
And he - to me: - Tired of everything!
Now, if without bruises,

Then I'm ready to learn!
Gone... I got up again...
Success! I can already stand!
Now I'm pushing off the wall.
Though my legs are crooked, but I roll!
Push with the foot more, more!
Now falling doesn't count!
Run home - it's already dark,
And the houses are waiting for me for a long time!
Let the nose is broken, all bruised,
After all, all bruises will heal!
... And then a friend sold the skates.

T. Sokolenko

How does it happen
Does water turn to ice?
Why is nature in winter
Freezes water?
It's all frost - prankster
They gave us a holiday in the winter.
Well, we are extremely happy
We are happy to ride
On the shining surface of ice
Skating back and forth.
How do I turn around
To not stretch out on the ice?
Guys fall on the ice

And not enough success.
We learned to ride for a long time,
Anyway, got used to it a little.
And ride all day
We are not lazy at all now.
Our frisky skates cut the mirror of the river.
Everyone blushed with laughter
Ice skating is fun for kids!

Funny nursery rhymes about sledding:

Children on a sled in the snow
Rushing down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid to fall into the snow -
Don't get on the sled.

B. Elshansky

I went for the sled
Moved away from the road.
Slides here and dimples -
Sledges got lost.
In warm jackets and earflaps
There is no more fun game
Than on fast, fast sleds,
Like an arrow, fly from the mountain.
To slide down the hill,
You need to take a quick run.
The sled rushes like a bird,
More often - head over heels and in the snow.
Here it is turned over again
But I don't want to cry.
shook off, smiled
And again I'm flying from the mountain!

I. Esaulkov

Bitter smoke billows from the chimney.
Glass painted.
I'm sledding down the hill.
I'm not cold, I'm warm!

The blizzard has brought snowdrifts!
Roll out tracks to
We will rush like a tank
Sitting together on a sled.

N. Golubeva

Downhill faster than a bird
Our Masha rushes in a sled.
The faithful dog does not lag behind,
Wants to get ahead!

S. Alibaev

I went out on a sled
Ride from the mountain.
And the cold is shameless
Can't wait -
Immediately runs up
And for my nose
Enough with a run
It hurts more than fire.
But I was not timid -
Ran up the hill.
And the cold is angry
Stayed under the hill.

N. Merkushova

I will overcome the storm
Run away from the cold!
At me, at Ksanochka,
There are cool sleds.
These sleds drive themselves.
These sleds are with sails!
- Where is the sail, Ksanochka?
- The sail is mommy!!!

T. Efimova

The sled runs down the hill.
"Hey you chicken legs!
Hurry up! Look out!
Get out of the way!
Didn't have time - close your eyes!
Don't be offended!
Let's be a bunch
All roll together.

I. Schastneva

We are rolling down the hill
With little Yegorka.
Sledges carry us forward
Gaining full speed
It's already breathtaking.

Ege-gay! - we shout out loud,
-Get out of the way!
Wow! And we - in a snowdrift!

I. Bursov

My sled drives by itself
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.
I can't get on top
Sledge - from a place and run ...
My sled drives by itself
No motor, no horse.
And under the hill my sled
Behind the snowdrift they are waiting for me.
Naughty, bored them
Climb up alone.

O. Kisileva

Winter has finally arrived!
Snow flies, does not melt.
Like snow houses
Hills grow.
Come out to the yard
Tyoma, Sasha and Egor!
We will ride together
From the icy and snowy mountains.
From a snowy and steep hill
Let's go sledding!

And for the ice slide -
An ice cube will do!

Soft, wet, prickly snow.
Voiced, thin ice - laughter.
Silver - the radiance of the day.
The sleigh is carrying me down.
I'm flying, I'm flying, I'm flying
I don't want to return!
Cheek fire, runners ringing,
And around - a magical dream:
In lace and garden and forest,
Smoke climbed into the sky
Tiny-stars sparkling swarm
It flies after me.
I'm flying, flying and - stop!
Head in the snow!!!

G. Sorenkova

Sledges ran in winter:
From home, then home
They ran down the hill, down the hill.
Traveled on a business trip
Without much work
In the yard next door sometimes.
The guys rode all winter.

Never got tired.
And would always ride -
Too bad the cold is gone.

V. Mikhailov

Our Egor asked
Ride a sled down a hill.
Here, I will say, trouble and flour,
I can't see:
Where are the legs, where are the hands
Under the mountain they stick out in the snow.

B. Bikbay

Snow is falling, snow is falling
Fun, fun.
Hurry up and get the sled
And run up the hill!

We fly, we fly on a sled,
The wind won't catch up.
On a roll - sled on its side,
Well, we are in a ditch.

O. Vysotskaya

The sled rolled down.
Hold on, baby doll!
You sit, do not fall -
There's a groove ahead!
You have to drive carefully!
Otherwise, you can break!

E. Moshkovskaya

All the whims of Oksanka
Let's collect in big sleds,
We'll take you to a distant forest,
Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains!
And leave near the Christmas tree ...
Let the evil wolves eat them!

T. Lilo. Sled

A lot of dust…
We were closed
And they forgot!
In the dark
On the mezzanine
Before winter

We will be in trouble...
snow path:
Bjjj-buzz! -
bit of asphalt...
Again: shhhhh!
And from the hill - vzhiiiiih! ..
And here you lie...
Ah, when?
People, come on!
We need snow
We need ice!
But while summer is in full swing -
Flour to us from this dust!
So ticklish -
Just horror!
Well, just say:
Dusty summer - for how long?
What's in the frost forecast?
The runners are very itchy! ..

M. Pridvorov

Rushing, rushing sleds from the hill,
Run all the people!
Captain on a sled vigilant
Look straight ahead.
He holds the road firmly
Barely holding back laughter.
Left side, right side
We push everyone.
What is, what is!
The captain closed his eyes.
We are flying downhill two.
Where are the brakes on the sled?!
Put away your skis
Sticks, Christmas trees and firewood.
Hide yourself quickly, we
We shout about it to you: - AAAAA!

N. Afromeeva

jammed at home
White earflaps.
Brother brought from the garage
Old sleds.
Screwed a plank with him,
Tied a rope.
I'll invite you for a walk
I'm Vovka's neighbor!
The sledge track swirled

Sparkling silver -
We are flying from the mountain
Breaking the wind!
Until dark we rode
And both are tired
Because under the mountain
Thirty-three snowdrifts.
Them to measure the depth
We need:
Thirty times dived into the snow
Three - rushed past ...
How the star blinked at me
I saw it while falling asleep.
It's good when it's winter
Snow like this!

The snow was covered with a crust,
He thawed during the day ...
We're rolling down the hill
We're going with mommy.
snow frills,
Snow dust...
It would be nice to have a hill
Lasted without end.
- I, with my mom,
I can go down easily.
Sledges will take us away
Very far.
Mom slipped...

And from the mountain, rustling,
The sled rolled away
But without a baby.
The sled rolled away
Down with mom...
- Mom, mom, mom,
Come back soon!

Funny children's poems about snowmen:

N. Sergiyanskaya

He has a carrot nose
And he got used to the blizzard.
Likes winter and frost.
This is a white snowman.

L. Golubchikova

A hand reaches for the snow -
I'm making a snowman
But while I set my eyes,
All melted sides.

I brought a carrot-nose
And upset to tears -
My snowman, as if in a fairy tale,
Turned into a bun...

And he said to me: - It will be worse ...
I will soon turn into a puddle ...

V. Savonchik

He is neither small nor big
Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost
In the cold, it does not freeze.
And spring comes and melts.
What to do, how to be?
How can we save it?
Maybe a white fridge
Buy for a snowman?

N. Agoshkina

Three balls, bucket, carrot
And for the eyes - two coals;
Stick-hands deftly insert:
We are making a snowman.

V. Pavleniuk

From fluffy snow
I'm making a snowman
In a thick coat, so as not to freeze,
Though already a carrot nose,
Eyes - coals from the stove,
Two grasping hands.
Here is a shovel and a broom -
Oh, things are getting going!
Only a snowy friend is not simple -
He is worthy of holding a post -
Not to death, but to the stomach
Protects our winter!

O. Kiseleva

We make a snowman
Although the work is not easy.
We roll with a friend, we are together
Everything is a ras-too-shchy snowball!
Once - one lump is ready.
Two - a lump - his friend.

Three - another lump arose -
Got a snowman!
Eyes are lollipops
His nose is a carrot.
We are great today
We have a knack!

I. Ustinova

We made a snowman.
He is neither small nor great.
Carrot nose.
Instead of eyes - potatoes.
Very cute and funny.
They brought him home.
Melted in the morning.
Made me wash the floors.

V. Romanenko

Snow is blowing down the street
The blizzard sings songs
The kids yell "Hurrah!"
Snowman in the yard:
Instead of a hat - an old basin,
Embers in place of the eyes.
From carrots - a red nose,
As if painted by frost.
Oh, beautiful snowman -
Nice snow man!

M. Boykova

Blushed kids -
Rolled three balls!
They stacked them on top of each other
And they piled up the bucket.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands - branches, mouth - candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer!

L. Shaitanova

What are you waiting for, my friend:
Lump, lump and lump?
Coals - eyes, nose - carrots,
And you hold the broom dexterously.
I'm fine here
The New Year is knocking on the door
Santa Claus and blizzard
They make a friend for me.

E. Yaryshevskaya

White cook straight from the sky
Sprinkles snow flour.
From the flour from this bread
I'm sorry for the Snowman.

Because the snowman
I'm used to snow bread!
I carave for a big one
I trim the side with a spatula,
And I will throw firewood into the oven -
Blue transparent ice cubes.
Everything is ready in a moment.
Cheer up, Snowman!

G. Radionova

What? - Red nose!
Snowman has a cold?
Maybe he needs a compress
Or do you need a doctor?
But the kids are laughing
cheerful and loud
- Instead of a nose
red carrot!

G. Osmanova

Oh, the work is not easy -
We are making a snowman.
Together we roll a snowball,
We put another one on it,
Add a third lump on top
Insert a long nose-carrot,
Let's take coins instead of eyes,
We will make a nose from a branch,

The hat will be from a bucket,
The snowman is ready. Hooray!
Only sad one
He needs a true friend...
Sculpt for a snowman
Another - a snow puppy!

S. Ostrovsky

Seven year old general
I trusted the watchman -
Snow set to guard
He went to sleep happy.
He rubbed his eyes a little.
Look out the window - but there is no snow.
Goodness floats in a puddle:
Carrot nose, bucket helmet...
It is immediately clear - for a reason,
The guard fled from his post.

D. Alverno

snowman, snowman
He is neither small nor big
We blinded him
And then forgot
And in the morning the snow melted
And our man disappeared
He was snowy

snowy snowy
And so soft and fluffy

After school we again
Let's walk in the yard
We blind another
Snowy - not - wet

N. Kechatova

I made a snowman
Ma-scarlet growth,
After all, I’m big for now
Simply not possible.
Here comes my brother from school
He is a strong man,
Will gather all of us guys -
We're blind from tacos!
I'm rolling a snowball
Will come in handy soon
The yard will be a snowman
Be proud of the future!

Sculpts since the morning
Snowman kids.
Snow balls rolls
And laughing, connects.
Below is the largest lump,

A little less lump on it.
Even less - the head,
Barely reached out.
The eyes are bumps, the nose is a carrot.
The hat was well put on.
A bright scarf, in the hands of a broom.
And happy kids.

T. Nesterova

The snowman stood on a hill
Not dressed at all.
He brought Yegor to him
Dad's old jacket.
Nina knitted a scarf for him
Together with his grandmother.
Marina took out the hat -
Nothing without margins.
Snowman for local kids
Thank you from the bottom of my heart:
What a wonderful outfit
Given by kids!

S. Teschler

I'm chasing after all,
The snowman is already at home.
Would you help me a little
He gave his back, my friend,
I'll get up and put on my hat
What I found in my dad's closet!

It's not good to be alone
Let's make a snowman,
Even better - "snowman",
More pleasing to the ear...
Too bad mom doesn't have a shawl
Maybe a beret will do?
And now they would - kids,
Three funny snowmen!
Or all the same, "snowmen",
Yes, with hands made of knots,
In new colored scarves ...
Here is a verse about them!

N. Rodivilina

We sculpted it with Vovka.
It turned out just class! -
With a red carrot nose
With coals instead of eyes.
And a bucket, like a hat,
hoisted on one side,
Came out taller than dad!
We tried all day.
He stands so beautiful
In front of passers-by
And the snow-covered willows
Round dance lead around.
We are ready to admire
Even until morning
Just need to break up
It's time to sleep a long time ago.

He is not afraid of frost
And I have long been accustomed to the blizzard.
Let us dream at night
Our favorite snowman!

V. Kozhemyakin

We rolled up a snowman -
Three strong snowballs -
And they asked Igor
For him to bring from home
Carrot -
Better authentic
Lovely red nose.
Igor rushed after her
And an hour later he brought...
"No," he says,
No carrots
And "vegetable"
Completely closed -
Probably a day off."
"Let the snowman wait, -
My sister screams. —
And this nose
Snow pig!

G. Ryaskina

Carousels sleep under the snow
All sandboxes, swings,
Slides and carved horses -
Everything is drowning in deep snow
And sad.
The snowman is only cheerful
Nose - did not hang a carrot,
Waiting when the frost is crackling
Yes, the cold wind is burning
Cheer up!
For him, winter is like summer,
It is important that he stands undressed,
“Oh, for more snow
Yes, the frost is stronger at night! ”-
He speaks!

M. Yanushkevich

Snow on the meadow, snow!
Near the Christmas tree - laughter, laughter!
We roll com, com,
And we'll build a house, a house!
The snowman will live there, live.
Tea with raspberries will drink, drink.
Not useful for him tea, tea!
Suddenly melt away by chance?

S. Semenova

Finally dropped out
White snow.
blinded from it
Little lump.
And I'm rolling downhill
I run him:
Will be under the mountain
Not a lump, but a lump!
He rolls on
Under cheerful laughter
Just to fall
Long awaited snow.
The earth is covered
Snow jacket...
Here it is
Fat snowman!

V. God

It was sunny yesterday
Today it snows in the morning!
Everyone rejoiced at the miracle:
Look, snow is everywhere!
Smiling people:
- Well, wait, it's snowing!
Everything is white-white in the area!
Snow is an infrequent guest in the south,

We decided this time
Cut in reserve.
We rode on sleds
And tumbled in the snowdrifts,
Well, after all the crowd
We played snowball.
Cheeks flushed brightly
It got hot in the cold!
And from the snow "koloboks"
They made snowmen.
And we tried not in vain -
The whole family came out!
A lamp lit up in the house
And the night crept quietly ...
Snowpapa is looking after us,
Snowmother, Snowman.

N. Shemyakina

The snowman went to bed
In a white bed
He's on a snow pillow
Put your head down
And on the snowy feather
From balls of snow back.
There was a lot of snow -
Here is the finished blanket.
Shaggy dog ​​will not understand
There was a snowman, it became a snowdrift.

Children's poems about mittens, gloves and mittens:

G. Ladonshchikov

Lost mitt.
Little Varyushka
Lost a mitten -
downy mitten,
Completely new.

Granny fox gives
Three grandchildren mittens.
- This is for you for the winter, grandchildren,
two mittens.
Take care, don't lose
How many, count.

Moms, dads and kids
Wear gloves in autumn
So that the fingers do not get cold,
The hands were warm.

Bunny and squirrel play
At the high spruce.
The stars disappear in the sky
So, be a blizzard.

Bunny takes off mittens
The squirrel quickly puts on
What a boy
Little bunny.

Blizzards are not afraid now -
Squirrel mittens warmed ...

V. Kudlachev

I will give my grandmother
Blue mittens.
I'm made of woolen threads
I knitted them for ten days,
Let her wear them
Hands do not freeze.

A. Akhundova

I want to walk, walk, walk!
You don't have to wear a hat!
No time to put on a hat
When it's time to go for a walk!

Rather find a sled
Tie a rope to the sled.
Why a coat! Why a coat!
Shovel in hand, and run!

Oh why can't you understand
We cannot get together.
I shout: walk! Walk! Walk!
Mom: get dressed!

If you bought a hat,
And then she disappeared
Don't worry: at home mom
You can lie about something.
But try to lie beautifully
To hold your breath,
Ears wide open,
Mom listened to lies.
Only if you lied
About the lost hat
That her in an unequal battle
You have a spy
Try to mom
Didn't go to get angry
For foreign intelligence:
They don't understand her there.

E. Moshkovskaya

How many different hats!
Blue, red, clean, dirty!
There are many different hats in different hats -
Even sad and unhappy ones.
The snow was falling thickly
And fell asleep sad, sad ...
There are neither sad nor grouchy -
Many white and happy!

I want to go out

I want to walk, walk, walk!

No need to wear a hat

No time to put on a hat

When it's time to walk.

Rather find a sled

Tie a rope to the sled.

Coat credit? Why a coat?

Shovel in hand - and run!

And why can't you understand

Can't we get together?

I shout: - Walk! Walk! Walk! -

And mom: - Get dressed!

I walked through the forest and was afraid ...

Someone's scarf caught me.

Immediately the forest did not become scary.

Hey, who lost the scarf?

I'm not lacing shoes

And I train the laces

Not to get out of hand

They didn't bully me

And tied up cleverly

As training tells them,

And keep the shoe


I can dress myself...

I'm already four years old

I can dress myself.

If the weather is warm,

I run into the yard without a coat;

If the wind blows hard

If slush or rain

I won't go to kindergarten

No coat and no galoshes.

I got used to my shoes

Brush every day.

From the suit all the dust particles

I'm not too lazy to shake out!

Irishka has grief,

Mom scolds:

Caught in the sea

Red panama.

lazy seagull

Swinging on the waves

And doesn't fly away

And does not return.

Peter in new pants

I ran for a walk a little light,

Until the evening they

Five years old!

Our Peter is not to blame -

Tyn under the pear is knotty!

Blue mittens


Blue mittens.

Mom sewed, embroidered,

Where with difficulty

Where is it easy?

Sewn with strong thread

Nastenka's name.

Skiing is not an easy job.
To be more precise, hard work.
Well, who likes it, hunting
Engage in them, that means cool.

Will, he is strong in spirit and body,
Do not take courage.
Hard work to become a favorite thing
Maybe if you know the joy in it.

Real skiers know
What is comfort in the soul,
If the choice in life is made honestly,
If part of which skiing.

Skiing includes
Many different kinds,
Opens windows to the world
Fantastic achievements.

Skiing, of course:
Racing and ski jumping
Will draw us successfully
Olympic picture.

Biathlon, snowboarding:
We are happy to cheer for everyone!
The spirit of victory is like dope
Approaching awards.

Here freestyle flashed
ski cross,
Acrobatics shine.
Magic! Let's boil the question:
"Does it really happen?"

The snow lies cold white
And he does not listen to torment.
The strongest, smartest, bravest
Terrible slalom conquers!

Ski race

Birches in hoarfrost and Christmas trees,
Snowflakes tremble on needles,
And endless skiing
And two wooden "horses",
And ski poles flash, -
They help us run faster.
Even if summer is far away -
Now ski relay.
Maybe even a marathon
Not everyone is given it.
But here is the last effort
And behind the back like wings.
And the finish line - here it is - closer, closer ...
Now we know everything about skiing!


To do biathlon for us,
You don't have to run up the slopes at all.
On the contrary, on a flat track
You or I have to run
And, of course, shoot well.
A little ran - the target again,
Here in the snow they are clearly visible, -
Rather, a rifle from behind!
We aim lying down; hand does not tremble -
We will hit the target for sure.
The less minutes we spend on it,
The higher the rewards in the end await us!

ski jumping

Let's see if from a height -
There is so much beauty everywhere.
To admire her along,
There is one simple way, brothers.
Under the arm of the ski and - to the springboard,
There the wind pushes us in the back.
Let's spread our arms and fly.
Hey, wait for us, plane!
The tops of the Christmas trees are flashing,
Cars, people, like toys.
Soaring freely like a bird
But now it's time to land.
The further we fly away,
The more chances for a medal!


We skiing we will take with you
And we’ll find a steeper hill right now.
Getting off it is no easy task.
You be careful, it's impossible here otherwise
And then you suddenly find yourself in a snowdrift.
Here the snow splashes fly up around,
We pass one and the other gate,
Snake down, jumps, turns,
We go around the flags without stopping.
No wonder we went to training!


What do we need to know about biathlon?
Fly off the springboard like a bird,
Overtake everyone on the ski distance -
This is so easy to watch!
So we will not stay here on the sidelines,
On skis soon - and boldly after.
We also want to become biathletes,
Let's learn - we will win everyone!


In the theater we watch ballet:
Behind the pirouette pirouette -
A ballerina is spinning in a dance.
What a magical picture!
But if anyone, standing on skis,
Want to repeat this
Don't be surprised here:
This sport is called freestyle.
Here the skier is like an acrobat,
Will show a hundred tricks in a row:
Going down the mountain - well, business!
Then he spins like a spinning top,
Around your own ski pole
It jumps like jump rope.
Well, that's all, grief is the end,
Our athlete is just great!


Can't you ski?
Then we will say: “So what!”
Grab your snowboard
You will show a record on it.
No need to wait for the summer time -
Flies from the snowy mountain
The snowboarder is beautiful, dexterous.
Follow him to practice!

Faster higher and stronger
The motto of skiers is always.
There is nothing more important in life
Than skis, sticks and snow.

Hard work, struggle with yourself,
There is a sports war.
Only kilometers behind
Love to win forever.

You keep skiing forever
You will be with us forever.
And the muscles of the arms and legs are strong
And willpower for ages.

Eh skis, sticks, light snow
Goes up with the team to run,
Through the firs we rush forward
Sport flows through the veins with blood.

Aryasov Sergey

Soon the finish line! Closer, closer
“Help me, skis!
Wooden, two horses,
You are letting me down!
I cherished and cherished you:
He smeared with ointment, rubbed with a rag;
And in a case, carried you to school;
Now, what a shame!
Well, a little, a little, a little!
Coach, to me: "Do not let me down!"
The track will end soon
And the team will win!
Ahead, of course - the master.
Anyway, I'll catch up!
On the knurled crust
I shout: “Give me a ski track!”
Pushed - "my horses"
And they didn't let me down!
Gloriously ended, the chase:
Close to the finish line!
Our school won.
We got the main prize!
... I'm going home - cheerful;
Mom, I'll make a surprise!

Kravetsky B.

Three, two, one second... start!
And time is precious again
And disperses the blood through the veins
Competitive passion.

And the body is like an aggregate,
To the fullest running coil,
Flying forward like a cannon.
Yes, skiing is not billiards.

Arm-wings flapping, leg movements
Suddenly turn running into flight
And the wind only sings in my ears
From skis of excellent glide.

Competitive spirit, courage
Entirely driven by skiers, -
For the pedestal fight, no lower
Not counting prelaunch jitters.

There's no room for slack here
As in the sport of skiing, there are no weak ones.
And the start of the skiers again, so that
Check how strong they are.

We enjoy running
And just, and especially on skis.
We are skiers when there is snow in the forest
And the runners, when he is not there, are us.

We wind kilometers day after day,
We train the breather, muscles, will.
Sometimes we get very tired
But we still love skiing to the point of pain,

To hoarseness, to insanity -
After all, sport and work are always associated.
And there is no more beautiful hobby for us,
Than what we are infected with.

I'm skiing in full swing!
From a mountain high and steep - woo!
I look ahead - I don't know fear.
I go down from the mountain and into the snowdrift - bang!
I sit in a snowdrift and shout: - Oh!
And I get out all covered in snow, angry!
First tears, then laughter.
I get up on skis, I climb to the top !!!

Yaryshevskaya E.

The sport has been known for a long time.
Slalom - downhill skiing.
An important attribute is checkboxes,
That burn like flames.

Red, blue, red, blue -
Landmark of two important lines.
Between two flags - "gates" -
You need to make a turn.

The width of the gate is 5 meters!
More than a hundred kilometers
Athletes rush from the mountains at an hour
Against all fears
And they control the body
As if the turn is a trifle.

Incona Elena

Feet walk on snowdrifts.
A dispute with snowdrifts is started:
- We will not get stuck in the snow, -
We were talking on the run
And we'll go where we need to go.
Skis will support us together,
Snowdrifts are not a hindrance to them.
Snow for them is one consolation.

Sorenkova Galina

Skis will become an extension of the body!
The air will become intoxicated like wine!
So that the soul flies desperately,
Leaving the years behind.

This life, dangers and passions
You see differently from above.
Maybe they call it happiness
Only track, only snow and you!

How much I have left is unknown.
What's around the corner ahead?
I'm sliding along a sheer line
With a heart pounding in my chest...

I'll climb even higher
Where the top windy sings.
And now there is only snow and skis.
Snow and skis!
Speed ​​and flight!

Davydov Petr

December dark day
Just minus five...
The bell rings on my day off
Well, how to sleep here, how to sleep here?

I'm going like a firefighter
I need five minutes...
Cheerful wind is my partner,
Trees are waiting for us with him in the forest.

I will meet the dawn on the alley,
What is white-white from birches,
Where there is only a thin wind of a snake
Rustles and gives me words.

The wind shakes the paws of firs,
Titmouse shadows in the distance ...
And two hours have flown by
Like a short moment passed.

I reluctantly choose
In the December streets vanity
But I'm not sad, but I smile,
Keeping that alley in my soul.

Who is in a hurry to ski in the morning,
He knows, he agrees with me -
What a good time for winter
How beautiful this forest world is!

This drag is endless
Like a road to a distant world.
Behind you through the rumble
Awesome rolls the Swede!
You win from him
Half a second, half a bullshit!
Cool lift!
Who wins: Either he or you.
Your destiny has become ours
Tears rose to the very eyes.
And we have no order for you
Not a request, just a prayer.
You are winning! — add!
You are winning! - Click!
For a moment, clinging, crouching,
- If you want, take our forces!
Why do we need them now?
You please run.
Be patient, dear!
Reach, Dostony, wheeze, smog!
Through all other people's "not in life! ..",
Through all my "I can't..."
Well, more! Still hold out!!!
… Oh, how hot it is in this snow!

Over the snowy mountains
Ski jumps and hills
On the projectile "snowboard"
Athletes beat their record.

"Snowboard" - it's like a board,
Which is pretty wide.
It has a leg brace on it.
But not along, but across.

And so, a little sideways,
Virtuoso with the breeze
All athletes, as if playing,
Admiring aerobatics,
On the projectile "snowboard"
They represent a great sport.

Incona Elena

You've been waiting for this moment for so long...
My heart is about to jump out like...
This is your main start in life,
“Knock, knock, knock” - the heart beats to the beat.

Fatigue, pain, loss, resentment
They are not here, it's all forgotten.
There is a distance, there is a dream.
Here it is - the start! It's time to start!

Meter by meter, fighting with yourself
And the rivals are here, behind.
The body aches, it hurts; muscles stood up
But you endure for the sake of a medal.

And suddenly a workout popped up here.
The coach just went berserk there.
This is where preparation is needed.
It was hard, but you endured.

Is it really in vain now?
Thoughts are confused, there is no strength to think.
Accelerate, pray to God,
To forgive you everything.

Ran, won, just could
Do what you can.
And thus, stepping over the threshold,
Where Olympian dreams come true.

This drag is endless
Like a road to a distant world.
Behind your back - through the rumble -
Awesome rolls the Swede!

You win from him
Half a second! Half nonsense!
Steep climb. Who will win.
Or - he you. Or you…

Your destiny has become ours.
Tears rose to the very eyes.
And we have no order for you
And not a request - one prayer:

You are winning! - add!
You are winning! - Click!
For a moment, clinging, crouching, -
If you want, take our forces!

Here! Why do we need them now?
You please run.
Be patient, dear! Hold on.
Don't stop. Do hoarse. Help!..

Through all other people's "not in life ..."
Through all my "I can't..."
Well, more! Hold on!..
Oh, how hot it is in this snow!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Someone told me that skis
Equine sport, view.
And he said, in all seriousness,
Like, take it without any offense.

I somehow got lost
'Cause I never thought about it
That skiing is a hard sport
And not everyone will stay in it.

But for those who love them,
Snow, frost and skiing,
Therefore, these skis are a joy,
And by no means, not a burden to him.

Run across the snowy field
Classic style is what
What attracts in skiing,
The one who knows is a good judge.

All your movements are measured,
And everything superfluous is cut off.
You enjoy running
And everything else, then.

Tyagunki, turns, descents,
Run up the hill, relax,
But, you catch up with someone again,
Exhale "Hop!" and go.

And when you run to the finish line,
Sometimes you think, well, everything!
I'll throw these skis
And I will walk.

But a minute passes, a second,
And you're already ashamed
What could think so, about skiing!
After all, the races in them, that's it!

Someone told me that skis
Equine sport, view.
I feel sorry for that person
Who talks about skiing!

Sagitov Ildus